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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1884, p. 7

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·· · · 1. So ll·t Ge1111Uemeu eC Fas.b · to.I i, uet 1to rast. · ·· · -.. .. As Oaptain R ··lden opened his barn door very early one SUl!lmer morning, a And all I nave to sa1'T'1at you can find me still at home, for lorn young man aroMe from the ha.y loft 1 "28Cedar St., New lam not !l'one a way. . , Yorlc, Oct, 2~, 1882. , atid stammered : .,_._,., r~o a.11 my kind ol i rlende IDfAY come, "GenUemen: My faither resides ai Glover, "Got any work for tne, Qp.p'n1" ...,_. And all the :voung ones, too, Vt. He has been a gr01J.t sufferer from ScrofI And get. then· garments nicely made "You want work 1 Well, well, we'll ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you w\1at In fasblone that are new: see. Go into the house and get break,. marvcl9US effect ' 'Where old and young, d&Br friends, may meet fast, and when the six mule team comes A welcome P'MAtinir. bv R. PE.A.TE ----~~~ back you can rub and feed 'em ifud start How Intelhgence PJ;.ogresses. off 1vith anot her load." He well knew Dan's ability when not under the influ· From the lowest to t he highest creahas bad in his caso, I think his blood must Formerly known as the "Soper Milla. 'I have co11tained the humor for at least teu ence of drink, for ht' had often employed t.ures, intelligence progresses by acts of years 1. but it did not show, except in the form him. discriminations ; and it continues so to of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, nntil about Hl.R MfLL H'AS , BEEN THORDan started for the hpuse, but felt no progress among n1en, from the most igfhre years ago. From a few spots which ap. . . UGHLY renovated and pu~in mdPr,under appetite. His head ached to bursting, norant to the most cultured. To class ·Our own speotal supervision, for the purpose of pearod at that time, it gradually spread so as .grJstlnl!' and manuflioturlng Oat MPal end Poi to cove\' )lis '<inti re boQ.y. I assure you he was and he t rembled nervously. As he ente!IO rightly-to put in the same group things Barley, and we are t}OW pr.,pared to recdve ed the house he met kind Mrs. Holden, which are of essentially t he same natures, terribly afliictcd, ""d. "n object of pity, when order·H from all oul' old CUdtomers a.nd others he )leg'"' using your medicine. No,v, there are whp, seeing his condition, invited him to and other groups things of natures estor work, and we gura.ntee to give thi>m who few me11 of his itge \V ho enjoy as goo<l health sit down and she would bring him a cup of sentially difltirent--is the fundamental intrust . us with the same entire sar,istaction _ as he has, I could easily I1ame fifty persons strong coffee. Oats an'd other grains t.aken In exc,llange for condit ion to rig-ht guidance of actions. Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bowwho would testify to the facts in his case. ' Thank you kindly, ma'am, I would B f>ginn ing with rudimentary vision, manvUle. · , 227. ' I Yourstruly, W.M.PHJLLIPS." like a cup of cofftie," replied D an. which gives warning that some large -------------"Shall 1 get .yon somet hinir to eat1" opapue body is passing near (just as 0 ~~ta!~u:: ~~~ "Thank you, l cannot eat," h e rep.ied. closed eyes t urned to the window, pera duty for me to state to yon the benellt I "0 D an I" ex:claimed the lady, as she cetving t he shade caused by a hand put have derived from the use of took a seat . opposite him · at the table, before the~. tell u,s of something m oving When'er y011 want an easy shave, "ypu are killing yourself. Why don't you in front,) the advance is to developed As good ,a.s Barber <>ver gave. stop drinking?" vision, by exactly-appreciated comhina; qst call at P.it.hick's Saloon, ,,I know 1 ought to, ma'am. I've wast- tions of forms, colors, and motions, id entiAt morn .in~, eve,.or busy n11on. Six months agol was cpmpletely covered with ed thousands of dollars just to pa.int the fies object s at great distances <LS prey or He'll cut and comb your ha~r with grace, a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The l'o snit the cont··ur of your face; . humor caused an i11cessant and intolerable drunkard's sig n on my face, and to Jill me enemies of this or.th at kind, and so makes possible adjust ments of . conduct for seBis ~hflR·r~ Me sharp and raizors keen, itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause with aches and pains." ."'Why don't you turn over anew leaf, curing food or evading death. That prothe blood to l!ow in many places whenever · His Rh<,p is neat aud always clean, · gressing perception of d ifferences and l moved. My sutferings were great, . and my and stop at once 1" Anti evnyrhing, we tl:!lri'k , you'll ti'nd, life a burden. I commenced the use of the "I did stop once," said Dan, "and consequent greater correctness of classing T. () suit the taste and please the mit1d. SARS APARILLA in April last, and have used signed the pledge, and didn't drinka drop constitutes, under one of its chief aspects it regularly sir1ce that time. My' condition for four years., and six: months~ 'r hen t he development of mind, ,is equally seen begau to improve at once. , The sores have aH healed, amt J: feel pe,.fectly well in every something h appened to discourage me, when we pass from the relatively simple and I t ook to drinking ·worse than ever. physical vision to the relatively C·lmplex respecL- being now able to dq a good day's 1· work, althoug)l 73 years o/ ago . .Many inquir6' I had t he delirium tremens and suffered intellectual vision-t he vision through what has wrought su ch a cure in my case, and horribly; · no tongue can tell how t he agen?y of which . things previously I tell them, as I have here tried to t ell you, much. " grouped 15y certain external resemblances A ilER's SARSAPAltILLA. . Glover, Vt., Oct; "But how came you to break your or by certain extrensic circumstances 21, 1882Yours gratefully, . come to be more t rul;i. grouped in conforpledge?" asked the lady. MIR AM PHILI.IPS." "Let me go back and tell about my mity with ' their intrinsic structures or AYER'S SARSAPARILLA cures Scrofula life.. I never have had any home, or any- natures. Undeveloped inteltectual vision and all ScrofOJ.ous Complaints, Erysip- body to help me. .My mother d ied when is just as indiscriminating and erroneous elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, I was three years old, and my fat her in its classings as undeveloped physical Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of when I was four years. I grew up in the vision. I nstance the early arrangement s the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu- stables with the hostlers, and learned to of plants under the head,s trees, s hr.u bs, rities, aids digestio11, stimulates tile action of drink when I was a youngster. I don 't and herbs ; si.ze, the most conspicious WILL , CURE OR RELIEVE1 the bowels, ~nd thus ·restores vitality and know what possesl>ed me. Perhaps it was t rait, being the ground of di'stinc~ion, BfL!O/JSNESS, DIZZINES8, , strengthens , the whole system. in the blood. and the assembla~es formed · b eing such DYSPEfSIA, DROPSY, l'BEPAltED BY "When I was 1evtii.teen years old my as united many plantsextremely unlike in INUJ(;E.~TION, FLUTTERING uncle died and left me ten thousand dol- t heir ~atures, and separated others that JAUNDfrJt: OF I HE HEART, Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. la.rs·. Then I gave up and spent more are near akin. Or . still better, take the ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF Sold by all Drttgglata; fl, six bottlGB for $5. than half of it before I took a rest. popular classification which puts together 8ALT RHCJM, THE BTOMAC!f, When I saw Mary McKenzie, I grew so- under the same general name fish and HEARTBUl.N, OR'lNES8 ber, for I loved her. She promised to shell-fish and under the sub-name 1 shellIJEADACH::, OF THE 8KIN, marry me. I was twenty-four,_ and had, fish, put; tcigether crustaceans an d molAnd every speclos of' disease· arising . frorP I cllaordered LIVER, K IDNEYS, STOMACH, a. good salary as head hostler m a large lusks ; nay, · which goes furth er, alild re BOWELS OR BLOOC 1 livery stable. gards as fish the cetacean · mammals: & ProPrl-f~m:,Nn.\ WAREROOM, "I thought the world of Mary. She Par tly because of the likeness in their · w:as r osy, merry, ~nd smarter than light- !llOdes of life as inha,,biting the water, and ~ :-'r r::::!.... mng. I could kiss t he ground she trod par tly because of some general resem:J.:. ~ on. blance in their tastes, creatures that a.re . E ·. "I said to her one evening ~as we went in their essential nat ures far mote widely 8 0 WM A N V I L L ----tt to walk:. separated tlian a fish il'l from a bird are · MA·· " 'll marry a t once, an d go t o grouped under the same class '-and under ' I&T!ng bought Mr. R. SYLVES'l'ER'S · 'Mary! w.e, CBJNE SHOP and FOUNDRY we are pre 'TT7' "O h1msE!keepmg. the same sub-class. · ai"ed to do all work in this department in a VY · .L ~ . , , 'All right,' a.a id she, blushing with a ·-- -- - - - - 11atisfactory manner. We shall continue to .. - -- - bright smile. , Assessing the Damages: manufacture Mr. Sylvester's celebrated -:-G R A. lY I} "Then I said, ' There is $750 which I A ,few weeks since a railroad 'collision have drawn from the bank(and · l gave on oneofthero~ds leading out of Ne.w · . .· . . . - , . r '.f t ~~ ~1 fl ii\ll ·A her a pacn:age), get what housek eeping York killed , among others, a passenger f' f t _ f'" t'9 ·1l't I ii'· WI 10 t hings we waut. The h ouse is ready, No. Jiviuir in an int erior town. His remains 'and shall spare no pains to keep up' their pre p k t t " ~ . , ar s ree · were sent home in good shape, and a few sent reoutntion. · . .- AT TH&" · 11 · h ' 'd h k ' h k . A n g t, sa1 s e, ta mg t e pac - days after the funer·al th~ -a';tor ney of age, smiliug andblushing, 'you'reajewd, the!"oad q_iilled u ponthe , widowtoeffect ;: , "£.elt paid hei:loving smile 11-nd She placed her figures at hope to lar11ely increase t.he business in this - - « > o- handsollie speech. "Oh, that sum is unreasonable, " reHas r!)ce1ved Iler new stock of Through the Great Whent·llelt of America. ' departmt1nt and. give our customt1rs increas~d " 'To-morrow night,' said I, 'if it is plied the a·.t orney- "Yuur husbaud was A :'tlillion acres of the best agricultural, t,J.,ducem'e nts to purchase from '(is, A· large Call and see the Cloth tbRt will be made per pleasant, we will meet under this window nearly lifty years old 1" ., U n1ineral. fol'est ancl. grazintr lands in the stock or Carrtages and Pfon~hs now ready, · · your order tor Sm the suit. and go all,ld get 'inarri~d.' . · "Yes, sir,,, . United States arc now open fu1· settlement. and· invites the Ladies of Bow- ~.60 2o!lrn11011 acres o!raill'Oa~11m:1dsro.r~111eat .All work wa.rrented setisfd.otory. Special at Call and see our 19 ounce Underolothing- All ··She agreed to this, and I saw .her to "And lame 1 " · · · ·· · to $ 4 pr acre" on"· y~ars ume if desired. teµtion given to Engine, Mil and Agdcu_ltura Wool R ibbed a.t Sil cent.a for Ladrns' and · her hoar·dmg house. "Yes." ' rnan VJ lle and VlCIIl 1ty tO call ' 20 lllilhon acres of Governments lands opc?l, · to settlers FIU: t<~. "The next night it was misty,' but not " And h is general health was poor 1" Machinery, , Gents' wear, Th e .\ort he1.· n Pac i fieCountI·ypossesses . ttefil and Se8 h er P a "ft. Ar -Call and examine ourrainy. I went to the place appointed, but " Quite poor. " · great !fid rich natural resources reaey LO be de· veloped into profitable industries. a&.'1f.-i. · · Mar~'was not t here. "Aud he probably would not have lived Q tilso~~~fs and pamphlets addre~s and mention has had a large experienct- in i0 i " l'he night after I went, but no Mary over five years 1" - CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Machine,.Agr i.;;.tltural ari..drJarriaqe Work, Boys' and Gents' in endless variety. came to meet me. " Proba bly not, sir." Land Commissioner N. r . R. K , l::it. l'a.ul, :Minill.' and assortment of having worked In the 1>1rgestestablishmentsin A choice stock of ·'The next day Pat Sullivan said, "Then it seems to'me th at t wo or three theDomlmon, which will aed larl(ely to the "Vho do y ou think I saw in N ew York, thousand doll:;1rs would be a faircompen· 'l'o renoh the above na1ped' land· 'or any point on tbe Northern Pacific l!. R. lJlWYOlll' tickets DR): DP Dan 1 I Saw your Mary· ' satiun." ' interest of the new firm. from Chicairo to St. Paul "7ia the Chi Cl\ll;O & a-Give our HARD ME'fAL PLOW POINTS as Cheap as_ the Cheapest. "'You'i·e juking!' said I. "Two or thr ee thousand, " she echoed. North-Western ltly. It runs into the North· cm Pacific depot at St. Paul and is the best for ·~'I saw her as true as -I'm a living "Why, sir, I courted that man for ten a trla.l. !!TOltE :- Second D"·r West of Williams you to take. Do not buy t ickets unless they read ove~ the Chicago aud North·Western R'y. p_ L . ow -T .. .hO e rFAOSW :fIOnNABLFEeHlAt'i'-tDh ee -rb~ man,' said he. 'She'd r un off with Con yea.l's, r un after h im for t en more, and IC11t.4'f1e1· Stu11. llL O Ql. U _ Lawson . then had to chase him down with a shot "Mary false ! Then the W ?rl d was all _gun to get hi m before a preach er. D u 24.1 has given way ·to a. much Largp,r Shape; Bowmanville, March. 8 1883. ·dark to .me. I wanted to die. I went you s uppose that I'm goin o- to settle foi· The Fashionable Hat this season is a. Larg back to drinking to dro wn my t rouble." t he bare cost of shoe leathe~ and ammuni"1 am very 11orry for y-0u, Dan," said t ion i" FuU Shape with high round clrown. Call and Mrs. Holden. " B ut .what a blessing you -.ee them at the' did not marry h er l It was well that you Soap-Bubble Pa1·t ies · .EC L I P E · H 0 U S E. found out that she was false in time. ' Soap-bubble parties are the latest. · "Yes, yes, I know it," replied Dan, ' ' " but the p oor t hing only lived a month Twent.y or thirty clay pipes, for as many young la.d ies and gen tlemen, have rib-. after sh e .went away, and I forgave bona of d ifferent colors fer every two, and h er . " GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. " I will t ell you one t hing," · said Mrs. are separated in equal piles, from 'which TRADE MAHI<. . The t<reat En g · TRADE Holden, "trou bles are not intended to each person selects one, and, by match· lishRemedy,an upset us, but is to make us patient. If ing colol's, fin ds a partner, so to speak, si:l~!1 c\v~:k: On a mediu m-sized you had gone to God with your trial He for the blowing. ness, Supermatorrhea, Impowould have blessed you and made a t able stands a bowl of soap and' water. The partn ers in turn blow bubbles, tryin,g tei;icy, &all disstrong m an of you." eases t hattollow three times, amid the efforts of the others The undersigned being about to retire from business, "I sappose He would," said Dan. Mfs. as a sequence of Holden saw with clear perception that to am;~oy and embarra_ss t hem. The one n £ Tak' Self-Abuee ; as Takmg ' ..oe ore mg loAs of Memory,After is~ now selling off at greatly reduced prices.' when one makes apology for wrong doing wh ose ~mbble remams _unbroken . the UniversalLassit.ude, Pain in tho Baek Dimness one seldom gives an hones'- excuse, and lon~est is entitled to .a prize. _ of Vision, Pr e.mature Old Age, and many other sh e said;Some prizes \tre pam ted plush s~avmg The ·Stoc1' is one of the largest in the Count}, Diseases that lea.rl to Insanity or 'Consumption -'Dan , you give your d readful trial as and handker~h1ef cases, i;>a1 nted pwture and a Prema1ure Gr11,ve, · S'Full particulars in our pamphlet, whleL excuse for drinking, but it is nut t he fra mes, Russian leather ~9.ilet cases, blot. consisting mainly of Staple Good.s, suitable to the everywe.desire to send free by mail to every one.- right excuse. B ack of all yo u loved ters, plush boxes of WFitmg-paper,. and l'he Specific Mediciue is ·~old by all dru ggists J day requirements of t he public, and will be offered iat t $1 per package, 6T six p1>ckaG;es for $5, or liquor, and you took to dri 11 k ing becaust: others a re tast eful and useful mementoes. This Great Household Medicin· a will bb sent rree by ma.ii on the receipt of the you loved it. I sn't that 80 ?" At a _rec~nt l?arty a ll bor e the dat. e of the money by addressing · prices giving inducements to buyers to purchase liberally. "I'm hit 1 It's just so," sa.id D an. · evep1J?-g 111 gilt le~ter~The prizes a1 :e ranks amo!lgst the leading THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., - . "I ou -a~ n ot alone, Dan,,, said the sometimes ex.pens1v: Jewellery. There is Toronto, Ont., Oanada necessaries of Life~ ., This being A R EAL CLEARING SALE prepa;alady, "in framing an excuse for evil do- al ways a special pn ze given to the one ~;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~hese famou's Pills purify the IBf,OOD, and ing. Far mer Junes say~ h e needs liquor whose b~bble has lasted the longest _of lllQBt powerfully, yet soot\jingly, act on the tory to t he closing of the business, purchasers will find to . h el p him in haying time. H e love~ all. A JUdge select~d before the blowmg Liver, Stomaclz, KidnP-11s, liquor and it is always 'haying time' wit h announces t he dems10ns. After all have it to their adva'Iltage to make ari early c~ll. him. ,,' · blown th eir bubbles, t he prizell are drawn and BOWELS. givmg tone, energy, and vtg0 o these great MAIN SPRINGS OF IXf<'E, 'l,'~ ey '·Tim Carroll, teamster , gives as his ex- by numb~rs. Then come t he usual dauces are confidently recommended as a !'ev~r fa1lmg cuse that h e is so pestered with rheuma- and a supper. - N ew York S u-n, remedy in all eases where the oons~1t.ut1on , from whatever cau.se, has become lmp!'-1r~ or ~eak tism that he cannot do without it. A ened. They are won ~rfullr efficac1ous m all Bowmanville, July 11, 1883. false r eason ; it poisons hi§ blood, stiffens ailments inoirlental to Females otall ages; and · French Juries. as a . GEN ~~RAL F .A.MILY MEDICINE. are his muscles and sinews. His simple exunsurpassed. The fihit business of the assizes in planation .should be 'I love it."' 1 "George Lewis, blacksmith, has foun d France is to draw the juries. A panel out that his well is foul ,, and t h e water of forty jurymen is summoned, and the ' does uot agree with him, artd so h e prisoners are all brought up one by one Jb Senrcl1lng nnd Healing Properties are known th1·1111g hout tile Wor ld. drinlrn cider and brandy or somethmg al- into t h e P resident's room to see tlie dra wFor the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, coholic. M>\rk my words, hard drinkers ing done. For ·each trial fourteen names decei ve t he mselves with pretences. You are drawn by lot- that is, t welve to fo1m Old Wounds, Sores and . Ulce1 ,say you went back to wickedness because t he jury and two others to act as substiit i s infallible remedy. If eft'ectually rubbed on t.es in oose one of the j ury should fall ill. you were disappoint ed in love." . the neck aud chest. as salt into meat. it cures " [ own up1· lf L hadn't loved liquor I'd These substitutes are swlirh like the rest, SORE TEIRvA'l',Diphtheria,Br oncbi.tis, Cough and th ey sit'in 't he jury -box, b ut take no Colds, and even .A.ST)lMA.. For 6-la'U1ul~r hav~ left it alone," said Dan. Swellings, .A.bseesses Piles F1stajas . · "Now Dan," said M i·s. Holden, "if part in finding the verdict, unless they- begs t o inform tbe public that ' he has leased l\ flt~re in the Observe Rheumatism, you ask God t o help you He will surely do ctre r equired to 'fill up vacancies. This Block, where he has opened ont w'..th a sf>lendid assort ment of i i;, and yuu can stop drinking. Will you system of having a couple of extra men on An very· kind of SKIN DISEASE, 11efer been kown to t11il. a jury is. e.viden'tly mqre sensib le than ask H im i" ·· The Pills and Ointment a.re Manufactured " I will, " and Dan h·i ving finished his t he English plan of empanelling j ust the ohly at 533 OXFORD STREE'l', LONDON , ant\ · . which.he offers for sale at low prices for Cash. are sold bya ll Vendors ofMedlciues througbou coffee, with firm r esolve went out t o his n umber needed. the Civilized World; with di1·ections for using ___ ................-....:--+-- -~Farm Produce .taken in exchange; for which the highest market teaming, _praying mentally, "0 God, . in most ever:,1· laQ.l!:uage. · G UARANTEE :- After fair trinl, with no Fear and awe only~weak chains to frice will be paid_ ~A special line . of Tl<~AS of exqellent flavor. please helf> me !" «Purchasers should look at the Label on the Posts and Boxes. It the address is not· 533 · . ' H e h ad more of th e courage and bear- secure love; wh en the~e.fe'ttersare br< iken, W Also a choice lot of SUGARS. !QTCOFFEE in Cans. ~Canned relief ~r cure effected.,your money wlll Oxford Street, London, they a.re spµrious. be ·refu nded. Pma;;, $x.oo. , ing of a man than h e had had· for many a t he m!lin who fo,i:gets to fear will beiin to The Trade Marlie of roy as.id Medicines are Goods in great v.a riety. WA Call is respectfully so~cited. Sold by ====~ 1h·w the efi"ec\11 t1f hi· hatred. day. registered in Ottawa.. and also'at Washington. liiTOl'T ., Jmn. BOWM.&.Nvn.ut. ' TOLD IN TWO ~TIERS. ' 1 1 have written th111ee few lip.es A MARVELOUS STORY WHY DAN DRANK. BY EMILY CLE.lltEN8 PBARSO>T, FROM THE SON When J.text Mrs. Holden saw him and asked him how he was getting along he replied:.-. "I'm all right ma'am. I haven't touched a drop for a month, anq I've had. two or three chances a day. 1 t hank you for epel\king to me in time. God is kindly helping me." · A year has passed and Dan's good record is goin:g on. , ' · Caled ".'nian Mills. .Ayer's Sarsaparilla ..---- 'T . BARBER SHOP. ---- FROM lHE FATHER: Ayer's Sarsaparilla. · . 0 . · DOMINION ORGAN &PIANO Ce., £1\·l\I -BBW . ·r . J. MILBURN . IW., :a · 2 , Q' 'USE A gent' . " C..HAMPION PLOWS ·. Q L ·_.l OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS ~n .:~e~ trl:":;!~~:n":e";,~ -o:~tl ~:cc;i~~~ ECLIPSE HOUSE' D~i 0 w~ll ~y ~~~~~ent. Men's lives shoyld be like · the day's, moi;e beautiful ih · the evening ; or lik't Pol1teness is a wreath of flowers that the' spring, aglow wit h promise ; or likt adorns ths world. th~ ~utumn , rich with golden sheav~ I hardly know so true . a mark of a where good works :;1ncl deeds have ripen· little mind as the servile imitation of on the field. thoers. · If y~u want e nemitis excel others·. If yo14 want friends -let o thers excel you. · S1ie who , receives a goo'd turn . should n ever forget it . ·She who does one should never remember it. Some people seem born with. a heac': in whioh t he thin par tit ion that divides wit from folly is wanting, T liere are some h uman tongues which have t wo sides, like that of certain quad rupeds, on e smooth, the other very ro~~ ~ · . H ave t he ~ourage to speak your mind bl when it is necessary t hat you should do. a so, and hold your tong\le ·when it is pru· <C dent that you should do so. It The truth-the bare, naked, awful, and tsolemn truth- is at times ,the most. disagreeable t.h ing in the world. It is, in fact, shout the only t " ng some of us are afra;d of. A comp~imentary falsehood is frequently more soothing tu our feeling :F'OE · than the most honestly and cand idly ~poken words t hat were ever uttertid. & The great d ifference in labor ·is not CUB.ES what is don e-not the k ind of work we Co ughs, ·Colds, Inflammation perform- but in. the spirit ~e put into i~. of the Bladder, S welling of t he From the cleansing of the room to the Glands, Rouc;hness of t he Hair pnrification of a Government, from the cleansing of a forest to the chiselling of a B&>tts; ·scurvy, &c., &c. statue, from th e humblest work of the F or F attening and Fittin~your Animals hands to the n obles~ work of the h eart for market, D R. S COTT 'S l'H.E!'A!{ED and brain, it is the determination to make S PICE has no equal. it· of .the t>est possible quality that plac~s FOR s JLE EVERY WHEPI=:: it in the front r ank. The work that 1s performed only for th~ sake of what it will bring. not for what it will carry forth, is like cloth of shoddy, which may please the eye but will not wear. It is cheap, {Jimsy stuff, woven with no nobler purp8ile than to hold together long e . nough to be nought and paid for. ,'FOR Passive impressions- that is, s'uch as .do ' KIDNEY DISE.ASES, not result in action-become weaker with LIVER' COM·PLAINTS, · every recurrence. Take the impressions made upon our senses by external objects, CONSTIPATION, PILES, for example. Just in proportion as we AND .BLOOD DIS-EASES. receive t hem passively, they decline to force. We look at certain familiar obPHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. j.e cts day after day ai most without seeing them, because the impressions they op.ce "Kidney-Wort is the most successful rema<2¥ I ever used." Dr. P. C. :Ballou, Monkton, Vt. made have not been followed up \ly any "Kidney-Wort is always rclia.ble.» -.. ~ regular action of hand or britin ; but how Dr, :a. N . C!ark,.So. Horo;vt. "Kidney-Worthascuredmywifoaft.ertwoyear& d'ifferently does the< geologist look at the sWl'ering." Dr. C. M. Summerlin, Sun liill, Ga. rocks in his travels, or the botanist at the IN THOUSANDS OF CASES plants he passes in his.daily walk ! Twy it has cured where all else had fulled, It Is mild, persons attend the same lecture ; one is but efllcien,t, CE R TAilil L~ ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. actively assimilating t he · speaker's ~It cleon·es the Blood aml Strengthens a m:d thoughts in his own mind, the other is elves New Life to all the important organs of the body. The natural acti on of the Xidncys ;la listlessly receiving the sound of h is voice res~ed. 'I'he Liver is cle~nsed of all disease, while his mind is · far away. The one and the :Bowels move freely a.nd heaithi'ully. In this w ay the w prst diseases a.re eradl.cat.ed. listens J!o pur pose, 'the otJier cannot be ~om the system. ll said even to have·heard the lecture. l'BICB, e1.oo UQlllD oa llRY; BOLD BY llntJGGl8T!!. Dry can b e eent by mail. · IMPORTANT TESTIMONY. - Liebig, an auWELLS, JUCHABDSON & co.n.:rlln«ton Vt. thority in matters of healtli and ·thin!'s which are good to eat and drink, thus wrot'e:- "Sherry and strong cider are more quickly intoxicat ing than the l{enerality of wines, and they 11avo a peculiar influence on the gastric juices of the sJ:omach." Minnesota, No rth-Da~ ... -·lltlontana, WISE SAYINGS: · DR. SCOTT'S Prepared Spice · Horses, Cattle, She.ep Swine I P···············.. I THE SURE CURE l<I ONEY-WORT / - ---·· ----- - k TH~,;~~L~~~~~e:s, ~Jl"S_~ C T._\l]. S_ H-NoR:Ua;ii;~i~i~~«-R11~~0AD ~ Go 0 D S 4 R :J:) A R C H Exq e l s r Ne.c kt e s' . GOO B N N ET S, HA.T S, STAPLE TRIMMINGS flrLuNri M nARG·H, -G:a,E.A.T- ·s W. H. IVES. CLE.ARIN G AT THE SA~EI GLASGOW HOUSE: · BU~] . 'I1HQS. PATERSON. H6ll'oway's OiJ?tment. ·G R 0 C.ERJ:ES. NtW~-STORE. NEW coons. JAB_ E .LLIOTT; Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Feed, &c. aNl II ' . · .· ~. .· · · ·

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