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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1884, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PER Al."'NUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTYFIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. l\f.. A. JAMES, EDUOR AND PROl'RIFlTOR. VOLUME NEW SERIES, NUMBER 295. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1884. XXX. NUMBER 12. CORRESPONDENCE. BOWMANWLLE CEMETERY. Srn:,- In no fown in our fai'r dominion SOLINA. The sale of the Ltte J . W. Vi!erry of this place, was very mimerously attontled. Prices obtttined, very good, as was the stock. Our Division S. of 'l'. is still doinrr well but there is still work to do. It is"' to b~ lamented that there arc youn.- men in this enlightened community ~'ho, well know~ng the ~vils of drink, still persist in pursumg it rnmous course. Surprise parties are now in order. We don't want to forget Christmas before snow goos. Mr. John VanN est has soM his young Royal Exchange en.tire colt to Mr. Byers, of Battle Creek, Mich., for $4.00. v tlmn Bowmanville cemetery-a phce now Mit. EmToR,- Considerable feelino has known far and wide, . A few years ago the· been mm1ifestecl in some quarters in °con- grounds presented the appearance of ni. sequcnce of a little episode that took place wild waste ; weeds and ·. grass grew wil<l at one of the Presbytery meetings in and were not· cut ; the walks could not be Toronto, regarding ~ecret societies ; and seen ; the shrubs were not kept pruned, editors, oi·ators, and in some cases minis- and the· town took little or no interest in t.ers are entering the arena of conflict, and tho grounds. '!'hon came a change in t he tho l'resbytery, especi;tlly the offendinP' managen1ent: Mr. D. Truscott became members of it, :i.ro receiving such castiga: superintendont--a gentleman of refiner! tions ris becometh their heinous offence. tastes and good jttdgment. Year after vVell, sir, let us look into this matter, for year improvements have been made under we are anxious that both sides should have his skilful hand, until to-day our cemetery justice meted out to them ; and while we is a place of beauty, admired by all. Still do not wish any injury to secret societies, there. is rooJll for improvement. "rVe would GUURJJICE. we are as solicitous that those who h1we suggest that our Town Council set apart a day for beautifying the grounds ; the The interest in the special services at a1)parently @ffended may not be misrepre~ented. It appea.rs tlmt in the questio11s work would tht::n he done all at once, and Ebenezer is not abating in the le;;~t, <tncl sent down to each session of the Presby- the effect would be grand. Let the notwithstanding the efforts of the janitor terian church,.., one of them asks : What Cemcte:t·y Committee cause a nuihbcr of to roast people, there is a full house every ." special hindranc es. to th'e procrl'ess of :flowerbeds to be prep11red and sown with night. While Mr. L. M. Oourtice was dr1 · "' religioi1s life ure foui1d in youi· ·c~nO'rog:i annuals, also a few pot pbnts to be protion mid the community ? To this ~1uery r,ured ; the expense would be ,t rifling. home froih Oshaw,1 on Monday his horse"' there wore a number of, answers, such as Tho ground pu,rclrnsed last year might, be bocm110 Lmnmnagc!1blo through the brca.k tlrinking, d;incing, worldliness, secret so- much unprcwed by being laid out with ing of a bit, and ran :nvay. An elderly cieties, etc. "rVithout u word of comment, Wttlks, lhe bol'Llt::rs planted wilh willows, lady who was with him aL the time, s.prnncr the report simply stated thi1t these answers also the edge of the creek ; place a rustic lightly from the sleigh without falling~ hacl been given, and on the report l:ieing bridge ovor the creek, which may be easily while he in following her example, lit in read, Prof. Gregg called attention to the removed ; level down the ,b row of the hill a snow bank wrong end up. The only item of secret. societies, mentioning · in anci sow seeds on bare spots. The willow injury done was to the sleigh. A meeting of the pati·ons t)f the D. U. ?onnection wJ.th it, that £he masonic body can be easily obtained ; no roots are ignored th<t mediation of Christ in their required; drive a sta:ke fi1·mly into the Qheose Co. is tb be held in the afternoon prayers tv the .Almiglity, and in this way grouncl and the· work is do1w. w ·ater is of the first Thursday in April. believhl they were ' doing harm. But so much needed for the grounds, which may . vVe lmve i;o . place 011 the sick list t s far as ' ttn' attack being made upon these he easily obtained by erecting n. windmill week llfr. Stewart and Mr. Staple , :vho ., BEN. societies by the Presbytery, it was never at the creek, from which run small pipes !tre both quite m.. though.t ?f'. and in .011ly one report wei·e across the grounds ; place a fountain in CARTWRIGHT. these 11oc10ties ment10ned, so that there is front of the office, with branch pipes runno necessity for the outcry. There am no ning in other directions ; ·sink a few tubs Miss Aggie Scott, of Enfield, is visiting cloubt, insfo.nces where masons and odd- in the ground to hold water. The whole friends here. ,, fellows, too, are more loyal to their exp~nse for a good wf1ter supply will not l{. J. Graham has u.r1 addition to ~ societies than to thf.lh' chui·ch, in fact, exceed $300, aud the money would be '~ell family; tfiey intend calling it Susan. th, e ir lodge-room is to them their church ; spent. We feel sure the pe.o ple of ·our Ro~llrt Henry, 1htcksinith1 h<1s gone to and these cases are not so few as stnne town wm not grumble at a: few clollarR Harriston. peop!Q suppose. It is ag>tinst such that spent.in beautifying our ceme.tery. Should . The gossip of the vilbge is Jectnring complttint is made ; men who find time to these few rambling remarks tend to ad- this week on "man's cleceit and woman')'! obey every call Of duty if issued from vance our cemetery I shall feel well paid. frailty." Yours ttuly, their lodge-room, 'but turn a deitf ear to ' Hoads demoralized-"--upsets and ..ni.nT. BURDEN. all otl~ers. Testimony of this kind can be aw_ ays booming. Mrs. R Hyland and had !Tom every minister of the gospel ch1ldron were upset; horse ran away, c1~tter El'ITERPRISE. wl1ero these societies are in existence, and broken, occupants slightly injured. Sam. sucli a class should have no defenct! 'for There is to ho a temperance lecture in Beacock fared worsc1y. His horse, tired them. Both the masons a1id oddfellows Sons' hall on Fridthy evening next1 at 7 of going to surprise p:trloios, completely Their o'clock .... Mr. Alex. W1mnan, Kendall, demoralized the cutter on Friday. ' A htwc. much to coinmend 'them. ·l brothurhood imd benevolence are worthy has been 1ntying a prolonged visit to Mr. customer was offered a doll:tr by n business of pmise, but if ministers of the gospel 1 W. Blewett . ... It seems a mystery here man here ii he would not show his pleas.should observe obstacles in the way of · tlutt ~r. P . Biglow should get pay for ant.laughing face in thevillitgc foramonth. religious life they have a perfect" right to shovellmg snow and the rest not any atall. The' man took him up and kept away and sny !:". 'rvT,JHt. Fair play, Council. .. , The pupils arc now claims the ;$1 but the other says. he lc~i,ning fast under the present teacher, was fooling; a htw-su.it is threatened. Mtss Yule .... Mi;. Alfred Wright had the Only I am afraid of making your . teetll THE CG:tiTRAC'Il.: n:rlsfOr:rurnrto--eut h'irtlff1~a1~i;.ha}f. · ~I""'f"\voulc1 t ell-y6( 1 thtit s11.-1i ·nms and while hewing .... The 8th line boys still Bon. SPL,---Tlrnt letter of ".A Former Em- go to the !Jth .... The STATES]l[AN is the molasses are as sweet ::tsusual. ' ' Bownfaiiville, March 20, · 1884.-ployee," in last week's STATESMAN, has leading paper he1·e. STRAGGLER. ENNISKILLEN. given rise to much favorable comment among the workingmen in the factory, In consequence of the late Isaiah Tole's ENFIELV. who feel much obliged to him for so opporfunernl sermon being i1reache<1 last Sabtunely opening up the subject, and. to you Mr. T. Field and Mrs. J. Bray are bath evening, 11ev. G. ' '1V. Stevenson's foi: iLo. iuserLion in your c11.ile. paJJer. TliaL · r ecovering. sermon on "'l'he Glory oJ' Age aud the letter is only the sense :md mind of the Mumps, did you say? Yes, we have · HonQr, due to it," will be I)reached next Sabbath evening. great bulk of the wage earners in the fac- 'em thick. Keep warm. tory. The whole action of the D. 0. & P. On 'Sabbitth evening last ltev. W. R. Co. is unjust, for they only gave the emPetlagogues shoul~l not take pie to oys· ployees one clay's notice of the reduction. ter suppers ; there are usually enough u.t Barker prea.che<l a funeral sermon in merhory of the late Isaiah '£::tie to an overBut of course, this' is quite proper, hs the such places. cro w'decl house. The servi.oe for the eveworkmen had to wait on tl\eil' pay for two Mr. D . Broad expects to return to ning in the M . E. Church was withdrawn. days hi;;t rnonLh, u11Lil some of the firm Manitopa shortly. He wishes to obtain Sfantlard Patent Jlle,licines, Dye Stutrs, Hair and 'Eootb Two weddings in O\lr neighborhood jn : , . BU t , , spent their full term of pleasure at the an M. D .. first. ARE NOW OPEN. Montreal Carnival. It is m1c:tlled "for, .A youth dashed through to.w n t'other one day last 1ve~k . The Methodist choil" Bl·us!les, Shouldt:i· Braces, SJlonges, f'erfumel"y, &c. ' StaJUl fo1·me1·Jy oee11pled by .tlle Post Ofllce. else they should not have commenced to duy a la Gilpin on a mt-tail mig. Turning here evidently. believe in centrafo:ation as . ' ' KING S'J'IU]E'f, ~ run full time next day. But probably the the corner horse and rider were buried in two or three matches had previously been A.GENTS FOR TrrE ' . ' made in th;i.t coral union, and on vVednesprornise of full time was given in the hope the snow bank. ::BC>"'7U"l.V.I'.A.:L'~T'V.J:X..JUE. .daythe12th. inst two more of the members, . of healing up the cut a little. One of the "1 ou gluttono'ns brute!" ejaculated our Miss A. Sylvester and Mr. J. J, Vittue. ' I The Gallery is first-class in all its ap- firm is Rtated to' hnve said that \~e would mail-man when he found only the buttons were m;1de happy by being united by the pointments, and furnished· in a comfort- luwe to sulnnit to it, as vrn could not bet- left of his ne11· ovei·coat, his fractious tie that should ~1ever be severed. The - near relations _ able manner: There will be no poor work ter _ourselv~s; but I will be much wrpris- charger having devoured it. of the respective pai;ties if there is not ::1 big exodus from them . allowed to leave the rooms, and these who ed ~oon. This is the second reduction 1irithJohn Fox, aged 95 years, died last were pre!Jent at the ceremony. The bride fa.v0r me wit!). a call can rely on being in twel\"e months; and need it be wonder- '£uesday. He had long"Leen a resident was the rocipiont of a number of very pleased , eel that the spidt of discontent runs high ? hereabouts,, and for many years has been beautiful presents including a very handsome f,amily bible, satin lined dressing , $lY"The instantepous process only will Mr. Geo. Piggott.very recently said in the receiving tiid from Darlington Council. case, choice lot of silver anr.l .crystal ware, be used for Phot.ographa. · GR.A.Nao. '!'own Hall that 110 liked the workmen to also a superbly bound copy of Tennyson earn good wages, and that he always help· ··---~ Come in an'a see me. from their associates in the choir Mr. and. ed them to do so. He has given the ·lie KIRBY. Mrs. Vi~tue took the evenin~ train for . R. H. HENRY. to that in hi,s conduct now, for almost . , . . . . every man workincr for the Company have M,r. Solomon Harns :vishes the public the west. Their maay friends wish them OTICE.-All persons who hold poheies been ,reduced in p~ice of work and wao·es. to understand and espc?rnlfY. tho rcsido.n ts j oy and prosperity in their j oumcy through i,n the Sovereign Ins11ran~e Co.. ar~ here- Jf ho did uot intend· the cut for the w<~rk- of the S~h con. that lie is .qmt.o competent life. On the same afternoon Mr. R. Siemby notified that they are now msured m the on, jr., gf Haydou, was uni.Led lo Miss . Glas%ow a.nd London Insurance Co., a good ing man, why does he not sto) it? This ?f .choosmg_ a seeder f~r lumself. . He s~ys Mountjoy of the same place. A large matter is the talk of the ·'wh1Ie country it is now nme years smce he ceas~d usmg Britis.h Company. · . round, and cannot' but d'(J harm. ~obacco, '.'nd the san_ie length. o~, tune .ha~ number of .gests were in attt>ndance and of 'rhe contract system is a rotten one and elapsed smce he pm chased his supcnqr the presents were both handsome and!. they must bo blind ·th.at cannot se~ it. seeder. But.a~ th~ J'esult_of several ~ears numerous. Mr. and Mrs Slemon went to urity and correctness. To the Lancashire Fire In.mranceJCo. vVitncss the contractors. Theyha,ve their of mental activity_, a combmed seeder sold Lindsay to spend a.few days. ~ Carefully compounded, with absolute P , · · I hereby return tha.nks for the prompt pay1 grand, palatial residences, their pile in the by Mr. J olm ~rawf_oi:d has ?een perfected LESLURD. '"'!!!=~==~-----~~===~=~~~==~~===~~·=~===== ment in full, your agent here,Mr.'fho·. .,, Bingham, of through my claim against you from the bank, tl1eir farm in the North-West, their ~~1d ~r. Han~s h~ wve.nh1s or~erfor tho late fire. . LEWIS QUICK, :Yacht their horse and. cutter their. buffalo Mme. .Ht:: tluul,s !t is mdeed ~heel,y for· In my last week's letter, giving a list of cottts ~nd robes ; they can ::tfford to strut the res1d~nts of Oakl~nd to dictate, to a the presents to Miss Sarah Ball, I omitted To IIartford Fire Insurance <Joinpany. the town a good part of the day, go shoot· n~an of lus unders~andm~, and even if he I l'tereby return thanks to your Company for incr curling fishing- walk around the . fac· did J~ot. need a new clnll h e has . saved the following : a set of china, presented by Mr. and Mrs. Griiiin, sen., and a set of the prompt setr,lement ot my claim, thl'ougll yom· agent Mr.'l'hos.Bingham, of loss sustain Pd to~y like do-nothi;1gs, Jiang aroung a sufficient tobacco money t? pay.for it nr~d gla.ssware, presented by Mrs. Marshall. C~ by ftl'e on the 12th Inst. LEWIS QUICK, certain corner stOTe in short have a jolly w~uld be as well ?f as lns ne1g:hbors m I ' , ' J,a~t Friday night while Mr. David W. WOR.IWLK. --MANUFACTURER OF-good time, while tlie worki;igmen mn.ke ~us res)e~t, even if he allowed it to rot., Tyreman, J, P., and lVLr. J olm Lewis were . ' 0 To tlte Confed,eralion Life Association. their mcrney. And let Messrs. Wesley, , no~ e up. . engaged in throwing a horse and after We, tlie Executors of thA late John Bl'own Russell, and Piggott know that every On Tues~ay evei;mg last as. M;. .Alfred they had accomplished it Mr. T. was enOrono. 'Clarke, hereby return thanks fol' the · time they·cut the contractors 20 per cent, Ch:tpman .v~51ted lns l1ai·!1, as is.ln.s custom prompt settlement of l1ls Ille insurance through gaged in holding the horses' head down, KING Sl'REE'l', BOWMANVILLE, your agent, Mr. Thos. Bingham. the contractors in tur.n cut their workers before ret1rmg for the mght, he found Ins by some unexplained way the horse threw lill.S now on hand a number of vehicles (and is manufacturing agreat many more) of the newest . J AMIJ;S BROWN 25 per eent. ~tntw stack h:td collapsed during .the furhis head back, which coming in contact patterns and best finish, which I am otferiug,tor sale M tho lowest. prices consistent · EDMUND CUBULJJ;VICK. In our factory the contract system is 10u~ g>tle wlucl~ had been blowi_ng, and with Mr. '£yrcman's leg, broke it right with due regard to workmanship and quality. 'fhc· -following is a list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me: To the Preside>it. Mana.11er and Directors of undermining tho whole fabric and sapping buried one of lus cattle beneath .1t. . He in the ankle joint. MnTON. the Fire Insiwance Associat,ion of London, industry and is doina harm to the firm at once summoned a number of lus n01ghDouble Covered Carriages ...... ... ,.... .................... ................... $200 Upwards, Enqlana. . · Single Phmtons ....................... ................................. .......... 100 11 I hereby return thanks fol' the very prompt to the k;wn and to t h e wor1*it'. Whil; bors, and after a few hours faithful labor, HAMPTON. settlement, through ym1r agent Mr.1\ Bingham, a few get ricl1, the real worker has to suffer, suc?eeded in 1')leasing the unlucky,bovine Open Buggy................ , .................................................... 70 11 for my two horses killed by lif{htning in my tu1d this is from . wluch strange to sity, Imel not been hurt, Top Buggy... . , ........... ................. ........................................ · 90 ·· Rising Star Division held an open: field last thunder stol'm. ltOB'l'. FIELDING. ONE OF THEM. and appeared but little worse of its stmwy meeting on Monday evening last, when Democrat Wagon.............................................................. .. 65_ 11 u LumberWago11s ............... ........·..............·.......................... 55 ----·---· grave. Scou·r. a geod programme was rendered. To the President and D'irectors of the Hartford · Light Wago11. ... ....... .... .. . . ........................... .............··........ .. 40 " · Fire bisurance Conipany. TYRONE. Mr. A. Gullay has removed to Bowmanv'\' e have a fu11. supply I hel'eby retum thanks for the prompt pay" Ex.press \Vago11 .... ....·.......... ..··.·.·.·.·: ... ............................... 75 u ville. ment by your agent, Mr. T. Hlnghan., fol· lo·s or choice reel clover, The Young People's Association will Skeleton ................. ... ....... .,..,. .................... .. : ... .,... .....,. . .. . ... . 50 u m full t0 my household eJfects. caused by the meet this (Friday) evening in the 0. M. Mr. Jesse E. L. Cole has been to ToroAlsike clover and grass seeds brea.king of a coal 0tl. lamp. having received ,:.ilulky... .,i '""""""'"'""""'"'""'······"··············"'"""'"'··········· 40 II nto on a visit. On hand; a caill solicited. c)1mch, at 7::~o. A full attendance is cash check. a s ijOOn as my,qlaim was presented, . ,Possessing s ~rior facilities tor manufacturing carriages, I mtend to sell verr cheap for cash 279, MORGAN DAVIES. Murdoch Bros. Mr. A. Barber ofBowmanville preached or appro~red\t, and by'!!o doing I hope to greatly increase my number o sales. Would ·-- - ----- ----- - - - requested. S. 'I'. Bartlett, President. sell the wood parts pnly, or the gea»ings of buggies ironed, · ~------here on Sunday evening last,· to a good Farmers, now is the time to put in your congregation. NEWTONVILL'TJJ. ice; that done, apply to J. M. Joness, Mr. and Mrs. D. Brokenshire of LanThe Saved Army are meeting with grand for a Creamer and ni<)t only save your At the Shorte:ot Noti.ce, Painted and '.Primmed if Desired. · success here. Meetings well attended wife and daughters one half the labor in ark, Misses Annie and Nora Lawrie of and orderly. Rev. JXL Salton is contin- making butter, but you will have a su- Hamilton, and Mrs. Kent of Saginaw) · .A.t the Fa<:.t(lcy' I also do Planing, Matching, Tlll"ning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Seroll Saw!\ and·prepare all kinds of lumber for carpent01'S and others for building purpGJses. Mich., are.visiting friends here. uing the services in the C. M. churc}:i: .. perior al'ticle when done. Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fenoes i11 evecy style required, made to order, MS SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE MINISTERS AND SECRET ean there be found a more lovely spot for the la~t resting pbcc of our loved · ones SOCIETIES. I · ros. .Prior ·. to · STOCK· TAKIN.G -----------·---- ~a. BIG· GINBOTHAM &.sm(PHOTOGRAPHY. Pu,re ·orugs_ and. Medicines, HENRY'S .N ew Photo ·R ooms TUCK2l StllNC Pan.Tauas. N . . Ptescriptions and Recip.e~ · Cards Thanks. HAINES' CA·R RJAGE WORKS. GEORGE HAINES, Proprietor, I '{JARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS; .WAGONS, &C.# All Kinds of Vehicles 'R epaired 1 ,,

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