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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1884, p. 4

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, the skull and cross bones, or the wei1·clly SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID. shaped cufliu without h earing a voi~e loud and shrill declaring, " Man tlu~t 1s - Call and see theThe following persons~ have paid sub, horn of a woman is of few days and full of : trouble. He c0meth forth like a flower scriptions since our last·t eport : WGGlover Mrs M ~"'renoh P ublic attention having been called to and is cut down; he fleeth itlso as a shadow Mrs WATCH CASES, J Clarke Wm$weet this question by what · occurred in the ancLcontinuetl1 not." And no thoughtful Miee 11 C Swam Elgin Vanstone The best n111ke in the world at Mayor Hobert Ludlow Toronto Prnsbytery the other day, t he malil can learn such lessons as these, either Markus " u A y :ti; A K n·s. Tim .mWEl.Lim. J obn 'fremeer 'I' A Wriglit n1 the church or the lodge room without Robert Colville Maurice Cooper following excellent serm0n, preached :by feeliiug :tssured thait it as his highest wis- Heur:r Bunner Wm Hoar Thoe Scott , Rey. Joshua Dyko, in the P. M. chm.tch dom to so live this lii£e that he will be Robt.Jobb J W Virtue Uich Haggith fast Sabbath evening to a cxowded house, ready for the life to O<Dme. Miss Farley Byron F; Hall Rich J:lrown Pauli Wlliama will we believe be read wihtli much interest . H<wing made these ,8itatcrnents, you will Aleir McJ,augblio Jr Wm Long e n I say that the ChaeSouch A Ferguson Text__,:_" Do men gathc~· gir.apes of thorns not be surprisetil wh. teachings of these societies. arc founded Wm '!'born eriu 'l' hos 811 or :figs of thistles 1 .1£ve:ra .a0 every good 'l'hoe Jackson G W GUbanks tree bi:ingeth forth good frlliJt, but a cor- upon the tr11 ths .o f tlhe pure and holy W ll Stott Alex Staples, Smith Wm Col will rupt tr.ee cannot bring forth good fruit." Bible.. These societies m.ake no preten- 1'hos Rev J Carscadden tion to renovate o.r sanctify the human Jacob 'l'uruer - Matt. 7: 16-17. Wm Patterson John Sprou~ heart;. but like John the Baptist, they do Joseph Couch James Berry Durit1g the last few week-!! ·t he publie often prepare the w.ay for the coming of Thos .Elliot Geo Joll Jr press and a large portion of tJi.e ,eommuni~ the Lord, and their method of preparation Needham Goodm1in Miss Kate Lee J Egan ·wm <Jolt> have been much excited in refol'ence to the is by inculcating in~ practical mtmner the MissE Samuel Allin W NMcDonald relation of secret ·societies to religion. great lessons of life. Take for instance 'l'homas H Hancock Jolm Hi·agg W GHundle i::iome persons have stoutly maintained tho lessons of unity and strength. 'l'hese ltobt Brooks Jr Glas peII Dr lt Young VS that secret ,societies are great 11imlrances are tauglit nnt only, by stated lectures full Chas Ryron S Vanstone Geo Buxton "l' H Spry tQ church work ; while all those who of practical good sense, but also by signs "Peter IligPlow Marshall Porter J o)m C Howe know these \Societies best, claim for them and symools, which have ever been im- 'l'homas Porter W Halflicre tt broad bene¥olence, ·a pure charity, and pressive as a means of commu11ic:tting Natho.niel Porter Jacob Stevens John Grigg a large share of the s1iirit of Hi.m "who instruction, The all-seeing eye of God is Mrs C Bellwood Norman Samia WAllm went about doing good." upon every man, a11d. the men of the Henry Ar!l ue 'J Hoskin Of course it must be distinctly under- brotherhood are specially reminded of this Cameron 'l'rull . W It' Allen Wm Shorr. D A Galbraith stood that ' we do not embrace in this by those . methods of secret fellowship Jolm 'l' Cole }~d ~J.1ho1npao11 category t hose secret societies which are which each brother hu1> with his brethren. Geo Dobson Jr Jaa Rundle Jr Phili1> 'l'yler revolutiouary and lawless in their cfoi.rac- The si11gle stick so easily broken by the Fred Moore Everson I<;iias Berry .tor, such for instance as the Nihilists of hand of adversity, is powerful to resist the TH ·waiter Vice Cl1as Mc Pherson l\ussia, the Socialists of Gremany and greatest pressure when united with others! HS Fur7ier Henry Bobina James Moore France, and the l<"'enian dynamiters of So the isolated n1di vidual, tossed hither Alfred Gilson Nelson Powers Edwrn niches Ireland and America, whose avoweEl ob- and thither by the drift of circumst< tlices, HP Courtwrill:ht Ga.aver Scott Henry Fligg ject is to destroy government, confiscate when united in these br otherhoods, mighty Rich Mothersell 'l'ordiff So.mucl Robins p'i·ivate .riroperty and appropriate private in the sti:ength and confidence of his ·Wm HM Kelley Geo 'famlinson funds . to their own sellis11 ends : and in brethren,. is an invincilJle rock against a John Lockwood Miss M E Ste\·ens John I, Power Dr Allison accomplishment of such ?readful p'urposes, sea of oppression. 'L'he pillars of wisdom, John Hall P J Jer()OOO these human fiends sacnfiee property and strength, and beauty, will suppo1't the Const H C J,osoombe Aaron Davis GOmG EAS'\' ·. JNG >yEsT ~ innocent lives in the most 10rl'ible man- ~oftiest moral structure, anrl th e lhiks of John N Farley John Martin Montgomery James Holmes . Ex s 8 ·· I cal , ..... 7.27 am ner. Such villains and such societies are friendship. love, and tru tl1, will bind its Henry Diwid .llfontgomery Wm Tioll i..1 i~~~~.. :::::'.:d~5 ~ ~~ i:vr~~5 .. , .. ~-§6 ~ ~~ among tho greatest evils of this century; several p:irts into one harmonious whole. D1· J W }'erguso11 Rev J Willoughby l.ocal .......... 1.10 Pm Mixed...... · g'45 p m and by the strong arm of every lawful Unity and strength are lessons which the Jno McMurr.ry Wm Wight l£xnress....... 9.30 n ,m l<~xuress ...... · t f 1 · t·c 1 and ld d t 1 l\ff' · C Vo.nstone J l:l Sleman _ governmen , o ev:ery ecc esrns 1 ·a · v.::or nee s ever o earn. J.an is sever- .T Geo ·wanna.n Dr C Ji' Kellogg -·· ____,_ civic dignitary, of · e ry przyate citizen, eel from m:in by sol:tislmess and avaricious Samuel Holiday Miga Hamilton Gflfillan Edward Cann ]t Ji· $~ i .they sl; wulcl be torn up r ot and branch. greed. Humanity is rack ed with pain, .Tas J W Proctor jr Geo Stqples ~t61. II .~ll'l~Hll ~a11i~~ma,~ B ut because such ~ag,~;ec .thor~1s ~~ t.hese .~n.d bleeding with wounds in the nu~d rncc ( Jno Pcnfound "1:)1erce the flesh of c1vi1Jmt1on, it is ,sJul,e r ~>.<>sition, wealth and fame', and none · -~~-v"" ~' --·-~ "~~~--~~ 1 £~·µy a11d madness to bi'Ml!l. 11-ll · secrep t,>µt.#w .i¥n~ran~, the ~ininformed o~' the BoWMANVU,LE, FRIDA.Y, MA.ItCH 21. soc.' ties as inimical to t}1e progi:e.IJI+ of m~J~~~«imsW mclmcd w1ll brand s0cieties 1·eli"k 1 nml the advanoement of tm~ ·H ht1i-tful to )'elies:ion, whose great purpose ma1~hooi:l. We wi.~h it to ];lo distinctly is t ble~s hum, mty . . But furth er, let us ,BRIBERY J}UBBI..E urrder~to id that aB for -ourselves· \~e ari! t,a,1,e tlie O.!i&Vll \ s Q lf-sacriflce as t:rnght )3URS'fS; totwfas~ i_!l .. < . 1¥0"'.:ng that such ~ocieties b;.,, these bri;>therlwo~.~.' and .W.t\,,t ha~ se~ :ts the E'7·ee Masons; the Andent Order of tlrnt thc.i r brightest ex:11np es fir e ,·hOlle Unitetl ·workman,. the Sons of England, taken from the woi:d of Goel. The clrnr·o 11.. da everl.ii1 last the Ontario the Foresters, Templars, and Oddfcllows, act.e r of Abraham is an example for each ~ n tJ.Oil Y g . all of which are represented by the best of the brethren constit uting these ·brother.Legislatiye Assc:mbly was the scene of one citizen~ of this ~0'\\9JJ.., at'e lilOt opposed in hood~. His unswerving faith, !tis willin.g i-. ~ "t' ·1101 ·c ·l ei1 .ts ever wiLnessed 1iny s·rn~e, nor m ·a.ny de lfi:ee to the work- obcchence e ven unto the sacrifice of ]us 1 t 1.\.C.J)lOS" exc1 mg . g ana· purposes ' ' B ut b y son Isaac, ar.c not on 1y 1essons of tlie · , .,m 'of .ro. ;· 1g10ll. in any legislative body. The m~m l~:u·- thei~ widc-spl'ead berr~~o1ence; their ~road. Bible and the church,,but they ~re le~sons t~ lars- of the episode are in efiect tlmt charity and 11ut1!ly · C'lJ'lilure, ru.e admmi,ble of the lodge-room. . '.Ihe r,10blo conduct of ' cu ' · . . schools of learrifn cr·forlthe youth, bulwarks Jonathan in brookmg ]us 41.ther's fierce s everal m~mbers of the Legislature had i of s~rength for .":'the ·miclcll .e-:iged, and a~gor and shielding. D.avid, his bos01.n b een approached with offers of money anc~ streams of .cou1£'.""r~·fur the weak and dl6- frrnnd, JS wo~·thy of mntat1011: by cve1y . . . . tressed, In SHPl'li;rt of our argument we man. But lngher and grander tluin all . office for the purpose of purchasmg then'" ! bring to bear therteachings of the text:- other exm11ple-s of sacri!ficc for mwther's v otes· and the Lleserting of Lheir party in ' ' Do 111en gatl~e1' grapes . of thorns ?" . good, is the cross of our crucified, Lord, \Vo remai*: ·t:Ji..at the aun of these so01e- who from the· da1 ·kness of Cal vary s bare the' hope of overthrowing the l\fow,~t Govties is no'tiitr·~pnsition, but identical with crest , from the hoarse thunders and fiorco 1 er11mellt. 'L' wo members of the Legish- mnch uf tlie ~\vor1\ q.f the church. Does lightnings of that tn1gic day,1 far, far above turc, viz,, Mr. B alfour, of 8 outh Essex , the Ghurch t each brotherly ove 1" So. do the triumphant shouts of fiends ;md rnen, these so"cieties teach the humanizing lessl)n those pie1·ccd hands and lileeding feet, that aml Mr. Mc'Kim, of North vVcllington, of the ar-eat brotherhood of huamnity. So wou11dcd side and sorrowful face, call for e ach the exquisite a pure lQve, a noble sclf-saci-ifice between "\vere actually paid il~ cash, the ,former do the~b "rocieties t. j)leasttre <f?f honorably p1:eferring one man aml man, _ . . .$1,000 and the latter $800, under the be- anoth-0-r. <('Jver every council, temple and But the great less<ins of these soc1 et10s lief that they Imel yielded to the tempter, lodga '>bhc ··,tilvery words of the Ps:\lmist is charity, the culraination of all the gr:~ccs m :ty ibe· t i>nly inscribed- " Behold how of the chr istian character. Charity, w1thThis powder never varies, A marvt>l of "'.hilst in reality they were aiding1in de- good aaiffh<Vw pleasant it is for brethren out which ali else is a.s soundiug bmss and purity, strength ai.d wholesomeness. More tectina crime 1 and handed tho moiiey over to clwelJ.i'"t'l.~ether in u_uity." And this a tinkling symbol. . " Cirnrity, which suf- economical than the ordino.l'y kinds and can· · b , lesson O"~"}j_i othe1·ly ·love is taught, not as, a fereth long and is kind, env1ct}1 . not, not be sold in competition wi.th tlrn 11rnltitude of low test, shart, weight, alum or phosplmte tQ the Spea.ker. The [iarfaes who made mere mf1~i1~ to ente1: th e men?ory a~1cl cl~e seek eth not her owt1, bearoth nil tl?m gs,', powders. Sol d rml:y fo, eans. ROYAL BAKING . c , cl h 0 . · 1 r ver the\ there, l:ll\.1t its practical mamfestation is hopeth all thmgs, endureth ttll tlnngs. PowDER co.. lUG Wall-st. .N. Y. 1 oho approac tes an w paic ' soucrhtii.11 the lite by lessons of confidence We do not claim perfection for t hese bribes are J'ohn A. Wilkinson, known as bet~t".en man and man. There can ue no societies but we do s:iy their deeds of EED PEAS.- For sale a quantitv of Peas, wn.rr1intecl pure and"tree "B"« 1 p h Wilkinson. " Of late years h °' brothe rly lov~ which is n ot built <m t he charity 'are known among men. The fromMarrowfat noxious seedti. J 0 H N VAN NEST, 0 us sure foundation of con£dence between Independent Order of Odclfellows has SOLI NA. 9. has become a notorious individual, whose man arnl man which in these societies is 14 182 members in Ontario, and during cll' f IJation has been that of a bribery strengthened by· trials of cha.racter, by the th~ fast year this society paid out for EED WHEA'r. - Defi.u.uce Wheat for ~e occu ' . , . secrets of initiation, and by signs. and relief, $38,G70.19, an average of $105.00 sale-about 450 bushels. A ll:O()d milling wheut und goorl to yield . Price_ $L 25 per bus~. agent in the interest s of the Donmnon _ tok,eris, which while they uiay have no per day. The Grand Lodge of n:iasons Con. 9. LoL 27, Clarl;e, ALBER!' TAMllLYN , Government doincr the cl~rty and disrepuweight wit!l DHtsi. d ers, y~t with every true dnring the last ·sevente~n years pmcl ou~ l!' al'm, Orono. U-3w. Cedardale 0 -- ~ ' -~ brother they form a lmk of - unbroken $130 000, and the pn vnte lodges. have table work of interested contmcfors and con£dence. And further, brotherly love paid' out an additional $35,000. I have EE D W H. E A '!'.- THE UNDER~ others in various constituencies, and plac- is t<iught by faithfulness, '~fi.ch is an out- not the statistics of t he other soc~etie.s, >::::'.' SlGNEJ) hn.s a limlte1l quantity of Fre~ch Spring Wheat for sale. ·r1i1s i~ a very lHOII.fic growth of confidence. l!ntthfulncss. to but clou~tless they. ar.e equally prac b 1cal m variery. !'rices moderate. Orders left with ing money "where it w,ould do the most one's self to the solemn obltgat10ns of life, their efforts. Tins is pmct1cal rchg1on. J & ·n _ McDoul(all, (where a sample rnav be seen), will reQCiv'I prompt attention. A pplr to w orld neJOds more of it. All men A. g ood. " The other individual who took to the br~thcrhood of man, and abuve all, The · & 'J'. H. MANN, lot 19, Brokel& Front. Dar· to Cod, Confidence a11d faithfulness are would be better· fo~ a broa.der charity in ington. 11'4, the most prominent part in this n~farious strengthened by mutual instructio~ ir~ the· their creeds ancl their d?'il;Y: prnetlce of ONEY TO LOAN .- A few thousand business is named K irkland, an American great l essons of life . The holy. prmc12l~ vi:i·tne. We are n ot afr1~1cl f?r these dollars, privat.o funcls, t() foao on first. . · of liberty, equality and fraternity nre the societies to be tested by their £nuts. W c class farm secul'iiy, at the lowest current rateR, Ju.wycr who has resided m Toronl-0 for the. -sccrot grip, the pass-worcl and the cou1 1ter believe that through their i.nfluence the For particulars agply to H,- B!J;I1.: H; Bowman, i t f' . "" t h s si < m of the m eu who form these strong miseries of tlie world are hghtencd and ville, or 1t. J.t. LOSCOMB:I!:, Barru1ter, 3·tf. as e" mon · : . . b~uds of noble brotherhood. Does the the virtues of humanity strengthened. T\.\'O others are charged with this hem ous church t each h e11evoloncc 1 So c lo these And when their honor is :ts::milcd and A DYERTISERS by addressing GEO, r . J:'\. JUH\'ELJ, .t C., 10 Spruce St.. New )'"ork, crime, but <tre not yet under arrest. They Bocietics, and tl:iey practice benevolence to their clmracter maligned1 · ' "e _Poi1>t conf~ ean .l~1un the exact cost of any proposed lme of an ext ent that is not fully k nown by the dently to the teaclungs of Clrnst, and a~l\., ADYERTISI~G In American Newspape1~. are C. W . Bunting, man.ager of the Mai l, outside world. l\fany of th.e great scherhes "Do men gather gr<tpes of thorms or figs lt;!,l..UH)·1mge Pamphlef, IOc·. and Edward Meek, the solicitor of the of life insurance lmve found their origin of thistles '? Even so every good tree xr A.NTl.m- MEN ANb WOMEN TO S'l'ART mHl expressio1i. 'th1:ough societies like br:ingeth forth. gooc l fruit ; but .a .~orrur1t · 1 ' V !I. new lrnsinoos at their homes, easily Ma.il company. Mr. Bunting ma·ms a these: HundreQts and thousands of men tree cannot bnng forth good fnut. learl'.\ed in an h911.t'. No neddling. 'l 'en ce!1ts to fifty cents alt hour made daytnue or e·renmg denial of the clrn,rge, but ther-e appears to h:1v!'l fo und that when the weekly ? r ,. , ·-· .------. r ec D<?.rt~s for 'l'wenty Samples to com· Send 1 1 ·d monthly salai·y has failed through affi1cwcrl<; on. Address mcnce b e the strongest circumstantia evi encc tion, and t he gaunt sk elet on of. poverty The unHdy, dirty appearatle'tl ·of a g rizII. G. l'AY, RntlancJ, Verinonc. t1iat he is one of the prime u1overs in this howlin"' like :t tierce wolf upon !us track, zily beard should never ~e a.Uowe,d. Bu~k· 2· . 5 . ·ro !tH 000 ON MARRIAGE. Laclie~ lt · is · the h (IS bc~u k ept from their do~rs by the inglmm's Dye for the w lnskefo will readily $ · 11.nd G~ntlomcn. Apply immediat.ely. most discreditable business. , r eturn of tlrn.t benevolence wluch they so change their color to a brown or black, R. N, CURRY, J.P., Sec.-Treas.. London, Ont. . tluty .of the Ontario L egislature to p~·obe 1 genero1,1sly bestowed upon othe~s. Many at diacre tio'n , an·cl tht1s keep up your re· Agents wanted. · · .. : . '"tur w he V<-l V ·botlon.; <n'lll the\ thousands of broken hearteii 1 v1dows arnl ,pu tatiou for !~ei.tnesll. ~nd p;ood looks. .us m,i, . , · many s<id orph:ins have found the days, A.t the Victorh1 i%ildings peo11le of ·C11nacla will expect tu see the months and years of their sorrow br1g'.1tIn t:he " T mvn 'of Bowmanville, > I . ·1£ mnish ed no matter who may nrove ened by that broad ~ene:rolence :v111.ch You'u'l'firrd teas of :\ll kinds g ui Y 1 ' · ·· t · comes free :1s the mornmg light and mv1gTM ~st r-odhe money to hi'} Turn.a. to be implicated. See 1 ¥eekly Globe for oratiiw :is t he noon <lay sun. '!'her~ is not Murdocla (13ros. Pursuant to power of sale contained m a enough benevolence in the world. It is a . full particuhtrs. Mortil;ag-e whicll will be produc~d at the tlJl!e shame t hat so many church es ar e w deeply Goocl aH wo@I Tweeds at 50c. is a bar- of safe there will be offered for s11,le by Public Auction at PHILLIPS' HOTEL, in the Village engrosserl with the erection, of t~ll spi:·es, a;(ain. E11lison &Co. in the Coun<y of D_ urham, by MR. ftnmE appears Lo be much dissatisfaction expensive upholstery , anct useiess gewWe h&ve'increaaed our stook this J3easou. of Hampton, H. T. PnrLLil'S, Auctioneer. :amornr th e workmen in the Organ Factory uaws to the neglect of real benevolence, 'EHieo11 ·& 'Co. .' Me na ttll wool Tweed Suits to"oraer for :\bont~the recent reduction i n t heir wages, ~mor:g the r)Qor and destitute. Let me ld tell you, one and all,_ that one of th e .truest: $12:50. Eilison & Co. . . . , . :mrl the cont ract 11ystem · b.u t w~ wou expressions of religion on e:irth is tlJ:!ci We keep all sizes in Bllys' '"Smta fron~ J8b4 at T \.YO o'clock in t,be aftern.oon, tl~e ,following Valuable Jtarm Property situate m _ the snr:(:T,est. t.h:Lt tlwy present t hem gnevanc~s I practice of benevolen ce. M eu n ever · :tttl"-: j 4 >years up. Ell1Bo1L & Co. 'l'ownship of D1.irli11g-tcm, in the County of Dur. t ham. bdug- tho p1 . -~ . :"--:c 1irect t.o t.ho mmmgers rathe1· than vent1- 1semble God so much as wh en they ,m'e 'ope1 ·ty of GEOJW E Jou., E~q ., " rn.. most. c1c~.ui ,.,nd being Lot Number rn. in 1he 4t·h Co11cess1on , ,, , .. . nl .. 1 , , \V c have doing good t.o th eu fellow man. The: .. 'Ve ar e now showmg : ,'!,te .Lein 111 tlJt Jpc". l'·L.,·CI S. . maxim of t he heat lien moralist--Bene velle < 'cretonnes ever offered in .1J3owmanville, ot Darlingt.un, contairnug two hundred acre·, more or less, lllw;i,ys foun<l the managers re<1sonab~e rne~l on~nilius bene facere, amicis- '·' wish wel~ ·Couch, JohllBton & Cryderman. 'fhiB .farm is one of the best in tho 'f?wns~1ip, to do business with, aml we believe 1.f to all bdt do good only to our ·friends, " ii\ h.~ -S- d t .,,, d "Ct ;; pi'eces the soil is goorl tt.nd iu a goo< l stat~ of cult1va25 cen s· ..11 ,, v ·11 b , · t d .LY.l u src. en · tion. It is 1iear._ggod markots- bemg. close. to thee arc 'lllV t'eal gnevttnccs they w1 e toofrcquently rnamfastamongmen o- aiy., ;fl . tl ~ 'T Yellowlees the Vil Iago of Hampton and· about 11ve miles ' · · n eecl for b road er b enevol e ' nce , a, o argo music wor i'il'·150 ., ,-· · · .111 ·" by t11ese o·entlemen Tliere is _ from the '£own of llowmanv1lle ; and: the roads 1 " ·icl justed it arc good; th eScngogG1'av~l lt,~ad leacliug to pro I·" J ' · "' irnrer charity 'and a h olier life. · 1n · · ' Bl · I· T t 50 fu , , ti1at life when prnpcrlv represented t-0 t hem. D ti , t . 1 J.. Darlmgton s . ac ,. eas ii. c per · leading to Bowman ville, r uns throu~h it. lhe . ·are the best Vi\lue m the market. m rc1 1 . · eac l men. · · . ocs ie c1 ])welliug Houso is large and t.he Barns Rl;Jd "' -- · -- - -is short, t hat death 1s sure 1 So el.o these · Stablin g arc commodious and m good repair. 'l'ho F'ences are p;ood and there is thereon an 'L'nousANDS SAY So. Mr. 1'. W. Atkins, societies; they teach ·the brevity of life by, ' W e pay th e highest pr.ice Orchard of.about four acres. Ginul K:i.n. writ.,£: " I never hesitate to t he crublcm ·of a shepherd's ten t, which In cash fot eggs The terms of sale are one·tentdl ca.sh, at time recoin'mend ~our Electric Bitters t o my has no abiding place, from which the ini·We p:iy the high est price of sale ; enough to make 11p one·fourth of the monoy within one ·month from the purchase <:m;to> ncrn t he» give entire satisfaction ·tiated m<ty J.emm that "soon the wilder: In cash ,fo:r eggs dizy of sale the ha.lance of the purchase money !apid ·sellers." }<Jle?t~ic ~itters ness of this life will b e cr ossed, ,and t he and are 1 Murdoch B ros. to be paid in three e<)ual annual rnstalmeuts, .are tbe mll'ei;t and best med1cme .mown t ent poles -so .often taken down w ill be set with interest at the rate of seven per eent. per from the day of sale, and t o' be secured and wili positively. cure Kidney and Ln·er I up on t h e bank of the river of d eath." · We are crowdiid with stock in every annum . by mortgage of th~ propcrt.y. complaints. P urify t,hc ):>loo<~ a~cl regu - J N o ma:i:i can fook upon ithe h~ur glass ~n~~ 'dllpartnYent. Ettison & Co. .l!'urther particulars .and "conditiOos of sale can be ha,d from the AuctioM~r; at Hampton, late the bowels. .~ho fam1ly. can afford to I watch its sands run out 11 ithout ?en1:o , p t".. k · g us for bargains will not and the Vendors' Solicitor, ai Ol!hawa. be withont them. They will save hull- Iforcibly impressed that his own life is . b -J.~r IPB ~s ti~ , Elli&on & Co · 1 Dated 15th Mtmib. 1884. d r. e ds of dollitrs in doctor's .bills every speeding, like the !lying blast or the ffash- e ~a porn e. · , f D · G d. J..YM~N !'E NGLISH, year . Rokl at fifty cent s a bottle by J. ing light ning, and must soon re:teh the, Vfe a~e forcmg the sa1e o r esa 00 ·· lH,v, "Yendu'rs' SolicHor. RigginlHitham & Son. · .5hoi:es -0.f eter,nity.. Noman ,canl ook upon ·Elhson·· & Co , · SECRET SOCIETIES AND RELIGION. KE YST ONE &BOSS COLD SPRIN& DRY Goons: -AT- -BU"-Y- Y-0. - 0-R- Pierce & Robertson's, They have a magnificent stock of new goods to~ select from for the Spring Trade, and you will findl their prices to be as low as g~ods can possibly "be sold at; and as they do entirely a Cash business,. pay cash for their goods and save the discoun~ which amounts to considerable, therefore enabling· them to place their goods before the public at such prices that will command sale. They ask everyone to call and examine their stock and ·c ompare prices~ No trouble to show goods. ~Grocers' Q§! ·- -- - - - -- _ _. --- - -- -- Due Bills taken as Cash-~ - -- _ - - - --.... ~--- · I ¢ EDS, Scotch,. English, Irish & Canadian. A full line of English and French WORSTED COATINGS, the la.test. . designs in Blacks and' Fancies. , wr Suits to order made by the I No. 1 Tailor, W. Peardon . Owiug 'to the depressed state of the market, we have been enabled by purchasing for Cash, to get unprecedented value. in Black Gross Silks, Black French Cashmeres, Black Silk Crapes, Black Mourning Crapes, Ashton's Prints-200 pieces, Cottonades, Shirtings, Hat~, Caps, Gents' Furnishings, &c. 7 T. _ Q:EO. MASON. I ~t~ HOUSE IN ·NEADS' 'BLOCK, Where our customers can get the very best choice in ,, --- -- S HAS REMOVED TWO DOORS WEST S a · Gents' Furnishings, All New and Fresh. this Spring. -Our stock of_:_ ,r M English, Sc. otch and Canadian Tweeds a re the very best for Spring and Summer Suits. . Worsted Coatings in Great~ Variety, All .cheap for Cash, and· very cheap 'for our regular cust.o mers. V ·a Jos. Joffroy, lorcbantTailor. COUCH, JOHNSTON ~ CRYDERMAN V elvet and Tapestry 1 0 MORTGAGE SMC! Have received per ·Steamship Sarnia direct from the Manufacturers·John Crossly & Son's, . Halifax, England, an elegant stock of I ON SATURDAY,_ APRIL 12, 1 CA·R PETS I ~Gro0ers' ln th; ree and ;six quarter wi.dths. Having bought this lot o(,C arpets I dire ct from the manufacturers~-orCash, we , are able to sell them as low as they cam. ·,be S"C:>ld by any house in Ontario. COUCH, ~OHNSTON ,& l CRYDERMAN, . 0Re door W.est·of Post Office, Bowmanville. 1 '· Due Bills 1 taken as Cash.

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