j. K E YSTO NE &BOSS GOLD WATCH CASES, rn -C111J itud eee the- Tim Ontario Legislature was prorogued FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS EED WHEAT.-Defia.nce Whut for sale-about i 50 bushels. A ..-ood milling on Tuesday. The ·se$sion of 1884 will be WILL BE GIVEN AWAY. wheat and J?Ood to yield. Price $1.25 per bush. Con. 9, Lot 27. Clarke. ALBER'l' 'l'AMBLYN a memorable one in Canadian history. Cedardale Farm, Orono. U-3w. ' mu SPlllOlllE'l'Elt (lJVt:N l'JIEE. S S. h ow Room Opening I Tbe be>t make 1'1 " " N " 1t W!ii. n.e world nm al· .rnw1.:1,t1m.· CMD in a complete suit of Mail, with To sufferers and the medical profession. My motive is not one of money, but for their brazen Sh·ields how Meek the Bribery plotters look whilo B1mting against science and the good of humanity. To convince the public and prove to tho honor and honesty.-Uttawci Free Press. sceptical that the Spirometer is the best instrument ever invented for the treatAccoRTJING to Tory logic, persons who ment of clise:1ses of the air passages, ancl detect and expose crime ought to be that is all I have ever claimed for it, any one suft'ering from bronchitis, cat<trrh, catpunished as informers, and criminals arrhal deafness, asthma, weak lungs or should not be interfered with in their consumption, who will call at Ruebottom ·H ouse, Bowmanville, March 31st and little games. April 1st and consult the surgeons of the ¥VE shall act on the sugcrestfon we "ave International .Throat and Lung Inst~t~tc, " " can have a Spirometer free, the medicme~ last week aboutlthe trouble between the 1 .alone to be paid for. 1 do this to show employers ai1d employees of the Organ the confidence I have in the tren.tment, Factory, and refuse to publish the letters · and to convince the.medical profes~ion i.md since r eceived 011 that question. other~ who are still sceptical (notw1th· stanclmg the thousands of people who have been cured by it) tlmt the Spirometer I TORONTO is expending $30,000 for the have invented and the medicines and erection of new school houses, 11,nd tho treatment prescribed by · the surgeons of enlargement anc1 improvement of others, the International Throat and Lung Insti· tute m·e curing and will cure u farger perMight not Bowmanville expend $3,000 to centage of these diseases than any other advantage in lL similar manner ? treatment in the world. Formation write to Dr. M. Souville, cxaide surgeon of the Sm JoHN's latest move in connection French army,173 Church St. Toronto. variet.y, Prices modemte. Orders left with J & D. McDougall, (where a sample ma,- be seen), will receiv~ prompt attention. Apply to ~- & 'l'. H. MANN, lot 19, Broke1.1 Front, Dar11·4.w·· ington. EED W HE .A.. T.-THE UNDERS STGNF.D has a llmitetl quantity ot French Spring Wheat for sale. 'fhis is a very prolific J.H~RSDAY, FRIDAY &SATURDAY,. APRIL 3rd, 4th & 5th. We take pleasu:re in announcing that our display --OF-- P IANO, SECOND-HAND, FOR SALE. Price $100. Apply to 'l'nos. YEr.r.owr,Eli:S, Will ta~e place on April 3rd, 4th and 5t h, When we will show. a rich collection of Jqowers, Feathers, . ' Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Satins, Velvets, etc. ·OR SALE.-First Class F ann, being F . cempoeed South t Lot Oon., 'l.'own&h1p Cla.rke. For terms and particulars of of 32, 4. MISS · WHIN,--rON, of Montreal, has charge of the Millinery department. apply to J. G. Rlll'IWICK,Orono P. ARMOUR, Bowmanville. TO o.. or RoBEHT tf. first- with the :M'.cCitrthyAct is a ·practical i~peal WrnE AWAKE DRUGGISTs.-Messrs J. of it. H e orders that the penalties under it Higginbotham & Son are always alive t o be not enforced till the question of juris- their buisness, and spare no pains to sedict ion is settled. Tlrnt ends it. cure the best of every article in their line. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. They have ,secured tlie agency for the Sm CHARLES TUPI'ER admitted the oth- celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for BOWl\UNVILLE STATION .AND TlME, Consumption. The only certain cure er night that Big Push Wilkinson has known for consumption, Coughs, Colds, GOING BAS1' GOING WB8T been paid $3,G5G for work done for the Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, BronExpress ..... ..8.52 a m J.ocal.......... 7.21 a m :Mixed . ....... ,.1.05 p m E xpt'4JSS ...... S.17 a m government since October, 1882. Wonder chitis, or any 'hffection of the Throat and Local ........ .. 7.IO µm MixC'd ...... .. 3.30 p 01 ,Express....... 9.illl p m ]<;x tJre~a ...... 8.15 p m how much he was to get for defeating the and Lungs . Sold on a positi,re guar:m1tee. Trial Bot tles free, R egular size $1.00. Mowat government? F.or particulars apply to H . BEI'l~H. Bowm1mv1lle, or R.R. LOSCOMJ?E, Barrister, Hf. LOAN .-A few thousand M ONEY dollars, private funds, to loan on cla.ss far!ll securit.y, at the lowest current rate8. All orders promptly executed. I ca.n learn the exact cost ot any proposed line of ADTER'l'ISH<G In American Newspapers. lJll!.I110·11nge Pamphlet, Ille. " '" IH' ·:·~TIS 1nu; by addres,slng GEO, P. .l1.. RO\Vt,J,J, ·" ()., 10 Spruco 8t., New York PIERCE & ROBERTSON·. HOUSE N.t! A full stock of AFTER takiug a mass of evidence in the Wilkinson -Bunting-Kirkland Bribery BOWMANVILLJ£, FRIDA. Y, MARCH 28. case argument has been reserved till Tuesday before the Police Court, and the Legislature has referred their case to a THE SCOTT ACT. commission of Judges . . There wa.s a goon attemfance of t emper THE Qllchec Liberals won a signal vicance men in Cohourg on 'l'uesclay to con· Wednesday, when there were We pa.y the highest price sider the u.Llvisttbility of submitting the tory on " In cash for eggs Scott Act in these United Counties. Rev. contests in five constituences. 'l'heLiberals ,, - (o)We pay the highest price T. Cleworth, of Ci:lrtwright, was called to carried t hree. seats out of the four h ea.rd llte Undersigned has received instructions In ca5h for eggs the chair. ' After reception of delegates from, including two Tory strong-holds. Murdoch Bros. -from and r eading of letters, it was moved by Toryism is doomed in Quebec. We are crowded with stock in 6\·ery R ev. Isaac v\'eldon, seconded by Capt. department. Ellison & Co. .J1m,aa P1·~~ton 1 THE Montreal Gazette-Corrnervative. P~rties ~·k i!J.~{ms for bargains will not - To Sell by Public Auction" That this conven.tiQn recommend the truthfully says :- The conduct of Kirkland be :l1~pP<!~ated. Ellison (!,[, Co. subn~is~ion of the O~ni).<lr;, 1t1em~-i,1~~e:~~t and Wi~kinson deserves the se~::,~~ (1VlTDOUT JtllSER'\'EI to ~he .vote of the people of tl\esG't;) · ell .r.eprobat1011. as we h1we nr ' - . Countre~, at 1;~ e<;dy 11 \lay I\~ pi·acticiiblu~ j" -~~- ~· ~ -~ :. :;::. ; ~-:.-V hesitated to After oonsiderable discussion the.J:>-·-·". : 11omt out, aucl the pllmshment that may wns unanimously Cll.n~iocl. ,otion follow thoir plot will be richly deserved. DARLINGTON, !I. new bu8iness at their hornf:l~, easily learned in an hour. No peddling. 'J'en cents to fifty cents an hour ma11e daytime or e'Tening Send 'l'en Conts for 'l'wenty Samples to comAddress As a sure r1m1edy for Sick Headache, mence work on. H. c; . l'AY, ltntlnnd, l'e1·nao11t. Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, 'l'orpid Liver, Biliousness, $250 ·ro $~,oou ON .MARRIAGE. Ladies &c., no medicine is equal to Dr. Baxter's and Gentlemen . .Apply immediately, N, CunnY, J , P., Sec.-Treas.. London, Ont, Ma.nclrake B itters. 25 cents per bottle.// R. Agents wanted. Our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing ~ UNRESERVED ·g is complete. Ellison & Co. We offer rare value iu Prints,-fast colors at lOc. Ellison & Co. W -A.N1't:D-MEN - -- -----· - . I AND WOMEN ST.AR'l ' 'l'O TWEfDS,. Scotch, English, Irish & . .: Canadian. A full line of English and French WORSTED COATINGS, the latest., . designs in Blacks and Fancies. AUCTION SALE. Suits to order made by the Mr. GEORGE WIGHT No.1 Tailor,W. Peardon~ . Owing to the depressed state of t he market, we have been enabled by purchasing for Cash, to get unprecedented value in ON LOT,5CON.3, · ,evens, of Maple Grove, were l>l'Cll"' . nt from this part of the county. l\!r, J .. H. ~m·.v ""of Bown1anville, and J.\fr. JMob !Ol· ··' . ·· ~ THE SALVATION ARMY. 30 YEARS. ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, Black Gross Silks, Black French Cashn1eres, .. Black Silk Crapes, Black Mourning Crapes,, Ashton's Prints-200 pieces, Cottonades, Shirt.... The S1Llv;ition Army is doing a grand I tako pleasure in cerLifying that I have sold l'he following Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, etc. : work in Bowmanville. It matters little r. Wistar's U11lsam of Wild Uherry for Lhirty -THE f>OMINION LICENSE ACT wh:it may be said <tbout their peculiar y ars, and know it t.o be 9ne JJf the. ol(lest us 1 goneraL purpose m~e. 1we1u:a. okL; conduct and method of co11ducting their w 1 i>s the most r"liable preparations ii:i. t1 o 1 horse, 6 years old- Crown Imperial ; services, that they a.re doing great good m ·ket for the cure of Coughs, Colds, and 1 yearling filly, by B:mm. Lennox ; Sir John n.nd hia license law, known as cannot be doubted. No such revival has :i,.,u g Complaints. I know of no article that 1 general pur1 Dose horse, aged; 7 cows, ths l\IIcCarthy Act, !ms at last come to a ever taken place in this town as the on e glv a greater satisfaction to those who use it. i calf ; 2 steers, 2 years old ; 3 f Ting seld Pet·nvian Syrup for many years, ste ra_, 1 ye:tr old ; 2 heifers, 1 year old ; standstill. When he first uttered the now in progress by the Army. They an knowing that its uso has bcon attended 7 spring calves ; 11 Leicester ewes, in tlu:cat (unworthy of a prime minister) in began to hold services here on Sunday great succes lo cases of: Dyspepsia, generweek, and up t.o Wednesday 142 adults the villag.e of Yorkville regarding- this and about 60 children have sought and a Eltlil!ty of the System, and diset<Ses origin- famb ; 5 ye·trling lambs ; 1 L eicester ram ·; 2 hogs, 6 months old ; i)atent arm lumber ing in a bad state of the blood, I e.m satisfied wagon, wooden :txle wagon , pair trucks, license business, people imngined his head profess to hnve found Christ. Wha.t is that it is a remedy of greiit power and deserv- cutter, ple<tsure sleigh, bobsleigh, iron was turned, but when he proceeded to more r ernarkable, the majority of the es the attention of invalids. I 11m yet to he11r carry into execution his rash statement it· conv·erts are persons who seldom at nd the first eomplaint against either of the above cultivator, turnip cultivator, Buckeye the churches and t h ey include ma . who "\vas folt he meant n.11 h e had affirmed. have been the most openl\y wic preparations. I contlider them art icles of great grain drill, 2 fanning mills, gang plow, 2 i n the· merit aad have always talten muoh pleasure in plows-No. 13, 1 plow- Hill's Patent, 1 With all the indiscretions commit ted by town. Chief Constable Coleman remarkrecommending them to parties requiring such one-horse plow, hill-side plow, chaff cuthim in his public policy, few were prepar- ed this week that n early every young man r&medie.. ter, Pitt horse power, root slicer, 3 sets R. FOTHERGILL, ·ed his professional wooden harrows, roller, 2 sets double hared, even of his own party, to witness such in town who has r equi1 Newcastle. Ont. Dec. 8th, 1882. ness, whiflietrees, neckyokes, forks, hoes, s11ipwreck as he has made of this license services during the past year is now a member of the Army, ;and it is really spades, and other articles too numerous ro:itter. He was urged by all opposecl to true. No one who wit!llesses the faithful to mention ; also u. quant ity of good l1im on party grounds, that he had no labors of the three d evoted Christian household furniture. case, that the Crooks Act was in for ce, ladies who are conducting these services Sale begins at 1 o'clock, sharp. nnd that neither the determined wish of h ere in presenting ;cn~rist and salvation TERMS.- For all sums of $10.00 and through faith in D.ifan to sim~ers can t h e Dominion government, nor the cute doubt that Christ .is with them and blessunder, cash ; over that amount, 7 months' credit on appr oved notes. legal knowledge of its premier, could ing abundantly their efforts. Not only is H. 'l'. Pill LLIPS, Auctioneer. wrest the power from the Local Legisla- good being done to those who go forward -13. Darlington, March 22, 1885. ture, nor show the little tyrant, Mowat, and ally themselves with th e Army, but professing christians are being quickened that he was in error in maintaining 011ancl stirred up to greater earnestness and ·tario',5 righ ts. By force of majority . Sir a closer walking with God. Some, too, .John ha<l his Act prepitred ~in d passed, and frum attendance at the Army meetings whilst it contained some exc·ellent pro- are seriously moved on account of their sins and go to th e C( M. church, where visions, it was felt that sucl). an Act could special revival services are in prog-ress, never come in force unless indeed the and present themselucs nt the mercy seat. Pro\·incial 1icei1se laws had l1een greatly We seriously believe that all the churches BOW-MANVILLE, misunderstood, and though urged by some in town will be benefitted by the coming of his followers to retrace his steps liefm:e of the Salvation Army, though many h old Manufacturer and Dealer in Pumps of the opinion, rightly or wrongly, that the - all kinds,CQl!ision became a n ecessity, the great ministers" of some of the ·c hurch es n.re RU.BBER BUCKETS, constitutional lawyer had not the noble- jealous of the Salvationists-. But notWIND MlL,LS, noss of purpose to undo what he in his withstanding the religious fervorn1:>w preWINDOW SHADES, :fol.ly threatened to carry into execution, vailing in the churches many goed 'Christian and General Jobber in and as a consec1t1e11ce thrnw the whole people are to be seen! eS~el')l· night at the Town Hall assisting t 1e a vationists. On CA.RPENTER WOltK. license business into chaos. Tuesday night R ev. Mr. Warriner (Con- I !>hDl· 011pDsite T1·e1e·v en's Shoe Store. 'l'heOntario government, like reasonable grc~ational) rendered much appreciat~cl ; tlowmanville, M11rch 26, 188!. 13-Hm. men, when they saw the length the Ottawa assistance and seemed to entei· heartily government Jrnd gune, fon rnrded a propo- ·into the spirit of the meeting. The Sal' f his powder nev· e r varies, A marvA! ot vn.tion A.my an<l their work is t he a.J.l purity, strength 1md wholesomeness. More llition, viz., to get an opinion from the absorbiug topic of t he day- on the streets, economical thf1.n the ordinary kinds/ and can· be sold in competition with tho IUJultitude Privy Council befor e putting the McCcirthy in the shops, a\1c1 at the homes of the not r phosphate of low test, sherr. weight, alum o. Act in force, and thus prevent any collis- citizens, and very few have been heard to powders. Soldl/J?tlV ; n cans. HOYAL BAKING them and ma.ke them look like new ones. · 1 · l t B t speak disrespectfully of them. We are POWDER Co.. 10& Wall-st. N. Y. s1.0n ie,,ween t ie two governmen s. u told t hat the billarcl rooms and hotels· are Ladies' Ostrich feathers cleaned and dyed. Secondhandclothl, ngptpa. k eitnein exchange . ES.All this was refused. When t he present ses- almost deserted by those who have been work warrantecl at PEA'l'E'S DYi:ING N tw '.J\ourrti.acm.cnt.s. 'l'ABLISHMEN'l' 0 0 8 'l'relevan'a Shoe sion convened, however, and the machin- regular frequenter s. ery of the Act began to he put in motion, Capt.- Ac111 Hin~ is well. fitted for ~he ANT GIRL WANTED at once. :aome of his own followers pointed out the noble work. m wlnch she is engaged ; m - ~ ERV Good wages. Apply r.o Mml. J. MAYNARD, . " , ... . · . 1. '"' f· , 1 . deed, t he mftuence she exerts over the Centre Street, or at Maynard's Jev1elry Htore. .evil c<mse.1uencvs of proceec m., art rni, crowds that are to be found in the Hall 13-tf. :mcl t,hree notices 9f motion to r epe:1l the every night is something remarkable. No U RNIP S WANTE.D. - A few carAct were tabled, two of them from his o}Vn m11n co uld control the audience as she & of goocl sound ·f urnlps wanted at supporters, Sir John came to himself, and docs. I~c~· assista,nts, Lieut. ~t!Lcey and once,loads Apply to W , QUlCK. with Murdoch . . Cadet Millikan <tte also well smtecl for t he llr~ .. or at the 8 'l'A'.l'J£S:i.uN Offioe. l.3-2w. by ". rcsolutwn emm:01tmg from the work, 0111d togethe1· they are bringing about prenuer, the Act ·was vll'tm1lly ruled ouL a wonderful refornrntion in tl1is town. :SEED PEAS. - For sale a qua.ntitv of .As paying as any agency in tho world. }'or I .Marrowfat Peas, warr&nted pure and· free' fullparticulars,free,address H,C.TUNISON of existence. Goel speed t hem in their glorious work. lrc in noxious seeds. J 0 H N VANNEST, =~~.·~~:~~~~.3881Uclimoncl Slrt:et, J,~~! .As a constitutional hnvyer, we fear Sir Referrjng to th e departure of Miss Hind SOLJNA. . 9. from Kingston, the Whig says :-Last John is losing caste, and determined evening Lieut. Ada, H ind, of L h e Salvation RICK HOUSE FOR SALE OH. TO t.hough he be to crush the little tyrnnt, Army, ba.(le farewell to Kingston. She RENIJ'. -'l'hird house west of Porter's For particulars_ apply Lo J, K. UALMowat, there are r.pparently obstacles in said she was sorry to leave the city, but it Founnry. BRAl'l.'rI, Banister ; or WM. CR.A. WFORD, 13-lw·'. the way, and rights which as a province we was the will of God and sh e felt satisfieu. Proprietoi". Lieut. Hind goes to Bowmanville and hold in dcfo.mcc of th e slavish majority ORSES W ANTED.A car-load of ta.Ices charge of a corps as Captain. Miss He11vy Horses, from 1.50~ lbs. and up· who bow at his n1><lcling. Hind proved while here to be a thorough wards; one oo,r-load ot Gcncr111,Purpose Horses and devoted Christian. 'We wish her from l,100 to 1,300 lbs.; and a .f.ow good Stylish Drivers; ene Gray Horse, 16 handi, over 1,200 Healbh is a duty, Disease a crime. Use success in h er new charge. lbs.. with_ good life, one with l!lack s1iots pre· ferred. Persons having hor8'il~ of the a.hove Dr. Henry E::ixt er's J\fancl.r ake Bitters classes· to ecll brillg them to llowmanand be cljred of all biliousness or liver T. Darlington's Black Teall at 50c per lb. ville er write sht>uld me particulaa:s at once wh<ire I trouble. 25 cents will buy a large bottle.JIj sre the beet value in the market. can see them. ·st"EPHEN COTTON. 12-Zl'I" ings, Hat~, Caps, Gents' Furnishings, &c. T. ~t... HOUSE IN NE ADS' BLOCK, Where our customers can get the very best choice in ,, EQ.MA·SON~ -_L±:sas:e·· ------=-.--· HAS REMOVED TWO DOORS WEST Gents' Furnishings, All New and Fresh this Spring. -Our stock of- English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds are the very best for Spring and S ummer Suits. tJ4 1f4G W.C.TYLER, PUMPS! ----- Worsted Coatings in Great Variety,. All cheap for Cash, and very cheap for our, regular customers. Jos. Joffrny, Morchan~ Tailor.. COUCH, JOHNSTON I CRYDERMAN Have received per Steamship Sarnia direct from the Manufacturers --John Crossly & Son's, Halifax, England, an elegant stock of' PO DER Absolutely Pure. Dyeing but not Dead. (j..~~~L!~~~n ~~ur,o~ot~::~ c:::~s:~ v e 1vet · an d T apest. ry I a T WANlio~ATUN~si;;, CAR PE New Super10r Canada Maps and Charts, S B PATENTS - H In three and six quarter widths. H av1ng . b ought th" IS 10 t 0 f c . arpets ---------------- direct from the manufacturers forCash, we are able ta sell them as low as tr.Ley can be sold by any house in Ontario. COUCH, JOliNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One dool' West of Post Office, Bowmanville. . G rocers' Due Bills taken as Cash.