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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1884, p. 5

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DANGE~~~ TIMES 11 ~~~-~~!~~~~~~tata~raan tf0ARMS!lltro ARMS!I )B~::· :::R~::::::~· --=-·· Engla.nd expects every man do pis duty." t · 1 Arpers Mauazine for April well illusLadies, see Borland's fine foot wear. trates thil capabilities of that periodical in Mr. S. Cotton is 'out in the north counboth the literary and the artistic :field. I try buying h orses. The variety of its contents is !tremarkable --= -The Guide calls the West Dm·ham N ews feature. The Growth of Myth, by Edward Clod, t t These are darn~erons times and every man, "a T ory pape r." l?ic !f d 0f S · F.R.A ,S. ; price. 15 cents, .J. Fitzgerald, 0 0 S S. wom 1 m and child sb.onld prepare for it by Last Friday was the irst ay prmg fortifyhig · their systems Hi;l»inet the and it was a spring day. 20 Lafayette Place, New Yf>rk. 'l'h1s work forms No. 54 of the "Humboldt Library · · . · attacks (lf disAastt by using that great Mr. Geo. ·wright and family were visitof Popular Science. " 12. Town Hall Buildings, Bowmanville. BloocL Purifyer-The ing friends h ere recently. 'rhe Maroh numLer of the Minnehahan The Scott Act was can-ied in Oxford is as usutil filled with tho choicestre ading County by about 800 majority. matter and sust:1ins the high re1 .mtation Tumips wo:mood. See advertisement . deservedly 1 1ttained by this .Tournal, CochWhich bas no equal as a Tonic and 'Blood Servant girls wanted. See advt. Parifier. So thoroughly does this wonderrane & Dobbyn, Pubs, Minn<:Japolis, Minn. A contingent «:>f the Saved Army were to ful combination cleanse the system that 'J'he Elcctrx is a 60'p. p. magazine devotit has been s·10cessful in curiug many attack Newcastle on Wednesday night. ed to literature of t he most profitable charFor a n ice f~tting pattern get Butterdisea.ses arisuw fr()m i~npurity of the blood acter for young peopl<:J, and is worthy a 11nch as Catar~h, &c., which were, p11e- iok's. Thos. Yellowloes. ' place in every home. 'l'he March No. is vious to its discovery, oonside1·ed inclllr· Mr. Jas. St;b1rut, of Cobourg, called on excoption:illy good. $2 a year. I. M. able. We give one out of the hundred·s us on " Wednesday. His sister is quite Leyburn, Pub., Louisville, Ky. Having just opened up a very large stock of of testimonials we are constantly receiving: unwell just l~©w. At the Victoria Buildings Mr. li'. Borfand is th e first to announce I In the 'rown of Bowman ville, DEAR su~ti,-For over 20 years I h1i.ve You'll find te.as of all kinds suffored gireatiy from Nasal Catarrh,some- arrival of spring stock of boots and shoes. times being unable to smell or taste pro- Read his ue'v advt. The best for t.he money to be had. perlv. The disease cautied a severe p»in Murdoch Bros. All tl1e newspaper men ini Bowmanvillc -0ver t.he eves, and frequently atopping are sons of ministers, except one, and his We have received from the old Travelers Mr. W. Ferguson has sold his farm in my writinf(.on accouut of dizziness. 'The grandfather was a preacher. Cartwright to Mr.J.SandersonofCavan.nsurn.nce Company, of Hurtford, a copy phle"m in my throat gave me much an· Two mare persons wlm gave up the of the official engraving of the Bartholdi iwres for$ ll,OOO. 0 Suitable for the Spring and Summer trade. noyll.uce, especially .in company, balls of STA'l'ESMAl" at the cud of .tlrn year sub· 160 We call attention to the new adv . of Statue to be placed in New York harbor. which would occasion9lly fall down into scribed for it again last Fn.ii.day. Mi·. J. Elliott. He a.lwavs keei)s 11 choice It is the only correct picture of that noble my thrnat, and I -0ould seldom breathe I am prepare,d to give goods at very low prices for CA SH only, as; I ·11· 1 1 M r. R.. B · W 1 r<unson "ua d a coses rnve and chea1> assortm . ent ofJ family groceries . . gift, and faithfully rer)resents to the eye, throu~h my nose. [ have taken <tUarts .oni Tuesday evening, by a piaJJ.o falling the enormous statue, completed and in the have fully decided to sell goods on t he Cash System, t h us avoiding of :various medicines witbont any appa.rent upon him. His injuries .are not serious. . " Wingham has three local lmpe1·s. One midst of its magnificent surroundings. bef ~mt until I was induced by your agent R ev. w. Mitchell, formerly of Mill- of them is in fina.ncutl difficulty . How The A rt Iuterchange of March 13th con- losses which arc constantly occuring Jrom Uredit Btrnin~ss, and which uf~ Mute;r Street to try your "Fountain hrook, lias sufficiently recovered from long before the same will be said of this tains eighteen colums of questionns and have to be made up by good paying customers. of Ftealth." After u~in)( five bottles J am answers, in which every topic bearing prepared to give it as my honest nµinion mental .d iseaso to resmne his pastoral town1 . Miss Whinton,lms retumed from M on- upon art is intelligently discussed. The No. that fol' tlte cure ·of Catar·rh it 1s a g.rand rlutfos.. · 1 1 u1vmg accept e d th e managemcn t of March 27th will conta in two colored I ant.showinocr an extra ordinary fine lot t rea' sucooee. I have recommended it to many r ·ce ancl n "obe1·tso1 1's M1·11 1 · 11ery stutlies by Miss Carolin:t Townsend one of my friends, one of whom encioses his of wall lJa{)er-smn1Jles; be sure and inspect 0 f l 101 suitahle for bo dee()! and b efore making apurchase.- 'l'homas Boons · 1 · cl ating a hand-bag, T testimouial with mine. Wishing you them . Yellu.wJ.ees. l"teader, if you are interested in bird the other a r er for sten<:J mg or cmdeserved success. · t D C broidery. Published by William Whit· d dl . 1 am gratefully yours, "· '"r. 'Geo. " '1'ght's sa . le i"s worthy the nugrat10n, sen your a cress o r. . 1 40 N S N y k S iu " H ".. · L t G N 1 assnu treet, ew or . amJosB:PH BRowN, ·1ttent1"·'11 of f,..·1 ·1ner·s. He has a fine lot of · art H.Lerriam, ocus rove, · y ·, f or Joe-, < v ple. copy on receipt of 10 cents. 1 :Book-ktiepcr, 25 Sherbourne St.,Toronto. stock, im1)lements, etc. Sae full list in cn·cu ars. adve:utisement. . Mr. D . J . Goggin was publicly present'I'he American .Aqricu.lt1iri. 1t for April STAND :- Neads' Block, next to L ee & Edsall's. 'tl1 a very va 1uau L! ·1ver service · 1884 is -.a rrii " ·t, ··'-e ' Ve \l'.e~.e 1n ade t.o say t.hat ecl w1 e s1 l the fullest , number issue during its B.y a.all So11, Montreal , would on tlie eve o· . ep11rt uro fTom 1=>or, 1~0 . .existence, . I containing no . ·tK .,\.,. ' · f Iws t 1 forty-t 1ree years 71. ~ ·m · ,--_·.-~ John Dou~" H f w· ·. d ess tlmn u ongmal artic es and 104 uri:Pha:rmaceutical Chemists. Towm Hall solld 1tl1c W·>bkl.it Witness six months for · ope or rnmpeg. · 11 'llus t rat10ns · l engravmgs, · b y 1ond vv gina anc Bfilek. , sole.Agents for Bowmamrille. 2u cents. We should .:h ave said the Weekly DYEI.NG.- Lcav:e your Plumes, Dresses, ring writs and artists, on t im ely topics - -- - ·-------· - --.. --- ------ ·- ····----·- ·- 1\1essenger. Sashes, Table oover s, Curkiins &c, at pertaining to the l!'arm, Garden, and A .handsome n ew fw:niture wagon has V;uiety Hall and have them dyed to look Household. All the subjects are treated UC IS just.been turneu o.ut of Morris' Carriage as good as new. 'l'. Yellowlees. in a plain, simple rnannet', so as to present Works for the Up,per Canada l!'urniturG P<trties desirous of sending for t heir a vast amount of useful, practical inforCo. Morris is making :wtive prepa.rations friends in the o1d country or of taking a mation in a readable, entertaining style. e for the spring out-:Put. trip t.h emselves will do well to purchase Siiy, friend, I'll tell you what I know, That charming children's monthlytheir tickets at Variety Hall. T. Yellowlees. And if you'll take advice, WMW· '" ,Our Little Onos" for April is hero. Rev. W. A. McKay, B .A., of Clia.lrners Yon buy your goods in Murdoch's store, Parents .o.f young children should send 10 Ch urch, Woodstock, was recently presentThey'll please you with the price. cents for .a sample copy to Russell Pub. ed by the yo ung people of his congrega- If from friend Dick the goods you b uy, -AT1 .Co., Boston, l\ fa~s. tion with an .a ddress and fine tea service. You'll n e'er have cause to fret ; We are great~y pleased to be able to say Mr. llfathew- Elliot, of Kingston, bought I've purchased all my groceries t here, And never r ued it yet. -that tho ,circulation of the STATESMAN is of Mr. .Tohn R. Cole, of Darlington, eleven : ,g:1~eatcr than it was la.st year and grenter of the best cattle probably ever fed in the L ·ez NOTHING BUT BONES. ; t han ithas.everbeenbefore. Manythanks township, at$84per h ead, to be shipped Editoi·State:imaii. · .detir frie. n ds for your . k ind assistance. to England. Flesh, muscle and mind alike deteriorate . R J D ,k A travelling shoddy cloth pedlar named 'l'he indiviclual in this town who correst 1 -wheR t1i.e stomacl1 fails to perform its .duty, , Lasht ~abbatl . etvernrti~ ev. ' Jtl e J. Maloney, of Toronto, was brought be· poll.ds to The Toronto Evening News is a eXC ... the ·bowels ref" se t o accomplish the task ' preac. e"' .a very in_eres i.ng sermon on 1.e d . ~ l .,,. cl o f f tl . ~ ~ ill concucc I l .11s ti forer-thc Police-Ma1!isbraie yesterday and cce1ver, a ....a s111.er, an ,,.. ~i·f o o 11s .... ~t·-eihasassigoecl-them. Wheavneof th .. I P.r od1gaJ . .Son. . .H 0 w· ~ t' d' tl 'XT d . d 1 1011 a.ppeare m -? ~·b t Sa.a1cvoning, bb tl fined ~ c.5 and costs, $7 .50, for sellin!! ay · · thebodyisdiseasedalilthe !l'e.st : mtcrestmg.suJCCtn.ex ~ with- assor· f l' i le · J.· ews f " e nos t tl <,rgims.of evemng ns pe 1 actually m r e erence o 1e sy moathisewitl1 it. It is, therefore, readily when a wery profita ble t u ue may L · e out a license. Salvation rom Army. He m entioned · u nder.stood how:ea.syit is to get tla.emachin- expected. Wit.Ii the opening of spring Mr. W. Mc the irnnws of a number of our prominent TIJ)<; GREAT ""Al.. E O·F 'l'HOSE cry<"! t.he bod,f OUt of ge!l~· andhownecesMr. Wm.. Ginn, of Dominion City, Man., Murtry,ofthe WestEndDryGovds Rous~, citizens, and asserted that they had joined sary it as . t o ha·v e a medi.cu:.ie on hand tha.t ·called to .see us last ~veck. Ho is spendin·Y has opened out a well assorted stock and the Army and were decorated with red vou c1111 rcly . u pon t o put rt m gear, f!uch as . .· l 1 · f .· d , d C· ·l,.., d t' t · " · llection N ortluo & Lyman's Vegetable Diaeovery' .a few weeks \Ht l .·HS · nen s ..arnun . aL - per n ver is~men mvhes m s . . colors and med:1.ls. l b.is is simply a prethe iu.eleine that purifies the bloe<i, cures mus. He very w~sely subscubed for the Call and examine. meditated, deliberate falsehood, and we llead:i.ehe, Kidney Diseases, Costiveness, STAT~SMAN so as to get the "West Durham Messrs. P ierce & Robertson's spring hope this will be published for the purpose millinery openin g will take ])lace ne.xt of informing the editor of t he News that Dyspepsia, and xestores the broken .down. to n ews m future. hea.lth. :an~ stren$~h. . . Spe.Giimen copies . o f the RiimlNew Yorker Thursday, .Frid:.. y and Sa~urday. 1\lbss his Bowmanville correspondent is an umeGive tlus mec~1cm? a fair tr~ al! and '!Ve feel which fua·nish a full account of th e presen t Wl1inton is iu charge and will have a very liable person, and that his letters are .confident that · I t will not fail 111 dorn.g all. Seed Dist:iributi.o11 with uriCfinal engrav- attractive exhiLitinn. '· annoying to those who have ::my r egard that it i.s represea.ted to do. in"s will be sent 'to any OU!' readers Mr. A. L. Va.nstone has J·ust returne for the truth. IS SOlllE'J.'DING ENOR:VIOUS'. " ' apply to the RuRi1.J,NEwY01m.ER, . who 34 from Torontoandreportshisbrotherinlaw, 0.BSERVER. Park Row, New Y.ork . Mr. 'l'hos .·T. Mason, who was so seriously March 27th, 1884. Their Fancy Furnishing Goods such as Ladies' and Genfa:i' Collars, Ties' The superiori.t'Y of Mother GraTes' 'Worm A n os.te.e med Newcastle subscriber inj urcu by fulling from a building last Exterminator is :s'bown by its good etrects 011 writes: DEAR Sni,- I hope you will ex- week, as in a fair way to recovery. Neckerchiefs and Handkerchiefs are th~ most novel of any AUCTION SALES. the children. P<!lr-0basa a bottle and give it a cuse me fo1· neglecting so long to send that 'ro ARMS! To ARMS! An effective weapgoods seen in that line before. trial . dolla.r for the S:rA'rESMAN ; but I am now on to use during t he Scott Act Campaign A FIELD OF C.oRN.- Thomas Sabin, or Eg' t ired of reading yonr paper, and after this is }Vm· Notes, a new paper j ust issued by WEDNESDAY, APitIL 2.- Mr. Geo. Vir1ght, J_,ot 5, Con. 3, Darlington, will 3ell his Gentlemen's Shirts in the Finest Cambric and French Persale from 75c; lingLon. says :-" I have used Hllllaway·s Corn I shall have the pleasure of·reading m y own. J olm Dougall & S0:n, Montreal. Twenty vahrn.ble farm stock and implements, upwards; Braces from lOc. up~ards; Rubber Coats in endless variety; C<ure with the best !'esults, havi ng removed ten 'Ve a.re i1l oased to see . t hat Mr. F . Bor· copies ever y week for G months, $1.00 ! without ro:serve. Sale at one o'clock. corns from my feet. It is not a half way cure land has decided to carry on a cash busi- ·Send for a smnple number. Se.:1 posters. H. T. Phillips, Auctioneer. in our Hats, Caps a nd 'f urba.ns we have all the leading styles ; in our ()f reliever, but a complete extinguishe1·, leavness in future. ' Ve alway.I! advocate it as We have a full supply ing the akin smooth ~nd clear from the least B" Pernons ordering sale bills at the Clothing Department we have the finest Scotch and English W orstecls. better for both buyer and seller. Buy Of choice r ed.clover, appearance or the Corns." STA.Tl':SMAN office will receive notice similar ±or Suiting and Coating. We can give you an Elegant only what is needed and pay ca.sh for it. Alsike clover.and grass seeds to f;h,e above FREE of charge, On hand; a ca1l solicited. Joseph Rusan, 'Percy, w1;ites: ',' ~ wa;s See Borland's nice stock o.f booLs & shoes. Dear friends, as you re<td week after Murdoch Bros. induced to try Di'. Thomas EleotrlC 011 BIRTHS. for lameness which troubled me for three week the STATESMAN 11n.d · r eulii1e what a Messrs. Moffat Brns.., of Paw Paw, Ill., er four years, and I found it the b'est ar- bright, n ewsy, useful a n d · e nj oyable were here this week and bought from P ARR-Near Enfield, on the 20th inst., the ticle I ever used. It has been a great paper it is, think if you luiw.e not a n eigh- Messrs. R. Beith &Co.., th1it famous young w· r. Ja. s. Parr, jr., ot a. daughter. STA.PT.Es-In D111rlln1tton, on the 21st inst., .._hlessi11" to me." Frauds may imitate Dr. bor or friend who does not .t ake it. Can't imported Clydesdale s tallion,, "Corsair" the wife of Mr A.lex. Stapies of a. son. 'homa~ Electric Oil in appearance and yo u do a littl e missionary wm·1 t by b ring(1416 B. C. S.) nt a h.igh fi~ure. Th~y "",.--- - - - -- - - - - -- -- name, but in everything else they are dead in" it to th eir attention, and sending us are the lea.ding breeder.s and unporters m th~ir subscription. Only 7.5c. for balance tho State and" Corsair ' ' will be a valuable failures. at the of 1884. addition to th eir stud of Clyclesdalcs. rceidcnco or the bride's parents, on the 26th M r. T. C, Wells, Chemist and Druggist, Our readers are reminded tllat the subAt the last regular meeting of Bowma by and Elder Sheppard, Mr. John Gaud, con· ~ Port Colborrte, Ont , writes . " Northrop .scription se:ison is not ended. W o take ville Division, No. 39, :S ons of Ternper- inst., tractor, Miss Annie R. Windatt, daughter & Lyman's Vegetable Disco~ery and Dys- subscriptions for t lu;ee mo;n.ths at .25c., 6 ance the following oflicera were elected:- f Richard Windatt, Esq., 1'own Clerk peptic Cure sells well, and ~iv es the best mos. at 50c. , !) mos. at '75c., and a year at w. P., .A. L . Vanstone; W. A., Edwin SQuA.rn- PROll'l'-.At the family residence o . · · t e bride, <>n the 21st inst., by the Re' '. .A.. of satisfaction. for all diseases of the blood. $ 1.00. Bear in mind that we are bound W t t R S J L All' A . R .. S ., ,. . m ; 'chard, Mr. Francis Sqnair to Miss Clara Bowmanville, March 20, 1884. 12. es cot ; . ., it never fails to root out all diseases from to send you a paper t hat will make us S. A. Jewell. F. s., T. Jeffery; Treas, I\ tilda Prout, all of Darlington. . - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - :the system, curea Dyspepsia, Liver CoJ?- bf)ttcr friends than ever. S1)eak a good R w· d tt ).I ddY.; c on., 1~ a ; uiap., l.T \' ' r:T~ :.. :plaint etc., purifies the blood , and will word for us, and h elp to swell our already H·· N 111 -' J . SPRIN""G~ . ott ; A . C. , W m . All m; I . S . , a. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, make you look the picture of health and large list of subscribers. J_,, Keddie; O. S., P. Grant. , :happiness.___ _ Mr. 'vVm. Ormiston, Jr., of "Robin H ill Housekeepers requiring a new Corrected up to 1 o'clock p .m. every Thuraday BY J.&D. M<iDOUOAJ,L. MRs. GEOlWE SIMPSON, T oronto, Farm," East Whitby, sold four of his should n ot fail to call and inspect the cattle last week to Mr. Jos. Gould for elegnnt n ew stock of t:t1)estry and velvet F l our, per 100 lb .. . . .. $2 75 . . · t o .. $3 00 says:- ! have suffered severely with corns. fat ~ l. t f $380 f ] 0 s upmen ·o~· or .an :werage carr)ets J . ust received by Coucl1,J ohnston & F 11 Wh t b us h . · . . O " 5 . . t 0 · · 1 00 a nd unable to get r elief from treatment ~aster h . 3 f th d n f a ca 'per " e~i.are un er a year s 0 · Cryderman. H a ving imported those goods SpringWheat, per bush : 1 00 .. to .. 1 07 -0f auy kind until I was recomended to try $ !Jo ap,1~c~ ·. i. o is ,1noth ben- direct from the celebrated House of John Rye, per bunh e l · · · . . · · · . O 58 . . to . . O 60 Hallaway's Corn Cure. After applying it age. Ih1s d e1t mstance J ",... of the · · 0f We have opened an immense stock of Dry Goods and Clothing, s oc c .tuany for a few days I was unable to i·emove the e Jit of fra1smg goo · ltl 1 bl l our Crossley & Co., t.hey are iii a position to oata, p~r b a ah e1.. · · · · · · O 30 . . t o .. O 34 young arniers mig 1 earn va ua e essons sell them as low a.s the same class of goods p Bl O 7't t O 75 corn root and branch- no pain whatever, f · t l' · bl eas, ue. · · · · · . · . · · . . ~ . . o .. A grand variety of M 0 rnus on on lJl'U 10a e can b e sold 1,y " Bl :i.c k eyes. . . . · . · · O 90 . . t o. . O and ~o inconvenience in using it. I can f r om ·young r. "( any house in the Provi e. . 92 heartly recommend it to a ll suffering from :trmmg. Mr. W . B urgess, of Raleigh townslu ,, Small.·.. ·. . .... 0 65 ... to ... 0 70 The Methodist union r evival services are Kent Co.' Ontario, formerly of Bowmanarley, No. 1. ...... ; . 0 55 .. to . . C (i0 corns. the most successful t hat have been held ville, has been on a visit here for a week ,, No. 2 . ....·.·· 0 50 ... to ... 0 55 Our prices will be right this sea.son, in fact we will offer ExtraMr. G. W . Macully, Pavilion Mountain, in this town for years. During the few or two. He has bought a promising young ' ,, No. 3 . . ..... .. 0 45 .·. to .. . 0 50 B . C., writes : · "Dr. Thomas' Eclectric weeks of t h e meetings a lrnndred and imported Clyclesdale stallion, "Shylock;" BY JOHN MoMU:I1<TRY. ordinary Bargains in every Department . An immense ·Oil is the best medicine I · ever used for twenty h ave been forward seeking the rising 2 years, fromMess:s. R. B~ith ~Co., itter, per lb. beat ta.blo.. O 16. , @ ·· 0 20 Rheumatisn~ Nearly every winter I am Lord, and there is every indication that importers, of Bowmanville, paymg m the -stock ofard,l!l'lt ....·.·........ o 13 .. @ ·· 014 laid up witJM{.heumatism, and have tri~d the good work is likely to cont inue. The neighborhood of $1000 for him. He is . a ggs, ~doz.. ..... . .. . ... 0 15 .. @ ·· 016 are held each evening in the . C. no Me young animal ancl we hope Mr meetings· nearly every kind of. ~edicine w~th get~ . Potatoes, per bushel ....... 0 50 ·· @ ·· 0 65 ting any benefit, until I used Dr. Thomas 1\1. church and each afternoon ther e is a B urgess' enterprise will be well rewa Electric Oil. It l1as worked wonders for lJrayer m eeti.ng for the promotion of h oliTHE WEEK: an inde1 )end<:Jnt J.O rnal of - -=====-~=~=======~ R A. Il E VA! L 1J E. me, a.n d I want another supply for my ness in the P. M . church .- CoM. literature, politics, and criticism. C. ~ friends . &c... Mr. Daniel Smith, Leskard, had agrand Blackett Robinson, publisher, Toronto. ~ sale on T uesday in spite of the bad · 3our11~ · --' lms ni:iw reacI1ed i.:.:. .,_ " BJX · t·een ti .l . r oads. b 1'1 . 11s l . THE ROCK ON WHICH MANY a consti- Bidding w<ts spirited and gooc prices .o - lSsue, rtnd 1B makmg steady progress m t ution goes to pieces is Dyspepsia. 'rh e taincd. Mr. Geo. Shaw, of Bowmanville, public favor . Of bte several new features loss of vigor which this disease in:volvs, boug l1t his best span of horses at $454. A have been added. The reception which the maladies which accompany it, or yearling colt was sold to Mr. Hambly for our 'l'oronto contcmpornry lms ulready met FOR GOOD FRIDAY. which are a<mravated by it, ·the mental $230 ; Mr. E . Bellman bought a colt 8 abundantly justifies the belief of it s prodespondency"which it entails, are t erribly months old at $133 ; and a mare said to jectors- that there is a field for itn inde- In order to get a supply of Bot Cross exhaustive of vi:tal &tamina. Its tra e be 1!J years old, sold for $171. Total pendent journal such as 'rnrn Wmn K has so Buns be k ind enough to leave your orders wo are far proved itself to be. specific is Northrop & Ly~ian 's V egetaJ;ile proceeds of sale, n early $2,500. · --early atDiscovery and Dyspept ic Cu:e, wlnch pleased to h ear that Mr. Smith will set tle For crampe, pain in the stomach, bowel likewise overcome bilious malad1es, female m t his town, a.ncl we hope to see many ailments, and those couple with impurity well-to-do farmers of the surrounding complaint or chills, use Perry Davis' Pain K iller. See advt. in other column. country follow his example. of the blood. to! ,, "Fountain of Healt h' Clark Fair at Orono Apr. 26. Miss Etta Hoar is visiting lier sister in Toronto. Mr. W. ,Jewell, of Oshawa, was in t own yesterday. Mrs. Maxwell, Newcastle, was buried la.~t Sunday. Mr. P. H olt, of Cartwright, is reported to be seriously ill. Miss M. Ewing, of Cobourg, is visiting rel&tions in town. Mr. Thos. Symons' family ieft for Toronto on Tuesday. Successful revivn.1 Rel·vises have J·ust closed at Col umbus. . Mr. W. C. Tyler's pumps always give satisfaction. See his advt. ML A. Robt. Wicket t, jr., of T oronto, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. A. w. Mason, portrait painter, of Toronto was in town this week. Mr. Chas. Tod, of Toronto, is spending a few days under his parents roof. Mr. Campbell of the Olobe staff is in town the guest of R . ·windatt Esq. Mr. B. Bowman, of :B'enoloi-1 Falls, is visiting his daughter, Mrs J. l\faynard. Mr. J. 'r. J ohnston,representingMcssrs. Mille1· & Richard, Toronto, was in town on Wednescby. Rev. S. J. Shorey, Oshawa, had his sholder bone broken last week by being thrown from a horse. Dr. Young's Condition Powders are the ]Jest to be obtained and horsemen should nse them d uriug the spring months. T o be had at John McMurtrys. 12-3w. Rockabye Baby Bunting ; The Mail has gone a hunting. For to get a mouse's skin To wrap th e Babiv~r~:~0n11h,~;~.e. Hangings of foreign and home manufacture, and I (WALL XPAPER.) I have now ready a very large stock of Paper those in want Will do Well to examine my patterns and prices. import my paper .direct from manufacturers and give my customers the benefit: N . bl h d rou e OW goo p TR E BJ LC QC K SPRING AN NOUN CEMENT! CASHI CASHI (BOOTSXIANDIXSHOES) Fine order work a specialty and FITS guaranteed. Do not fail to call on me, and you will most certainly be tempted to buy, if prices can tempt you. STOTT & JURY, BARGAINS! - Q F. e o - In Toilet Soaps, In Hair Brushes B kwheat Flour ff· Grocer1es · are and Graham Flour Fresh and Good. I L/.i .A -'·. - .· .,- D... - JA ME s· IE[.L_.L ,. I oTT STOTT & JURY'S MEDICAL HALL. · TryElliott's 30c. TEA. ChOICe · M apl e S yrup and Sugar I 6 ' Farmers' PRODUCE · h ange. a k en Ill Due B·lls given · STYLI S H S · p R ING GQQDS ot F~ FAMED ECLllli HOUSE ~ SU I T[nu1 BY THE BEST CUTTER IN TOWN] FOR $8. Overalls, Summer Pants and J ackets for the farmers, in endless variety. GAUD-WIND!~~~~~~~anville, Call at the Eclipse House for bargains. :H: I v E s 1884_ NEW DRY GOODS AND CLO(I1IIING. New Prints, New Dress Goods, New Tweeds. Ho x BDY'S, YOUTHS AND M Ef~'S SUJTS, BUNS Tailoring done in best style. Nobby all Wool Tweed Suits to order, $12.50. We never allow any competitor to undersell us W e mean business this season. CHAS. TOD'S. ELLISON & CO.

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