Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1884, p. 6

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· THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 18 PUBLll!HlllD ' STANDARD 8 AN K OF CANADA. CA.FIT_j.L, AGRICUI.. TURAL. l1re~erve lll~ERY FRID4 l' MORlWJNG, -BY- S()ane Forest. ·1.eeo,eee. Thie B ·nk 111 11repttrod t·l do ~gi i m11te Ba11killg in all its br,.nches. AT 'l'HB OJl'll:IO:B, F ·rmera n ..t.ee dlRC<nmted; Dt"posii. teaeeBleek,IU1tgS&.,BowmaaTIUe,on1 rf'ceivtid and Inttir eat paid 011 am<>u11te of TERrut:S : $5 upward1 m Sa· inga He··k Departm"nt. .ao pcrauaaam,ol' lin.oe tr paid ln adT1uiee DR AF'l'N Payment s\rloUy In advance reqmrlld from 1ubttcr1bel'I! outijlde ol tb11 county. Orders to h11ued and Co1Jecho111 made ill Europe, dieoontinue th" paper muFt be acoompanied by Uutted btAt~· a1.d c..uad". the amount dUe,or the paper will not be stopped, 8PFICIC-llla1·dor.b Rne. Bl·ek, l~te Bani!.· ·uhllcrlbere a.re re11ponsibleUJ1tll run payment is m..de. lac ·f d·ue1 .t: D·bbfe. RATSS OP A.DYEJlTISlNQ1 ! ~iiil M. A.JAMES, ---- SEST, ·He.HI BY R. W. PHIPP &. ··« Whole Column one year ............. e50 " " One quMter ·. .... ·· 20 OU, """':; Halt Column one year .... .... ..... .. SO oo,- .. " Halt year . ... ........ . . 20 00,'" " One quarter . . .. .... .. 12 50QnMLe1· Ooluwu one ye&r .... , ...... 2u 00 " " lie.Ir year . . . . .. · . . . . 12 50 ~ " ·· One quarter.... . . .. 8 00 Six 11.nee and under, .tlr11t inoertlon .. eo 60 1 N »Ch subsequent ineert1<..n. . . . .. 0 25,_ l!'r<1m six to t"a Jm es, .tlrst u1eertioc., 0 7~ -_ Ji.a.ch ~uboequent mo.,rtion ..... ·! 0 3a -lO !)vel' ten lines,fl.rst ineertlon,p"r;!lDe O l~ ..· J:!lllC,ll subsequent i11.sert1on, 0 0 _ 'rhe numLer or Jines to be reckoned by e &paoe occupied, measured by a scule 01 lid .Nouvar<>il. -16 00 ~:::;.; .Halt year ..·..· ·..· .. ~ 00 ;'!~~ W. J. JONES, Hai ret<.eivecl lier new 1t-Ock ot = GOODS., and invites the Ladies of Bowman ville and vicinity to ca.JI and see her Pattern BONNETS, HATS, a.nd assortment of C::::::- - - --·- -- - - - - _ _ __ _ _s L. l ' U'l'TEB., J l.D. G G R.ADU ATE ot Quoen'a Oollelfe, Kimieton ; &L -. M«ruber o! IJo!;.;,,,:e o! .l'hy~icians 11.nd Suraev11 · , Ouiario. . . · U- 0 vc~.Heeld~11ce, 1foms~1ll~l_'.· TRIM MINGS lh1 & eber l!ltatll. Dr. A. B E ITH, Rl .. DUATE u1r THE 'l'UKO~TO UNIV~ lt ::;1 .._ ). , l:'hY~lc1u n, ;::,urgeon,&c. Oillct1 K rng Str bet, MV.1:tit1::;· ];!LOUK, .l:lowmanvllle. ------:;:-w.I11cLu u;;h li-;, H. !IT 9HR t- l!ieccuul ll· · ·· " 'eil& · f Wlllhuu. AGENCIES. We beg to annrllJn CA to the public t hat w e a.rei p repu.r ed to d o a. gen cr a linsu ran oei '1us i 11ess rApresentinic as we do 11. m1mber of th-e t ola ~a Compe.nii>s w r- ~hall be g Jq,d L o gi l' e prnmpt nt. ten tion tu · rnyq1ing i n th,,t line. ~ e rep t·eoeot n., .lOKNTIA.'l'E OF 'l'l:l.1£ ltOY.A.L COI,LEGE or J:'h~ Mllittns and ll1"Ul bor ol the Huyal lJollegtl ot ::;u1 geous, .l>c.im ouri<lt. Utliae: MURl:Ui::i' .BLOUK King-st,. Howma n· Till... L M also t he Ontar io L~ ·n an d SaviQL(S Co . ot Oshawa, and accept deposlrs on its behulf a l· Jl)wing 4, & 5 per cent interest fro m date or DR. J . C. JlllTf:HELL, reneipt. Parti es req111rin11: Joane will find it to t heir EMBER Olf c u LLE\:.i.l!l O.lf i:'HYSICIANS advantage to get our tt>rms. u.uu ~urgeont>, Uuut.no, Coruut)r, e t.c. U .lho<:> i>nd .tw111denee, .1!lumol!.1 lleu. 7l. ~~--~-------- We are agents ror a munber of lll'B t cl1>ss T> ARiUSTJ£1:l., i::i ULWl'l'Ult ,' &c., MOR RIS lines. 11.mong which is the Wb1te Htllr Line t he i,) liLUGK, up ~tu.u·~ . Kwi: ;::;tn"'"· .l:lo·villi>n· bPst fastest a nrl ll<JSt Pq1upped Steamshtp on 11.,. ovlw1wr for 1.h1; Unt1<r10 Bank. Lbe Ocean, and C a r tickeL" to all point st.LL l1>w· est rates. We al"o rnpl'e"ent W. D .Mai.hews '.r.r1Vate llloaey· loaned a t L he lowest rates. of Toronto, a nti arn prep><t"fJd t o pu.y highest ---- -----· prices tot· B11.rle,> >iud ,.11 kinds of grnin. dohn Keith 4'\al br a Ull, i:'ardes inL 1n·eatcd will please note these facts. .A. R lt 1 ::; 'l' li:lt, ~ULWl'l'Ult, NO'f.A.R Y .P U jjWlJ, &,c, Otll""-;-tt"eu'· .Bloch:., ov ~i T · .lio.u.rn;i;~ ~w.re, K mi: i::iL ri;et, HowUl.i\a v1Jle . . -- ---- ---- --- --:A°lvu.,y t o H JUO. :o · .IUllU~E Ocean S t eanis hips . l>l JllPS ON, B T. Y E LLOWL EES. F. ALLEN· ST. JOHl'I H .HllTCU ESON, B 0 11Jl'l l.lll:- UVE1< ::iT A'l'E8ilAN 0~'!'1011:, ARH.lSTER, & AT'ru R NEY. &c. ,'\o1'Al<Y l:'UllLIC. M ONEY 'lo LoA.N· --:u.on11ni.~4.11n6un~ LltJClltl0H, J:11u'fl~t"J.' 0r~ans ana Sewlng M acniw es. --· · · ------ of the be~t M1'rtllf&ctnries in t he World, I wieh to cn.ll eepecial 1t.ttention t ha t ir yo" want to buy a tir"t·cla.ss OrA'.n.n made by 41 l l o ! .11.arri.,i.te and .>.ttvl" R r1ay "'t L ..w and ;::,ulio11.or in ctmnc~:.-:r · .\1.cme~ ll:GI::>TR.a.H, WES'l' DUHl:l.AM ISSUEH lll~~ute, «::ALI:. A~D s&;lE Jill' CllRISTH.lS jt1'0Cf!i. .,,.,,.,u_ v n H e & :!ow man ville. Ull1ca un Ktl.lg st!'u" t, ;:t, T, l"UILLIJ-S L .":'.'.:(l'.:".:~~" -muLun 1-', u._ ------- ~9..: B. Df,TUlllSON. I CE NSED AU U'l'lU.N.Kli:lt for the County 01 JJuxh>11ll, o"l" " prnwptl)' tttteuded. r. ten·fou ov promp·Y tt.llU"" n:asun.,,bl" r&Les. &11" ..& ud1eoe-J;;nmbkUJen 1'. 0. .A.UCT10~l£1£K. CONVEYAN· L ICENSED C.1£1t 1>nd Co w1 0~~1oner 10 .B. H . 8aie; aL· - -- - - ---------· - - - - - - ±ha.ve ju"t erdorcd, and will hu:re in a. fe11 days,some tlrst class Itoyal .A. Se wiugMachi11Ef a Mach m e that sitrnds a 1 wilb the very bee< A me rican or Canadrn.n SewinIC Mo.ch1nes,While I have nothing to oaJ tt.ge.inst any first· cln.ee make or Orguna or i::iowing Maqhtnes. I wish the public to p lea se take notice I do sell only fl r·sL-class Goods, such ns I C[Ln guar· antee Lv ;:i v o eat.rnracl.ion. ~. B.- 1 still sell the wol'ld·renownen Walt· he.m \Va1cl.,- ·.nd don't ror1~et our General Store wlie1e ""keep" oomµietl' asso1 ·trne11t of Vr l' Go<·ds aod Uruccr1t'S oheup for C11sh. '1 he Bell Ori.;1rno al'e sold by J . P. HICE, Bow· manville, snd E . !Vi. DO~IEY, '1'y1·one. J l.L&tsUl'tt.uce, 1'.oteJ a.ud Accu n ntB Uullected, ~ion"~ OBN H U GHES. - Licenaed Auction"er. \l:alu ... tur &.ud. A.rb1t1 :ator. ~,H:.e i.ud..L2re to Leru.. un ro..sonable L eruia. .A.da1ess ii~ ' <.,an v. rigm, Uut. New, Ladies. MRS. KEYS - JU.ii R~Cl:IVED - ... GOOD WI FE GUARANTEE D ..t:\... every man wh o buys his L1c1m~c Crom ·l:l i NI:\'. SYLVES'l'.b:lt, Enniskillen. Ill8L f. ·ro YOUNt', V. S. , 1-!ls n :mo,·e,1 t.o the residence directl y opgositc tha Drill D R. Shed, ronu<>rly occupied by C. Himes. His P. oftlce v. ill be m Mr. J ohn MoMui·L q'o Grocery Store. Hours from U to 12 a.m. a nd from l to 5 p.m., Sundays eirnepted. 2"28-tt, .U: ~ . '". "\'f1LL 8 1J:., Fl"e w llh.tijlJus, ..~ e \V .Lacert.. Ncn' !~ rtt;l.ds . ~ ew 1; mbrolde1·iClll. ~e\\' r1·1·)1n11niu~lr\ · hew &r uids, w ool·· LADIES' .&.ND OHILDIOLN'S NE W UNDERCLOTHI NG H AN D SO M E PATTERN S. (Iver Uiggrnbt:>th<>m'e Drug Store, Kiug Stroot, llowwauvillu. 2. for Wedding Presents, T UHGAN au d SI NU1NG. '£J>HM5 :-·$6 i>r·d Orn aments SIO per T welve Le·son" of ONli hour each. Fancy Articles, &c. &. KctUli red . Jl;J\ClilJ:R OF THE PIANO FO RTE, Pianos Tu.ne d Knittin g & Sta:npi:g d o n e tooraer. OY ST ERS, F.me, Fat and Fresh ser ved in all styles . &"Cho1ce lot 'or U· nfectlenar:r alwa ys on Jum d. a t H ltS, & E11S Bes tam·nn&. A R T IES ' WISHING THBIR PIANOS Tuned jO r repaired Oalj ha.Ye them a ttended . to bT leavil)g word at tbe DOllHNION ORGAN Co's OF'l'JCE, :Sowma.nville. A firat -clas me.n sow oeiua in their mploy. P lltf. P R OF. T. L. DOYLE, Pian ist,Organtst a.nd teacher of Vocal Music is prepared to take a. few more pupils. The best of refer· ence can be fuq 1 ished Great care exercised with beginners. and special attention given to Bd~anced pupils. 'l'hose desirous ot takin~ lnstr nctio11& should apply a t Mi-. Doyle's r es1i ence, or make it known by _ directing a few lines to P . u, Box ig. Terlll.8 $7.50 for twelve eesons. 239-tf U N D ERTAKIN CI -JB"Y- L EV I MORRI S. ,,.- I am fu lly prepared to attend F uner ale on the shortest notice, n.t the lowest poeoible rates. Caskets l\Dd Burial Cases ready on short notice Firet·claes hearse on very moderate terme: WITH T JJ:ll:TB. W l'rllO UT T lllll'l'lll Shrouds a nd Coillns constantly on band. Fun· eral cards sutiplled at onoe. F urniture S.bop &; Sbo.v Rooma-Bounse.ll'eN aw Block. All furniture & old by me is made by tho U. C PBA.CTICA.I. D l<lllTIST, Furniture Co. of Bowm1m ville. I do not buy slop !urnitui·e and represent it to have been NEARLY TWlliNTr YBAlUI JJ:XPlill\l JllNOE, made by llhe U. 0 . F. Co, of this town. NlQl8D.i Oxide C u A.dml:aist.or ed l"or r ataleM Also !\gent for the Ll·QUOR 'fEA tor thl· town an<l vicinity, H is ohesp a.nd 1.1s gOO!l as can be Opera tien a. 11:ot in the mar~et. A valuable prize given ·FN:CJJi ll«JL1J1'G'8 1n.eu11.. ~with every poun d. J. M. BRIMA COMBE, OLD AND RELIABLE THE VICTORIA. c. H A RNDEN, L. D. S., Graduate of the Ro:rd Collei:c of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICKBON'S $TOHE. SOLD FILLING A. SPECIALTY. Pl11,te Work executed in the In.teat and moat improved style of the Dental .A.rt. TlllE'l'H EXTRACTED WI'l'HOU'l' PAIN y th1 use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injur1 to t.l:te patient. }>articular attention pa.id to the regulation ot UHILDREN'b TEETH. This Out represents I.he popular Victoria pll'-.A.LL WORK W A RR./,.NTED. 1ll\ Wave. It is dressed witb the hair failing on the forehea<I , and the ends meet in Montaguea. It is exceedingly becoming, and ie having a O E N FIELD LADIES. - M rssJutu large run. The above style, with a large 11umber of O'LEARY has returned from Toronto &nd llas begun Dressm&kini' in Enfl.eld. Speoiit other equally becoming styles, a1·e me.de by -~~1-entioa will be givm t· cutting a nd 11ttinir, MitS. .A., DAVIS, :ll(...il selieltecl, 2&1-tt. over M. Mayer's store. T 2S Cedar St·· New There are reasons alt oge ther independ: York, Oct. 2~, l88i. ent of the rationalities of comm··rce for "(}enlkmen: My father resides at Glover, the preservatron, here and the1·e, of some Vt. He ha.s boon a great ·mlforer !rom Scrofrem:i.insof our once wide-extending woodula, e.nd the incloeed letter will iell you whai la11ds ; though money m ay be th., main ,.. marvelous e!l'.ect cha nce, and you and I , and our neighbor a.longside, ride what hobbies we maythorough breds wit h silver pla ted stirrups or broken down cobs with a wheat sack bas had in his case. I think his blood must across 'em, whether they trot over the have contained the Jmmor for at least ten road merrily, or dra.g wearily along th.e years; but It did not show, except in tho form way- h .-ve the oddest aptitude, come we of a ecrofulous sore on the wri·t, uutll about five years ago. From a few ~pots wh ich RPs uddm1ly to a by-road whe re the T empl.. peared at that t ime, it gradually spread "o as 1 Jf Riches glitter1:1 golden in t he distance, to cover hi· entire hocl)'· I assure you he was to j "rk the smart bridle or the rnpe yarn terribly atllicted. and an object of pity, when substitute iu that d irection, and away we he began using your medici,ne. Now, there e.1 ·e ..u go, h elter sk elter - "and th e dust few men of h is age who enjoy as good health as ho has. l could easily name fifty pt;rsons tha t rh ..se fellows are kicking up ther e in who would testify t o tho facts in his case. fr1>nt is c hoking m e, ail'; but 111 get t here Yourstruly, W. M. PHILLIPS." if [ die for it, " gruuts the ol ·I fellow on the donkey-as if t he devil w as aft er us 0 as indeed he is s11.i d to b e close behm<l all ;i1e~~r~ ~~~ wh o tra vd tha t r oiid. a duty for me to state to you t he benefit I have derived from the use cf It is t h e w;1y of t h e wol'ld, and the way tlwy t ravel m it. Rut suppose we lt:>avc L t , and r est ourselves on this retired a n d shaded eminence, wher e--for I ob·l'r ve Six months ngo I VIM completely covered \vith yo u t o be a person of discrimir mti nn a te rr ible llumor a.ud scrofulous s ores. The and taste-we WLll quietly con sidtir t h 11 humor caused nn incessant and intolera.ble effect on communities of t h e loss of thei1 itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause furests. the blood to flow in many places whenever M a ny experiments by scientific m en J moved. My sufferings were great, a.nd my have gi ven t h e r eason, au d m 11 ny hi>t 11r - " '"nder thesh1vlo of melaneholy hongha life a burden. I commenced the use of tl1e ies of th e decaden ce <f na t ions ha ve arid- Lo~" i.ud neg-lect thu cre,;µing hom s ol time." SAltSAPAR!LLA in April last, and have used It regularly since that time. My condltlo11 ed exam ples, that wh el'e the fo i·est is has opp ort unities m a ny woul d give m uch began to improve at oi;ce. The Eores have recklei-sly cleared from t he surface of t h e for . I t is needed t o aid inprocui i JJg iam all healed, and I feel pel'fectly well in every lauu, the ~prings cease their aceust.omed in due season . Io is ueed e,J as a st<.r e respect - being now 'iole to do a good day's flow , the ri vers fail in t h eir co urses. t h e hou se of t nn b er -soon li kely to be full work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire m iu 110 longer d escends at its wont"d fer· SCiirce t h rough out the land. what ha.s wrought snch a cure in my case, and I t ell tllem , "" l have hure tned to tell you, tiliziug per10ds, and th e parched and arid We found here the wood-th e waterAVER's SARSAPARILLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. earth clemauds from th e wearied husband· t h e fertile ~oil. It is certain that the den, 1882. Yours gratefully, man a doubl e li.bor for o, scant return. f..r est11Jg of a country in process of time ll!RAM PHILLIPS." While the for ests held t.he hills of Pales- does more than withdraw the one ; it t ine, her val leys were the lands fl.owing g reatly impairs the other s, so m u ch that AYER'S SARSAPARILLA cures Scrofula 1vith milk aud hon ey . The nattons wbo,e the laud m ay not then support one-teHth and all Scrofulous Complaints, Er yslpebs, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, chaI.. ots were of iron must h arn 6veu of those 1t now could mamtain. ProSor.,s, Boils, Tumors, and Eru ptions of ma ·1y a m 1llion nf good t rees to tli~ fut· prietors sh olll<l rcmcmh ei· th;.it, no one the Skin, It cle..rs the bloo<l of all impu· nace. Egypt, in her freslme.>s rn ust h ave can poswss a t it le to destroy the usefulrities, aids digestion, stimul ates the action of bc011, wi1 h her soil, the borne of fo1 ·ests ness of the soil. lest "th e land cry out the bowels, and thus restores vitality and dense tw d huge :is many an Af1ican re- against him, an<l the furrows thPreof likestrengthens the whole system. gion yet c,m shnw. Obser ve t h e ~tre crs wise compliLin. " The vast concourse of PREPARED BY on the peoµle uf a once powerful rn:t1ou, humanity cont inually emerges from th e a nd compare her ti mid and s:md -b li 11d unknown past ; i t t1·avols toilsomely by; Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. race of to-day with the stout fellows it passes into the clo uds of the future. wh o kept I srael m t h raldom for so Be sm:e t h <>t there we sh all meet with Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles tor $5. long. By the way, what a loss t hey s uf· stern q uestionei·s ; nor will those pass un- - - - - fered in not h aving some of our institu- chal leng~d who have, to serve their temt ions ! 'What a reverberating anti-I srael· porary greed, render ed pai nful, sterila ite boom might not have arisen a mong and barrnn, the path of generations yet th e nat ive artizans ; and what crushing to follow. CATAnnn .-A MW 1'reatment wlHrebv a T ,. 10 permanent cure ia effected in fro m one to thre~ orations migh t not P haroah 's .LJ<Jya l' p o· · ·- ..- ·-··-·..--~~--- - -·- · L reatments, Purticuli>r· and 'l'relltiee free ou sitionhavelevelled at tbe "astonishing :.mcl 'J.'he Woman·s flou r . receipt or stu rnp. A.. H. DIXON & SON, Su7 inconceiva.ble iml)ecility of t h e gentlemen ·i K ing Street, West, 'l'oronto. on the Treasury Benches," a.a th*' successThe Won1an's hour evidt-ntily is c61ning ---.ve pla:::ues appeared. pretty fast. ln the Provincial l{egisla- WHAT THE ll~~V. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A .· A .1 :'. CLEHGYMAN OF THE LONDON CONFERENCE Of course t h ere is still the Nile, an<l ture last week a Bill passed its Kecond m· nm l\ih,TnoJJrsT CHu1wH OJ!' CANADA s till the kind of fertility it gives. But rertding givin g to unmarr ied women and HAO TO SAY tN ltEOARD TO A . H. D1xoN & 'd tl 1 f · · · · } SON'S Nrnv 'rR&A'I'MEN'l' ~·uH CA'l'AIUtH. th.ink of the IJast of thi1t whole . irreat re- w1 ows ie rrg u o vot.iug m mumc11xi ·~ l t' · '· th t OAKLAN U. ON'I'AHIO, OAN., March F· 1883. !!ion tiround- African a11d Eur(>pean - th e e ec ions proviumg ey wer o ax pa,yers "" .A l ·' /). ,,_ s 1xon, "" ~ · on. mighty citi<:>S buried in sal!<l-Lh e wasle to t ho same extent as the male electors. JYLessiw Dl!:uti:.JRS-Yoursorthe l 3thinstanttohaud. <'nd :fi»lcl- 'fhcre was a fair majority for the measure. lt bcCtns almost too good to be true that I 1un Coul)tr.I·os once 1.I.cli I'n for·est ·· v Tl10 1 l ] tl cured of Cutarrh, but 1 know thi>tI u.m. 1 have t he scant p1 1pulat,ions-thfll forloru harou Y wouc er 18, t mt rnre wall :my hart uo ret.u tu of t he dit1eaae and uever r.,Jt hors now. Thi nk of one incident of that oppos1t10n at all_. The_ womon owrnng better in my life. I have tried 110 rnuny things "st-tlle thi·on·fI.IlO' laborers-the liosts property a_nd doing busmess are asbessed y.,ars. for catarrh, suffered so much and for so m ..ny th1< t it is he.rd fo1· me to rei1llzo that I um Pw of a rme<l men~t:he concourse of shipsj and taxed JUSt t hi; sami; <J:S men a.rti, and rMllY better. . . l I:> b B whv should tlrny be clep n ved of all votee I co11aider t,hat mine wM a very bad case; Jt , t IV h JC l once were there. ..emem er y- . ·1 , 1 ,t· " f tl "'~ e.~q;iuv><ted and chronic, invulVllli<: th<J 1 ron:int, 1e see~ ,Jn" o_ , ie men w 1p a1e o JJi.J.:<;iai. ~.lJ....al!..j.l..e...Jillfil!.l_,.passa"eti aud 1 levy the Lilxe:s anUto si:1end t11e money tho11J{ht I would J'e~nil'e The·tl'i1'<le~1'iiil'm:> "A. kh11r 'eut on .the rocky br<;>w . thu8 misod? It is too late in the di·y to but r~el fully <mretl by the Lw~ B!Jnt. me. und 1 \\ hich looks o er ·e·J-bOrn f'aiam s; ld au1 tbo.nl.::fu! th<>t l wao ever muuced to sand .And ~hips . by thouallnds. lay below, S ·i.y thai; Lhe womt,n ho mg pToperty a1·e to yuu . . n·-all wne hi· I" I HO~ suflicrn11tly intelligent tu vote. Un· You are at liberty to use till~ Jetter stating And OH·n m11:iliO Look round for a m oment- and tell mo Ider our present syutem uf co edu~at ion in that I l·«V·> bN>n cnr«<l a.t t rno treat ments, and . . . · , 1 shat! i:: ttd ty re..,vmm.,nd voul' rem,:dy 11),sc >Lne what you could do w tthout woo1 ll-y·n1:· 1all t he public schuul~ it is qmte p:O IJd.Ole ot mr fdcnd· who ttre ~u tr.-rei s. crndle isnfwood- vourfloor yo11rclfH11' "oltr that the avem,ge of intell1genco amung Your· wl_ t11 1t111n1 thtt.ulrn. " ' · >.J ] b · 1 HEV. 1J:. 13. :;TIJ:VKNSON. roof-n,Ly, yo u r every convemence- your women rn~ ecume 111gher t mu among - ----·carriages, your stables, your side walk, ,' men, aJtd it will probably continu e to 'l'unoNTO, .>.pril 24.1882, your counters, your furniture, yom· nse. To raise the obJ.ection that one .4.. fl. Dixon. FJsq., 305 K ina !St., West. D&AR .-:\11<,-W e r.alrn p\oi.,;ure in st»t111g tbM wharves, your shipping- it is wood- it 1s hon. member did about the "sphere of om junior oartuei·, wllo i.11<1 to» years been forest. Carry then your mind b:tck to women" wunda many years behind the iroub led with Catatrrb. "'·'" auccosofully cure<! · k 9 f tl le con- It' · ]1t t o Catru.rrh by three wasrn treatmentti o( your re1 Th<> . tha t t.rme gone by rtncl tlim 1mes. 'V ' omen I1ave till:l ]ega l l'Jg n<1h ag-ii:rnvute· l, witH hedy. cont iunal COUrSe1 "flashing With Steel !ttld !'OUgh do business, to employ labor, tO pu~Chase drop]Jing into tho tlll'V.>1, l)."COlllpitnled l?Y loss with gold," extending right and left to property, and to pay taxes, and yo u orvolce, huwkingand "J>itt.rng .. nJ l>luckrngup · front · b · · · 1 1 b h 11 l of the nodtnls. all or w!ud1 W<> urd vleto~ed tu I d 1sta11t h orizon, b ound e d m tie y m1gnt JUbt 11~ we o JeCt t ;~t ii t wse say disn.ppeared alrnosL inuniJdtate!y after the t h e bluo u.n <i rocki ug wavos on which r ose thiHgs are outside of the char med remedy w1.- applied. Your rorned.y is ee~tamly arrd sank the an ohQred navies-the my- "Bp liere, " as to dra.w the line riaht, there an invo.luable on'e tt.nd w~ hup<> nil who m1>y ~ be Bllll'.errng 1romt.n1s d1s1>11:ruc·~olo d!.;eu.Rt:! will riad galleys- singly--doubly--trebly bank- and say L lrnt though cumpelletl tu pay her p:ive ii, ,. trial, a.. we are 11,.,.1.tled they w1ll ll.nd ed with oars- which Xerxes must have full sl1uru of :.~11 municipal b urde1111 she it a compl"te ·u cces~. vi ewed. Consider what it betokened- shall have no voice whateve1· 111 mumci· Yonw~~1Ji~~~is & SoN, that t hese myriads poured to the ciill of pal affairs. Wholesttle J:'ianos and Orgo.us. the Emperor from forested regions, for In Toronto to-day thousands of dollars No.~ Adelaide St.1£..·t. only such could h ave suppol'ted them- ·f themunicipal funds raised and expendUncklen·~ A.:rnlet1 l!ah.,.-'l'he best Sa.Ive only such could h ave affor ded the many ed are collected from women, and t h e in tbe world for Cuts, Bruuies, Sores, Ulcers, munitions necessary to s uch a host. B ut proportion becomes greater ea.ch year. Salt Rbeum, E'el'er Sor es, Tetter, Chapped now what are t h e r egions which then H IS quite possibl e to imagine a locality H11.nde, Chilbhtine, Corn1, and all Skin Erupmaint ain ed and sent t h em 1-a wilder- in which three fourth s of all th e proper· tiou, e.nd P esitiT'lly cu es Piles. I t 1is I?uranness of soil, partly sterile, and of san dy ty taxed bel ongs to women , a nd yet some teell give perfeot satlsfaotion, ·Pr money deser t wh olly so. T his change has been men, wh o have evidently outlived t h eir refunded'. Price25 centa per box. For sale by caused by the d estruction of the forests age, would go for the one-fourth of the J. Ri~ginbotham. k 81 1n. which maintained the life-giving moisture tax: payer s in that locality having the en- IU~!l'r A.l'ID COJll'ORT Te TlllB 1!11TFl'ERING in t hose lands. tire voice and t he whole control of things " B :ro,n t '· Jleuaehel d Pauaeea" has uo It is t he lesson of history. Yet na- 8i111ply because they happen to b e males. equal for relieving pain, both internal and extions, it is said, never l earn. B ut, fot I n some localities fo m tax payerii may r e· tern11,J. l t cures patn in the Sida, Dack or Bow· Throa t, tlheumMism, Toothache, els, Sor11 me remar k, all the statement declares is side side by 11icle, paying about an equal Lumbago and any kind of l'ain or Ache. ·· lt that nations never d id learn. B ut shall amount of t ax; t hree uf Ll1ern may be ed- w ill modt surely quicken th" Hlood and Heal o S us it6 a.ctln!{ power is wonderful." "Brown's t h ey n ever 1 hiill you, my dear Sir, ucatocl and intelligent women, b ut they, Honsf\hold .Panacea," being acknowledged ae with t h e full light of m odern k nowledge forsooth, must have no voice whatever, the greot P.-in H.oliever. a?Jd of double the beating bri<Thtly on eve1'V side - wi th wlule the fo urth, a man , may n ot be able strength of anothex· J!:llxi.r or Liuimem in Lbt> " .,, world should be in every ram11y h11nd:r for u!e f'ree achoola dotting the country as t h ick to either i·ead 0 1· writ e, and yet he, and h e when wanted, "as it r cruly is t he beet remedy as mushrooms- with great colleges anxi- al on e, h as .ill the voice a n d control ! in the world tor Cra mps In thll St.ome.ch, 1rnd ous to edu cate you by State-:tid, and de- S uch is the idea of J ·ustice and r ight som e pain~ a nd aches of a.ll kinda," and is for sttie b:r all Drngglata at 2!i ceub a bottle. llM·lY. 12ominational colleges extremely an xious in telligent men still carry about with - - - - - - - - - - -· ·---- ·to educate you likewise-with learned them! JlotbeNl Jl... thers ! ! Matlt era I ! ! institutes h ..rangui ll" 'l'he Legislature, toe, adopted a reso· reBt A.re you bod at uluht ....d broken otr:rour " you on everything· by a dietu, sic!.: child 11uf!'m-mK ..nd "rying with from catfish upwards- with free libraries lut ion in favor of t h e doors of Unive1·· ahe excrulalina vain or cuHlng teeih ! ltso a.l~o atlter~ mg rrdln the m ist -shall you, sity College being thrown open to fe males. go al once and 11:et, ,. bottl~ of MRS. WINSLOW'S l:!OO'l 'HINQ SYRUP. It '1ill relien fillcumpelleo follow, where yeur ancestors, Of course there ar e some with terr ible \be poor little 8 utrer immed1..1el7- depend upou bytbe compulsion of ignomnce, were led? misgivings about the moral a nd social re- it; there is no mist t.ke a.bout it. There i&not" · <lge wr o te to Ius · b ook - sult o f sueh an i · nnovat 10n. ' A s matters noi mother earth who thai has ever uedrogulat<1it, who will 'I'l l tl cuun1ry Ju tell on you ut onoe it vrill ·.Ile 11ellor, " Pleozc send me t h e ax of agua- now stand a female is entitled to her de- bowels, and gin relit to the mother. ar d celiet tus pease." "No dou bt, " says the com- grees at the University if she can only and he11.lth to the child, opera.ting like maiiio. mentator, " when the learned J·ustice had pass the necessary examination, b ut the tis perfectly safe to use in a l! cases,and pleso., a.nt to the taete, and ia the prescrip~ion et one possessed himse lf of the axe, he h ewed college wh ere she ought to go in order t o of the oldest and best female pbyetciaus and the laws with 1t to some p urpose. " Not obtain the necessary training is shut nurecs in the Untt.ed !5t11.tvs. Sold enl'ywhere at~ cents e. boitle. 18! -lv. to a more reckless p urposo t han we on our against h er ! For year s and years there trees. We came to Oanada, like th e a n - has been co·education in our comm on "Hun" CoUGH Cmn:, 215 CENTs.-Prescient Bersekara, with our axes on our schools, in the high schools, and in tho cl'iption of a Boston Physician, dispensed sh oulders; and like the enemies of those normal schools, aud all has gone on well years by a Boston druggist. ONE DosE h eroes, the great forest appears to have enough. 'W hy should old fogyism linger will cure any ordinary cough . It acts alfled before our faces across t h e ltmgth and in our colleges long after it has been dis- most mag ically. Ask Stott & Jury for a breadth of the lancl, till over great sections pelled from every other branch of o ur 25 cent bottle of "Hun" Coi.rGH Cu:irn, the ground IS a lmo~t bare, save where, in ;chool system~ It is quite likely that an_ d ..d°._n 't l'.!P~~l..?2~~~ low places and inaccessible valleys, patches the authorities of University College PORT PEl..~RY of woodland hide themselves, their top- will soon give heed to the opinion of the most branches seeming to look shiveringly L egislature and throw wide open t heir over. the edge in remembrance cf the de- doors to all, irrespective of sex . solating sto1n1 that has passed the1n b,r, - - ·--- - . -- ·-...------u· -" The above w01·ks are running full blast to A ll 0 ntar io, luckily, is not yet thus. Khartoum, now so seriously t hreatened keep up with orders. some very large orders Every here and there, the former holds ' by E l Mahdi , the "False Prophet ," lies h11-~ e been received lately, including a handten , t went y, fort y goodiy acres o f the an- a t the confi uence o f tlie B l Monament fot· lst>ao Best, Clarke, Alex _ue a n d th e some 1<~.carscaud .,n, Clai ke. W.b! BMP LOYNO AGENTS cient forest. But they are not oontinu- 'Vhite Kile, and has a population of from an cl are selling Tomb :stones, :Monuments, etc., ing to hold them. 50,000 to 35,000, two-thirds of whom are at lower prices in conseQ.uence. Onl' cu~to 1<1ers got the commission tllemselve~. It will The Ontario Gc wernment have com- s laves. P"Y any person who intends erecting e. monun:lenced a movement in forest preservation Th e statue of Six · FrancV! Drake a t P ly- RJent to the memory or a departed friend. to 'L ! h ' il b 'L D l write me or see me personally before placmg wmc is destined to bear good fruits. mouth was unve ed :V ady ra rn, of 1 then ordex·. I gue.ra.ntee first class work at B u t throughout settled Ontar io, it needs N u twell court, amid t h e firing of guns lowest po8sible prices. h e farmer's co-operation , for he h olds the from the ci tadel. About four hun d red forest remainder. In all directions that townspeople sat down to the l uncheon that · MARBLE WORKS, remainder d ecreruies. The axe, which was given after ward. 251-tf. PO BT P&nnY once thilrned. now extirpates. It is full t.im e thctt , on ten or twenty acres of every farm, the chnpper shnuld stay his hand, Bu t he must do more-he must exclud e his beas ts ; wher e hoof and h orn ra nge, down gu undergrowth and sa.pling-in a moment, before their placidly d evouring jaws, vanishus t he umbr-..geous wealth of flexile braneh aud delicately-pencile d l eaf -go ne is the promise of hardy timber yet to come. The little yo ungling elm, his green and do uble leaf fresh springing fro m the Roi!-t,he intaut eotyledon of th e future oak-th o m1tple bud a.nd the sprouting ash are no more ; and from tree to t r.,,e, is nothing but trampled lea ves rhe forest groui1d dries and shriub ; far 11buve the giant m asses of t he upper foll· age alone oppose t he r·u.,hi ug w m l ; t h e undergrowth below-th e natural ba rr ier - i· gone ; the air sweeps t h r·o ugh ; som e et.ormy muruing the out ward ranks are prone- th e netich and t h e g1 ·eat oaks lie 1>cross ; wit h the nex t teuipest m ore will follow. O ur en emies are t hose of our own stables ; a n d our farmers may say, "vVith i;he j a 1<·-bon e of a n ox, heavs upon h eaps, have l slain a t housand trees. " On every farm some foros t is n eeded to break th e winter winrls It is n eeded to kee p level t h e dnft rng snow. It is needed fur pl easure ; h e wh o has near his house a f, rest walk of h is ow11 , wh er e h e may fur a space e n joy t he h ealth-giviug atmos ph er e, and AM~~J~~!~~m!fORY PRIZE MEDAL ORCANS I FROM THE SON " GUELPH 1 W BELL'S Ayer's Sarsaparilla A.re second tu none in the "orld. ll41,M ia1trument11 now in u..e. 1Jt1UUL1t<l ~u icr"'" tllat tr req 111re11 'l'WO 01 L h-. latl'IC"*' i",.oLUr1es In IJomluioll, wit h oi>paclty ror turuilt!rl out 'l'WJ:ll'· TY p"rd tiy. ~'or puril y e.nns"""" " t1·r1 of '"ne, ela8tiC and ii"bL tOU<oh, l>"· UtlluJ · UU P"rfoot ftui~t1 tb ey a1·~ unrival lt1d. 'l'be most alulled labor.the n ry biitst material.II 'h· that. OJ&Jllt'Y can procur~ nre l\ ~UAI"Allt·1e to pur· ct·..11ora t11al Lh.,y are buyln~·no al:luddy. but a tl!'aLe i.... t1l'ltCh·, l:lold "boles&lit ..nd rt1ta.ll lite' J . 1'. lUl'E, tlow uianvlli.. J. i::i. UU N!l; Y, Tyrnue. U6. NOTICE ___to ..,,.., LADIES. I haTe now opened the Hest a1td La11te·t Stuc k ot ___ WI N TEH. ~ ll L Ll~ E ltY . FROM THE F ATHER: El'er "bown In B11w n11rn v 11J e, ijH,ff· wortla ·f O::l1'1UCH F H:A1'llll: li8 juoL v;.cuou . ii IarJI:'· a111uk or 'l'ltl MM h:iJ li \ 'I'd a 1 °o;t BONNET· always un btt.na. W e h<>V" !\loo 11. 1 .. r"" 11tock of VJ£LVJ£'1'8 , PLU8H E><, i::il LRH 8ATl·S e f all .Ple t1.se cn.11 auc.l iuepc<..a. uu1 ::6 ,wk h .·fdre pw.rchasin11: elsewher11 . Y1 1u wlll tJnd onr 11:oe4a the t·Le a.peat aud beet in"""'" Q"J:lea ver and F elt Hitt~ lttHilaµi;d i n &I! tile li>teat s ty led. R E11111ill1 EER '! Hit :STAND:-' dovrs west of M ..r1yn'· U1 ocu y 8tor..,, 8 h rl.deii ; a. Jtt r t<e fil, L k 01 H llH-tu ..,b, J:'Low&U, L ACKS a ud 'l'KIM.MlJ\GS '-'r tt il k.L11U ::. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. FRESH MEAT. -. --~--- Mrs. ------DONNELLY. ··-- Meat Sold in the Shop for Ca lilh. VER8UB P eddling and Credit. C ....l\.TAR R H . We having been ~ioli,.ited b ta num ber of ou·r c i 1izens to comn:le, le on the a bove system, we bave now decided to fall in with th eir request. T his plan w ill enab le ut> to sell TWO cen ts per pound chea.per. As you will see bv the new svstem ,.n shall not re;1uire half a do~e11 horses and rigs and men to run them, for which t h e public have previ ously paid. W e being the first to introduce t his great saving ask. your liberal support. Yours truly, W . BRI TTAIN&Co., MMket Square. N . B.-All orders pro mptly a ttentled to :!ind Meat delivr,l'ed t o a.11 parts of the town. We also pay C:.tsh for Farm a.nd Dairy Produce. 7 · ON~ Of THE BEST I Ibis asuecific in the cure of all diseases ., of the Kidneys, 13lwld e r, Prostatlc Portion of the Urmary Organs, ll'rita.tion of the Neck of the Bladder, Burning Urine, Gleet, Gonorrhea in a!Uts stages,lfocous Dischal'ges, Con~estion of tlie Kidneys, , Briel· Dust Deposit, Diabetes, Inflammat ion of the Kidneys and Bl!tddcr, Dropsy of Kidnc·ys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urine Pain in the Region of the Bladder, PAlN IN THE BACK, Urinary Calculus, Renal Calculus, Reno.I Colic, Retention of Urine, Frequent Urination, Gravel in all its forms, Inability to retain the Water particularly in pen<ens advanced In life, IT IS A KID:NEY INVESTIGATOR that r estores the Urine to its natural color, r emoves the a.old and burning a.nd the effect of the excessive use of intoxicating drink. P rice $1, o r S ix Bottles for $5. · Ja;. lrlD DJ' E "'Sl" INVESTIGATORS IN USE. do~~~~1!~~r~1!' ~r:~rlJ~~t! ~ri:_end us ono Bond for Oircu!a.r, Th0«e who <'!).llllot obtain a bott le ot this All!BHS'rB"O'i G, Out. w. JOHNSTON & co. ~ . ., ( Sold b7 all Druggists.· I D E'l'llOI'l', M ich. Agents for t he U. B. l\Dd Oannda.. WHO 1 9 UNAO QU A INTE9 WI TH THI! IZEeO k A NIV OF TH , -; ElOUN B~~sd?ft:'i~~!:~~~~~~:..~~ U1~ ~:; ~%8~:~ ~~!t R1i'~ ~l~~~1~"~i:A1eth~ 1~~1;~1~~ui~c~~~:~~~~t;~~ CHICAHO, ROCK ISLAMD & PACIFIC ~t~!'-:t ~~~l;~r!:~rrg:;:: b~~~ ece1ii·icb~~-/o':i~nJi~~8.: s~a 01ty , Counc1l :Blu!i"w. LcAvenwol't~. At chison, M l unea;>olis a n d S t . P a ul. I t co1n1ects il.... UDioJft MARBLE WORKS! men t h1 u'1 ri v-~led nud m agni11cent, bolog c ompos ocl o f l\'tos t Comf01.·ta.b le n.nd :B·~utiful Dn;y Coa.ohe e, Ma·:n1fjoeu t lior ton R & e:::lin1na Ch::ur Ca.ru, P 1.L llnut!l1G !>r..:ttiea: t P &lac1t 8leepiuu; Caria, a nd t.b e l"Jnst L i.nP of D rnin g C :\rli in Lhe W o r l d. T h ree Tran~o bct\·v c e n C h1c"~ o an<l .l\!hr.1o uri Rlver P o 1nt::J. T wo 'I r~11 us betweP.n Cniea.co a nd Minneapohs nnd Llt. Paul. \~ta. the li'o:\m ouii ways 3.9 low as compe titors that otrer l eliie o.dvan· tagea. For detailed l:>.formablon, got tllo M1<p· aud Fol ders of tl10 At you r near o1t T lek1t Offioe, or a ddrca:s A Nou a.11d Diroct Lmo, 't'rn. 3onecn an d J!: a.~1~ .i k ee. b.as recen tly be~u o p m1ed b etween R1oh m ori d , Nm.·folt:::, N ew por t l'ie wM. Ch.:.tt anooc:lt, ./J.tla n ' c., .4.. n .. flusta, N a ahv1 lle _ \ L cu1111·nllo. I.:cxinlrton. C1n a 1nu :l ti, ..I udiR.Uap olua a n a La.fa.: e tto , u.ud O m~h n, 1'1:1il.ne:a::>oMs an~ Gt. :P,\ul a ud iutl:!lrmcchnto p oi nta. All 'l1 b1·ol.1gh Fa.a:Jeng~r11 rcr avcl on Fast Exprcm :: 'l1ra..ins . Ti~eta for sale at all pr1nch>;i.l Ti c!~et Of!.."ce:i in the- Uni tcd 8taten a n d Canntla. Baggag'1 che o.Jted throu.g.,_ nnd l'\·.ta.s of f.ar~ al- "ALl9E!il!T LEA ~OUTE." W S H AW C REAT ROCK ISLAN D ROUTE , Vl···PrH .· R, R. QABLB, Qjj,.·111'1'r, IE, ST. JO HN, Qo.n'l 'fkt.. Pus. ~,.. CHICACO-

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