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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1884, p. 7

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. . . . . . . . .llfilll. . . M~U dt.---~t -\tttti:U-t-:-Jhung:; ar:d ~xhiiu:uon~ There were two 01R '1U ~ "' ~ .tln. rol!f loa,es ot b1Md w1tlun ranch .~ftor the of tho stablti foll m, a.ud tho little fol llllllllllll...................111!. .imll. . . .lllEMlll!!'lll~~~~~l!-.l~~~~~ICf!M!!~~-~iiiJ!!~~tJZl~tiEJll~~!llK!&J~~MU~~!J!l~lbA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IR~~~~~~~~~~~1~J5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!! a REPRESENfATIV1'; FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1884. A GA I I.A \T RESt UE. T1·0 Empero1 '11 Beahb- · epnb ·oau Feel· The EnH.· e ColleC'tl.,11 Valued at H.00,000 To love is to ma.ke a compact with soolow refused tu touch a mors.,J. givmg all The leader of the opposition m the In" aticl lllt1na.-ohta1 f'eal'><, -Wll.ore She Got lhem-&er row. to his m~ther anl sisterH. Thi~ was all Bouse of Commons supplies to the Con- 'fhe emperor, like a great many uncro'IVIl Aae 41 Years, It 1s leS11 pam to lea.rn 111 youth than to the mo·h.er, rhe ba,by, and the two daagh sen at1ve party tho ballast which its ed mortals, !1ad a rather sharp bilious A reporter ha.a proven his fitness for his be ignorant m age. ttirs-Mary aHd Callie-aged four and six leader lacks He i~ a steady gorn..( reh- attack m the lafor days of December, callmg by ascerta.mmg that Adelma Patti Hti tha.t hath no silver m his purse years, rti~pect1vely, bad tu live on from able old tory, not a mau of mucl1 vigor but was soon all right and on foot was born February 19, 1843, and conse- srn. STA~·FoRD NORTJICOTE. ~ ENGLI~HMEN. H[UZILIAN -- l'OLITIC~. 1 1 PATfl'S JHAMONDS. - GEMS OF GOLD. tlla vaJilJ Y tehu eafv1 1rt t I o cutl a wak:y k YJ.ug LT~ rl1e uo ftlog t w1 b\ a Jae n e. etnkuna1es o h1e terwri edfpllds·;n 1 10use were a en 111 s 1ei~ s o o" ··I a, wher1:1 they wtie s on as comf. rta.ble as wai m firni,i gldo d pkrov1ts 1011s, aiWid kmdMat1 tentwn C·1U m· e 1 rnm ie~ r EJ1gelbr1ght left for \Voodford11 011 Mund ·Y afternoon tht·y w.,re all dowg \\ell , and were tlltl recipients of a Jl th e ,1ttent10n that the lutle camp could be :~f~~a~;~~ :~~ :111 ".ffi;~t ~~ed01~\; 1~:;g~~ stow l\~1 Me1k, the honest ulcl Gtir provtsious aml the he.·d of tlie family man VIiho keeps the toll gate, and who epeut nw:t , f Lis time 111 huntmg ,md t\ist found the Maxwell fau1;Jy JS ll!·w the :II.sh mg. The~ took po·ste~s on of a rue le 1)lg~est 1uan m the canun -Cm son Appeal \uildmg 011 the lteft, wliich had be<Jll ueed $o store fAert, ancl stable horses wh..,n A. Big Farm. "'h · e mi JI w,1s 1unumg yen rs ago Th e S< aThe British ( ol1~mbum published at Now !Oll was vei y latt1, and though repeatedly Westmll,stei, B C , gt~es the f.,llowrn<o' warned hy M r M "' k , t 1 le tu11 gate k cep ,1cuount or s··methm!! pretty extensive ni ' f I d d b th 1 t ~ er, t nc am1 y <ce1ve y e I> e.1s,.u Canadian far111111g The Bell Fa1 m," weatl iei, co11t1nued to i "maw. Aftt-r t Ile un the uth..r side of the Rocky Mouutama, :first snow tirn rnan, wIl· ·Be name rn M ax 1 s the bq:1gest fat m in the wuild. It con well, en.me down to Woodford's a11d made tams 64,0UO ac;Jes, or 100 square m1l1:1s arrangenwnt s t o Ilave t wo l10rst:s t ak t<Il 1he annua1 repo1 t of operations on this eare of dur1ug the 1V111ter. He said h'" fa1m for 1883 h,ts JU!lt b"en published, had no mu11oy t " pay f or the f · ed a t tl)e ,.111 d f rom it may b c ,,vatl icrt>d a..me intertime, b ut "'ould redeem t }iem m t h e estmg facts as well as Udeful JePson~ 1prm..( H e a l su sa1d h e h ad mad e up h is Durmg the fall of 1882, 2, 700 acres of 1iew :mmd to wimtr m the canon, as he lmd grouiid wern ploughed The sod was pro)U·l<>ns, and game was abu1tdant He stmp y turned, the plough cuttmg only to was adv1~ed uot to take risks, but he ~aid a depth uf 3 lllches The usua.l piactiee ihe place he was m "asa stro11gst1ucture, 18 to plough twwe, the secoud operatl·m an d as 1t h acl g ·ven evtd enee of s ta u d mg a bemg known as backsettmg , but l\'faJor :ood many wmteis ho would risk it Bell fuuud it impossible to do this 111 cou0 n Tl 1w sday l ast tiwre was a lieavy fa ll sequeuce of the lateuess of the season, · f suow in t lw ca1Jo11, f o llowedbya sum1y aud the expeuuient was tned uf siiv. mg «a.y <Jn .F'riday Daung the day theie right on top of the fre,h sod. This ex were sever, I l arge s l 1 d cs of snow f rom the n....riment, it is rep >rted, met with very .-roek s whw 1 i 11se on th e s1d es of the cunun, great succiess T.t>e yield of wheit av<:>raged - some mst ances m uea.rly 24 bushels to the ac1e, and the AS IIIGH AS 300 FEET. sam!Jle w,1s ti1st-class Tile total yield of H ea.vy h od ies of snow toppled over f rom w h eat on t i11e farm l ast year was u1rnard s ihtJse hei~hts, all<l lll their desceut c,trllt'd of 90,000 bush,.,Js, and of o,1ts about 25,away Jar.,e tuasses of rock, whwh foiled 000. Last fall there wore about 7,000 "'h h l f ] l h d d f h · e pwes at t o ottom o t ie gorge acres p oug e rea y or t is year a crop. Dur111g the mght Meik h ..ard aeve1al of It is rep11rted to be 111 much better cond1 ihes~ sl!des, ai1d the uext day the 1uad up t111n th<t.n that' put under crop last year to the ca11ou was choked with saow. Ou and Jt is tJSI unatt'd that th.i:: fa.1 m "ill y1dd Sunday ne wcut uµ tu the shrngle nnll 011 120 000 bushels of wheat next fall, bes1d.,, 11now sho<Js, au<l fuuud the place oocup1t:d eriougu for seed nt1xt yt-ar. It Is proposed by the fanHI,)- h Ld been buried under th1:1 nex· fall to plough 18,000 ·cies, and 25,snow 'file s'1 le had commenced 011 the 0('0 acres m t he fall of 1875, when the eteep mo1mti1111 sltcle, abum 200 yards up crop is expected to reach 500,000 bushels ·he sl,,pe, aud s talLe·I a numbtir of boulu- The wheat grown ou the B 11 faxm la~t ers m its couis<' 1'ne track of the ava- year a·1ld at an average of 88 cts per lanol11:1 wao m .rked with p1 ostmte pmes, bushel fur cons~Hnpt1on , the choice gram, and the mass of suow upon tlrn log st1uc for seed, brought $1 25 It is stated wre lay packed hard tu the dep1h of ten m the report th,it there were very or fitteen feet l:St!emg 11e , ould clo noth- gre»t draw ha. ks to farmwg operat1011s mg, Meik rt:JtU11Jed to Woodford s a.ud m the Noiilh-west last y1:1a.r The earl:>1oon r,11~<1d 11, force of a d· zeu or twenty pact of the summer was unnsually dry men, who werit up with shovels a·d picks Not until the middle of July was thern and other appha1wes tu effect a r ..scne a.uy sat111facturv g1owth From thattuue '.l'he suuw w is packed so har(} that it until early m September the growth was was~lmosr 1... e suJ1d r-.ck and i:equued rapid~ buM.abuut tha.t ate a seve1e frost p1¢~a w1~lded by stvut h .nda t-O 1111be11 it. seriously lllJUred 11e,~1ly evtJ1y faun l'r"By 111ght they hid re .cl1ed thti logs wlmh duct thru11ghuut the whole territory, as fortm d pa1 t uf the stable, .md fuuud that well a" M .rn toha The Bdl farm did ·hti r,,ot hMI heeu at.1shud m by a bould- nut ~s1Japll the fr· st but it almost untuely er. Uy tli1< 11111e 1hti f01ce h,1d been escaped the consey_ueuces which elsewhere augmented, a11d, bu1ld111g a r1>USJ11g foe w·1vtd 80 d1s1ouiagrng to a_r1cultu118t8 in the suow, they wo1ked111 four slnfa of; l'h1~ "h.,at was n1 t Jlt<reepllbly mJuied, 111x 11ien each, e,1oh shi· t "'"rkmg an hoUl and the ywld was ahundant We are Woodford s Ktat1011 was drawn"" fur sup told that nMny fa.rnll:lrs iu Mamtoba aud phes, arid. wuh pleuty of foou and ~t1mu· the North-west w1 rn so dll!courage1I las1 lant.i, tlil:l tutin keµt to their work. Vw- fall that they contemplated abaudouwg mg a p 11t10u of d1e time two shifts work thti1r farms and gomg elsewhere. But ed at bt<j·aratu pl.ic..s. the largemeasurtl of bUecesswh1chattendAt a l ·ttJe b<:>fote 11 o clock the w<·rk- ~d thtJ Bell fai m g,1ve them cour.igtJ to meu cleaie,l a\\,,Y a place where they t1y agam 'Ih~y weie able to see thar reached on of the }pg-1 wluch furiu1:1d a their fa1lme was, to a cous1deiable exteu~, portlun of the wall of the stablt>. They the result of m1p1 udeuce, ai1d it may bl:l hammered ou this with au aim aud wa1rad the lessou will produce laatmg resulls for an answe1wg kuouk While ·hev Every Crnadian may reasonably feel a waued aud 11st1;111ed with mtense sus- certam degre1:1 of pnde at the SUCCl"SS .,f pense, one of the tu vowed that he could this mam11Jot h fauu, and we of Bnt1sh hear Jamt taps fiom w1tl1111, but the Columbia would 1e dehght,,d if by any others doubted The log was again means such a farm could bti e&tabhshed m struck w11 h an axe, .rnd this ume there this conntry We are fr<Je fr ·m many of came several distmet knocks, and the the obstacles which stand m the way of the Mamtoba farm.,r, aud there is little OUTSIDERS Jl.ROKE INTO A C:IEER doubt thu.t a la1 ge fa1 m, conducted after that made the old canon rrng By m1d- the manner of 1he Bell farm, W< ul i pay mght they h,~d cut through the log, but it very hand ..ome d1v1dends m BritiBh Cowas ha.rd wo1k, as the i.now wae pavked lumbta close ahout it, and the hole made was not over a few rnchea wide at the lower end Old·Fushloned .M:others. When the edge of the axes went through Thank God, some of us have had old tqey called at the aperture, aud were aw swered by a vmce. "Fur God's sake, fashioned mothers Not a woman of tht· pu~h m so met hmg to eat , my ch1lclien period, Emamel.-d and pamted, with her a.re dymg ., I" a moment hread, meat, grtla~ chignon, her curls. and bustle, and a small fl.ask of brandy wei e pu~hed whose wlnte Jeweled hands never felt the through the aperture, and the weaned claRp of bu.by finge1s , but a dear, oldtoilers m the snow sprang to th~ work and faslnoned, sweet-vo1ce<l mother, with eyt1s made a fresh attack upon th1:1 log which m who:ie clear depths the love hght imprisoned six people. Th1:1y cleai ed shone, a.ud brown hair Just threaded \\lth away the snow severnl feet above, and silver, lywg smooth upon her faded it was 3 <J'cluck 111 the moruwg before cheek. rhose dear hands, worn wirh they cut through the log, ab"ut six feet toil, ~ently gmde our tott.. nng steps m above the first cut Then ca.me a fear clul lhood, and smoothed our pillow m that tlie pla~e bet" eon the two cuts 1ckues~, or reachwg out to us m ye irn ng tenderness Blessed is the memory would fall m w:u cl aud crush the fanuly It floats t o The st:teond hole,.. howt:ver, gave a better of an ohl-fa<h10ned mother. chance of commumcat10n, 11nd Maxw~ll u~ now, like the beautiful perfume f10m said if they would get a cand!ti m to h11n some wooded blossoms The mu·1c of he woul t tell where the log would fall other voices m iy be lost, but the entranc W heu A c11.11dl1:1 was takun from a la.nter n aml mg memory of he1 s will shme on g1ve11 to hnn with m~tches tied tl! it !11 111 the fitful p ·U<es of bu,rness life ou1 a few moweuts the glow of a hght was feet wander back to the old home~tead, seen from rhe uu1 side, antl this light and, croMsmg the '\\ell worn tlir,shold, must h1n e ht0en ve1y welc· me to the ~taud Ollce moro m the room so h,11 011 ed Maxwdl fam ly, as they ba,I been m by her p1ese11ce, .how the feellllg of eh1ldtotal Ila· ki ess smc« F11day n·ght, wheu I ood, 11rnocence and dependt n ee comes the >iV> la11d1e atr uok the l!tai,Je He over us, an<1 we kne1:1l dowu lll th.- mo teu 11oou call, d out to push the log forward, su11sh111e, streanuug tluou~h 1hti optn but 1t w '~ fa,t uid ie4u red co1101d1 rnble wmdow-iust whe1e loug y"a1s a~o we k111·lt by our nt thl"r s kuee, h>11mg1 prymg w1tli c10-.bats bf, rn it y e1ded Thti, e ht ax, st the ape!tUt c followe I "Our Fathei " How mauy times, "'hoe!t ihe 11,,t, wd cllmbt d m 1h1 ough th<J the te111pttl1 lured us ou, has the mem ·I) ope11111g with 1a11te111T11e1 e, 111 a of those ~ac11ed hams, that motltei s apa1;e ,thout ren feet squ~re, "as Max worua, her fa th an I pr1yt> s, saved u1 well /J.· d Ju:; fam ly His wife was ly111i.: from iilur g1111£ mto the cte.. p a.by s of s111 onam 1tr1t ~ a"d~·me hlauke1s, \\1h a Yea.rs have filled g· <:>at d1 ifts b .. twPeu h<r you11g duld 111 her ar1us, aud th1 ee others a111I us, but th<·~ h.ve Hot luddeu from «1lmgmg to l1et md c1ywg b1tte1ly When our stght ttie g.ory of her pure, uuselfish ) the 1... 11 er u shone un tha r faces they put love Their lMntls to theu eyes aud turucd away m fear Tne wl)mau w is hardly " Here is an order f1 om the B10oklyn able to wove, and Mu.xwell, 11 ho had kept Tabernacle for a pulpit Bible, but it a stout h·ait through all the Jong da;)-S do1 su't give the 1equired style of bmdmg," and nights of dai ki1ess, gave out ac this said a cle1k of a v·;bhshiug house t' thtJ pomt, and propnetor. "Lot me atie," aa1d th1:1 OltIED LIKE A CHILD. geut]Eiman add1 es~ed , " the Brooklyn Chester, the oldtJst boy, who is but Tabernacle; tliat Ia v.herl!l Mr. T1>1mage eight ye;;ir.:1 of age, had worked with his preaches, isu't l t ?" "Yes." "Well, stind father to get out, and was worn out with a leather-oovered one." eue 0~ :~ f:~;~~ of ~~xr~~;~<~sa.f<~:n~t~nd:; a snow Ill d" 111 ..Woorlfoi d 8 Call· ·n The l!Cene of tht! sn··W slide was the old de aerttJ<l shnigle iutll about a half nnle ll.hove Merk 8 toll h use and two miles P hove Woodfoid 8 Sta non w oodford's C mon 11 a de"tJ and picturesqu" gorge m the mountams, five or 5 x imles lllnl<. and leads mto Boie V.t!le. lu the fall of 1 Y f d last y"ar a £..mi 1 o a man an his f if y, co11s1strng li th 1 11 WI "aw our c ' ren, c.ime "v' r e A J"am 1y Buried 'Clbd«'r .,n · valarcbe ID F11day afternoon, when they t ·Ok dinner, N~vad,..-tn l:a·k,., 88 and '.fen·or until about m·dlllght on Sunday Thete The Pther evennw Johu Enaelbnaht was ple11t;i. of .flo· rand ~Ollie gameu11 the "' f w"' f "'tl ' pl1>c1, but thtl log;; of the I·l· f, wlnd1 were ll'h o reac h c d tl 1e 1 Hy 1 mn oou 1 1 1 a h d ii II ~t.e.ti l ht tl t 11 tre 01u<1 e m, cut ·· a c"mmu111cat1011 1 I~o;1 1hele, alt~ough ~a7ell a1~d l11s son 1 1 I j should have it on his tongue. agam N iturally, all the oflici d quently is 41 yoar11 old. The same auTo count but few thmgsnece.asary 111 ihe world was ma flutter of anxiety for news thonty Ba)S she wore $140,000 worth of of his htalth, and th..re was a p rfecr gems w-htm she appeart-d .m the stage foundation of many v1rtu.,s. show· r of teleurams from Eur ·pe, e~pt:tc1- xeoently After consultation with a du~It is safer to be humble with one talent ~ d h h f ally E11gla.11d, whither, ir ~eems, th1:1 H~v mon expert, e gives t e ollowmg des than to be proud with ton. as a)<'e11cy had sent a st-n~atwiwl t.-legr.Ltn cr1 p ion ut some of the \aluable 3ewels. A tool may h11.v" lw· co"t embroidered,. but 1t will always he :i. fo"l'e co·t. 1tluch aet the fiuanctal aud conce.s1ouary ThE MAGNIFICENT DOUBLE COLLAR world ma great auxiety of large brilhaut gems winch 'the songA large mass of error is easily embalmed Fo1 tunarel:y, the quustion of the sue- stress wears arouud her ne"k m the first and pei petuated by a little truth. cessiou to th., throne is uut an 11nm· dmte and secoud acts lil a present given her P1::ace 1s the evenmg star of the soul, one, "nd tho emp<iror, though v~ry white- wh1le she was smgmg 111 London 1bout 11 and virtue is the aun, and the two are never !tea led ,md weak upon lus lvwer hmbs, lS yea1 sago bJ twenty thiee Eughsh lad10s, far a.11art. hearty in body and vig1,rous m mmd Jt the Countess of Lmcoln, now Duchess of By ta.lnng revenge a man is but even with is. llowtiver, oue whictl 1 ruubl1:-s many Newcastla, btJrng the p·omoter of the m111ds, a~ it is fearl:ld that the Pnnc~ss presl:lntat10n and pla.cmg her name at the lus enemy ; but m pass11ig it over he ia lmpenal, amiable as she is and p ..hto a1:1 h "'ad of t 1 te subscnption 1ldt The stt'mcs super10r Envy is a. voice which keeps no hohday, sho bus le .med to be. will uot, tven are pnre white ·olit mes and the whole counseled anrl a8s1st1ed by h01 husbau<l. piece ,,f Jewehy is 011e of the fit1est in but is al ways m the wheel, and workmg it. the Comte d Eu, be able to d1 al with the existenre The locket wlIHh hung from own d1squ1et. T1ue goodness is like the glow-worm, 1t R pub lcaI·S aud the unruly eJ,meuts her neck was a gift of Queen V1ctoua, w l11ch mertlly seek to de~t1 oJ 111 the whilo the exq msito soht:ur e rmg al1e had shines most wht:n no eyes save those of c1t1es e~p< 01 illy among the d1a cpporntt:Jd on her fluger was p1 es·mterl to her by the heaven are upon it. a1 d ambit1· us 11rof, ss1onal clMs«s, so B~roness Bmudett Coutts, and both of If you pursue a well-trodden pathwa1 11ume1 ous in the ca1)11tals, th~ Pr1ncilss them a.1 e of immense value. for a long while, you will finally pursue it alone. lmpt:nal is accused ol devoteeism and of THE DIAMOND IlltACELET Ut'lll!! !!:lady, m order to obta.ui pa·ial r.. v- which .,...arklAd on hl:lr wrist was izIVen A good deed is neve1· lost , he who sows ~ ' ..,. ~y " or, t · plac1:1 the country at the fet>t of the her by the cumm1tteo of the Birmmgham courtesy reaps friendslup, and he who f 1 h ) curm. estlva, w 1c l was composed of the chrnf plants kmdness ga.thexs love But m Brazil resp~ct fo1 monarchy is m,muractnrers of England. and is worth a Of all the gifts that nature can give us, still trad1t1onal and iustrucri-e, the pres- Stf111.1ll fortune m 1tself Tlns is only o11e the faculty of rema.m1ng silent, 01 of a.nt1ge of p1>1ver is enorm··Us, even amoug d o twenty-tlueo d1amoud bracelets the swermg avr( pas, is perhaps the most use· ihose who affoct to Stom it, aud, ouce iva. owua Auothex lovely Jewel which ful. eudo"ed with the glamour of the c10-.vn, was especially noticeable 111 the last half Society is composed of two classes H l· very likt1ly that sh,, would be unheA 1 ot t h e second act was those who h ,we more dinner tha.n appetatuwly acc ..pt"'d by the gieat m BS of the THE DIAMOND COMB, 0 tite, and those ~ho have more appetite uatwu Tne da1·g1<r would he rather lll which was fastened m her hair This is than dmner. the ml:ltropohs, where a p1onuuc11meuto a gift fr.,m thti unfortunate Empress EuBelieve nothing agamst another but on of the thrt:e thousand military forcts m geHle, and is com[.JOSed of twenty-thtee good authority , nor report what may hurt garu,on might rt:Jadily upset all the cal- cle111 sto11es, the whulo piece bemg valued another, unless it lie a greater hurt to anculat10ns of the pohtw1a11s. Lf the R10 at $10, 000 other to conctial it. garrison ,wrl the fleet eould be secured all HISTORICAL SOUVENIRS Affectat10n m any part of our carriage ia the provmces from St Paulo to Para The pair of ea.rrmg· 11ntI one o f t h e b race woulct hMe to obey, as rhe blockake of a l et s are h istoncal 'flmy a.re souvemrs of hghtmg up a candle to our defects, and few porrs '<'Ould IUlll thti P >J.Jttt>rs aud the greatest triumph of the !Jllma dpnna s never falls to m 1ke us be taken notice of, either as wantmg sense or smcenty. PerhaJ>S mduce the saves to rise career some ten or twe Ive years ago, 1t But it would 11ot be so ea·y to deal w11 1 b e rememb ered p i t t1 sam~ b e fore t h e Ceasmg to learn 1s begmnmg to die. mth R10 G, rtnde do Sul, as, owm cr 0 'to i1 s !¥e»t ru l era of E ·urupe, t h e E mpmors of Schoolmg is not only needed for grrls and PIOX!llll y to tlie Arge11t11w aud Ui uguay G ermauy. R u.,s1a an d A ustna, aud a f ter boys, but for rneu and women through an reputili..,s, lta tr.i.Je could tittd l!ULluts, the nerforrnance, as a memento of th1soc every phase of life if they would compltite o.nd, moieover, the population is warlike r aud stwn_ly tmcturtld with repubhca.n caswn the delighted Kmgs presented her their career -d1 h f with a set con"ldtmgof a di.tmond brooch The pla1n doctnne of mtegnty 1s rarely 1eatnugs au las n"t forgotten, ow, nrty ea.rrmgs and biacelets She counts them found purely p1aet1ced no vadays. lt 18 year~ ago, the provwce not only maweasy to pick ou t. pl,Lm men, gemu,ea, rnartallied Hsdl 11111 e ye"rs as a republic 111 a.mong her moat valuable tieasures ty1s , buG mtegruy 1s rare The gods apspite of rhe 1efforts of the eruptr(;), but OTHER TREASUREfl even subJug-tted a part of the pruvrnce Besides the diamonds however, which prove of the depth, and not the tumult of of i:;auta C .tlwrma Kuowmg this, tt were worn, the rub es and 1 merilds caus- the soul. has beeu the p ,Jicy to trt:at Rio Gi ..nde ed <Jspecial adm11at10n and conuneut and Rind words are br1g;ht flowers of earthas th1:1 favored cluld, and mouey has b,een were superb She has two ruby Jewels ly existenue , use them, and especially spent liko w ,ier m fuirnshll!g it with which are said to be the finest m ex1st- around the firosido 01rcle They arti the r<llroadtJ at th1:1 cost of the nation · But on"e One of tht:m is a p11re p1gM011 Jewels beyond 11r1ce, and powerful to h()al peoples, even 1111> 10 than wdlviduals, feel blo1 d stoue given to h"r by Mr Hall, of the wounded heart and make the weighed· little gratitude fur p<st favors, and a Covent Garden. and the othe1 1a the ex down spmt glad Ri, Giaude di) Sul r ..puhhcan umon with qu1S1te star with diamond pomts preaentBad words are as mfluent1a.l as the Urngu;iy to the somh and the pwiwc"s ed to her by Alf1ed Rothscluld. dla.gue and tho pestilence They have "f Sant.a Ca~ha· ma and Patai.a to t he The most valuable of all, wmch hfl.s wrought mortl evil than battle, murJer 1 01 th is oue of , he probabt ines of th1:1 be~n brought to tlua country only once, and sudden death They creep through 1;.,xt 'dt'c ·<lts Uruguay 19 tau small to 11 the "Ca1herme" diamond given her the ear mtu thu heart, c.Jl up all tta had stan<l alon 9 , it must gravitate towll.rd 1by the Emprtss of Russia Its weight pa.1s10ne, and tempt it to break Golf's combraztl .,r towa.id Argeunae By Ian- is th11ty.six ca1a.ts aud its value is v.L11- mandmeuts A tow bad words got mto guag" ,.n,J pubh., rnstitutlous it 15 relat.,d ou-h estimated at between $30,000 and the ear of the morher of ma.nkmd ; and to Ai-geu·.uw ltc> situation and uunuutr $40,000. thq led her on to eat the forbidd1:1n ci,1J uiter~st, mge lt"ttJ.,. ai:d 110 Britnd l::ih<l ltas ~l'!.9 a sup~b a.ohtaire d1~0J1d fam t;-a.ud thus to bnng death mw the do Sul, tu "Juell it fur hlttti the busts, rwll, a gift of Napol<Jon ILL., winch 1s m 11ourld lu 1011 of the R 0 Gi Lnde port diffi.,u tit:s ve&ted wrt h mtetest, as it is connected 'l'I oniov, r 1OH.) tlwus rnd Hw \rr n,dtu,t:Js with the 01 smi burnbs exchement P.ttt1 HA.VE A SULE. ,.1 ., settled m Urugu ·:>. fornw g <Htu w··s to an!? it wtll b.., iemtJ111bl:lred, at Ltlll six h, f its popu atwu awl owi,lll-( one ltal11:n1s [t1eatre, and wh<n the bombs Par excellence-a good father. half' f its bu IK of wlnch 01 lv a third lS w.. re 1hrow11 the cair1ages of the diva and Remember the poor It coats nothmg. it1 tho haucl 3 of the natives of the repub- the Em,.eror were neai togethe1 nn the The boss copy righter- the proof rea.der. he way to thti opera Oue bomb exploded The µ-overnment 18 about to enforce the behllld the "arna.\fe of thl:l ,songstress and The dtsease of the meter-gas trick l«w which ltJq· ir ..s the mouaa 10 ordeia anntht>r 11t-a.1 the E.upe1or s ca.inage, ter fover Osl!lan's last request "Digma a grave, 10 se1 inrlnu ten yea a, a,,d miest th1:1 nbly mangh11g l·ue of"1h1:1ho1susandspat p 1 ,,0, .-ds 111 the pubiic funds, ,ill tlrnir t<:r111g bl >0 d on the Emperor The Em fellah;." cuuven sand ch,·itable lllStltutirms A pe1,.r exlub1ted great coolnllSS ~nd went The peach crop has been offiC1.all7 large amnuut of pliwtatlutis I..nds a ud to the over a. as he was, and I atti saug destroyed. bnckiaiJs, fr um whllh thti' urdeis' have with uuusal su1;cess aud bulJrnncy, sea.ice The man who "found his level" \\Ill! a. d .. riv· d ht le or 110 mcome smce the 1: sho"wg by the q1nver of a. nrnscle the oa.rponter of coursa. emar cip Ltioll , ,f then sl ,ves will thus be exc1temeut unde1 w h1ch she iva.s lal ormg "I look out for a number won," mys µut 011 he lll>1.rket, t· ge·her with a eon At a conc1:11t at the Tutllenes a sh-0rttime std<'rttble number of huut1e~ and other afterwa1ds the Emperor complimented the young speculator who scans a lotterf valuable city property her on her presence of mmd and cour l1st. If there is a d1vm1ty that doth hedge aga, and gave her th1:1 rmg. about a kmg, what 18 it that doth hedge - --- · - - - WORTH NEARLY HALF A MILJ'.,ION. fotensti11g Nl'WS From Alaska Garr 1r I, the eou1 t Jeweller of Eu gland, about an ace 1 eximmed the greater pa.it of them, and lt doesn't speak much of the size of Ill M .F'iancois Mercier ila.s lately return 1:1atimated the value of the entire collee- man's mmd when it takes him only a ed to Montie.Li trom the most northern tiuu of Jtlwellery alone at $400,000. Be mmute to make it up. dis· rJct of Alaska, near Bt>hnng Strait sides this. the diva o1\ ns a vast amount of An English pa.per ea.ya that Amencans llo has there been empl· yed lJl th1:1 fur rwh bric a-brae and articles for household are goqd hstoners, Our mvent10n of the High Rewards for {'riminals. tra.d., on the Youkon River for tho last use. telt>phone prove~ 1t sixteen years, and was th1:1 lira American The plan of offerrng high rewards for or Ca11ad1an to arrive there after the a 1le Even the homeliest man, when assisting The Dynamiters. the apµ1ehens1on and co11vict1on of certam of Alaska by Russia to tl11:1 Umted States a fellow-passenger t.o put his mckel m the Reports come almost every day of some cnm111als 1s always well mte11ded, but it Mr. Merc1e1 speaks the Edqurmaux street ca.r box, is paasmg fare. is certamly subject to gr1:1at abuse at t11nes la11guage fluently, as also severu.l other new dynanute plot bemg discovered and " Are the sails on the Ship of State Such lt is JUSt stated that at Wmdsor a large ln1llaa dialects used by the na ivea of the mpped m the bud in England. nurnb1:11 of deserters from the Umted Arctic r ..g101ls, and relates sever,~l mter- readmg is beconung almost monotonous, made from the Pres1dent1al canvas?" asks.a How does it come young statesman from .Brooklyn. ~tates Army have found refuge, and of e~tmg ltem3 as to the country m general as well as p~mful. It 18 aaserted tha.t in Paris no fewer course they cannot be extradited There A d f th Id d h that so many men manage to get a plot so 0 is a good reward for their arrest on U mted n i ea e cu experience t er far under way and yet al ways get frus than 30,000 women earn thell' hvmg by may be furmed from the fo!lowrng thtirmo trated before any practical harm comes the manufacture of arhfim.al flowers States s<J1l.knd sobsom~harpies ard e 1n metrical observat10ns On th1:1 lat of out of it 1 .Are these men al"ays fools as A lodgmg house bed m Now York oaa st1mtly ur mg a out mdsor, m ucwg Deo1:1mber, ~882, the mimmum durmg the well as fiends 1 If they are not they the deserters to drrnk and then gettmg d 50 ~ b l (F h h t) d th be obtamed for five cents, and still some t h.,m across the river when m an m tox1 - ay was o e ow a reu ei au e would, some time or other, get a stage New Yorkers persillt m sta.ymg up all cated state. A much "oise ciise was max1mmn 20 below zero. Tak mg the farthe1 than the <Jne that always manages mght mentioned m the House of Commons a wh~le month tugeiher, the minimum w;s to get unearthed We don't want to Two Connecticut lovers have JUst made few days a.~o .A memh.,r st,.1tl:ld m h1~ 63 below zero and the maximum 55 . see auy of them get a sta.ge farther and The wmter lasvs about eight mouths, hli.w some buildmg, or some eo le, 01 up ofter a. quarrel which took place fifty. l'l,Lce that one R ()ger Amero, an unedu- wlule the four summer montbsarerna!.(m- both, to pieces, but we suapectp the~ eight years ago. Some people cannot hold ·ated AC".ad1a.t1, a citizen of Nova t'ic ·tm, 11 t th ti 1 d b k b ·v wns arrest1:1d and taktlu to l\'fassachusett~ cen wea tJr, le uu y r<>w ac ewg lij a little design 1!1 all this, on one side or malice. tho plague of mosquit"es that literally the other Either the dynamiters don't "Mme is a. lofty callmg," sang the cha1gt:d with a murder that had oecurred blackeu the air dur1ug the l1111g u11brokeu want to .,0 any farther, aud JUSt ku~p tenor as he uplifted lus voice to the C and 0 rn that Sta.tu, on which a large reward had d ~ ay' las t mg many IllUli tiis D .tck 8 · geeRe, matters muv111g as they do in order to hwig on to it hke a darkey to a melun 011 been offe1 ed Amero, it seems, was m swaus, e t c' b egm t 0 ainve a bout t l le keep up an excitement all the time, or a moonless mght. the State at the time of the murder, but end of April at1d la;i. thous tnds of eggs 011 el·e th~y h· ve iiot tlie wit and wisdom When one refteets that the annual rag there was no e\ tclence whatever that he t h " bau k s and !Blan cl 8 111 ttie L v ~ rivers neceasarv for the successful gene1al buameas of the Umted States foots up had ariy hand 111 1t The facLs go to show T ,, htige aie much snught after by tha hla.ughterers they aspire to ht> Or, is it over $2,000,000, the aged overcoat that 1h "'t h e was a.rrested 0111n.,,rti "!>"cu Ia t 1011, an(l h 011e~ weru entertamed o f Il«Vll·g native,, aurl a.re exeell~nt eatwg, in fact, JH·t 1·us..1blti, that the polwe author1t1es lmgers m the lap 0£ sprrng assumes a.n ll.lr 111 kilep1r1<> of reapectab1hty h im CO <l' icted a.ncI gett mg a fi ne rewaJ<I M1 . Mercier 8 ·ys, tl1e1 e IS no l.1ck ot f · d ha111:1 auy t·bJect on tht>lr "art r v "' f 01 t h e busmo~s A ~ i t was, t I1e ma.n \\as ot all ..01 t·. F01 "I'"" s there axe rein u11 an exc1teme11t, and therefore dut1't "Auamas hved a long while ago, drdn'll , 1 for mouth s all d h"i et ur11- d, et, 11i,,os..., h11tck and b1 uwn bt>ar in 1he care to l:,iy bare the 11Lot until it has gone her' quest10ned a Sunday ~chool l&d as k ept iu cU·to.,,y l:ld home 1 o fiud lns two o1at· rd dr1ve11 to w1 enrn and whtttl b, ar on tho c"a~t. wnh ah .. ut as tar as It well can without B< me he trotted along by the side of lus teacher. Auy w"y, hl>W "A vtry l ung while ago," was the alliswer. ·nsamry an d Jn Ml asy1um on a c< unt , f .....lmoJ1 11 the ],l1ge1 111 "is ,,n t tr,,ut Ill b ·dy getting huit I ~ thu tr uhJe Hl:l h ... ·lllCe he1;orne tum h,, stre,uns rheE qu1m.1ux dogs, which srra1qe It 18 Lhat while so many uf these "Then I guess Chicago must bo nn an ienk ~elt lll~a1w and 18 now al~u an i. m Lte 'f tr.: tlw d1a.ught allllllala of tlte couuti y plots ate be111g chscov,red, and so many ctry ' " What make1> you thrnk sol" "I 1 n the·e 11-h wheu dried m 11 must be 1m11hcaterl m them, tl1er~ an a."y j urn. Tl us is ct:trtam1y a Yery ex- r, m· stly f, d < v heard father say that Auamas was IL re· M1 Merc1 e1 has not a very lugh op1won are sn feW' of them actually discovered purtor rn a Chicago n1:1wspaper traorij wary and Vt ry sen" us ua"e, anrI lt ut the rnd t11en ol the Nollh but co11s1d- aud arrested. may uot turn out as ha I"" wa.. 1epr"""11t· 1.,1s 1111 ma laz id le lot ' Mrs Bonanza Ma.ckay'a latest Worth ed, b tt tho daugets are tou great of grn~1 A t l y f l t -·· · - · dress is described as a "poem " ]from 1 11 ng at lngh re1· 1rds tu be hg11tly cous11lsl " 'h' 1· Nnll n " parli cxpl e< i hH nkever l "\\"hen 1 was out We!'lt last summer" a de~cript on we mfer that it resembles a d ' r a 1mg t e Ott 1 l 11 e, le t 111 s lt , · eie !ltlV<r 1;aJ1 be doue \\Hhou~ bu1ldmg s111a 1 sa1 I tlie b ·g~age smasher, 'I saw the poem thut is mserted m the editor's waste stall· 118 eu l\IU e alt..r qull twg the slllp ?i11gest sunset I ?~ver saw 1n my life" basket. It IS not red This is a v1:1rse· If w1:1 would have l o-.erful mmds we f.,J tl·e ic" 1 ,wii lnig th1:1-e ..tatious with H ·W big w,is l G asked the bra.keswan straight JOke but the tempta.t1on to write must thmk , if we w, uld have 1ai hfu tood 1 ud ali uccu"H ·lles aw· l<:>aVlll" thelll "Why, I should say," re!Jhed the other, waist basque it was necessary to overcome. hearts. we mu,t lovti , 1f wtl would !lave u, c hat ge ol 8 u,,i1 l pa· tie~ , hy 1 1 11 /'me ~Ill! c11stu1g aoout for an adequate stmlle, "that It might be supposed that young men, p .1ver1ul urn-cles, we nmst labor uni ~ "ti! the expuilitiou be euabled to ,.11 iL was ,Lbout the size of a Saratoga. tJunk m seekmg an educatmn, wonld prefer As somewhat of au mdu1;ement to 11a11ce a111l ieC!l'e when 111 ceot<ary, takrng You ma.y tame the wild beast, the cou Michigan U111vers1ty over all other inamateu1s we take this method of anuounc- ail v,LJ1t..ge of a11me wintt>r .iru1Je1 th au flag1at1011 of the American forest will cease antut10us of learnmg, because it has an m_ thHt every one senutug U· a poem vn u~u ..l aud thus push, n tur'the Jl"le No when a1I 1 he timber and dry wood is eon- Angell for a President; but all the sa.me, ' Sprmg this year w11 l receive a pou11d ve·~el cau pn11Je"d m·u h further tha.u sumed, but you cannot arrest the pro- Yale C01lege has the preference. The of dynamtte done up ma b.,autuul sheet 79 o latitude, a11d this looves 11 o tu be gress of that cruel word which y· u latter has a Professor .Beers, and too man1 of colored tissue pap.,r, .N<Jw IS the tuue gPt over of frozen s11ow a.ad ioe -Mon- uttered carelessly yesterday or this morn- students think that beer's more elevatinc tu get up clubs. I tre.al Star. in;. than angel.e. either physically or rntellectually ; quiet a11d unobtrusive, he is the v.. ry autithes1s ,,f the Lady Lclattield AR the Marquis of S.thslmry looks muuh younger t ha1> he IS, so t) 1 r Statlurd Nortlwoie looks con s1dor..ibly older His hair and head ll.re rou.;h and whitish g1 ay ; hls eyebrows bushy, head bowed and shoulders rou. ded. He walks like an old man, looks like one, au<l, in fact is one. Jf ~ ou have evtJr seen the Pa11 taloon on the pantonume st,ige, you have seen ~ir Sti~ff ford No,thcote lt almost seems as 1 the lllJUnctmn of the conventio1 al pantaloon had m his mmd's eye a foresh.idow mg of the honorable b,i.ro 11 et aud dehberately coiiied 1t U 11fortunately foi l:;n S1atloru p ~ .. ch disuovered this cruel sumhtude, aud auaui at d .1gam he has beeu ma 1e to figurn as the pautaloon m Tenmd's and :;ww buuri,e's pohncal car1oous and skerches, Uthe1w1st> there would be notlung to smile "t rn him or 1 11 app.. ar·11ce he is tl1e in1persun" ion v " ' ~ 01 Tory respectability 111 lus manners and <lJllll ns and a good figure head for tl1e ' party J01;EPH CHAMBERLAIN · The n)enlbeI. of Par·liament for Birm111gham and piesident of the Board of ~de is t tally uiilike tli·· preTr~ v "e wg. There is nothmg ar1stoc1at1c about h rn' -nott11 ng even of good for·iil Ii e d resses caref u11y, it is tiue, but m b a d t ast e , h is voice i~ h urd and rasprng, and his ges uie exaggerrat ed , young r,,, kmg m the face with etrdully trrn1 med mutton chop wh1ske1 s-' E11ghsh" as whbkers as they are oft1n called thongh, in t ru tli, t 1 1ey liave 1ong d sapµ· n.l'e d f rom anytllmg like fashwu rn E11gla11d, Jong, rat I1er ·l un m Iigure, walkmg witb svrne·' wit h a smgI e e)e w ha t o f a 8 1ouch ai1u. glass rn one eye H is man11e1s appe~r.· nee, voice, a11 t en d t o se t lrnu in oppo sit ion to soc1 et y and society agams t lllm '-' L.ie couId not b e any tluug b utan e11emy f he of the old 1"nd e d ge11 t ry, "nd even 1 was tu p > ofess himself then mo-t snl! ere fr1eud it would be a. long nmti before the landed gentry could brmg themselves to accept such a figure as oue of themselves SIR WILLIAM HARCOURT The Homtl S1;1creta 1y ' the le~st liked man rn Englanrl, ' 18 of en called a finelookmg m ,11 He is tall aud (JO" ert ully bmlt with a face winch has the unpi e-s of grei\t atreugth of will-a gieat cou.rse 110, 8 and bruiahty of character, accordrng to the person,d ayiupathits of the m illl who Sces it Bio foa.tmes aie tlnck aud heavy, with side whiskers, lunpish halr, prumment uose, tluck lip:i and a tnek of trownmg hardei th,m auy other man m the bouse Ill ~ociety aud m the club he l· generally acknowl· dged to be the mo t unpopular man 111 Loudon, and there is more ihau om; star) currt-nt itlustr.tive of his smgular kuack d gettwg Jum~elf di liked 'l'ho dnef seer, 1 of his uupopu larity, setnng aside his face 31,c] ex 1 ,1 cs swu - w:tncli, \\hethe l:lluE1r , r mernly stromi, aie ··t le.is~ unt conciliatory or 111· vitrng, is the taste, or iather pas~mn, fo 1 s ·ym sm rt 1111 l cutt1t·g 1hmgs of any body and everybod with· ut any reg,Lrd to the 1 nvate Je lmgs of the 0 , mp my he lS m He is nothmg if not e11ig1amlll<>bc. LORD TE:S-NY~ON The man 1f the krnd heart anrl the car onet has beau sketched prett) trequtntly fr Auurican r..,ad.,is wi hm tho ],.st co 11ple of moiiths He JS tall ar d 81 mbre lookmg, solemn of fa.,e IH h Luge fea tu res and heavy black eye br< '" s, a lot of blat:k wlu·kers imd beaid winch is r· ugh and unkempt, long black hair, b l ·ck clothes, and a black slouch hat- ,dtogether it u a dep essmg aud consptrntor hke figure It he !Md not been a µ<Jet ht· v.ould have made a fitt<t-cl.t~B mlnlist Wlrnn Ins hat 18 <ff the umversal sombre ness "f hue 18 relieved b, the whitone's f h b ld f h h d h 18 ea ' t en too, 0 t e a toµ 0 you see "'h 't a magrnficeut for1:head ho has But tht! whole figuie is too me lo dr.im,Lt1callygroteaque to be IJieposae~smg ----~- ..- . - - 0 0 I Q I

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