BoWJUNVlLLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 28. - -=== ·-·== --======~:.:::=.:::. .::..- -- -- - - - LISGAR. PADDY' DALEY'S LETTER ·' s·r A'CESMAN ... Tl) THE Mn. EDITUR, SuR,- In raclin your paper wan d.'\y I saw letthers from sich bits av places as Kirby, Tyrone, etc., but na'ar a thing about Lisgar, e~cept a bit in wan come1· about a sartin man lavin, imcl an account of a timperance meetin, j usht as if min wicl no brains and less money, an timperance min wor all the koind we have about here. 'l'hat is not the case, sur. Lisgar is a diferent place to that-a place . of houses and gardens an folks ; nothing like them skuroy Ma,nitobfl. .cities we rade about, wid tousands av town lots an not a house in thim at all. An, sur, as you may be as ignorint as some others about our town, I jist thought I wud sind you a scluape av a pin an make the matter straight wid ye. Now, su.r , Lisga.r it; a large pface- a very ln.rge plitce, indeed. Av course I 1mme there is plinty av room in it ; an it musht be a big place whin there is big room ; an thin there is lots av chance for it to grow, as there is a big counthry round about for · tho town to sphread in, tm plinty av wather in thim beautiful lakes, a few miles off, to supply .,all the folks in toun. Lisgar, too, sur, : may be a great manifiacbherin cintre some day, as there is a bully place for large mills on C:irvetl1's creek ; an in fact all there is needed to make it a thrivin facthory town now is min wid plinty av money to build the facthories, and a river wid a wather power big enough to dhrive the machinery. An, sur, we have already mills an sthores an other places u.v buisness, speshilly wan where the min can get a harn tlrnt will make thim as if they had swallowed a })int av ulases, and wutl like to go an fight the Fanians or nagurs in Egypt, wid Mr. Parnell and Paddy Daley, shure, for captains. An our popilation, too, is incrasin very fasl1t, as there has been a tremengis lot av childrtm born here since the blessed N. P. preticted· the home manifacthur. An, Mr. Edithur, it wud bate even yoursilf I belave, to tell how many more there will be in a few years, if the same sht ate av things keeps on. Dade, sur, we are bouml to go ahead · as I was toukt lately that the railroad was comin widout dout through. May be it is loike the rnillionare-a little ways off yet. Faith, sur, all we want now to have a city here as big as Taranta is houses, an' bildins, an' min, an' harses, an' whishkey, 1m' jails, an' shtame boats an' plinty av wather for thirn to sail in, an' what else, sur ? :Rut shure that is plinty to want · whin we aint loikely to get thim in a hutTy. An' Lhin our counthry about Lisgar, how splindid it is ! Hills an' hollows an' lovely . plains covered wid s)mow or wavin green tall threes and beautiful creeks filled wid fish and bull frogs, whose ow 'ounds can be heard.ta mile away in the sphring. An' thiri, sur, our min faix- there is the chafe pint-the min we have. Every place loikes to boast av its great min, 1q1' may'ent we 7 .An' sur, we have great min roull(l here, no dout. Some av thim are great, loike Euclid's definission av a line-length without breadth whose inds an pints ; some are great in breadth without length, an' no pints ; an' some great-well, in their own concatc, both in length and. breadth ; but sur, I can't tell you all about our great min in this fotther, an' as you are no clout fond av the histhory av such min, I will thry an' sind you a sketch av some in imnudher letther. Thrnly yours, PADDY DALEY. Too much clover nay, especially if n little musty, 8hould never be given a horse, as It la more or less apt to bring on a cough. FARMERS' FOLLY.-Some f;rmere adhere, even against the full light of faot and dh:covery, to the old fashioned folly of ooloring butter with c...rrota imnatto, and iurerlor substances, notwithstandinl\' the splendid record made by the Improved Hutter Color, prepared by Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. At scores of the best agricultural Fairs it has received tbe highest award over all comp11ti· tore· Cultivate a few climbing roses. MRRI1'ED PRArSE.- The universal praise bestowed upon Kldney.\'Vort as "n Invaluable remedy for all disorders of the Kidneys, LI ver and Bowels, ls well me1·Jted. Its virtues are unive.rsally known and its cures aro reported on all aidea. Many obstinate caaes have succumbed t.o It they had oeen given up by the doctors and a thl'ough treatment will never fail to cure. Sold by all drng~iats. See i.dv't. Wild mint scatt.ered about the house will rid it of rate and mice . Huve you a cougM Sleepless nights need no longer trouble yon. The use of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral bafora retiring, will soothe tile cough to quiet, allay the inftammatiou, i.nd allow the neecle<l repose. It will, mol'eover, apeedily heal the pulmonary organa,and glve you health. A tasto or salt twice a week in their food Is not too often for 11 or~ee. If you are suft"el'ing from a sense of extreme weariues, try one bottle of .Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It will cost you but 011e dollar. and will do you incalculable good. It will do away with tbat feeling, and give you new lite' and energyCuttings for berries orcurrants not already in the ground, should be set at once. .tiY"Fashion is Queen. Fast, brilliant and fashionable are the Diamond Dye colors. One package colors I to 4 lbs. of ~oods. lOe. for any color. Get at di·uggists. Well§, Hichardson & Co., Durlingtcn, Vt. The next Provincial Fair will be held at Ottawa~ Jrm. McMu1·tr9 Begs to announce to hi!'! many friends and patrons in the Town and Vicinity that, not be1ng able to dispose of his Dry Goo ds Bus iness satisfactorily, he intends continuing it himself. He ha.s renewed his stock in all lines, which is now very complete and everythiPg is marked away down to s uit the hard times. Read, learn and take in . the following: He is selling NEW GOODS I son. JUST ARRIVED. G oods rn · Blac J' and c o1 ored, c as h meres, F ancy J. Dress Goods for. ·............... $ 20 $ 25 New D ress lO worth " ..!.. · 12 2 Plaids, etc., New Tapestry Carpets-n~w designs, handsome Prints.. ···················· - · · ·' · " 45 70 tt 2 Buttoned Kid Gloves .. · · · · . · · · d h N p · " pa erns an very c eap, ew rrnts, Cretonnes, Shirtings, " " 50 4 75 4 " Clarke Kid.Gi~~~~:.-. 1.00 " 1. 2 51~ew Cottons, Lace Curtains, Edgings, etc., New Embroideries, · c per yard. aces, etc., New Passamentire Trimmings direct from Paris F actory Cotton........... . ............ 5 . Steam Loom, soft finish, 36 in. wide .. lOc. " New Counterpains-white and colored, New Cloths & Tweeds. -He has also a full line i n - T..A_ILORIN"G_ GENTS' FURNISHINGS, (SUITS TO ORDERXFIRST·CLASS CUTTER) CLOTHS ahd TVVEEDS, all of which are mai'ked very low. · - ._ Wif you want cheap Dry Goods call at the West End House . There is where you get them and don't you forget it. FITS GUARAN~rEED . ~N. B.-Another lot of our Noted Col'd Cashmeres to hand. A $20 BIBLICAL REWARD. The publishers of Rutledge's Monthly offer twelve valua,ble rewanls in their Monthly for April, among which is tho ~ following : We will give $20.00 to the person telling us how many words there are in the Epistle of .Jude, as recorded in the New T estament Scriptures (not tho NEw EDITIO.N,) by April 10th, 1884. Should two or more correct answers be received, , the REw..1.1w will be dividecl. 'rhe money ' · will be forwarcled to t he winner April 15th, 1884. Persons tryfog for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps faken) with their . nnswer, for which they will receive the Mny Monthl11, in which the name and address of the winner of the r, winner of the reward and the correct ans' wer will be published, and in which several more voJuable rewards will bo given, --Address RUTLEDGE PUBLISHING COMP.ANY, Easton, Penna. · The Di!.TROIT CoMll!E.RCIAL AnvER'rISER makes its appearance among our exchanges witlr unva1ying regularity, and is th11 most welcome weekly that visits our sanctum. The large amount of reading matter found it is fifty-six colums is this week rendered more attractive by its excellent typographic~! appPa1 ·ance, due in a great measure to the fact that an entire outfit ·o f new type has just supplanted the former dress, though that was far from be' ing worn out. '!.'his evidence of energy · on the part of its publishet', added to his recent enlargement nf the journal from a 48 to a 55 column paper, satisfactorily at·- tests the financial prnsperity which attends the enterpriding management that has marked the successful career of this well known home journal. Nev!lr before has this old and always welcome visitor to many firesides been so ably edited. It hali well merited its success and prosperity. As to the contents of its pages, they con sist of a great variety ofsubjects such as go to make ui;. a first-class general newspaper. Taken all in all, we unhesitatingly commend the DETROIT COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER to our readers and say, that after t.his their own local pa.per, we know of no other that will prove so acceptable ~ as this old established Detroit weekly. The publisher will cheerfully forward a sample copy free to any one sending to him, and none should hesitate to avail of this offer by addressing W. H. BuitK, publisher Commercial Advertiser, Detroit, Mich. Fa.rmers, send your address on a post card to the Rural New Yorkef", 34 Park Row, New York, for a sample copy of tha.t best of farm journals. ~ F.AOT Si·nANOER T!IAN FIOTION.-lt is a ract that Al ouzo Howe, ·o t Tweed, bad IL revel' sore that aftlicted hlm ror thirty-five years. Six: bettles of Burdock Blood Bittors cured him, which he considers almost a merlcle. It was but tho natural result or the remedy restoring pure blood and pei·lect 1ecretion. ll Before the busy season beglnsrepalrt.heroof, eaves, and verandah of the farm house and apply a coat of fresh paint. C~usmm BY TUE CARB.- A little son of John Spinks, Toronto, had his foot crushed by a a. T. n. Express train some time ag6. 'l'wo doc· tors attended him without beneftt,and arnputa· tlon was pfoposed, but Hagyard's Yellow Oil was trle1l, which gave prompt relief and eft'ec· ted a speedy cure, even removing all stiffness ot the joint, II .A.n extensive market ·fgo.rdener In Deotford, En"°land, bas 80 acres entirely laid out in a.spiiragus beds. A Dounr,E BE:SEFIT.- Jamea Moor, a promi· nent resident or Leamington, that he cured himself of Oyspep~ia of a year's duration byono bot tle of Burdock Blood Bitters, a.nd two bottles cured bis wlte who had been tor years a sufferer from tbe same disease. He oonsclentiously·recomruends it to all suffering from similar troubles. I Ireland has one head of cattle to evry four acres, and Island or Jersey one to every two acres. DANGER TRAPS.-Neglected colds are the fatal traps that ensnare many a victim beyond poseibillty of rescue. ·.ro.ko a cold or cough in timll an1l lt is easlly conquered by tha.t safe and plea8ant vegetable remedy, Hap;yard's Pectoral Dalsam. Asthma, Bronchitis and pul!nomiry complainte gener&lly soon yeild to its he11.ling in:fluence.U Changlnir ftocks from one pasture to another is conductive to the health of the flock. RESPEC1'.-The Gray Hairs of old age de· mand ttnd should receive respect-but the gray hairs of young people require attention -in thtl way of using Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sampson lost his strenirt.h with his hair. 'l'hou· sands of men and women loose their beautv With theirs. and very large numbers restore the raveges of time by nsing the famous Cin· galeee Hair Restorer, Sold a.t 50 cents per bot· tie by Stott&. Jury ij .A. carefully trained honeyauckle will add wonderfully to the appearance of a bare brick ._ wall. bt:PERIALISM,-Ind!gestion, Dyspepeta.:Headaohe, Nervousness, Urinary troubles, are often co.used by a trooid Liver. Somo call· it Liver Compla.lnt,; Blliou8nese, etc. The Hver gov· erns the system ; if the Li ve1· is inactive, one may be Bilious, or have Fever an1 .A.gue, Hendache, Malaria .l!'evers, Dizziness. etc. 'l'hese may lead to worse troubles, This new remedy. l!IOPEEA, is now taking the lead ot 11-U other remedies as Liver Regulator. It seems to act in a remarKable wa.y upon that organ -It corrects the bile. the urine and the blood, l!'riend, keep the Liver healthy withZO-PE-SA and other troubles are then corrected.V During the yea.r 1883, 850 Polled .Aberdeen -Angus cattle were imported from Scotland. Bottle large Dose small. Price 25 cents. Quick eft'ects. "HUB' COUGH CURE. Ask Stott & Ju1·y. ll One hundred and fifty thousand pounds of butterin are made in Chicago daily. '\Vhen you swallow " Hun" Couau CURE, you take the best Cough Cure on· earth, and the cheapest. 25cents. Ask Stott& Jury.I Hellebore mixed with water, and sprinkled on the bllshes with a brush or wisk is still a dystandard reine for uurrant worms. RECHERCHE.-·NOt only the most exquisite (.bing for the teeth and breath extant, but ""l'e:ABl>RRY ,. Is a oeautlful lit.tie ornamt'nt and finish to the toilet. H Always tell the truth, l!'OR ALL .A.GEN1'S.- The aged, debilitated nnd intlrm will find renewed vigor and strength by taking Burdock Blood Bitters. 'l'he yonng hastening to early decay will also find in this revitalizing tonic a. remedy worth trying.ii Q.lucose sugar Is not injourous to health, as decided by national experts; it possesses but two-thirds of the sweetning power of cane sugar, To Incre·ase the Appetite and strengthen Digesti~n, to drive otr .tile Blues, and bring color t,o your skin and temperament, cheer up your Liver with ZO-PE-S.A. It regulates the syst.em, Rerves , .nd brain, makes your eyes bril'(ht, your work easy.d If your cabbage were troubled with club font last season, choose a new piece of ground for them this year, or you will have the ~ame dltllc1ilty. Iu the blstory of medicine no preparation has received such universal commen'1.ation for the t<lleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kidney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wondertul.U Orono spring, Fair, April 26. PHOSPIIATtNl!l, a name which to every intelligent mind, profee~lonal or otherwise. is 1.1 key to its composition. No safer. purer, more po.lo.tablo and more cft'ootive compound has tiver been offered In cases of nervous exhaus· tion and pulmonary consumption. For sale by all drup;s;:iste. 11 Correspondents should be brief. \Vomen can vote in Iowa. A. l·'AVORTTE EvERYWIIERE.-Wherever introduced Hygard's Yellow Oil finds friends. It is the old 1·eliable household remedy for external and intcrn1tl Ude in all aches, pains, lamenesa anil soreness of the flesh. A. L. Geen, · a prominent druggist of Belleville. ea.vs: ··ft Is a great favorite here and has a good sale." Ellison& Co. We mMn business thiR season. Elli.son &Co. We will sacrifice the profits this season. Ellison & Co. WI' never allow any competiton to undersell us. Ellison & Co. Mens all wool Tweed Suits to or<ler for $12.50. Ellison & Co. _ We keep all sizes in Boyd' Suits from 4 yearil up. Eilison & Co. WM. McMUR1rRY, 13. > .µ Grocers' Due Bills taken same as Cash . West End House. S. MASON & S.O N. PLO N. B.-Old Cast Iron taken in Street East, next to the Arlington 11 Now on hand for the Spring Trade. . S 'CashlCashldashl ·~ 100 "HARD to BEAT" Steel Plows, with Wrought Iron Beams and No. 1 best Steel Boards. All kinds of Points and Sides kept in stock, also Gang Plows, Sugar ·Kettles, Road Scrapers, Root Cutters, Repairs for Cook Stoves, &c., cheap for Cash or short Credit. exchange at the Old S tand-King Hotel. Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. C~h for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash forPotatoes. Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & Sheep Skins. Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce at Young,Cawker&Co's. Y OUNG CAWKER & Co's is the pluc e to do business, they k eep - i n sto ck the ver y - B est quality of Groceries t hat can be b oug h t , t h e W. P0 RTE R, Iron Founder. Best quality of Meats, F resh and Cured, a l w a ys i n s t ock. Pursuant to power of sale contained in a Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there .will be oft'ered for sale by Public Auction at PHILLIPS' HO'l'EL, In the Village ot Hampton, in tile County of Durham; by MR. H. T. PIIILLll'S, Auctioneer, Hn 14 lllnile Many Clrnngcs . --(ol-- lowing Valua.ble Farm Pr operty situate in t ile Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham. being the property of GEOROll: JoLL, Esq.. and being Lot Number 16, In the 4th·Concession of Darlington, containing two hundred acres, more or leas. This farm ls one of the boat in the'Township, the soil is good and In a good state of cult! vation. It is near good markets-being close to the Village of Hampton and about five miles from tile 'l'own of Bowmanville ; and the roads leading to it are good ; the 8cugogGr1:1vel Road leading to Bowmanvi!ie, runs throu~h it. The Dwelling House is large and the Barns and Stabling are commodious and in good repair. 'l'he Fences are good and there is thereon an Orchard of about four acres. The terms of sale are one-tenth cash, at time of sale; enough to make up one·fourth of the uurchase mon11y within one month from the d!ty of sale the hale.nee of the purchase money to be paid in thr·e equal annual instalments, with Interest at the rate of seven per eent·.ver annum from the day of sale, and to be secured by mortgage of the property. Further partlcnllJ-rB and conditions of sale can be bad from the Auctioneer, at Hampton, and the Vendors' Solicitor, at Oshawa. Dated 15th March, lSS.i. LYMAN ENGLISH. Vendors' Solicitor. 12·iw. GET 18h<l, at TWO o'olock in the afterno· on, t-he fol- ON SATURDA~,~APR*-12, Av DAV IS-- " D · ~-~ .nrTDE POrl/I.ikll1ll:ll Their.Seeds are all fresh a~d of the b~st qua lity; they keep Barrel S a l t ; American and C arbon S afet y C oa l 0 1 1. T ry their Emp ire H oTse a n d Cattle Food, the bes t manufact ured, reco m m ended hig hly b y the Guelph Model .!!'arm; their s t ock of Glasswar e a nd Crockery is C o mplete. T hey do not make any specialty o f o ne a rticle, b u t a s t h e re is con sider. able t alk abou~ Che ap 'feas, the p l ace t o buy the C h e a p T ea is a t Y ouni, Cawker & C o s, t h ey b u y altog . ether for cash which e nable s t h e m to s e ll cheap. Give tl1em a call. ....___ ~ C. M. CA VVKER .~ HAS RESUMED BU SINESS --IN-- ~NEADS' BLOCK~ NllXT DOOR TO THE EXl'RESS C>J<'1'1Cll. - -(o ) - - YOUR LUMBER My Stock comprises all Imes of Ladies & Gents' Fine Goods, Overshoes, Rubbers, &c. a" Ordered Work and Repairing will as usual receive prompt attention. W My customers and the public generally are invited to call and secure unparalleled bargains in Boots and Shoes. DAVID DAV lS. Bowmanville, March 6, 188!1. g;g- MUIRIDIDICIHI BRIDIS'.1 Saws~. ,,, .. PLANING MILL, Hot Dish of Oysters. Cross Cut le the best phce to get a Good PlANEO,MAT&H~O,MOUlOEO&c, Morris & Joblin's Liberty Street, Where you can also obtain G . . -d"l:"El:CE- I TEAS -THE GENUIN E;IJtt;i f8ll 8Iltf8 Come in and try it. Doors, Sash, Blinds. Window and Door Oysters lu Bulk or Cans always tn stock: Frames, Plain and Ornamental Fence ' ORANGES, Pickets, Cisterns, &c. LEMONS, Bowmanvllle, Februarv 21, 1884. 8-tf. · - - - - - - -GRAPES, BANANAS, DA'l'ES. FIGS. Lance Tooth Saws, Champion Saws, CARPENTRY IN ALL BRANCHES THE ONTARIO BANK DEPOSl'J'S Continues to do a General Banking Business at. its Bowmanvillo Branch. Received in Savings Bank Department a~d on .call and interest allowed at cnrrent rates. No notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposits pityable on demand, Lightning Saws, Biscuits of all kinds. Cigars from two for 5c. Diamond Saws, up to 10 cents each. .... See .our Boys Suits at $1.50. ~~~-~~~-~- --~ EXCJHANGE HoughtandsoldandDraftslasueduponEurope, NUTS OF ALL KINDS, g~t~g~~~==t~~e~i'!~:·:~~~~t~~~~rJ.and COLLECTIONS 0 CONFECTION ERV I and the beRt stock of . IN BOWMANVILI.rE. . ...-The Grand Central 18 next door East of Post Office. 3 HOP PI NG AXE s American W · e tmore Axes. " Simpson Axes. · Canadian Western Axes. Orient Axes. " Cresc~nt Axes. " Crown Axes. " Lumberman's Pride Axes. " "Nick of the Woods" Axes. " And The larges t a ssort ment ever s h own in Bowman ville, inclu ding the celebrated · " Butting Saws. Promptlymadeatcurrentrates upon aUparts of Great Brittain, the United States and Dominion of Canada. Telegraph T1·ansre1·8 Made for large or small sums on all parts of Canada.. 'l'bls is espeoiall1 advantageous to persons living in Mamtoba or .the North·west as it makes the funds available at once at the place of payment. LOURING MILL in the township of For furtller particulars call at the Banking Clarke. Known as Adams' New Mill. FAR111ERS ATT.ENTION.-35 sets of car- House. Apply_ to ARTHUR CODD, Esq. or St. JOHN riage and waggon Harness to be sold by 'l'. BRODIE, GEO. McaILL, II. HUTCHESON, Barrister-at·Law, Bowman· Accountant. Manager. ville. 275-tf private sale at W.H. May's Harness Store, 2i>Hy. within the next 30 days . Discount from seven to ten per cent for cash. A large Our Due Bills are takeP. quantity of Sleigh Bells at a very slight The same as cash advance on cost. Don't fail to secure LL CLAIMS AGAINS'r THE LATE At any store in t own. a pair of my Wool Stuffed Collars. Somefirm of You!(GCAWKER & Co., are to be Bring along your produce. thing new and warranted safe. Cash paid presented for payment to C. M. OAWKER, forth- · Murdoch Bros. with. .A.JI accounts due L ite said firm are to be for any quantity of Hides and Sheep to C. M. CAWKER at as early date as Skins. W, . H. May, King Street; BowWe are forcing ihe 11a.le of DressGoods. paid poseihle. CHAS. YOUNG, manville. · Ellison & Co. 8. c, .M, CA.WKEl't, MILL FOR SALE. F NOTICE. a . full s tock of all ch o ppers a nd A Lumb ermen's .r equisite s. SEE THE G OODS. LEE & EJ?SALL, BowmanviHe, January 10, 1884. W ELLINGTON B UILDI NGS.