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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1884, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 Pim. A:NNUM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WOR.J.D·. AFTERWARDS. . BOWMANVILLE~ M. A. JAMES, Em·roR ANH VOLUME PR01·1trnTOlt. 297. ©-NTARIO, FRIDAY,. A.PRI!L 4, 1884!. XXX. NUMBER 14. , CORRESPONDENCE. HA·M.P'IJON. CHURCH MNIVERSAltY. -~OnE'astcrSun d~y, April 13, Rev. J .. J ~ Rice, Co.bowg; will preacl1 anniversary serhwns in the B : C. church here, at 10 a.m. and 6 p. ro.. Collection at each serv.-i:ce. On Monday, April 14th, Rev .. J .. J. B;ice will lecture on "The Clmracteristics and Mission of Methodism." Doors- open at 7 ; lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. Admission, 15 cents;children; 10 e:ents.. Choice music by the choir at each service, AU ;~re invited. Mrs. Ch:;tS. Mer1-ill is regaining strength. Mrs. J olm Goyne is ill. Mrs. J. Bellamy ('r;ee Cryderman) is reported sick at 1\foosejaw, N. W. T. Mr. J . Marshall has recently bought ·a valuable entire heavy draught horse. Mr. T. D. Elliott, of l\fanitoba., visited his namesakes hHe last week. Mr. John Mason, of Norwich, has been spending a few days here. Mr. R . Trenouth, bricklrtyer, has mov. ed to Bowma.nville. _ Mr. John Goyne has moved into the house vac:ctecl by Mr. R . Trenouth. Mr. C. Rogers intemls to .start fo1· Manitoba thi3 week. Mr. H. C. Phillips is home spending his vacatio11. A petition signed by a large number of ratepayers was presented to the Council at its last meeting, asking that a suitable ground be obtained for a public cemet erv. 'rho general opinion of the Co uncil was to submit the matter to the ratepayers at tho next municipal elections. ALPHA. Q_RlhVO. Since writing~ our last we h~ve had some cl"elightful we111ther.. Tl<e road's. in: many plact1s arc akea\iy ch1sty ; li>ut :r:ior~h the snow makes·. easy traffic im impossibility. ·we h::i.ve l)l."f"ossi~' curiosi::ty on daily exhibiti'on in ou;r public school, someti'l\leS in the form of the- old paper dunce-cap, ;it other timc!t l'ty· a y-0u.nz liopeful st~mding in a corner- wi-hli a, stick in his mouth. Agents fl!nd: commerei:al travellers are as thick as 1µosqaitoes in Jmi:e. Their presence s-hoU:ld be a warning both to our merchantB> and the-general public. Somebody pa.ya- the pqier, or else I am mistaken. Horace is down on ngents. No 1vonder. Several cases of· sickness exist in the villa.&~ at present. Miss Juliette Andrus, Miss. Lilly Winte~' and Mi;s. E. Pinder are quite ill. Dr. H. Renwick is confined to the J10usc by Ml abscess in. his face ; what may result from it remains difficult to determine ; prospects are not very assurin15. Tl1e following officers of Orono Di vision No. 7!l, S. of T., were duly installed for the ·ensuing quarter :-G. L. Rae, ,V. P. ; Sister M. Stalker, W. A. ; A. Powers, R. S. ; C. Hill, A.RS.; Robt. Best, F. S.; F. Squair, Treas. ; J. L. Leigh, Chap. ; E. C. Thornton,, Cun. ; Sister A. Leigh, A. C. ; Sister Squair, I. S. ; W. Batten, 0 NEW HAVEN. Mr. John Courtice hlis a trotter that can throw dust in the eyes of any horse in 'Vest Dui·liam. Wake up, Deitn; and try him with your 2:30 stepper. · Mr. 1\:1. Guy had seveml hugs .slaughtered on the G. 'T. R. a few tlays a.;'o. He claims damages from tlie Co. ': .I\ large number turned out to Jl{r . J no. Pickle's wood bee last Saturday week. On the 13th ult., tJ;e wifo of Mr. lVlol'-" rice Guy of a daq~hter. All welJ. Mr. Cha11. vV. Osborne has recovered from his long illness. There is some tn.lk of enlargin·~ Ebenezer church. ;B. F. ' . .. NEWCASTLE. The new officers of Newctistle Bicycle Club are: Pres., W. H. Chandler; See., E, Bowie ; '.l~reas , A. C. Lovekin ; Librarian, A. H. Allin ; Assist. do., B. Brent; Capts;n, A . .B. Ker,t; 1st Lieut., A. Stilwell ; 2nd Lieut, T. Miller; DistriQt Consul, W. H. Clrnncller. A certificate of award of a di1iloma of honor for special services rendered in ~ nection with the late international fislieriea exhibition in LOndon has b een forwarded to Samuel Wilmot, Esq., o the Newcastle Fishery. Rev. A. A. Drummond, acting Moderator of the Toronto Synod, will 1ireach the annual sermon at Belleville on 'ruesday evening, 8th April, :md will re-open the session of the Synod on the following aay. When a Cobourg girl wants her fellow to go home she takes down her back hair. Newcastle girls take off their shoes. Millbrook girls say, "It's time for my dearest Charles to unclasp his encircling arms and hie him away to his parental domicile." Peterboro' girls are moro practical and less demonstrative ; they simply say, "Sonny, t ime's up, git." Bowman ville girls say, "Now, Johnny, I'll home." McCLUNG BROS' STORE WILL BE OPENED NEXT WEEK By R. H. TU . R NER. Q, s. . J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON, PHOTOGRAPHY. . ~~-oO">~~- Pure Drugs and Med.icines, :Standa1·d Patent llledicines, Dye Stuff"s, Hair.and Too lit Brushes, ~houlde1· Braces, Sponges, Pe1·f\1me.-y, &c. A.GENTS FOR TFJ:E HENRY'S New Photo Rooms ARE NOW OPEN. Stand t'orinerly occ111··e·I by the Po11t omce. · KING STRJ.;E·r, ENNISKILLEN. Service will be held in the Methodist church next Sabbath, as usual. The public examination of our school will take place Thursday, 10th inst. Parents and friends of the acheol are cordially invited to attend. Mr. T. G, Virtue left here last Wednesday for Lindsay, where he intends working in the interest of the .North Americ·~n Life Assurance Company. Our neighborhood can boast of one of the most erudite men of the present time. He is prepared to · prove both by the acriptures and science that the earth never moves, that it is fiat, and rests on a solid fout1dation. The Young Men's Progress Club sho~ld engage him to deliver a Je.c;.. ture on his hobby. Mr. R. M. Ferris disposed of all his household goods and chattles on the 1st inst. Mr. R. Hutchison, auctioneer. Mr. , Fehis and family depart for Manitoba on Thursday, 3rd inst. Their numerous friends and well-wishers desire for them boa voyage, and health a.nd prosperity in the neighbo1·ing lll'ovinee. Our vilbge looses an active business man in Mr. Ferris. Owing t,o the temporary illness of Rev. Mr. Ferrier, there was no service m the Methodist church last Su.nd!J,Y evening. A large congregation assembled i n the M. E. church and listened attentively to an earnest discourse by Rev. Mr. Stevenson, in memory of the hite Mrs. Tu.ylor, who was interred in the Hampton cemetery during the previous week. Her husband, the late John 'raylor, was buried just two lnonths before her. .CUURTICE. Mr. H enry Guy is preparing to make a raid on the clucks at the marsh. Mr. R. Watson is preparing for a season's bicycling. Mr. Mutton received a very severe bite from a gandor on Sunday. :B.eY. W. li, J3;n:kcr wi l fJl'elLC-1 at Ebenezer next ~unclay morning aridSaerament of the Lord's supper will be adrn.inistered. The revival meetings are still in progress. About 100 have professed to obtain pardon. The funeral of M1·a. Salter . took place last Sunday. A large number of friencls followed the remains of deceased to the Zion burying ground. On Wednefday of-last week Mr. Edwin Worden and Miss L ouisa Adair were made one by Rev. W. ~{,. Bar~er. The ]1appy couple are spendmg then· honeymoon in the west. BEN. :BC>~l.\1.1"..A..JSTV:CLZ...E. The Gallery is first-class in all its ap· pointments, and furnished in a comfortable manner. There w1ll be no poor work allowed to leave the rooms, and these who favor ma with · a call can rely on being pleased · ~The instantenous process only will be used for Phot.ographs. ,V_ ·Come in and see me. TUct<aa a~at·c ran Tauaa. Prescriptions and Recipes Carefully compounded with absolute purity anrl correctness. 1 R. H. HENRY. Glasgow and London Insurance Co., a good British Company. OTICE.- All persons who hold poheies N In the SoYereign Insurance Co., are hereby notified that they are now insnred In the Cards of Thanks. To the Lancaslt'ire Fire InsunmcelOo. I hereby return thanks for the prompt pa.y: mcnt in !nil, throngh your agent here,Mr.ThoR. On T.uesday evenin15, March 25, a gro.nd Bingham, of niy cla.im age.inst you from the entertamment was given by Geo. Allin, late fire, LEWIS QUICK, Esq., lot 25, con. 1, Darlin~ton, to his neighbors, previous to some of them l eavTo Hartford Ffre Insm·ance Oo1npanyi I hereby return thanks to your Company for ing on the 1st April. The table was laid the prompt settlement of my claim. through out in · elegant style with all the good your agent Mr. Thoe.Bingham.1..of loss sustaln"d tlnngs tl.iat h eart could desire. The young by fire on the 12th inst. L1J;WIS QUICK, folks en1oyed themselves with the various W . WOR.l!'OLK. - -MANUF.A.CTURER OF- amusements indulged in on such occasTo the <Jonfederatio1i Life .Association. sions. ·r~1 e old veterans made a g~·eat ·we. the Execntors o! the late John Brown clatter ~1th the Arabesque D ominoes, Orono, Clluke, hereby return thank~ for the prompt settlement of his Ure insurance through (fiv es bemg trumps.) The Misses Allin KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, your agent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham. and Gimblett presided at the organ at Has now on hand a number of Tehiclea (and is manufacturing a great many more) of the newest .JAMES BROWN, Songs were rendered by pattern.a and best finish, which I am,otfer!ng !or.sale 11-t the lowest. prices consisteut EDMUND _ .,,,_ COBBLEDICK. intervu.ls. with due regard to workmanship and quallty. 'l'he following is a list of M essrs. J. Ayre and S. W. Sanders. The the principal vehicles manufactured by me : . Ta the President, Mana(Jer and Directors of hours ~lided away very pleasantly, when the Fire Insurance A ssociation of L o1tdon Double Covered Carnages ......................... ........................ . .. $200 Upwards. England. _ ' lo, robm red breast with her melodious Single Phrotons ................................................................. 100 11 I hereby return thanks tor the vory prompt n0tes ushered in the 26th day of March, Opeli Buggy..................................................................... 70 11 settlement, through your agent Mr. 'l'. lliniibam, and every one made tracks for home. tor my two horses killed by Jlgh~ning m my 'Top Buggy ......................... .. : ... ............ "................... ........ 90 11 Jmrno. field last thunder storm. UOB'l', FIELDING, Democrat Wagon ... ... ........ ..... .. ...... .". ........................... .. . ... .. 65 11 Lumber '\<Vagons. ... .. .. .... ........ ... ·.. . ............. ........... ........ ... . .. 55 11 To tlte President an<i Directo1·s ofthe Hartford THOUSANDS S.AY So. Mr. T. W. Atkins Light 'Vagon............ ... .. . ......................... ............... ... ........ 40 11 Eire Insurance Oo1npany. Express Wagon........... . ...... ... ..................................... ........ 75 11 I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay· Girad, Kan., writes: "I never hesitate t~ ment by your agenthMr. '1'. Hinghant, for loss recommend your Electric Bitters to my .J&keleton .................... ........................... ; ... .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . 50 11 m full to my house old effects, caused by tho custo1ners, they give entire satisfaction ~ Sulky .......... ................................................. .................... 40 " breaking of a coal 011 lamp, having reeeiv·ed check as soon as my claim was presented, and are rapid sellers. " Electric Bitters . Possessing superlor facilities for manuracturing carriages. I Intend to sell ver7 cheap for cash cash 279, . MORGAN DAVIES. arc the purest and best medicine known or approved credit. and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number o sales, Would sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. and will positively cure Kidney and Liver comphiints. P urify the blood and regulate ~he bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hunAt the Shortest Notice, Paint ed and Trimmed if Desired. dreds of dollars in doctor's bills every At the Facto.ry I also do Planing. Matching, Turning and Sawlng with Circle, Band or Scroll year. sold at fifty cents a bottle Ly J #:law~ an-d prepare all kinda of !umber for carpentocs and others fo"r building purposes. Higginbotham & Son. · Orna~ental and Plain Pickets for fences in every style required, ma.de to order.~ iwa HAINES' CARRIAGE -WORKS. GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C., All Kinds of V e hicles Repaired I · I l The meeting of our municipal council this week was a tame affair. The usual bevy of bummers from Kendall and vicinity fa.ilea to appear. Guess they don't like our new council. Surely the bad roads did not keep them away: Mr. John R<lnwick, 2nd De1).-Reeve was not present, owing to sickness ; we hear he is some better. · The protracted illness. of 1\fiss Rosa Newson, sister of our esteemed townsman, Mr. S. F. Kewsom, hardware merchant, resulted in her death on Friday morning, 28th ult., at his place. She passed away in peace, aged 61. The services in con: nection with her funeral took place on Monday, conducted by Rev. P. Addison, OSH.A WA a,ssistecl by Reys. Simpson and Fraser, after which her mortal rtmains we):e laid Mr. Geo. McDonald left. Oshawa for at rest in Bowmanville cemetery. Alliston this week. · Quite a little sensation was caused in Mr. Jos. Drew of Dakotl\, is visiting town on Sunday eveni ng, and the next friends in Ea.st 'Vhitby. . day, when our general merchant, C. G. Armstrong, discovered that his clerk had Mr. Sweetapple, V . S., of Oshawa, left been appropriating nearly $1.QQ.Ju> ~rtrl;i,;:o;;:f+a---rfevrwr-d~av-y:-s:'fsril_ 1cne7liifo ii: rnJf:-Cliaiiin:.:s1asrn ·.>rr.T'l<!trn,....,,.....,...----""' go_p~oJ!fils.tillg Qf .,a web of tweti , ur nits, shoes, underwear, silver spoons and toilet articles, making a pretty good haul for a month's work. Charley failed to Over 200 orders hi.we already been taken find a magistrate who would issue a war- for the Dundas Binder, to be used in the rant, consequently said clerk had an op- coming harvest. portunity to dig. Orono must be an The Oddfellows of Oshawa are arranginviting field for thieves, when it is known ing for tho celebration of their anniverthat we have not t\ magistrate who is will- sary 011 the 26th of April. ing to act in behalf l)f law and justice. Mrs. W. Gorrill, of Taunton, has fully The following complimentary notice of recovered from her late 1o1ccident, and is M1·. John Squair, son of Mr. F. Squair, again able to opemte the churn. appeared in th e Pickering New~ last week.: H. H. Lang bought $22,000 worth of It is not often that people outside of large cities have the privilege of list ening to· finished and unfinished stock of the Oshlectures such as that delivered at Pick- awa Cabinet Fac.t ory, ancl will soon have ering College last Friday evening by ,l\fr. the factory running again. There is not a Tory in Taunton and J. Squair, Lecturer in French at University College, Toronto. 'l'he subj ect con- only one Tory voter within half a mile of sidered was, " The Study of Language and that cross-roads village. Literature. " It is not too much to state that every person present was deeply affAUCTION SALES. ected by the remarks of the speaker, who evidently gave utter-a.nee to the strong con~ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9-A outfit of housevictions of his heart. W e h ave no space hold furniture, stoves, carpets, glassto summarize the lecture but ·it will ·sufware, crockery, piano, scales, etc., will fice to say that the subject was treated will be sold at the pffice of Messrs. with the ear~estness ofan enthusiastic that J. & D. McDmig!\lli Bµ..yman v:ille. knows whe1of he spea,1~11.. The thought, Sale at 1 o'«}f:lcJ>:. !i'tie bills for particu!ars. }! '11. Phillips1 ii,nctioncer. words, and manne:r of {\ehver:y,, ":ere al.! eloquent protest l\P fl.irn;t flUperficialtt.' " -- rr:: ...... -·' · · falsQ11ood. All r~m11oni.- .. - --- ---~-:,..'if}"~~- 11'H~l\$D v, Al'RIL 10-Pr, ;m ·..m:ori'irJ, lot; were insp1re,1 ·, . . 4 Dru:lliwt ..;11 11 th w1tlu:;eiH~o workfaithfully and thoroughly. 1 3 · COll. ~; - _ ,.. ~·, " ··~ !:?'_ _ e ALAQUrn. whole of l_ns stock, miplernents, household furmture, etc. , at 1 o'clock p. m. 'l'enns, cash . See large posters. II. Report of first and second divisions of 'I.'. P hillips, auctioneer. Orono p~blic school for March : FRIDAY, APRIL 11- Mr. Samuel Gilbert, FIRST DIVISIO:>;. lot 21, con. 8, Dn.rlington, will sell his FIFTH Cr.Ass.- .James Newsom, Wm. farm stock, implements, ete . Havin" Jlemy, Robt. 'V"atson, Herbert Knott. rented his farm, tlie whole will be sold FOURTH CLASS.- S. G. Clemence, H. without r eserve. Sale at 1 o'clock, Proctor, Sidney Gamsby, Francis Vinson. sharp. R . Hutchison, auctioneer. TIIIRD CLASS, SEN.- Bella Watson, E.. Simpson, Edith Simpson, W ..McPherson. SATURD.n, APRIL 12- P ursuant to power of sale contained in a mortgage there SECOND DIVISION. will be sold at Phillips' Hotel, HampTlHRD CI.ASS, s~~N.-Adina Ferguson, ton, at 2 o'clock, 200 acres of land, Ida Beer, L izzie W atson . being lot Hi, con. 4, Darlington, ownecl THIRD CLASS, Jm·.- Frank Batten , W . by l\:Ir. Geo. Joll. See advertisement. Thompson, Ernest Batten. H . T. Phillips, auctioneer. SECON.J> CLiS.s. -Wilbur Thornton, H . TUESDAY, APRIL 15- The stock, impleBest, Joseph Hall. ments, etc. , of the estate of the late Average attendance of the ·lst Division, John Taylor, lot 1'7, con. 7, Darlington, 39; 2nd, 33; 3rtl, 42; total, 114. will be sold. Sale begins at 1 o'clock, W. C. ALLIN, t eii.cher. sharp. See large posters. If. T. Phillips, auctioneer. 0.A K LAND. e~ Persons orclering sale bills at the Clove1' seed h ere yields from one half STATES:u.AN office will receive notice similar bush el to one bushel per acre . ... 'Vc h~ve to the above FREE of charge. a farmer h ere who has two years' grain in his barn yet. Mice should not be encouraged in that way . . .. Many valuable fruit trees l~av e b een destr oyed by mice during Insure in the Confederation Life Assothe wmter .... Mr. Joseph B urgess, who has threshed the farmers' grain round ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian here for a number of years, is · moving to Mutua.l Aid, A. 0. U. W. or any pass a.P eterboro._ It will be hard for us to get round your hat institution, as the followhis equal as a thresher ..· . Chas. Under - ing examples will prove . Thos, McClnng wood has returned after a six weeks' visit has been insured smee 1872 for$2,000a.nd to his friends in the County of Bruce . ... the last five years it only cost him $2.55 John Ard has taken to himself a wife. per a nnum on each $1,000 to insure. John Shake, John ... . M11t,t. Elliott has been MeC!ung insured at the same time for the buying a number of very fine beeves from same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 farmers here .... A man a short way east per annum on each $1,000 to insure, ha. being' a. little younger. of us had business away from home one We certify the above to be correct. Thos. i1fLel'noon lately, and when h e returned home in the evening he found that his McClung, John 1\1.cClung. TROS. BINGHAM, Agent. wife had departed. After making enquiries h e l earned that she hacl found her way to the railway st tition, and l eft for parts T . Darlington's Black Tea!! at 50c per Hr. unknown, without saying good bye John. are the best value in the mM"ket. H e has lost all hope of ever seeing h er We have increased our stock this season. again. Nl:T SilllLL. E llison & Uo. · J Cheap Life Insurance.

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