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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1884, p. 4

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·~ ...... ' THE( HON. EDWARD . BLAKE. ~ ee , PONTff'FOQL: ' Our stock of Dry Goods and mplete. Ellison & Co. Mr. A shby's stel).1i1 saw mill was totally ie c1> Clbthio~ - Ca!! and the- Kt Y STONE & BOSS GOLD WATCH CASES, be~t 'fbe rn·ake in n.e world at in A. Y N' A. K D'S· 'TIO: .JEWt:J,LEJl. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOW.MANVILLE 8'l'ATION AND TIME. GOING EAST E ~1Jress. , . . , . . 8.5~ .Mixed .. ... ., .. 4.0~ pm F,Kpress ... ... ;8.17 am Local .... .... .. 7.10 pm Mi;ced ........ :3.30 p m E x N>ess . . .. : .. 9.30 D m F,:1m1·ess ... :.. S-'5 p m ~. am I GOING WEST I~ocal, ........, 7.27 a m . (l\!t:¢anadian. $t~teaman B owMANVU.LE, FRIDAY, APRIL - 4. POLITICS AN:q_ PROHIBITION. f'[·of. Foster is a champion of temperance, .and · has done effective work in various c<ii11paigns. He is a profound think ei:, :is well as an orator . . Temperance men have r ecognized th e val ue of his power, M1d hc:irtily appreciat ed his attit ude on -t'h ti great question n ow being extensively ;aiPtat ed-prohibition. But P rof. F ost.cr han become a politician , and his symp11Lhie:s ~ire in accord . with the govemnum.t ; l151· s1 )eaks on that side of the h<Juse Jln 4 yotes accordingly. H is ·temperance i1rudi;vitics and t he ttdvicc of · t he D ominion Alliiinw suggest,ed t o ·him t he advisability of ·t esting the House of Cornrno11s on t he 11uestion of prohibition, and on n certain day P rof. Foster gave on e of his best speeches, at the same time s ubmiilting ·t resolution, asking a straight vv be < m ~- momentous question. This w an all \\·ell onough, but the awkwanlness of th e situation bega,n to loom up, and T ory M. P's 3aw rocks ahead. If t his ing in all t o $56.50, a p resent which t he resolut ion is going to be pressed , vot es recipien trJ must always regitrd wit h :t d were going to be s;tcrificed, so Mr. 'l'homas 'l' JJlS 18 T O CER'l'il, ' Ythat the TrtADE MArtlt gree of pride. M r . Wilb ur in . a few ,fell i~'!iite, member for Caldwell, adds a rider chosen remarks eariiestly thanked' t he (speciflc) and whie<h cOnliists of the weros to th e p','<lfe~sor's resolution which read s T YRONE. don ors for such an unexpected token of ;i,s fn]Jn~): ".A.ml t his Ho use is prepared The foll-0wing is the report for s. s. friendship and esteem. Mr . G eo. Argue to be userl as a sign or designation of the Re· so --·iia ion sllfficiently sua- No. 13, Darli11gto11. The names are in congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur on gistre.nts' place o! Bµfilness ae DitY Goons and ,. . 50 11 "' . r ea ching t heir twenty-fifth anniversrtry, OJ.O'rillNG MJ£!'tCH.AN1', in the Town of Bow· .~ nromote legls. or der o f meri't : ta· . on a · s pu. ·.rn . " .manville, Ont.arlo, ha.a been registered in the 111~ strmgentme_ as.ures, ·ci . tl 4th Cla,~a. - Ettie Campbell Willia m and hoped t h ey would li vc to see their '1'ra.de Mark Hegi~ter No. 10, Folio 2234 in aou n 1e H S l · . ·. · _ · fiftieth wedding day. Mr. D . Montgomcordanoc with " T he '1'rade Mark and 'Design 1,i.vwn ilo iiu' as the s-a,n'.le :ii; ~:i.-ooper, e ena Hooper, Samuel Hughes. of I 87r byJosE1~u JEFF'ERY, oft.he town or ; , .. , . . ·f· ri . 11 ·· 3rd Sen ior .- M. Farrell, J . H ughes ery and others followed somewhat in the Act !=lcwmanvlll~. in tbe County ot Durham Provsame stra.in . Messrs. Ratcliffe and Pow-·"es. F. Fanell. ' ·competen cy of th e Parliament o. vafl~utt., of Ontario, on the 21st day of March A D mce · · · Our temperan~e .. Profc$~ot ti11\keii iii wi'Y A, ,,}lu~.._... - C. Virt~e, W. Hooey, ·J. ers! of 'Whitby, gave two choice readings, 1884, . (Sig.)I JOHN LOWE, which wer e rendered in t\ most pleasina face, but. swall<>Ws th.e dose; Sh· f.JebtlM·d H ~nd gJ e:tti~-: Actmg Deputy of the Miu. ot Agriculture · ooey, ' WK<n ~ F 11 C and effective manner. Mr . R.. Pnsco~ 'l'i1.foy, wh o b.as alwayl!i l/ean prono uncod 2nd Jurtior. - F. V irttie, .si.· . arre · · then gave a recitation , a fte1· which t he - N E VT- on this < 1uestion, squ1r ms a little and t un1s Sproule; E , '.!;ape, D . Hoopei·. oh~i~:':'~aii gave a, wltl,~lii~ u.p 8peech, conth is bc ,ck on al,l 1)aa~ profe~sions, the t wain · M:: M ANNING, teacli6r . plimentin g l\1r. and Mrs. Willmr on their good fortune during their pnst life, ancl -.,,, - - ·- - ---- - - b eing t mm t ud and jeered .at for their cowh e with all others joined in hopju g that nrdly conduct . If Messrs. Tilley 'mcl EN F! ELD. the s:m1e degr ee of · prosperity and good }' ostcr will lay aside their strong party . Mr. Geo. McCullough , formerly of this fortune that had att end ed them tluis far feelings they will easily see how inconsis- place, ia P rin cipal of Manchester Public along life 's journey would be vouchsafed IIa.s much pleasure in announcing to the ladies · tent th ey ax·e. Argt1ments such as Sir School, and is giving entfre satisfact ion, to tl1em as time l'olletl along. As it was that ~he baa received a complete stook of Miland Fancy Goods. 'b' · · t according to reports in Port Perry papers. gettin g late the chairman proposed that Jinery flower s, Fenllrnr s . Or11nmcnh, IUll>J>onM, Leonard used against pr oln ition ar C·JUB . . . . ,1 tl , . .nat;ng fr~n1 uiiholders of the Th e. citizens of our thn vmg v~ilagc wer e the evenin g's ente:rtainm ent be brought l 'eUJn g 8, J.aees, B e r lin " ' o ol, ..l1ulnln1i iu1, em;i · . · · . .. , gre:1tly elated, :tmused and edified by at-· te a close by singing t h e National Anthem . r.e:ub, n1·n111s, c :n1v11ss, sn11: .tcouoo 1:·1059, k indly solicited. t rafhc everywhere, _ 11nd sad ns it 18 tot tending an examination lield in _ our Pub- Mr. H eatlie saicl h e wislw d to 1nitke on e - A call is · ANDERSON, King !:Jtreet, admit, it is just such,.men who give the lie lieSch ool Friday Mar ch the 29th. request befor e sin ging, which h e though t next door toMRS. Buckler's Jewellery Sto1 ·e. to hone&ty ·of p urpose on b ehalf of t ernN <'.t~ithstanding the almost imp~ssable would no·, be out of place on this occas· · iemnce ·workers. cond1t10n. ?f th e . roads, cr.owds npgh t be sion ; that ' was for the bridegroom tu I . . seen wendmg then· wtiy toward s our eom- salute the bride ; this clo.rie ; then .c ame MISS BURDEN takes pleasure in inAn a,111endment to the motion, as a.men d- fortable school buildina. Vvh en the t ime th e An th em. M iss Va11Nest presided a.t timating to her friend· and customers that she ~d by M.r . Whit e's motiun, was submitted ·arrived for the exa;imttion t o begin, the organ and all j<>in ed h eartily in sing- will )Je found at MRS. ANDERSON'R l:l'rO.!UI, where ehe will carry on the Dress-Making. b y Mr. l\.obcrtson, of Shelburne, t esting about 70 visitors wc1·c pr esent aIL'Ciously iiig. The cr owd then diapcrsecl to battle t h e feeling of the H ouse directly ou die awaiting th e proceedings. Our y opular the clem ents 'that were raging furi ously .. lt' · l' · · f .:" f . teach er, Mr. Davy, was ably assisted by outside, in wending their vray to their - -qttest1011, Jesu mg 111 a o viswn O·J ur, Mr. , S taples from Union S.S. No. 17; and aeparate homes . .and 107 agiunst, only 7 Conservati ves out throughout t he entire examination the Pursuant to an order o! the High' Court of of th e 55 voting for prohibition. pupils. evinced an efficiency iu th e several J ustice Chancery Division, made in the matter Our r eaders will easily <rbserve what 1 br~nches of education, ::ind showed mark.eel of p11.rtition or the Estate of Daniel D. Knapp, deceased, and in a cause of Deacon against art· h:t s claims upon them if it is tern· ' ev19,e_1~ce of c:ir~ful tramm g and proper 1117 Knapp, Urn creditors of the said Daniel D. P Y · '. I struct10n ... 'Il11s wits followed by a well Knapp, late of Darlington, in the Count.y of per(Luce measure~ they d es1rii, a~d h o'tf rendered progmm, consisting of r eadiugs DurhMn. who died on or about the month or March, 1875,- m·e on or before the 10th Day o! l ittle depeI,:!dence can b e put even m pro- re.c itations and dialogues in w:hich the April, 188!, to send by post, (prepaid), to l\foGee fossecl t empenmcc men wit h Conserva~ive p upils did creclit_t o themselves. 'l'he con& Jones, or the Town or Oshawa, the Solicitors cert was opened and terminat ed by chorof the Executors of the deceased.their christian loanings. uses r cndei·ed by a choral class, consisting . 'I and surnames. .addresses a.ml description, the full particulars of their 'claims, a stn.tement of If bhe col.111hy is n ut rip~ for prohibi- of the pu1iils led by Miss l\'Iaggie Dyer . their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them : or in default therof tl1ey t ion , it ill accotds with .the professions of A good orchestrit was also in . attendance. will be peremptorily excluded from tht> benefit ' U 1e clmir was ably filled by Mr. R ichard Messrs. 'I'illey ·\ncl Foster to p u t ttrgument.s · of the said order. Every Croditor hohling any P ascoe. Short speeches were made by is to produce the same before me, at security in Uieir opponents' mouths. B ut we fear the tr usbees and other friends, who con m y Chambers, at the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, on the 1st day of May, 188~. t hey are iguorin;; facts as well as proving grat ulat ed themselves upon th e general at 'l'!!;N o'clock in the forenoon , being the t ime recrc:int to pl'incipl es, for the opinion is proficiency of the school. The p roceed · appointed for adjudication on the claims. ings closed about 6 o'clock , aud the crowd Dated this 27th day of March, 18&1.. p revalent. t.liat a ]Jrohibitory law cotild not (sgd. ~ G.EO. H . DARTNELL. only be carr ied at th e polls, b ut 1::nforced dispersed h ighly pleased with the treat li-2w. Local Master, S. C. J . they h1 1d received. After the entert ain by t.he ]J0pular will. The tr uth is, tb.e ment th e young peopl e retired to Stacey l'iquor tm~J.c must go, wheth er M essrs. Avenu e rmd spent the n ight "tripping the 1igh t fantast.ic. " F ree c~gars, et c. Tilley 11nd For;ter h elp or n o. Mr. D. Dyer has sold the two yearling Housekeepers requii:ing a new carpet, Short H orn Bull Calves, and one 2 year s1w nl(l n ot foil to call 3,nd inspect the old do.,aclvert ised in th e S·i:A1'ERMAN, for elegant n ew stock of tapestry and velvet $490. Two luwe gone cast to Kingston BO"'W"MANVI LLE, cgrpets j ust received by Couch,J ohnston & and Ottawa respectively, and on e west to Crydernmn. Rtwing imported those goods Picke;rin g- all gone out of the county. Manu fRctnrer and D ealer in Pumps of West D urham liehind again as usual. Mr. direct fnn11 the celeLrated House of J ohn - a ll k inds,Cross]cy & Co. , they are in a position to Dyer has secured a Sh ort H orn B ull imRU.BBEU BUCKETS, por ted b y J ohn Dr yden, E sq., from the s ell Lhem as low· as the sam e class of good s WIND MI LLS, can b e sold ·by any ho use in the Province. famous herd of the Crookshanks , Scotland, which h e will keep for 11se. WINDOW SHADES, ---· · - ·~ ----'f hts powder never v1nies. A marv111 of and General Jobber in purity, strenR;th and wltolesomel\ess. More W c~a_ve a full supply H ealth is a duty, Disease a cr~me. Use economical than t.he ordinary kinds and can· (;A.RP EN 'l' ER \.V O .BK. Of a QjQi! t·ed clover, · be sold i n competition w ith t h «' 1.011ltitnde Dr. Hei:iry Baxt er 's Mandmke Bitters net by~l:tl>d. grass seeds Als ~ or low ~st, sh<n·t weight, a lum or p hosphate !!hop. upposlte Trelcvea·s Sim e 8 101·c. 11nd be cured of all biliousness or liver powders. Sold unl·v 'ir· cans. HOYAL BAKING On~d , W ·eWJ.Uijl!icited . nowmanvm~ . March 26, 18ai. l3·6m, o.lm .5ftfUIO ;lasd~doch Bros. trouble. 25 cents will buy a 'large borne.II P OWDER co., 106 Wa ll·et . N. Y. If ever a riding had reason t o be pr oud ".d estroyed by ·fire mi .M onday evening. represen tative in _ parliamen t, the · "There was some iusu.i.:iince, but not enough ·of their · N tlll · 2\llvtrthmntnts. ..... W:clft R iding of Durham should feel p roud to covei: the l oss. :'Mr. Andrew Douglas ..................................................................................... '" 'a:s severly burned. on'ihe hands a nd arm,s. 'PIANO.SECOND-HAND, FOR SALE hvard B lake. Th e legal of !the Hon. E c Price $100. Apply to 'I'HOS. Y ELLOWLEES: ability lie brings to bear upon all public NEWTON~VILLE. OOD SERV .AN T WANTED FOR questiit:m.s, t he earnestness with which h e general house · wor k in a small' family. .Mr. W. Dickey, of iliis place, has grad- Enquire app1i<e11 'h irnself to .aH p ublic duties, the at STATESMAN o11lce at once. 9·3w. We give a ?ordial invit at!on t o all to come and inspect our stock. uated as a vet erinary,su.rgeon. ind-ependence of his cours e, and manliness l'L ieut. Brokensh ir e (lady) is in command · $250 TO $'1,000 ON MARRIAGE. Ladies of l liis at tterances, shGuld m eet with the and Gentlemen. Apply immediat.ely. of-:.the Saved Army here . R. N . CURRY. J.P.. Sec.-Treas.. London Ont. hear:by:approval and comm en dation of all Agents wanted. ' 'Whooping cough is pwvalent . · Cailll>d'ians. The following he commands, i'm:rs. S tanton is regailliing her l1ealth. ERVANT GJRL WA N TED at once. though :st1·011g in intellootual itnd deba ting Good wagep. Apply to Mlll'l. J. MAYNAIUJ ;Business is very quiet. Ball r oads. · pow.ex, :m Fe ·feeble when r.strehgth is measCen&re Street, or at Maynard's Jewelry Rtore: Pnuos. ured by votes, ancl. the ugh aware of all - = - = - - - -- - - - - -- - -13 _-tf. EED DA R I:>EY.-A fe.w hundred In addition t o our display of MILLINERY we will sho -w a very .choicei this, Reforme1~ ever~vhere must be bushels of .Clean Seed Bitrley for sale. LESKAllfJ. . proud -<>f the stand ~heh· represen tatives Apply to ED, COBBLEDICK, Lot 20 Oon 5 collection of ' H-3~· ' have maiil.e, ancl the uooaunted courage ,· k i?ther spring Robin lb.as appeared oh Clarke, Orono P. 0. displayed by them . The keenness of dJ1e: hill. Moth er and boy doing well. ULL J!'Ol\. SER VICE.- P . WERRY, Rilver B,rook F a.rm. Tyrone has o, puro bred their tlnmsts, and t he fealtessness of their . 'Wliere · is our license nnspector ? H is Short Horn Bull-Victor-for service this sea.offici,:U services ar e wanted ~here . U-1 w*. son. Terms, cash, $1.50. onslaugkts, ·in the ·face of tsure def eat, in 1\lw regular meeting ,o!f the ons of voting po'i'IVer , have embiiJWred th eir op- Te~npemnce _of t his village 1was h d o.,ii TALLION FOR S ALE.-A young ltoyal Exchange Stallion rising 3 years a fine ponents~ :and every T 9ry ,scabbard has 1 :<\td'!<Vevemng last, when t h e follo ~ng Black. of Par asols , Ladies' and Children'; Gloves in T ffi t O · Dam, o. Si.r Walter Mare. Apply to been uns11eathed to b attle ,.,,gainst them . 6.fficeBS for the ensuing q1Jarter were !- . J ONA '!;HAN STEPHENS, Lot 6, Con, ~. Dar- and Lisle all shades , Hosiery "'i n all makes a nd sizes ~ e . 1 . 1 h1gton. Bowman ville P. O. U·tf. Our m emb.e1 :, Mr . Blak e, its !the leader of · ect ed.:.- W. P ., J ohn Sirnps"'n, Seu.; W Collars, New L a ce Jabots, Boys' J ers~y Suit s , Gi "rls ' J ersey ' Dew . aoG f A. ,.J..)Jones; l~ . S., H. Waiker; Assist· --.::-r esses. XEN FOR SALE.-A Yoke of four. the earless !00.n d, h as been maligned and R . $,, l\Uss s. ·Walker; .F . s., J oh n year - old Oxen, well adapted for use in misrepresented , and every vil.e epithet in Si~ps0;i;t, ,Jun,; 1're11s, Wm. T.igh ; Chap., Nlamtoba, or f!'-rm work anywhere. '\Veil broFor1>art1culars 11pply to JAMES L E ASK the v& cabt1lary 'h as been applied t o h im. ,i\l<:ix, Stalker; Con., vV. Me;uccr; Asst . ken. lot 114. Con .;6, Darhngton. where tho animals A lat e instane.e .of t his kind is o:a his speech · Cm~.· Mj,ss B . Stalker; Ins. St:ut., Geo. may be seen. ·~·aunton , P. 0 . U-3 w·, on the Omnge ':l:ncorr)()rat ion Hill. The N elson ;:e uts. Sent. , Urban J oll;tlS. 13ro. A. '\V.. ~veth , D . G. W. P . will install ORNI.PS WANTED.- A few cararguments submitted on the occ...,ion were .the , ofliceRS Friday nigh t. · loads of good sound 'l'ur nips wanted at on~e. Apply ·to W. QUICK. with Murdoch worth y the man , a nd though the position On Mon~la.y moming Mar ch 3hst, .E liz- Bt a.. or a t t be.flTATESM.AN Offise. 13·2 w. G~ocers' taken by h im wa11 .130 fortified by fa.cts that ·a beth :Hai:v.~y passed t o t hat land ;; from ...,... his argumen ts w er<i virtually una nswer- whose bourae no traveller r eturns." Jl.' he ONEY mo LOAN,-A few t housand al!.le, yet the work .of mi11represCllltatio11 ~lmernl ser lll"<ll will be preached her.e~t dolla1·s, p~ivate funrls, to loan on flrst- j SabblJ:t .h The ~ympathy of tl1,.~.n~g.Jdi0r- class farm secur1·,,-, at the lowest curre'n t rates a rs aw .Jy t.o H. BEITH. Bowman: is fa.ken up by the T ory press, :i.ncl a .·h ood is exten4ed tvw<.trd th amily in F~r P8l'Licul_ I ville, or R. R. LOSCOMBR, llarrister. 3·tf, . ... l .. charge is nuide t hat Mr. B lake deno1 01ced their sad bere14v.ement. . all secret societies, hoping by this at>l!erWe regret t<.; .tt'.;a.te that a rat her serious EED W HE A T. -TH1~ U NDE R _sr.GNED has a limite<l quantity of French tion t o lessen his following, and weaken a.cciden t happ04wd on .Monday morning Sprmg W he~i; for sale. 'l'his i· a, very prollfic his influence. How wide of the ti:uth to Ben, ti little .&9.\\l. of Mr. John Simpson. >'IU'iet.y. Prices moderate. Orders Iett with W h ile playing he :-w;.1s accidentally thrown J & D. McDou}!'all. (where a sample . mav be th is statemen t js, can be seen by r eading d own and the sm~ vone of the right leg seen)\ w ill mce1 Vf-1 prompt attention. Apply to 4-· k r. H . MANN, lot 19, Broke11 Front. Dar: the speech in last Saturday's Globe, ~\\ fractur ed. MICAWBER. 11·4w· mgton. r eported from the Hansard. He dOl\$ . &. >i by addresslng GEft p ' assert that he himself has n ever been able : A D"l:RTISER ROWEf,L .t <.:., lQ Spruce St.. New Y~rk' SOL f NA. can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of .to see the necessity for members of bene, l · .)'look s" All aboutthe Sal vation Army." ADVERTISJ!ll G in A.merican Ne wspapers. vo 1:m t societies being bound by ·an oath_ , )"'ij~e 5 cents, and copiti$ .of the War Cry, lt'll..IOO·poge Pnm1·hle1, IOe. but when non-political, and benevolent ·3 l;)ents, n my be had at MT. B atten 's on ANTED- MEN' AND WOMEN 'l'O ST AR'!' A full line of English and F rench WORSTED COATINGS, the latest, only, t hey are n ot inconsiStent with the ,S_ atµir<ltty and n ext, week. !l new business at their homos easily avowed purposes of the association . 'l'he S,I LVEn. \VEDDING. ~A short time ago a le_arned in an hour. N o peddling. 'l'en cents designs in Black s and Fa~cies. t.o \fl.ft.y cents an hour made daytime or evening address is admit t ed t o have been the ablest ~arge I).µ111ber of the friends of Mr . and Sen,d Ten C~nts for 'T'wenty Samples to comon. a ddress mence work ever delivered in the Ottawa House of M1'.s. Thos. 'W ilb ur assembled at their II. G. l'AY , ll1ltland, Ye rmont. Commous. The corres1)onden t, of t he re.s~de1!-9e j;o cclcb~atc their silver wedding. u1y uncereE arly m the evenm g th e cemp1 Montreal Star states regarding it : " If m. oni.ously tmt ered the residence with t he· ever mort al num h ewed close to the line, object of offering congratulations to Mr . let t h e chips fall where th ey would, tlrnt and Mrs. \ Vilbur and of expressino- their _.....,._ _ Owing to t he ,dep;ressed -state of the market, we have been enabled · est eem ·_ for them in a tan gible n~urner. 1 man was E dward Bh1ke." And we hold Music, social con verse, and a variety of · by purcbasmg for Cash, t o get unprecedented value in that no unbiased mind can .. r ead that other past im es were the order. After . a sp eech with c11re, without being d eeply mo2t in viting supper was pa~-taken of, all · FOR GOOD FRIDAY. in1pressed with t he . s tei·lin g honesty of the were invited to th e dining r oom . E xcouneillor Dyer took th e chair, when Mr. fo order to i!Ot a supply of H ot Cross speaker , as well as his dosii·e to do justice James Heatlie, jr., reitd an addr ess giving Bl IJ S bo k ind enough t o leave yomi ordere to all classes, i rr espective of creed or color . expression to many choice and congrntu- early atSur~ly there should be s ome limit to th is latory rema.rks, wh ich ex1>ressed the sen-::ments of all present, wh ile Mrs. J . tr;'lduciug of public u1en, and in consideraHeatlio and M rs. G. Mitchell on belmlf Hat~, .tion of the ~acrifices miiny of them make, of the company presented them with t11e let us hope a more generous policy will b e following : an elegant silver water pitch er m et ed out to them, aml that their acts moun~ed on stand, $25 ; silver " ·atcr cup, 7 !ES. will be judged ou meri t alone, an d n ot $4; silver b utter cooler, $12.50 ; silver butter knife; $3; silver spoon holder , $4; from any party standpoint. and o. n a. dozen silver knives, $8, amoun t· MIL[INERY OPENING TO-DAY & TO-MORROW" r G S Spring :an~e afld- sunimer a-L S .G O O D S B New Garland Trimmings, Buttons . and Dress Materials to match' m S Sateens in all the newest patterns Oatmeal Cl th " K:3d · O SEE OUR COMBINATION RUBBER CIRCULARS INSILVER AND BLACK Cromptons' Celebrated Corset s in all m akes. T M PIERCE & RO~ERTSON. Due Bills taken as Cash. ____ _____ _ ¥_ _ _ HOUSE A full stock of _ S N~TWEEDS, Canadian . Scotch, English, Irish W 4 X BUNS) ·- Suits to order made by t he N o.1 Tailor, W. Peardon~. ., C HAS. TOD'S. Black Gross Silks, Black F r ench Cashmeres,. Black Silk Crapes, · Black Mourning Cr apes,. Ashton's Prints-200 piece·s , Cottonades; Shirt-ings, Caps, Gents' F urnishings, &c. T. GEO. lYIASON~~-- CORRESPONDENCE. ·"The Star House," .,", ' HAS REMOVED TWO DOOR S. WEST IN ·NEADS' BLOC K, Where. our customers can get the very best choice in ,..;,1... HOUSE · , l Gents' Furnishings, Spring & Su1nmer All New and Fresh this Sprin g. -Our stock of- M ILL INERY. MRS. ANDERSON Eng ·11· sh ' Scotch and Canadian Tw eeds are the very best for Spring and Suminer Suit s . , 10s: Worsted . Coa t i ngs in Great Variet y ,, All .ch eap for Cash, a nd very cheap for our · regular customers. D:ress·lVIaking. °. J as~ Joffmy, Marchant Tailor. HIGH OOURT OF JUSTICE. -~ ------ COUCH, JOHNSTON ~. CRVDERMANi V e lvet and Tap estry In three and six quarter widths. Having boug h t .this lot of Carpet s Have received per Steamship Sarnia direct from the Manufacturers- John Crossly & ·Son's, Halifax, England, an elegant stock of POWDER A bsolutely Pure. litG W .C. TYL-ER, PUMPS! - ·- - CARPE T S direct from the manufact urers for Cash, we are able t3 sell them as low as they can be sold by an y house in Ontario. COUCH, JOHNSTON & C R YDERMAN, Ono door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. Grocers' Due Bills t aken as Cash . ..__ ... -

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