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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1884, p. 5

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;wwmrn ·nsz·,xmn !" .. 1 · Read W. McMurtry's new advt. n ~Ir. 1' ia!~k. Shaw, of Salin,t, Kansas, is every nig11t new recnnts are add~d to the he1e on a' 1S1t.. . . . ranks of t~e Army. Every mght the j ·. The, boys will be delighted with M. Town H~ll lS p~icked to the doors, and~ I Mayers hats and caps. . deep religious influence seems to prevail ' . · .~VERY BOWMANVILLE FAIR. Grand milli· ery opening to-day and to- over the audience itt each meeting. There Who once -tries LYMAN'S COFFEE morrow at Pierce and Robertson's. are now over 200 adults who have gone to · . · . ' West Durham Spring Fair for the exhiMeetincr in the Con8 ervaHve Rooms to the pe~itent. form ~nd ~00 chil~ren. The. Ill Wlll W~ll never usee any other kind. bition of entire horses, bulls and fat stock organize:lacrosseclubSaturdaynight. followmg diary will give an ide<t of ·the t . . will takffplace on Tuesday, April 29th, on r f 1 t t' h dk week's services: &Il A f u11 me o ia s, caps, ies, . an erthe show grounds here. ·The prize lis~ Friday March 28 -Town H·ill crowded f1 t d · gtVe Says LYMAN'S OOFFEE is not only may be had on ap11licn.tion to R. Windatt, clliefs and gents' furnishings at ~foyer's. in every imrt. Ma~y go· awa; unable to ·Secretary, 'B()wmanville. · The Toronto E11e111ing Canadian after gain admittance. Platform filled with N t t the heat but the cheapest in the market. an . existence of about 16 months, has happy ~oldiers, and llMIC)'. rejoicing. Capt. 0 0 retired. . . Ada Hmd returned durmg the afternoon Sewin" machine oa and needles con- from the officers' meeting in · 'l'oronto · · .· Good Friday April 11th. . stantly o~1 han'd at y,~riety Hall.-Thos. accompanied by Capt. L izzie Hughes, both 12. Town Hall Buildings, BowmanVille. Should try LYMAN'S COFFEE. ;;r Yellowlees:-14. feeling very happy. A vigorous attack Bowmanville Fai'r, .A.1)ril 29. T s ranlrn and many lst.-Hecouse it needs no boiling and .A. piaiio fell 011 Mr. J. c. Dutton's foot was mad con tiie d ev1 The house cleaning season is here. last Frida at the D. 0 _ & P . Factvry rebels were brought to ti1e fee~ of Je~us. c:an be prepared in one minute. Everybody .is invited to send us items :nd 1 ycl it Capt. Hughe8 made a good unpress10n. . . , . She lias a . powerful voice and a full and a crus ie. · 2ad.-BecH.use there ia lio waste a1td f 0 . news. TJ~e Sacrun~nt of tlie Lo~ds Supper will easy flow of words. The battle was fierce 'you can make any quantiiy from half a · For Hot Cuoss '.Buns leM'e your order at ue dispensed . u1 St. Pauls church next and long, and eleven new recruits were cupful up. C. Tod's early. Sundlty mommg . · '. counted for God's army. Messrs. W. W. Horeey, D ., Beach, Jos. Saturday, 29th.-Childre~1's meeting at -More ne~v subscriptions this week, and 3rd.-Because it is cheaper, bt>tter and still they come. McJ,ean and sorne others started for 3 p.m., about 400 present. Lient. Stacey superior in everl'..-reapect to any other Canada has more weather cranks than Manitoba this week. __..- arid Cadet Milliken alternately addressed Having just opened up a very large stock of · kind of coffee in.the market. any tJthcr country. Farmers, do not place your orders until them. · 'l'he little ones liStened with close Wiggins' wind storm struck this district you examine the McCormack 'l'wo Horse attentiq~1. H w.as gran.d to hear 400 silon Saturday. '\\' hew ! Twine Binder. T. H. Mason, agent. very vo10es smgmg lustily the Army songs .A.p1)ly hot water to the feet and back of · Mr. Wm. ·wilfo1mson, an.old ·a nd es- and. choruses. .These meetings will be . the neck for headache. teemed resident of this place, leaves this 0<;>nt~nued eve~·y Saturday aftemoo1~, beweek for his farm in the North West. gmmng at 3 o clock. Send the 't:luklren The Reliable Druggists, Pi'ano, good second hand; for sale. II ll . l . d along. 7 000 ro s wa paper m 8 1oc {' me1u - Saturday n ight.-A grand free-andPrice, $100. See advt. AGENTS FOH BOWMA.NVILLE. .A.gain we ask : Is Bowmanville to have ing 0~~r 200 patterns Call and ~ee the easy : Free from sin and easy in the Suitable for the Spring and Summer trade. those letter boxes or not 1 magm~cent patterns -T. Yellowlces.-l 4. soul. Many testify for Jesus. Only two . carne . d on a t M rs. A nPatrick McConnell was drowned at ao forward. , ,; · . · Dressmak' mg 1s d " derson's by Miss Burd>'n. . Lindsay. A compn.'.1iori swam as1iore. an . Sunday, 8 a. m .-Grand Hallelujah I am prepared to give goods at ve.ry low price~ for CA.SH only, a'lti I Grip last week was worth a yea1:'s sub- at la_st accounts was m. a very low conchton. Breakfast, or Knee Drill-a real . live have fully decided to sell gooqs on the Cash System, thus avoiding STOTT & JU~'f have jnst received 1l scripti:ons. Diel you see.it 1 'fhc ladies of St. Paul'~ chmch are prayer meeting. A.bout 300 present' losses which are constant,Jy occuring from Credit Busin9ss, and which · · arranging for another social which will Everybody happy. Pi\'t away secure from 111oth your fur take place aometinie during the third week 11 a. 111.-Consecration meeting ; about · v&yfitt1e·collection of have to be made up by good paying customers. ·:coll.ts a.Hd:other furs at once, of April. 30 soldiers went forward for the blessing :. , \ ._· . Mr. Jerry Licl~. East Whitby, is buildALcg10n . of ti1e S e1ect 1. r · ht fully cleciaed to devote their lives . "-mg s, A . 0 . havinrr ~ . ing a $5,000·:stoue residence. U. W., will be instituted in Oshawa to the service of tho ]\faster. Alsvia:choiee selection of ReaO:er, lww is the fall wheat in your April the 4.th by w. J. Graham, D. G. c. 2:30 p. 111.-Grand march out, say 150 -ow~ ~·R· 'l!ec'tiion? ...sen_ d us particulars. . . Toronto. in the procession. Singing of Army songs. ~ ·' A 1 f tl t Repairing to the hall, a gmnd HulleluJ·ah . n ec 1pse o ie moon occurs nex ~Ir. ,T. E. M cCargar represented Bow~ CAw'L :AND SEE '!'HEM. ; 'T hursday ·morning1 visible here. . . nHtnville Division S. of ·r. at a meetiug Experience meeting was held, \vhen the ~ soldiers, and christians of all denom.i1rn. :On1y -nine months of leap year left, of the Dominion Alliance he. I d .in Toronto tions were invited to give their experience. ;gii'ls._ ~at are y~ur prospects 1 last week. Many did so. A real ha.ppy t ime. Hall STAND :-Neads' Block, next to Lee & Edsall's. l:' . Buildmg oper::i.t10ns have begun and Mr. Bera Pinch started for Dcloraine, terribly crowded. · .i :pro~pecrts ·are good for the season. Man., on Tuesday morning, where he owns 7 :30 p. m.-;-A grand-Saivation meeting Tho FBO . W-·ERS at Stott & .lfory!·s i Cobour~ and Port Hope (Sodom and a valuable farm, part of which is under --one of the best since ~.he opening. PeoMedic.a!l 'HMl .. a~e- cheape,. than ever : Gomorrn:l~) ha~e ~ufferecl from floods. cultivation. ple listen with great attention to the ,,,, d t 1 Fora ruce fittmg pattern get Butter~ 'I'he i>fficers of Bowmanville division exhortations of the Army officers. 'fhe bef'Ore. "-'1111 ·an secure some a once. ! 1ick~s. · Thos. Yellowlees.. S. of T. were i.nstu.lled on· Tuesday even- <lay's results-22 or 23 for Jesus. 1 A new English chmch is to be b'Hilt ing. M~mbers are, requested ~o. attend Monday, 31st.-Private meeting for 1. 1 \ -~n '!\his summer in Millbrook, 100 feet long. . the meeting next 1uesday eveumg. soldiers only ; upwards of 200 present . ...m.,::.£\1 R W l M R f A Jb 1 Capt. Hind instructed them in their duties .-3' ·t ·S'.l?OTT & JURY'S Medical Halll '"Suckers" are coming up the creek, .· ev.. . a; te1: 1 . . ogl~: ~s ~ l uprn, bias ao1f1ctll1eexr!.ll,jlil11Ye·'d the rules and regubtions C ""'"' " and we shall soon see them 011 King St. .acc~pted 'the ca I ~1 om ,._m,, ti eet res y.ni and get your , , . .· , . . .. _ tc;i-1tin ~congregation, London East, an<l ,. · ,. .' '.P1of. \V1ggms, Otta"'.·a, pre~~cts & ,ftul , w'l'll bci ~nducted about the 1st of May. Tuesday, April lst.-Grand march out . t t d wilthdrumsandpiccolo. Immense crowds ·ureofthecom cropthisyearmtheU.S. """ 'a CH. ~ , , .f ' : . . _ iul". · .eo. . .ames 1 1as JUS comp1e e tt t 11 ti · T H 11 · ,.. , ,., d h ll t I . . Mr. T. G. Campbell, B. A., is the new ·a ih:ru<lsorne sprirw wagon for McClellan a . me ec JY 1e music. own. a pmThe ,.,,attle ·.i.·oo t ey se no on y m- 1 . . th t . I 111 t of WI 'tb a· h <;> · . med full. Strong appeals by Capt. Ada .. ilk b . . . . . . rna .e ma ,1ca as er u y ig & Co. He has recently- shipped two fine and officers to sinners to desert the ranks r1ohes tthe·.:m . ' . ut ,1~1 some caaa.·it Sc . l,1001. ..· . . .. uggie_·s to. custo_ merB east:. of Cobourg .. ·tOlla&ises the·q;uant1tv given by eaeh cow , Th.e Wlutby. Gazette opposes the -sub· ·Geo. is a hve busmess ruan. of Satan and come for God. forward. Many were convicted, butout only 2 went ene(Quatt- a-day. ! imissi~n of . the Scott Act in sepllintte Mr. Geo. Shaw bought from Mr. Jas.. Wednesday, 2nd.- Hall filled as usual. ·----------~-- : :counties. . '(rollacott 'fyrone a span of youn° mares .Soldiers in good mustre. Good meeting - <Care,is our"W.atchword. ~rs. . Anderson's spring milline~y ihas ·risin1t 5 years, f~r $550. One if the.r.~ and many bear witness for Jesus . Capt. 30c. . I f ll"bl R·"~ arr~ved and dema.nds the attention af -was sired by Royal Exchange. Few bet- Ada mad<l a very earnest api)eal to sinners ·Accuracy is our n a 1 e we. . ,· 1a d ies. see a d vt. t h I f h ' !klr eams ave e t t is county. .t o come to the .Saviour. Several went 1,iQuality is our Leading :Feat{1Te., Tllete was a granc1 -" e1ect nc · .d" · , ISPJay .m Messrs. Tait & Morrison are fitting up forward and afterwards testified for Christ. the heavens on Friday ni~ht, followed ::Jzy the corner store, Horsey's block, in -eleNOTES. s~rr. 0~J very high winds on Saturclay. gant style, and will open out in a few ·d ays · Mr. J ohn McCrae found the money a fine stock of fancy goods,picturefra.mes, The Salvation' Army has made 270 con·;·.rHE' ;RE~IABLE DRUGGI.strS, THE GREA.T SAl~B OF 'lrHOSE letter he lost last January in Phillips' etc., etc. See announcement next week. verra in Peterborough, and the battle still - 'i'TO\Wif HALL BLOCK. shed, Hampton, the other day, all K.. SoHoOL RE.PORT-Miss Thomas' ll!livis-1 continues. Electra for April closes tlie first voh<ine ion . - SENJOR GltADE. - Minnie McD0nald, Whit.by Salvation Army Barracks is ·of thi$ bright arid favorite monthly. ~e Carrie Cherry, Maud Flemin 1 Bella filled evcrj" ~ight and over a hundred per- - - A'r THE:- - May numuer . gives promise of a brigiit Allen , Hannah Davage, Mary JJ',i\IJ'hlay. sons have JOmed the Army. :: SCROFULA, , ' fot ure. JUNIOR GRADE.-Winnie . Fielding, A. Some young men caused a disturbance _ J3eilides being. a foathsome disease, ill>~lmn A strikiug article in the April Century, Cawker, John Di11!/;i;im1, Eddie 0-0-wns, at the Army meeting in Whitby last week :f'1i}y .developed~>:very painful and ann.oy.ing.· by · Walte.r B : Hill, on "Uncle 'l'om with- S. Scobell, Norman Dellman. · · and were brought before the Magistrate 1 ·It is a Blood,Di5'lase which hardly.a fami ·" ·20, pon. ·u, " D ar- and fined · ts victims · · are m -"' >..J ·.out a Callin," OJ)ens ren11 ·n;cce · n~= .Af i · M r. R 0 l1 Jer thCl ar]rn, ]o t · · ·ebf&iJ<pes; 1 countIess. 1.,,0 =ect , ~ ~~~ ~ S }n: '3 cure, the sou1·e6 from whence the. troaille slavery days. mgton, w 10 as run a awy:er '.I.' ·esher Monday being the 21st birthday of Capt. IS SO J UETHING ENORitlOUS. .ari:iea must be ,' "';rrifiecl and clean£e;q ;~and D E M · · Ir t tl '"'-'1 for four seasons, says: "If I W<mted to 'Hughes, of the Salvation Army Kingston ifnom our knowl:-1\ge of Northrop &lf.yma!Y.a . tr. l ' · . orbis 181~e mg J°u bln ie AA<r get another machine 1 would 'buy ·<t Saw- she was presented witli an ·idel;ess by th~ ·Their_Fancy Furnisliing Goods such as Ladies' and Gents' Colla.rs, Ties bl D' ·h fid ~nsT., l<Wtomg an.u -~'ugw1. a ·Jn<'lve va ua toe Ptlrop~ty yer Grain Saver and no othm.:. ·b ut 'the old sergeants of the Army ' V ~g~ ·a e 1s~;;:y, we can wit oon ence 111 m·on ie ei y II . It t ,, · ' t t' . l · 111 1 ~ne r~ns a ng 1. ye · . ~"" ~s imoma Bi.., Push Wilkinson and Captains Hll'rhe8 recommend it as a racl-ical cure for Swoful11; 1 tl ft . tl Neckerchiefs and Handkerchiefs are the most novel of any and all unhealtla*·l,umors of the '-11no.d , Tt s :wr Ya er :re sa e. hke this from one m our nu-"-t ·· '"ortl1 a d "'H· d 0 f tl10 S I · A "' ~ ~, ca11ries. · · "' The young rn ..n of Wliitby C · M · ChmrP 1 d ozen fr·om · tl1ose we Icnow' !'ID """tlung ~ ' ab out. · an lll <t vahon rmy came ' ,,. -corruptions, and itathers up tnese. .... ~· down f 10111 . T t · ti l t . goods seE.~n in t hat line before. "them off with. ,.aach discharge from foef must be selfish They give a social. teoron o m ie same car as ·bo.w'liis. " fi night and will l~t allow any ladies to :&I!!:r.:i:r. C. .I.YI. ~awker has not be~n hyb_er- Frida:y. What a &'ra!1d opportm~ity the Gentlemen's Shirts in the .Finest C(tmbric and French Pe.rsale from 75c Itdoes not r~atie your strength., :but:Q~ sist. Do as yoeywould be done by. natmg this,wmtei:, but ha~ h.een scouruw Captm:1s had f~r miss10na~·y work then. tho..contrary giv~tone to the sys~,, 1111.1 · · , · _ the countr) for fit st-class aimnals for, his 'fhe mterest m the meetmgs of theSalva- upwards ; Braces from lOc. upwards ; Rubber Coats in endless variety; J'rGv~s the appeti;¥:, and in a remeit·l,ablol St. Nicholas £4,r Apr:I, with its vn.n-eil1 butcher stall. He has secured between tion Army in Oshawa still continues . JDan.iier enrich.ea. :ib_e impoverished tbloodJ table of content~, remmds us, like t11 e 20 and 30 -very fine beeves for Easter and abated 'l'he h.all is pack d 'tl uf in our Hats, Caps and 1'urbans we have all. the leading styles ; in our 0 ..Bt,ty:oa;;bottle an~ g~-o it a. trial. I :;m onth itself, b&11 of the wi!1ter tlmt is, following ,we.eks from the follo_ wing stock ~:very ·evenincr '1oug b~foi~ th~ hol~~ ¥0; Clothing Department we have the finest Scotch and English Worsteds.. 1·a.c;t, and o~ tbe. sJllmmer that ~s to come. ~ men : R. Mal~ory, Wm. \Verry, 'V. H., commencing the meetings. Ovei; seventy tor ~uiting and Coating. We can give you an Elegant ·-- - - - - - - ' · Mr. J. J.\11. B1Wiac@mbe, dent~t, goos; Osborne, Itogei Cole'. Jaa. Ri:ndle, ~· recruits have j o111ed the ranks, an~ong ! to CQb9urg next .T hursday on the jui::v~ Scott and others_. ]Y.li. Mallory 8 are sa1.d whom were a uumber of inveterate drunkM~tlb9r Grave&'.'~orm Ex:termiltllli;Qr .·is iwd Mr. Byron Whlte, of Oshawa, will be\ .to b~ very sul?erior. C. M. i l.rnel?s. a capi- ards. - Reformer. · lll.i:re an d e ff"ec~ ~--·l 1 i. · n' .i.n · cl iarge o f 1us · o-.fe :ffio d urmg · th e f ew ...,.,}"ii. "~ . ;ta! lme of meats always. ;pl easan::t t o t a k ~,., . · ·. . · . On Wednesday niid1t a younO' 0 man went d~strpying worn~. Many have tril.eii: l~ ~f hi:; abs~nce. : . A ~mgular comcad~nce ocouued last e¥e- to the Town Hall w1th his face blacltened. 111 1 · ; l'.l\fr. lt. H. Tun~ilr, having bought t he: .rnng the Methodist chu1t<'.h, Co~?m:g: Those staoding near began to snicker at ..;with the best resulj;tl. ---~: : bankrupt stock of ,MeClung Bros., win Rev. ~j· ':allaee took ,foh 1 i.::;' ~extT,l '.Ilhe him, when Capt. Ada Hind reprimanded 1 0 10 J ab_e:th s)101.r Gilli'nin<Y Cove N s 9pen next week fo:r the ·disposal of the , '::. 'f JieAraWns~IIk'~ssor 18 ai·~" mi- them for laughing at the black man, r e· . '" , "' ' · "': t tl , d . L k ,.,,,rwus . . 1 mson was !Present. .As ·k· th t tl h ld w~1te11_. :·" I was ,(,:Jt,'IJ.lple~ely prostr...teii ,S<li!ilt ef a bgrea. y .. r~~cl~ . ptricel~· oo t !filw,Rev. "'Ontleman c lwelt on the prevail- mar ibng a ife y h_s oul noht laughldat a. ,with tll<N~:ithma bt.ttil·earm"' of Dr 'llho-' l(\ll - or argams. ..........,, par 1cu ars nex: . · . f tl t ' . . man ecause o is co or; e cou not ~nas' ElQl!Jt'tric Oil l I ·procu~ed a ~le .~~k. ;J;l1,g s1bs o d1~ utnl es, ;many :, 9.met ~'mB1:e help it ; Goel l1ad made him. " 'Tis false, . d ' ' d. } I ·· D . M F f " ;wa.s. o serve m 1e congreg,...,1on. ig 'tis false " cried l . Tl th :and it QOO me so mi~e.11 goo t 1at ·gd.t, l.i.1t-ev. · r. razer ~· ·:vrono at t he last l~Ull;h" winced when the min'ster c C . ' severa voices. 1cn e ~nothe.r,,p,a:l before :it was used, I wi.s, .Pl~~ting · of the Wliiif°i>.Y ' Presbytery re- (l~wn heavy 011 the political sin~ that ]~;: a~,ta!!1 saw that she "had g~v?n ~erself .Mell. My..11011 was c115Cd of a bad cold by, .cewe6 a call from :tli-e congregation of s.e l'."2entl been brouo-ht to r 1 a w.ty, anq was. forced to JOlll m the 1t - Gu :the use pf.l1JJf a bottle. It goes like wiW- 1 .()l;),remont, but the J:l,e}1<erend gentleman y " ig · i e. Jaugl~ that l~reva1led over the whole hall. Bowmanville, March 20, 1884. !fire, arnlml!il:cs curcs.,!llfib.erever it i· u~. ,sigJiilkd to the Presb~t~ his nonaccept·'.l1he.union Methodist revival services of ~~he 1m~:nediately started a lively chorus 12. _ _ _ _ _....,..,,. __ ance.o1 the call. th!!:~ it()wn are the most successful which r.~hat <iuwk-ly restored order. . - . .. .. . ·a;'he 1'arkda7e N ew$ 'hili$ enter ed Ul)OJI hav,e lb.een held for years .. The ministers -================~ [,eadmg'. li)i;ugg1st on ~s contwent t~, 1 ·ts 4th Th· · · All k ancl ·p ;wple of the three churches are BIRTHS . tify to the l!\!!ge and 001~.ntly increasing · . 'lt .'f'Iear.bl' I .is JDO~~Mtt'-1. mi' a · es a spe" thooour>li.ly unitecl in their efforts to do' .sale~ of No . r·lor op & Ly,.,an's Yecretable cu1 y ,o. pu isung r.. ·.·. 1l!j,( ssermonsd,"' l ti 1 = · . · , ' ·~ . _ . ""'.' "' · ',one ',®,-Oll week. It {8 , ai<nina a world goo · .lbW: .1e res~ t, so far hAA been to ;~:AZARD-ln Bowma~villl!'. on April 2nd, th.i D.lllooveu,.;i,udf[)yspepticQ,ure,andreport ·a :. It'10 1 d n:g b l b deepe!a 'N~d mtensifythc religious life of Y,!J_e o!Mr.George Haza.rd,ofa.son. its ·b.e ne ticeiit.,fllil'ects upon their customers W·l ·'·be ,.euz.~ a t h~ ' an t . ·as ~evera l 11s.u . - the cln~',t,11es and to induce over 160 per·ii. T; C 1. · C · !Iii.CI.I era 1ln 1S coun y 1...,,ne co ar 't " ·"~ ' MARRIED. t~o'll'.l >,led }f:Iw·.~.µ;ver o~Nhnt, onstipa~ car.. ::B.~:x 177 , Parkdaie, {\)JUt. ' sons . to XJ3Solv~ on a . be~ter life, Th t1en, [)y.spepsl~! !ml?unty. qf. the Blood, Y meeti.ug:S !lire 5~111 growmg 111 intea·est a c . w ;on?EN- ADMR-;-BY Rev. w. R. Barke1·. and .oJ:lh.er p_ l_ l .Y:S;!4!a.I mfirm1tMlS, a.nd as a Q,a £1t\1J.T.clav a])out 2 :30 ·~. 'n<t i'n Marit!i 26! tl.t. the residence of the bride's rather J ~ ®.. an alann 1ow er. ~i.w :wo.., ai·e h eld eacl1 ev-= ~.,1 Mt~ !Edwin Wor~en to Annie J,oui.8&, d11ugllter rn d re- of 11:ir.e cW:!J,S sounded in conseq.u ence of <i ne C. M. :elmrch, and . each afternoo at of llJ,i;. .Jobn Adair. · fem.a·l e G;J(;)piQ~O~, ttt has acCQftlPIis1 We ha.~ opened an immense stock of Dry Goods and Clothing, ma:rkailie cµr§s . fire t lmt .01;iginated in th e kitchen of Mrs. :30 in the P. M. church. All perso ~=!:::======~======...,...,_..,. A g rand variety of W. K. l'.!.urk's residence. TJW hands are ·heartily ·:welcome. · · oung·s Condition Powders are tile from the F1uniturc Factory w~re promp The ladies .<}f the c. M . church, Oahawa Why :a.~cr from ,week · nerve~ want of ly on h:md,{l;.1:id put out tho fiw beJ;or e 10 Jield a bazaar last week. On Friday a best ~0 lbe obtained and horsemen should uee .th.en during the spring months. 'ro :tppetit.1. ~nd gellQ:!.'al debility~ letting engine coul{l ;rilach the scene of iw, " nice little p&1~l was forwarded to the be had .at John McMurt1-y3. l2-3w. the loss .of. sleep and r est ·iJl,npoverOur prices will be right this season, in fact we will offer Extr~ The '.A.pr.i;l number of Fi<ANKL~LI.E's s~ile room f?r · Mle: It was a compact ish the .sy®?m and·tlin the blood, when such areal1y 1neritoriooo remedy asiNorth- Su:rmAY M.rn.4?.:nrn is promptly on 0111" ta- httl? box, mcely tied up. The ladies, BOWiMANV1LLE MARKETS, ordinary Bargains in every Department. An immense rop & Lymllel'i,S Qµini~l!! Wine rnay ·~.e had ble and fil!eil. as usual with deligltl:ful as is natural, !tad great curiosity to reading matt,ei:-edifying and entertainsee the contents, so several of them gatl1 -stock ofat any drug 1$;>re. This ~rlicle is r~om Cor r ected up to 1 o'clock p .m . every Thursday encled by t h0 :highes_ t : 111embers of ,th e ing, and admirable embellishments. The ered round to investigate. The coverwa11 BY 1.&D. McDOUGA.LJ ·· faculity in cas~ Df ind,ig~siti.i:m, general de- populareditorisT. DcWittTalmago, D . D. removelland.O h~rrors! Ollt sprang sevbility, loss of appetite, anil nervous affe_c- The contents.are ao varied and abundant era! house. rmce. The scene that followed Flour, per 100 tb ...... $2 75 .. to .· $3 00 tion of all kinds. It is also specially be- that no one can fail to be gratified. Price can better be imagined than described. l~all Wheat, pell' bush.... 0 95 .. to .. 1 00 · RARE VALlJE. neficial to childnm and del'ieat e females, 25 cents a number; $2.50 ayear, postpaid. Tlie screiims of the terrified ladies was SpringWheat, per bush. 1 00 .. to .. 1 07 Rye, per bushel. ...... _ . 0 58 .· to . . O 60 a,nd to business men, students, and those Address Mrs. Frank Leslie, 55 Park Place, h oartrendiug ; one of t hem fainted on the A spot, while the mice they ran in, t he mice Oats,pAr bushel. ....... 0 30 .. to .. O 34 who have much brain work. We would .New York. Peas, Blue............. 0 70 .. to .. O 75 L. D. Sawyer lf!l(IJ say, Never b,fl wi~hout it. It will stren0 ., of Hamilton, have they ran out ai1d sported themselves while " Bhckeyes ....· '. . . 0 90 . · to. . 0 92 gthen you, ·k'ti8p your system -in regular . won a deserved reputation for the m.anu- the _ ladies did shout, some jumped 0)1 ,, Small........... 0 65 ... to ... 0 70 order, and enable you to successfully facture of agricultural implements. Tho chairs, some on the counters, and skirts grapple with the wor)i you have to do. firm was established in 183G. They make were raised a little above the orthodox Barley, No. 1. · . . . · . . . 0 55 . . to. . C 60 ,, No. 2....·..· , 0 00.. .to ... 0 65 It is pleasant to the taste, and contains a specialty of re11pen, mower8 and thresh- limit. F ortunately only one 'man was ,, No. 3. . .. .. ... 0 45 ... to ... O 50 nothing injourous to the most delicate ip.g machines, both steam :md horse power, ~here to tell the secret or the prob11b.i lity BY JOHN McMU:C,.TilY. constitution. Remember to ask for the and claim to have the. best that will be is the readers of the STATESMA.'1'; would Quinin:<i Wine, prepared by Northrop & offe1'ed in the Dominion for the season of have. been. deprh:ed .of the pleasure of Butter, per lb. best ta.ble.. O 16 ·. @ ·· 0 20 cal item. Lard,'!?' lb ............ . .. 0 .13 .. @ .· 014 Lyman, Toronto, and we are sure you 1884. We understand that F. H . Mason, re:iclmg tlus mous1 will be satisfied that you have full value Hampt?n, has rec~ived the itgency fQr the 1 Partie~ asking us. for bargains will nol; Eggs, 1!l'Jo,i;.............. 015 .· @ ·· 016 Potatoes, per bushel....... O 45 ·· ~ .. O 50 for your 111oney, D1·uggist sell it. town3}11p~ of Darlmgton and Clarke. I. be dirtappointed. 'Elli11011 ·& Co. ·FEE says it mt~e the best cup of Coffee tliey ever taste<h~ . EVERY PERSON, , L~----:71 ·'· .11 · "Q;11 · · · ·. · .· lVC Mayer's· sprin«., ani1ouncenient next't·' ' · · .,. . · :· ~ . · :· -··· · ,.,., ... ~· """ t 1 The Salvation Army contmues to draw Using LYMAN'S t~';I'RACT OF CDF· ~~a~aDil\I ·angp·1.·B3ma: n w~ek · ·.,w . " c ~, '· . . . heavily fl'om t he ra~11,s of Satan, and -~-··· '-- ~V"' '" · , '"~ """' "~~~--· SALVATION ARMY. .. · · BowM.ANVILLE, ;FRIDAY, APRIL 4. (WALt X ·PAPER.) p PERSON EVERY PERSON l I have now ready a very large stock of Paper I Hangings of foreign and home manufacture and those want do to examine my patterns d prices. · I. impor my paper direct from manuac Urers an my customers the benefit. bl h d rou e s ow . goo s. · EVERY PERSON Local and Otherwise. T R E BI L c 0 c ·K SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT[ CASH 1 · CASH·I STOTT & JU RY, ·rst of th ' . e Season Fl (BOOTSXIANDIXSHOES) FLOWER 'PLANTS FL s E E D· S- : Fine order work a specialty and FI T S guaranteed. Chean.er ·:than Ever!. Do not fail to call on me, and you will most certainly be ten1pted to buy, if prices can tempt you. · F . BORLAND. F· MER s· ! .Buckwheat Flour His Groceries are and Gr'aham Flour. Fresh and Good. n.....ttle.fFood 01lCak-e&c m-i '.b JAMES l;~T ~OTT & Ju Fr¥, Try Elliott's TEA. Choice Maple Syrup taken in exchange. and Sugar. Due Bills given. I Far~ o: SPRING GOODS F~ fAMED ECLIPSE HOUSE ,' l S0I T(cuT BY THE BEST cunER IN TOWN] FOR sg. Overalls, Summer .Pants and Jackets for the farmers, in endless variety. · Call at the Eclipse House for bargains~ ·a ~- · :H. ~ I 'V ES. SPRIN""G:1 1884_ NEW DRY GOODS AND _ CLOTHING. __ New Prints, New Dress Goods, New Tweeds. BOY'S, YOUTHS AND M.EN'S SUJTS, Tailo.r ing done in best style. Nobby all Wool Tweed Suits to order, $12.50. We never allow any competitor to undersell us we mean business this season. ELLISON & CO.

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