MR. CHILD'S 1l!.NUSCRIPTS. Oscar Wilde on America. Technical Schools in Saxony. Did :QGuide You Straight t When General Wolseley was about to The amount of attention given to pureover OJlo,Thousa.nCl .Letter· and Orlglna.l A large audience assembled at the Crys- undertake his march over the plains of tal Palace recently to hear Mr. Oscar ly technical education in Saxony is shown Articles Arranged In Nea.t Form. Wilde's lecture on his impressions and t.he Nile for his last engagement with by the fact that there is now in that king· Jl have writteJJ.,.t hese few lin"ell And all J;;2v e to sayMr. George W. Childs, publisher of the exp riences of America. Mr. Wilde (who Arabi he secured the services of an edu- dom the following schools :-A teclmica.1 Tllat you oan d me still at hoQle, Philadelphia Ledger, has recently come in- has discarded knee-breeches and resumed cated youni Scotchmen, who was familiar high school in Dresden, a technical state Iall{not gore away. ;.so all my kind old r riende may come, to possession of fifteen large and valu- the prosaic trouser) said that the Amer- with the course, to guide the movements institute at Chemnitz, and art schools in restores, with the gloss a.ud freshness of And.all the l' oung ones; too, able volumes, in which are inlaid, in the ican are the noisiest people in the world, of his army. Before they took up their Dresden and Leipzig, also four builders· youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, t·ich And g"et their garments nicely made brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. highest style of art, over one· thousand whose national occupation is catching march the Generar said to him : In fashions that are new: , schools, two for the manufacture of toys, Where old and young, d&ar friends, may meet "Now, I want. you to guide me six for shipbuilders, three for basket By its use light or red hail" maybe darkened, valuable autograph letters, manuscripts, trains. Pennsylvania, with its rocky .A :welcome vr.,etin1r. bv R. PE.A.TE · . thin hair thickened, and baldness often, and sketches from the most celebrated gorges and woodland scenery, reminded straight ; guide me by the star."· weavers, and fourteen for lace making. though not always, cured. During the battle that followed, the people in the art and literary circles of him of Switzerland ; the prairie of a piece Besides these there the following It checks falling of the hair, and stimuEngland during the fast fifty years. The of brown blotting paper. Everything is young man was mortally wounded. Hear- trade schools supported by different lates a weak aud sickly growth to vigor. lt documents come from Mr. and Mrs. S. C. twice as it should be; everywhere ing of this, General Wolseley visited him trades, foundations, endowments, and dis· Formerly known as the "Soper Mills. 'I prevents and cures scurf ·and dandrutl', aml Hall, who · gathered the material during is twice as far as it should be. He visit- in his tent. As he entered, the dying tricts : Two for decorative painting, one heals nearly every disease peculiar to the their connection with the LondCYn Art ed Leadville, · the chief characteristic of soldier raised his eyes and said : for watchmakers, one for sheet metal scalp. As a Ladies· Hair Dressing, the HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR" Didn't I guide you straight, General 7 workers, three for musical instrument Journal, of which Mr. Hall was for a whose inhabitants is tho costant use of VIGon is unequalled ; it contains neither oil GHLY renovated and put in order.under long time the editor-in-chief. the revolver. He lectured to them upon Didn't I guide you straight 7" makers, one for druggists, (not pharmacy), -our own special supervision, for the purpose of nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and And the General could or,ly acknow- twenty.-seven for weaving, one for magristing and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot The collection in its present complete "Benvenuto Cellini, HisLifeand Works," silken in appearance, and impnrts a delicate, Barley, and we are now prepared to receive form will prove to be one of the most in- and was reproved by ll'i s hearers for not ledge that he did. chine embroidery. two for t ailors, one for agreeable, and lasting perfume. orders from all our old customers and others Is this not a most appropriate question barbers and hairdressers, three for h11ncl teresting and valuable features of Mr. having brought that artist with him. for work, and we gurantee to give them who MR. C. P. BttrCHER writes from Kirb11, 0., for parents, pastors, ancl teacher to ask as intrust us with the same entire sa.tlataction. ) Childs' remarkable library. The letters The explanation that he had been dead Jnly 3, 1882 : u Last fa.11 111~1· commen ced. spinning, six for straw weaving, three for -Oats and other grains taken in excb11.n2'e for falliug ont, and in n. short time I and manuscripts are mounted with great for some little t ime elicited the inquiry, we look upon the souls committed to our wood carving, four for steam boiler beatFlour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Row· nearly bald. I used part of a b<>Lile of manville, 227. skill on heavy plate paper, each page "Who shot him?" Among the more elder- trust 1 By our example have we led our ing, six for female handiwork. There An;a'S HAllt VIGOR, which stopped. tile falling of the hair, and ~tarted a new growth. l having a wide margin. All are arranged ly inhabitants of the south he found a followers only in the paths of safety 1 In are, moreover, seventeen · t echnical ad----~·-----have now a full hea(l of hair growing vigorin chronological order. Among the first melancholy tendency to date every event our i nstruct ions have we declared the vanced schools, two for gardeners, eightously, and am convinced that but for the correspondence of interest to the general of importance by the late war. "How truth, warmly, earnestly, plainly, affec- agricultural, and twently-six commercial use of your pt·eparatwn l sl10uld have been entirely bald." Have our warnings been schools. reader is tho.t of Edwin Arnold, a num- beautiful the moon is to-night!" h e once tionately 1 When'er yon want an easy shave, .J. W. BOWEN, proprietor of the Jl,lcA1'1hlL1' her of whose letters and notes are found remarked to a gentleman who was stand- faithful and tender and loving 1 (Ohio) Enr)lLir'1·\ says; "AYEH'S HA.lit VIGOU As good as Barber ever In our exhortations have we pled witl1 in the first volume of the series. Follow- ing next to him. "Yes, " was the reply, is a most excel ent preparation for the hair. :ust call at Pethick's Saloon, ing Mr. Arnold's letters come interest- "but you should have seen it before the them " as dying 1~en with dying men?" l speak of it from my own experience. Its DR. SCOTT'S use pro1notes the growth of n ew hair, and At morning, eve or busy noon. ing notes on art matters written by the war." So infinitesimal did he find the In our supplications for them at the makes it glossy and soft. The VIGOR is also "He'll cut and comb your hair with grace, leading artists and engravers of Great knowledge and appreciation of art west throne of grace, have we wrestled for a sure cure for dandruff, Not within my l'o suit the contour of your face; knowledge has the .preparation ever failed Britain, and a very graceful let ter from of the Rocky Mountains, that an ~rt pat- them as did He whose heart's desire and to give cntirolsatisfaction." His shears are sharp and raizors keen, 'l'homas Carlyle. ron-one who in his clay had neen a prayer for Israel was that they might be Mn. ANGUS F AntaAmN, leoider of tho His shop is neat and always clean, There are also notes of thanks from the miner-actually sued the rail way company s11ved ~ Can it be said of uscelebrate d " Fah·bairu l'arn.ily" of Scottish An<l everything, we think, you'll find, Duke of Argyll, his son, the Marquis of for damages because the plaster cast of '·He watohed iind wept, He prayed and felt Vocalists, writes from Boston, l'dass., Feb. 6, for all; "J'o suit the taste and please the mind. 1880: "Ever since my hair began to give sil\?rne,. t~e latter d~ted at Osborne, Q~een . Venus of Milo, which he had import~ d As a bird each fond endearment tries very evidence of the change which fleeting "\ ictona s palace m the Isle of · W1ght, fr@m Paris had been delivered minus the 'l'o tempt its new-fledged offspring to the time procureth, I have used AYJ.m's HAIR skies, ~·..· )·~ '~ I VIGOR, and so have been able to maintain and from other less w1del:y:-k?own' no?le- arms! And, what wast more surprising H e tried each art, reproved each dull delay. an nppei.ranee of youthfulness -a matter of men ; also several from "\V1ll!am Bantmg, .iiitill, h e gained his case and damages. All11red to brighter wo1lds and led the way 1· considerable oonseqnence to ininisters, orawhose pamphlet on the subJect of corputors, a.ctors, and in fact every one wlio lives Can we say, as we will, want to say In tl1e eyes of the public." lenceat on~timeattracted widenotice. Ina when we look up from our dying beds, note from Thomas Hood that well-known Seekers in the Whire House. MRS. o. A. PRESCOTT, writing from 18 Elin w "Didn't I guide you strai~ht 1"- 0wno,da St., Cliai·testown, llfass., Aprit 14, 1882, says: :C humorist says, in apologizing for not An anecdotal paper on "The White Presbyterian. "'£\VO years ago about two-thirds of 1ny h a ir < paying a long-intended visit: "You will ; House," by E. V . Smalley, is the opening came off. lt thinned very rapidly, and I was 1t fast growing bald. On usini; AYEI!"s FTArn not be surprised at this when you lea11a ,;i,lluBtrated p11per of the April Gent'Ury. Of VIGOR the falling stopped and a uew growth The Wives or EnglislllStatesmen. that for some time past I have been writ- ·office seekers he says in part : "The late oommenced, and in about a month my head w"s completely covered with short hair. l t ing nearly half of Fun and a third of the President Garfield once said that he was .Nearly all the recent pre~iers of Enghas conti1rned to grow, and is now as good as Comic News every week, not to mention obliged to see an average of about thirty land have enjoyed the advantage· of have before it fell. I regularly used but one bottle a novel for one of Beeton's magazines, persons for every office to be filled. If ing had wives of great devotion and conof ·the VIGOR, but now use it occasionally as a. dressing." 'Oddi! and Ends' for another, Christmas the question was one of removal, the num- siderable ability, to whose tender carWe have hundreds of similar testimonials work for London Soeiety, bits for other ber was much greater, including the and sympathy in t heir ambi~ion they Z'O::IR. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE to the efficaey of AY:ER'B l:IAIR VIGOR. It magazines, and in addition to it all that I friends of the incumbent a~ well as the have . been largely indebted. The dev?B/L/OUSNE88, DIZZINESS, ...needs but a tria¥.to convince the most skepti· Horses, C attle· , Sheep & have lately been laying down the fo1mda- . c.amliclates for the place. There is an tion of the Countess of Russell, who 1s DYSPEF'SIA, DROPSY, cal of its value. tions for a novel for a new weekly to be· . a mu!ing story, not a new one by any still living, and the Countess of BeaconsCUEES INDiGE-'ff!ON, · FLUTTERIN(J PREP.iltED BY published in the spring." means, of the method Mr. Lincoln adopt- field, had something of romance, says t he Coughs, Colds, Inflammation JAUND!r.Jt: OF THE HEAKT', Mrs. Gladstone, There are also a number of amusing I ed to settle a contest over a postmaster- L ondCYn .Athen<eum. Dr.J: C.Ayer&Co.,LowellJMass. of the Bladder, 5wellino- of the ERYSIPELA8, ACIDITY OF who is nearly the same age as the preand interesting letters from Leigh Hunt, ship which had greatly annoye d ~im. Sold by all Druggists. SALT RHEUM, THE 8TOMAOH, · Qfands, Roughness of the Hair Thomas H ughe11, William Howlett, and There were two candidates in the field, mier, accompanies her husband, as did HEARTBURN, DRYNE88 Botts, Scurvy, &c., &c. · Philip Gilbert Hamerton, Cha.rles and petition after petition had poured in Lady Beaconsfield, everywhere, and freOF THE SKIN, HEADACHE, Dickens, Thackeray, William Cullen upon the weary President, and delegation quently remains in the ladies' gallery to For Fattening and Fitting you r Animals And every sped~· of disease arising . fro"' Bryant, Mrs. Cashel Hoey, Mrs. Oli- ·after delegation had rushed to the White the close of the night 's sitting. Lord for market, DIZ. SCOTT'S PKEPARED dlaordernd LJVE.!, l<IDNE;YS, STOMACI-\ pha.nt, Robt. Dale Owen , Mr. Eastlake, House to argue th e claims of ~he rival as- Palmerton, more than, perhaps, :i.ny SPICE has no equal. ' BOWE-S OR lilLOOt, Ma.cready, the tragedian, and scores of pirants. Finally, after he had been bored other first minister, however. was indebt19 · FOR SALE EVERYWHERE & Pro r'i-~~~ WAREROOM, other names quite as well-known. ; for half an hour by a fresh delegation, ed for his position and its maintainanee to A large proportion of one volume is Mr. Lincoln said to his secretary. ' his wife, who was physically ancl mentaltaken up with letters and original manu- matter has got to end somehow. Bring'a ly a r emarkahle woman. U p to h er death scripts of the works of the poet Thomas pair of scales.' The scales were brought. · in 1869, a 85, four years after her husFOR TEN !!lLLION' P EOPLE ARE IN ·~ , North-Dakota, Montana, Moore, a~ least a dozen autograph poems 'Now put all the petitions and letters : in band, she could read without glasses, and Minnesota· ·Washington and Oregon, · BOWMANVILLE · . figuring in the collection, all of which are favor of one man, and see how much they talked with all the fire .a nd energy of a .ALONG.THE LINE 01!' THE \ Having bought Mr. R. SYLVESTER'S MA· extremely difficult to decipher on account weigh, and then weigh the other · candi- young woman of 20. Her voice was CHINE SHOP and FOUNDRY we are pre of the poet's bad and careless penman- date's paper's'. It was found that one most cheery, musical, at1d soft. Her are~ to do all work in ·this department in a ship. There are also a little note-book, bundle was three-quarters of a pound eyes were of a bright blue; and, in spite - Throagh the Great Wheat·Belt of America, ~\~ ltlilllon a'Cres of the best agricultural. satisfactory manne We shall continue to in which Moore used to jot down his heavier than the other. 'Make out the of a very ' evident wig, she was a very mineral, forest and grazing lands in tha manufacture Mr. ylvester's celebrated ideas for verses, and a lock of his hair appointment at once for the man who handsome old lady. She had some pe- United States are now open for settlement. 20 ltlillion acres of railroad lands for sail' at "cut off before his last illness ·had streak- has the heaviest papers,' ordered· the culiarities, always shook hands with her $2.60 to ~4 pr aore, on 5 years time If desired. , eft hand, and pronounced gold "gould," ed it with gray." Among the other in- President, and it waa done. " 20 1111.llion acres of Governments lands open. to settlers FREE. -· 1 teresting manuscripts are the originals of and china, 'cheeny." ......... nd shiill spare no pains to lcet> n up their pre Tl1e N ortllern Pacllic Country posseSBCS "The L ament of the Polish E xile," by . sent revut,a.tion great and rich natural resouroee ready to be d~ Exercising the Devil. veloped into profitable industries. · Allan Cunningham, ~nd "T.Jie Legend of They Sold Him a Hole. For maps and pamphlet,s' address and mention Fears of t he devil seems to be more th e OU~ARRIAGE St. Christopher," by the author of "John this paper. r He was telling the story in the billiardcharacter of Chinese religion thanJove of Halifax, Gentleman." long and favora;ble known-will-be-carried- on ._ CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Said heLand Commisslq_ner lr.P. R,-R.; St. Paiil, Minn. ' God, and when t h ese ignorant dwellers room of a Denver Hotel. and with the assietance of our Ma&inery we . DO AS OTHERS on the water experience some accident ' 'There were three of us, you see, and hope to larO'ely inc1·ease the bnsinese in this To reach the above nained lands or any point HAVE DONE. The Rod. they promptly resort to means of driving Nevada was a cold climate for us. We on the Northern Pacific R. R. buy_ department and give our customers increased your tiokets from were dead broke, half starved, and clear Chicago to St. Paul via the Chicago & A Ohir.ago News correspondent who has his rather Satanic majesty back into th e inducements to purchase from us. A large 1'loi. · thW estei·n R'y. It runs into the North· Are y our Kidneys disordered? discouraged, when along came a New been visiting Ottawa give the following water whence he You can not stock of Carriages and Ploughs now ready. em Paclfio depot at St. Paul and is the best for ..Kidney Wort broug ht me from my, as It All work warrented satisfactory. Special at account of one of the ornamental institu- take a walk along t he Bund without en- Yorker. He wouldn't play cards, wouldn't you to take. Do not buy tickets unless they reD,!l i)!~io1i~,~er 1~adJ1.~~~v~~';,~~1~~h~J~:~o'ii~~;~ch1! over the Chicago and North-Western R'y. be robbed, and we couldn't stick him tention given to Engine, Mil and Agricultm·a tions still attached to our Canadian Par- countering over and over again illustrawith forged land patents or bogus pre· Machinery. Are your n erv es weak? liament. The functionary has evidently tions of this national tendency. Joas 44Kldney· Wo1·t cured me fro m n ervous weakness outlived the times to which h e belonged. sticks will be burning aboard th e sam- emptions. One dav we trailed out and &c., after I was not expect ed to live."- Mr s. M. H.B. Goodv.'in, Ed. Christian. Mo11.ito1· Cleveland, O. Th ere is one functionary without·the pens, or the snapping of fire-crackers at dug a h ole into a hill and salted it a bit, has had a large experience in Have ~ou Bright's Disease? presence of whom all the sittings of the · your elbow in midwinter will nearly carry and rushed back and offered the New id;fl"gr:fkv~~~ i~i;;: 1Wc6e 'lN~gd~Y water was just; Canadian Senate would be in vain as a you off f~·om your feet. Inquire what it Yarker the big discovery for $3,000 CH Sh Machine, Agricultural andGarriaqe Work, Frank Wilson, Peabody, Mass. perfe~tspectacularperformance. Thisisthe means and you will be told that an ef. down." "And, he bit?" "Took right having worked in the largest establish menls in gentleman usher of the black rod. He is fort is being made to "drive Joss away." hold like a pair of pincers. Why he n ever the Dominion, which will acd largely to the Suffering- from Diabetes ? "kidn~y·Wort ls the most succcssfulrernedy [have a small, slight man, and he sits within One of the most cur ious notions popular.- stopped to beat us down. We got a cool Interest of the new firm. eve1· uaed. Gives a lmoat immediate relief." the bar at a desk in the Senate chamber. ly entertained (and one at which the thousand apiece, and made for 'Frisco." Dr. Phillip C. Dallou, Monkt on, Vt. WGiveourHARD METAL PLQW POINTS He is clothed in flowing robes of black Chinese fond of pointing as evidence "Purty cool that was." "Well, I dunno. a, trial. Have you Liver Complaint? silk that wholly envelop him. He wears of their superior reverence for that If there was anything cool in that trans"Kidney-Wort cured me of chronic Liver Diseases after 1 i~~~;<\~~1~~kte Col. 69th Nat. Guard, N. Y. a flat-crowned black hat, and his ensign of which is literary) is a scrupulous preser- action it was the way that New Yorl~er office is a black rod the size of a flute . vation of any paper which may have writ- hunted up a pard, set miners to work, Is your Back lame and aching? When a clerk of the House brings a com- i ng'llpon it. If this paper must be de- bought machinery, and took over $750, Bowmanville. March, 1883. 241 "Kidney-Wort, (l bottle) cu red me when I wasso I lllld to roll out of bed." munication to the Senate the gentleman stroyed, it is solemnly consigned to the 000 out of that ar' h ole inside of eight CJ. M. Ta.llmage, Mllwaukee, Wle. usher of the black rod escorts him to the flames ; but the custom is to preserve all months! Maybe we got over feeling flat, Have .J:ou' Kidney Disease? table of the Senate Clerk with many pro- bits thus written upon. . Letters are al- but I guess not ." 1 ................... !h;~~'~cez;s gfu~~g~c:';l:1w;1~~r~!r:~.ana: ~~r~ foi.tnd bows and obeisances, and when the ways kept in the household filed away for llOo.. box.n-So..m'l Hodges, WilUa.metown, West Va. papers are delivered he escorts the envoy future reference ; and as Chinese letters It is pl easing to hear an old city chap, Are you Constipated? to the door, dismisses him with a bow, consist of long strips of paper, it is cus- w ho has not seen a "camp" for half a cen"Kidney-Wort ca.uses easy evacuations o.ndcured and, returning to his seat, salutes it with tomary to paste all letters of a single cor- tury, r emark to another old chap : "Good m e after 16 years u se of other medicines." Nelson Fairchild, St. Albans, Vt. several honors, alid then sits down. He respondent togeth er. sugar weather. this. " came to the House on Wednesday to inHave you Malaria? There are no persons more solicitous '1Udny·'Vort h as d one better tha.n any o ther vite the members of t he House to the about the preservation of rank thari those remedy have evern~it, £ Ci~i·e~~~~iiero. Vt. Senate chamber to witness the final signLuxurious Canine Pets. ing of the C;madian Pacific Loan bill by Little dogs are growing more luxurious who have no rank at all. Observe t he Are you Bilious? the Deputy Governor. It was said Lord every day. Mats, rugs, and biscuits humors of a country christening, and you ·'ltldney-,Vort bas dono me more good t han any other remedy I hnve e ver taken." Lansdowne feared to go t.o the Senate crumbled in cream are made ready for will find no court in christendom so M1·s. J . T . Galloway, Elk Flo.t, OregGn. that day, being in dread of a dynarn!ite ex- them at the fashionable dressmaker's ceremonious as the quality of Brentford. GuARANTEE :-After fair tria l, with no Are you tormented with Piles? plosion. The bfack rod entered by the while they and their mistresses 11,re waitLife is made up not of great sacrifices 0 relief or cure effected, your mon ey will P~~'lfr~Yw~8~xf~:1~~~~~cf:g Ir~ ~e~~~eding door opposite the Speaker's <;hair. He ing to be fitted. The little dog must have and duties, and small obligations, given . be refu nde d. Pmrn, $1.00. Geo. .H. Horst Cashier M. Bo.nk, Myers~wn, Pa. advanced three steps into the room and · a paletot of velvet brimmed with fox , so habitually, are what win and preserve the Sold by ======;;;;;:J Are you Rheumatism racked? pflrformed a deep bow, three steps more that he carries the conquered skin of his heart, and secure comfort. l;;T01"l' ~t1 .Jllll'I', BOWMA.N'111LLE. "Kidney-Wort cured me a.fter i wa.s given up to die by physicia.r1 s and I had s uffered thirty year s. were followed by a lower obeisance, and hereditary enemy on his back. In the Elbridge M.alcobu, West Ba.t h , Mo.ine. on accomplishing his third move the wav- morning, when he is not paying visits, he Ladies are you suffering? ing sleeves of his drapery swept t he carpet wears a plainer paletot of flannel lined iKidney-Worl cured me of peculiar troubles ot in a grand salaam, Then, with his body with scarlet, with the monogram of his r:.r, e ral y~s sty~tif.i.:~:e;.~i:~I~~~l~~gtf:,a#3t~ at r igh t -angles to his legs, he backed out- house embroidered on the back and a This Great Household Medicine If you would- Banish Disease pages, sergeants and doorkeepers care, gorget coming up high under his bellranks amongst the leading fully clearing the way for his retreat. No h ung leather collar, with also a bunch of and gain Health, Take doubt he jumped up and .cracked his flowers on the left shoulder. For his necessaries of Life; h eels together and t urned an ecstatic afternoon drive his coat is lined and These famous Pills purlry the BLOOD, and ~oat powerfully, Yet soothingly, act on the somersault wh en h e reached the privacy faced with silk, and the collar is of velvet. AT THE of a corridor. Th e country breathed If the weather is below zero, he wears Liver, .Stomach; Kidnevs, THE BLOOD CLEANSER. freer when his errand was over; yet it sealskin ; and for travelling, th e Campbell and BOWELS, givmg tone, energy, and. vigo o these great MAIN SPRINGS OF Llh'E. They - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · must be a satisfaction to a government or Murray tartan, with red leath er harness are confidently recommended as a never failing thus hedged in by oriental ceremonies to and reins. Dog-collars are made of remedy in all cases where the cons ti tu tion, from GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. have them performed with consummate massive gold and silver, with diamond!?, whatever caW!e, has become impaired or weaktact and grace. emeralds, opals and rubies spelling out ened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all TRADE MAHK,Tlte Great Eng-TRA DE ailments.incidental to Females ofal! ages; and IL,.ltRemcdy,an the name of th e favourite. Let us hope as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are unfailing cu re for that these are of imitation stones, else The undersigned being about to retire from business, unsurpassed. ' A Barrel J>ost·Office. Seminal Vv ee.kTray, Blanche, and Sweetheart will get ness, SupermaHunt up on your map i;he st.raits of torrhea, Impois now selling off at greatly reduced prices. Magellen ; look at the mountains hang- stolen for other than their own intrinsic tency, & all dis· merit, however great that may be. Two ,, eases thatfollow ing over ; imagine the point of rock that ts Searching nnd Healing Propert.tes nre .as a sequence of ,The Stock, is o'ne of the largest in the Count), known tllronghout the World. leans t h e farthest out, and t hink of a bar- very statel y lion poodles, wit h their fair ' · . Self-Abme; as · mistress, walk every day in the Fifth For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, · Before Taking1oss of Memory.After Taking. rel hung ty a heavy chain swinging there. avenue. They are said to be worth their consisting mainly of Staple Goods, suitable to the everyUniversal Lassit.ude, Pain in the Back Dimness That is a post-office ! T he postmaster weight in silver.-Harper's Bazar. Old Wounds, Sores and Ulce1 of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other doesn't stay up there to deliver the mails, Diseases that lean to Insanity or Consumption and no postman unlocks it ; in fact it has day requirements of the public, and will be offered at it is infallible r emedy. If effectually rubbed on and a Premature Grave. the neck and che& t, as salt into meat, it cures ~Full no key. Yet it is a grand old post-office. particulars in our pamphlet, whicl. SORE THROAT,Dillhtheria,Bronchitis. Cough we desire to send free by mail to every one.prices giving inducements to buyers to purchase liberally. "You want to watch out for alligators ColQ,s, and even AS'l'RM A. For Glandular The Specific Medicine is ~old by all druggists Ships coming along that way stop and fish very carefully at first," was the advice Sw()Jlings. Absoosses Piles Fistulas' out packages of precious letters that have at $1 per package, or six p1J.ckages for $5, or This being A REAL CLEARING SALE preparawill bto sent free by mail on the receipt of the been dropped therein, see if they can find given a northern individual on his arrival , Rheumatism, money by addressing_ any that want to travel their way, and, if in Florida, "but after you h ave been And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has THE GRAY MEDICINE CO·, tory to the closing of the business, purchasers will fiud never been kown to fail. so, they take th em on ; in their place here a few weeks it won't so much matToronto, Ont .· Canada they leave a package which is to go in an· ter." The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured "vVhy not 7" · was the question. only at 533, OXFORD S'.l'REET, LONDON, and it to their advantage to make an early call. oth<i)r direction, and some day a ship "Why should I be i:nore cautious at one are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughou the Ci,.vilizod \Vorld ; with directions for using conies along, studies the direction of that time than another.~" " 'Bec'ii.use," was the Good nature and evenness of temper in most every language. g_purchasers should look at the Label on the will give you an easy companion for life ; package, "Ah, I can take that, " and reply, "after you have oeen here a little P osts and Boxes. If the address is not 533 virtue and good sense an agreeeable away she sails. And the barrel swings, while you will have grown too thin to b~ Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Bowmanville, July 11, 1883. doing its duty day by day without being an object of interest to alligators. They _ The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are friend ; love and constancy a good wife or only want fresh arrivals." watched, sending joy to many hearts. regiJltered ln Ottawa. a.nd also at Washington. husband. So Do! GeotJeau.en oCFatih ieo, not MO r.ut. AYER'S Hair Vigor Caledonian Mills. T THE BARBER SHOP. Prepared Spice '"" Swine IOMINION ORGAN & rJANO Co. f. MILBURN eo., HEW rEBM 'EIG- 20, ----+-+---- THE BEST HOMES' W".RUSE, Agent, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD 40 CHAMPION PLOWS, BUSINESS, Health --and__ Happiness. CAIN ______._ _____ ~~ 1'i1: R. :Jr.:> A R C H McClUMG &OARGH, ---~ ___ _ 1 II 1 t 1 - GRE.A...T- CLEARIN G SALE! GLASGOW HOUSE. -----W?----- Holloway's Ointment, THOS. PATERSON. f