J L ·o A good cough medicine is made of IB PUBLIBHllD Bow tll.e tlitbUectuai. Bird· are Tau,a:bt t o boiling two ounces of fta.x seed in one Talk.-~ l'j'llW OU:-,, EVERY F&ID...J; lll91l:WIWG, M. Anatole Dulac, of Paris, advertiaell quart of water ; add rock candy to' and all ·crotuloue <lieeases, Sore&, Ery&l~ -DYhimself ·88 the professor of 8 new art--. sweeten it to your taste. .After straining, la·, Ec~ema, Blo~Jie.a, Ring"Wo1·w, ~u· add also the juice of several lemons. mor~. Carbuncle&, Boll·, ..ml Eruption· that of teaching parrots. As a rule, it iu. This should be taken at night, and if posor the Skin, are the dire<!t result of au tho safest course to educate one's own AT 'nil£ OFBlOlli, impure 'etate ot the' blood. · · parrot. Reacl y-made elocutionists are sible should be hot when taken. · t omeeRlock, King sa., B11wma11 vUie,Onl To cure these dise:uies the blood must be not always reliable. The lady president A . necessity in every household is a purified, anti restored to a healtlly and naof a suburban Dorcas society who buys a little closet or cabinet hung out of reach T E R ]l.t[ !:3 : tural con<lition. AYER';; SA RSA PA.JULI.A ha.t pretty poll from a. poor seafaring man is of children where the mother can keep .lit per aanum,or l&I.·O tr paid in advance for over forty years been recognized by cmi· liable to be shocked some time or another the bottles containing remedies for burns, Payment strictly ln advance required from 11ent rucdicll.l nu~hol'itics as tho mos t powby the racy language of the forecastle, bruises and sprains, etc. Much suffering, eubscnbers outside or the county. Orders to erful blood purifier in existence. l t t'ree. discontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by and the parrot that has had its schooling if not life itself, is saved by . knowing tho -system fl'OJ"l.L a."ll foul hU1110TS 1 enrJclleS the am9unt due,orthe paper will not be stopped. on board a Thames barge is apt to have where to go at once for some simple subscribers are responsibleuntll full payment ls and strengtllens the blood, removes all trace11 · ~ medicine. . made. of mercurial treatment, a1id proves itself a an in'convenient memory for phrases Pillow-shams, in accordance with ·the which ' had much better betin forgotRATES OF A.D"EK'l'ISING I 115 ~ complete maste1· of all ·crofulous diseases. ten. The Parisian professor would, of new fashion of having colors in bed furniWhole Column one fear .....··...... $50 00 ~if.,; A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. " " Hal year .....··..·.. 30 00 ;~~ course, inst.r uct his class of birds in none ture, are made with a square of blue, red, "Some 1nonths ago J was troubJed with ·~ " One quarter ...... , · . 20 00 z ::::i save the most genteel of phrases. But or pink satin, edges with a wide l!!Ce inscrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. Tile .dalt Column one year ............... 30 oo-limbs were badly swollen and intlame(l, and · parrots, no doubt, talk at random, and sertion, a narrow stripe of satin and an " " Half year .............. 20 ootho sores discharged large quantities of " " One quarter .. ..··. , ··· 12 60 say more than they have been taught- outer border of lace four or five inches off~nsive rnatter. EverY remedy l tried Quarter Column one yei>r. . ·.. ·.. . ·· 20 00 fnile<l, uutil l useU A). ... EH.'S SARSAPAltJLLA, and nine times 6ut of ten the most irrel - wide. The satin centre may be either " " Half year . . . .. · · . . . . 12 60 of which 1 have uow tn.ken three 'b ottle_ s, evant context-every now and again hit- painted or embroidered. One quarter........ 8 00 wi t h the result tha.t the 5orcs a.re h e aled1 9lx lines and under, first insertion. . $0 50 ting off a remark which comes in so ex· The craze of mosaic patchwork can be . mHl my general he:tlt.11 greatly Jmproved. Each subsequent insertion... ... 0 25 1 feel very grateful tor the good y .our 1 quisitely pat for the occasion that every- used to good advantage in covering the l!'rom six to ten lines, first !nsertior., O 75 _ rnedicine has done me. one is astonished. The fact is, our world lid of the blacking-box, and is rcallv ornaEach subsequent insertion...... 0 35 '- lO Yqurs respe ctfully, :\ I nf::.. ANX O'BIUAN." Over ten lines,first insertion,per line 0 10 148St1l1iva.u 1 St., New \.'1;i·k, tlune 24, 1882. is very small, and like the fool's " 0 mental ; if a band of plush or veiveteen Each subsequent insortiou, " 0 03 ~= Lord, sir !" -it will be found that a man is put around the edge the effect is very W""' All persons h1 ter<'~t<~d- are invited '!'he number of lines to be reckoned' by to call on Ml'S. O'llriau.; a1so u11011 the might really get through life with a very pretty. Anoth_er way to ornament with e. space occupied,.measured by a scale of Rev. z. P. Wilds of 78 East 54th St1·eet, sentences indeed, and yet be considered the patchwork is to make a panel of it, lid NonpareH. · -16 New York CHy, who ·w ill take plea.isure in testifying to the wonderful efficacy of of an average intellect. A parrot has with a strip of plain silk or. satin, on each c=:==~-· --·· ------A:yer's Sarsaparilla, not only in the cure only to go <Jn saying a silly thing on side, and a narrow band of velvet at each L. l'OTTER, ltJ.D, of this lacly, ln1t in his own case an(I uutny others witl1h~ his kno ,vledge. every opportunity. that offers, and the end ; · at the lower end, fringe <Jr small RADUATE of Queen's College, Kingston; anu Mt1mber of Col~lice of Physicians and right chance is certain to come round at ba.lls should be put on. Tllo we11-knoi.vn un-iter on th e Boston Jierafrl. Surgeon b, Ontario. last, when its silly speech at once beAn inexpensive but neat table cover for « 0 ,1,ce and Residence, Enniskillen. · 17. 13. ,V. DAl~L, Of Jloclwster, Pt.11., writes, J ·u ua 7, 1882: comes the happiest possible. For -in- a common room is mude by taking a Dr. A. UEITll, "11 avil1g suffered severely for some ) ears stance, tlrnre was a bird that .said nothing square of cretonne for the centre. Choose with Eczema, aml !Javing failed to Jind relief RADUATE OF THE TORONTO UNIVER· but " Here's a pretty go !" and this was, cretop.ne with very small :figures, and <Jf from ot11er re1n~lia~, I h;i.ve,made use, durini: Sl'l'Y, l'hysician, Surgeon,&c. Office King as a rule, neither apposite nor funny. not too bright colors; for a border put a t110 .past. thre.e rnontu· 1 of AY"ER'S SAl?SAPA.. Str~et, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville, JULLA, which. J,1a~ effe cted a complete ciwe. But one day the poor thing "fell out <Jf a band of linen around it-dark drab linen ; ti~~ds~~~:a;!!!.~' 111agniJiceut remedy f~r all "· W. !llcLaugblln, M. u., cab window, and the wheel of another fringe this out, and make quite a deep ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COJ...LEGE cab passing at the time crushed its cage. fringe ; where the linen joins the creof Physicians and member of the Royal A spectator picked up .the parrot, very tonne, on the seam put a row of fine Vo1lege or Surgeons Edinburgh. Ot!UJe: MORJ:tll5' BLOCK King-st.,Bowmanmuch alarmed, but not hurt, and, hearing feather stitching and on the corners also. vllle. stimulatee; an<l regulates the action of tho it murmur something, put t he bird to his Dust does not show on this spread, can digestiv10 and assimilat ive organs, renews ear, .when to his :astonishment . the be easily shaken from it. DB· .J, (), MITVHELL, autl stt·eugtlleJtli llle Tita.l forces, and speedily EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS thing in a dejected voice whispered : -j~~~t;;';e -s-in_.!_u;t;iia-.cnves Rhr.nmatiHn, Neuralgia, Rheun1aand Suq1;eons, Ontario, Coroner, etc, " Here's a pretty g<J !" l'\othing could tj.c Gout, Catarrh, Gene ral Debility, a11,d 14. Ofilce and ltes1dence, Ennisklllen. have been more exactly in sympathy with Socially, money will do very much in all diseases arisil1~ from an h 11 poverisl1ed CH· the situation or . more innocent. But A1pericu ; judiciously expernled I think D. u'lTRKE SDll·soN, con:upted condition of the blood, and a weak- · this is not always the case. The respect- it will do even more in England ; in the .ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c., MORRIS e11ed vitality. D BLOCK, up stairs, King ~treet, Bo"<Vmanable maiden lady who purchases a sailor's way of sheer purchase of social recogniIt is incqmparably the cheapest blood med!lle. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. parrot is liable, on the slight.est p·r ovoca- tion it will do curiouslv little in Aus.t raci nf'I, on a.ccoun t of its concentrated strength, Private Moneys loaned at the lowest rates. tion, ·o r none at all, to find" herself ad- lia. There was, indeed, a time ' there and gl'eo.t poWilr 1ive.r Uisease. · dressed, even in ' the presence of the when, in a social sense, the moneyed . John Jt.ettll Galbraith, PtlilP:.H'!.ED BY clergy, in the gruffost and strongest lan- man was rngard~d with actual suspicion. .A.RRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Dr.J.O.Ayer&Co.,Lowell, Mass. guage of a boatswain. Parrots have no And for this there were some grounds. PUBLIC, &o. Oftlce-Reed's Block, over !I.'. Battl>ngs store, King Street, Bowman ville. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottle· respect for select company. T!.tey scatter The original moneyed man might have !01: ~5. .Money to lend their nautical terms broadcast upon the had unpleasant antecedents, of which time just and upon the unjust, upon the had not yet effaced the memory. But ST. JORN U. UlJTCJIESON, butcher's boy when he calls for orders now there is a vast number of moneyed ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY, &c:. ·. . · and the new curate when he drops in for men in Australia, and the means whereNOl'ARY PUBLIC. MONEY .TO LOAN· OFFICE-OVER S'l'ATESMA!N Ob'FICE. afternoon tea. 1'ike the Afghap.s, if they by their wealth has come to them are · 0 F CAN AD A. have a charge m their gu'n s the" must known as reasonably savory. ' They have &OBEttT A.JtHOlJB, J h EGil::iTRAR, WES'l' DURHAM ISSUER fJA.PlT..lL, 181,Ho,ooo. REST, 8140,000 fire it off. It does not matter what they t . e.refore ceased to be regarded with susofMarrlage Licensee, Barna·er and .Htor-...,fire a.t in the least; if there is nothing picwn. ney at Law and Solicitor In Chanoery...1.,.,ey This· ~ank 18 prepared to do Legiti- bet~er they will blaze away at a bbnk I do not think people at home ha:;ve any oaned on Real Estate. Oflloe on Kini! "·"""et, ·mate Banking in all its branches. wall. They shoot their arrows, as the idea l1ow large fortuues are in AlJStralia, ~owmanvllle. F armers notes disconnted; " Deposits pri.nce doe8 in the fairy tale, at random, an d h ow many of t h ose l arge f ortunes -~-------------- ·- received and Intel'eat paid on amouuts of ·and by and by when he comes to pick there are. Once in South Aus'tmlia I "'· T. J.>BJLLIPS ICENSED AU0TIONEER for the Uounty $5 upwards in Savings Bunk Dep!'-rtment. them up he nncfo one has p.icrced the had occasion to 1:>peak of · a friend who of Vurham, Sales promptly attended. DR Al<'TS hearc of his vene:i:a.ble grandmother. So had come from that colony and taken up Address-Hampton l'. 0. 59. ' with the parrot. It lets fly its familiar his residence in London. I spoke of him - -------------- - Issued and Collect10ris made ·in Eur .ope, quotations at every mark or' at none, and as a very rich man. Jt, HlJTCJllSON. United States . and Ca .nada. '· " tiie answer, "he is · very the time comes some day or other when . ""h \!J , no, was LICENSE.D AUCTION~ER · . CONVEYANCER and Comrussioner in B. R. Sales at- OFl!'ICE--Jlurdoell B1·os.Rioek, lateBunk· it inflicts fa mortal.wound upon the sus- well off, but we don't reckon him ll very tended to ptomply and at reasonable rates. Ing olllee of' Jones &: Dobble. ceptibilities that are slow to recover from rich man." .caJ'..A.ddress-Enniskillen P. O. W. J. JONES, such shocks. So, as a r ule, it is the "Why," said I, "I understand him to 27 Agent. wisest plan to educate one's own parrot. be worth a quarter of a million!" OHN 'HUGHES.'-L1censed AuctionThis is not, of course, very easy to do, ' ' \Vell, I hope he is a little better than eer, Valuator and Arbitrator, Fire and Life for young parrots of a suitable ed.uca- that," said my interlocutor, "but still we lnsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, Mon,ey to Leria on.reasonable terms. Addresi. tionable age are not abundant in the don't reckon him here as verv l'ich !" Cartwright, Ont. 472 British isles. Yet when juvenile the I ·am· not going to compile a roll of bird is very impressionable. Adult, it is Australian millionaires, because, for one liable to be obstinate, and, like the proud thing, it would take up too much space. Briton who refused to truckle to the But this I may affirm, that two-thirds of , -HAS RECEIVED:German system. of genders, it oftentimes them are not in society, nor nourish any R. YOUNf', V. S., J-..as removed to New llfnslln·, New Eml>roi<lcrlcs, learns a new language very imperfectly. hope of ever being admitted within the tile residence directly opposite the Drill , New Lace~, New Trimmings, d, formerly occupied by P. C. Himes. Hisij'. New Bt·atds, NcwB1·aifls,wools. The old birds, indeed, show extraordin- pale. If you find one of them inside it oftice will be in Mr. John M:cM.urtry'a, Grocery ary antipathies to syntax, and get whims he has not crossed the pallisade on the Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 · LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S into their heads about the construction of golden ladder ; he entered by the gate in p.m., Sundays exoeptcd. .228-tt. ·~ sentences which the utmost pat.ience or virtue of his social attributes. If these violence, as the case may be, is powerless are unsatisfactory, you will find him outMR, W. WILLSON, HANDSOME PATTERNS. to dissipate. You cannot disabuse an side among the nettles ; or again, it may EACHER OF 'l'HE PIANOFORTE, ORGAN and SINGIN@, " fERMB:-$6and Ornaments for Wedding Presents, old parrot's mind of an error that it has b~, far. away in the h_nsh, a man c.ontent $10 pei: Twelve Lessons of ONE hour each. once cordially entertained. It 'has i ts wi~h Lnnsclf ~nd carrng none o! these Fancy Articles, &c. Over Higgmbotham"s Drug Store, King Street. own ideas of grammatical proprieties lind tlungs. F~~ it mus~ be said ~ha.t_ m Aus2. Bowman ville.. . · clings to them like a limpet. You can .tralla there 1s no umversal ~spiratJ.On after Pianos Tuned & Repaired. n ot shake it on a matter of English.. Y ou the :flower &'arden ?f society. But t!-l:e I may teach it another phase altogether, moneyed. aspir~nt wi~l not ~nd that his but it will not forego the first. It will wealth give~ him soc!al prestige. There ARTrns: w1sn1Na THEIR PIANOS Tunedlor repaired can have thorn attended tai? the two together and mix them up- are Au~trahans now m England who h~ve to by le11,ving word at the DOMINION ORGAN Fine, Fat and Fresh served, in all styles. like the "Protestant kettle" of the im-- entertamed royalty, and whose guest-hsts Clo's 0Fli'ICE, Bowmanville. A :first-clas man ltW()llotee lot of ()oufecUonary nhvnys on· mortal Barnaby's raven-but this com- have fl.lie~ colur;ins ~f the Morning Post, !low being In th~r mploy. hand at JURS, KEYS. ,Res tanrnnt. 6t!. promise is the best terms you will make ·y~t who, m .their native land, have never R 0 F. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organist with the bird. When possible, therefore, with '.I'll th~1r efforts, got f~rther ~han the and teacher or Vocal Music Is prepared to secure a young parrot, catch it at a good outlymg frrnges of Australian society. take a few . more pupils. The best of refer· school-board age, and then teach it your......,_ ence can be furnished Great care exercised With beginners, and special attention given to self. . While doing so keep it away from Chewing Gum; advanced pupils. Those desirous of taking the contaminating. influences of street "I suppose you d'o n't know that chewInstructions should apply at Mr. Doyle's reeiboys, for a baker's boy will teach it to ing gum is made from petroleum ?" said t!ence, or make it known by .directing a few Lines to P. 0 ; Box !i9. Terms $7.50 for twelve ask : "Who kissed the cook ?" in half a the confectioner. "Here is a lump that 239·tf essons. · dozen easy lessons, while you are wear- we have just received. A few days ago ing your days out. in impressing "God it came out of the ground in Pennsylvania, save the queen" upon its memory, and a dirty, ·greenish-brown fluid, with a smell after all, the odds are the bird will say : that would knock an ox down. The oil " God save the cook, " Street cries, refiners took it, and put it through a lot again are to be avoided if possible. It is of chemical processes that I don't know not well to have a bird calling "cats anything about, <and after taking out a -::BY-'meat" during family prayers. But above ~arge percentage of kerosene, a good share all, the educator of the y<Juthful fowl of naphtha, considerable benzine, a cart « I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on should herself be circumspect in her lan- load or so of tar, and .a numbel." of other the shortest noti~e, at the lowest possible rates. guage and careful of the pitch of voice, things with names longer than the alpha. C~skets and Durie.! Cases ready on ~hort notice. WITH TEETH, WITHOUT TEETH . First-class hearse on very moderate terms. for it will catch her scolding tones at bet, left us this mass of nice clean wax. Shrouds and Co~ns constantly on hand. Fun- once and pick up "Bother that cat!"Now it has neither taste nor smell. We eral cards supphed at once. Furniture Shop &; in her exact voice, too-long b efore it will take this lump, cut it up, and melt it Show Rooms-Bounaall'eN ew Block All furniture sold by me is made by the U C will learn to say "Dear iittle puss." in boilers. This · piece will weigh two .. PRAt'r({)A.L DENTIST, Furnitur~ Co. of Bowma~ville. I do not 'buy unds NEARLY TWENTY YEARS E:µ'ERIENOE, slop furniture and represent it to have been Those who have a harsh laugh, or suffer hundred pounds. We add thirty po_ froni catarrh, or an impediment, or any of cheap sugar to it, and fbvor it with . made by the U. C. F. Co, of this town. ltrousOxideGa11 A.dminlstered f'or :ramies Also agent for the LI-QUOR 'I'EA for this town defect of speech, should choose other vanilla, wintergreen, peppermint, or any' ' Operations. ancJ vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be pets than parrots-guinea pigs or squir. pleasant essential oil. Then we turn it · got in the mai:ket. A valuable prize gtven OFJ!'J()Jl lllCVLUNG'S BLOCJI(, rels, or some other harmless "dumb" out on a marble table and cut it into all 1 .w1th every pound, .animals- for these birds have a perfect sorts of shapes with dies. After it is OLD AND RELIABLE :inalicious aptitude for hitting off such wrapped in oiled tissue paper and· packed weak points. If old Mr. Weller had in boxes it is r eady for the market. You kept a good parrot at the marquis of .can ir_nagi1!-e that someb~dy is chewing Granby the position of Stiggins would gum m Llus country when I tell you that have been impossible ; the mimic would a lump like this will ·make ten thousand > have utterly routed the snuffing rascal. penny cakes, and we use one up every 1 " , So that the difficulties in the way of week. There are dozens of manufacturbringing up one's own bird are remark- ers using almost as much of the wax as . a.ble. But if it can be accomplished the we do. I believe this petroleum chewing result will abundantly repay the labor, gum, if honestly made, is perfectly harmHARNDEN, L. D.· S., . were it only in keeping the possessor's less, and that is more than can be said of Graduate of the Royal College of Dental mind free from any disquieting appre - some of the gums made from the juices of Surgeons, Ontario. hensions as to "what the parrot will say trees, especially th~ imported article. " OFF:ICE OVJ1JR DICK::ION'S STORE. next." · It is a great relief also to visitors Sneer not at old clothes. They are GOLD FILLING. A SPECIALTY. to know that when out of politeness they Plate Work executed in the latest al)d most take notice of their hostesses' bird, there often made holy by long sacrifices, by improved style of the Dental Art. is no danger of awkward rejoinders. It careful-foldings away, that they may last TEETH EX'l'RACTED . WI'l'HOUT PAIN If disconcerts the average caller if, wh en he 'until the dear ones a.re proV'ided for. y the nse of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury says " Pretty Poll," the parrot retorts many an old c@at could speak, what t ales to the patient. with Jorrock's apostrophe to Artaxer xes, it woulu tell of Lhe nuble heart b eating Particular attention paid to the regulation ot " G et u p, you hugly beast ~" and the underneath. CHILDREN'& TEETH. Thie Cut represents the popular Victoria susquipeda!ian oath of the mariner 11rticThere is no virtue that adds so noble a ~ALL WORK WARRANTED. ..._ Wave. It is dressed with the hair falling on ulated like a centipede is an unbefitting charm. to the finest traits· of beauty a s that the forehead, and the ends meet in Montagues. It is exceedingly becoming, and is hu.v iug a response to a friendly invitation to have a which exerts itself, in w.; i.tching over the O ENFIELD LADIES.-Mrss JuLu. large run. p oll scratched. By all means, therefore, tranquility of an aged .p arent. There are T.he above style, with a large number of O'LEAUY has returned fron:i 'l'oronto and has begun Dressmaking in Enfield.' Special other equally becoming styles , are made by if you wish to be able to depend upon no tears that give so rich and sweet a y our bird in mixed company, teach it t@ lustre to the cheek of innocence as the attention will be given to cutting and fitting MRS. A. DAVTS. llCall soJlcitecJ, 281-tf, ' talk yourself.-London Tdegraph. tears of filial sorrow. over M. Mayer'd'Store. THE CAllADIAH STATESMAN M. A.J"AMES, SCROFULA P..UmOT JOKES. .A.bout the House. CATARRH. CATARRH,-A new Tre;~tment wh~~eby a vermanent cure la effected In from one to thre· treab:nente. PartioularH and 'l'reatlse free on receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON,!5u7 . King Street, \Vest, 'l'oronto. WHAT THE REV. ]jj, B. S1·lil\7Ji:NSOl'I'. B.A.. A CLERGYMAN OF THE L01"DON COl\'l'ERENOlll OF TH1'1 METHODrs~· Cnuncrr OF CANADA BAS TO SAY IN REGARD TO A . H. DIXON .&, SON'S NEW TREA"l'l!ENT FOR CATAHRH. . OAKLAND, ONTARIO. C..i.N., March 17, 1883. DE-1.R &ms- Yours or th<:> 13th Instant to l1and, It seems almost too good to be true that I am cured of Catarrh. but I know that I am. I have had no return of the disease aud never felt better in my life. I have tried so many things for catarrh, suffered so much and for so many years. that It Is hard 1'or me to realize that I am . really better. I consider that mine was a very bl).d case; it .vaa aggravated and chronic, Involving .the tl1roat as well as the nasal passages, and I thought I would require the three treatments but feel fully cured by the two sent me. and I am thankful th.i.t I was ever induced to send to you. · You are at liberty to use this letter stating that I have been curt d at two treatments, and I shall gladly recommend your reme\].yto some of my friends who are sufferers. Yours with monY thanks, REv.E.B.STEVENSON. DEAR Sm,-We take pleasure in stating that our junior partner. who bad for years been troubled with Catarrh, was successfully cured by three treatments of your remedy. Tho Cattarrh was much aggravated, with continual dropping into the throat. accompanied by loss of "oice, hawking and spitting and blocking up of the nostrils, all of which we are pleased to say disn.ppe·a red almost immediately after the remedy wa~ applied. Your remedy Is certainly an invaluable on'e and we hope all who may be suffering fromthis disac:reeable disease will give it a trial, as we are satisfied they will find it a complete success. · Yours very trnly, WM, NoRms & SoN, "Vholesale Pianos and Organs.. No. 8 Adelaide St. East. Bueklen·s A.rnien Sahe.-The best Salve in ·the world for Cuts, Brmses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, .Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cor:>'IS, ana all Skin Erup· tions, and Positiv~ly cures Piles; It is guranperfect satisfaction. 'or money teed ~llr-a refunded. Price25 cents per box. For sale by J. Higginbotham &.Son. DEST A.ND {)OMFORT TO TUE SUFFERING "nrown·s Honseholll Panueea" has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and externill. 1t cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. .. It will most ·surely quicken the Blood and Heal as Hs acting powe:r is wonderful." "Brown's Household Panacea." being acknowledged as the greot Pain Reliever, and of double the strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the world should be In every family handy for use when wantedz ... as tt really is tlie best remedy in the world IOr Cramps in the Stomach, and pains and aches of all kinds." and Is for sale by all Druggists at 25 conts a bottle.__ _ ___ 184-1~·.lllutllersl lllothers I I Mothers 111 A. 'Fl. Di'.xon. Esq., 305 King St., West. Mes111"s. .,d, H. Dixon, & Son. W. BE .L L'S PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS I .G UE LP~~ Are second to,none in the world. 20,000 in~trumenttl ·now in use. Demand. so great that it requires TWO of the largest Factories in the Dominion, with capacity fur turning out TWEN· ·ry per day. For pur'ity and sweetness of tone. elastic and light touch, hei<ntiful and perfec* finish they are unrivalled. The most skilled lli.bm\the very best materlala that money oan procure are a guarantee to pur· chasers that they are buying no shoddy. but a first class article. i:lold wholesale and retail by J.P. l:tWE, Bowmanvllle. 2!l6. .J. S. DONEY, Tyrone. NOTIOE to LADIES. I have now opened the Best an:l Largest Stock of ---«>'>--- =--., WINTER MILLINERY ·. Ever shown in Bowman ville. $1,000 worth ot OSTRICH FEATHERS just opened. A large stock of 'I' RIMMED HATS and BONNE'l'S always on hand'. We have also a large stock of VELVB'l'S, PLUSHES, S1Lk s, SATINS, of all Shades ; a large stock of RHmoNs. FLOWERS, LAOES and TRIMMINGS of all kinds. Please call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. You will find our goods the cheapest and best in town. «Beaver and.Felt Hats Re· shaped in all the latest styles. REMEMEER TIIE s·rAND :-4 doors west ot Martyn's Grocery Store, = 1 TORONTO. A pr!! 21, i882, .. G G Mrs. DONNELLY. 1 FR'ESH MEAT. ---<.Q>--Meat Sold in the Shop for Oash VERSl;S Ayer'sSarsaparilla Peddling and Credit. We having been solicit~,~:t_by a, number of our citizens to commence · on the above system, we have now decided to fall in with their request. This plan will enable us to sell TWO cents per pound cheaper. .fi.s you '11 see bY tl10 new sys t em we Wl shall not require half a dozen horses and rigs and men to run them, for l · h t l1e publ. h ' 1 W UC IC ave prev10us y paid. We beinir the first to intro~ duce this great saving ask your l"b 1 1 era support. y t 1 ours ru Y, M B B STAN·DAR D BAN K· W, BRITTAIN' & CO,, l S R L Are you disturbed at night and broken ottyour Mar ~et q uare, rest by a sick child suffering and crying with N. B.-All orders promptly atthe exorulating pain of cutting teeth 1 If so' go at once and - ~et a bottle of MRS. WINS- tended to and Meat delivered to all LOW'B SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little suffer immediately-depend upon parts of the town. it; there is no mistake about it. There is nots mother on earth who has ever used it, who will "\Ve also pay Cash for Farr1 'i and not tell you at once that it will regula te .ne D · p d · any ro uc:e. bowels, and give rest to the mother, ar <) relief and health · t o the child, operating llke magic. tis perfectly safe to use i'n all cases,and, plesa, ant to the taste, and is the prescrip~ion of one of the oldest and best female physioiane and nurses iu the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle, 18!-ly. "Hun" CouaH Cu1rn, 25 CENTS.-Presof a Boston Physician, dispensed yea.rs by a Boston druggist. ONE DosE will cure any ordinary CO\lgh. It acts almost magically. Ask Stott & Jury for a 25 cent bottle of "Hun", OouGH CURE, and don't be put off with any other. cript~on ....,.._.l..'\A l-"!'·~~. --... J New, Ladies. MRS. KEYS - ·""" u · PORT PERRY MARBLE ___,,,,WORKS! __ The above works are running full blast to keep up with orders. Some very large orders have been received lately, including a hand· some Monument, for Isaac Best, Clarke, AI!>x F .Carscadden, Clarke. WE EMPJ,OYNO AGENTS and are selling Tomb Stones, Monument.~. em.. at lower prices in cousequence. Our cmto mere get the commission themselvo~. It will po.y any person who intend~ erecting a monu· meut to the memory of ,. dP.parted friend to write me or see me personrtlly before placing , their order. I guarantee first class work at lowest possible. prices. DNE OF THE BEST ;;:,; · :EE. XI> 1'1" E "Y' INVESTIGATORS IN US:E. ·rt is asneciflc in the cure of all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostatic Portion of the Urinary Organs, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, Burning Urine, (l leet, Gonorrhea in all its stages.JIIucous Discharges, Congestion of tiie !i.ldneys, Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes, Intlammation of the Kidneys and Bladder, Dropsy of Kidneys, Acid Urine, Jlloody Urin~~ Pain in the Region of the Bladder, PAlr; IN THE BACK, Urinary Ca.lcuh1s1 lUinal Calculus, Renal Colic, Ret~nt1on of Urine, Frequent Urination, Gravel in all its forms, Inability to retain. tl;le Water particularly in persons advanced In life. IT IS A KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR that restores the Urine to its natural color, removes the acid and burning and th.e effect of the excessiYe use ot intO'XicatiDg drink. N E W UNDEROLQTH JN G T £or: Knitting& Stamplrg done to or~er. OYSTERS, 251-tf, W. SHAW MARRT,E Womra. PORT PERRY P p 1 ~------~~- WJ~~ece~~r!~o!o! 8 " I GOODS., · Price $1, or Six Bottles for $5, 'l'hose \Vho r9.nnot obtain a bottle of this !fo1Y~~i~~~r~i: ~tfi;:~~r~1teli:.end us ono Send for (,'lroular. Sold b:r all Druggists., and invites the Ladies of Bowmanville arid vicinity ~o c~ll and see her Pattern W. JOHNSTON J.MlmltB'l'B'O':till, Out. ' Agents tor the U; B. and Oaruula. :Dlil'1'30l'll, ?illoli: & CO. i1$. 11 _ . BONNETS, HATS, and assortment ot DENTISTRY UNDERTAKfN'C L EV I MORRIS. 0 TRIMMINGS RnteJter STORE :- Second Door West of ll'lllianu liltJtll. AGENCIES. '·t · _ __ J.M. BR IMA COMBE, We.beg to anno1i_ncA tot.he public thA.t we are prepared t.o do a generalinsuranee business. representing as wo doe. number· of first class Companies we shall be· glo.d to give prompt attention to anything In that line. We represent. also the Ontario Loan ann Savings Co .. of Oshawa, and accept deposits on its behalf allowing 1 & 5 per cent interest from date of receipt. · Parties requiring loans will find it to their advantage to get our terms. Ocean Steamships. We are agents for e. number of first ola.ss lines, amoug which is the White Star Line the bAst fastest and best equipped Steamship on the Ocean. and Car tickets to all pointRatlow· est rates. We also represent W. D .Mathews of Toronto, and are prepared to pa:v highest prices for Barley and all kinds of grain. Pardee interested will please note these facts. I THE VICTORIA. T. YELLOWLEES. ' F. ALLEN. :von Oll.E 3~~s;?rt:t\Ti:!!~~~~!~ti~~ ih9e t~;~~ ;;:-stl:! ~=~ ~t~~t g~~~~ee9~rrg~t;·b~i~e0e~1Cf~~7ig1b8:~~l~! t;he Atlautic an.d the PacUlc Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled a.nd magnificent, being composed man's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Ca rs, and the Best IJiue of D ining Cars in the Wo1·ld. Three Trains CHICAGO, ROCK ISL MD & PACIFIC R'Y c. Organs ana Sewing MachiNBS, I wish to call especial attention that if want to buy a first-class Organ made by of t)lo best Manufa<ituries in the World, days, some first class Royal A SewingMachlnes a Machine that stands A 1 with. the ver:v bes>i Amerioan or Canadian Sewing MachineS,-'While I have nothing to say· against any firstclass mnkc of Organs Qr Sewing Machines. I wish the public to please take notice I do sell only first-class Goods, such as I can guarantee to give satisfaction. N. B.-I still sell the world-renowned Waltham Watch,- and don't forget our General Store where wo keep a compiete assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries cheap for Cash. 'l'he Bell Organs are sold by J. P. RICE, Bow: manville, and · CALI, AND SEE ltlY ()URISTlUAS STOCI&. · i have just ordered, and will have iu a fni sas City, Qouncil :Bluffs. Leavenwor th. Atch ison· , Minneapolls and St. F aul. It connects in Union Depots with an the prtncipa\lines of road between ~a1:gi~c~~f1~~~~~e R~~lf;~~;ti[,1f,_~fraba~~a:P~i1'! b e tween ChicR.go and M issouri River P oints. Two Trains between Chica.go and Minne apolis and St. Paul. via. tho Famous . . "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Dir ect Line. via S eneca a nd Kankakee. h as recently been opened be twe en Richmond;' "'" Norfo lk, Nev.:p"Ort N ews, Chat tanoog a, At lant· a. Au ..&Lt gua~a.. Na5J~v1lle 1 Louisville, LeXingt.on, Cincinn:i.tf; lll;dia.napohs a.na_La.fayette , ttnd Omaha, M iuueap ... obs and St. Paul and inte.rrnediat e point::s. All Through Passengers '!'ravel o n F a.at Expreao Trains. th~iiJ.~~reao§t~~~~ ~~~~~~1:a_c~~ai1 Ticket omceiJ in l3aggage checked throue;h and »ates of fare always as low as competitors t hat offer less ad van... ta~es. T 0~ocfr~'fit:iled i::Hormation, get the Maps and Fold· At your nearest Ticket O:m.oe, .or o.ddresa R. R, QABLE, E, ST, JOHN, Vlce·l'"r... " Gtn;l l!'g'r, Gen'! Tkt. 4' l'"ass. i.gt, CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, CHICACO, E. NI.~DOL'IEY,.~ ,-.41 I . I Tyrone, ..