'I - TERM£ :-$1.50 PER A:NNUJI[. NEW SERIES, NmrnEn 300. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M . .A . .JAMES, EDITOR AND PllOPltIRTOR. VOLUME BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1884. XXX. NUMBER 17. . ~:00 N'"C>'T' F"O:El.<3r-E: T~ -THAT TBE- Go in the Try the GORNER STORE, c;:>JA.C>N'C>. Don't forget the Corner. CORNfR STORE, GRIJ.&T S&l.111 ,, '" .C.ARMSTRONG. -·OF.- H;l\RDWARE. - ·-:.r.r..-- GROCERIES. --WO-- M'cCLUNG B .ROS' ... ' ,. ' BANKRUPT STOCK is still going on in the old stand and is Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Locks, Hinges, Spades, Hoes, Shovels, Rakes, Barb and Smooth ·wire, Nails, "vVringers, Bl·ushes, Silveware, Cutlery, Chains,. l\fachine and Caol Oils, all in t he CORNER STORE, ' ORONO. . ' Sugars, Teas, Rltisins, Currnuts, Syrups, Oat mid Qorn Meal, Fish, Canned ·Goods, Crockery and Glasswal'e. . Bring in your Butter and Eggs and give us a cl111nce and sec for yourselves > 1'.hat w·e can do for you. CORNER STORE, ORONO. '·1 j. 0 GivingGeneral Satisfaction I · · ' ~ z 0 0 . to all buyers. I have still ~ : S S20!90,,. 0 0 . 0 0 -Worth of goods to select from, all of which I will offer at prices z .M&L k&i&kR i:c1 LOWER THAlN EVER IEFlDRE HEARD OF. 0 0 IJ::l ~ ~ .. OARF . E TS 7 DRV GOODS. __ __ ,,,"'" BOOTS &SHOES. --=-Plough Boots-hand nrndc, Gents' ]'ine Shoes, Ladies' Slippers, Button Shoes of the best qualities at closest pr~ces . CORNER STORE, 0R01'0, ·E-t TWEEDS, COTTONS, DRESS coons, Gt:T YOlJtt Goons A'r TTIU':- A fine assortment of Dress Goods, Cottons, Heady-made'·. Clothing, Tweeds, Hats, Caps, &c. E1'erything here at rock MILLINERY, &c. Elease give me a call and it will be to your advantage. butt.OTl1 prices. CORNER STORE, ORONO. STOP -.AT i'lill:- H. DRY CODD~. ~ CornerStore, ORONO- n the Corner, Orono. Corner Store, ORONO_ c, G, Armstrong. ~ MAPL~SYRUP FORFIN~CONFECTIONERY URE NEWCORRESPONDENCE. C. G. Armstrong. ,_ We lead; We keep the right goods ; We make .the low prices and our cµstomers go .away satisfied. BROOKLIN. SOLINA. The STATESMAN is a popular paper here. -,At our last night of meeting the followENFIELlJ. ing officers elect were installed:W e have five churches :md two hotels. -IN'vEsptw _ · ,N O'.l'E~We are r eceiving so much corBro. '!'hos. Baker, W. P. ; Sis. E . J. It is a sad sight t o sec so many grey headrespondeuce from Enfield that we have Pascoe1 "vV. A. ; Bro. C. Coombe, R. S. ; ed sinners addicted t o drink. to deprive our readern of the pleasure(?) Sis. M . Hooper, A. R. S. ; Br6. B. R eyThe Salvation Army attacked this villof .reseting it for want of sptice. There is nold(;, F · S. ; Sis. B . Pascoe, Treas. ; Bro. age Good Friday, and made a good imFIGS, DATES, OllAN..,;ES, evidently a good opening there for a wide- W · Stanlick, Chap. ; Bro . .J. Awde, Con.; pression by their deep earnestness and awake newspaper man: Gossip, scandal Sis. B . Hogarth, A. C!· ; Sis. L. Hoga1-th, simple presentation of gospel t ruth. LElllO~s. UIGABS, &c. and .riotous living seem toengarre much of I. S. i Bro. S: Shortridge, 0. S. . The Oclclfellows of this village will give th'e people's attcnLion just now: We shall . Severn! Solma ~oys attende~ the mee~ a grand concert next Friday evening 25th endeavor to send the Salvt\tion Army .1ngs of the S. A. 111 Bo~vmanv1lle on Fri- in the Masonic Hall. This new Hall will to bombard this modern Sodom at an day and Saturdity evemngs, ' be. eebicated in the afternoon. Ecno. early date.-ED. · . ~r. E~win Reynolds' little gi~·l is · ser10usly ,ill. Farmers ar.e busy on. t~e land.. . The building formerly occupied by Mr. MANITOBA LETTER. A number m our v1cm1ty are sick with Libby, senr., as shoe shop, was demolishthe measles. ed on Monday- for the. sake of the lm1d it After three weeks of fine weather I Mr. '\V. M. cCullough has sold two fine covered. · think we may safely prophesy spring two horses at good figure~. Mr. George Hogarth was home for a weeks earlier tlum last year, and one Mr. David Archer of Hamiltoa paid a short visit at Easter. . month e~rlicr tluin four years ago, when friendly visit here at Easter · Mr. Moore, teacher of Providence, and we arrived in Shoal Lake on March 27th, Tl t ' bl 'f f d M Mr. Stirling, of South Monaghan wern 1880. Then we <lid not get on the hind · .ie. es irna e wi e 0 t;Jxan er c- also around . SE~EX to garden until about the first week l l l Cullough, Esq., is ill atpresent. · · - OUR SUCCESS S OWING TO . OURMay. Everything now indicates spring. The corner store is doing a rushincr On the 31st March our first sure harbinirer·s 0 OUUBTICE. ~ · · d ry goo ds ancl groceries. busmess m of spring came from the east- the crows. Our assessor would do w'eu to make Mr. Geo. Tingle is about to remove to W ild geese have been heard since April - COMPET.I TOR S .ARE DEMORALIZED. another round. Dogs are coming to light. PE'r1nsy1vania. · came in, and although the sloughs and Dr. Mitchell's visits are numerous around . A few of our local sports spent a "day at lakes are still ice bound, (but the sloughs here. No wonder he wears a smilincr the marsh on Saturday. They brou aht are covered with water) we expect to shoot 0 phlli. home· a ~reat varillty of game- pike, wild duck next week. · 1 pulpits We wer e pleased to have our · sk-rl!i~s, due.ks, etc. 'l'he past winter has been dismally long ~ . We will give you special inducements for real Bargains in·N ew Good!!,· filled on Sabbath, as disappointments liavo T~e re~ains of Mr. Geo. Withiridge, and continuously cold, but unus~ially fr.ee bee11 the order. ~en., were rnterred at Ebenezer on Sun- from storms. I was caught out m :t bhz. Mr. R. Winacot had the ill luck to fa day. A sermon w1u preached at the 7~'\rd one night fast week coming from the G Iv E u s A c A L L . . . . - Al' l'HEfrom a stack on the 9th inst. but was ·no . residence bJ Rev. Mr. Stevenson. Over store. .The wmd arose suddenly when I seriously in jured. ~arriagea were in the procession. ·J was about a quarter of a mile from home, At a ba~l given recently by ouc. M. D. a meeting in Ebenezer church last ~ncl alth~ugh the storm came on I 001'.ld ladies ? emg sca_rce, stag dancmg \v.lls week a temperance pledge was drawn up s~e our light at thr ee quarte~·s of a mile N.B.- The Original and Genuine Star House, east store in N eads· greatly mdulged m. . . by Rev. w . R. Barker and presented for chstantJ I had to fee~ my way m the. storm New Block. Our success has led to imitations. Mr. D. Dyer has threshed from 7 ac es, signatures, when the whale audience of h:y sl.1dmg on the trail; and not until I got 1 ·--UHSUANT to Section 34, Chapter 640 bushels of c;iats, besides wasting n ore about 60 persons, with three or fo ur ex· w1thm :1bout th.e b~earlth o~ two roads 107, Revised Statutes of Ontario. the than double Ins seed. Beat thitt if u cept"ens subscribed BEN . cuuld I see t he h ght m the wmdows or be Creditors of SAMUEL J"At.acs. late of the can. ' · · ' sure I was on the right trail. I have not 'l'ownship of Darlington, in the County of.Dur· . Mr. D. Dyer has imported i"nto th1"s NEW -been ou . tin a severer storm while it lasted ,ham, farmer, deceased, ~vho died 011 or about HAVEN the 27th day of February, 18&1, a.re not!ftcd to section this season 13 car -loads of Liver~ · since leaving the east. send by post prepaid to V\ITbUAM JAOJCS pool salt for fertilizing purposes. · He is ·11J·s Mr. J. Cou.rtice lias sold his valuable \ Oh what a r elief it is wllen one th1 'fHOS. C . LANGMAID, and JUHN THULL' ' tTOtt t M G bl ~ Ila.mpton P . o., ]!;xccutors of the said samuei now the Salt King of Canada. · . er :o r nn ett. M1·. C. h::i:s bol'.ght of living in a christian country where Jacks on or petore the 10th DAY OF MAY. . Our pedagogue was badly chok.ed the ~!19thc~ - the sweepstakes of _P1ckermg. there are no "brawling broods of bribers" },~~~t~~ ~l~~f~.c~~~~~~!h!~a.f!~f't~=n~s~a~i:t~r other day while enting honey. He became pierc 18 tlJ.lk of a race at Court1ce on May to be caught in a rat trap and tJscurted to said deceased and the natu1·e of the securities' black in t he face. The ladies of the house 24 th.. . stone mansions at state expense in any, held by them. At the expiration of this brought him t o, with repeated· blows on Co. tta0 cre i)ra. y er meetings are h eld in this blac ,,k maria . " w.e will make a "big tm1e the executors wlll be at liberty to distrib· k ute the assets of the ea.id estate, having regard the.~c · sect10n. Attendance good. push to get our n ghts, but will not try only to the claims of which they then have Mrs. Pringle (nee Hattie McCullough) Mr. J . B . ·worden has leaeed Mrs. F. to buy up Norquay. He woukl not stay notice, and wlll nothave be liable to any person of daug1 cl" d Stevens' farm for a, term of years. b oug1 1 t er 0 f th e Ia t e G eo. M cOu11 oug1 1t · at th¢ i, ie whose claims they not had notice · time or such d!stributlbn. · quite suddenly at her home in Whitby M E I d LOSCOMBE & LEITH, , 1 t k 'l'h b df · r . li 0 sborne's fine" r esidence is nearly . o not k now 1 10w spring plowing :tnd 15. Solicitors for said E.'<ecutore. · as wee · e ereave rien~s have th. e finished, with gay work. seedmg will effect th.e Farmers' Union, _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ __:;,f he:wtfelt sympathy of everybol:ly here. b f 1 · I ti G vVe were pleased to hear from Bro ut o t us rink you may be certain, ~nd ~HOOL REPOR1'- lst quart:r~.>1:~3g4_ Egbert once more. G~ANGO . we mean to " stand off" the Government names in order of merit. 5th class. -. VanHorne and the C. P . R., if we have to LOVRING MILL in the towns\lip of Herman Pascoe, Emma Dyer. 4th class Young man, you should ll t M go back to R ed River carf8 · ' Already the s Id M cDonald, Wm. D yer, Pat. M ayer's and see his stock of uobby ca a· · C. P. R. and all land companies ancl Clarke. Known as Adams' New Mlll. hats speculators arc feeling tile squeeze we are Applyto ARTHUH CODD, Esq., or St. JOHN - arsfie H . HUTCHESON, Barrister-at·Lllw, Bowman McDonald, M~ry O'Leary, .Lilla Pascoe. and caps- new stylea. giving th em. 'l'hirty thousand farmers 1 27 N. B.-Old Cast Iron taken in exchange at the Old Stand- King ville. a-tt ·3rd class- Leshe Pascoe, J uha McDonald, I will have on exhibitation at Bowman:- when they pull together will make some;Street East, next to the Arlington Hotel. MONEY To LOAN .- A few thoua1md Fred. Ashton," ~at. O'Leary, :F'rank ville }'air, one of those celeb~ated Sawyer thing give away. They can't drive us out; dollars, private funds, to loan on flrstclass !arm secur!t,y, at the lowest currentr.a.t~. Mason. 3rd class, JUr-Jos Ashton, James No. 3. Reapers 1 also an Iron Clad and Iron of the country ; we defy them. It is too j'D11ke mower. T· H. Mason, agt., Hamp- good a country to leave. J . L. T. 11 }i'or particulars app)y to H. BEI'l'H. Bow111an- Hobbs, Will. Winacot, Lonzo Nidery. · '· · ville, er R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, :J.tf. R. DAVEY, TEACHER. ton. Shoal Lake, April 3rd, 1884. ~ $ 2 Q .., 'c ) Q ~W·HttN(!: l LATEST NOVEL TIES. Newest Styles, Lowest Prices, ~~ Finest Goocls, 1; Largest Assortment, ~ We are the TERROR of our competitors. ~~ GOOD GOODS AND LOW· PRICES. ~ ~~ " ~~ c ~ ~ ~ ' ~· I Ai 0 ~~ ~ ~ . SUITS TO ORDER BY THE NO. l. TAILOR- W. PEARDON. PureNewMapleSyrup GRAND CENTRAL. T _ GEQ_· ::M..A.SON"".. Creditors Notice. ~-....._:, PLOWS! Now on hand for the Spring Trade. P 100 "HARD to BEAT" Steel Plows, with ir I" Wrought Iron Beams and No. 1 best Steel Boards. All kinds of Points Sides kept in stock, also Gang Plows, Sugar K ettles, Road Scrapers, Root 'C utters, Repairs for Cook Stoves, &c., cheap for Cash or short Credit. MILL FO R SALE. F w P 0 RT ER Iron FOU nder I I