down, till it lingered on the placid splen- Cristine; lam not dead, and you can give I shall certainly cultivate her-for the MADAGASCAR.. In the Hands of the Russian Police. dour of the sea-and, look where I me up to justice with a word." sake of Oristine." would, rio :flying figure was in sight. It In Russia every one who has the misAnd cultivate her he did, though much A Country of Gtga..otlc wu 4 A nfmals, Pol· at first against Cristine's will. He was a souous Spiders and Barbiu-ous People. fortune to fall into the hands of the polioeCHAPTER XXV.-(CoNTINUED.) was a dream, thank Heaven-a dream CHAPTER XXVI. as. ~ poJitical offender-no matter how little startled certainly when he learned "He- Lord de Gretton-did not speak only ! 1 Lady Olivia Blake sat in the tiny lux- that his fair betrothed was the step-sister "Ho~ ~d yo.u like the country 1" ask- t~ivial his offense may be-is, in nil1.ityuntil we reached the cottage," Nora said, "I sank hack in my chair, ashamed to in a low frightened voice, as though the find how intense was my feeling of reliief, uriously-furnished nest she called her of that unhappy Lady de Gratton whose e<I: a <?mcmnati Enqwirer reporter, of a nme cas~s ?Ut of a hundred, a lost man. Th~ prehmmary detention is made at the sound of her own words alarmed her ; how strong a hold the vanished vision own snuggery, awaiting with some im· tragic story he knew but in imperfect sailor Just from Madagascar. ~'and then - I cannot tell you; it was had had upon me. It was long before 1 patience the arrival of an oxpeoted guest. outline ; but, when he found that Lady . "Like it I Why, there isn't a redeem- arbitrary pleasure of the prosecution dreadful- it seemed as though some de- could control the wild throbbing of my It was barely twilight-a rosy glow still Olivia made no objection on that score, mg feature about it. Why, it was enough which in Russia is another name for th; , mon took possession of him. He pushed heart, or regain anything like composure; lingered in the wester.1 sky; but her but rather caught eagerly at the proffered to sicken one to see what the people eat police ; they can arrest and detain whom me into a chair, and stood over me, with but it came at last; and, worn out and ladyship's curtains were all drawn, and intimacy, he laughed Cristine's scruples there. In the market at Tamatava :f they will. No blame attaches to a mis. seen great heaps of small locusts taken arrest; on the contrary, the more his eyes,-he had such strange eyes exhausted, I once more dozed off, to the light of a doien wax candles not be- resolutely away. "It will be a capital thing for you, dried and exposed for sale. They were arrests the greater the merits of the pro- .Arthur t __ sunk far back in his be. once more roused by a long moan of ing considered enough to illuminate the small room, a large moderator lamp upon Cris ; the very fact of her being De Gret- about half roasted, and made me sick to se~utor. For instance, at the time of the· head, but very bright ; and how they pam. blazed as though a fire burned beneath his "This time, however, the sound did a centre-table diffused a bright radiance ton'. s cousin makes the friendship more lo<?k at them, There are no roads-barely ~rial of the " hundred and ninety-three" Of course the wretched girl bridle-paths-through the woods and m 1878, there were, over and above this . heavy lids. Oh, I see them so ofuen in not cease with my slumber, as I sat, cold around. Light was a crazy with Lady desirable. PlY' dreams-I can see them now!" a:nd shaking, in_ the _chill gray morning Olivia ; the sun could never blaze too was really no relation of yours, and you travel ~s accomplished on foot 'or in number of the accused, about 1,400 perShe paused, with a strong shudder and light. I.,heard it agam, and yet again- fully into every corner of her house · and were in no way mixed up in her affairs. palanqums-long bamboo poles borne on sons arrested. Of these half were set at when ~he sun reti~ed, she could not sup: Why, Cris, what a ghost you look !" the shoulders. of natives: The interior of liberty after a few months, but the rea look of deadly terror. But the entreaty a sound to freeze the blood in your veins, ply his place with too many lights. "l cannot bear to-to talk of that the coun~ry is filled :with dense forests, mainder were kept in prison during the ef Arthur's face was more p otent even a sound like the moan of a wounded aniNaturally her elder feminine friends time!" faltered Cristine. and ~~rmg the :r:amy seasons great whole four years that the case lasted ; than the old haunting fear. Conquering mal too weak to cry a.loud. wondered among themselves that "dear "Then you shall not talk of it," the quantities of decaymg veg_etable matter save only 75 who died, some b/ suicide, the tremor, she went on bravely" Almost mechanically, conscious in Olivia, with whom complexion was never "Hetoldme that I had deceived and en- an unconscious way that that piteous a strong point," and who, since her disap- Baron said, pinching the pale cheek till brought down. There is a great deal ~ome of consumption, some insane. And of lake l;'nd marsh on the coast and plains m more recent times, when the white trapped him-I, who would have died far sound had reached no ear but mine, I pointment1 had grown quite too dread- the color came. "Talk of your wedding- boa.rdermg on the sea, and these give rise ~rror followe4 upon outbreaks of revolu· . more gladly than marry him-that I was rose tp my feet, and, obeying some im- fully pinched, and thin, and sallow, should dress, or Lady Olivia Blake !" So the two women drifted together tl the ~alagasy fever. The only remedies tlCi>nary 'terrorism, and especially in the a false wife-a woman he could never pulse beyond my own control, descended to throw such a strong revealing light again, and Lady Olivia Blake-who, in t la. nat~ves use are ~ot .baths and herbs, reign of Alexander III.-who invented trust again. At first I tried to answer the staira and entered the little room in upon her fading charms; and one especi~h1ch md1:1co perspiration. Quinine is a species of political proconsuls such as him ; but he would not hear me. He cut which Lord de Gretton had told me he ally intimate individual, who felt that the old days, had been barely conscious 1;' so used in large q:iantities. You can S~relmikoff, to devastate towns 'and promy explanation short with that bitter should be 'on guard.' I found-- Oh, such an absurd illumination was a wrong of Miss Singleton's existence-now took JUdge of the unhealthmess of the country, vmce~,. and arrest right and left-the little laugh of his, and went on and on, in Arthur, is it any wonder that the sight I to her elaborate "make-up," ventured to the oddest fancy to;her, and seemed hard- for the F.rench, wJio for years have tried severities have been even greater. But . ly happy when out of her sight. Even a cold, smooth, merciless voice, saying looked on drove me mad 1" r9monstrate with her on the subject. the Baron, who at first watche(J. the grow- to establish ,~olomes there, called it " the I have no positive figures at hand. The the cruellest things in the quietiest fashShe broke down in a passion of hysteri"I love the dark because my deeds are ing friendship ~ith much complacency, churchyard, and the Dutch, who were normal penalties for political crimes ion, till at last I really ceased to under- c~l t.ears ; .Arthur let h~r cry, restraining ~vil pe~hap~( she said, with a depreeat~quall~. ~nsuccessful, named it the ' dead simply Draconian-10 years at the galstand him. His words seemed to bruise his impatience by a giant effort for her mg smile ; but, though your conscience grew at last a little jealous of the fre- isl?,nd. . . leys for. a single speech or for reading or and hurt my brain like . so many blows, sake. In such tears lay the best medicine may be clear, my dear Olivia, you should quency with which she claimed Cristine. ,, Do many wild ammalsahoand there ?" preservmg a proclamation. And when"It is all very well in 'its way," he but not to convey to it any coherent idea. for the overwrought nerves and overtaxed have some mercy on your visitors' com· The woods are full of them ; vicious ever a prosecution follows an outbreak grumbled ; "but· I never get you to myI suppose he saw this, for he suddenly brain. Nnomous serpents of extraordinary size'. the tribunal receives special orders ~ plexions." an hour now. Lady Olivia is self for bent forward, seized me by the shoulder, He held one hand within his own "The sun that comes here will not b. ot snakes ~ut huge s_erpents- bodies as aggravate the penalties so as to make "a.. a.nd shook me, bringing his face so close strong clasp, in firm assurance of his sym- scorch them," was the short and barely here, or you at Lady Olivia's. ig as ~ man s, and thirty or forty feet salutary example," and the verdicts beHonestly, Cristine, do you not get a little to mine that I could not keep back a pathy ; but it was not till the s()bs had courteous answer. tired of her ladyship, handsome and lon~ ; powerful enough to kill a horse or come legal assassinations of the most . startled cry. died away, and the girl tried to smile s~a l?w an_ ox. They hang down from monstrous character. Tlie lad Rosovksy "'You are hysterical, my lady, worn gratefully through her tears, that he "Scorch them! No; but"-with a agreeable as she is 1" "Not tired," the girl said with a little t e .hml;>s m t~e forests, and snatch up was condemned to death and a..:tua.lly out and exhausted by the fatigues and ex- spoke at all-then he said gentlylittle sh01:ilder-shrug and prettily affected the natives gomg. along, and making a hanged at Kiev on the 5th of March 1880 1 citements of the day,' he said, with grim, "Do not dwell on details that distress laugh-"though you disdain them, there shudder, "hut-but, Israel, at times-I breakfast of one with as much unconcern for i:nerely having in his house a pro~a~ am afraid." horriblemockery. 'Your maid shall show you, but finish the story, like my own are secrets of the toilette, you know." "Afraid!" Benjuda turned her round, as a fly taps'.' sugar-cork. Near Andavaka mat1o:r;i of the Executive Committee. 'ni.e you to your room. In your present state brave girl. You found Lord de Gretton Lady Olivia regarded her friend, a fair laying a weighty hand on either shoulder ~enaran~, is a ,~eep . c~ve called the same Judgment was passed on the student . of excitement you had better keep it for -dead 1" faded woman about her own age, but Serpents Hole, aµd .it ia so f~ll of them Efremoff for having lent a room in his the remainder of the evening.' "Not dead, but dying," she said in a dressed in ultra-girlish fashion, with a and lookirg amusedly into the strangely ~hdt they frequently drive the villaaers all house to two revolutionists who were con"'l underst21nd ; I am a prisoner,' I low shaking voice. "He still lived when sort of dvil sneer upon her thin scarlet troubled face. "Why, you nervous goose, m ,?~rs. cer~ing a .plan of escape witl19ut even said slowly. . I knelt beside him, but that was all. The lips, but a savage and apparently uncall- what harm do you think she will do Then they have a sort of monkey, t.akmg their young host into confidence you?" " 'By no means,' he answered, with an blood ran like a river round him . it was ed-for anger in he'r great dark eyes. "I think at times-she is mad," Cristine t~ere, ca~led the ' aye-aye.' It has teeth But his sentence was commuted to a life: on dress, my hands-every~here; . "Such secrets will not hang you, even a.ngry 11r:arl. 'We "'.ill not ~ho?k the ser· _ i1ke. a ch~sel, and. a claw with a prong, or long condemnation to the galleys in consesaid slowly. . vai::ts with_ a key ; you are mdisposed-a an~ his face was white-oh, 80 horribly if they are found out," she said, so to it. It hves on bugs that it digs quence of his having the weakness to a.p"By George, I should not wonder!" fittmg subJect for strong tea and sal-vol- white ! I should have thouaht him dead brusquely that the offended lady rose to out of t!1e tree~.. And then the rivers peal for mercy. Drobiasgin, Maidansky, The Baron released his captive, and nodatile, as your maid will rea~ing iielieve. but for the dreadful glitter° of his eyes take her departure. "I am sorry to answarm with cr0cod1ll'.s, the biggest I ever Lisogub, Tehubaroy, were all hangedYou are by no means a prisoner-only and that broken cry-it was faint as the noy you, Harriet; but I cannot live in d.ed two or three times, as confirmatory saw. These .the nat1v_e~ worship as water some f~r having subscribed money to the understa:nd'- his hand closed again in. a fa;intest whisper. Then I tried to raise total darkness, even in deierence to circumstances rushed into his mind. gods, and are superst1t10us about killing revolutionary cause others for conveyin"' "That is the key to the riddle, is it r' cruel gnp '?-pon ~nY: ahoul.der, a~d agam h1~ head, to cry aloud; but my voice 'rouge' and 'blanc de perle.'" He stood thoughtfully considering the them. They try to propitiate tl1e creatures a box, of which they did not know th~ my heart died w1thm me ma chill dead- failed, and he motioned me back. He Naturally the indignant laqy did not matter for a few minutes, then turned by prayers, _an~ thr?wing in charms of contents, but which was proved to contain ly fear-'only understand that I shall be tried to move, to speak, failed, and closed repeat her warning or visit. Naturodys, but ~heir virtue i~ owmg to the noise notes for a circular drawn up by two or with startled fondness to Cristine. on guard the whole evening in this room. his eyes-tried again, and, by 'a supreme ally, also, the story of "Lady Olivia's odd "My darling," h e said, throwing one an~ shouting an~ beatmg the water with three youths, offenses, one and all, which So, if you .have I!' fancy for any more effort, jerked out one word-the word 1 udeness, and very unpleasant whim" which the. offermg of the o~y is always the ac~ual l~w of the country punishe11 . stolen meetmgs with your lover--' that had been the haunting key-note t0 ·i1pread about, and other ladies whose arm round the slender waist, and drawing accompamed. Why, these animals eat up only with exile or a few years of imprison· "In spite of the craven ~ear that par- my dream-'Olivia ;'and so, with a briefJ complexions were not impeccable', or who the fair head down upon his shoulder all the sheep and hogs, and even larger ment. had a nervous dread of eccentricity, ceas- "I have been wrong to let you run s~ cattle that come anywhere near the banks· !"lyzed me, . Arthur, I broke m then; the convulsive struggle, he died." - - - - - - - -..... ·---1nsult was too c~uel, the wrong too great "And you?" Arthur Beaupre asked, in ed ~o call at the little house in Mayfair, great a risk ; you shall not stay in Green and they don't refuse women and children' A Choir Anecdote. Street again." ·i for even cowardice to bear. . tones of infinite compassion as he laid yrh1ch had been so pleasant a rendez;vous who ventu~e near.. At, which is~ There was real emotion in the full fine lake, s1xt;s: miles of the capital, In the .April Centui·y, the Rev. Dr. " 'I met Mr. Beaupre by accident, and his hand on the down-bent head and mother days. Little by little old friends real tenderness in the dark j1eavyvoice, the people believe that if a crocodile be Charles s.·Robinson continues hiM dis· we have parted for ever,' I began; but he thanked Heaven in his inmost heart that fell off a~d old acquaintances dropped After all, it is not necessary killed .a human life will, within a very cussion of the annoyances and humors of cu~,1!1e sav:agely short. . ev~n this ray of light, faint and uncertain ~way. It seemed as thou?h a _ curse ~ad lidded eyes. ,That l~ m~ busmess-~ will. see to as it, had pio:Jrced the darkness of the fallen on .the handsome ~pamsh-lookrng to be young, handsome, or aristocratic to short tnne, be exacted by t l1e monster's the musical service in churches and rethis anecdote. ',_ l~e said, m a low gra_tmg voice that night and given promise of the dawn at woma?- with the dark passionate face and feel genuinely, and even nobly; and the brothec relatives, as an atonment for the lates "GI · E was m itself a threat. 'With both of you hand. hauntmg eyes- who, seen in every crowd, fat elderly Baron was as deeply stirred by death. ·when I was there some Frenchonous . aster was at. hand, and the thought of peril to his betrothed as men shot several, and they had to leave gre'.1-t prepara~10ns were ~ade m the rural I have a long ~ccount to settle ; but not "I"- the sweet voice was sharpened by was always seen al~ne . . Id pa:1sh, ~or its celebration; boughs were now-:-not now. . keen pain, the sweet uplifted eyes were And, next to be~ng m darkness, t~ ~e the most of romantic lovers could have the country at one~ or the eo le been. have murdered then'i. p p wou twmed lll th~ . arche§ of the building;. . "Arthur, to this day I cannot tell what filled with self-reproachful light-"! was a.lone was the t~mg that Lady Ohv1a That Cristine was touched by liis un" , . flowers swung rn wreaths overhead and 11Upulse m_oved me in that moment to do not brave, Arthur ; I was not what you Blake most hated m the wo:Id. She was '.J:he earth ~as wild cats? the air :W ifd s~one i~ beautiful baskets among the the last thmg I should ever have thought called me. I dropped like a dead thing a proud woman1 and had hi~herto been a feigned concern was evident. She had bbeetles, sand-flies a.nd mosqmtoes as big a isles; cluldren had been rehearsing carof doing a second or so before. Until by Lord de Grettou's side, and, when I n_ia;kedlyexclus1ve one, closmg her doors won much admiration, but hitherto little ~etles, and whose sting hurts like a dog's o a>. All the town came in on that not· then I had hated him as a slave hates -a awoke, it was broad day. It was too late rig~dly to t~ose who were not. of ~er own love had fallen to her l~t ; and she found, bite. The ants are the greatest pests I abl6°'m ning. It was a scene never to ~ -. hard and cruel master to whom ha is to ,summon help, too late for a:nything. SO.Ql~ s~andmg, how~eYer meritoi:1ous, or much to her own surp,nse, that she was eyi:r s:i.w,. They eat every article of pro· forgotten.. The minister was radiant:"" hopelessly consigned. His look had 1 think I went mad in that moment, Ar- fascmatmg! or poi;m~ar they _ might be. beginning to att11ch an odd va,lue to i t. vm~n m"appa.T.e l j ~~reely any precaution his eyes beamed with delight. But ~ She had not yet reached the point of renever been more threatening, his words thur ! The sight of the rigid motionless But now, m :tier pitiful yearnmg for hu· 'turning it-the ~mall amount of honest can elu~e their vig1la~ce and cunning. thought struck him ! This audience, so more cruel-and yet all in a moment a figure, of the blood that lay around me, man ?Ompamonsh1p1 she seemed to lose afftoction she had to bestow she had given They. raise a hollow cylmder of earth per- happy, so generous, so enthusiasticflood of light seemed to rush upon me. that stiffened on my dress, my hands, my all pr1d~ and excl';lsiveness, to thro.w her unasked to Arthur Beaupre, and that love pendicul~rly toward their object, and would they not hear him a moment for a I saw things by its clear lustre no longer feet, the hopelessness of my own future, d~or~ widely open to all who would enter flung back upon itself, had turned to gaJi through it, as by a ladder, they ascend by stroke of business ? After the invocation from my point of view, but from his-saw a craven fear of the life that seemed so withm them. and poisoned n~e~1.1.i;.e..· she thousan.ds. 'l'hey ar? t errible persecutors and the first song, he surprised them with tl~at h~ had wrong to complain of and in~omprehen~ibly cruel- all seemed to But even this sudden relaxation did not had grown to feel that, if Ben.jucla:'s ti'm the sick ; they will reach the bed in a a proposition to bring 'Easter offerings' d1sappomtments to , endure, that, where stir me to a sudden frenzy, and bid me satisfy her craven desire to escape from in her were withdrawn, and her betrothal £1g th ·~u hung at a distance now and at once to God's altar and lift he trusted, he had- though, Heaven take my fate in my own hands. I forgot herself, her eagerness for society at any broken, she would lose more, far more ro~. 0 groun , when · bite, like the dear old church out of debt ·' oh then knows, most innocently- been deceived. all these things - conscience, religion price. Pushing p c wvenues, who were at than the rank and wealth that had been sea 1?g water poured upon · is there would be a resurrection! ' Th~ conThe impulse was like a' revelation ; I duty-all but · the sweet and easy death first flattered by the warmth of La.dy his sole attractions when she first sought more mtolera:ble tlran the dis_ease itse f. g~ation would come up from under its. obeyed it as unhesitatingly. that awaited me there at· the cliffs foot; Olivia's welcome, and rather disposed to to win him. e in a new hfe if they would The. sand-flies and mosquitoes were gr~ · " 'Lord d- Gretton,' I said humbly, and, l~ke a thing possessed, I rushed to , p~ul!le t~emselves ?n the acquisition of so te.rhble plagues, but nothing to compare roll it away! Then-the pl~tes went their (TO BE CONTINUED . 'try to belive me, try to forgive. m_eet it. ~ou know," .she said, d~stmgm:ihed a friend, were not slow to wit the wlid bees, w~o would ~warm in course, and hearts were r eached, and "But he sn(l.t.ched away his J:i,and, as with a stramed so?. " .Heaven sent my. discover that there was but a sm_ a ll $13,000,000 from Making Gunpowder. the bed-rooms, and stmg every mtruder. the heaps of money lay before the moistthough my fingers burned him, his eyes better angel, Nettie, to my resc~e ; and ~mo_nnt of hon?r and glory to b e got m1~ " Locusts come two or three ttmes in a ened eyes of the relieved l>astor as he Mr. Lammot Dupont, who was killed summer, an_d eat up everything green. tremul~usly .tha_nked a good God' for his slione with their evil glitter, his voice for all the month!J that· fo~pwed I · re- mg m the motley mob that the eccentrw literally trembled with passion as he said membered little more- nothmg but the lady gathered round her. And, when r ecently by the explosion at Thompson's But nature is so pro~ific here that in eight pe?p,le s fidelity 11~ response, between his teeth' absolute devotion with which Vance and they discovered also that for tl1is more Point, is said to h ave been worth $13, - d,ays the nrdure will be all out again. Th~ money is here, I am sure it is,' "'Never, so long as we may live! I she have w:atched, and tended; and sacri- than dQuhtful privilege they were requir- 000,000. He had a controlling interest '!here were baboons as big as good-sized he excla;med. 'lf there be a liitle in. fic'ed themselves t o me-me, whom they ed to pay the price of absolute submission in the _manufacture of near~y all the high boys. ';l'he_re are two kinds of spiders arrears, it can_be made up in a day; and never trust a traitress ; and, if you wish thought a murderess !" . to all the caprices of a passionate ungov- explosives that were made m the United whose bite is deadly. One, a small black now we are ready, heartily to go oa with to know how I forgive the women who The shadows had gathered unnoticed erned nature and a despotic will, they too States and Canada east of the Rocky f~llow, is c~led menarody. Those w'ho are th~,worship of our risen Lord.' ~l:ke.' wronged me, ask Lady Olivia round the young pair as they sat absorb- found the game not worth the candle and Mountains. Ten million pounds of these bitten fall mto a s_woon, and their bodies . So the fixed programme proceeded, materials were consumed in the country "They were the last words he ever ed in tlreir own conversation; only the fell away. . become as cold as ice. The other one is A httle German had been procured from in 1882. The Repauno Company's works spoke to me, Arthur. No wondfr that faint moonlight and the uncertain glimSo_it .cam~ to pass ,that, just at the time ?ailed the foka, or crab-spider. The bite tl~e metropolis f?r an annex to the tenor; they linger in my mind. I .hardly under- mer of the lamp across the street lighted of Cristm.e ~mgleton s return to England, at Thompson's Pcint produced one-third is followed by swelling, which begins at his solo cam_e mat this exact crisis of of this amount. He is credited with havstood them then ; but afterwards, when the room now. Arthur stood by the win- Lady Olivia h,_ad ~aken to ha~nting thethe part wounded, and spreads throuO'h grateful emot10n ; he rendered it with a. 11 h" d . dow, looking out abstractedly, his whole atres, concerts, , exhibitions7.whatsoever ing organized a combination of all the the whole body. The animal is maroo~- freshaplomb, though the consonants were ·a t mgs were confuse and misty in my thought engrossed by the story lie had pla.ces were .crowded and well lit. Thl;tt makers of high explosives. When nego. thoughts, those words rang in my ears in- heard. Suddenly he turned to Nora- was all that mattered to her apparently. tiating with the Panama Canal Company colored, and death ensues, in five hours. awkward: The woman are dirty, curly-headed " 'An' de det sall be raised- de det sall cessantly." She paused again, her hands tightly who, lost in a painful reverie, sat by the She nev·er cai:ed . whether the entertain· for the powder to be used in that work creatures, blacker than coal and wear be raised-an' de det- an' de det-sall ~ locked, her eyes gazing into the deepen- table- and spoke quickly, with a nervous mene offered were good or bad. The he guaranteed to supply twelve tons of is mply a cloth a.bout their waist only the raised- sall be raised-in de twinkling _,~ ing shadows of the night with a · strained jar in his voicegreat haggard eyes, with their unchang- Atlas powder daily if that amount were higher class wearing shoes. ' an ay-ee I" · " and p;inful intensity. Arthur did not · "Nora, dearest, go away for a little ing look of mingled scorn and pain, sel- needed. "Does the country have any com· "Now it its quite safe to say that after One of the most daring achie:vements mercial relations with the rest of the the congregation went home, the theme dare to speak, to hasten in any way the while ~o your room. A lady ha~ just d<?m rested on stage or pic~ure, and n ever recorded in the history of the present world ?" disclosure that was so slow to come. come mto the house, and I think-'! fear w.ith the least pretence of mterest. of the day was dissipated, and the two "The hours seemed long _ horribly - - ~o, deares~, to please me !". . Baron Benjuda, who, in his two yearii' century is one of which he' was the central "They ship horned cattle from the events uppermost in. every body's mind long, Arthur- and yet I must have pass· A ~1ttle surprised, but unquestionmgly absence from London society, had fallen figure. During the Crimean war the Rus- interior to the Island of Mauritius if the the surprise which the eager minis· ed them in a. sort of trance. Lon<> after obedient;, Nora ros~ at once .and moved a littl~ behind the go·sip of the times, sian Government ran short of powder croco~iles don't eat them up in fording t?r. had sprung u~on the people, and the my maid had left me for the night I sat towar?s ·the doo~; .it opened lil hitr· face, had hastened at sight Qf her t o renew an and the explosive was required to con: the nvers before they reach the coast. ridiculous appropriateness of the declamaby the open window, thinking. thinking and disclosed Cnstme Smgleton I intimacy that had hithe.rto been of the tinue the defence of Sebastopol. A cargo They raise coffee and rice. Ebony is found tory ~olo which followed it. On general in a. maze of misery, till I fell into a dull her step-sister at once; slightest character. A bow and a few was purchased from the Duponts in this ~nd gum copal. Some trade is carried on prmc1~les, we have no objection to the h eavy sleep-a sleep that left me no con- but Cristme, yr~ose .veil of spotted net civily.-spoken words were as much as he co_untry, .and w:as placed in a ~teamship m In_dia-rubber, and a few years since an col~ectt.on of money to discharge religious sciousness of mv present sm:roundings- confuse~ her v1s1on, and whose eyes were expected the proud lady to accord h~m ; lymg off Baltunore. The British had English company tried raising cotton but obhgat10n, even in divine service· but it only an abiding sense of pain and fear. not tramed to the dusk, naturally con: to his amazement, he received the frigates posted in waiting outside the I cannot say how successful they ' does seem a pity that a humorous ~pisode And, while I slept, Arthur, I dreamed a eluded that tl~~ slender form was that of welcome of an old and mudh-prized Chesapeake. Aftersevenfeints the watch- The great trouble with the country is should be the chief reminiscence of such a. ers were eluded' and a chase began across that it is so extremely unhealthy for solemn occasion." dream- such a strangely vivid, dreadful Mrs. Vance ~mgleton. friend. dream that I woke from 1t tremblina from "My dear sister," she cried, with outLady Olivia seemed as though she could the Atlantic, through Gibraltar, and up Europeans. It would take years to clean - -- - - - - - -- - head to foot, and with great dl'Ops ~f per- str~tch,~d hand, and h?r m<;>st fascinatin,g not bear to part with hi ; and, when at the Mediterranean sea. ·with remarka- out the underbrush and drain the A. Good Scotch Pnn. ispir~tion on my forehead. 1 thou"ht tliat smile, . ! have come, m spi~e of Vance s last he tore himself away from the flatter- bly good fortune the vessel passed through marshes. . The missionaries claim to have Two gentlemen had been fishing for while Lord de Gretton sat writi;g in th~ prohib;tio~, to make aoquamtance with i~g eagerness of her questions as to his the Bosphorus and into the Black Sea un- made great h eadwav here both salmon with a leister in one of the salmon room below, with his heart full of bitter- Vance s wife. I know we shall love each life abroad and the · probability of his checked ; but when nearing the place of Roman Catholic and Protestant, but a rivers in the South of Scotland when one contention the English war ships hailed ness and anger, a shadow came n!)arer and other. dearl,y ." . . again leaving England for so long a. new king or queen ascends the throne of them having speared a fish ckew it from nearer ; and I knew that it came to do him She bent h er fair head wrth- th~ words, period, he found himself pledged to visit the stranger. Young Dupont was at the every now and then, who don't take much the water, and holding it on high apos· harm. I saw its outline clearly in the prepared to imprint the kiss tha,t is tt1i; her n ext day. He was too shrewd a man helm himself, and insisted that tho vessel stock in them, and they are stoned to trophised it thus: "And noo, Mr. Salmon, moonlight, tall, black, and slender, a. abs~l~tely n ecessary se~l o~ frien~ships not to surmise some r eason for this sud- proceed, not heeding the signals from the death by the doeen, faed alive, tied up what think ye o' yersel ?" The -0the:t The face was femmme. Nor~ drew a~1de rnstmct1v.ely ; den and startling change o~ manner- too war ships. Two broadsides were fired to stakes, and i11 other cruel ways gentleman, an inveterate punsller re· graceful woman's shape. hidden ; but I caught the glitter of fierce the one clea:r line of hgM fell stn11ght much a man not to be subtilely flattered into the vessel, but she was able to steam murdered." marked: "I suppose he will say, ',I'm ahead and steer through the rocks, and eyes, and in the small white h and another across the fa~ir prou? fac e, defining it with by it, s1ts picious though it was. nane the bett er for your spearin'." was beached inside the Russian lines. This glitter that made my heart stand still. l startling effect aga:nst the blackness of "Can she want to borrow money?" he The W1·ong Word da~mg adventi.;re saved the cargo, for tried to scream, to warn the man, who tµe s_ur~oundmg shadows. . .. speculated. a!11usedly, as he sauntered R eligion is not a thing of noise and A ploughman frae the hills of Fife called never raised his head of the dreadful' Cri~trne ~rew ab~olutely hv1d ; a cry back no Cristme ; l:!ut he soon dismissed which the Russian Government paid the but of silent self sacrifice and sum of $3,000,000. Sandy, whos~ education had been finished spasm, thing that drew neare; every moment . rose to !1~r hps, ~ut it found no utt.eran~e. that idea as improbable. . quiet growth. Throughout the civil war the family before the days of the compulsory clause but horror had paralyzed my ever fa.cul~ R ecogmtwn was ms~ntane?us, and as m He knew. all about Lady Olivia Blake, Employes of t he Montour Iron and ty: I could not stir or cry. I h eard a stantaneous ~vas ~he paralysmgterror that ~s .ha knew all about most people. Her rendered distinguished services to the had a habit of using the wrong word'. sharp cry of pain, a clear and cruel laugh, .se~!11ed. t~;mng her t o stone. . JO_mt.ure, wl!'s small, but she lived well Government, and at the very beginning When. the Highland and Agricultural Steel Oompany, while digging sand near tl1e ·sound.Of taunting voices, aud a h eavy b :om,. sh"',~ried at last, ma .~oarse w1thrn ~ier mcome, and wo.u ld be the l~st of the r ebellion Mr. Lammot Dupont Society's Sll:ow was ~t Sti.rling Sandy th e State Insane Hospital, Danville, Pa. fall. Then the spell that held me seemed rShen voice- Nora-:-or- or-person m the world to sacrifice h er pride was placedina position by which, throu<>h went to see it. Meetmg lus master in have unearthed two large Indian skelehis energy and genius, th e country w~s the showyard, h e was asked by that oen- tons, also eleven small bells one Indian suddenly t o snap, and in an a"on ofter· e paused, tren;blmg from head to for pecuniary help. ror I - awoke! " Y . foot, oppressed with ~he horror of a "Well, she is a mystery ; but what wo- supplied with the means of defence for tleman if h e had seen the n ew sheaf-bind buckle with pin attached, a~d one clay . supernatural presenctJ ; · then, as Nora man is not ?" he added dismissing the the ensuing con:ll.ict.-Pldlatlelphia Rec- tJr. Sandy replied that he had not and pipe over two inches in diameter, with ', . So i_t been but a dr_eam after all ! neither moved nor spoke, she fell sudden- subj ect with a ·well-plea~ed shrug of his ord. his mas ter volunteered t o show it to 'him. stem three inches long. The teeth of the The machine was in motion, and as the skeletons are perfectly formed and white. I ~~s still we velve~ ~hair by t~e open ly upon her knees, upraising both hands, expansive shoulders. "She has fallen cff Gold powder for bro.nzing is made by sheaf was bound and tossed aside, Sandy Tradition affirms that the delta on which w1.11 ow. ti ness per e.ct and mtonse with an exceeding bitter cryawfully in her looks Never saw a woreigned around. Far up m the blue "Forgive me, Nora, cruel as I was!" man .s.o ohan"'ed in . all m life ! The grinding gold-leaf with hon ey, and wash- was asked what h e thought of it. "Guid Danville stands \\as formerly occupied by of. the h~ayens ~he moon shone with full "Hush !" Nora said, with a grave Spanish blood tells when yo~ et into t he ing the mixture to obtain t11e gold by de- keep me, sir !"he replied, "the dimen- a warlike tribe, t he Mah onings, and the brightness, makt~g .each noo_k, and corner sweetness that seemed half angelic to the thirties, I suppose ; and of gcourse she position, the honey-water being dscanted. sions o' man are something awfu'." exhumed r~mains are supposed to belong to that tribe. Crowds of relic hunter& ~f the garden d1stmct Y VlSl.ble ; from ~onscience.stricken woman and the listen· felt De Gretton"s death. Still, in every- German gold ia yellow alloy leaf similarly errace to terrace the lovely light passed 111g man, "It ia for me to fear you now, thing but beauty, she iagreatly improved. treated. 1locked to the place. U&e th'e temporal; desire the eternal. OOPJ)JTJ AND CJ.RIME. mr .oo' -~~._. .................... ~~- S ______........................___