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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1884, p. 5

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~ONEY".· ... l~~~.f!~g--~e~t. ~rice in Cash ~~! . EG~S at QUICK &_!~~T'~, S1:~~~8.~?r.~ McC~~.ng ~r~s} ~ONEY. - I l TH :f S k C 0 L ·U 'M N mau :Medicines adv.m·tised are form ~ Belonas to STOTT & JURY s:.i.le by them. ~nd ~ Bow.MANVTT.T,E, FRIDAY, APRIL 25. (WALL l PAPER.) I have now ready a very large stock of Paper Hangings of foreign _ and home manufacture, and those in want will do well to examine my p~tterns and prices. I import my paper direct from manufacturers and give my customers the benefit. No trouble to show goods. Are you Sick ? 'l'he1·e is no medicine in t_he world that is better for yo" at this season of the · ye11l.' the.rt Local and Otherwise. FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH. PRICE $1.00 Fot" a Large Bottle . and a Box of their Celebrated Pilla. Call at P. TREBILCOCK. 12. Town Hall Buildings, Bowmanville. MEDICAL HALL. AND ENQtlll'll.RE A:SOUT IT. -· Q..A..LL ..A..T ·· FARMERS, if you want Good, Reliable Seeds,. (IMURDDCHI IBROS.D ·rHE RmLIABLE DRUGGISTS, TOWN HALL BLOC~. Where yon will find a Full Assortment , comprising Red Clover, Alsyke Qlover, White Dutch Clover, Timothy See11, Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Home Grown Carrot and Mangold Seed, very choice, Garden Seeds 'of evety variety and kind. We are just opening a la1·ge stock of TURNIP SE ED of all kinds, from the best English growers. -OUR STOCK OF- GROC·ERIES, Crockery and Glassware is Complete. Having had thirty years experience in this line, we have some idea of what the public require. MURDOCH BROS. ACKNOWLEDGED FACTS. EVERY PERSON Should try LYMAN'S COFF.EE. lst.-&couse it needs nb b@ili1)g and - ean be prepared in one mint~te. 2nd .- Because there is no wasto aad y-0u can make any quantity fo000 I half a c11pful II": J · HELL YAR'S _ gives as good value in BOOTS and SHOES for Uash as can be obtained at any other store in town. fi.rs;t year's busin~ss l1as been a pronounced success. 3rd::' ~cause it is cnenper, bt.lt° U0r and · · uperior iii eyery respect to a ootJ:\er kina of ~:ie in the tnarket. sales so far thi.s year are away ahead ol those_ of corresponding months of last year. has Spring Goods on hand in great variety. The ·;·R eliable Druggists, BIRTHS. HocIWrn- ln Orono, on the 12tb lnst3nt, the wife or Mr. Rich. Hockin,of a son. PIPER- In Brooklin, April 2nd, the wi1 fe of Mr. W. H. Piper, agent. of a daughtel'. J. HELLYAR J. :gELLYAR KfNG STREET, . will continue to sell at very low prices for Cash. promptly attends to all custom work and sees that it is properly executed. has continually a varied assortment of Trunks, Valise~ and Travelling Bags. says l lil'Oa'l'ltBOP & LYMAN'S COME AND SEE. BOW MANVILLE. VEGElfABLE DISCOVERY Twd llottilt'l'>,cm·o P hhples on the ll'aee. One Bottle .will cure Sick Headache. · One Bott:l.e \l,riill cure Biliousness. Four Bot.tloo. :\vill cure Dyspepsia. Six to Ri~Jt~ottles will cure Scrof~tla. Two Bottl<tls·euce Humors of the Ey.es. Two Bottle~ will mire Costiveness. Six &ttle;i,wiU cure R11em1mtism. '1'hree ]1ot.tll10·will cur.<; 1Gdn11y Diseases. Si:c to 1£ight·Bottles w11'l cu,re Ulce1·A. . ]!'or all }'cmale. Complaints it has no .equ11.l. NORTIIR.O.P . & LYMAN, Toro~o.. · --- ~··-· · MARRIED. --- Osnomrn- MORRIS-In BowmanviUe, en the lOtl1 rnst.. bl Rev. J. Harris, at the residence of the brides rather. Mr. Rober~ Os'bmme anc1 ORSE FOR SALE. - A Good horse Miss Roea Morris. ·eldest d~ughter ef· :Levi for team .o r farm. weight HOO lbs, Sound, Morris, Esq., furniture dealer. ·wmTE- GRJFFJN-On the· 16th inst~ by the Apply to M. S. BOWMAN, Taunto~5-~\~~·e. Rev. (T, R Wass. M.A .. at the residenoee ·of Mr. UTHBERT RAS p BER RY l::lLIPS Wm. McMullen, st.ep-!ather ut the bride. Mr. Ephrann White, of Cavan, to Miss Sarah .Jane for sale at 25c. -a doz '!'his iA t.he heMt Grlftln, of Manvers. variety of Red Raspberry.· W.l\I. WORr>EN, Jf.Alll'lll<JND- FALJ.IS- On the 19th ult., !by the Bowmanville. 16·iw. Rev. [ . B. Wass. M.A .. at the residence of t11e bride's father, Mr. John Hammond to Miss ARM FOR SALE. -100 acres, being Sarah Ann Fallis, all of Manvers. J..ot 3, Con. G, Darllngton, having thereon good buildings ; well fenced ; ·well watered ; good orchard. l<'or . particuhm1 apply on the DIED. · premises to GEO. LANE, Tyrone P.O. 16-Jw. 'VITlllERIDGll-In Darlington, on the 18th i - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- -!net., Cleotge Wltheridge, sen .· aged 71 r~ars, ' MANITOBA BARLEY FOR SEED. The Little Brantforll Binder is the .b est EJ.FORD-In Hampton, on the 21st lnst1mt, -.A car·loa<l jnst to hand direct from bailaneoo machine in t h.e M arket. , Eliz11.beth Elford, relict of tho late Andrew Manitoba at LOCKl:tART'S Storehouse New· castle. GEO. W .ADDELL. 15-3w~ In <1883 there we110 900 Bm:ntiford Elford, aged 88! years. CoBn- .In Bowmanlille, on Tuesday, the 22nd Bindo:oo sold n;1d not mae failed to w!>rk. i netant, William Dempster, eldest son ot Wm. UR LOS'f.-A Ladies Fur Boa, Mink, a n<t Ann Cobb, aged 20 years and 1 moatbe. one day last week, on ·tho road east or S1'.ALrunn-In Clarke, on Tuesday,.April 22nd, Bowmanville. Finder will leave' it at BORJohn Stalker, aJ?ed 82 years. LANDS shoe store and get reward, 15-w. l\hTCHJM.J.-At Osaca,on Saturday.April l!lth, Colin Mitchell, aged 57 y.ears. ARM Fo1t SA.LE.- 50 acres, part of lot HooE'l/......[n Darlington. on the 20th Instant, U con, 6, Darlini;tton, good clay loam, well Matilda Hooey. daughter of David and 8arah fenced and watered. 8 or 10 acres woods, '.Cerma Hooey, aged 21 yell.rs and 6 months, reasonable Apply to \\-"m. Brown, Enniskillen. 15·tf. H Cheap Life Insurance. Insure in the Confederation Life Asso·· ciat10n. is cheaper than th~ Canadian: Mutual Aid, A ·. ~· or any pa~s B· -round y our hat mst1tut1on 1 as the follow-· ing examples will prove: Thoe. McClnog has been insured Rmce 1872 for$2,000and ~he last five years it only cost him $2.55 per annum on e1;1-ch $1,000 to insure. John McCh.ing insured at the same time for the same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he being a little younger. We certify the above to be correct. Thoe. McClung, John McChmg. THOS. BINGHAM, Age11t. C F !t o. Y· F Machine Foundry, AGRIOULTULAL AND F CARRIAGE WORKS NEW IRON MOWER BOWMANVILLE MARK:E·rs. I CorrQctecl -up .to 1 o'clock p.m. ever11 Thursday 1 BY .JOHN MoMU_ij,TRY. ' Eggs for Ha.tching from first class We are now doing every clas9 of ENGINE, Brown and White Leghorns. MILL, MACHINE,FOUNDRY ,AORICULTURAL, Tl1e p;reat r esults 1nihiah have attended 11lbe recrular use of Qti~mno Wine, by peot.U del~ate constituti.o!il :and those affected .....Uth a genera} prostmf.ii<.m of the system, SJ_ieak m?re. than a].~ tke. ,wor~s ~hat we ea11 say m its behn.lf. TIIJ.£ ,article 1s a true me,tlicine and alife g ivi.n g tprincipal a perieab renovator of the w!wi.le system- invigoirl!ltincr at the same tiine ib0th body and 0 milil'lil.. lts medical properl.i.es are a febrifug 00.nic and iintiperiodie. :Small dosesfrequ.ently repeated, streng:l'h.en the p ulse, create :an appetite, enable y.c,iu to obtain refresl~g sleep, and to fee[ :and know that e'i'O'l.W fiber and tissue of _y©ur system ..is being ilraced and renovatedi. In the £ne Quinll\1e Wine, prepared by!Northrop & Lyman. Toronto, we have t&.e exQ.ct t nic r equi"8d ; and to pe1;sons ,rd weak :.lid nervo~m .constitutions we wo:ttld say, Never be \Vo,IP.hout a bottle in the house . It is sold by ;-dl .druggist. Mr. Hem'Y !11arsl1all, Reeve of D1tmn. writes : "Some u me ago I got ,a bottle of Nortl1rop & L y;u-.((.1.n'a Vegetable Discovel'y from Mr. Harris~, and J consider it t,he very b est medicine .extant for Dyspepsia.' T11is medicine is ,nmdng marvellous cure111 in Liver Complai.1;1,t., Dyspepsia, .etc., in purifying the blooQ ..aud restoring ~nan bo.o d to full Yigo;r, Flour,perlt@Olb .... ~.$275;.to ·· $300 F a 11 Wheat 'per b us h · · .. 0 95 · · t 0 · · 1 00 SpringWheat, per bush. 100 .. to ·· 107 Rye, per busheL ·· , ····· O 58 ·· to ·. 0 60 l · · · · · · · · 0 33 · .to·· 0 35 Oats,per bush e· Peas, Blue.· , · ····. ···· 0 70 .. to ·· 0 75 " Bl k O 92 t O 95 9.C eyes. · · ···· · · · · o. · " Small.·. · ·... · ·· 0 70... to ... 0 .7 2 Barley, No. 1. . .. ....·. OGO . . to .· C65 ,, No. 2. · · · · · · · · 0 55 ... to ... 0 60 ,, No. 3 . . ..·..·· 0 50... to .. . 0 55 'Butter,per lb. best table.. O 18 ·· @ ·· 0 Lard,~ 1t ............... 013 .. @ .. 0 Eggs,f'Joz .............. 0 12 .. ~ .. 0 Potatoes, per bushel. ...... 0 50 ·· ~ .. 0 20 14 13 56 ' CARRIAGE and \VA.GON WoRK. THESE FOWLS HAVE TAKEN - Call and see ourthe 'highest prizes wherever shown. A pair of chicks, 3 months old, took 2nd prize at Torontolndustria1Exhibitioninl883;1st and 2nd prizes on Whites at West Durham Fttir, ' 1883, also 1st on Brown Leghorns. 1st and 2nd . on Browns, 8peme.I for beat Browns o.n Ex:_hi- !It is the machine every farmer wants- Light, bltion, two lat prizes ·on Whites. spco1al prize \ Simple. Durable and Good- none better made. for best Whites on exhibition, and special for , best breeding pen on exhibition, at the late -o URBowmailvil!e Poultry Exhibition. Price re- l ducedto$l.00perl3;~~1.~~~tf.~~ranteed. L_ i berty S~re-:t or at Organ Factory. Bowmanv1lle. Aprll 25.188!. 17-tf. CHAMPION PLOW, A large stock, Their merits recommend - them. our.- OARD TO THE PUBLIO. CARRIAGES, H.AMEULT. .................................................................................. liberal support they have given me We are prepared to supply tlle Farmer OG SE W ANTED- 6 or 7 rooms. for many years past. I trust the with every imvleme1>t lie needs. Buy your Apply at this office. 17-7w. where you can have them same liberal patronage will be ac- machines at homo - repaired.ERVANT GIRL WANTED at once in small family for general housework. corded to my successor, whose Apply t o MRS. H. MINNS, George St., north Dar~h. of Church. 17-tf. spring announcement is made eh~e- Nero 'Jlblltrtisemtnts. I take this opportunity of thank- p L 0 W POINTS ing my numerous friends for the Us1>d we keep on hand, made from ToNs»ALE So !Ong 11nd favorably known need no com. m0nt. Every kind of H S McClung & GGS FOR HATCHING . ..:... White E and Brown Leghorns from birds that took the first prizes at the Poultry Show, in Febru· 13, or~ tor 26. p, o. where. Yours fait hfully, ary ls.et. Fair hatch gu11rantccd. ltgga $2 per W. J. WOLFE, Bowmanville 15·3\V, Hampton, April 25, 1883. T ALL I 0 N FOR SALE.-A young Royal Exchange Stallion, rising 3 years, Black. Dam, a Sir Walter Mare. Apply to JOHN COLE. S JONATHAN STEPHENS, Lot 6. ()on. 4. Darlington, Bowmanvi!le P. 0. H-tf.

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