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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1884, p. 6

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· - '-el'.~~-- ~::--~ '~ ·' . THE OAIAlll 6TATESMAN II! PUBLil!BBD . Rev. Father ·Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rt!Y. AGRICULTURAL. EVERT PRI·A.'f' MORWING, -BT- z. P. WildB, well-known city Mo A.JAMES, A.T THiil OJ'BICll, iomeeBl·ek,a.tac&t,,· 8 ew···rtlle,o, TER~S: ·~ ,ff per aL······rel.ff U'pal4 l· advanee Payment '· strlotlT in ad...ance required fro m subscribers outside of the county. Orders to discontinue the paper mul't be accompanied by the amount due.or the paper will not bestopped. subsoribere are r88poneible until full payment is made, RA.TES eF A.al'EKl'ISIJiGs Whole Column one year ............. $50 00 ~~ ::i m::;;::l · :::; . " " One quarter~ ...·· , ·. 20 00 .,,., Half Column one J'ear ............... SO OQI-" " Halt year...... ·.. ·. · . . 20 00 " " One quarter . ......... 12 50 Quarter Column one yee.r .... , ...... 20 00 " ·· Halt year . . . . . · · .. .. 12 60 One quarter ·.. -.... 8 00 !Jlx lines and under, first in8;0rtion .. $0 50 Bach subsequent Insertion...... 0· !15 _ From six to ten lines, first lnsertior., O 76 Each 1mbsequent insertion...... 0 35 10 :>ver ten lines, first ineertion,per line 0 10 _ Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 .:... The numter of lines to be reckoned by e space occupied,,measured by a .scale ot lid Nonnareil. - 16 ·~ .. Ha.lfyea.r ···.········ 30 :~ z: =- = =-a J.. 1'8TTEB., D.D, RADUA"l'E of Queon's College, Kingston ano Nl'lmber of Col~ci;ce of, Phyeicfaus an Surgeon e , Ontario. W O·llCe and Residenc,e, Enniskillen. 17. . G d mi&elonary ln New York, and brother of the lat.> ellllnent Judge Wilds, of tile MaHndlullQtt· Supreme Court, w:ritee it~ follow·: "78 E. Mth St., New Yo1·k, May 16, 1882. llbssRB. J. C· .AYElt & Co.bGeutlemen : J,ast winter I was trou led with a most uncomfortable itching humor 1tffectlng ' more especially my limbs, which itched so intolerably at !light, and burned so intensely, that I could scarcely bear any clotlliug ov~r them. · I WM also a sufferer from a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough; my appetite was pooi-, and my system a good deal run down. Knowing the value o! .AYER'S SARSAPARU.LA, by observation o! many other case~ nnd from .personal use in former years,. L began taking it for tho above-namc<l disorders. lily appetite im·proved almost from tl1e t\rst dose. After a short time the fever and itching we-re allayed, and all signs of irrit11.tion of the skiu dis&ppeared. My catarrlt aud cough were alw c1ued by tl1 e s11.me .means, n11d my genern.l hea.ltl1 greatly improved, until it is now excellent. I feel a hum\red per cent stronger, and I attribute these results to the use of the SARSAPARILJ,A, which I recommend with all confidence as the ·best blood medicine ever devised. I took it in small doses ..tltree times a day, and used, in all, less than two bottles. I place these facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respeetfully, Z. P. W!LDS." . '.l'he above instance is but Olle of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of AYER'S SA.RSA· PAIULLA to tlte cure of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. · I Dr. A.. BEITH, RADUATE OF THE 'l'ORONTO UNIVER SITY, Physician, Surgeon, &c, Office King Street, MORRlS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. G Ayer'~ Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomacl1 and bowels, and thereby enables the S)'Stem t-0 resist and overcome the attacks of all 8crofu. lous Diseases, Eruptions of the Skin, Rlieu. mati sm, Catarrh, General Debtlit11, and all · L .t. W. MeJ.uuglll.ln, u. n ·· ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE ot Physicians and member of the Royal College of'Sur!{Eloue, li:dlnburgh. Office: MORlUS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowmanville. ' M DB. J. (). HIWllELL, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANs and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. Office and l:tes1dence, Enniskillen. 74. 8, ·UKKE SIMPSON, disorders resulting from poor or. corrupteij blood and a low state of the system, PRRPARED Blt Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottle! for $5. ,I.') BLOCK, up .stairs, King ::itreet, Bo~man I.) ARRISTEB., SOLICITOR, &c:, MORRI s Ile. Solimtor for the Ontario .Bank. . Private Moneys loaned at the lowest rates. - · AYER'S CATHA. R TIC PILLS. - Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, ana cure all Bilious Disorders. Sold everywhere. AlWB<)'B reliable. .Ju!Ua lieuh Galbraith> AR lt I ti TE R, SOLICITOR, ·N OTARY PU BLlC, &o. Office-Reed's Block, ove r T. Battings s'ore, Klng Street, Bowman ville. .Money to lend B Best Purgative Mediqine B R ST, JOHN II. HIJT<JllESON, ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &o NQTARY Pu~LIC. MONEY TO LoAN· 0.B'J'ICE-OVER l:l'l'A'l'ESMAN OFFICE. ROBERT BGU:l'rRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER of Marriage Licensee, Barrister and 6..ttor 'OBY at Law and Solicitor in (,ha.nee·.~. rloney oa.ned on Real Estai;e. OtHce on K~ '"reet :iowmanville. - - -- A.ltHOIJR, a ttention will be Kiven to cutting .and fitting, ::call solicited. 281-tf. O ENFIELD LA.DIES. - M1ss JULIA T o·J,EARY ha.R returned ·from. Toronto, a nd has begun Dressmaking in Enfield. Special .BANK . S'TANDARD OF CANADA. () ' · L Al"ITAL, $1,000,000, BEST, $140,000 ,,._, T. PllILLII-S ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the Count y This Bank ts -;;pared to do Legiti01. Durham, Sales promptly attended. mate Banking in aU its branches· .Address- Hampton P.O. 1 69- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - Farmers notes discounted ; Depoeit11 Jl. BUTCUISU.N. r eceived and Interest paid on amounts of ICENSED AUCTIONEER,' CONVEYAN $5 upwards in Sa'<'ings Ba.Dk Department . CER and Commssioner in B_ R. Sales at tended to promply and at reasonable rates. DRAFTS e-Address.--J!;nniski.llen l:'. 0. I saued and Collect1ons made in Europe, ~--------ORN HUGHES.-L1censed..Auction. - United Stat.es and Canada. eer, Valuator and .Arbitrator, Fire and Life Ol'FIC&-M11r1Iocll Bros. Block, late Bank· Insurance, Notes and Accounts Collected t ng office of Jones d; Dobble. Money to Lend on reasonable terms. A.ddres Cartwright, Ont. 4.72 W. J. JONES, L ~ S.9H Kakhlg in England. The London Timu notes the r eoom· mencement of beet sugar making in Engand. The works at Lavenham, in Suffolk;,. where beet sugar was manufactured fr~llJ 186~ ~ 187iJ1 hi\ve been 11.cquired'.by a. private company, for the purpose of recommending the industry, with the advantage of recent and more economical processes. The company has an authorized capita.I of $1,000,000 and includes many gentlemen of high standing. The purpose of the company, as explained at a 1nrge gathering of agriculturists, is to start the new industry so th~t sugar factories may soon be dotted about many parts of the kingdom. . Lavenham is chosen for the beginning, because the best crop is not new t~ fa.rmel's in that neighborhood. The projectors of the company, after four years of study and experiment, have reached the conclusion that recently invented methods of extracting sugar from the beat are simpler and less expensive than those formerly employed, and they are confident that the industry will .b e remunerative if only a sufficient supply of beet is forthcoming. Not only has there been improvement in processes, but in the .qualities of the beets themselves, the experiments Of the Sugar The European cattle diseases, acc~·rding Association of the Zollverein having reto Consul Tanner of Liege Verviers, a.re sulted in the devclopµient of roots richest trl\ceable to the manures that ha.ve been in sugai-. The plant has been so improvused on an impoverished soil. ed as to grow the heaviest weight per Dea. Mayberry of Windham, Me., reacre compatible with the most syrupy cently sold a quantity of hay that had been quality of juice. · . The present agricultural depression in cut twenty-two years. He has been hold· England specially invites to any experi- ing it all that time for $22 a ton, and ment which offers a reasonable· chance of finally got his price. profit. About one"half the 1,000,000 tons . Sashes covered with unbleached cot ton of sugar consumed in the United Kingdom which has been treated with oil are relast year, was made from beet in counties commended as being better than ashes of Europe no more favorably siturated tilled with glass for the covering of hot than England. There are t hought to be beds. They keep out the frost, admit suitable tracts of land.in England on which sufficient light and heat, and the plants t he beet sugar industry may bring a wealth grown under them are not only "stockof production similar to that seen in ·er," but bear transplanting better than France and part of B elgium, of North those raised under glass. Germany and of Prussia. Germany has increased its beet crop in ten years from The Dom.inion Cattle Company, which 3,000,000 to 8,500,000 tons. The com- has now nearly 67,000 ca.ttle on the 284,panyoff.;rs 20 shillings p er ton, delivered, 000 acreil of the Cherokee reservation, as their price for the roots. The yield which i t leased for t wo cents an acr1i from per acre may be safely estimated at from the United States Government, has thus 15 20 tons, and the total cost of culti- far proved a decided success. Last year vation per acre is estimated at $55. A its capital stock, amounting to almost yield of 15 tons would make the market $650,00@, brought a net profit of $250,value of the crop about $75, or a field of 000 Ollt of which a dividend of 20 per cent. 20 tons about $100. 'fhe ~L'imes sug- has been declared. gests that t he company might probably go Chickens when first hatched should n ot shares with the farmers in growing t he b e hurried out of th,s setting n es t. For beet, the occupier finding Lmd and horses twenty-four hours at, least , from the time and t he company finding manures and the earliest commence to show themseL;ves, manual labor. American farmers will i t is better to leave them under or with wa.tch with interest the result of the Eng- tl1e hen mother. T h ey need no food for li~h experiment. from a day t o a day and a half us4ally. When they get strong enough to venture from beneath their mother's wings it is Experiments with_Onions. The onion tri.als of the last season at time to move the brood. ing. Neither 11hould it require a halfhour'1 journey under a blazing 1un to rea.ch the water for drinking. If the pasture i1 far from the yard, and the cattle are driven from it, the driver should understand that the cows muat not be hurried, e1peciall7 on their homeward trip. Tha excitement and chase of a single cow will . induce ·a secretion in the udder, which will taint the whole milking and the consequent butter. Exercise is beneficial .a.nd necessary to heaJ.th. Provide for it in Winter as well as in Summer ; but, under a.11 circumstances, avoid exposure t o any extreme of temperature or weath\;lr. Exposure is a direct and ofLen serious drain upon t he syst em, ax: d increases the amount of food necessary about one-third in extreme eases. For ·Winter exercise, except on the pleo.~ant days, '!- cover~d yard is the best arrangement, a.nd the time allowed should be regulat':d accord~ng to tha weatherfrom 20 mm.utes twice a day, upward. FEEDING. . . The secret of suc.cessful feed mg 1s g~od ~ood. and plenty of i_ t . Th~ ?nl:y: q~est10n is as. to .the meanB of prov1dmg.1t m each spec11.1l 111s~ance. \Yhere land ~ plenty. pasturage 1s an efficient system, If care bt ta.ken to ha.ve good grass . CATARRH. CA.TA.RRH,-A new Trea.tment whorebv a pormanen\ ouzo Is etrected in from one to thre· treatmenu. Particulare and 'l'reatise free on receipt, or eta.mp. A. H. DIXON & SON,'iu1 KiDll' 8$reet, West, Toronto. WH.A.T THll R:icv. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A.. .A. CLBRGYK.6.N OF THE LON.DON CONFERENCE OJ' ·THll MKTHODIWr CHURCH OF CANADA H.6.8 TO SAY IN REG.ARD TO A. H. DIXON /k SON'S NEW TR.EATM.1.:liT FOR CJ.T.6.Rfill. OAKLAND, 0!>'T.ARIO, CAN., March 17, 1883. Messrs. A.H. Dixon, & So'11. DE A.R Srns-Yours of the 13th inst ant to b11.nd. It seems almost too good to be true that I am cured of Catarrh, but I k.nGw that! am. I have had no return ol tlte disease and never felt better In my life_ I have tried so many things for catarrh, sutrered so much and for so many years. that It Is hard tor me to realize that I am really better. I consider that min" was a very bad case; it .va11 aggravated and chronic. involving the throat as well as the nasal passages, and I thought I would require the three treatments hut reel fuJJl cured by the two sent me, and I e.m thankfu that I was ever induced to send to_rou. You are at liberty to use this letter stating that I have been cured at two treatments, and I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some o! my friends who are sufferers. Yours with many thanks, REV. E. B. STEVENSON. W. BELL'S PRIZE MEDAL GRCANS I GUELPH Are second *o none in tlie world. 20,000 instrumen~ now In u~e. JJemand so great thas tt:requ1r"· 1·wo ot \he IAl'gest Factories In the Dominlo.u, with cavacitr tor turning out TWJllN· 1·y pe1· d1q, For PW:ltY and sweel.ness of tone, elastic and l~ht touch, beautitul and perte°* fu.\lih lhey ura unrivalled. 'fhe moat slulled Lu.bo1',the 7ery best mn.terialB tb1~t money ca11 procure tHe a guRJ·antee to pur· cha~01·11 Uia.t they are buy in!! no shoddy. but a fir.e t cl&H 11.rticlu, ilold wholesale and retail by J . P. RICE, Bowmanvllle, Wl. J. s_ DONEY. Tyrone. NOTICE to__ LADIES. -. _...,,., _ I haTe now opened the Best and Largest Stock of ·WINTER MILLINERY Ever shown In Bowma.nvilla, $1,000worth ot Ol:3TRICH FEATHERS just opened A lstrge 11tock of/ TRIMMED HA'fS and BONNETS alw11.ys yn hand. We have also a large stock or VELVJ:TB, PLUSHER, Sn.KS, SA'J.'INS. ot all Sha.des ; a Ja.rge stock of RIBBONS, FLOW.EB&. LACES a.Qd TRIMMINGS of all kinds. Please call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. You wlll flud our goods the cheapest and best in town. ·Beaver and Felt Ha.ts R e·shaped in a.llthe latest styled. REMEJllERR THE 8TAND :-4 doors west ~t Martyn's Grocery Store, TORONTO. April 2t, 1882, A . H. Di:i:on, E ,qq,, 305 K ing St., West. · DEAR Sm,-We take pleasure in stating th at our junior nartner, who had for years been troubled with Catarrh. was succeBBfully cured by three treatments ot your remedy. Tha Cattarrh was much aggravated, with coot ln11al dropping into the throat, accompanied by loss or voice, hawki.ng and spitting and blocking up ot the nostrils, all of which we aro pleased to say dis!J.ppeared almost lmmedia.tely after the remedy was applied, Your remedy is certainly an invaluable on'e and we hope &ll who m~y be eufferln\r fromthis diRRR'reea.ble disease will ~Ive it a trin.l, as we are satisfied they will find it a complete success. Yours very truly, WM. NORRIS & SON, Wholesale Pianos and Organs. No. 8 .Adelaide St. East. Bucklen's A.rllica 8nlve.-'l'he best Salve In the world for Cuts, Brmees, Sores, Ulcers, Sa.It Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns. and a.ll Skin Eruptions, and PositivPily cures PileH: It is guran· teed gh·e perfect satisfactiop, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J, Higginbotham & Son. 1 REST A.NU COlllFURT TO THE SITFFElllNG " Brown's Uousellold Panacea" has no equal for relieving pain, both foternal and external. 1t cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal a s its actillg_ power is wonderful." "Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged GS the greot Pain Rellever, and of double the strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the world should be In every family handy for use when wanted, "as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and pains a.nd aches of all kinds," and is for saie by all Druggists at 25 cents a. bott.le. 18-!-ly. Mrs. DONNELLY. FRESH _ M_ EAT. ___ __ ...,.., Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash VERSUS Peddling and Cre::jt. _ . to We having been solicited by a. number of our citizens t o commence on the above sy stem, we have now de.cided to fall in with their request. This plan will enable us to sell TWO cents per pound cheaper. As you will see by the new system we shall not require half a dozen horses and rigs and men to run them, for which the public have previously paid. We being the first to introduce this great saving ask · your liberal support. Yours truly, - J s GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO A every man wbo buys hie from lll<:NR Y SYLVESTER, Enniskillen: 198tr. Licen~e MR, \V. WILLSON, EACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE ORGAN and SINGING. TERMS :-$6 and SlO per Twelve L essons of ONE hour each Over Higgmbotham's Drug l:3tore, King Street Bowmanville. 2. T Pianos'J.'uned & Repair4!d P A RTIES: WISHIN.G THEIR PIANOS Tuned:or repaired can have them attended to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN Co's OF"'ICE, l3owwanville. A .fu·st-clas man 'low oeing in their mploy. · P ROF. T . L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organist and teacher ot Vocal Music ls prepared to take a few more pupils.. The best of refer ence can be furnished Grea.t care exercised with beginners, and special attention given to advanced pupils. Those desirous of taking Instructions should apply at Mr. Doyle's resl~ence, or make it k.nown by _ directing a few ·.mes to P . o, Box ;l9. Terms $7.50 for twelve eseona. 239-tf So Do! Gentlemen oCFash ion, not so :tast. I have w~itten these few lines And a.11 I have to sayThat you can find me still at home, lam not gone a.way. So all my kind old c riends may come, And a.11 they oung ones, too, And get their garments nicely ma.de In fashions that are new: Where old and young, d(lar trlends.1. may meet A welcome ,,.,.'letinsr. bv R. PE.-6,:.i'E DENTISTRY! the N ew York Experiment Station were wi th thirty-four named varieties, which were planted in rows ten f eet long and eleven and one-half inches apart, the seeds being covered one-half inch deep. Three rows of each variety were planted; in order to note the difference in effoct upon yield of closeness in- pla11ting. In the first row the plants were thinned to three inches apart ; in the second to two inches, and in the third to one inch apart. 27 A~ent. The earliest variety to mature its bulb was t he Extra E arly Red, in 116 days . from planting ; the latest, ten varieties, in 168 days. In tiearly every case the yield was the smallest in the first row, where the spaces were three inche·s , and the largest in the third row, w h er e t h e - IIAS RECEIVEDspaci;is w er e one inch, but in no case was the increased yield of the second and .NC W Mnslin~, New Em1·rololerlc:s, .New Laces, New 'l'rlmmlng~. third rows in proportion to the increased New Braids, Ncwllrahls,·wools. number of plants. As a rule, th~ largest LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S bulbs were in the first r ow. There seems to b e some foundation for the opinion held by some onion grow ers, that the bulbs d evelop better, offering HANDSOME PATTERNS. 0 rnaments for Wedding Presents fewer scullions, where t h ey are so close in Fancy Articles, &c. ' the row as to crowd each other. The following ex periment with onions is quite suggestive : The soil was thoroughly pul· verized over a small plat of ground, and on an adjoining plat of equal size t h e .12i7"Cbolce lot of ()onfeetionary always on ground was packed as hard as possible by b1tncl at !URS. UEYS Jtes tau1·ant. 6tf. repeatedly p ounding with a h eavy maul. The su rface of both plats was t h en covered with finely pulverized soil to t h e d epth of half an inch, and on June 3 t hree rows on each plat w ere plant ed wit,h seed of the large red W eath ersfield onion. Late plantmg was disadvantageou s to the yield, but the three rows on the compact /, soil yielded nine pounds seven ounces of m e rchantable bulb s, while t h e three rows on the pulverized soil y ielded but three pounds t h ree ounces. The percentage of vegetation in t he two p lats was not noticeably different, although t h e vegeta-:13-Ytion was prompter on tlle compact soil.- N ew, . L, ·e s ·· ad 1 MRS. KEYS Jlother11l ltlothers l 1 Mothers I I I Are you disturbed at night and broken otfyour Market Square. r est by a sick child suffering and crying with N. B.-All orders promptly atthe excruiating pain of cutting teeth j If so · go .at once and a:et a. bottle of MRS. WINS· tended to and Meat delivered to all J,OW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will r elieve the poor little suffer immediately-depend upon parts of the town. i t; there is no mistake a.bout it. 'l'here is not B mother' on earth who has ever used it, who will We also pay Cash for Farm and not tell you at once th at it will rcgu!a · .ne bowels, and give r est to the mother, ar <' rsliet Dairy Produce. and health to the child. operating like magic. t Is perfectly safe to use in all oases, and plesa , ant to the taste, and is the prescrimion ot one The Lendon .Agric'lilbural Gazette says of tho oldest and ):>eat female physicia1.s and that Brittany cattle are small, silky-skinn- nurses in the United States. ,Sold everywhere 18!-ly. ed, docile, and gent le animals, giving as at 25 cents a bottle. rich a milk as ono can well desire. Brit"Hu n" COUGH CURE, 25 CENTS. - Prestany butter, d elicate . ana superior, of cription of a Boston Physician, dispensed which thousands of tons are annually im- years by a Boston druggist. ONE DosE ported into England, is produced from the will cure any ordinary co ugh. It acts almilk of these cows. They-are also natu- m.oat-magkally. Ask Stot t & Jury for a ~ ~ ally h ardy, thriving on coarse food, and 25 cent bottle of "Hun" COUGH CURE, :,, .~ - ENGUSH EITR!CT OF , "'~ another important char acteristic is their and d on't be put off wit h any other. . freedom from disease incident to cat tle t"S .. -s W. BRITTAIN&Co,, ::a: :r .:z:, ~uerally. NEW UNDERCLOTHIN(J K nitting&Stampirg ~oneto or~er. A correspondent of the Rura,l New Yorker d escribes the following method by which au extraordinary crop of watermelons was raised : .Holes w ere du 0 ,, ten feet apart each way, eighteen inches square and fifteen mches d eep. These ll t d ' th l101es were tille d WI we -rot e manure, which was thoroughly incorporated with the soil. A low, flat hill was then made and s eed planted. \Vhen the vines were large enough to begin to run, the whole surface was covered t o the depth of a foot or fifteen inches with wheat straw. The straw was placed close u p ar ound thr,i v ines . No c ultivat ion whatever was gi ven afterward ; no weed s or g rass g rew. The vines spread over the straw, and the m elons matured clean and nice. The yield was abundant , and the experiment an e ntire success. ~- -·· -- I 1 ___ ,,,, _ _ The above works are running full blast to keep up with orders. Some very large orders have been receivea la.tel)·, including a ha.ndsome Monumen t for l saac Be8t, Clark!', .A.lex F.Carscadden. Clarke. WE EMPLOY NO AGEN~·s and are selling Tomb Sto.n ea. Monuments, e tc., at lower prices in conseq uence. Our cu:to ruers get the comrois·ion themselveF. It will pay any person who intends erecting a monul friend to me.n t to the memcry of a departec write me or see me personRlly hefore placing their order. I guarantee first class work at lowest possible prices. MARS L E WORKS ! PORT PERRY ~BUGHU:~ ONE OF THE BEST ' ·' ~XI>l.'1"E"Y INVESTIGATORS IN USE. Itis a.specific in the cnreofn.lldisea..ses of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostat!c Portion of the Urinary Organs, Ir ritation of the Meck of the Illad.der, Burning Urine, m eet, Gonorrhea in allitsstages.:J.Iucous Discharges, Congestion of the !Udneys, Bi:ick Dust Deposit, Diabetes Inflammat ion of the Kiclnays and Bladder, Dropsy of Kidneys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urino Pain In tbe Region of the Bladder, PAiN IN THE BACK, Urinary Calculus, Renal CoJculus, Renal Colic, Retontion of Urine, Frequent Urination, Gravel In all its forms, Inability to retain the Water particularly in persons advanced in life. IT IS A KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR that restores the Urine to its natural color, r emoves the acid and burning and the a~~ of the excessive use of intoxicating W. S HAW 251-tf. MARBLE W ORKS, PORT PERRY ,WISS fllcTAVISH Uas received her new stock of ............. If our son asks something of you which you know ought notto be granted do not lrnsi tat e to say "No." It is a wise father, says the proverb, who no's his own son. GOODS., and invites the Ladies of Bowi:n~nville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern :fof.1~;1~~~r~1:~T:r:nd~t! ~lr!6nd us ono Send for Oireular. Sold by all Drugg1"ts. Th?~e Price 81, or Six Bottle& for 111· ., who <'~nnot obtain a bottle ot this AHUH'.L'3VltG, Out. r llE'rltOl'J:', Hlch, Agents tor the U; s. and Cnnn.da. · w. JOHNSTON & CO·. !( ) I THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to do a. General Banking Business st its]lowmanvill<, Branch. BONNETS, HATS, and assortment ot WHO IS U N ACQUA IN TED WITH T HE GEOGRAPHY OF "THIS COUN' fAMAN UNDERTAKING! L EV 1 MORRIS. DEPOSI'l'S Received in Savings Banlc Depa.rt.ment and on call 1tnd inter est a llowed at current rate~. N o --notice of withdrawal necessary. .All deposits STORE :- Second Door lVest or Williams p~yable on demand, nntcher Stan. TRIMMINGS AGENCIES. Elmira Hus.bandman. EXCDA.NGE .J.M. BRIMACOM:BE, the shortest not1~e, at the lowest possible rates_ Ca.skets and Burial Cases ready on abort notice. First-olaes hearse on very moderate terms. Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Funer al cards supplied at once. F urniture Shop&; Show R~oms-Bounsall'sNew Block, AlI fl:)rmture sold by me is made by the U. c FurmturE! Co. of Bowman ville. I do · not buy sloP furmture ane1 represent it to ha.ve been WITH TEll:Til. WITHOUT TEETII . made by the U. C. F. Co, of thi~ town. Also 8:g~"':t forth.e Ll-QUOR TEA for this town a.nd v~c1mty. It is cheap and as good as can be got m the mai:ket. A valuable prize given PRA.<JTl()AJ. :PENTIST, · _ _ _ __ !V~h e~po.u __ n_ d_ . ----OVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, 0 LD AND RELIABLE ltronsOxtdeG1118 A.dmi.uistered t'or Pntnles Operations. OFFl()E MCCl..IJNG'S BLOC::K. 131' I am fully _Prepared to attend Funerals on C&re or the Cattle. !HE VICTORIA. c. HARNDEN, L. D.S., i Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK80N'S STORE. Plate Work executed in t.he la.test and moat improved style of the Dental Art. TEETH E XTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN y the use~o! Nitrous Oxide Gas, without Injury to the patient. . Particular attention paid to the regulation ot CHILDREN'& TEETH. JJifl'"ALL WORK W ARRA.NTED·. _ UOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. Thia Cut represents the popular Victoria. w ave. It is dressed with the ha.ir falling on the forehead, and the ends meet in Montagues. It is exceedingly becoming, and is having a large run. The above style, with a large number of other equally becoming styleij , are made by MRS. A. DAVIS. over M. Mayer s store. fodde r aud w ater into milk, as a mill turns corn into meal. The cow h erself turns into milk, and .the food she eats goes to repair the cow. To speak more plainly, the lining tissu es of the cow's udder are continually throwing off cells of their own substance in t he form of milk, .and the digested food is supplying the material for n ew cells. Consequ ently, the proportion of cream in any cow's milk d epends mainly upon t h e cow, and not upon the food she receives,' although if this goes ,to improve her physical condition, it may thus in a .roundabout way increase the ftow of milk, and thus the amount of cr eam , I t behooves us , then, to bring our cat t le .as quickly as practicable, into the high er physical con dition - which i s m ost easily done in warm· w eath er, w h en feed is pl en ty- and to maintain them at that point wheth er mil king or dry. A sick cow often requires months of care_ For t h e nor mal secretion of milk certain n atural conditions mus~ be complied with. This function r equires a conten ted frame of mhd, w e may say, a freedom from labor a Hd exposure, a nd an enti re absence of sources of ann oyan ce and irritation. The pasture should have abundant sh el ter from excessive heat and s t orm ; if not a natural one, som eth in ci w h iCH will a n swer the p urpose should b e put up. The. h erd ought not to have to travel mile upon mile to pick their living from a scan ty pasture , and so u se u p their food to supply t h e force spent in travel - A covr does not turn Ro11ght und sold and Drarts issued upon Europe United States and Canada, also Gold,Sil ver and We beg tn ann01mcA to t.he public that we United Sta:Os Greenbacks bouaht and sold, a.r e pr epared to do a genera!insura nce business representing as we do a !lumber of first clas~ CO t; ~<:U'l:'IONS Companies we shall be gJq,d to give prompt atntion t;()q.nyt hing in that line. We represent Promptly made at current rates upon all parts tA Also the Ontario r~oau and Savings Co.. or of GrelJ,t Brittain, the United States a,nd Do· Oshawa., and accent deposits on i ts behalf alminion of Canada. lowing 4. & 5 per cent interest from date of receipt. Teleg·1·a1·h T1·ansrer~ Parties requiring loans will find it to their advantage to get our terms. Made for Jar11:e or sma.ll sums on all parts or Canada. This is especially advantageous to persons U1 ·ing in l\1a mtoba or the North-west as it ma kes the tund s ava ilable at once at the W e a.re agents for a number of flrat class lines, among which is the White Star Line the place of ).Jayment. bl'lst fastest and best equipped Steamship on F or further particula rs call at th e Banking the Ocean, and Car tickets to all points at lowHouse. est r a.tes. We also represent W. D .. Mathews GEO. McGILL, T. BRODIE, of Toronto. and a.re prepared to pay highest Mana.gar. prices for B1trley accountant. and all kinds of grain. 2o7·1Y. Pa.riles interested will pleaae note these facts. a, Ocean Steamships. THE BEST HOMES T. YELLOW.LEES. F. ALLEN. TEN JllLLION PEOPJ,E ARE IN 1 m ""W~~~~i~~~~~;:~1~a:g~,i~na, Organs and Sewing MachiNes, FOR 1 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLA-ND & PACIFIC R Y s~~a~?ft~tir:;::~~~:~:i~~ ~h8e t~;~; ;:~ti~! ~=~t by the shol"test route, and car1a}ing passengers. :ai;hCft; ~h~~~~c'i~ ~f~h~;ii'6~~~n'~~~~~~ ~~gb1fs8Q1ii: Minneapolis and St. Pa.111. It counects in Union ~i;1!:sorD!!\~; ~a~:;~;1t~J'~r~~~a,;:r~;1¥'1·~1~! "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." kee. h as recently be en opened b e tween Richmond ·Norfolk. N ew port News, Chattanoog a .Atlan ta Au.! g us~a. N as~villet Louisville, L e:dngtoll, Cincin'nn.ti, Ill;dianapolls ana. Lafa~ette, un d Omahn, M i nneapolis a.nd St. Paul and llltC1-r1nediato points. Al~ Through Passengers '!'ravel on F ast E:cpree;,; Traina. 'rickets for sale at all principal Tick.et Otnces in 40 Through the Great Wheat-Belt or America. Miilion acres of the best agd cultural, mineral, forest and grazing lands In the United States are now open for settlement. 2 0 ltlilllon acres of railroad lands for sale at $2.60 to $4 pr acre, on 5 years time if desired. 20 ltlilhon acres of Governments lands open to settlers FREE. TheN01·thel!nPaeUlcCountrypossesses great and rich natural 1·esources ready to be developed into profitable industries. For maps and pamphlets address and mention this paper. , . '-· PHAS. B. LAM.BORN, . Land Comnussioner N. ~·R. R., .st. Paul, :Mmn. To reach the above named lands or any point on the Northern Pacific R. R. buy_}"our tickets from Chl _gJL_go to St. Paul via the Chicago & North-Western R 'y. It runs into the North. ern Pacific depot at St. Paul a.nd Is the best for you to t ake. Do not buy tickets unless they read over the Chicago and N~rth·WesternR'y. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD I wish to call especial attention that if von want to buy a first-class Org·an made by 01tt of the best Ma.nufacturies in the World, CALL AND SEE JtlY C::BRISTHAS STOCI£· i have just ordered and will have iu a fG·' da, :vs,some fi rst class ~ oyal A Sew·1 ·ng "ach1 ·n, ·. H .., « a Machine that stands A.1 with the very be~ American or Canadian Sew:ing Machinee,·while I have nothing t o say against any ftrstclass ma.ke or Organs or Sewing Machines. I wish the public to please ta.ke notice I do sell only first.class Goods, s uch as I can guarantee to give satisfa.ction. N. B.- 1 still sell the world-renowned W'altham Watch,- and don't forget our General Store where we keep a complete assort ment of Dry Goods and Groceries chea._p for Cash. The Bell Orga.ns a.re sold by J . P. RICE, Bowmanville, and E. JI. DO~EY, Tyrone~ m e nt i s unrivaled and magnfftcent, b eing composed of Mo!Jt Comfortable and B eau tiful Day Coach e s ,. Magnifleent Hor t on Recliuiug Chair Cara. Pullbetwe en Chicago and M issoui·i River rohits. Two T rai ns betwee n Chicago and M i n neapolis a.nd S t. Paul, via the Famous flie:~t1~!~oa~\itd1etR~in~~~~1)Ji16~8e~~~~aft~~t~~~~ .. . A N ew an¢!. Direct Line. via Seneca. and Ka.nka- tb& United States and Canada. ways as low as competi tors that o:fier l ess ad vanta:fiee; era ocir~t_t;iled information. get the Ma~s an d Fold· Baggage checked through and r.at es of fare a l- CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, A.t your near est Ticket 0.ffiae. o r address R, R. CABLE, Vloc·l'res. "Gcn'l M' g' r, E. ST. JOHN, Gcn'I Tkt, & Pass, A.gt. CHICAQO,

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