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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1884, p. 1

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- ---- ·-·~----- ...,---.._ · ' . .. ....""".1;... OUR TOW.N AND COUNTY F IRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. ' ·. \; ' N EW SERIES, NUMBER 3 0 3. NL A. J Al\fES, EDITOR AND VOLUME PROPRl!ll~::a·. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO:, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1884. XXX. NUMBE:lt 2~. SELL/NB OFF FAST! ·~ , ' ·: . STIL -- ( . ;s.1s,0 · 0 0.a o Vv'Orth o f .M.cCl,u ng Brothers' B ANKRlf PT STOCK L EFT. " ' '·": ·l :f you -w-ant ~' j".\° '" UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS .! J(EN DALL: T he- cl1eese factory commenced work t~idp~~~ :gt~~f .' ~;8'B;~~:Ii~~ no sale. W· on Monday. . F. armers are throug1 1 l seec mg. Farmemt giye->irlite Queen Mower and Rev. Mr. Carson preached on Sunday Mrs .. W. C, T homas of Port Perry, Ontario·Harves·t~r, 'Vhithy, it good recom, ]iig/1t to a·large congregation.. ; formerly a resident of tfos village, has mend. 'llhi-se ma:chines may be seen at W. ' The quarterly business meetin" of the been here visi~ing for a few days . ' Hoskin's,. Darll:iign·<:n, or Wm. Yocman's, . Methodist church was held on ol\>fonday . Messrs. F ., Ruse and P. Alii_n of L ind-. ' on Raynes Fair n;i, nea.11 Bowmanville. W ; afbernoou, and the peoplp ·now h.ope to say spent a clay or tw(' here this week. · H. J:'ipe1nv:1lf~ be :llhJ7©-ugh t he township to have service more i·eguhn·ly. Theue wilil be a public meeting here oil take otders. . ·· 'l'hc Ball J ubiloe Singei:s gave two con- Monday. evening next to discuss .the Scot't' Any pe1:tson ,Wh(')· contemplat es purch.ascerts here last week. They were very Act, Ad dresses will ·he delivered by ing a reayer thii;. ':re.a:son should cxamme well lik ed, and the pr oceeds, $36, wer e Rev. Massrs . .T. Dyke, W. H. Warriner, the Sawyer No. 3i,.!!Ither :·tR. 0 . Short's, considerable, as both nights were rainy. and G. W. SteYenson. near Courtice,; o~R. 'l". Phillips, HampA tailor has opcJwtl a shop OEJ the corSome wery n9 bby 11u{t~ h,~.re ..bee~ t urf! · ton . It is· ;undoubtedly foe best reaper in ncr of Mill and Queen streets eel out Jliiom 'Frank Coles .fash1on\Wle the Domii1i0n,.. ·at1d ll<Dok the 1st pr ize at . . · · . .. . tailnrin~ house lately... His stock M Weston, M:a'!lch~ste'.l',. Uxbridge and Cart. _Miss _l\fagg~e Hodg~, of Napan.ee, IS VlS · Twee'ds and fine suitincrs a re'very attrac- wright agaimi-t rull~e@IDe'l's. F . H. Mason, 1ti vc an d ca:tch the boy;' every t ime. No agent, Hampto11.. itmg friend~ m ~he vilhtg~. . ' " Prof. Snuth mtends g1vmg 111 ccmcert :Bi,ere soon. . Our young ladies excite suspi(lii:m by · g!'}ing too far away to church. F@SSIL. Sawyer's eel~piMted gritin saver .thresher is unsurpassed" for' du.rability, ·:wo~kman ship, perfection 0f parts, light runnihg, ease of maliageme11tl,. simplicity ·o f construction, £.1.st aml clean work, 1 savinit grain, bea11di1,ig,:: l!Jarl:ey, thre~hing wet NEWCASTLE. I grain, thre&hing, peas. The best ste~m ]t is with regret that we learn 0f the QRONO. _. thresher nlf\.de.. Exarn:iue the improvette:,th of the Rev. J.,K Betts, C. M . min~ · " . ments for · 188¥.' W1mugl1t iron bcatc1·, 'Ila. cl·I kncnf'n 'all t ha t I ,khow now, ·." · adjustable, grate,. g1·a.»1 spout in · front of IBter of Richmond Hill, who was ru. former . .Had I S(lW· l),;that which'! sow n ow, '; pastor of the C. M. church here:., . . wheel, sheet iron extension over the shoe, W e-·are sorry to hear tliat we are , likely . Had IniY. be\~e1· sense controlled me, I. adjusLable· con.cave,, etc. Send for 'illusto lose our esteemed friend Mr:. Colin Ha4 I J:.e~.ded what was told me, . · trated cirq'll.llii· to F. H. Mason, agent for w 11 I · ll H . · · I' shouldr have . bought my clothing, a s, tus fa · e has purchase,l'a large shirts, ciol~a~. cuffs, ties, bi:aces, buttons, Darlingt0i1- and Clarke. farm in Michigitn. He has alrea<ily been t?tuds, glo.ves, hdkfs. etc.· , at N. F . IJ.1i.II'11 ©ffered $110 per acre for his farm ]~ere. Great Clo.thing and Gents' Furnishing . Mr. 'Wellington Fostel· has iii '1lli.s poss- Hous.e, Orono. I am going to . be wise ession 11 steer t hat turns t he scales. at 2000 in fu't ure· and patronfae Hall who guaranlbs .. Mr. ]'. intends k.~~p'ipg him for _ tees to gilve satisfaction in price, quality, THE MAXWEL L AGRICULTURAL Christmas beef. '" · " · · · ' style andJ tit every time. · . WOR.KS SOLVE THE BINDFR 'fhe married man fr0m Oroi10 who has BusineS.s is booming at R.'. Ferguson's PROBLEM. been writing annonymous lctterii- to one Pump Factory. He does wisely in ad. of our old and esteemed christian gentle· ·vertising in the STAT};SMAN. It always TW(J) ME.JS. DO Tlill WOltK 01" A TEAM. men, ancl a married woman hene, had bet- pays. need of gG<ing l<mger to the city for stylish suite now. People say his prices are lower t han the same q uality of goods can be got for elsewhere. He invites heads of boy faniilies .to call and gaze upon the goods and learn the prices. ' The following is the sbanding of the NEW p ARK. pupi1111 in Enniskillen public school for the monfiI\ o f Apr11 : : R L l . U · mon ose . oc ge No. 335, I. 0. G. T'., 4tl'l Cla~s-1st, Lulu H utchison, 2nd, are. doing a good work ; new members L izy.ie De>m, 3rd, Willie Atkinson. 3rd Cl!ass, $.r.-lst, Ida Brown, 2nd, nea;rly ever y m eeting ; fo ur n ew: on.es'. last Fr~rlay evening. Success, Umon Rose. Ro~e Brbwn, 3.td, E. Atkinson. Union is_ strength. ·"' · 'J l'.·-~ '· 1f\t , R ·I' C1 . . ·?'3' · rd c mss, 1. l\Ioyse, 2n d , 'l)wo yeung ·men from the Balmoral "~~n1·y Virtue, 3rd, Willie Dean. 'Farm attend c1 1Urclt at the Long Sault :·211.a C1ass,.$f.,,--lst, Willie Potter, 2nd, very regularly. · Ell~ Smfotqn, 3rP., 'Lottie Rogers. .A young m < Lli feJl asleep in McCi:ae's 2'n1ill G"Iass, Jr.::...lst; Ettie Gilbert, 2nd, chu,l'ch a week' ago fl,lld ·dreaiiued he was· ;John Virtue, :fo:l, Calvin Mills. driying shee1). W ako up, Gee1·ger or you · , ~st ..<Dl:>ss, _ Sr.-lst. _Dea)l, 2nd, will never get to t he fold. ·JS:1'mme Martm, 3rd, Ett10 G1ff~rd. . 'rhe farmers are about throagl~ seeding. . 1st ?Taf!~, J r. ~lst, Willie Rogers, 2nd, No fall wheat in t his vicinity.. Seeds are· ,JSiruy Ste1)henson, 3rd, 'Ethel Potter. loo~ing very well. .: · WnANG. . ·· · HA M PTON. CORRESPONDENCE. T:iJNNI SKILLEN. Facts for F a rmers. As a rear cut ·mower ,· the Iron C't~ff' is S ee it. · F . JT ,,,,. -... "uason, :tgt., Ha_ mJJton .. ~ · The I ron Dirke mower took 1st priim«it. Ma.nchester nnd rxbridge. Frout m1t. C:.i:ll and see it before purchasing. F. FL Milson, agent, HaJl\Il ... ]Jt1m . A model of simplicity and dnrnhilitjy'. Thl'B SiL wyer N,Q. 3. rea1>er has less pal·ts tll= any other reap~r made. · F. Jlf· Ma:Hm,. agent , R3:J111 pton. If'yo\1 want the best Sulley Rake in the madtet and t he ·Jv.Iower that pleases al1 who«1se it place :y'o ur order with W. I;J:. Pipezi, agent for P:Ntterson &Bro., Whitby. . The Whitby Omtar]o Harvest er 1s the reape1revery furr{vl· r warits. It is a five :ra ke ma,chine, sttp-ngly built and warrantt f le ' ,· b oss-. ,, :roe ·fl. 1 1 / In Tweeds, Qottons, ··n r ess Goods, Carpets, Millinery, ~~tc., t~all at once. '· Term~·· Stri.ctly -? CASH. ,A ny _ q uantity of H -" . ' · . T. U , . R . NE I , . -· · :.~:t:~~::::;:C~y ~~d Of~:;r.·,rep:~~~'.~:~".'~?':d" R "i EC· CS TAKEN AT· HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. ~·. ""' - " VIGTORV FOR PAR· IS.. DRYCOOD~. ~ <S>$ 2 L A TEST. ' " NOVE L TIE'S . :; "-IN'~ESTEDIN- Q~ :J Q b Q ~ CLOTHINC. . ~ MAPL~YRU~ Newest Styles, .iowest Prices, '· ~t? Finest Goods, ~ LargestAssortment, / We ·' ar~1 theTERROR - OUR ;~OCESS of our compet itors. IS OWING TO OUR- Fifth Cl~ss-.Tas . .Newsom, Ada Linton, Rev. M r. Fraser has starte6l. a Bible Wm. Henry, .Tennie Newsom. class here for t h e young peopw ; all are Fourtth Class, Sen.-Harry Proctor, invited to attend Thursday evenings at :rv,Iadispn Hall, Adella Andrus, Frederick half past seven. ' Locklw1rt. · Fourth Class, .Tun.- Ethel Simpson, Our. children show their go@.il: works in many wiiys. They show tlieiir diligence Bella 'Vatson, Edith Simpson, William and good t:iste by digging s1:> ~any nice McPherson. flower beds in the school J?r.'.>'\ind:: and Third Class, Sen.- Georgl11a Tamblyn, planting them with ditfei:e»lt~.:kinds'. of CharJ;es Coulter, Herschel Shoults, E. flowers ; t heir handy. work is. td i:i~;s'eeidi'I Da.iwJ1Ster .. SECOND DIVISION. 'FORFIN]t; . CONFECTION ERY , the .many bea,utifol mottoes. they.have' pre-· pared and hun_g in the sch.0olt~;~,o~~;°'whicll Senio1· Third- Lizzie Watson; Ida Beer, F IGS , DA'·'ES, ORANGES, adds much to its appcaran1:e ;.. £hey show Adina Ferguson. · . their piety by their faithful attendance at Junior Third- Oliver Morrison, Lena LEMo~ s. t]JGA R s, &e. the Sabbath school, some. walking three Tamblyn, Petet· Jamieson . miles every! Sunday t o hear the .Word of Average attendance 1st division, 32 ; God and sing his praises ; they show their 2nd, 32 ; 3rd, 42 ; total, 106. liberality by good collections, , the last amounting to nearly $6-not so bad for To ALIQUIS.-To bid Aliquis live by children ; they turned out well to hear notice, is perhaps unwise, yet who would Mr. McMurry lecture on temperance and quench his youthful aspiratio!ls for imadded to the collection so as .to ' make it mortaliy ! Let Aliquis know that his disfar ahead of Kendall and other olaccs tant civility will scarcely suit a lady, a round \vhere h e lectured ; they sho'v their visit at the school wduld better serve that temverance principles by signing t he reason which is supposed to distinguish pledge· and standing to tkeir colors ; they the human being from a brute. 'f'o . deny show they .are cheerful. and happy by what cannot possibly be t r ue, as the their shouting and laughing at the hour of curious allegations of Aliquis, is superfluplay. No · wonder the people .take an ous. YouR HONORED FRIEND. interest in education. NUT SHELL, Orono School, May 14, 1884. .- . PPRE NEW- . ·:· ~c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~· ~~ ~ f GOOD GOO'DS AND LOW PRICES. -COMPETI'l'ORS ARE DEMOR A LIZED.- We lead; W e keep"the right goods ; We make t he ~ low prices and o~r customers go aw ay sat isfied. ~ We will give you specia~. inducements for real Bargains in New Goods, ~~ "' ~~ ~ COURT1CE. We have to recorcl t his week the very su'ddeu death of Mr. Arthm: Hawkins, which occurred nt the residence of Mr. Adam Scott. On the evening of the 8th ins1i. he was from all appearances in h is usual good health, and· after. eating his supper, began to play on the mouthorgan, when suddenly the instrument fell from his hands, and that instant he was dead. The telephone wire between Bowmanville and Oshawa on the Main road was removed last week, :md as a consequence Courtice. js.cut off from communication. We und·e~stand tl~e Co. has ofi'?red to c01~nect us v;1th the l me _a concession south if -t~1e yeople here will. ~rect t~o pol.es; .;'I l~ere should be no difficulty m havmg :tlus done.. Weyresume t hat it was'through a typograplumil· error t_ h at youi: c~rr~spondent ;~as ~lad.e - to say ii;i last weeks issue th~t ~1. :Tas. Co~rtice l~~d surrou~c~ed Ins bani with evergreens. ~Ve desire that you surround the . lawn tl11s week. A movement is on foot t.o have a level foot-path made from Courtwe to ;Ebeneze1· - j nst what's wanted. . . We hope the shed at Ebenezer Will l,Je repaired before long. It is an eyesore at 11rese1'lt. Coming events- Union School picnic ; Sabbath' s, chool anniversary ; settlement of the Rundle-Richards dispute. BEN. CAR'l.'WRIGHT. Tenders are invited before the 24th inst. for Whe- erection of a rectory in place of the one burnt clown here some months ago. P lans aud specifications may be seen with R. B. Spinks,. Esq. Sec bills. ~ SUITS TO ORDE RBY THE NO. l.. TAILOR- W. PEARDON. GIVE US· A CALL . New Block. Our succe~s has led to imitations. . N . B.-The Original al}.d Genuine Star H ouse, east s tore in N eads· T.; G EO- JY-r4,SO N"". . '·· . . iRS~-JIAS DONN, ELLy ,$!000 WORTII OF' - -Farm fer -s a1e:__ _ 'rhe subscriber offers for sale on easy terms of payment, that very desirable property known as Fair Mount Farm, being the wcu 1m1·t ol J.ot 111. in Uae 12111 Consessfon of t lrn T Ol1'NSllll' OJ<' CAVAN, and containing 116 acres of good land, 105 or which are under cultivation, and the rest in woods. On the premises there is a. Stone Dwelling llouse, 40 x 28 ' feet, with cellar !ull size; two Frame Barns.5!· x 30 teet,a.ud 56 x 22 feet, respectively; - $1,500 WORTH 01"also, :b'arme Stables,Driviti1i House, Hay Barn, and otller outbuildings. 'l~ero is a. never·fail: FEATH:B~RB, ing anp,ply of excellent we,ter at the door.and And is bound to sell them at· Reduced Prices it is also convnient to churches and a. first· to get rid or the entire stock. class school. The soil Is cfay loam, and well P lease call and inspect our stock before pur· ~da:pted· to raislni:t wheat c.nd o~her grains. It -chasing elsewhere, as you will find tnem the is.about seven mile!' from the 1?wn of Pet.er1borough, a nd 8 miles from .. ~lllbrook, with Cheapest"goods in' ~own. grave!· road to each place, ~nd ism one of the U in a.II tl1E1 latest best neighborhoods in the county. 'l'itle Jn· ,~ . styles. disoutable. Further particulars on application ' Remember the Stand- 4 ,. doors uest of J Ito Wm. A. MORROW. Peterborough P, 0, Martyn's ()1-ocery Store. j . JUST OPENED F rench and American D~l~Li~L~~W9 r11g R ESH ApED I ·~· ARM FOR ~ALE . ...:.105 acres, being .; parts of lots 31 and 32, con, 1 and 2, Dari· - -..: . "<ington, having thereon i. firs t-class new brick LOURING MILL in the township of dwelling, good out buildin11;s, splendid orcba.rd. . Clarke. Known as ·Adams' New Mill. "well watered and well fenced. Soil good clay to ARTHUR COJ)D, Eoq., or St. JOHN loam, Title indisputable. '!'erms l!beral. Apply Apply H. HUTCHESON, Ba.rrister-at·Law, Bowtoai« on the premises to JOHN 'OKE. or to M.A. · 275·tf . .JAMES, STATESMAN office. Bowmanville, 18·1· ville. . F MILL FOR SALE. F I The Orange Lodge-room has been enlarged. Contractor Graham did it for $80. Mr. J. Hughes has greatly improved his residence by a bey window. ·T he female sex i~ increasing here especially in ntechanics' families . ~ Scare-crows are numerous on the corners every fine Sabbath night. St. Joh n 's church choir loses Mr. s Jeffrey's fine tenor voice, but Mr. W. McLaughlin adds volume to the orchestral effect. · The front seats of the B . 0. chur ch Brant Review. were not adorned with new suits last Sabbath night. New suits coming in lat e ABOUT STRAINEltS.- ln straining milk and occupying t he frot1t seats was the sub- or any liquid, you are carefnl t.o have tile ject of a recent discourse. strain:ir sound and clean. Sea to it then ,,,r · . · ,Power l1as b een v1s1tmg ··· ;uiss M aggie that na Lnrt>t's strainer is kept healthy. Mrs. Alex. 'faylor lately. T he Blood passes through t ha Liver, . · n and throw off all M iss Le1:ia Hughes has gone on a visit which should retai. impurities. See tfie cause of all your to friends m 'l'oronto. The new station on the 0 . & Q. R. R . troubles? ZO-PE-SA acts upon the Liver, is neiuly completed. Burketon is the hence it is a natural and wonderful Liver name, after H. W. Burke, Esq., ex-M. P. Regulator, Dyspeptis cure, Blood Puri· tier, corrects the Bra.in and the Kidneys-. for west D ur ham. Zopesa is a certain cure for HeadachQ Is there no law for compelling fish or from l<'oul Stomach or Nervousness. A license inspectors to attend to duty . good do~e taken twice a week will cure ONEY TO LOAN.- A few thousand Cartwright Division intends visiting Sick Headache. We warrant Zopes<1. to dollars, private funds, to loan on first-· Sallow eyes and skin, restless sleep, Crystal Sp1'ing on the 27th . ScRino. do this, Try a eample bottle. class far!" security, at the lowest currentrateR. want of. appetite headache drowsiness For particulars apply to H. BEITH, Bowman? . ' , · ' Farmers, you can buy the Buckthorn ville. or R.R. LOSCLlMBE, Barrister. 3·tf. denote a slueg1sh. liver. Use ZO-PE25 cent s invested in " HuB" Cough Steel Ba1'bed wire fencing for $5.50 per - -· . SA at once and save a doctor's bill . Open DRESSMAKING. --Mrs.C.A. BAitRETT· . theporesaud bowels invicrorate the Liver Cure saves sweatnin~ under a cough. It hundred pounds at R S. Manning's. The 0 is prepared to do. nressmaking in first d D'1c;08 t· · z · ' t] claps style, a.t the residence or Mr. G. fX, an ~ ion~ opesa corre~ts ie system stop~ a cough quick and sure. Think of best feACing there is, and certainly th~ the price for u. cough; Ask Stott & Jury . . cheapes .- 17-3w· WEHSTEU, Qneen Street. 18·2w, throu11h the Stomach and Liver. Pure NewM I s . '-AT T~p e yrup 7( GRAND CENTRAL. ~'~ I For Si).ttte, time past rival' manufacturers. have ve'e~iuiouncfogtlu\t' Mi>;-n: Maxwell,. of the Paris Agricultural works, had. given upthc idea of a low down 01· platform harvester binder believing it to be impl!acticable. If these parties had been on t11e agi:icultural grounds at 7 o'clock M@mlay"t'lvening their eyes would havle.bilen opened. WtJ venture to say that the most successful.and satisfactory test of a binder ever ina.de took place on that occasion. The mn,chine beini;: testecl was l\faxwell's · , low dow1i::<Bincler. ' 'l'he . first impressions on seeing the m.ichine; were that there was not sufficient machinery tu do the work . . But this would be ~a very superficial verdict. When the.i\mchine started out it wot·ked . like clock work and for two hours never by a'uy chance failed to bin(l and throw off" a'. perfect sheaf. · Ori · one occasion the same sheaf was place'cl 011 the platform seveml times in succession and each time .wns rebound, until several cords all securely tied suri·ouri'ded it . 'l'he peculiar feature of the machine is its ext~eme simplicity. There being fewer pieces~than in any other harvester binder made. · The knottor is the simplest ever put in a machine and does i,ts work to perfection. The whole machine will weigh when placed on the fieltl a little' over eleven ' hundred pounds or something less than the old form of reapers. The price will be less than t hat ·of any other good lmrvester binder in the market. A novel feature of the test was after the horses had been taken from the machine and two men took the to1igue ; they started up a slight incline an,~l without assist~ ance turned off several sheaves. The machine will have a .cut of live feet and will pass through any farm jlitte without difi:iculty. .~ We·have no hes,ibation in pronouncing it th¢' success of the}'.season. 1 :farmers who 1 forchase bintlers without ,se~in g this machine will find themselves badly left. ' Already Mr. Maxwell has sold to Mr. McCormack of Chjcago the right to manufacture in the States alone for a sum .exceeding seventy five thousand dollars.- ------·------ M l ' >I ... ...

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