Cobourg has 14 hotels, I refreshment, lllA!l33 . 4' MM· 11.nd _ s I_icens . ed to sell liquor. _ ~~~~~--~-----~~~~- ~ ;r.;~Ihe ern1Ple Rnd pr.nJect Dyes. -----l< .' BOWMANVILLE FRID.A.Y MAY JG. Nothisg so simple and perfect for color_ _ _ _ _ __. . ' ' -·-- ing as .Diamond Dy,es. · Far better and -r::::r ~ II ~"T" -=-::-=-=-:=-·-- cheaper than any <·ther dye. lOe. Druq-...c::L A_ ...LV..L V ,.-!fit Were Possible gist sell them. S:1mple Ciird for 2c. to get tho testimonial of the multitude ~~amp. Wt·lls, Richardson & Uo,, B 1 uwho have used The Shaker Blood Syrup lrngton, Vt. ..:::;;.. ' for spriug debilit.y, la.ngnor, lassitude, Peopl_e wonder ho'v we Mn se!l Dry . and that. ge11eral feeliug of stupidity, Goods and Clothing so cheap. Ellison &Co. r.: .J an d CUS t omers Wl "II . fi d ' vth1"no weariness and exhaustion whichev11ry~ne Where Ollf 1nenue lll ever~ b By land Mat sea, out on the prairie, feels during this season, we 11hould be able to prtisent to our readers such an or in the crowded city, Ayer's Cath1lrtic --as usual i n -. overwhelming mass of com1uendatory rues- Pills nre the beat for purgM.ive purpose·, sages, tl\at"'the few who have not tried it everywhere conveniAnt, Pffic:tcionR would do so at ouee, It is a po&i1ive fact, and safe. For sluggish b11wels, torpid and bas been so .effectually demunstrated liyt>r, indi~Astion, bad breath, fiatuloncc, that no one to·day denies it, that ·rhe and sick headache. they are a sure reme:ly. Shaker Blood Sy,.up contains more real \Ve never allow oursi,,lves to be undermediciual 1 > alue than any article now be·· sold. Elliaon & Co, fore the public. Hundreds, in spite of - - -- -their phjudice~, aro taking The Shaker A Household Perfume. Every family MADE TO ORDER FROM THE Blood Syrup, and now hones\ly declare it ahle to appreciate and enjoy th e pleasure to be thti best medicine ever offered to afforded by a really he1tthful 1tnd delicithe public ; a.nd they are qnite right, itnd ous perfume, should supply tliemselves d · with . the grnuine MunRAY & LANMAN's · · d ·11 t Ius sentiment must an w1 exten ]Ust Fv)nrnA W iTllR. It is t he most del;ghta.:s far as 1wople will allow t.heooselves to be influenced by facts and by the te 2 Li- ful and most lasting of all fragran t Waters. mony of those people who have tried it P1 wties asking us for ba~~ains will not and know wherevf they speak. Iu pres· be,i;U .appointed Ellison &C. o enting 'fhe Shaker Blood Syrup to th" CURE FoR DF.AFNES<i.- As numerous p,ublie we suffer, because people ha'l'e been so often lrnmbugged by the week d~coc testimonials will show, there is no more tions with which the country is filltid, it reliable cnre for deafness than -ila1tvard's is .,fte1 difficult to make people believe Yellow Oil. It. i.s also thi. best remedy THE LATEST PATTERNS. what an advertisement sayd, benanse of for ea,. nehe, sme thr»at, <!roup rhenmathe t1vil intluence produced by those un- tism and for pains and lf\meness generally. reliable, worthies!! preparations. It is Used externa.lly an internally. ' true that honest people an:> coustan tly FRAUDULEN'T T1aNSACl'IONs.-There suffering from the effocta of dishonesty, are mllny frauds perprtrateri in medicine, and thi1:1 will probably n.lways be so, bnt and many A.d vertised remedies \Vorse than it does not re<111ire auy rewarlrnhle a.bilit.Y neeless. Not so with f:Iagya.rrl 's Yellow to st>e holV the real worth of The Shaker Oil. It, re·nains as t!VOr the beat. interRAVE OPENED A'l' Blood Syrnp impresses itself 11po11 peo· nal a,nd external mediciq.e for all pain, pie. Our reputaLion rest8 npon the value eoreriees and injuries with which human of thi11 medicin<l, and we are prone~ cf the liesh iR affiicteclf_ _ __ _ record it is making. Stott & Jnry, Sole Tim EFFECTS o~· WtnSKY.-'l'he effects Ageuts for Bowmanville. of whisky nre always e\'il, and those who Oonfeder:ti~~;;~;mciation. feed upon alcoholic stimulants, \'ainly · ' W F' · A t G d B b endeavoring to cure coughs and cone.urnp00 S, tion, but nurse a viper. liagyard's Pec-rr· p ' t' r1t Steady and substantial progress has v . ~o v S.' marked the course of the Confederation toral Balsam is a remedy that is H.lway11 t C.j t C. a.nd lung ~eac Life Association since its cstab1ishment a reliable bl for ~II d throat, d bronchial h ~ dozen years ago. 'l'he twelfth annual re- trou ea, a~ver oea, arm to anv one. ~ ~ port shows that the company is gathering ht:POR'l'AN'l' CHANGEs. -- 'I'here are t.wo ~ . strength as it goes on, the past being one periods in the life of every female when For Sale and Sub.scriptions taken for all Newspapers__& Magazines. of great success. During the year 1883 the system nndergoes ~rea~ changes. ··· _ .i_ . .. '. · s· .~ . the assets of the Company were increase~ First,thechangefromchildhoodtowoman· mi;;::u · . ~ by the value of $200,000, and now they. hood ; next; that of womanhood to old 1 I ·- . l · p k ,foot up to the highly respectable total· of. age.. Theel:? are the critical changes of · ' . In Stock; also Bibles, Hymn B()oks, Envelores, Penci s, ens, n s. over $1,150,000, and the income fot' the life, and the'. system ahould be nourished Fine Ass'o rtment of Toys, Dolls, Vases, Fancy .Baskets i · , same period increased $30,000. Th$ and regub.ted ·by ~hat matehlese tonic, also Confe" c tionery. , · . .. amount of. new assurances has increased; Burdock Blood Bitters. It is invaluable a" VIOLIN STRINGS a Spec,ialty. ~ . · to $2,500,000, while t he confidence of the in all diseases .peculiar to females. public is shown by the f~ct that the total risks amount to $11,000,000. a gain of THE SECRET OuT. - The secret of be11.u. -. . . ... .. ,··.· . _. . . , . ,. $1,300,000 in 1883. The puMic will also ty has· been . at last revealed. Without · -. be interested in knowing that the C_ om- ·good health,' pure blooll 11-ml a fair cleir.r A ' pany has a considerable amount of money ·.skin none can possess good looks. What · CJ · :.t1. · to loan on good town and farm property, is more repulsive than pimples, blot ches at very l'easonabie rates of internst. Mr. and sallow or pastry complexion 1 BurThos. Bingham, agent, Bowmanville, is dock Bfood Bitters reveal the fact that · · e~. thoroughly conversant with the business, au can'.giiih ·pui·e blood rreednm from 1 1 an<l parties d~siring detailed information the repulsive diseases of .the skin that .. F~ l~g~_find it apleasure to do business with result from i~purities. · (' E H T ---S 'K .,.., Do oRs w E EADS' BLOC ST N .G ENTS' A 'ND BOY'S l83 ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~· ·~ ~ «l ~o .. Q HOUSEJ l!M ·· m ~lll.n-Nh.ft ~a·~n g:-t\Jlt1&~m\11'tt I ~ -" ~~10p11, NEW · GOODS! E D I I S. Mason ,.,_ JUST ARRIVED. New Dress Goods in Black and Colored, Cashmeres, Fancy Plaid&, etc.; New Tapestry Carpets-:-1Mw designs, .·handsome patterns and very cheap, New Pr~nts, Cretonnes; Shirtings, New Cottons, Lace Curtains, Edgings, etc., New Embroideries, Lac~s, etc., New Passarr~entire Trimmings direct from Paris New Counterpains-white and colored, New Cloths & Tweeds. CLOTHING .·. T.AILORIN""G_ ' . ; in great variety, all new .and choice.. LADIES' UL STE I-={ . GOODS, ~EN!~, ~ORNEf 18.!N~~ (SUITS TO ORDE~FIRST·CLAS~ CUTTER.) FITS GUARANTEED. ggrN. B.-Another lot of our Noted Col'd Cashmeres to hand. Grocers' Due Bills taken same as Cash. S. MASON & SON. TAIT & MORRISON OashlOashlCashl Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Be 'f. Cash for Butter Ca~h for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash for Potatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & Sheep Skins. Cash for all kinds..of Farm Produce at b Brand-ne)'V't Stock of Fancy Goods, Books aind Stationery, . l' all Papers, . r a y · ·Ille O'l Carriages, Ins, G enu1ne 1 a1n ings, (25 ·.· h) J ewel ry, e e AL.L . , TQ RQ NTQ PA_PERS ·. e:: ALL. ·.·. CHQQL REQU_ · ISITE .S Young,CaWkef &Co's. YOUNG CAWKER & Co' the pltt.ce to do business, they keep - in stock tho very- Best quality of Groceries that can be bought, the ' ·gr ap h Ga 11 .e ·ry · Ph 0 t 0 · F lrS CONTINTTED l Cl p " ·h l S USU AL · Best quality of Meats, ' ass . .. 0 OS a t " PICTURES ENLARG . · e s·t L·.· i·v ng Pr .c · Low D. PICTURE FRAMING done well and cheap. ' H. c. TA~T; _ We cordially invite the pubiic to call ;rid see us. , ~ ___ · __ _ . _3._~· MORRISON.._ Qri1:~M~;~~t~~a~~n~ Maple Syrup at .. ~~~~~~~~~~~·::b~l~~;,d~i~~g':~~~i~~~~!!~~ '· I --~ "··...., ··,... .. ~,__, U'he best iueat in the Dominion, at w~ R R c ,k ... · · aw ers. . WHAT'S IN ~ A · :NAME.-Scrofula is so called froiii the Latin scrofu, a pjg, from the s11pposition that the disease c11me from ea.ting swine's flesh. It is often inherited Fresh and Cured, always in stock . Their Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality; they keep ,B arrel Salt ; American and Carbon Safety Coal OiL Try their Empire Horse and Cattle Food, the best manufactu~ad, recommended highly by the Guelph Model .Farm ; their stoc~ of Gla.ssware and Crockery is Complete. Th~y <lo not make any spemalty of' one article, but as there is considerable talk about Cheap Teas, the place to buy the Cheap Tea is at Young, Cawker & Co's, they buy altogether for cash which enabl.,s them to sell che!Lp. Give them a call. . -~ C. - M~ -· - CA"W"KE R. - - : · l l '8. , LEE& E0 SA . · --r.~~ ·:·.ALL .:AT · . '· : ·~ ... · . Highest pricp paid for all kinds of farm sump1ion. 'fhe case of the R~v. Wm. .produce at .Qui<* & Wright's. Stout, 'of Wiarton, who suffered 23 years . THE largest stock of Silks, Black from scrofulo.:is abscesses, is one of the -(}REAT CLEARING S.A:LE '. -OP- . . . .' -AND EXA.MINE THE- . (TUBUL~R HOT BLAST) OIL Sfl10VE. Tltl SIST tN TUI MAlt<IT. · Having decided to give up the Boot and Shoe Busi11ess season, I will sell the whole of my stock.of . · - C > F- - OVER $5,000 WORTH at less than wholesale prices, by retail, for . mantles, g9 to "Hub', Congh C1ire. Safe, pleasant _,. and quick, c)rnaper than coughivg. 2i5c. :·A sk-Stott &'Jury. There is no. use in talking, Mayer has the biggest an,d most varied stock of liats in Bowmanvi1le. Call and see . . · )\fr. James Wilson, of Lifford, has pur· ch1's~d the imported horse, " Scottish ·Champion," from Mr. Cockburn, of B:t!~ ·imorc. ' . The Ele!?aut little plated eerew top on "".l'eaberry" ml\kes it the cheapest, most .perfect, and most Recherche of all t(1ilet exquisites. Get a rnmple. Pr'l>Es sold at 'N. E. P ethicks barber shop at cost price, or at 25c. on the$ less than retail prices1 first quality pipes for $200. · Our Due Bills will be taken the sa~e as cash at any store in town, &nil the vnly ones taken the. same as cash 11t ·R. H. Turners. Quick & Wright. TOBACCO sold at Pet hicks barber [\hop at less than cost prices, for instnac&, 2 plu~s of McDonalds smoking for 5c. or 1 lOc. plug of chewing for 5c. All other kinds sold cheap. Allan Line, mail steamships- t he quickest, safest and best 1ine crossing the atlantic; . :Vessels· not being insured insures careful management. No cattle on passenger steainers.' H.ates· redueed; enquire of W. A. Neads,Ageut. this A friend in need is a friend indeed ; and that is jnst ·what Mr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to .every one suffering from kidney disease, whether in the form of a Back Ache, ·Dropsy, or .Bright's Disease, for it will .certainly relieve the sufferings, and, if persisted in, permanenSnits at $5.00. Ellison & Co. Boys and youths Tweed Suits at $1.50 Ellhon & Co. 'li Girls · best Kid Gloves at 12! cents Ellison & .Co. We offer rare valne in Shirtings at 12-§cents Ellison & Co. You ought to try one of our $5. 00 Tweed Suits. at Ellison & Co. ~~ijs~re J'!g~~'.' ect., for B~:d ~i~~~;a~~~edo~i~ec~;~~ ?fi~rtcs~ medical skill had failed . Our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing is complete. Ellison & Co. We mark in plain figures, and have strictly one price. Ellison & Co. PHOSPHATINE is nature's remedy for chronic diseases. PaosPHA'.l'INE will benefit consumptives in any stage. PHosPHATINE cures sleepleesness, nervoueness, ~c., &c. PHOSPHATINE does not make fat, but solid flesh. PROSPHATINE in female weaknesses is in-valu&ble. For sale by all druggists. Good Beef, at W. R. R. Cawker's, 'for 10 cts. per' lb. The Great slaughter of tin ware at Manning & N osworthy's still going on. 8!·A1lY·MADl CLOTlttl\lC! We have reduced the prices of our entire stock of Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing. . --We are making-- S \iV EE PIN·G REDUCTIONS I in every department of General Dry Goods. We offer Men's Tweed Suits at $5. Interested parties ought to see these Ra.r e Bargains. Boy's & Youth's Tweed Suits at $1.50. WE ARE CUTTING DOWN THE PRICES ALL AROUND. Parties asking us for Bargains will not be disappointed. .,. - CAN'T KEEP HOUSE. BOW:IUNVILLE. 0N'r ., 5, 1882. Messrs. SETH W. lfO.WLE & SON, Boston. Dear Sirs:- We suppose it is .no new thing for you to receive congratulations on the success of your vil.111able cough remedy, Dr. Wbt· nr's Rubttm of \Vll1l tJlleny; but perhaps at this time a wo1;d or two trom us wm not prove out of place. Although the Ba.Isam has l!Ot been adverised to any extent in this locality, our sale of i t is very large and the demand> is ·increasing. which is due to the universal satisfaction which It gives to our customers. We have never had a single complaint, and husbands tell us their wives will not keep hoUB6 without it. "Ve would like yon t;o. do ca little more advertising in this countty, for we believe were your balsam better known, its sale would be increased ten-fold. 'Yours.truly, STOTT & JURY, "The Druggists," 275 ELLISON & CO. THE GREA..1.' ·SA.LE OF. THOSE STYLISH SPRING GOODS B 00" T S 'AND SJIOES tly;:e:;e~::;:sTweed F~ fAMED .ECLIPSE HOUSE IS SOJ U ETHING ENORJJIOlJS. CA.SH O N L Y· I or will sell the entire stocken bloc at a de.c ided bargain. The Stock is all first class, and is well assorted for ·the Spring ·and Summer trade. ~I have the LAH.GEST, the BEST and the CHEAPEST assortment of Women's, Misser:;' and Children's French Kid, Glace French Cal(French Oil Goat, Dongolia French Calf, Qil Peoble, Buff and Prunella- in Button and Lace Boots, Button and Tie Shoes and Slippers- fir to,wn. . ~Also a veiy large and yaried stock of Men's, Boy~' a.nd Youth's Hand -sewed, Machine-sewed and Pegged-in Lace and Button Boots; Button, Tie and Oxford Shoe"?-in French Calf, French Glace Calf, Canadian Calf, Buff: Pebble, Cordoran and Grained Leathers. Cheap Life Iµsurance. ciatiori~ Call at once and secure bargains while they are going. Delays are dangerous. . . . STAND :---Neads' Block, next door East of Lee & Edsall's Hardware Store. . '· - - F. BORL~ND. Insure in the Confederation Life Asso· It is cheaper than the Canadian Mutual .Aid, A. 0. ·u. W. or any pir.~s around ·your hat institution, as the following examples will prove: Thos. McClung Cures Completely' Serof"1~1a, ha.a been insured since 1872 for$2,000and llyphilis, t;anecr, Jthet11natiN111, · the last five years it only cost him $2.55 tJntarrll. Ulccr!il nn11 Skin and Blood Di,.ea!les of every deserip· per annum on each $1,000 to insure. John ti on. , McClung insured at the same time for the $1000 rcwnrd to any chemist who will same O:m'o unt and if only cost him $1. 74 find, on u.nalysis of lUO bottles of Shaker per annnm on $1,000 to insure, he lJlo?d S~r1:p, particle o~ Mercury, being a litt e younger. Iod1do ot Iotnss1um, or anymmeral sub· S lllollCe We certify the above to be correct. Thos. SOLD EVERYWHERE. l\lcClung, John McClung. Pr!eo, . $1.00 Por Botl1o, or Six !ot $5.00. · THOS . .BINGHAM, Agent. STO'l'T&;JURY,Sole AgentstorBowmanvllle SHAKER BLOOD ·svRUP. Their Fancy Furnishing Goods such as Ladies' and Gents' Collars, Ties Neckerchiefs and Handkerchiefs are the most novel of any goods seen in that line before. , Gentlemen's Shirts in the Finest Cambric and French Persale from 75e upwards ; Braces from lOc. upwards; Rubber Coats in endless variety in our Hats, C.aps arid Turbans we have all the leading styles ; in our Olothing Department we have the finest Scotch and English Worsteds for Suitin~ and Coating. We can give you an Elegant S , .U ·I T[cu1 BY THE BEST cunER 1 ·NTOWN] FOR $8. Overalls, Summer Pants and Jackets for the farmers, in endless variety. Call at the Eclipse House for bargains. ' l -VV. H:. IVES. Bowmanville, March 20, 1884. 12.