.,, gt ,d . "' tk~, ~ THE LATE BYRON S. VANSTONE. ~ ~e~illrt\ttangpi~ihU$man Say Not Good Night, But in Some Brighter Clime BowM.A.NVILLE, FRIDAY, MAY 23. Hon. D. L. Macpherson, Minister of the Interior, has resigned. · THE SCOTT ACT I CLARKE. BOARD OF EDUCATION. BID ME GOOD MORNING. (From. the Winnipeg Sii.n.) Cures Couib'J, Rev. E. A. Stalford, pastor of Grace Colds, etc.-. THil! crop prosp~ct in Manitoba is re- Church, in.his sermon last night referred 11orted ~ood from Winnipeg. in touching language to the death of the """------late Byro11 S. Vanstone and the more Hoos in the Chirago m11,rket are $1 to recent demise of Mrs. Brown, both active members of the church. The choir rail1;12 per cwt. lower than last spring. ing and pulpit platform were draped in black, and the musical service performed Hon. Edward Blitke hns been re-elected was appropriate to the occasion. The or8 Acts hb· magiCc _ President of the Toronto General Trusts ganist, Prof. Philp, rendered the "Dead and givea solid ; Company. March from Sa.ul" as a voluntary. Rev. ~====~~====== Mr. Stafford, in reference to the deaths, Gran d T ot al s...... 614 4861 price. ~ 79 comfort. THE Globe published our article of la.st said : Since the last Sabbath I stood in Certain repairs and improvements were' 1 this pulpit, two p!lrsons have gone by way d d t b d · d db · d -, ... ?r ere o e ma em groun s au ml week on the Scott Act campaign and of the gate of death from the church milit::alled it "a se11sible suggestion." · ta1it to the church triumphant. Both ml~ reference to Inspectu~ McLellan's were worthy members of Grace Ohurch, report, Mr. Fairbairn mov d, seconded using heart and hand earnestly in the A~L THE by Mr. Burden, that it affor 8 the Board Toilet .A'.'rticles, THE Ottawa Free P~tss came out last Tbe best for fattening purposes, ~;~nd work, and both have rendered acceptable great pleasure to find from the report of Combs, w · "lveek in a complete new dress of type and service in the choir. T'vo weekB a.go last the High Scbool luspector, that the school m?st rea.sonable in price; . · · Ea-tent.;..Med1eines Brus.h es, looks as fine a.s :1 society belle in h r spring Friday an elderly gentleman, one of the is in such an efficient state, and to note """ AD¥-ER SEI> kind who in age impres! you as being · 1J th M T b · Sponges, &c. ·ttire. specta y at r. am lyn is paying benignant and kind and always on the g!"0at atteution to the reading by the pu- in great variety p1la, aad that ~ marked improvement i~ MJ,-. John T. Hawke, h1te editor of the side of what is right and good, paid his ki 11.re for aale by us.:-first "isit to this city <tnd went hurr-iedly Pattyson, Mr. R. Moment. At Orono;M. already noticeable in this regard. As to Hamilton Tribune, and for severaJ,. years to a room where his son-the child of his E. church; dep. : Revs. Leslie and J. H. High School Bui.ldin0 as, that the Secreon the staff of the Toronto Globe, l1as as- affectionate hope-lay in that border-lan.d Shoults. tary be requested to reply to communica11sumod.edi'torial management ot the Qttawa which.neither belongs wholly to this wodd Thursday, 29th, at Moffat.t's School tion of th~ Department, aud SllY that the nor to the next, hearing not, seeing not. · House ; dep. : Revs. Frazer, Salton and Board folly reccignize the jnstness of Mr. Free Press. · knowing not, in a deep stupor from which Pattyson. McLellan's strictures on thi" subject; and nothing but _ the archangel's trump on the ! Friday, 30th, at Leskard Sons' Hall i that they will take steps to bring the HAs the old story of " rats leaving a last day could arouseo him. Oh, how the clep. : Revs. Simpson, Frazer and Mr. R. matter before the ratepayers with whom :sinking ship " any application to the de- father's heart longed for one lucid moment, J . Rowe. the ma tt er rests, an d w1'11 d o so 11ot an . , partnre of certain memhers of Sir John's one look r f recognition, one word to carry Clm1r ~o bo taken at 8 o clock, sharp. ' early date. Carried. Moved by Mr. Fairbairn seconded b cabinet at Ottawa 1 Is the hour of disso- back to his sorrowing mother. Feeling The public are eari;estly requested t o be sure thnt that desire would not be grati- present at the meetmgs. Mr. Harntlen, that a specle.l Committe~ lution really at hand 1 fied, I said: "Mr. Vanstone, yo·r boy be appointed to procure a plan for a new has lived welhince he came to this city. High School Bnilding, to recommend the Commence this week and will continue throughout all this After Reeve Prower Again. 1 l\ir, Gladstone may well be called "the He has- done no act to dishonor his name portion of present lot on which said build. season to offer special value in grand old man." In his speech during or to unfit him for the gates th1·ouuh Sir, in the .finance report of the last ing may be erected, lbe cost of building ; which he must soon pass. I was with hfin tb.e debate 011 the last motion of censure just before he sank into unconsciousness, meeting of our Town Council an account or, if iu their opinion a suitable addition liis voice is said to lwte been ringing and and among other thiugs which I said I from 0. Scotl for the burial of Mrs. R. can be made to the present School, to quot<:<d tl Psalm beginning, 'Have mercy Fiddy, which Mr. Piggott, chairman of submit a plan of the same at the strident as a war-trumpt. finance, recommended to be paid. We next me11ti11g, said committee to consist on me, 0 Lord according to thy loving belie':_e the duty of the finauce committee ~£the Chairmnn, Col. Cubitt, the Chair · Co~sERVA.'.l'lVEI> seldom refer to the N. kindness.' He followed me to the encl is to guard the town agaiJJst improper man of Property Committ.ee, and Chairand then asked, ' 'Whf1t Psalm is that 'I' P. now. Its virtues have departed. It These were among the last intelligent accounts. l\'.Cr. Fiddy on ' tho death of man of Visiting Comwit,te.e. Carried. his wife, applied to Reeve Prower to bury .!from Dr. McLellan's report we take Ladies,. ple'.1-se call a~d. ins~ect our Dress Materials, we are showing now means N ot Prosperous, N o Pay, words he spoke, but l had often before her. Mr. Prower refused to ta.ke Fidcly the followiug extracts : some mce Imes compnsmg .b rench Cashmeres, Ottoman Coi·ds Empress conversed with him of the possible termiNational Poverty, Nation Paralyzea, Proficiency of the Clafses Examined. - Cloths, Cashmere Se1·ge, Nun 's Cloths, Swiss Spots, Oatmeal Brocades nation of his illness, and he always spoke for priy, but rather titan miss t.he job took Nothing Promising, and Notes Protested. in the stro11ge~t confidence and trust in his friend to the poor relief committee The proficiency ia indicattd thus : 1, exColored' Lawns, Sateens and Prints. ,,. Sir John must hatch a New Policy. his Saviour. You may tell his mother and ordered the town to pay the expenses, cellent ; 2, good ; 3, middling ; 4, bad ; the chairman tha.t it was his f>, very bad.-Latin, l~ to 1 ;· French, 1; stltting to that we all loved her boy. Everyone who turn to have the work; yet, he dare not German, 1.; English Urammar, 1 ; EngTHE series of Scott Act meetings adve1·- came under his influence was attracted by place the bill in l1is own name, knowing lish Literature, 1 ; Reading, 1-~ to 1 ; his simplicity, sincerity, kindness and love tised in the SrATESMA::. two weeks ago to all. We shall feel his loss as much as full well ,by doing so ho must forfeit his Dra~·ing, 1~ ; .l:kok-keep111g, ]~· ; Arith, 1 ; Geometry 1 · have been held in Darlington, and our that of ar.y young man who could have seat. vvhen a gentleman accepts a seat met1c, 1 ; Alg ' ' correspondents report very succe~sful been taken from our midst." The father at the Council he obligates himself to hold History, l~. no contmcts directly or indirectly with Accomruodations.-Poor. A ne;v bnildmeetings. At n early all, strong resolu- wiped the ~a!Jt-fa~ling tears from his eyes, the corpor:1tion. Now Sir, we would ask ing, which is greatly needed, would make tions were passed in favor of submitti:ng spoke of l11s gratitude for such testimony is this a proper account 1 J.'\'Ir. Fiddy is an this one of the fi1st schools in the Prov" 'l1bos~ about buying Curtains will fin~ so~ethi~g en ti.rely new, patterns and the comfort it gave him, :tnd of his a1 d1ffere~t to any ever shown, rangrng m price from 75c. pei· pair up. the Aot. J>etitions are being circulated dread of his loug joumey burdened with able bodied nrnn who has resided in town ince. ' ever since the N. P. came in force, J1as Equipment.-The School ii! well·eqnipin all parts of the Riding asking for its unspeakable loneliness and ·Sorrow. He -We ha.ve just received anotl1er lot _.sn bmissiun. waited a little ,Y.hile until he saw his ~on n? family, never had any sickness; neither ped as far as teachiug power is concerned. . · of those Pure Silks, warranted not to pass along .over the stream, then gathered lmnself or wife. If he is sober ancl in- 'l'be board might very profitably \>ote & dustrious, as Mr. Piggott says he is, how sum for books and apparatus ; the fprmer cuf. Call and-teave your order. We guarantee l:latisfaction or no sale. Evms it it be a fact that the Reform the precious dust in his arms and under does it come that he is found in destitute are especially needed. cover of the fast-descendini;:_nig!_ l],)!.-0 too party is not strengt\1ening its hold pon went ou from us alone, accomptmiecl only col.T(~<'ffl-1i - l~ Reeo 11:11 sit. , t i hi:i . Organizat1on.-:-Unl?.nScb9.?l· I rBn"ethe popular mind, it is clear that the hold by the fast-falling rain, leaving us 6nly the connc1l allil VO-te-:--Ttfon.ey mto Jus OWll Jllent of cfassee -XS goocf. J.\£r: ' _1rnlfilyn which the Conservative party ha,s long had memory of a voice we shall hear uo more. pocket, the Deputy Reeve may rmm111J11e11d. takes....C.lassics au.Ii Modern l.angaaitee ·· the matter all right, but the ratepayers Mr. Miller, Mathemat.ics ; and ,Mr. "'Gil~ upon it is steadily weakening.· Mr. Blake's must pay the bills. RATEPAYER. filla.n, History, Geography, Drawing BookInspection invited. Pierce & Robertson.. keeping, Chemistry, &c. time will come. It is irievitable. lt ·Death of Miss Honor James. . _ =zs _ _ · il5L The stand in~ of the School, in groups, A good Thing. would come even if he sttt with folcled or departments, is as follows :-English, (From, the Oshuwa Reformer.) , Special Telegram. hamls and waited for it, but the efforts he -DON:iT BUY YOURThe death of Mis~ Honor James, the Bloomville, N. Y.-I have been using 1 ; Muthemutics, 1 ; Physic11l Science, put forth during the late session of parlia(Chemistry and Botany) 2 to 1 ; Classics, daughter of Mr. ·;John J an1es, formerly of your Baxter's Mandrake Bitters to a very ment sl1ow clearly that he l.s I;~t the man East Whitby, now of Da1T U1wton and limited extent. I have taken five small 2 to 1 ; Modern Languages, 1. RemHks.-(1) A new building is greatto do that.-Telegrwn. sister of Mr. J.'\'I. A. James, editor" ~f the doses, and it has <lone me more good than Bowmanville ST.Al'ESM.AN, took place on all the medicines I have taken iu the last ly needed. For the we"llth and importaoc.-i of the town, the High School accom- ' before seeing the Tilsonburg Ubserver :- The Rid<retown }'ri.day last, after a long and severe illne~s four months. modal-ion is prob11bly the worst inOntar~. C. A. WETMORE. . . . . " wluch was caused by a cold contracted m 2. All the classes examined did wel.ll: 1mpers have ed1torrnJly mformed tho Scott . the spring of 1879, while tettchincr school Special Telegram. and anti-Scott Act 1 llm1-iA. the neighbor- near Demill College, Tho effect~ of this Rolland, Mich.-Please send me one the work done throughout the ~chool \~ hood that during tho .coming contest in cold brought on consuinption of a peculi11r dozen bottles Dr. Baxter's Mandrake excellent. ln Mathematics there is uoth., . . mg better in any of our schools. I have Kent they will charge ten cents per non- type. Her ~eath was not une:xpecte~l by Bitters. I never took 1my medicine that pleasure in reportin· -<>Fg that apl·c1al attl!n. . . . her many friends,.. by wlom she was lughly did me so much good as.thie. tion is t:(iven to readmg by Mr. 'l.'arnblyn, panel lme for all , comrnumc11t10ns by respected. · ' IRA 'fA YLOR. and the resuli s are quite visible. The either pttrty. 'l'he Ridgetown papers have 'l'he tone of her life, the excellency . of Price, 25 cts. per bottle. reading of the pupils was quite above the mfl,de a sensible move . '.!' on ce nts a line her character,_ her gentleness of spirit, and ----·~~~-~- average wit11e3·ed in the schools. the tenderness of a loving heart, showing STALLION . ROUTES. will keep both sides within decent bounds forth the beauty of the genuineness of a 3. '!'he Boarcl pays liberal salaries, and µntil the last thys of the figl1b. Then the ?hilcl of God, will leave a lasting impressThe thorough-bred blood horne "George consequently has a goocl staff of teachers, f .a bsence of r egulU+I; news from. the columns ion on the hearts of 1111, especially thoae Extm" will be kei1t at his own stable,' lot a.nd a sch,.ol that ranks very high. -.A.T4. A library should be providerl, and I who were near and dear t o her, all f 19, con. 1, Clrirke, for the season of 1884. pf a 1i,.e\!'.Spaper will bti' excused. vocal music t11ught. whom can to-day ?ut stan~l aside from -J:he He is considered by good judges of horses l_ g222 busy concerns of life and, m the ~olemmty to be one of the most handsome and best Srn RJOHAR)) CM~TWJUCR'l' r.tddressed a o~ tl~e .motnent as m t.he qmet1;1de of Canaclian bred blood horses in the Provc~eath s hush, console themselves with the~ ince. His colts for ~izc and beauty cannot very large audience i.n the. Opera House, fact that be. surpassed, .and lngh prices aro offered Toronto, on Tuesclay night, on th e politi- Leaves have their time to fall and fade, for them. Good pasture for mares from a cal past, present imcl futm· e of Oamicb. . And flowers to wither, too, · distance at $1.50 per month,, but no responsibility. Leonard Thompson, ~ewDr. McLaughlin, M.P.P., and D. Burke The stars and moon to rise and set, Simpson, Esq., barrister, from Bowman- ' Dllt thou, Q ·Death, art never tlnough. castle, proprietor.-20-2w* Mr. A. Itobbins' "Young Gleniffer" villc, were present ancl honored-with seats ';t'is difficult to feel that we · Must really pass away ; will stop at Geo. Argue's, Manvers, M:onon the platform. · '!'he speech appears in But thou, O Death, art on thy i'ound, day 1lOOn j Ballyduff, all t1ight. Tuesday :fqll in the Weekly Globe, and every elector Wl tl · ]1t' t t t noon, at Bethany; John Smi1h'11, aU 8 l.Om 1!;1nug ies canno ay. · night. Wednesday, Robt. Walsh1s, ]'allis ill Catgicla l!hould read it. . Sir Richa1·cl's : fore.c asts of th1;1 political future will be i During the special services of 1881, Line, noon; Jeffrey Moreton's, all night. 1 which were conducted by R Y-. W. Ayers, Thursday, R. Ridge's, Pontypool, noon ; l mixio~isl~ W\itr.licd, Bowmanville, April 8, 1884. in the B. 0 . dwrch, Oshawa, _ she was · Geo. \Vright's, Enterprise, iLll night. ........,. ....,. . found an earnest seeker for the light and ! Friday, at S. 'l'hompsou 's, noon, tl1e11ce - _ _ _ :::J liberty which the Gospel provides for the 1 to his own stable, Cloverdale Farm, WHY the Queen ha..'> a:;ked a ·vo:;tponsoul. Her couversion was one of nmrked Clarke, and remain till Monday mor0ing. mertt of the celebration of h er bil'thcl1ty we experience and gteat interest to all con- See bills. Gle11itfer will be three years know not, but at this late hour Canadians cerned. She ...'\'i:M not easily led by the old June-201 1884. - - -- - -·will very reluctantly comply with the impul<ie of tl~e moment,c..0.r bonie i~way ir.. l ·feeling, 1 · but after· seeking d uo O'L'.JJE D1s'Gm:l~AGE.1J-even if you request, as many societies had already with emotiomil many mcmt 1$_~vlt i qmet ea.rnestness an ha.ve tried lllany re;m~dies for your Kidcomnleted armngemeuts for the day' an underst~ii.thng heart she found rest and FARMERS, if you want Good, Reliable Seeds:>' in 'Simple trnst in Jesus, much to ney disease or L.i·rnr complamt without l:>e(Qre the request came. The 24th bei11g :peace 1 · d f success it is no ~son why you sho11ld 1 a statutory holidtty, is the proper day to 't ~e jl;l'Y of many an satisfaction ° rnr think your dis(}r~r incurable. The most celebrate. To us thoro seems to be sorl'le- own sou~. lSho arose _in the meetinfig and iutractable cae'd readily yield to the 1 a 81mp e expression of her con dence potent virtuei 'C'f Kidney-Wort .. It is a thing ricliculcms in postponing a birtlutity gave in what God had done for her through Christ. From that time forward, as far pilr<>ly_ veget11.'bl~ compound which Mts on <!elelirntion. It has been suggested that the K1dlilt'$ti, L1vet ancl Bowels 'at the t.h~ Qnoen's reason for Jlostponing lte1· as we know, her life was one of resigna- same time and tbus cleuses tl\<e whole 1 This powder never vo.ri~s. A marvel of h er Master's will. · but g11t & 'package purity, strength a11d whol..isomeness. More birthday celebration is 011 <LCCOUJ1t of the tion to }'f t] 1 b · f b !' ; systeLLI, D On ' t wart, economical t.ho.n the ordin<i.ry kinds o.nd canH er 1 e,. 10ug_ l ne ' we e ieve was. ·to da and cure ourself. cold weather. The ladies will not oo per- not not be sold in competition with the multitucle spent m vam, as she seemed to be Y -'-' ··:;; ··_Y _____ _ of low test, shert weight. alum or phosphate mitteu Lo avpear in low neck drosses for looking forwnrcl to tlmt blessed and m1- ' Pkture f1ames, full line on lkMld, any powders. Solcl only ;n O(.l?t.~. ROYAL BAKING Where yon will find a Full Assortment, comprisiri.o- Red Clover AlsykePowDEU Co.. 106 Walht. N. Y. ending re~t-th e rest of God Himself. :si:ro ·made up. T. Yellowlees. Clover, White Dutch Clover, Timothy Seed, Orch~rd Grass, K~ntucky fear of j;aking cold. She gent~y bowed h er head, her last mq·Dyeing satisfactory work dooie ·by leavBlue Grass, ~ome Gro~n Carrot a~d 1\1.angold Seed, very ·choice, Gar-NEyWhert }\> .. rnents bemg easy and pe<,lceful, itnd pt\ssed ing.your goods with. T. Ye!l(l wlees. We are just opening a la1·ge. The ELEUTRA published in Louisville BURNER. No more trouble to mevo wicks. den Seed,s of every v~1;ety and l~md . to the rest beyond. - · - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - lllvery family wants it. lnt 11.ny lo.mp. Use stock of TURNIP SEED of all kmds, from the best English growers. Ky., .at $2.00 it year, edited by Misses away On Sunday hist. the nume1·ous fri~!lds same globe. Sells at ai11:ht. 'l'hree burners for 1rnsT mul COlilFOR'l' t· tlle~St:FFRING. :Wi1wn and Ley burn, is opening Vol. TT, gatherC(l around the l:vke-sicle home, the $1 to any address, Roller Lamp Burner Co., -OUR STOCK OFwith increasini;:iy bright prospects. We services being conducted by the Rt'!v. Mr. 73 Murray St.. N:ew York. would especially comrnend ELECl'lM. to al.l. W eliber. 'r11e funeral :th en proceed eel to As a family jourrntl it is wide awake, Bowmanvjlle cemetery., followed l:>Y about c1mr ..i,t1g, mte1·cst~ng, and is p<trl'icula.rly 130 carriages, which wol'e met in the town tcfaptc'd t o the · eultivation of th e older by a largo number of -citi:rnns, who joined young people. Its histori-0al sketches, in the. last tribute ·df respect to the reading club. and current hii;tory, arc all departments fo nn_ <l in that journal a,lone, departed. a11d are particularly to be commended. So fades the summer<c]bud away, So sinks the gale w 'het:i storms are o'er, Eo.ch number is illustra.ted with a handsome steel engraving. Send 10 cents for So gently shuts the ~ye of day, So dies the wave ttlor1'!f the shore. sample copy. .A large, inflnential aml represe'ntiitiv 1i meeting was held in the TemperanceHall , Orono, on Tuesday, May 13, t o take st,ep~ for the submission of the Scott Act. Tho meeting heartily enclorsecl the movement and pledged itself to· do all. that c11.n be done legitimately to secure the passing of the Act in these Counties. Local committees and canvassers were a}lpointed for each llolling sub-division, and a township subscription was started to meet fi.nrincial claims, $140 bein!! . ~ subscribed in a few mmutes. A spirit of onthusiiism and williugness worthy of the cause was shown by expressions on all sides to increase the fund to any extent needed. Arrangements. were completed for the holding of ten meetings -throughout the township during tlie last week in May as follows ': MONDAY M_ AY 2u'l'H, Temperance Hall, Newton ville; deputation: Rev. A. Richard, M:r. Robt. Knox. Enterprise, Sons' Hall; tlep.: Rev. P. , Addison, Rev. J. H · SliouIts, M r. D ame1 Allin. Tuesday, 27th, at KenclallC .M. church; dep. : Rev. P. Addison, Rev. C. A. Simpson, ·M r, R. Moment. Kirby M. E. church; dcp. : Hcv. A. Frazer, Rev. A. Richard. .At Bellwood's School House · dep. : Rev. W. A, V. Pattyson, Rev. A'. Drl\mmond. Wednesday, 28th, at Clarke church ; dep. : Hev. S. Salton, Rev. C. .A. Simpson, Dr. J. Adair. At Brown's School House; Rev. A. Frazer, Rev. W. A. V. ReRul·r meetinK May 9. .After routine SU!ldry communications were read and laid on table. Accounts for $182.G8 were ordered to be paid. The Property Comm1ttee'a report was read and adopted. Tho Principal'e report for April show11 the following attendance : PER UE~T. HO. ON ROLL. AVERAOE. 80 Mr. Barber .......... 4o0 32 .Arriving every MissM.oorcraft ...... 44 38 86 Mr. McTavish ...... 50 47 week, full of bloom 94 Miss Thowas ........ oO 47 94 and perfume. M'tee H am bly ...... . 54 49.,1. , 91 Miss Coleman .... .. A6 4291 Miss Birnie ..... ... 50 42 84 Miss Raines.... .. 159 104 66 ' Totals ........... .493 81 PERFU~RY M'r. '.K eith .. . .. ... ... 50 0() Miss Adair ........... 71 73 To suit everybody Totals ........ . .......121 85 70 in quality and J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SO~, ,,,,~~~,,, ~~~~~~~~~ FLOWERS PURE DRUGS - A N . D -;- BINCE'S SYRUP' None better, None" cheaper·. '"" l STANDARD MED IGINES. -o--- Fresh Oil 0 a k ---o--- OU_ RCURNCURE : Horse & Cattle Food, GIVE IT A .-'l'RIAL. ~ ~~ll~~~-Jjji,~j.JJ}J D ·R ·U G-G-ISTS. ~ii{iJEIRIT(slofNI) DRY GOODS & NlILLlNE" RY. DRESS GOODS! See our P~rasols and Sunshades l - -LACE C CTR.TAINS. ======= MANTLES I CA I l.l? E 1 T S ELEGANT STOCK ' VELVET &TAPESTRYS GOUCH, JOHNSTo·N&CRYDERMAN. ,_ __ Their Carpets are all new and their Prices · are as low as. the lowest. Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash. ONE DOOR WEST OF POST Of.FICE·. ~· N . · "' -· SEEDS ·C..A..LL ..A..T (IMURDOCHI IBROS.D 1 A CENTS WANTED ;19µ