(ITHE FIRED BOOT AND SHOE MAN ld lnal Farnese, was bought by Prince Cards of Thanks. Demidoff for 18,500 francs. There was A Clever Swindle-A Terrible Aecident brisk competition for a pair of ewers, that To th· Lancu.shire ft'ire lns1wcrmce Oo. MILLINERY. of Robert Mognard brought 'l,000 francs, I hereby return thar.ks for the prompt pay· TOLP' IN TWO LEmRs. :S MILL f[AS. BEEN . THOR~ -Hard Times in Russia, &c., &c. arid one of 1727, 6,550 franca. Two pow- ment in full, through your agent here.Mr.Tho·. my claim against you from the Bingham, of UGHLY renovated and put in order.under Another the laborers and sufferers der boxes were sold for 2,5i0 fraiws. A ate fire. LEWI8 QUICK. our own epectal supervision, for the pur·pose of .: ·:03~~;t.~h~l for Has much pleasure in announcing to the ladles grlsting and tne.nufacturihg OaU11eal ond pot Italian independence imd unity, Giov- pair of candlesticks, made by .Antoine de "Gentlemen: My father resides' at Glover, that she has received a complete stock of Mll~ Barley, and we are now prepared to recPn;e anni Battista Tara, died at Rome the other Saint Nichol, brought 5,000 francs, anTo Hm·tford Fire Insurance Company. linery and Fancy Goods. Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scroforders from all our old cuat.omers and others day at age of 67. He once filled the other by Martin Berthe, 3,150 francs. A I hereby return thanks to your Company for Flowers, Fentllers. Ornaments, Ribbons for work and we gurantee to give them who . ula, and the inclosed letter wm tell you wha. t inh·uet J.s ·wi:th the same entire satisfaction. A' marvelous effect office of vice president of a republican as- awinging teapot brought 2,600 franc11, and the prompt settlement of my claim; through Yeiliugs, J,trnes, nerlin w ..01, A1ulal11slan. Oats and other grains taken in exchange for agent l\fr. '!'hos.Bingham, of loss sus1 amf'd llciuls, Jh·uids, Can'vass, Silli. 4 Cotton Floss. sembly, and had to .fly from his country. still higher prices were· expected for soup your 1!'lour Oa.t Meal, &c.. H. & J·, TOWNS, Bow· by fire on tilt: 12th inst. LEWIS QlJIOK, A call is kindly solicited. Thirty years later he was a cabinet minis- tureens made by Vilieclair and Cheret, manville · · · · 227, W. WORWOLK. MRS. ANDERSON, King Street ter of a constitutional monarch, ·and in candelabras by Renaud, and a gold chocoTo the P 1·e.9 id.ent. Ma':.;;;,. and Dtrectors o/ next door to Buckler's Jewellery Store. ' ~ him King Humbert laments the loss of a late pot, which were considered the gems GET YOUR LUMBER has had in his case. I think his blood mU8t . tj/;~vfd~a.Insu,.ance Association of London, subject and a faithful and trusted of ylri.e collection. loyal have contained· the humor for at least ten MISS BURDEN takes pleasure in in · years; but it did not show, exe!'pt-in tho form s~rvant. · A correspondent of the Agramer Zeitung I hereby.return thanks for the very prompt settlement,tbrough your agent Mr.1'. Bingham, timatiug to her friend!! and customers that she of a screfulous sore on the wri8t, until about The Parisians are evidently a reading writes that the damage caused by the late for my two horses killed by lightning In my ~ill be found at MRs. ANDJJ:RSON'R STo~ five years ago. From a few spots which appeople. There are thirty morning jour- earthquake at Cjakover amounts to 40,- field last t.hunder·st.orm. ROB'!', FIELDING. · where she will ca.rry on the Drese-MakiPg. peared at that time, it gradually spread so ll.S -AT:nnls published.andsi.x.teeuafternoonjour- 000 florins. The first earthquake hap. to cover.his entire body. I assure you he wits tenibly atliicted, and an object of pity, when nals . . '11he Petit Joiirnal has a daily cir- pened on the ·24th of March, at 9 .p· m., he began using y~ur medicine. Now, there are culation of 594,500, three other papers driving the whole of the population out few men-of his age who enjoy as good health have circulations of 100,000 to 198,000, 0f doers; a second followed in two min~ as he has. I could easily name fifty persona -OFthree others 53,0PO to 80,000, and fifteen utes, a.nd tnewholc of the night 1ubterwho would testify to the facts in his.case. others 20,000 to 47,000 . . The circulation ranean thunder was heard at intervals of Yours truly, W. M. PHILLll'S," of .Figwro is 80,000. The combined issue a qua'rter or half an hoUI-. After tha.t the Liberty Street, of the leading morning da1ies foot up earthquakes were repeated every day to 'Vhete you can also obtain ;i1!!~r1:'~~~ 1, 729,000 copieirper day. the nmnber of thirty, with greater or lesa duty for .me to state t.o you ·the bend.t I Doors, Sash, Blinds. Window and Door ser violence. The bishop's residence, the have derived from the uso of ' A terrible accident occurred recently at seminary, a_' cloister, the barracks, and Frani~s, Plafa and Ornamental Fence We have reduced~the prices of our entire stock of Auxonne; by which one of the men con- other public buildings were greatly datnPickets, Cisterns, &c; nected with a menagerie which is being aged. 'rhe tops of three small towers on exhibited there lost his life. It appears the cathedral and the whole of the fourth Six months ago I was completely covered with tl~at the man 'Was.showing the wild beasts tower fell, damaging the roof, while in Bowmanvillc. Februarv 21, 1881. 8-tf. a terrible humor and scrofulous s_oree., The to: some friends, a.n d in passing before a the interior great rents were caused in the · ------.----~-.:---·-.:...,~------·- - - We are making-humor caused an lncessa,nt. and mtolerable cage conta.ining a lion and two lionesses walls. ·, . itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause he put ·o:qe-ofhis arms between the Qats The Osmanli Turkish newspaper lately the blood to· flow in many places whenever for the purpose of stroking the lion's announced that a volcano had appeared I 11\.Dved, My_ sutterings were greab, and my life a burden. I commenced the use of the mane. · The lionesses immediately sprang within the city limits of Constantinople, S,\.RsA.P.AllILLA .in April last, and have used in every department of General Dry Goods. ---<-<»--at the man's 11.nn, in which . th\lY J:>uried on the shore of the Sea of Marmora. 'l'he it regularly since that time. My condition their claws, while the lion, by a snap of 1 d ·I · W. V ' ~t began to improve at once, . The sores havo histeeth,severedthearm cleanfromthe city was corivuse witi excitement, . Ul all healed, and I feel perfectly well IJ! every Thousands stood gazing at the phenomeshoulder. The man was taken away by non all the time. The "volcano" con· . respect-being now able to do a good day's other attendants, .and.he died iri hospital sisted of a small crack. in the ground, over work, although 73 years.of age. ·Many.inquire Interested parties ought to see these Rare 1 Bargains. what has wrought such a ·cure in my case, and soon after. which played a bluish flame. The abiliI tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, A few d1.1ys ago four well-dressed men t ies of Turkish officials showed brilliantly ARE NOW OPEN. AYER' s SAI\SAPARILLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. entered a London tavern and had dinner. in thlll emergency. The perfect of police · 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, litnnd fermerly occupied by tile Po!t Omce. When the moment came to pay they said went in·person to examine the "volcano," HIRAM PI!ILLIPs;·~ Kl~G STREIE'll', that they had no money with them, but and could make nothing out of it. He sent AYER'S SA.RS.APA.RILLA. cures Scrot'ula weuld lea.Te a .valuable diamond ring. A for his physic.ian, who it seems is expect:ec>Wnt.I' AN'VXX..1a_ El. and all Scrofnlo-us Complaints, Erysfp.. few days later they called, settled the ed to provide remedies for all categories Parties asking us for Bargains will not be disappointed. elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Dlotches, previeue account, had another dinner, of physic!!.! convulsions. But the doctor The Gallery is first-cbsa in all He ap - Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions Qf tialked to the proprietor, and .finally sold could do nothing. So the police erectecl pointments, and furnish ed in a comfort· the Skin. It clears the blood of all impuhim the ring for £55. He consi.d ered a wooden fence around the voice.no in orable mauuei'. There will ·be no poor work rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of that he had mad~41 good bargain, because der to restrain it from harm. The thing alhnved to leave the ro-o.ms, and these who the bow<;>ls, and thus rest.ores vitality and while it· had, . been in. his posses~ion he got noised abroad, and a meddlesome for· favor me with a call can rely ,on being - strengthens the whole system. had taken it to a jeweller, who had pro- eigner went to look e._t. it. He to.ok up a pleased PREPARED BY neunce<fit to :Pe worth,£.100. 3;lio.gueata, shovel and threw a little earth mto the .--The instantenous process only· will however, had, on their second _ visit sub- crater, and, alas ·t extinguished the volDr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. be used for Phot.ogruphe. i!ltitute.d an imitation ·foe-simile fol· the cane. The city is indignant at thus beSold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $5. genuine ring. . ing deprived of a lion of great promise. Oo~e in and see me. Ever since :the public worship regula.Recent years have been unu~ually proR. H.HENRY. tion. bill was put in foroe against the ex- lific in discoverie11 of the remams of the treme l).igh ch:urchmen, the loyalty of the prehistoric inhabitants of England. An d 1 · B dS ritualiau in England has fallen to a lsw interesting discovery of the kind has late· .. gives as goo va ue m OOTS an HOF.S ebb. The <Jhurch Times, in it~ article ly been made in the valley of the An· for Uash as can be obtafoed at any other commenting on the duke of Hesse:s mor· eholme, near Brigg; in Lincolnshire ,: store. in town. ganatie marriage, says that the German i:lome laborers, who were excavating- bncl{ fi ' b · h b Fumps Cheaper and Better alliances of the royal families and their earth, came upon a corduroy road !Lt l!' rir;t years usmess as een a p.eoconnections bave ·b een fraught with da.n · depth of some seven feet below the su.r,. · nounced success. ~~ than ever. ' ' BO-WMANVILLE, ger the public morals of the country. face. Above the road is a stratum of six Manufacturer .and Desler in Pumps of Tha.t however severe the queen may be feet of clay, and upon the clay lies a layer sales so far this year· ar~ away ahead ·' -all kinds,The 8ubscriber having built a large new on any dereliction from propriety in her of peat. It is known t~&t this peat. has ·. of those of correspondmg months of RUBBER. BUCKETS, own court, she has not hesitated to sacri· occupi~ its present position ~or consider· . last year. Pump Factory in Oren<', is prepared fice her.own daughters to men of loose and a.bly more than a thousand years, a RoWIND MILLS, -~o furriishhas Spring Goods on.hand in great variet;r. WINDOW SHADES, questi_pnable mo];'3lity. The same parer man road, which is still _in good, order, is much scandalized at the archbishop of crossing it. The newly-discovered tr~ck ·. and General Jobber in Canterbury for joining the Wycliffe soci- ii! formed of huge oaken beams, whwh With or without Porcelain- Cylinder, of CARPENTER WORK. ety. will continue to sell at very low. pttcee are fastened into the glacial drift beneath · The land speculators along the western by means of oaken pins; and it is be· !Shop opposite Trelcven·s Shoe Store. for Cash. th~~est Material, on the sl~ortest notice Riviera aTe in a state of dispair at . the lieved by geologists who have viaite . d t~e :,., T d 11 k d Mo.rob 26. 188!, 13·6m, llowmanville, " · ~· and at the 1o:west prilJeS. _ death of the duke of Albany. They had excavations-that-these timbers were- lai<l °;J promptly .at~en s to a custom wor an indueed him te agree to purchase a por:: .down at least ten thousand years ago. · sees that 1t IS properly executed. Oi~tern Tubs and Pumps~ supplied. tion of some land belonging to .a syndi- ;l'he track 11eems to be about a mile in ll · d t ol cate at Antibes, and now they urge that length, but whit~er it le~ and what was has continua Y a vane assortmen the agreement should be carrred out, and its use, are quest10ns which are scarcely Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags. WELLS CLEANED, & RERAIRED. that either the duchess of Albany or se>_me likely to be solved. English prince sl).ould build a house there · says and inhabit it. .All lflOnl('the Riviera A. Warning t..Sm.ekcrs. land is bought and sold much like stocks .A. curious accident happened in Paris COME AND SEE. elsewhere. · Everyone speculates, The TO GIVE SATISFACTION. purchaserB pay a deposit, and if they are the other day. Dr. R - wears very KING STREET, BOW.MANVILLE. unabie to resell they forfeit it. Land open collars on his shirt, and when ---.,.....-------,--,--....=....,.=~ =~==-=::===-=-~-----~ .worth 3 or 4 francs a meter was at one walking a.long the Rue de V angirar<l some- ·- _ . . _ _ . ... _ _ ··- . _ . __ _ -· __ Orders by Mail promptly .a ttended to. time run up to 24 or 25 francs. It has body t_ h rew a lighted cigar stum~ .out of now faUel!l to 14 or 15, and will probably the window. The doctor recened the · lower. gracious offering in the n:i-pe of !1-is neck. g DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, He tried to take hold of it, but it eluded GEORGE C. ·HAINES, Proprietor, ~he phi)anthropic efforts _of th. e Ru~si_an his grasp. and tumbled down his back, MOULDINGS, &c... kept on hand. 11~cultum1ts to ~ender their country m- burning him dreaafully in a number of --MANUFACTURER O F - dependent of Chma for the supply of tea laces. Mad with pain he rushed into a appear as yet to have been crowned with ~ine-shop, but before he could abrip his little success. Sa~ples of the produ~ of back was 11 ma.ss of blisters. · t~e ~ pbnts_wh1ch have been. a_cchm~· The doctor did not knew who had ·KING STREET, BOWMANYILLE, t1zed m Georgia w~re lately ex~ib1ted m thrown the cigar stump, but a bystander Has now on hand a number of vehlclee (and is manufacturing a great man)'. more) o~ the newest the hall of th,e_ A_gr1cultural Society of the noti'ced the wi'ndow i"t C°'ne from, nnd the patterns and best finish, which I am offering for.sale l\t the lowest pr:1ces !JOnsisteut 1 ~ ~ with due regard to workmanship and qu.ahty. The followmg 1s a list of . the principal vehicles manufactured by me: This Great Household Medicine C'.aucasu11 at rifiie, ai;d.appear to iave ex- doctor sent foi· a policemw.. The person ~1ted oons1dera.ble mt~rest. The local_ who threw the cigar proved to be a M. Double Covered CaITiages .... , .............. ... ....... .............. . ........ $200 Upwards. ranks amo!lg-st the leading' Journals; howe..-er, admit tl:iat thesamplea G-~, a gentlem!m of means, who was Single Phretons ................................................................. 100 11 prond t_o be rather poor m ~avor, an~ very_ much shocked at his imprudence, Open Buggy ............................................................ ,......... 70 II . necessaries of Life; 'fop Buggy... ................... ........... .... ......... .. ......... .. ........ ..... 90 11 Has Hade Many 4Jhnngcs. These famous Piils purify the BLOOD, a.nd th!.\t their ar9aa ~esen.1oled tl~t- of Ch] and offered a wnsiderable sum of money nese tMs of very mier10r quality·. It 15 to the doctor to hush the matter up. But Democrat Wagon....... ........................................... ·: ... ......... 65 " most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the - - (o)- pleaded, however, that thes~ spec1me~! the latter refused to bO appeas~, ~nd Lumber Wagons................... ... . ............................................ 55 " Liver, .Stomack, Kidn.P.vs, Light Wagon ..................................................................... 4 11 a.nd BOWFJL8. givmg tnne, energy, and vigor· were grown ~J a planter of httle ~xp~ri- threatened to bring an action of cnmmal of oultna.t10da carelessness. Should lie succeed the Express Wagon.................................................................. 7 11 o these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They ence in Chme1>e met.hods _ a·e con ftdently recommended as a ~ev~r falling and P!eparat10n, and hopes are e:xpreslle smoker ffil),Y ~rieve iu jail OVH' the r01al· S~eleton ......... .... ... ........ .. ......................... ... ... ·: : "::: : ::~ ·:·:~ ; ~~- - !I remedy in all cases where the const1tut1on, from of ultimate-success; · f ·u ' ~~--:::.~ -~.~-..,....-~. ····- ·· ·····- · · --.40 0 whatever eattse, has become imnaire~ or weak11 I. D. Chevalley; a native of Switze-r- or his y. .... ...- ....... -·· ---- --Sulky......... . '.'""" '"""'"':""""-,~-~·"'-;"' ":""'""'.'""'·'"'"'"" . . ened. They are wonderfullv efHoamous In all alhnen_tij inni<le1ital to Femafes of all ages ; and land aged 66 when recently· on board a t'ossessing superio.r facllities for ~anufacturing carr1ag!"s, I mtend to sell ve1y cheap for cash itVTBE POPlJLA.ll"'@l" as a , GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are French ai1d Endish Na;rles or approved credit and by so !J.mng I hope to greatly morease ms number of sales. Would ' · . steamboat on the La.ke of Geneva, enseli the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggiee ironed. unsurpassed. gaged to indicate to the crowd around him Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Thomas Symthe lapse of a quarter of an hour, or as onds, G. c. B., has compiled an interestI many minutes or seconds as any oue ing comparison of the naval estim.a.tes in Us SearchJng ond Beallng Properties are cholie to name, and. further, to indicate England and France for 188:!-6, with the HAS RESUMED BUSINESS At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. known tllrongbout the Worlcl. by the voice the moment the hand passed nt!'mber of ships in course of construction At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sa.wing with Ciz:ol~, Band or Scroll -· - I N - For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, over the quarter minutes or half minutes in each country. From thiil we find that ::>aws and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters aud others for bmldmg purposes. Ornamen.t.al and Plain Pickets for fences in every st.yle requirP.d, made to order. 248 or any other subdivision stipulated. This while the total amount to be 1>pent in ·- -- - . ··-··----· he did without mistake in the midst of a Engbnd in the construction of armored ::NEADS' FICll the neck and chest. as salt into meat, it. cures diversified conversation. He acquired by ahip~ is £912,455, the. French devote to NEX~ DOOR TO THE EXFRESS OF ', SORE 'fHROAT,Diubtheria;Bronchitis, Cough imitation and patience a movement which that purpose £1,819,360, or nearly double. (o) Colds and even .ASTHMA. For Glandular neither thought nor labor nor anything At the same time, France has fifteen ar- - - ---Swellings, .Abscesses Piles Fistulas can stop. It is similar to that of a pen- mo~ed vessels in course, of censtuction, tar :My Stock comprises all lines of Le.dies Rheumatism, dulum1 whi~h at each motion of. going and wh1~e ~e ):lave only twelve; of these four &. Gents' l!'ine Goods, Overshoes, Itubbers, &c. A.nd every kind ot SKIN DISEASE, it has returmng gives lum the space of three are 11m.at1?ns of ~e French barbettes, it@" Ordered Work and Repairing will as never been kown to tail. The Pills and Ointment ·are Manufactured seconds, so that twenty of them make a ' and two_ citadel ships of the old style, usual receive prompt attention. · only at 533 OXFORD 8TREET, LONDON, and minute and these he adds to others con- ar~ed with forty-three-ton guns (B. ~-) are sold by all Vendors o(Medicines throughon tinuou;ly. · I t 111 also stat~ t!lli.u the new. Enghs_ h lfliI" My customers and the public generally the Civilized World; with directions for using ships are to be armor ed one-third their. are invited ti> call and secure unparalleled in most every le.ni;iuage. The Russian finance minister attributes length only, while the F rench a.re armor«Purchasers should look at the T.ii.hel on tb.e th6 o aloomy condition of finance, trade, bargains in Boots and Shoes. Posts and Boxes. If the address is not 533 ed their whole lengt h. In the building Takes pleasure in a J.::ouncing the arrival of his New Spring Stock, conOxford Street, London, they are spurious, and industry in Russia to the competition . DAVID DAVlS. The Trade Marks of my said Medwi!'es are of the United States, Canada, and India yards of France, it is added, 22,852 men sisting of Spring and Summer Hats in Felt and B~raw, Hard and Soft Bowmanville, March 6, 1884,. registered in Ottawa, and also at Washrngton. as wheat exporting countries. This stag- are employed; in the E nglish yards, 18, · 441. Here, it seems, we build by contract - - - --- - - --- ·- - -- ---- --~--- -··--- - ~- -4 nation in . t he corn trade, iti i8 added, af- 1, iron-clad, 2 .dispatch vessels, 2 torpedo Felt,Men's,Youth's,Boys' and Children's Black, Brown, Blue and Neut!fi fected limdowners, who consequently vessels 1 gunboat, and 4 torpedo boats ; Straw Hats from the 10 cent Canadian to the finest Mani.Ila, and is: bought less of manufacturers. Manu· the French, 2 iron-clads, g torpedo boatl!I, factured goods also suffered from overpro· and 3 dispatch vessels. A dmir a.I Sym- sizes from the Baby to Grandfather. duction, chiefly as regards cotton goods onds declares that the British navy i11 1n GENT'S FURNISHINGS I am determined to keep to the front. and railway rolling-stock. Mr. Kennedy, etarved, and looks forward to a "naval secretary Of the British embassy at St. Se<L'>n" as a certainty. Of the 62 "tight- In SHIRTS, I offer all the leading styles. In TIES, all the novelties. Petersburg, in referring to these circum- inct and sea -going iron-clads" . of which a In UNDERWEAR, the best quality kept. In RUBBER COATS, I ·t.n'" ob·m~ th·t tho budget too· ofestith· lis~ has been issued-by Parliament, Qnly offer none but fi~tit class. HOSIERY in great variety; UMBRELLAS ~ minister's statement on the some 15-acoording to Admiral Symonda mates for the current year is ' ' despon· - can go at. full speed; the rest rue "mere · . dent;" that the report anticipaten no im- traps to slaughter and dro~n their crews, and BRACES, a good choice; CELLULOID COLLARS and CUFFS, . . proTement, while it announces the neces- owing to their thin armor iind fanlty struct- the latest novelties in the line, require only to be seen to be purchased. Caledonian Mills. Formerly renown aa the " Soper Mills. 'J A MARVELOUS STORY FOREIGN N E W S. Spring & Summer MRS. ANDERSON T FROM THE SON: of an Ayer's Sars~parilla : ' ' i Dress·Making. PlANfO, MATCHf D,MOUlOf O&o. Morris & ·Joblin's G· R EAT CLEARING SALE PLANING Mill, FROM THE FATHER: . CARPENTRY IN ALL BRANCHES. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothingi S\l\! ££Pl NG HENRY'S REDUCTIONS I We 011er IY .dS s · at $5· .len . s Twee N .,w Photo Rooms Boy's & Youth's Tweed Suits at $1.50. · h WE ARE CUTTING DOWN THE PRICES ALL AROUND. ELLISON & 00. ACKNOWlEDGED FACTS. Orono Pump Factory. W.C.TYLER, PUMPS!· J HELLYAR · to J · HELLY.AR'S . . J HELLy AR'S PU MPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ·J HELLy AR J HELLY AR HELLy AR J. HELLYAR ALL WORK ·GUARANTEED J. HELLYAR HA I NE S' CARR!A,GE 'WQ RKS. ... R. FERGUS ON. OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C-; g Holloway's Ointment, All Kinds of Vehicles Re p a . red I -·~ --· ~ BLOCK~l i~:~,!:i~r~::~y~~~~!A:~a~y rr:!i::. :; SIGN OF THE HAT TO THE FRONT AGAIN. Buckwheat Flour . His Groceries are .I 1= 1 mE .s LL I oT T JA · 1 --------.---llBllllEIB and Graham Flour. Fresh and Good. TryElhott S 30c. TEA. · M ap}e S yrup h OlCe and Sugar. ., I· ,, ~~?si~~~~~r~~~!!~~a:~~ a~f ad~~:~~;i1~; manufacturing industry. Farmers PRODUCE .A. great sale of antique silver work t a k en Ill · exch ange. lately took place at th e H otel Drouot, Paris, at which a brilliant company of · .. · connoisseurs attended. A silver-gilt porDue Bills given. . ringer, which formerly belonged to Car- nr e." 'l'hen all the French have breech· loading guns; ours, with the ~\'Ception of nine, have obsolete muzzle-loit<ler s.-London 1'clegraph. The Assistant Receiver for Montreal has been ordered to redeem the Dominion bank notes stolen from Toronto j n 1876. ~-~~--....------~~-~ · My p rices Wl '11 b e fiound reas ona ble. Highest Prices paid fo . r Raw Furs. 1'IA.Rli:US lllA.YER' A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Bowmanville, April 9, 1884. I