8. C. CHURCH BE·OPENIHC. --- ._ BIBLE CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE. I Cards of 'Thanks. Atitici1'Jating union, the.managers of the The 30th a!ll.l last annual conference of To the .Ha,.tford Fh·e Iriu111wancc Co, B. C. Chm·ch, here.;1.f.ter .to be known as the B. C. ChW:~h 'in· Canada opened in·thc I ht>reby return thanks !!'or the prompt paythe Q11een Street Methodist Church, set Queen Street«1hurch here on ·Wednesday :fem by aour taKent, Mr. ·ti10~. Blnfha.m. fo.[ 1 1 BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 6. about to pr'ovide tlte :adrutional accommo- momiug, Rev. . .iE. Roberts, President, in a ~:~~h~~k b~ ~~t~~::S~1J1 :r~er m~ec~l:i'in dation necessary for tlrn ,increased mem- the chair. was forwar1ed. M!RS. C. C. BURK. bership consequent :Uj)W.ll ithe closing of On 'fuesd3§> migh t the firl'lt confer~1ce· 1 - -WEST' '.DURHAM'S PICNIC. tlie Primitive church. ..A. new gallery meeting was lJtelli-a temperance meeti!u1g I To ti~~ Mana.on.· of tke Gt~oow and Londo1i completely around the ,cfu,t.1rch has been -with the Prefildent in the chair. R~. l'u·c Insurance Co. ·~bi ·<><:/\ E. · I . IRev._ ""-· rr I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay.A nangements are ·l3eing pushed farward b m'lt t·i seat comfor.,.. ..,,y ;......., peopl e, tlie J · A : D a f o~, o fin "'·· · . slancl ' a~H ment by youl' agent., Mr. '1'008. !BiI11{ham. tor Where our friend~ and cust~mers will find everythi.ng for the picnic .iu :lmnor .of Hon. E. Blake, seats have been u.pholatered, grained, J. Rice dehvea1ad,.stirrmg and mterestu~ dama!?e to my house which wa.e<ineured in the xiinted, etc., and the wl1d},e interior of addresses an.it mtrongly advised theii:.Sovereign 1"ire Insurance Co:· tu""ing received l · --as usual in-on the 1'7tfa of.June. .Shliluld the weather ' suppoat :t ·1ie S cott Act. Th.tl sent caEh in. check by return of mad aifter chum was the building thoroughl ·y 1~e.ncw11,te d, so t 1rat hearers to :MRS. e . ·C. BURK. 1 he fo1c we arc louking .for the biggest .excepting Trinity Clw.i\Ch, ,it ii.s the pret- choir furnishe.tll ;all1.'l&:opriate music. The ilemonstmtion ever seen ·in :west D ur ham. tiest church in tou·11 rn6ide.. "l'he archi- Bowmanville DJ.,,&iiw1 of the Sons of ~ From the above settlement of eMl:im parties ~v.IW! Mr. J. P. Temperance tul111ed.(¥llt some sixty strono- : 1holding Sovereign Policies will &ee that they The youtLg n1c11 will turn <li>Ut on horse- tect of the improvemen:tll "· 'D. did t 1 · f u11 rega1·ia <lllild l d t o tlic clrnrcl"' :are all right, 11.nd they need not IJ&i\' ,a ny attenR \, .v.U.JJ1It~ re in · Ullfll.l\; ie 1. ¢ion to the agent of the Domin4o. ice, Messrs. Munson < 11 Grange back, uncler cmumand of JVfo:rslmll P orter, carpentery, Mr. D. "\\'hite, !blte ,masonry, The attencfance d .c~1faens was "ery small. !>um bug or any one else who a.re JliOiug round E sq. l'he procession will !form at the and Mr. Jno. Weeks and Meam'S. Kirby At the close Re;v. .iE. .F,. Young moved, ::;1;~Jolks that their Sovereign Pooicies a.re Sta,tion, at 10 a. m, headed hy the D. 0. & Sherin the painting :insid.e :.m d out. seconded by Mr. '1'ihQI;. Yellowlees, a cor' THOS. BINGHAM, BowMANVJLLE. MADE TO ORDER FROM THE & P. Co. ll:rnd, and proceed tl1t:ough t0wn Th.e neat little pulpit or deak, tGhe cosy dial vote of thank11 1~Q the s1)eakers for -vestry for tho pai'SOn and the .o~i·enieno their able address.es, "JJ!le .meeting closed to the beautiful g.rm·e on the Hampton ce:S generally arc a credit to the 1designers, with the Benediction.. . ·road, just on the edge of the tow:n. Din- and on Sunday at the openilig .e~~~ybody On Wednesday m.oi'll.ii.rw:after singing a Ntru ".2\oncrtiscmtnts. 110r, in real picmic style, (e,·eryoody bring admired the beautiful and necesaaa.y im- hymn ancl reading a pW11·,tio.n of scripture, ......~~·-·······-· ··-······-······-······-·······-··-"·-······,··-······· '\Vell-fillecl baskets) will tiLke pllace ou provements. The persons COIUl.>Q~'lg the Rev. J. w.-Butcher a1i<lJlc;v. 'l'. R. Hull committee of overseers 011 rep.a.i.J.'ll and lead in pmyer. . '!'hen ~fWl!e the election .reaching the gi:ove, and .speakW._g will improvements were · Messrs. J. P · .Bice, of ofticers. Rev. E. Rohert.~. the i·etiring begin about 1 p.m. Our worthy me.mber, P. Trebilcock and Le\·i Morris, and ;they President, made a short v.afadictory, after Hon. E . Blalze, Hon. T. B. Pu·dee, and i·ichly deserve the heartiest thitnks of ,the which nominations wern called for. Revs. C. Beer, Walter Ayers, J. Harris, E. Mr. Paterson, M .P. for Brant, will be the congregation for their good taste :nncl chief speakers. E.:verybody come and management. The total cost of the w.wx Roberts, and 'V. Quance were oominatecl will reach nearly $2,000. for the presidency, and on the second THE LATEST PATTERNS. bring everybody cl~. Moi·e iiarticnltu·s The re-opening services on Sunday WCJl.3 ballott, 11.ev. E. Robe1·ts was declared next week. very largely attended by people of all t~ re-elected. Rev. .Jolm Harris was reReturn tickets at :11ingle fare will be churches tind several ministers. Rev. J, .elected Secretary by acclamatiou ; 11ev. issued at all stations between Toronto aild Johns, 'of New York, preached morni1~g J. H. Collins, .Journal Secretary; Rev. and evening, and Rev. E. Roberts, of 1:1. Metherell, Duplicate Secretary; Revs. :Bellevme to Bowmanville . T oron to, in the afternoon. At the morn- ,J, W. Blatchford, B.A., and Sanmel T. ing service Rev. J . Harris gave out the B.;;,rtlett, reporters for the Ob3erver; and hymn, "Before Jehovah's Awful Throne, Revs. R. Mallett, B ..A., F. M. Whitlock, ENGLA~D is the .mother of nations. The etc. " ; Rev. · w. Jolliffe lead in prayer. and H. E. Bailey, repcn'ters for the Toronto United States is one of thGm, but it will The choir followed with a beautiful vol- papern. be a long time before Ca11ada is another. untary. Mrs. Northcott is organist and Rev. \V. Kenner, J. Whitlock and Mr. ~~~~l~~·~~ Mr. W. Ruse le:\der. The choir is com- Ttos. Courtice who were ap1)ointed to --,Ottci".':a Free Press. \Ve s lla11 see. posed of about 20 members and is one of strike the standiug commiLtees, prescnLed the best in town. The lesson read was the following repor t which was adopted : None better, Bra Pmm WILKTNSON Juts been down t o Solomon's S'!ngs, 2nd chap. The exposiFINANCE. - Revs. D. Willimus, W. Arriving every Ottawa in conuection with the securing of ti on by the preacher was the finest we have Lim]lert and Mr. J. Hull. None cheaper. week, full of bloom - A . N DSn11.ITUAL S'.rATE.-Revs. R. B. Rowe, a patent for luminous p11i11t. He is no eve1· he:ird. He brought out many idea3 1 Cures Cough~, S. H. Rice and Mr. Jas. Rundle. and perfume. doubt still in the employ of the Govern- that were new to his hearers. Hymn 35Colds, etc·.. " 'II/ill God from His Celestial Thro1w ," TE1 1n'ERANCE.- Rev. J . J. Rice, E. A. ment and the paint is for whitewaslung was sung, and then came a sermon }Jy 'J\1~1kin and Mr. J. Broad. members of parliament. - Ii Rev. Mr. Johns, from John 12; 24' :: ~AJJBATH OnsEJ:tVANCE.-Revs. G. Web" Except a corn of wheat fall into tl:i-e b£1·, W. Ayres and Mr. ,V. Yelland. .~--HERE is a tit-hit for the Oshawa Vind-i- ground and die, it 11.bideth alone ; bi1t if lbNISTEllIAL S:i:.ANJJING.- Revs. W. it <lie, it bring~th forth 1nuch fruit." )for J~l!{;ffe, J. Whitlock, W. Kenner, W. R. cator, which we give on the authority of simplification of scripture and apt illus- Roach, and M essrs. ,V, WeITy and J . This IJOWder never varies. A marvP.1 or purity, strength 1111d wholosomeness, More the Hamilton 1.'imws which is published in tration of the salient points of the text, Essery. economic&! than the ordinary kinds and can- To suit everybody Acts like m&gie· the sewing 1michinc centre .of Canada :S'.1.'A'l'ISTIOS.- Revs. L. Wickett, J. Ball, not be sold in corupAtitiou with the multitude we have !)ever heard Mr. Johns' superior, of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate in qtiality and The beauty of the sern1011 111y in t he simand Mr. W. Windatt. . GR.OU.I.STD. .. In the fiscal year in which this National powders. Sold only .:n cans. RoY AL BAKING and gives solid wacticability Rev. ]<'. Haycraft was granted a letter Powo1m Co.. 106 Wall-st. N. Y. Policy came·iuto force there were import- plicity qf the exposition and_1 p1·ice. of its application. Rev. J, Kmme1· closed of st:inding. Revs. J;.icob Gale, Arch. comfort. ed into Canad:i !J,503 sewing machines, 1t11d there were exported from Ca1iada the meeting. In the nfternoon Rev. E. Cbrke rind H . J. Nott were r eported 26,850..sewit~g machines ; that is, Canadian · Roberts prea.ched a capital sermon on the. dead. Itev. 'f. R . Hullwassuperannuated. G. Bodle continues a supernumern.ry. workingmen had the making of as many transfiguration of Christ. In the evenilig Rev. _ s ewing machines as were sold and used the church was crowded and many were The resignations of Revs. R. Davidson, - Ot' in Canach, and 17,347 more. Last fiscal· unable to get inside. Rev. J. Harri:s gave W . Rollins, ,V, Bryenton and J.S. Lean. Toilet Articles, ALL THE The best for. fattening purposes, and year (1882-83) the imports were 22,51G, out the 44th hymn, Rev. Mr. Veale offer- were accepted. Probationers admitted · · Combs, and the exports were !) 1 187 machines ; eel prayer, the choir sung "Awake, 0 into fullconnection wereS. W. Muxworthy most re()llonable in price. , Patent Med1cine!f.. Brushes, - ·::r..t::-th1.it is, the Canadian workingman had tl10 Zion,'.' Rev. J. Johns read and explained \V, Coombe, Vlr. E. Reynolds and S . '!'. making of as ·many sewing machines as tlle 16th Psalm,. Rev. J. Dyke read the Bartlett. Rev. A. C. Courtice B. A., Sponges, &c. DOMINION BANK ADVERTISED ...,., v.s. COLTER. were sold and' used in C1.i nada less 13,329. 45th hymn, aiid Rev. J. Johns preached will attend College. W . Do1rna11d .T. H. auother very i11tere5tfog and pmctical disOke were p:tssed on to their fourth year ; They usecl t o nuke 17,437 more machines in great variety are for eale by us. Parsuant to the jud&'ment and fine.I order for than wer e usetl in Canada ; now they course · from Luke 12: 32: "Fear not and F . \Voodger, S. .J. Thompson and ea.le made in this action there.will bo offered little flock," etc. Rev . . W. Ayers closed H. E. Bailey to their 2nd · ·year. G . F. make 13,329 -less thttn are used in C1.tnada, for sale with the ap prob1ttion of the master of the Supreme Court. at Whitby, by MR, GEO. that is, they fowe 30,()76 less m;i;chiucs to the m eeting. '£he ·collectid1is at all the Cam1om's name was dropped. · · ictionter, at the The statistics s)1ow 7U · ministers; })&r- CURTIS, .A.1, make in a y.e ar tlum t hey used to · have services were good. The day was delightb efore Sir J ohn Macdonald .undertook to ful, and n1any persons from the country sons admitted to church - fellowship, !JSO ; total membership, 7,G04. Loss by death protect them." How does t his ag1"!'JO with were present. ~~ ~-~~~~~ = - --=: ~ .--~~--=:====~~~~==~=~==========~ On Mondiiy evening the public meeting and ·removal over 500. Sabbath Schools, ht Oae Villuge of Newcnstlti, jn the 4Jo11uty "= the promises made to the workingmen? of Dttl'luuu, nt the hour of :l o'clocl· in connection with the i·e-opeuing was an 149 ; teachers, 1, 277 ; scholars, !), 717. Worse ti-um all, the same state of things is immense successs, the church being The Observer account shows a profit of true in a greater or less degree of almost again crowded to the doors. Rev. J. about $900. The first draft of S tatious is out , but we every manufactory in Cmrncb. \Vhere Harris, pastor, presided with much good humor. Several ministers were present, see no changes from last year except that importation has n<1t been great, t he oppos' 1884, the followini;- valuable farm :- The south including R:v. James Little, ~.A., Rev. S. T. Biirtlett is down for Usborne. halt of Lot Number 34. in the 3rd Concession of ite evil of over-production has prevailed, E. R. ~our,0 , :i.ncl ~ev. J . D)~C. R ev. BlLtr.:1·s oF MEMBERS. the TOWNSHIP of CLARKE, ill the said Oounty Commence this week a'ncl will continue throughout all this. as fo1' instance in the organ maunfactory. W. J olh:ffe ~poke b1'.1e1ly i he Sl\ld he Wal! 1 Ministe..s. or Durham, comprising 100 acres more or less. . HM>Ms. season to offer special value in This farm is well situated in e. fine e.icricultuThe K . P. was a delusion and a snare, and pastor of tlus church 18 years ii.go, and Imel Allin, Hoger . .......... .. ........ .... Thos Hoar · spent aeven " eilts 0 11 the Bowmanville Allin, Samuel ... .......... ........ w Sandercock re.I section about. 2 miles north-east or New_ th~ y;·prkinQ!!lOll M'!j n9W ·~ufferirfg from -,~ · T J '1 · · cl l · Archer. Joseph ............. Rev Je.s Carsc11.dden castle and about 6 miles from Bowmanville. \J1rcmt. he . c ia1rman ment10ne t us Ayers, Walter .. ............ .. .. .. .. W G Glover It Is all clcttrcd a.nd is provided with a good :lta pe1·niciotts effects. . · incident : .At a certain meeting during the Ball, John .... .. ....... ..... ...... ... W 'fhickson barn and stable. The line fences are good and conference week four years ago R ev. Hailey,. Henry ... .... ..... ... .. . . ..1'hos Osbor~e thorn is a small orchard. The soil is e. loam, Beer,WmC ...... .. ... . .... ...... WHBe.nbuy 'l.'EUMS OF SALE :- The purchaser shall at · , · prayed t lmt Blatcnrord, '!'hos w . ......... ..J Higginbotham 'l'onv organs and spout ers often say that William Hooper, now d ead time Of s..le pay down 0. deposit O( 10 per the church h ere would incr ease so that Butcher, Jno W...... . . .........:Mrs Ja,cob Ge.le ·the cent. of his purchase money, and the remainder if th e Liber11! party get into power there at the expiration of 30 days thereafter, or at the builclinu- would go out at th e windows ; ~~~\e:'b.~:'::·::::.:·::::. : §·f:r~~~~ the option of the purchaser, ii of the purch;lse will be n othing for th em t o "reform." and a few weeks ago when t earing clown Cannom, Jno W ........ ............. .... W Ituse moucy may be left outst&nding for e. term of Ladies, please call · and inspect our Dress Materials, we · are showingaallery to lmild a larger one some Chapple, .Tno ·· ··· · ·· ··· · ······ .. .... .. [ ·westcott yea.rs "l'he Ottawa Free Pre~s combats this illus- ·the old .o on the security or first statutory mortgage some nice lines comprising French Cashmeres, Ottoman Cords, Empress:. b l l b t tl I Colhne, J H ... .. . ...... .............J McFecters the property bee.ring interest 'lt G per cen t.. i on or d elusion hy presenting the following oftlie tBn era iac t.o e put ou U'oug l Copeland. 6eo u ... ............... ..lt w. James of payable yearly . Such mortgage to contain Cloths, Cashmere Serge, Nun's Cloths, Swiss Spots, Oatmeal Brocades,... - the windows . 'l'lms was that s trange Coombe. Wm........................... C Caornbe an insure.nee covenant rn S·tOO. bar of dower, Colored Lawns, Sateens and Prints. summary :- First come the character and m ·er answei:ed. R ev. J. Johns follow- Courtice, A,~ .. .... .. .. ................ ,S Mae.on (if and power of sale. Said mortnecessary), "C' rn1'111 . st1 ·ation for no P ) . . . . Courtice, R 1. · · ·· ·· · · · ·· . .. · · · · · · · · ·· · - .J P Rice gage to be prepared P el·sonnel of tl1c " by theYendors' Solicitors ' ' ' ed with a very entertj\.mmg ancl mter est - De.foe, Jae A........ ... .... .... .... Mr~ II J Nott at the expense of the purchaser. country can expect good administration ing address in which he r ecounted Se\·eral Down1 Wesley ...... .. ... . .......... .. 'I Wo?11lek 'l'he1·e will be a reserved bid fixed by the · from bad admiuistru.tors. 'i'ho J)resent . .d f ·I Dunk1ey, Geo .. ......... ..... .. .... ...... J l1ran 1nct en ts· o p ersona1 exper10nce. e Greenaway, Jno ...... ...... ... ... Mrs \V P uley Master; in other respects the terms and cont\dministrators :1re of a ve1·y bad sort. said he was convertetl many years ago H~rris, Jno ............... . ...... B c Pe.reon!'ge dit.iona of so.le will be the standing conditions S ecouclly, the tariff must be refo~·med, under the preachin"' of Mr. John Pinch, Holmes, .Jno ... ... .. ......... .......... JasElbott of the Court of Chancery. 0 until the mw matmm1Bof the manufacturk Hurley, Robt ..... . . . ....... ...... ..... P Hobrns F11rt.her pe.rt.icule.rs and conditions of sale our worthy townsman. He·spo · eat some Hull.'!' R .................. ... .......... P Ilobrns may be had on application to the Auctioneer .l l d. ers togot lJ er wit 1 tlc 1ea · mg na tura1 length on the .obligations of the people t o Jolliffe. Wm ................. ...... ..... 8 M,!Lson and to the undersigned Ven!'lore' Solicitors, ll t Jones F 0 C .... .. ...... .... .. ......... ... J .l'oley Oshawa, Unt., and the undersigned !\'laster of Those about buying Curtains will find something entirely new, patterns. h d d d 1>1·oducts, such as coal, cereals·, . etc.,d are th e c1 1m·c , an a vance · some exce en Jolms John ........... ....... .... .. ...... J P inch our Court. . re uce ideas that all christians micrht adopt with i Kenner, Wm ........... .... .... . . ..... T Bowden p laced UP? 11 the free list. This wi11 am different to any ever shown, ranging in price from 75c. per p-' tlp;0 Dated 22nd May, 188t. th~ tn~~twn o~ t!r<l ~o untry considerably profit. H e made a unique ar)r)eal for sub- 1 K_ enner.Jno .... .. ... .... ....... .... ..... . N Horn (sd.) GEO. H. DAitl?NELL, -~ 1. -> · · ··"'-' -"" m t l> <> k85t the true . . . f l Limbert, \Vm . ..... ............ .... .. Rd Hamley Looal Master Supreme Court, w1tnOll&]f!O ltrt.""···,;,-""' u " ' , eCrlJ.tllQ.!lS to the fun <.l for paymg 01' t le Mallet, Rd ........................ .... .. J Knight &. JONES. Whitby. - We have just received another lot. interests of11at,1vc~lllcLllUfo~_t1n·ers. 'l'hml:... r~~s-tt>-tili- chm·ch. He ' Me.son, Thos .. ....... ....... ... .... . .Rd Haf!!blY McGEE 1 23·3w. Vendors' 8olicitors, Os.hawe.. · 1eed Metherell, · de r·cl'·t1011s of ·"'··ll" ·· and tl1e was very frequent1y app1au d e d , an d inc Moses ... ............... ...................... J P Pmch th e t I~ 1 · of those Pure Silks, warranted not to· iy, .' ': """ ,.u,. ' Medland. w ........ ...... J inch Un.1ted ,States , must be placed upon a several .t imes had his hearers convulsed Moore, H ..... . ... ............ ... .. Mrs H J Nott cut. Call and leave your oi·der. We guarantee sat isfaction or no sale~ r eciprocity l.ms1s. F ourthly, the w~1ole with la uahter. R ev. E . Roberts next Muxworthy, SW ... ................... s, Cotto~ i t 1 d 1·e 1 tions o . . Newcombe, H .A. ......... .... . ... . .. .... S Mnso f N t t sys em o · o~· iwes an .gu a . made an earnest appeal for subscriptions, Oke, J H... .. ...... ... ............... Rd Hambly must be reformed t o comply strictly with and succeedecl in raisin er between $600 and Pooley, J no .... .. .. .. ................. .. G Dobson OP VALU.U!LE the principle, of the laud for ~he settlers cto700 Th followin ° ersons subscribed C~':l"'nce. Wm.· .. .... ···· ·· ···· ·· ...... TC Jewell .f 11 tl 1. f ' t r t. "" ' e g p Rtee.J J .. ...... ··· ··· ...... ..... ..... .. A Barber unIy . F1 '. t 1 Y: JC lN icy? c_en r~ iza ton $25 each : ,John P inch, J. P. Rice, S. Il!ce, S H ... .. .... ... ....... .. ... ... S Vanstone.& and the mvas10n of provmcml rights by Mason '!'hos. :Bowden, P . Trebilcock , 'f. H.whard, A ......... ........... .. ........ R Bragg . ve . 1 . e 11t 1 11t1- t t'e abandon ' R. l H bl J I Roach, W R ...... .. ...... ..... . , ll C Parsonal{e tl1e Ottaw1i.go .I I. m , ·: . ' · J ewell, S . Vimstone, 1c1. am y, 01n Roberts. E .... .... .... ... ... ........... A Youn10 ! eel and the :spmt of th e B ritish North Hirminbotham ,fas Kniaht Rev James RobiDs, P . .. ... ... .. ......... .... ...... .P ltoblns I N OR NEAR '-'H~: -:.DON'T BUY America Act, as uriderstood .and .cotnmon- Little and J.\:cr~. Little. ·· 0 ' l · ' Reynolds, Vi:' E .... .. .. ..... .... .......,.;S Cotto": .. I Rowe, It B . .............. ..... .... ... Ibos Roar . cl b tl 1y prac.t ice :~ le prov~nces sm ce CO!l· Subscribers at $10 each: W . H . Os- ' Smith, Geo .... ........ --··· ···· ··· ··· ··· W Ce.nu ' f edcrat 10n, un til the last few year s, ~~lone borne, Rich. Osborn e, (Clarke) J>. Robins, I ~homas, R ...... ...... ...... ..... . ;;···· .n Pee.~e Jn tho County of Durham, being the Flouring . W . A 11· . b y, R JC ' Il.t · rd Brncr SJ . . ·············· ·· ·· I hos Osbor .e e.nd Gristrng Mill known e.s ll.. govern the relations bet ween the. provmces 1n, Thos. K ir ,,,g, 'l,ho~pson, 'I onkrn, E .A. . · ; .·.·.· · ·.····· ··. .· ···· ·. L Morris S ix tl1 1y, t I and the fed eml govem m,cnt: . .1e Mrs. H flrn, C. Coombe, Thos. Woodley, Veale, Jn~........ ... .. ... ... ··· ··· ..... ,J Ve~lc Sennto mus1. be m:idc elective by const1t- vV H B· b . M H J Nott Webber, Geo ............ ...... .. .... Rev .l Dy.ke · · a.Jl. my, · reach s. ·: Thos · · "Vhitlock, J .. ·· ···· ······ .. .......... Jo.aJ MorL~· t d of the K1·ngston . · d. 1 e is t· me t f rom tl . wse 0 f tl.re H ouse S ubscribers at $ii . Osborne, 'Vhitlock. FM ........ ... ... .. .... .. .... Neads S't 1 ua" on th 6 Nor tJ1 s·d · · mmcies · · l ~' of Crown Frank Mason, \Villiam · " .. .. .... . .. . . . ,.. .. p 'r re b.I Road, in or neiLr the Village of Newcastle. Qf " vommons, an<l t i ie pi:·mc1p R. Knight, S. T. W~ckett., L ' ·· 1 co~ k a1>pointment.s ab1mdonecl . I here are B 1 t M ; Gu· ·d R' h Souch N ~1 l llams, D. ... ... . ..... .. ........ .. .W B Couch Under and by virtue of a power ot sa.le con. . t d· arte t, rs. ai , ic. , · "oodger F .... .............. ... ..... OC Hi:unes 1 such as 1ll other r~forms needec, tie mo e Born, Hi1rry R. Nott, R . Slute, George Yelland, J G ............ ............ .. Jas Elliott tained in a mortgage, which will be JJroducerl ut the time of safe, there will be offered for o f lettmg eontmcts and maki:1g awa~·ds Rice, J . Pearn, ,J. Trigg, Mrs. Willimu r,AYMEN. - C>Funcler the s:i.n1e.; m · the i·elatwns wlu ch Sandercock, s. Allin, Mrs. \V. 'Villiams, Binstead, J ...... . .. .............. .... Thos Hoar sale. by Public Auction, on contracto.rs bear t _ ·owa.rcls mm1~ters oft.h e Herbert Kenner , E. H . Caddy, William Butler. R ..... .... ... ··· ··· ...... ...... . A.Barber crown the cml service E. M Westcott. ref?rm; ; in a.ncl i n d1reet10n obtaining of a ~1·cater degr ee P inch Th; C. . church choir joined with the Cullis, J .. ...... .... ...... .. .......... H W .James 18SJ .AT 1 O'CLOCK p M AT THE of mclcpen<l ence ns. tu th e. right to nego- ·cl.1c>1·1· of tl11 ·s cl1urch and f ur nished some Courtice, 'l' .. ... ..... .. ........ ......... . S Mason - .. . ., N l l Cobbledick,'f ... ... ... ... ... .... .. .. .... ..l .ffolley tin.ta our eorrnnerci;il t.ren.trns. eRr y t rn r eal choice music. Crocker.'!' .... . ... .... ........ ... .. .. .. T Jewell , · whole of tlrnRe pln.nkR l11we alr·e:tdy· been Essery, J . ... .. ·· ·· ·· .: . ... ······ ·· · ..S Vanstone in the village of Newea~tle. uforesulll, 1.y the le:1ders of t he Gre11:<·ry, J · · ·· .. . · ·· ..... · .... ·· ·· · · ·· .C Coombo · l )Ub]icly f;wonitl 1 THE Mai l office has issued what they Greenwood, S . .. ..................... .. .J Hearn Pe.l·t of Lot No. 2l. in the 2nd Concession. in Reform party ; nnd ,form the affirmative Hawken, W .: .... .... .. ... ... .. ..... ...G Dohson the township of rn..rke, in the county of D11r· - .A.Tfeatures of the Liberal platform. The call a "Newspaper Directory," but from Hull, .J .. .. .. . . ._·.. ... ·... .... ..·. .. ..... JP Ilice ham containing about. fo } a.cres, on which is .1e th e manner in which it has m isrepresented Huntingdon, H ··· .. ······ ·· ··· · ..... .'l'hos Hoar aitna'.te<l the excellent Flourin~ nnd Gristing Co nst·l1·vat1·re :1ttitm1e towards them is m .. ··· . . ... ......... ... .... .. S Mason Hobbs, ... .. ... Mill krtown as Adams' New Mill. and now of pronour1cetl :incl admitteL1 n eg:i tion,. many On.nadian journals, the Newspaper Hutchings, W .. .... ..... . ...... ..... . .'l' Bowden full described in said mortgage. Kivel. E .......... .... ...... ........... . W Puley Terms easy, nnd made known at the aale, or Misdirectory would be a more suit1~ble L&ke. G.. .............. ... .... ... ,. P Trebilcock on apolice.tion to GEORG.I£ CUlt'l'IS, Auctionr,wcastle, or to A BEAUTI F U L MONUJy.I:E.NT. name. The only papers correctly rated ~~t~;.~<U: ::: ·::.:::·::. ::: ·::. ::: ·::. ::: 'f·<fJ~:~ft eer, NMcGEE & JONE S, h ere are th e STATESJ\IAN and Ob·erver ; the Souoh, Rundle.It J........ · ·· · · · ·... · · .. · · · .· . · · · · · · · · .. · · · .. S Me.son .. . . . .. ... .. ..... ... . R Bragg Vendors' Solicitors, Oshawa. Ml' ,Joseph 1-foope", of J>ort Hope, N ews gave the Advertising Agency a 8mith, 'l'. .................. . .. .... .... .. L Morris Tewkesbury, J W .. ...... ......... ... .. .. W Ruse Oshawa, 28th May, 188-l. Marble Deo.lcr,has l:i.tely placed in position n stone, W ........ . . ..... . .. .... ... ... ,J Veale in our Cemetel'y h ere a very luind sorne q uarter -page advertisement and in return Va. W a.de, .T ... ... . ..... ..... . ... ... .. .. .. W HCouch 1 i.t n c 1 elal)orntely . can'ecl Monument the Directory represents the circulation of Windatt. w . ..... ... .. . .... ........... ... 'l'Jcwell whert ~ ivr~ Werry, W ... ... . ......... ... .. .. .... Jas Morris BUR NER. No more trou.blc to move wicks. for M1·. Colin Smit.h of Darli ngton, that paper to be n early double its actual Westcott,. . . ........... .... .......... .'l ' Woodley Every family wants it. F1t auy le.mp. Use the rn ateri:~l is very fine ftml the workman- circulr1tion. . The other local sh eet is no Willis, H W ...... . ... ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. N Horn so.me globe. Sells e.t sight. 'l'hree burners for Yelland, S ..... . ... ........ . ...... W II Banbury $1 to any address, !loller L&mp Burner Co., ship very su1 1erior anfl reflects gr e:1t cr edit 73 Murray St.. New Yori< . on the m'dter. ]fr. Alex . Craig, of Kew- mentioned at all. ---··-----~~·---Cftstlo, is agen t. fo e t.hc above works and L adies, clout fail to examine my Cloth "\ D\'ER'J 'ISEltS ! send for our Select List of js r eady at au y time to give d esigns and 'Ve never allow ourstlves to be under· Window Shades. They are both durable Local Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell &. Co., Bowrn_ anville, April 8 1 1884. and handso1ne. Thos. Yellowlees. estimat es. 2w*. sold . E llison & Co. 10 Spruce St, N. Y. __.......... ( r HE -¥-aousi)I~ -E: ..A. S ~O'VE D- 2 DOORS WEST, NEADS' BLOCK GENTS' AND BOY'S CL ~OTHING l83~~T o·~ ~T@~~o . & EN!I' !VURN!g!l!N&8 in great variety, all new and choice. LADIES' U LS TE R G.O ODS,. ,V_ J. HIGGINBDTIIAI &SO: ,,,,,,,,, STANDARD MED I OINES. · J_ JEFFREY_ FLOWERS PURE DRUGS BINCE'S SYRUP Absolutely · Pure. PERFUMERY Fresh 011 Cake ---o--- OUR CORN CURE. FARM LANDS IN CLARKE Horse & Cattle Food, __ __ GIVE IT A TRIAL. WINDSOR HOTEL, l~~la~tll DRUG-G-I S ':I?-S_ } """'i' SATU R!H\Y ,lh·e·2·1;i~ay of JU NE, ®OORICIEI ~ DRY GOODS & MILLINERY·. ~DRES· s · ·::.:::::: :::· .:: GOODS I See our Parasols and ·sunshades! LACE C UR.TAINS .. MANTLES I Inspection invited. . A AUCTION SALE Mill PROPERTY, Village of N ewcast e ADAMS' NEW MILL, THE LEADING HOUSE FOR FASHIONABLE Pierce MILLINERY~ Robertson. c .I: I YOUR. p ·E /T s · - before seeing the ~~!~~~~i -~:·::::::::: :::::: :::::: :.~i~~ic~~~~~~ WEDNE sDAY, Ju NE 11, WINDSOR HOTEL y-ELVET ,,, TAPESJRYS ELEGANT STOCK, v c ouc ::a::1 J0H N STD N&CRYDE RMAR. Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash. - ---- --- AGENTS WANTED i 'E Their Carpets are all new and their Prices are as low as the lowest. ONE DOOR WEST OF P .OST DFFICt A