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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1884, p. 5

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MONEY. {The Highest Price in Cash for EGGS at QUIOK &WRIGHTS, Successors to McCiung Bros.} MONEY. The 111inisters of the B. C. Conference 20 lbs. raisins for $1 at Murdoch Bro11. will prutich at the places of worship in this R<>duced Steamship riites. T. Yellow. dibtrict next Sundity aei follows : "' 11 Medicines advert.ised are for ooiNo EAST GOING wii:sT Ices. J4~xprei;s .......8.52 am \I,ocnl . ......·.. 7.27 am BOWMAN VILLE. Window Rollers that cant be beat at. T. tF sale by them. tl!ld , Mixed .. ..... ..4.05 pm E~press ...... sp a "! I.ocal ...... .... 7.lQ pm Mixed ........ 3.30 p n ~dlowlers. St. Paul's, 11 a.m., Rev. E. Roberts. ~~,,..,~...rv-......... r....rv---~ Exoresa······· 9..30 D m Exnr~se ····.. 8.4.5 l> ru " 7 p.m., Rev. E . A. Tonkin. We sail jlood white Shirts at at 75 eta, Elli11on & Co. C. M. church, 10:30, Rev. W. C. Beer. " 6:30 i1. m., Rev. J. W. Girls be11t Kid Gloves at 12! cents Elli~on & Co. Cannom. Trinity, (Congr'l) 11 a. m. , Rev. F. M . We otftir Men's Tweed Suits at $5.00. Whitlock. 7 p.m., Re¥. T. W. Blatch- Ellisoa & Co. ford, B.A. Boys and youths Tweed Suit!! at $1.50. BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JUNE Cl. D isciple church, 11 a.m., Rev. R. Allin. Ellhon & Co. " 7 p.m., Rev. J . Ball. Children's Cabs reduced greatly in price, P. M. church, 10:30, Rev. VI'. Kenner. T. Yellowlees. " U:30, I-tcv. S. J. Thompson. Pure Maple Sugar and Maple Syrup a.t I DARLING'.l'ON. Read what J. Higginbotham & Son say Quick & Wrights. 11'1>-..NESDA.T next bas been decided tl1is week. H. W. Burk, Esq., ~s enjoying excellent Salem, 3:30 p.m., Rev. J. G. Yelland. Wall papers very pretty ~nd very cheap ~m ae & day to be eet apart for the por" A hand gla~s aud pocket book found. health since he came to reside in Bow- Providence, 10:00 a.m., at Cheapside Bazaar. . J>OllO of Decorating ourC11metery,and as manville. " 6:30 p.n1. , Rev. S. J. Allin. Apply.at thi$ office. We ofter rare value in Shirtings at .12! Flowers tor bedding purposes are gctThe patent milk pans for sale by Mr. Bethesda, 10:30- a. m., Rev. M. Metherell. cents Ellis"n & Co. - The annual meeting of Port Darlington tinit very scarce at the Green Houses, Quick are snid to be what is wanted in " 6:30 p.m., Rev. J. Veale. Horbour Co. is on the 23rd of J uue. You onght to try one of our $5.00 Tweed Tyr<me, 10:00 a. m., " thoeo deeirlng to assist in the d.ecora· Have Y.OU read the inducements Mr. every dairy. Snits at J!~llison & Co. Ice cream for parties or picnics, supp" 6:00 P· m., Rev. S. II. Rice. tion will kindly leave their orders not McMurtry i..!i offering in . dry goods for Our Prints at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 c1::nta are lied at reducecl prioes, at the Grand Ha.ydon, 2:00 p.rn. , " Jater than SA'l'URDAY..Tune 7. In order .June? Central.-23-2. Hampton, lO:OOa.m., Rev. R. T . Courtice. exlra cheep. Ellison & Co. to secure the quantity desired. The Presbytet·ian M!\nse, Columbus, ·we are selling off our wall papers very The farmers admire t11,, simplicity of the " 6:30 p.m., Rev, W. Coombe. was turned on Wednesday. Rev. J. A. Princess STOTT & JURY, _ mower made by McClung & En~iiskillen,6:30p.m.,Rev.R.T.Courtice. cheap. Tait & .Morrison. C1mnichael lost his library. Town Ho.II Block, Darch, Bowmanville. Ebenezer, 10:30 a.m. Rev. R. B. Rowe. Our stock of Dry Gvoda and Clothing Bowm!lnville. The annua.l meeting of Bowmanville " 6:00 p.m., Rev. J. Pooley. is complete. Ellison & Co. (See notice in another column.) There waa frost on several nights la~t Solina, 2:30 p.m., " Curling and Skating Club will be held All wool Tweed Suits made to order " 6:30 p.m., Rev. R . B. Rowe. week, and it is feared tlie fruit crop will next ·wednesclay at 3 p.m. See advt. from $12-k up. Ellison & Co. be diminished greatly thereby. Enfield, 10:30 a.m., Rev. D. Williams. A Military Promenade Concert will be H a11dsome and elegant Parlor Suites in Messrs. L. Quick, Bowmanville, J. Providence, 2:30 p.m., " given in the town on or about the 20th latest style~ at Levi Morris'. Simpson, L<>skard, and R Taylor & Co., Rehoboth, 2:30 p.m., Rev. J. Woodger. inst., under the auspices of No. 1 Co. 45th. Hall a11d Dining-Room fnrnitnra of all Batt. Particulars next week. · Hampton, advertise for wool. See advt. Zion, 10:30 a.111. , Rev. W. Coombe. Tiu: Court of Revision for this town " 6:30 p.m., Rev. F. 'Voodger. latest styles at Levi Morris'. School trustees are particularly request- :net last week and disposed of all the ap· CLAltKE. We Rive great l\tle·1tion to the Tailor· ed to attend the teachers' convention in peals. Mr. J. K. Galbraith was chairman. iug department. E)lieon & Co. . , . , . 0 rono, 10 :30 a.m., R ev. S . J . All' m. Port Hope next Friday afternoon to hear Mo~r1s car~·1age works have had a big J L eskai·d, 2:45 p.m., Rev. M. Metherell. Wo offer a special line of all Wl)ol Twee· Mr:' Ross' address. run of reparmg. lately. fhey sent o~t Newcastle, Rev. \V. Limbert. ds. at 50 cents. Elliaon & Co. LAWN Socu1·. - The tmnual social in s~veral new carriages before the Queens Clarke , Rev. H. Bailey. Fashionable Upholstered Fm·niture of connection with 'l'rinity Church will take birthday. Osha-wa, 10:30, Rev. A. C. Courtice. latest designs at Levi Morrie. place at Mr. Jonathan Stevens', ~n ~ri.day Messrs. Lee & EdsPll, Manning & Nos· " U:JO, Rev. W. Ayers. evening Jnne 13th. Everybody IS lllVHt;U Only $17.00, ocean fare, steerngc, Allan and a good time is guamnteed. "'We know worthy and J. B. Martyn have presented Line. W. A. Neads, agent. it is only necessary to state the day to en· a beautiful hanging lamp each for the new For steamer Norserncin and Mail Boat band room. VI'l'ALIZEJD AIR. sure a large attendance. Tickets call on T. Yellowlees. PURE, no watered Merchauts who have any doubts about Go BY ALL ME.ANS !-Ev.e ryone should :ro the Editor of the Statesmara. Great fall in wall papers at Tait & go to 'l'oronto on the 10th of ,June n ext - theS'.l'ATESMAN 11aving the large circulation DEAR Sm,-Yen were good enough two Morrison's Cheapsicle Bazaar. stock. for it are invited to inspect our claim eel weeks ago to meke some comphmentary by the Y. M. C. A. excul'Sion. Train G reat slaughter of tinware at Manning remarks in your paper in reference to my enleaves Bowman\'ille at 7:27 a. m. Fare mailing lists. ' in tlie early adoption and applicl\tion & Nosworthy's. C:tll aud see. WHOLESOME, Pur- only 80 ets. Tickets good for two days, A. L. ·Vanstone, Bowmanville is pre. terprise of Vitalized Air in the practice of dentistry. For things _ pretty, varied, cheap and pared to give the highest .narket price This act ot yours stirred every drop of gall, to return by any regular tmin. 22-2w. ifies the blood. and envy·tn that nniqoe and peculiar good call at Cheapside Bazaar. malice, for any quantity of j!ood wheat. Give or11aniem, J. M. Brimacombe, Esq., of this Variety Hall has ordered a large assort· him a call before selling else where 2w*. town. Parties asking us for bargains will not Now, Mr. Edit.or, m:r time is too folly ooou· be disappointed Ellison & Co. REFRESHING, An ment of n~w lines to his plate department. Mr. W. B. Stott has purcl1~sed the pied in the practical operationb of my profes· His new designs in Cake baskets, Cruets, to per'.llit me, had I the desire, to reply to We mark in plain figures, and have Pickle Dishes, Silve,r kni ves,Forks,Spoons, beau1iful residence of Mr. John Atkin- sion agreeable tonic. the brood of imhPcile question· hatched by &c. at the pr.ices asked are marvellous. wn on Brown Street. It is one of the this wonderful .T. M. B.and thrown half fledged strictly one price. Ellison & Co. neateet and must comfortable Nsidence in upon the public through your columns last Ladies, have you seen Tait& Morrison's COOLlNG, just thei For a handSJ)me present just take a glance Port Hope. Mr. Stott has been fortunate. week. Besides, notwithstanding its buffoonery pretty wall papers. You should. at Mr. Yell_ow~ees' stock. it is evident to the public that there runs -Guide. tllrqogh the whole letter a thread of envy, thing for hot wea~her. Mr. D11<rling, arcltitect of Toronto, wa Tapesti·y Carpets from 35c upwards at malice and vind1c tivonee~ that is not onl7 here ·Wednesday, at the request of .a spe· ·couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. unbuaines~i-like, but perfectly contemptible. PERSONAL. I believe my friend Mr. J. 1\1. n. has always cial committee appointed by the Board of Fresh supply of- those cheap ltaisins been con~i dered a. little sort ot old womanish. Education, and examined the Union -- · and his mind allied te those of tender 7ean. 20lbs for 1. 00 at Murdoch Bros. School building .thor,oughly. He will soon Mr. G. W. Henry and wife haveret urn- but still I am wil!ing during m:r leisure hours F or great bargains in all kinds of tinto answer 1Lll of hi~ questions, and otherwise plans and estiJUates for enlarging cd from England. Absolutely free from furnish instruct him in the duties and operaMons ot his ware go to Manning & Kosworthys. the p!:fsent building as well as for-th Dr. J. Simpson, of Cobourg,is on a visit profession. I make this offer not. only in km<lDyeing satisfactory work done by leavnessto my friencl, but in the interest and ea~ty erection Of a new one. to his home here. alcohol. of the public. ing your goods with T. Yellowlees. , FARM DY Am:f'.l'{oN:- The Execu~ors _ of Mr. Wm. McDougall of Baltimore has Mr. J . M. B., not content with being envious The Great slaughter of tin ware at and jealous ot my business success, muHt.snear the late Archibald McFeeters will sell the bern in town tl1is week. my position as ruem ber of the Hoard of Edu- Manning & N osworthy's still going on. -FOR SALE BYsouth half of lot 13, con. 5; i>arlington, , Rev. G. W. Stevenson has been away at cation. Mr. Editor, I am p1·oml of being a containing 100 acres, 75 cleared, by auct- this week visit,ing his mothe1·who is very ill. member of that honorable body, and think Bedrooms suites from themost,expensii·e GrOC0r$. ~hould Mr. B. live in town t went y-two )'t·ars ion on the premises on Saturday June 21st, Mr. Geo, Lee has ret11rned from a trip longer than he has done, he w1ll 11ot then have to the commonest li nes at Levi Morris' . in pte. ts~. (imperial measure). at 2 p. m. This fine farm is 4 miles north tlnough western Ontario mucli improved gained sutficiently in public contldence to WE DDINO PRESEN'.l'S.-A fresh line of u.tt,~ to tbat high position. Mr. B. gauged Platedware just received. T. Yellowlees. "Refined expresaly for LYM AN of Bowmanville . . s.ee bills f?r full partic- in health. in himself once by running pubhe confidence ulars. H. T. Plnlhps, auctioneer. u l G rove and for the Council "hen. I believe, out of over two - of Mape . .,,rs. W . F o1ey $23, will pnrchace a ticket from BowSONS' & Co., Montreal. ' votes nine thought he migltt do. McCormack B1nder.- -Farmers who children have been on a visit to Mariposa hundred ma.nville totheold country. T. Yellowlees. Mr. B., it seems, has been forced by my A LIIlERAL DISCOUNT TO THJ1! TRADE. intend buying· a Binder should examine J to her mother. energy into wakin11: up a little. He is really Peop~e wonder how we can sell Dry to buy an Electric Mallet. an article I the McCorm~ck a;t Mr. Wm. Mu~ch's lot _1 . Mr. W. A. Lawrence has been in town goinr: have had for some tilne pMt. But still I am Goods and Clothing so cheap. Ellison &Co. con. 1, DarlmF(to~, before placing their) t his week deliv ering parts 31 and 32 of not sure whether it wouldent be better for the Parasols, hosiery, and gld'ves the fa.ruest eufl'erin11: public after all if Mr. B. shoul<;l throw 0 orders. John Ell10tt ,&' Suns, Lo.ndon, Picturesque Canada. down the mallet and return to hle "goo~e" assortment and the lowest prices at t he have been manufacturmg those Bmders · . the toothless might have better fittliur plates S PE CI AL AGE N TS. Star House. · for several years, and not one out of 400 'Ve were favored r~1th a call on Tue and his new customers better fitting pallt11. made last yeiir remains unsettled for or da:y ~rom Mr. ~ 1lbur Hutcheson of Mr. 1£ditor. I have done with Mr. B. except For the newest styles and t he best value does not work well. . " Wmmpeg, Th.e clu~1ate out there seems 1e avails himself or my offer to give him priv· in dress goods call at Couch, J ohnstou & ate instructions, and shail devote my beet HOW TO SECURE HEALTH. · ~ to agree well with ]um. eneritiee to the interest of my patients. I sho.11 Crydcrman'ii. 111 oi; Monday night last, at t}ie y ?Un The Lindsay Post C<J)ltains the fol 0 mg continue to use Vitalized Air and promptly It is stra.nge that any one will suffer from First class valu~ in black silks, :ind any other improvement in practical del'angements lirought on by an impure cir· Mens Progress Club, the f?llowmg offic~rs item from Little Britain :--Our enterpris- introduce dP.ntistry that Is adopted by the leaders in the wear guaranteed at Couch, J ohnston & culatio.n of · the blood, when, for a small were elected for tl~~ ~!lsum~ q~ar~r .- ·ng merchant tailor, Mr. ~ohn C:owle, h~s profeS·ion. As a parting word to Mr. B., I wollld say Crydermau's. outlay, the physici l organiZAtion can be Mr: A. ~itcl~el~, p1esident ' M · · !t· JUSt completed a marked uuprovemeut m that althou,;h seven dentists have coma a11d PIPES sold at W . K Pethicks barbel' completely restored by that wonderful blood Allm, .v1ce-pres1dent ; . Mr. J. L. Alim., ])is store and clwelling l1ouse by veneering gone his advent to this town, there ill purifier, Northrop & Lyman's , Vegetable record.mg secretary; Mr. ~· H. Caddy, t~1e same with red and white brick. As every since human probability that the dv.hth to shop at cost price, 01· at 25c. on the $ less than retail prices, firstquality meerchaum Di11COvery. 'fhis medicine acts directly financial secreta1:y ; Mr. -W · .G. Lo.ckhart, he-store commands a good position, situ- step down and out will be Mr. B. himself. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, I subscribe myself pipes for $2.00 upon the Blood and Bowels, and eradicates treasurer ; . Messrs. E. 'V~stcott ·tiid R. nte as it is on the come1· of King and C. HARNDEN, L. D. S,. or Dr. Scrofula, Mal:uin, Bilionsness, &c., from the Henry, editors of the L_ 1i_ PE'.l'HICK, the Barber is selling his Pipes, m mai11; Messrs. Church-sts., it makes aha11dsomeaclclitio11 ·ystem. As a tonic it has a .remarkable R. B. Andrew, F . G. M~lntosh, and Pr · to our cosy aml busy village. Si11ce Mr. , QuERilllB.-Dld Mr. J. M. Brima.combe ever Tobaccos and Cigars at cost prices, as he a dental examination. or was he made a pass effect on the weak and broken down conCowle's commencing business he was suc- dentist by ,1Lct of Pa>·liament? Can he pass is going out of that line of b usiness. Give atitution, restoriii~ the appetite, &e. One Ruse, programme conumttee. now1 C.H. liim a call. It will be to your advantage Therc was a happy time at " Pioneer eeded by his genial manner, a!I well as who used it says 1t is the most expensive if you want anything in his line. medicine he knows of; since using it his ap- Farm, " Clarke, the residence of Mr. Geo. p i:severing and frugal habits, iu accumu· THE SCOTT ACT. petite h:is ill)prpved so 111Uch that it <:>oats Wight, on the 24th . . About 35 friends of lating a nice little property, and has es· The Star House report an unusually hlm twice as much to live as before. large season's trade; their ordered clothing the family, including some of our citizens, ta lished a very large and increasing busi- To thP- Editor Statesman: It ba.nishfls pain a_ n d \Veakness, invigorates spent the day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. ness in his line. Sm,- In a recent issue of your paper I notice made by Mr Peardou has taken the lead. the bmin and nervous system, and rouses the Wight, in boating,- fishing, swinging, a report- of a meeting held to discuss the pro· They have a larg.i assortment of fine clothdormant muscles into new life. shooting, etc. An appetizing spread on SALVATION ARMY NOTES. priety or adopting the Scott Act. From that ing material all new. If you want a suit rep()rt it would. seem that some of our minis· give them a call. the green in true picnic style was made ters and some of our school teachers are trying to lead In this matter. So far as the teachers and i;ugaged in with avidity. Eve9'.Pn~ IT IS NO WONDER- that so many peoHoliness meeting on Friday night a.re concerned it might be as well to remind present enjoyed the occasion iuHl hope tt) Every observer who walks the streets have "many returns of the day ." "Pio- largely attended by soldiers and christ1an them that they are in a sense civil servants, ple sink into untimely graves when we Vlbose salaries are paid by taxes levied on of a great city, and scans with intelligent neer Farm " is one of the finest pleasure people generally. The experiences were those of us who oppose o.s well as those who are con,.ider how they neglect their health. lively and encouraging to the converts. in favor of the adoption of the Act. So far as They have a disordered L iver, deranged llye the colorless faces of more than . fifty resorts in the district. ministers are concerned~ ther are a class ot Bowels, Constipation, Piles or diseased per cent of the people he meets, can >eaalSaturday uight the Hall was packed. the men for whom I entertain tne higbest respect, Deputy constable Jos. Fletcher deserve Attentioa good and a good impreasion and so long as they stick to their proper voca- Kidney~, but they let it go and think ly agree with us in the sta~ement, that this age, which makes such drafts upon credit foi· t he efficient manner in which he reva1led. Some Whitby se>ldiera were tion- that of preaohing and visiting the aick- they "will get over it." It g rows worse, no doubt they do a itreat amount of good, but other and more set'iom1 complicationa the working energies of the greater pa.rt discharges his duty at the Salvation Army resent including Geo. Ayers, the Con- they seem to forget that He whom they adnm· of m1>n in the intense pursuits of business meetings. On Wedne~day night three verted Blacksmith, who8e experience brate never Interfered with the laws of the follow and soon it is too late to 11ave them. countries in which He preached, never attempt- If such people would take Kidney-Wort has deetroyed in a proportionate degree young meh, evidently uncler the influence b ought tears to many eyes. to force men to be good, nor to make them llO it would preserv.-i their lives. It acts · l ed the animal health and robust constitution. of liquor, raised a disturbanc.e at the · Th by act,s of parliament; never so much es die· upon the most important organs purify1arge attendance as usua entrance t o the hall, but Constable F letcher ere was a to men as to what they should eat or Nature,. in this stage of exhaustion, canat the hallelujah breakfast on Sunday tated they should drink. And because He did ing the blood and cleansing the system, not be restored of itself, but requires speedily restored order by arresting morning at 8 o' clock. It was a heart what not do so the fanatics who listened to Him removes and prevents these disorders and aome stimulating to~ic, to strengthen and Laughlin, the most boisterous of the searching and soul -cheering time. Many were very much displeased and called Him a friend ef wine-bibbers, just &11 the ultra-tern· promotes health. keep the system in regular order, and in three, and placing him in the lockup, the received a blessing. pera.nce men now condemn all those who d.o Allan Line, mail steamships- the Northrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine we proper place for such bmw lers while drunk The consecration meeting at 11 a. m. n!)~ fall m with everything they propose, as havti the exact remedy required. The He was brought before the P. M. next was another time of singing, praying and being opposed to te:nperance. But I ha<l no quickest, safest and best line crossing the Idea. of writing a lecture on ethics, or of dis· ,:>eculiar operation of this !Iledicine, in moming and fined $5. rejoicing. The people shouted aloud for cussing the Scott Act as snch, but merely to atlantic; Vessels not being insured inea11e11 of general debility and nervous A Goo"u IN'VESTMEJST.-We note· that JOY· · · make a tew remarks about it from the stand sures careful management. No cattle on . , ot n business man. Of conrse it is all passenger steamers. Rat es reduced; en· prostration, h;,s undergone loop: and close the Bell 'felephone Co. of Canada, which The Hall was te'r ribly crowded in the point VP.ry well for ministers and teachers to advo- quire of W. A . Neads,Ageut. observation,and it is believed it will never owns all the existing Telephone business afternoon and a gracious influence pre- cate measures of this kind; it doed not effect fail, if properly and judiciously adminis· iu the Dominion :it a cost so far of about vail. Rev. Walter Ayers fired up the their income i but to those of us who are enA man once wanted a machine, tered, Prepared by Northrop & Lyman one million two hundred thousand dollars, c mverts and exhorted the people to give gaged in bu11iness, whose daily life Is a struggle And various kinds did sample ; for bread, such as ministers and teachers Tor<?nto, and sold by all druggists. ,He tried them all and agents keen has just made an issue of First Mortgage their hearts to God. He encouraged the know nothing of, it becomes a matter of the importance. The trade of Bowmanville Diel give him ' ' taffy " ample ; Bonds, the proceeds to ba med iH a still officers and wished them great success in utmost 1e but limited to a small area, and we 11.11 bual· He passed them a.11 for various faults, f urther ~,xtension of its buisness. These winnin souls. He would make a tine Army ness men cannot atford to make It stiil more circumscribed. We want to attract, not to' Aud went with forethought wise, Amos HudgiR, Toronto, writes :" I Bond!I to the extent of $1,000,000 are of- captain. drive busineas away from the town. I was To Jos. Ruse, and now exalts have been suffering from Dyspapsia for ferecl to the public at a rate to pay the The. night meeting was a real hallelujah living here when the short-lived local prohibiThe "New Williams" to the skies. the past six years. All the remedies I purchaser 1?even per cent. interest, and it time; heavy firing, many wounded aud tion law was in force lnat time, and know for fact that som" who ha.d always been in the See them at "Big 20" Bowmanville. tried proved useless, until Northrop & would appear to be well worth while for some killed. Good order in the seats, a habit of doing business here up to that time, Lyman's Vegetable DiscQvery and Dys- any one having money to invest, from $100 but great shouting in the camp. TOBACCO sold at Pethicks barber shop left, and never came back since. And suppose that the Act should be adopted in Durhe.m at less than cost prices, for inst na,ce, 2 peptic Cure wa-s brought unJer my notice. upwards, to obLain particulars fr~m the Rev. W.R. Roach addressed the sol- now and rejected in Ontario, what would be the phtr{S of McDonalds smoking for 5c. or i I have used two bottles with the best re- Company's local Agent, Mr. Thon\aS diers on Tuesday night , and Rev~. Ayers, r.es. u lti. Why, simply this-that those fe.rmers sults, o.nd can with confidence recom- BingliaSi, 0 k_ ~ok Mes¥s. O~ler ~ Ham· Mallett and Roach took part in the meet- hvmg m the west or Darlington would go to lOc. plug of chewing for 5c. All other Oshawa, and those living in the west and north kinds sold cheap. mend it to those a:ffiicted in like manner. j mon ··toe ro ers, ornn o.- w.,. · ing on Wednesday night. of Cartwright would go to Port Perry to do b11sinces, and Bowmanville would be left out . WHA'.l"s IN .A :NA:ME. - Scrofufa is so The Whitby Gazette ,'says Capt. Ada in D ERBY, N. B. , Jan. 6, 18ti3 . the ·colil; for people will go, and we ean't l caught a cold last fall on thP stage Hind of Bowmanville lead t he afternoon b.lamc them, where they can get accommoda.- called from the Latin scrofn, a pig, from Mrs. O'~ar-n, River Street, Toronto, ~oach going to Chat.ham. w?ich settled meeti'n g, and took the' hearers' hearts by hon for themselves and their teams. And so the supposition that the disease came from as I can learn, the temperance people are eatii~g swine's flesh. It is often inherited uses Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for her cows m a very severe cough, and bnal~y I was storm as she kept up a fire of running far making no provision of this kind. ' What then for Cracked and Sore Tents ; ahe thinks co!lfined to my room.,- I feared 1~ would comments and gave out the lively -choruses is to be done 1 l\fust we as bnslness men stand from parents, and leads to ab3ces ses, ulby and see our business driven away to build cerous sor~a, debilit.y, king's evil and conthere is nothing like it. She also uses it v~ry ·s oon term nat.e m cQ.nsumphon ai;, I which were well r eceived. up other places 1 Mnst we who give emp1oy. sumption. The caae of the Rev. Wm. wben her horses bad the Epizootic with was growing weaker and weaker every ment to a lar1Ce number or people and who po.y the very best results. Do not be pursuad- day. I got very much alarmed; could a large amount of taxes in the town, sub111it to Stout, of Wiarton, who suffered 23 years IF NEARLY DEAD- after taking some this s-ort ot-a thing as a matter of course and from scrofuloJs abscesses, is one of t he ed to take any other Oil in place of Dr. n<>t sleep for want of breath, when my say not a word nor lift a finger to prevent it 7 most remarkable on record.- Burdock doctor advised me to try Dr. Wilson's hif{hly puffeu up stuff, with long t esti- Surely not. Thomas' Electric Oil. Yours, etc., Blood B itters cured him after the best Pulmunary Cherry Balsam. l felt sceo· monials, turn to Hop Bittel's, and have A JlOWMAN'fILLE MERCHANT. medical skill had failed. tical at first, but after using one bottle nr> fear of ar.yKidney or Urinary Troubles, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator , found I was recovering, and on finishing B ·ight's Disease, Diabetes ?r Liveg Com· The best value in Cashmeres ever offer- CATTLE PAS'f URE.'-Good pasture has no equal for destroying worms in\ my third bottle· was a new man, co.ugh all plaint, These diseases cannot resist the s11,pwn at the Star for 40 or 50 head of cattle it: flats where children and adults. See that you get J gone and completely cured. It is well curative power of Hop Bitters; besides it eel in town are now . ethre is a running stream ot water. Terms H ouse. S ee ac1vertisements this week. reasonable; JOIIN v ANNEST, Solina. 21-3w" the genuine when purchasing. named the grccit remedy. S. E. WALLACE is the best family medicine en earth. BOWMANVILJ,E STATION AND, TIME. THI'S COLUMN Beloncrs to' STOTT & JURY and GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. co:NFEJRENOE SABBATH. SHOPPER'S GUIDE. BIRTHS. the Ist instant ' the wire of Mr. Chas, Williams. of a son, STACEY-Near Haydon. on the 22nd nlt.· the wife of Mr. 'Vm. Stacey, or a dauicbter. MARTIN-Near Haydon, on the 31st ult the ·· wife of Mr, Jno. ?-fartin, or a son. WILLIAMS-In Darlln~ton, on ma m l DIED. "'l'ownslevHouse." Bnwmanville, on the 4th rnst, Clara. Madge Hamilton infant dan1rhter of Arthur \V. Burk, aged 3 months. Funeral to·day at 3 o'clock p.m. FRANK- In Darlington. on the 2nd inst., Ann Frank. only daughter of John Frank ,.; 1 1.. aged :18 yea.rs. ' BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Oorr·ctea up to 1 o'clock p.m. etJerv fhursaav BY JOHN MoMU.l)TRY. Flour, per 100 lb.,, ··· $2 75 ·. to ·. $a.OO Fall Wheat,perbu11h ·..· 100 .. to .. 1 OS SpringWheat, per bush. 105 ·· to ·· 110 Rye, per bushel. · · · · ·· · · 0 58 .. to. . 0 60 Oats,p11r bushel ····· , ·· 0 35 .· to .. O 40 Pea",Blue.·.····..· . ·. 0 70 ·. to .. O 75 ·; Bl1Ackey~s .... , .·. 0 92 ·· to .. O 95 ,, ·Small. , .··...··. 0 70... to ... 0 72 Barley, No. 1. .......· 0 65 .. to .. C 68 ,, No. 2...·. , ... 0 55 ... to ... 0 60 BuRr.:-~t (~8¢ana4ian$tataaman Local and Otherwise. Public Notice. ,, No. 3·..··..·. OJiO ..· to ... 0 55 Buttar,per lb. best ta.ble.. O 14, .@ ·· 0 15 Lard,~ lb .·... , ··.·.··.. 013. ,@ · · 014 Eggs,f'Jo.i: ·. , .···· · · ·... 0 13 .. @ ·. 014 Potatoea,per bnehel.. ..... 0 50 . . @) · · 0 50 TRAYED.- Came into t he enclosure ofE. G. POWER~ ~ON, Lot 19, Con . I. Darlington. on June 3rd, THREE Young Mllch Cows. The owller is requested to pe.y char~es and take them away, 23,. ERKSHIRE PIGS.-The undersigned has 12 thoro'·bred Berk~hlre Pigs,. G. weeks old, tor sale. JOHN JAM,h;S, on ex22·2w: Sher1tr Burk'e farm. S B of -DOMINICA- LiE feu1r Ju10E ! MUNDAY. Bown1anville. OOD PASTURE supplied for several Gwater. head ot Horses or with ahundance 'l'erms moderate. .Apply Cattl~ to :M. 22-Sw. TO RENT.-Pos~cssion can H OUSE be given at once. Apply to 1'"'. 'l'O LOAN .-A few thousand M ONEY dollars, private runds, to loan on tlrstclaas far!n security. at the lowest currentrateA. THOROUGH-BRED JERSEY T HEresidence, Young Bouli vott "-tor service ea.it of Fnrmture Factoi:y. BULi,-" my MA~ON. F~r particulars al(ply to H. BlllITH. BowmanT1lle, or R. It. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, 3-tf. at .3 ; Common Cows, $'2. AR'l'HUR W. BU1m:: '.l'EHMS :-'l'l1oro'·bred Cows. $5 · Grade Cows 22-tf. The Bowmanville Curiing and, Ska.ting Club of Ontario, AKE NOTICE th1,t in pursuance of T ,;'The Ontario Joint Stock I.otters .Act, and the By·Le.ws or this Company of Pat~nt the annue.1 meeting of the Stockholders or the said Company will be held on W EDNESD.A. y the llt!t day of J UNE next, st the hour of three o c\ock: in the afternoon, in the building of the ea1d Company, ln Bowma.nviile for the purpose of electing Directors of the said Company for the ensuing year receiving the ann.ual report of the Directors and tor general . bnsmess. Dated at Bowmanvllle, May 27th, 188t. Dy order, D. liURKE SIMPSON, 22-2w. Scc'Y·'l'reasurer. an and Druggists SALVATION ARMY BARRACKS. BO'VV"lY.l:..f!..N"VILLE- STOT~T & JURY, ?oldiers and Converte__only. THUR!'!DAY and SA'l'URDA \', Pt1bllc Meetings at 7:15 -p. ru, FRIDAY, Holhw"~ Meeting for Soldiers and all Olu·istfans, 7:15~.m. SUND.A Y, 8 o. 111 ·· A.nee Drill; 11 a. m., Holiness Meeting; 3 p. m., Hallelujah Meeting; 7 p . m., Sal vntion Meeting. CHILDREN'S MEETING Saturday, 3 p. m. All are welcome UR above. Come iu crowds · Collection ea.ch servico. CAPT. ADA HIND. LIEUT. MILLIKEN. CADET McDONALD. 22-3m. Bowmnnv1lle, May 28. 1881. night. TUESD . ~ Y. WEOXESDA Y, MOND.\ Y Port Darlington Harbor Oo. HE ANNUAL · MEETING OF T the shareholders or the Port Darlington Harbor Company for the election of Directors to ee1·ve for the ensuing yoar, ancl for other pmposea connected with the Comp1u1y will be hllld at the Company's Ollice, Port Darhngton, on Mon'1ay the 23rd of Jone. By order, J, MILNE, Secretar;r. 21td. Dowmanvllle, :May 22; 188!. ACRE~ OF LAND, CLAY ~ SOIL, In a hlgll stato or cultlve.tlon, has never been rented, always worked by the owner. all cleared except IO acres of wood· land-bard wood, all well fenced with cedar rails; there is first-class dwelling houses, barns anil stables on each or the 100 ac.r1<s, the barns are new, built only four years ago : there is no waste land on the farm ; the north end of t}l.e farm joins Audley village : there la a post office, blacksmith shop an. I store in said village ; on!y fom· miles from the town of Whltb'f; being J..ot No. 2, in the 3rd Concession of the township ·of Pickering. Possession given on removal ot this yea1·'s crop or would sell this year's or9p on tho ground at a. valuation. This is one of the choicest farms In Pickering, 'I' here Is also orchards or the choicest fruit trees on each of the 100 acres. 'l'he reason for offering this valnable farm tor sale is that the owner is re· tirins;, and on nccouqt of it being clear of-all noxious weeds prefers to sell than to i·ent it. For further particulars and terms aprlY to·tbe owner. SAMUEL IRVING, , 2Hw. Whitb;r Post Office. ooo A FIRST-CLASS ...,., FARM FOR SALE. ___ ___ Notice to Creditors - OF- MARY A1VN f{EYS, of the town of Bowmanvi'lle, county of Durham, merchtzn!. ---H-fects to 'l'homu.s Henry Vann, ot the said town of Bowmnnville, accountant. in trust for the benefit of all her creditors and for the purpose ot paying all her debts rateably and proportion· ably without preference or priority, according to their respccti ve natore,and that all persons. firms and oorporatlons having claims against the said Mo.ry Ann Keys are requested to send in their names residenoee and addresses and particulars or their claims, duly verified, and specifying the nature of the security ~it any) held by them by letter to the said 'l:homae Henry Vann, at Bowmanville, on or before the 24th day of June next. An!\ nllticc is hereby given that after said date tile said Thomas Henry Vann will proceed to distribute the nsser,s or the said Mary Ann Keye among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the cbims of which notice shall have been given, and that he will not be liable for the amounts or any part thereof so distrl buted to any person or persone, firms or corporations of whose account he shall not then have had notice. And fllrther take notice that the creditors of saitl Mery Ann Keys a-re notified to meet at the ofllce of the said assignee on Temperance street, in the town of Bowmanvllle, on SA'l'URDAY, the 31st day ot MAY, 1884, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to receive a statement of the affairs or the said )iary Ann Keys and ·to conside1· the best means of prooeeding to wind up the estate. Dated this 20th day of May. A. D., 188<1. T. H. YANN, 21 Assignee. 1s HEREBY GIVEN THAT N U'flCE the saiO. Mary· Ann Keya has made an nil her property, estate and er· a~signment uf

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