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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1884, p. 8

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.. n a 1:11: I I I · ·· I --"All your own fault Jt yon remain sick when you can Get hop hitters thtLt ne,·er- Fail. BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 6. The -weakest woman, sinallest ch ild, and sickeAt invalid can us~ hop biite rs In Membry of the late Byron S. · with .&afety and grent good. - Old men tot.tering uround from RhenVanstone. matism, kidney trouble 01· any weaku ~ss A way from his home and the friends he loved will be almost new by using hop bitters. host, · -My wife and daughter were made Poor Byron he 1lied Jn the fe.1· di8tnntWest; healthy by the use of hop bittns and I In \Vin11ipeg ctl.y, so sad and so lone, No brother or sietcr to cheer witl1 their "tone rec1)minend them to my people.- Metho· 1'he father arrived but llis son knew him not, dist Clergymen. .Ask any good doctor if hop Alrea.dydee.th'o angel hissummonshad brought; Bitters are not the host family medicine That pa.rent will e~ er remember the day, On earth . Surl'onnded by strangers bis boy pe.sssd away, - Malarial fever, Ague and BiliousOh! tllink of the sorrow and anguish of mind uess, will lea\'e every 11eighborhood as His boy int.he vtilley unconscions to find ; Alae I ho will speak: with that son never more, soon as hop bitters a1·ri \'e. Till he bid him good morning at heavens door. "-My mother drove the paralysis and No mot.her was there ror to comfort him now. neuralgia all out of her system with hop 'l'o cool his parched lips 01· to wipe his damp .bitters. "-Ed. Oswego Sim. - K<>ep thti kidneys htialthy with hop brow, 'J'bat mother will meet witl) her loved one no .bitters nn<l yo11 ne<>d not fear ~icknes~. more, - Ice watter is renllered ltarmless and 'l'ill she meet and embrace him on C1uinan's more refre111hi11g and reviving with hop fair shore. The parents' 1ond wishes were severed In twain .bitters in each drang.ht. -The vigor of youth for the aged and 'l'beil' hopes and their prospect· for him seemed · but vei1l. infirm in hop bitters. Yet he lived not In vain, he chose the good part He followed the Saviour and gave God .his hoart. ' · The public school~ of the Province of f!;aundian j'tatrs1unri. Home Items. We do not Claim. thRt Shaker Blo1.d Syrnp will cure every. t~in~ but the fact that on tht- 1mrity and v1tahty of the blood depen,fa thA vigor and health of the whole system, and that disease of various kinds is often only the sig11 that nature is trying to rernove the disturbing c :~use, we are naturly led to the ~ooclnsion that a 1emedy that gives life and vigor 10 the blnoct. erndicate11 screfula and other imp11r1ties from it. as ' Shaker Blood Syrup undnubtedly d·>es, muBt be the means of preventi"ug many diseaRes that would occurr without its ued~ hence the field (>f its usefullnrss is quite"~ extended it! Who so listeth' ·..Impugn Mr~~ .· . THE . The Larg~st ~, . . HOU ,~E ::E3: _A_ East Shop in N eads' New Block; S 011 ~· a~d v.e a.re warrauted m recomm3ndrnf;{ it for allder~nge1?-ents of the system which are caneed by anGunntaltural ste.Ite of the bltood;.. f 121 yards Heavy Gr0y Cotton for .. .. $1.00. I 15 yde. 36 in. Heavy Grey Cotton $1 00. ,..en emen - was a gre11 snuerer rom c 1 ., ~ ~ r; .. . · · Salt.Rheum on my limbs , for a dozen ' . . . as uneres, 25c., ooc., 4oc., ,>Oc. years previous to· the summer of 1876, at Fear no competition, you will sa·e money by buymg Caah111eres from us. 1t1d Black Cashmere l::lhawls.. $1.50 to $10.00. I Black Satins . .. ..... GOc., 75c., $1.00. up. which time L w1u curt1d by Shaker Bl< Syrup. 'l'he skin won l·.l ht·c? me dry, chap, Blucii: Gross Silks, 75c., $1.00, $1. 25 np. crack open, b!eed 11nd tteh mt~us~lly, .eo We buy by the piec~ and we can sell at the lowest 1vholesale cuttina i that I oonld not hi>lp scr11,tchm1l', wh10h . . -"' pr ces. of course 1uade them worM. At the time Beautiful Soft Kid Gloves··· · · · · · · 50c. , Or0ioary 50c. Kid Gloves for. _.···· 25c-· I commenced taking Sh·k··r Blood 8yrnp Heavy Brown Check Duck········· .18c. Heavy Cott0nade . . , . . . . . · ,., ·· . . .. 20c-. A fine assortment of Dreas Trimmings,Gloves, Hosiery Laces L ace Curtains &c (in the summer of 1876) they Wre so bad and Best Stock of Dry Goods They do the F' · T rad e. 1ne Cl0 th' - 1ng They sell more Black Cashmeres _and Black S"lk l than any two competitors. I C "' Grand Contral R EAM . CE Lemon Soda Water, Sarsaparilla Beer, Ginger .Ale and Temperance Drinks I GRAND CENTRAL. for One Mo.n th only, Caressed in his childhood, reapectccl in youth, Ontario cost $3,555,000 last year.' Instilled with fhe teachinga of virtue and truth. For Deep Seated Colds 11.nd Coughs, He rose to ilistinction. On a milcl .ApriMay- Allen's Luno: Balaam cures· when all other In the year 'SJ he in bloom p_ assed away, remedies fail. See advt. Dear pa.rents cease mourning, let sorrow pass o'er, · Blessed is tho girl who doee not like ice Your boy Is not lost, only gone on before. He's safe with ·the Master, his voice he will cre11m. -Tlte boys. raise, " Tbe Ele!!ant little plated screw t~p on In soundingllistrinmphs and sin~ing his praise. "Tea.berry". m1'kes it the ch\)ap. -TEtEe st, most Ah ! brothers and sisters.a loss you've sustained perfect, and most Recberche of all toilet You mour~ for a loved one your hearts are exquisites. Get a eample. eore pamed ; · If faithful on earth and the Saviour yon love, H eavy shipments of wheat from the You're aurn of a. happy reunion above. · wost are being made via Montreal. 25 cents invested in "HuB" Cough ORONO. Cure saves sweatninl? nuder a cough. It is the best place in town to get stop~ a cough quick and en re. Think of School, report for May. Names given the price for a cough. Ask Stott & Jury; in order of merit. The l(enia.l weather of the past week Fr:RS'J' D1VISION. -Fifth Class-.Jas. · Newsom, Wm. Henry, Ada.Linton, Robt. has advanced Yegetation wonderfully, and prospects generally are chflering. . Sen. - Madison Hall, Geo. · $&'"-To match that b0nnetl Feathers, lella .Andrus. ribbons, velvet can a.II be colored to Dunsfor.d; Hn.rry Procter, A c Fourth Class Jun. - Ethel Simpson, matcb th:it new hat by nsing the Diamond .AND DONT YOU FORGET IT. Bella Watson, Edith Simpson, William Dyes. lOc. for any color at the druggists. Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington Vt. McPherson. Third Class- A. Clark, Georgina Tam~ On Monday, 12th May, 1884, Mrs. Jos. blyn, Herschel Shoult~, IclaJolly. Armstrong, of Carnn, died very suddenly SECOND Div1s10N.- Third Sen. -L izzie at the age o( 66 years. Watson, .Anne Newsom, Ida Beer. Backache, stitches m the side, inflation Third Jun. - Lena Tamblyn, Olive e.nd soreness of the bowels, are symptoms ·Morrison, Peter Jamieson. of a disordered state of the digestive and Second Class- Maggie Jerome, Mary as11111ilative org1\us, which can be promptAndrus, Ida Groves. ly and thoroughly corrected by the me of Average attendance, l::;t Division, 25 2nd Ayer's Catharric Pilla. As dinner pills. 32, 3rd 52. Total 109. and 1\s aids to di~estion, they have no W. C. Allin, Principal. .eq1te.l. They cure constipatwn. ARE THE BEST An nb11orver ~ays the even years-'801 A'yer's Sa.rsapo.rilla. is a healthy concen- '82, '84, etc., are the fruit years. May trated extract of Sardaparilla a11d other vie have a fruitful 1884 blood-purifying rootP, combined with ' We believe the cau·e of the wottdP.rful Iodide of Potassium and Iron. Hs control ' ALWAY!! KEPT ON ICE A.'r 'IHI! ever scrofulous disease is unequalled bv 11uccess of onr l\'.lurry & Lanman'd Florida any other medicine. · Water may be found in the fact that the principal aim in this preparation has ~"The Canadian P~tcific R. R. via Credit always been to 1:,ri\'e the siwple natural Valley division is the finest route to any perfume of flowers, without any chemica.l Bowme.nville, Juno 5, JS&l. · part of the Western States, Manitoba or - addition whatever, and to avoid, by all British Columbia. W. A. Neads, Agent. means, the great erri.r of making a heavy, '.('he Colborne Bnterprise is going to sickly, sweet perfume. publish a list of thode in arrears for subAmong the loudest complainers of hard scription under the heading of "obituary ti·ueB are the merchants who do not adin consideration of the 11ard timee· and notice." vertise. Serve them right is tl~e opinic.n to encourage the Cash system, has · PHOSPHA'IINE is nature's remedy for of the wise old editor who knows all decided .on givin~ a about these things. chronic diseases. DISCOUNT OF 10% ON Nothing can supply ' the place of a PnoSPHATINE will benefit consumptives beautiful silky bead ot Dl\tnre.1 hair. lt is · ALL CASH PURCHASES in any ete.ge. PnoSPHATINE cures sleeplessness, nervo- infinitely more comforte.ble than switclies, OVER $1.00 and other preparations of the hair of unusness, &c_, &c. PHOSPHJ.TINE does not make fat, but known foreigners. Hair may be retained, beautified, and actually restored by the solid flesh, use of Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold at PHOS1'HATI:SE in female weaknesses is inGrey aind 1VhUe Cott01u excepted. 50 cents per bottle by Stott & Jory. valu.sble, For sale by all druggists. His stock is c0mplete in i<1l lin,..~. and The Ontario Ilureau of Industries has The country looks beautiful ; the spring received reports from over six hundred prices are low, so tha.t this ia a 11plem.lid crops are coming on· well. correspondents, showing that the condiop~ortunity for those requiring The saloons h.old the same relation to tion of fall wheat throughout the pro\'· the penitentiary that the Sunday school ince, though not nniformally good, is much more satisfactory than in May last does to the church. , THESE ARE SoLrn FAcTs. '-The bes blood year. FRA.UDULENT T1tA.NSACT10NS. -There purifier and system regulator ever placed -REMEMBER-within the reach of .suffering humanity, are many fraud11 perpetrated in medici11e, truly is Electric Bitters. Inctivity of the and many advertised remedies worse than· Liver, Bilioueiless, .Jaundice, Constipati- useless. Not so with Hagyard 's Yellow THE. ~ONTH OF JUNE, on, Weak: Kidneys, or any disease of the Oil. It re"l.lains as tivcr thai best interuritary organs, or whoever requires an nal a11d external medicine for all pain, '!ill this splendid offer be 01)en, and every- appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will -soreness and injuries with which human one should take advantage of it. alwaye find Elictric Bitters the best and flesh is affiicted. THE EFFEC TS OF WHISKY.-The effects only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guarnteed to of whisky are alwe.ys evil, and those who DON'T FORGET THE STAND, give entire satisfec"tion or money refund eel. feed upon alcoholic .stimulants, vs.inly Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J Higgin- endeavoring to cure coughs "nd consumption, but nurse a viper. lfa~yard'e Pee· bgtham & Son. toral Balsam is a remedy that is always reliable for all throat, bronchial and lung troubles, and never d oes he.rm to any one. Bowmatville, May 29, 188!. 22·4W. The skm was drawn so light by the heat ...L.V..J..._ · of the disease that if I stooped over they would crack open and actually bring tears to my uyes. The first bot.tie bene, 7 ~ite~ m~ so wuch that I crinti~1wd talc I The No. I Cutter. Satisfaction Guaranteed. mg it t!ll I was cured. Hopm!! many , · . others 11111y ltlarn the value of Slrnkers ~.N. B.-'Ihe ongmal Star ( the beacon that has directed hundreds Blood Syrup, i~nd receivt'd as uiucl1 bene- to the place for bargains) is pure white, the imitation has a black hea.rt. fit as I have, I am, .,,,,.-:-....,,,= . = --,.---,.--======----=~.....,=------------ ~~a:e~~erh~~c;:~~:~~:~t11'i::n ~~~n~: DRESS. AND. MANTLE MAKING BY ""'I 1r1'ss 'nu ST.AN. TA I L O R I N G b Y W; PE AR D 0 N WF~~:~h C~ass Sarsaparilla Pop -------- W. MCMURTRY, DURINC THE MONTH OF JUNE, Beamsvillu (Ont.) d strict "Rub ' , Congh Ci.re. Safe, pleasant and quick, chea.per than coughing. 25c. Ask Stott & .Jury. Mr. E. Scarl~tt, son of Iaspector Scarlett, is now a druggist in Frankford. Sallow eyes and skin, rP.stless sleep, want of appetite, head, che, drowsiness, denote a sluggish liver. Use ZO-PESA at once and save a doctor's bill . Open the pores o.ud bowels, invigorate the Liver and Di~eetion. Zopesa corrects the system thron:.:b the 8tomach and Liver . The ramfall in Ontario for A'pril fell considerably below the average. The first be.If of May, however, has overdone the thing. A friend in. ,need is a friend indeed ; and that is just what Mr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is t~ every one s11fft1ring from kidney disease, whether in the form of a Baek Aohe, Dropsy, or Bright's Disease, for it will certainly relieve tbe sufferings, and, if persisted in, permanently ett'tct a cure. THE SECRET OuT.-Tbe secret of beauty ha11 been at last revealed. Withoi.t good health, pure bloorl and a fair cle<1.r skin none oan possess good looks. What is more repulsive than pimples, blotches e.nd sallow or pastry complexion? Burdock Blood Bitters reveal the fact that all can gain pure blood and freedom from the repulsive diseases of the skin that result from impurities. Mr. Justice Armour has received leave of absence until 1st July, and goes to .Avon Springs eeeking roliPf from neuralgic rheumatism in the shoulder. A 8TARTLING D1sc ovER.Y.-Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Huron; Dak., writos that hie wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many yes.rs, and that all remedies trird gave 110 permanent relief, until he procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coug s, and Colds, which had ~a magical effect, and produced a permaneut cure. It is guaranteed to cure all ·Diseases of Throat, Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes. T~~ :~a::::;:D;:~;;;:·~-~h-k-~-:~-~: t:~ V ory truly yours, Having decided ta·,give up the Boot and Shoe Business this season, I wilt sell the whole of my stock of cIvINc up Bus·1NEs -s. == · . --C>F-- OVER$5,000 WORTH BOOTS AND SHOES at less than. wholesale prices, by retail, for CA · S ::S: O N L Y I or will sell the entire stock en bloc at a decided bargain. The Stock is all first class, and is well assorted for the Spring and f?ummer trade. W,omen's, Misses' and Children's French Kid, Glace French Calf: French WI have the r.ARGEST, the BEST and the CEEAPEST assortment of Oil Goat, Dongolia French Calf, Oil Pebble, Buff and Prunella- in Button and Lace Boots, Button and Tie Shoes and Slippe rs-in town. ~Also a very !arge and varied stock of Men's, Boys' and Youth's Hand-se w e d, Machme -sewe d and PegO'ed-in Lace and Button Boots· Button, Tie and Ox ford Shoes-in French Calf F r ench Glace Call Canadian Ca.H: Buff, Pebble, C ordoran and Grained L eathers. · Call at once and secure bargains while they ar 'e-- _. going. Delays are dangerous. STAND :---Neads' Block, next door East of Lee & Edsall's Hardware Store. F; BORLAND. T. Q .THE LADIE~. S.dlason Also Son. Have just received another shipment of their cele brated BLACK AND COLORED FRENCH CASHMERES a choice lot of Lace Curtains and Curtain N e t - special value. Also new Prints, Cretonnes, Embroideries, Lace s, Tie s, Glvves, Parasols> Counterpanes, Table Covers, Table Damasks, &c. DRY GOODS. SO YEARS. CARPETS-Fine, Choice, Elegant Patterns. BAMBOO CORSETS, WEST END HOUSE, W. McMURTRY, Cheap Life Insurance. MILK PANS Harland's Improved MILK PAN, Patented July 17th, 1883, which iR second to none of the many inventions now in tho market, in,. ,simplicity, durability and the effectual mode of separaLing the -c earn from the milk, pure and free from sediment. 'Ihe Skimmer . and A e rating apAD,'l(:E TU lllOTDEJtS. pa1 atus is entirely new, and will Are you disturbed a.t night and broken of .separate the cream from the milk your rest by a sick ch.lid sutferilig and crying with pam of cutting teeth 1 If so, send at.once in 12 hours. Call and see them at and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTIIING SYRUP l'Oil CHILDREN TEETHING, Its value IS incalculable. b will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it. moth ore; Bl/llK"S OLD STAND, · · BO\VMANTILLE, there is no mistake a.bout it. It cures dysontar~ and diarrhoea, regulates the stoma.ch and i bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces infte.mmatlon, and gives tone and enert.rY to the whole system. Mas. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO SYRUP :i'OR CllILDREN 'l'J,:E1'1IING is pleasant to the taste, and is the proscription of one of the oldeet and beat female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by al\. druggists throughom the world, Price 21> cents e. bottle. . Insure in the Confederation Life Association . It is cheaper than the Canadian Mutual Aid, A, 0. U. W. or any pa,s a· round your hat institution, as the following examples will prove : '£hos. McClung he.a been insured since 1872 for$2,000and the last five years it only cost him $2.55 per annum on each $1,000 to insure. .John McOluug insured at the same time for the same amount and it only cost him $1. '74 per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he being a little younger. We certify the above to be correct. Thos. McClung, John McClung. THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. I take pleasure in certifying that I have sold Also Mant]e and Dress Silks, Mantle Loops, FroO's, Drops, Ornaments, Dr. Wistar'a He.Isam of Wild Uherry for thirty Gimps, ~c., direct from Paris . Please call and~see our celebrated . years, and know It to be one o!the oldest e.e ~ warranted not to break. _ well as the most reliable preparations in the market· for the cure or Coughe, Colds, and Lung Complaints. I know ot no article that gives greater se.tlsfactlon to those who usti it. . Ha.ving sold Peruvian Syrup for many years. and knowing that its use has been attended New Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, etc. TAILORING. - Cloths, Tweeds. with great succes In ca.see of Dyspepsia, gener· worsted Coatings, etc .,-large stock . al Debility of the System, and diseases originating In e. bad state of tho blood, I am satisfied that it i3 a remedy of great power and deserves the attention of inva.lids. I am yet to hoar READY-MADE CLOTHING,-full assortJl'[ ent. . the first complaint against either or the ab J\'e preparations. I consider them articles of great ~oods. nierit and have always tak.en much pleasure in A good Thing. recommending them to pe.i'ties requiring such Specia.l Telegram. ;n. FOTHEltGILL, Bloomville, N . Y.--I have been using remedies. Newcastle. Ont. Deo. 11th. 1882. your Baxter's Mandrake Bitters to a very limited extent. I have taken five small High School Examinations. doses, and it has done me more good than all the medicines I have taken in the last HE INTERMEDIATE A.ND THIRD four months. CLASS Non-professional Examination C. A. WETMORE. begins at Bowmanville High l:lchool JULY 7th, at9e..m. Special Telegram. 'l'he Second Class Examination begins J ULY Rolland, Mioh.-Please send me one 9th, at 11:05 a. m. dozen bottles Dr. Baxter's Mandrake 1'heEntraoceExaminatlon takes place J ULY Bitters. I never took any medicine the.t 3rd and ith, beglnninll' each day at 9 a. m. & Candidates should notify theCountyinspector did me eo much good as this. or the un deraigned by J tJNE 1st. IRA TAYLOR. W. W. TAMBLYN, M . A., Bowmanvllle, May la, 1885. Principal. Priee, 25 cts. per bottle. Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce at TO THE GENTLEMEN. Two first-class Cutters. Can have your choice Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash for S. MASON & SON. T CashlCashlCaShl LEWIS QUICK'S, ~OOLI Highest Market Price for any quantity of Wool. L. QUI CK. AMER ICAN AGRl&UlTURIST. 43r4l YEAR. $1,GO A YEA.It, Send three 2c. stamps for Premium· List and Sample Copy; (English or Gorman) of the Uhl0&t au., Best .\~rteultural .Journal Jn tJ~e world. ORANGE JllltO 4:0., DATID '\V. Jl/Pp,rrej ., · · · 701 Broadway, Ne~,. 'l'ork.· CURE F OR DEAFNESl:l .-As numerous testimonials will show, there is no more reliable cure for deafness than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is also the best remedy for e81. ' ache, sore throat, croup rheumatism and for pains and lameness generally. Used externally an internally. IMPORTANT CHANOES.-There are two periods in the life of every female when the system undergoes great. change11 . First, the change from childhood to woman· hood ; next, that of womanhood to old age. These ai-e the critical changes of life, and the system should be nourished REST 1u1d «JOJllFOllT t· the SlJFt'lllNG. and regulated by that matehless tonic, " Brown·s Jlouselaould Panacea ., h11.s no Burdock Blood Bitters, It is invaluable paln, both internal and exequal for relieving_ ternal. It curt> Pain in the Sida, Back or in all diseases peculiar to females. Bowels, Sore 'l'hroat, Ilheume.tism, 'foothe.che, Lumbago and any kind et a Pain or Achti. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and Hea.l, l>8 its acting powers is wonderful." "Brown.a Household Panacea.," btimg acknowledged as the great Paia Reliever, ~d of double the strength of any other Elixir or Liniment in the world, shonld be in every family handy !or use when wanted, "as it really is the best remedy in the world tor Cramps in the Stomach. and Pains and Aches or all kinds, "and is for sa.le bf all Drugai.sts at 2a cents a bottle. known as Fair Mount Farm, being the ·w.,8' part of Lot rn. tu the 121.b t:onMesslon ot tile ·rol\'NSUir 01<' ()A.TAN, and containing 116 ·y c k & c ol~~;~~;cb~h~:r;;:;~r s:~:i~:bfoM~r~~~~~ 0 un g' aw er OS · Farm for Sale. y OUNG C AWKER & C Os. 1 · h IS t e pluce to do business, they keep Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash for Potatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides Sheep Skins.. - i n stock the veryacres of good land. 105 of which are under cultivation, and the rest in woods. On the premiseethoroise.StonoDwelling House, 10 Q x 28 feet, with cellar full size ; two Frame B&rns 5! x ·30 feet.,and ~ ?'- 22 feet, respectively; that can be bought the also, Fe.rme Stablee,Dr1vmg House, Hay Ba.rn, ' and other outbuildings. '!'here is e. uever·fe.il· \ ~n~ supplyof.ex;cellentwater at thedoor,and 1 t 18 also convn1ent to churcheB and a first-I J class school. 'l'he soil is clay loam, and w ell F h d C d l · k adapted to raising wheat and other grains. It . res an Ure , a Ways Ill stoc · is.about seven miles from the 'l'own of Peter. . borough, e.nd s miles from Millbrook, with Their Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality ; they keep Barrel Sa.It ·· gravel· road to each in place, ism one of the · " t Y C oaI Oil . T ry th - e1r · E mp1re · H orse and' best neighborhoods theand county. Title in- A mencan and C arbon S a1e disoutable. Further particulars on a1>plicat!on Cattle F o od, the best manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph to Wm, A.ll'lORROW. M o d e l F arm; t h e1r . k stoc of Glassware and Crockery-iJti Complete. Thev Peterborough P, o. do not make any specialty of one article, but as t llere is considerable talk about Che ap Teas, the place to buy the Cheap T ea is at Young, LOURING MILL in the township of Cawker & Go's, they buy altogether for cash which enabfos them to Cla1·ke. Known aa Adame' New Mill. sell cheap. Give them a call. Apply to ARTH UR CODD, Esq._, or St. JOHN H. HU1'Cl!ESON, Barrister-at·Law, Bowman· 27Hf ville, B est ·qua 1Jty · f G rocer1"es B est qua I 1 ' t y 0 f M eats __M _I _L _L _F _O _R _S _A _L _E __ _ F C. M. CA\VKE R. ..,. _

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