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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1884, p. 1

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.; .- tsmA_,_ OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: '.!.'HE WO:RLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOlt AND TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. Nm~ SERIES, NmrnEB PROP1irnron. NUMBER 307. BOWM:.A.NVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1884. VOLUME XXX. 24. CARPETS I CARPETS ·! Bought in transit, which will be sol_ d at "' CORRESPONDENCE. HAMPTON. Mr. and lV[rs. John Ruse have gcme to St. Paul, Minn., on a visit to their son. Mr. J. R . '\Villiarnshasgoneto·Tomnto to nnclergo a course of treatment f;}r an affection of the knee. Mr. C. W. Johns is also laid up with a similar ailment; he is under the care of Dr. McLanghlin. Mr. .T. J. Tilley m>i.<le his last official Visit here on Thursday last. A cricket club has been 01-gn.nir.ed here. Revs. J. H. C0Hin1o,. and · w. Coombe, preached here Oil S~.mclay last. EIGHT TONS SUGAR -HAVE ARRIVED AT- Two Bales Dutch Wool Carpets, 10 PER CENT LESS THAi N WHlOLESAlE PRIJJES. QUICK & WRIGHT'S, FOR THE PRESERVING SEA~ON. ENTERPBISE. Busines lively in our little hamlet.. .Mr. C. ;I. Thornton is manufacturing large quantities of luml)er anclstaves ..... .Jamie has seen u ghost und was badly " skeered" ... . . Mr. W: T11ylor has improved his farm by planting many maples ...... Mr. W... Allen's sun has recovered from his severe illness ..... Say, George, if you do not sowyoucannotreap...... Mr. J. Greenwood's entire horse is very sick ......Mr.W. Allins grey trotter is on the track against all comers ...... Mr. W. Gilbank and daughter were thrown from th eir carriage returning from Orono recently. No llones · · broken. GUU RPIGE. Mr. John Trull Jrn.s returned from his visit to Brooklyn, N. Y. Have you hcal'd of that man in the j 10 rthern part of Darlington, Mr. Editor, who occupies the onerous position of husband, guardian, father, doctor, nurse, and sexton 'i Business is boomin0" at the cheese factory; 0Ye1· five tons of milk is rm1nufacturcd into cheese every day. Mr. Wm. Hill is confined to his bed .with a very seYere illness, and as a consequence we liave no black smitl i . At the Methodist church, Ebenezer, on "t was occupie · cl m · tl ie S und ay tJre pulp1 morning by the Rev. R. B. Rowe, and in the evening by the Rev. T . Druwn, former pastors of this circuit. They were greeted with lal'ge congregations. l1ere now f'or Tl\ere is a great cler'1"11d ·~ saddles for the Blake reception. The country is being scoured for miles in search of them. The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Hinkson took place on W ednesclay at J<::benczer. '.l'he other Sabbath as a young gent of this locality was returning from seeing his lady lovc·at Newcastle, his fractious steed threw him heels oyer head on the dwsty road and shool his consLitutiun seriously. He had better take a four-wheeled conveyance next time. BEN. Persons buying froni 100 lbs. to a bbl. will get big reductions. QUICK & WRIGHT have the agency for the: GREAT HALF DOLLAR TEA. Thousands of pounds are selling. THEY PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR ALL FARM PRODUCE. 11.IRBY. NEWTONVILLE. 250 P I E C E S Seate~~ E:o.g;1ish. - · -AND-- Canadian.. T-vv-eeds TO SELECT FROM. Having ma¢1.e arrangements with the well known we can furnish suits which cannot be surpassed for Sty le and Cheapness. AND A1 CUTTER, W ..PEARDON, ECCS TAKEN AT HICHEST MARKET PRICE. ~R. H~ TURNER. ---.....,.__,,.,__ ,_MGG:b.UNG BR0-8' ._QLD S TAN...,_D_. "The undersigned having rented the Wo~ -en Mtlls, Hampton, beg to inform the farmers and public in general that they -are prepared to-and make it up into- WOOL WANTED ---o--y .A.RN, BL .A. N KET S, FLANNELS, INVALUABLE TO EVERY LADY. OAUT.WRIGl:lT. (Gro wcled out last week.) On W eclnesday evening the Rev. 'rhos. Cleworth and about 40 of the cougregaL ion repait·ed to Mr.·Jas. Beacock's with well-filled baskets, for the purpose of presenting Mrs. B. (formerly Miss Hughes) with an add1·ess and a $1~ album. Mrs. Bcacock has been organist in the C. M. church here for some time. Aner partaking of the good things in the baskets, Mr. Cleworth read the address and Miss Effie Bruce presented the most superb album ever seen in Cartwright. Mr. Heacock made a suitable reply, and after spending a happy three hours., the meeting adjourned. 'l'he Bible Christians are getting up a sllit;tble present for Miss Wright, who has faithfully and ably presided at the organ fo the B. C. church here. On Friday night the choirs of the B. C. and C. M. churches hac l a meeting to organize the union, when Mr. Prust was chosen leader, Mrs. Beacock, organist, and lVIiss Wright; assi1Jt1.mt organist. lVIrs. S. McClung l1as' been very ill, but is convalescing. Revs. George and W. E. Reynolds are visiting their home here. The S. of T. are preparing for an entertaimuent on Dominion Day. · The union of the two choirs-B. C. and C. J\L-has ·giYen us a large and most excellent united choir. . · lVIr. Lewis Hawkey, formedy of this place, now of 'l'oronto, is visiting Mr. Kerrigan. We were glad to see his genial face again. The presentation to Miss Wright has taken place, and consisted of an address and J:>eautiful china tea set. A very pleasant time was spent. Mr. G. Kenney of Boston, Ont., caught a severe cold. In a Jiew days the symptoms became so like those of con· sumption that he and his friends became alarmed of the ultimate result. · His physician, who thouglit more of his patient's welfare than of the "etiquette of his profession," rAcommended Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam as the very best remedy known to human skill, and Mr. Kenney on hkmg it was in a veiry short time restored to health. lt is a genuine ple11sure to refer to such wonderful cures as this m these days of quackery and of "professional etiquette." . DANGER IN THE Am.-The recent et.range plani>tary movements and electriclll phenomena have developed the fact that the eartll is passing through. a dangerous period when awospheric influence will seriously affect human health. Fortify the weakened system with that graJ1Jd tonic regulator, Burdock mood .Bitters. and avoid malarial blood poisons. II Picture frames, full line on hand, any sizll made u·p. T. Yellowlees. "MAY DEW" ' ·Take Wool in the Pleece TWEEDS, &o. Have also on band a good istock of WHITE :and GRRY BLANK.ETS, FLANNELS, TwEEDs, &c., which we will sell The Great French Lotion for Beautifying the Face. It conceals the evidence of age. Ono application will make the most stubbornly red and rough hand.a beautifully soft and white. Remember that "MAY DEW" is not a paint or powder that fills up the pores of the skin, but a new and great discovery, a vegetable liquid, that canses tho cheek to glow with health, the neck, arms ancllui.nds to rlYal the f,iJy in whiteness. Impossible to detect in the be1<uty it confers any artificial character. It cures Greasy Skin, )freckles, Wrinkles, Pimples, Black Heads, Crow's Feet, Blotches, Face Grub~. Sun Burn, Tan, Rin'1.worm, Chanjled Hands, Sore or ChappedLips, Barber's Itch, Tetter, etc, It frees the pores, oll glands,'and tubes from the inj urions effects of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughness aro prevented; it beautifies th() skin, n.nd wm make it soft, smpoth and white ; Imparting a delicious softness ; producing a perrectly hen.Jthy, natnral and youthful appearance. The best face lotion that the wol'ld ever produced.· We will send "A J,ARGE BOTTLE" to.any address on receipt of price, $1. 'When1ordoring mention this pap11r. .Address all letters to the MA.Y DEW AGENCY; 167 Church street, 'foronto, Ont. Parlor and Reception Room for Ladies. 'Cheap for Cash or Exchange for Wool. Parties having Cotes o'f Wool will find it ~ to their advantage t.o sell here. ROLL CARDING done as usual in firat class style. Sohciting your favors. We are your obedient eeryants, Robt. Taylor & Co. Hampton, May 23, 1884. 21. WOOL, WOOL. ---"<>'>--'The undersigned having leased again tbe COPYRIGHTED. -GRE..A..T- LESKARD C10Sillg Saie ! - - A T THE-- WOOLEN MILL is prepared to do all kinds of IN GOOD STYLE. GLASGOW HOUSE. Ilargest and best selections of Dry . Go.ods ever submitted for sale fo this town. . . Custom Work, Roll Carding, &c. . In order .to cornp~etc the work_ already begun the subscriber j 1s now clearmg out lus very extensive stock, embracing one , of the As the business is shortly to be closed goods will be s_ old far below their actual value, and purchasers will be enabled to supply their wants at less than wholesale prices. H ave on h an d . at pre·sent a quantity of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, &c., 'l'lhich 1 will sell toi: CASH or exchange for WOOL. Any of the above supplied at the immense sacrifices he is making, but invites an early call to conWholesale Prices to those stores. Give us s call and see for yourselves. The undersigned indulges in no exaggerated statements of vince all that advantages many and real are offered, and that this is it1decd a real and not a sham sale. ~.~§.t~ PSQ.~ I ALL SALES STRICTLY CASH. The Scott Act petition 11as been numerMrs. Roger Lockhart died on the 5th ously si,i;:ncq around here. inst. He1· funeml was lani:e. Mr. H. R. '£hon1ton has given liis resiMr. "\V. J ones lost tt vaJuable horse last dence a fresh coat of paint and sodded his I week by inflmnmation and Mr. T. Moffat; lawn. When completed it will be among had a fine colt badly staked this we<Jk. the i)l·cttiest homes in. the townsliip. Rev. N. Hill preached 1:1 thrilling serMr. John Shaw has been Yisiting here. mon here ~i:1 S~nday ~ivening. Hesucccssfully passedboththeMedicaland Mr. J. h1ch is gettm g better. Arts exams. of'foronto 'Qniversity and did PHtLOS. the work in six months. The school has ORONO. been granted a holicby in honor of his success. Miss. Ray, of Lakefield, has been visitOur· annual school picnic will be held ing at Mr. C. B. Borland's. soon. Watch for notice. Onditthat Robert Gordon has purchased the r esidence of Dr. Rutherford. .KENDALL. The proprietor of the noted corner store seems equally as fond of variety as hfa Mr· Alex · Wann·1n to ct1stomers.-Clerl' No. 4 now stands be' sr}eaks of go1"11·1 o ~ Grand Rapids, Mich. hind the cou nter. Four of t ho B. C. ministers from the M . essrs. Al cam an cl G eer"e H enry are · 't" · ls m · w >! t arw. · seat of Co11fe1·ence vir1"ted Oro110 011 Sabv1s1 mg f riem · es t ern 'Un " Mrs. Edmund Cobblellick and daughter bath last cfficiating in the l\'I. E. and C_ Flora n.re in Toronto. They will stay M. church, viz. :-Revs. Mallet, Wickett, during the Methodist Conference. Rice, and Limbert, all were formerly stationed h ere. We were pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. W. B . Kelley were called to Hamilton township last week to attend them working so well, and to find thenL · the funeral of Mrs. Harris, Mrs. K 's still active in the Master work. sister. The excitement growing out of curiosity Messrs. John and William Cooper are in regard t o the SalYation Army meetings builclinghanclsomefarmi:esidences_ J ohn's js subsiding and those who now ti.ttencl find that the Army mean business. Theh· house has road. already an imposing appearance · l iand e are pretty we 11 st reng tlienec lby tlio from the earnest live members of the yarious A tall young man, with the long coun- churches, although as a rule the ministers tenance, who kissed a married lady at the seem willing for the army t o work out; gate, thinking it Wtts the servant girl, has their own SnJvation. Some convert$have pretty well recovered from the shock of been made already t111d hopes are enterher double quick back action. tained of quite a following ; but as Orono ha~ so few ha~·d cases, great conquests in NEWCASTLE. this direction will likely be few. Strong feelings of disst1pointment and disapproval A by-law granting a loan of $3,000 to are felt here at the removal of the z~mlou& Messrs. Palmer & Schofield, foundrymen, Lientenant. A petition of 100 names ha& was carried, .J uue 2nd, by a vote of 82 to been forwarded to Headq uarters asking R. This loan is to be returned iu six equal fo1· her return. annual payments at 6 per cent. interest. Our Honored Friend, acting in accorcl On vVedncsday evening, June 4th, after with the hint we threw out two weeks prayer meeting in the C. J.\.I. church, a since, has tendered her resigrnttion to the large number of friends m et at the resi- School board. Mr. A. A. Gamsby who purchased the deuce of James Wright, Esq., where a sumptuous feast wus enjoyed, after which tall chimney of the Newcastle woolen fa0>ReY. "W. A. · V. E. Pattyson, the junior tory accornplished the WOi'k of throwing it pastor, was presented with a beautiful down last week very successfully, and is purse contl1ining $50 in gold, and a nice now busily engaged together with other dressing case, accompaniecl by a nicely members of the Christian Church in draw.worded address, signed on behalf 9f the ing brick for a new piirsonage. in.embers of the C. lVI. church by Misses Some 90 names have been secured in Oron() Annie Wright and Allie Ferguson. The upon the petition for the Scott Act. address refe1Ted to the constant efforts of A meeting of the 'l'rustees and ministers Mr. Pa;tbysou to improve the moral mid of the various uniting Methodist churches religious tone of the community, his abil- was called for last lVIona ay evening to ity as a preacher, affability and courteous- make preparations for accommodating tho ness as a pastor, and expressed the wish large congregation that will assemble here that he might contif\ue to be successful in as a result of union. winning souls for Christ. Mr. Pattyson We would call th e atten tion of our conmade a feeling and suitable reply. A short stables to the dangerous pastimes of tho prayer and praise service brought this boys and shameful exposure of their persocial gathering to a close. sons by bathing in opon daylight in the various ponds of the village. We should think that the drowning accident which OAKLAND. occurred. here last summer would lead to The Sunday school is progressing finely more vigilance on tho part of parents ancl under its able leacler .... One of the 9th m"re willincrness to enforce the Bylaw line boys is nspecialfaYorite here ..·. Mr. which has b;en passed by our Tp. Council. ALIQUIS, Jolin Wannan and some other farmers ·have buikLing projects on hand,. ;.,Mr. Andre\\ Moffatt lost a valuable colt reHO! FARMERS, Ho! cently .·.. Friend, remove your chips off the rnad and oblige .... Carpenters and EASY TIMES FOR YOIJ NOW. -HARD WORK masons are at work enlarging barns and TUR~D INTO PLAY. houses around here, ancl we expect the school house will soon need enlarging, the Darlington, June 4, 1884. population is increasing so fast this yeai'. w h0 l · d · d ] .... Mr. Fmser'sBiMe class is well attende, ·t unc ersigne · wrtnesse t le · working of one of Sargent's L oad Lifting ed every Thursday evening. The mem- Machines, operated by Robt. F . '\Yard, the hers of the class have purchased a com~)lcte agent for Darlington, in ·the barn of Mr. set of new lamps wlu~h show gooc~ hght. John D. Hoar, lot 5, con. 2, Darlington, . . . Th~ Scott Act takes well here ' when and testify that it worked to our entire tl;e polhng day comes we ~fpe.ct to see ~I ~i1tiijfwQtir.>P1 ail averngo lli~e load of hay c. ear sfweep for .the Act. Tis the ques- was easily and quickly elevated to the roof t~on o the hot~r, h~w shall we the .wrong of the barn. We consider it to be one of o erpowcr ; tl~1s will pu~ the ,,t hmg to the best labour-saying machines yet. route, let us n se ai:id vote it out. . . .. . The introduced. Sabba~h scho?l cl11k~ren ~re .much mte~·rHos. G. CoLWILL. JOHN DussELL. este~ m l_ea1:nmg their reci~t1ons for ~heir .r. M. J ONESS. .T. D. HOAlt. commg p1cmc. .O ur supermtendent is so RICH. OSBORNE. W. DOWNING. well pleased with the good looks and R H 8oucH JAM~f;ANDO. ple1ts~nt faces of the childrei: that he has J~HN.WRIGH~. JoH~ SANDO. pr;>m1sed_ to have a portrait of all the s. FnAYN. '£HOS. E. HOAR, cluldren 111 on e g1'Uup on that day. Nut F BORLAND Jos. WIGHT. Shell will buy one for sure. NiTT SHELL. G~o. R. Lu~IC P . J. RowE. School report for May ·~4th Class.-.T. S. ALI.IN. T . J. lVlcMUR'fRY. Cooper, 184; S:trah Carr, 144. 3rd Class.-Lucy Harris, 180; Jane NEYER GlVE Ul'.-If you are suffering Burgess, 122 ; Fannie Ellis, 121 ; Kate Bowen, 81. PHCEBE Mr.L'CHELI., teacher. with low and depressed spirit, loss of ·appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or HE KNows IT.-Hiram D. Maxfield, any disease of a bilious nature, by all formerly of Silver Springs_ R. I., has no means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. doubt about the wonderful curative pow- You will be surprised to see the rapid ers of Kiduey- Wort. He was 110 afflicted improvement that will follow; you will be with Kidney Complaint that he could not inspirod with new life; strength and acatand on his feet from pain and Wtiakness. tivity will return; pain and misery will As soon as he commenced using Kidney" cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in Wort he experienced immediate relief ancl the prnise of Electric Bitters. Sold at at. once began to grow strong and was re- 50c. a bottle by J. Higginbotham & Son . lieved of all pain and unpleasantness. He sa.yd : "I know I have been cured by We offer Men's Tweed Suits at $5.00. Ellison & Co. Kidney- Wort. ' 1

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