THE CA?~ADlAN STATESMAN Rev. Father Wilds~ IS PUDLISHED El'ER1 · ~'flIDA'l' MORNING, EXPERIENCE. JUassachnsetts Su1ireme Com;t, ,,.,.;t~s as follows: "78 E. 51tl; St., New Ywk, J llay 16, 1:'.82. The Rev. z. P. Wilds, well-knu\n1dty n1issiona1'y jn New Yorlc, atl(l b1·.ot.hc t' of the late eminent Judge Wilds, or th e 1 -BY- J\1. A. JAMES, OFEICE, AT THE ost Olllce~Uocl.C, KtngSt.,Bowmanvllle,Onl T' E R llll-C 1:3 : $1.50 pe1·a!tnnm,or $1.00U'pald In, ndvante · Payment otrictly In -advance required from subsoribers out.Hide of the county. Ord<;rs to discontinue the paper muf't be acoompamed by the amo1111t due, or the paper will not be stop pc?-. subscribers 111·0 re~ponsibleuntil Cull payment IB · RATES f;I<' ADVER'nSl!J\l; t j ~g Wf'.olc Column one year . ............ $50 oo,I ~~,,; " " Half year...... .. . . . . :JO oo.;; ~ ?& One quarter ... .. ... . 20 OOj "'"'~ ;IalC Column one.year. .... . ......... SO 001-'.' ~ ,, Half)'ear .............. 20 OOC -" " One quarter. .. ....... ·12 501 Quarter Column one yee-r ... . , . . . . . . 2U OG - " " Halt year ......... " 12 50 - _ " .. One quarter...... .. 8 00 - u Slx lines aml under, 11rst insertion .. $0 50 Each subsequent insertion....... O 25 _ l!'rom six to ten lines, _first i!1serLio1~. 0 7~ ·Each 1mbeequenl lllSl!rt10n ... ,.. 0 So -10 Over ten lines first insert1on,per lme 0 10 .· Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ 'l'he number of lines to be reckoned by the space ocoupied,_measured by a scale ol solid Nonpareil. -15 severe catarrh and ca.tarrhal ~ough; my ... n.ppeLite was IJUOr, tu1d JJJ.Y ssst.e m a g ood c.leal run down. Knowing the ·yfl.lne ot AYElt'S SAnS.APAi.tU.LA, by obServr 1tion Of nuu1y other cases, nnd from iicrsounl l. 1se jn former years, I began tnkiug it 1'.Pr U1e abovc-nmncd · disonlers. l\Ty appetite improved almost from the 1irot dose, Afl" r ly, thut I could scarcely bear :u1y clotlliHg over them. I was als o n snfferet from a. uncomfortable itching lrnmor :11fec!iug more especially my limbs, which itchert ·so intolcr:ibly at night, :tnd burned so i11te11se- l\I~~:-~is,~f~;t~1: 1Y !~s&t~o0~L ~~t ~~-7~l~0~~ : most " short time the fever aitd ltehlug were nllayed, nnd all siii:ns of irritation of tllo skin disappearei:I. My catarrh mal cough also- cured b¥ the sa,me rne~u1s, my general henlth greatly improved, until it is now excellent, I feel a hundred per cent stronger, and I attribnte tliese results to the us(l of the SAHSAl',AitILLA, which I recommeud with all conlldence rrs the best blood medicine ever <leviserl. "I took it in _ small dnses -three times a c..lay, used, in all, loss than two bottles. I plllce these facts nt your service, hoplug: Lhetr pul!iicatlon may do good. Yours respectfully, z. r. WILDS." 'i'he above instance is but one of ihe many constantly coming to our notice, which prove .. .-...- POTTEJt, JtJ,D, the perfect adaptability of AYER'$ SAnSA.RA.DU ATE of Que~D's College._I~iogston i PAnILLA to the cure of ,all diseases arising. anu Member ot Col·.>!il'e of Physicians ana from impure ur impoverished blood, and a Surgeon·, Ontario. . . g O 1.ce and Hesidence, Enmsk11len. . .17. ·weakened vitality. aH<l = G - - ----»r. A.. 11£iii11~- . - -- -- RADUATE O~'Tf{E 'fORONTOUNlVEH.· Sl'l'Y Physician, Surgeon, &c. O!l'lce Krng Street, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. G Ayer's Sarsapari I la cleanses, enriches, and strengthens tlte blood, stimulates the action o! tile stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the systom to resist an cl overcome tbe attaclcs of all Scrqfu. lous Diseases, Eruptions of the Skin; lOicu-. G. n. C:ARVE'fll., B. A .. B. Sc., M. D., c:.i1i"'."' ICENTIATE OF THE COLLEGE of Physicians and Surgeo11s of Ontario. . OFFICE AND RESIDENCE :-Main St., 01·ono. J. W, l'llcLaughlHt, JU, J,,, lCENTIA1'E OF THE ROY.AL COT.LEGE of Physicians and member of tho Roya.l · College of Surgeons Edinbur11:h. Office : ii10I.tRiti' BLOCK King-st., Bo wma.n·ville. L L matism, Catai-rh, ae· neral Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrnpte(j blood and a low .state-of tho system. PREPARED'DY Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price $r, for $5. six bottles nR .... {). Jli'i'e&rnLL, M EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Sul'geons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. -Office and. ltes1dence. Enni~illen_.____7.4. D. JiVU..N.. a~ ~iMP:!ON, - AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. B B .AR.lU::S"rE{t, SOLlClTOR, &c., MOIUllS BLOCK, up stairs, King ::;treet, Bo'Vmau,lle. S,ohc1LOr for the Vnt<Lfio ilank. 'Prtva h> JI ,lneys Joaued at thf: lowest rates._ - .folln li.e1Ut GalbraUb, MedicinEl euro Constipation, Indig0stion, Headache; fLnd all Bilious Disorders. Sold everywhere, 41ways reliable, Sul.lOITOR, _NOT.A.RY PU bLlC, &c. Oth<;c-Heed's Block, o_ver T. Batti11gs store, King S~reet, Bowmanv1lle. f'llO ENFIELD LADIES.--Mrss JULI.l .J.. O'LEARY has returned from, ____ - - - - - a.ud Money to ieud · has begun Dressmaking in Enfield; Specia.l .'S'l'. JOUl'J fi, IIUT<JJIE SON, attention will be given to outting a.nd fitting, 281-tf. Call solicited, ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &c. NO'I'AHY PUBLJU. MONEY TO LOAN· OFFICE- OVER '5T.l'l';:S>f AK 0.~'FICE. ncm1m1--A.u111000,-____ A It 1t I::; 'l' ER, B EGH:lTRAit, WEST OURIIA.M ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttur· OF CANADA. 11ey at Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Money REST, l!IH0,000 {Ja.ned on Heal· E8tate. Office on King street, C.U."l'l'AL, $1,0110,000. - -!rowmanville. This Bonk is prepared to do Legiti-"· T. l'DlllJl'S ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County mate Banking in all its branches. F,umers notes discounted; Deposits of DLtrham, Sales promptly attended. Address- Hampton l', O. 59..: _ received and Interest paid on amounts of $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department. 1t. uiiTcmsoN. A.UCTI0NEER, CONVEYAND R A FT S L ICENSED CER and Commssionel' in B. l't. Sales at· tended to promply and at reasonable rates. Issued and Collections made i~ Europe, 6il!I' .A.ddrees-l!.:nniskil_ le _n =P _._ o_ . --,-- --,.,--- United and Canada. OHN IiUGHii:IB.--L1censed Ai1ctioneer Valuator atld Arbitrator,Jfire and Life Ol'l<'i<IJE- )llu··locl! Bfros. Bloc?<, fate Bault· Insura'nce Notes and .Accounts Collected, 1 n g' u ffice of Jouc .s d:; .Bobble. Money t.o LPnd on re<tsonablc terms. Address JV. J ··JONES, Cartw1 'ight, Ont. _ '172 27 ,\g1mt. R STANDARD BANK .. L J GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO every man who buys his A HENI!.Y SYLVESTER, Euniskilleu. 198tf. i1IR. W. WILLSON, Licen~e from New, Ladies. l\II RS. .New 1'Iusu11s, l\'e\1' l1ae,,es, Ne·~ B rai1ls . -Over Higgmbothnm's Drug Store, King Street, 2. .llowinanville. $10 per 'Jwelve Lessons of ONE hour each. OF 'fHE PIANOFORTE, ORG.AN and SINGING. 'l'ERMS:-$6 and T EACHER K l~ YS New Embroiclcr ics. Nelv 'l'riunnings. - HAS RECEIVED· PianosTuneil & Repaired. Ncwn1·nl,ds,wool8. P ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS Tuned or repaired can have them attended to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN Co's OF\l'ICE, :Bowmal'lville. A ftrst-clas man !',IOW 11eing in their :mp'.:-:1:.::0~Y.:.. ·~--,-~-.--ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist;Organist and teachel' of Vocal Music is prepared to take a few more puv.ils. The best of r~fer ence can be furnished Great care exercised with beginners, and special at~ention given: to advanced pupils. Those .desirous of takmii liistructiOns should apply at Mr. Doyle's res1ilence, ·or make it known by .directing a few ( to P. o, Box: 49. Terms $7.50. tor twelve 239-tf essons. LADIES' _.\.ND C.HILDREN'S NEW -UNDERCLOTHING . HANDSOME PATTERNS. oubwnrd appearance, physical detriment CATARRH. to the trees results. If you want early gn·ens you may have CATARRH. - A new 'l'rNLtn1ent wh·reby 11 Early Matured Beef. · them by setting out cabbage ~tumps, l\S permanent. cnrn ls efl'ected in fron.i one to "hre · treatments. Particulars aml 'l'reati~e free on .All intelligent feeders know, from actual soon as the frost leaves t l10 groun d , receipt of sta111p. A . H. DIXON&. SON, 3(;7 experim t..nts, that the y ounger au animal where they will not intt.1rfore with other King Street,, Wost, Toronto, h, the less food it takes to produce a \V'HAT Tll H: H.RY. E. -;-;EVRNSIJ". n.'.A .. A pound growth in live weight, and they crops. Thero is no use inclemiing your poultry cr,ERGYMAN o1· 'I'll!!: V·NnoN cn,.F·1mmNcl! know that the amount of fo od increases unless yuu burn the old nests. 'I'hey will ()I·' Tirn Mir.'l'HOms·r Onuncu ov C ,1NADA regularly with the ago of the animal. . k. d 0f 1 HAS TO SAV IN Rll:ffhlW TO A. TL DJXON & f. the val'l<JUS b lil s pou . SoN'B NEW TngATMffi ,~T FOH CAT.\ 111\ll. When the animal is full feel, it requires ar or Illllle 0 1rmiry par:isites tban you C<~n ever oxtl OAKLAND, ONTARJO. UAN., l\forch 17, 1883, less food to put on a p0und live weight nate with a. whitewash brush. II.fess-rs, A. rr. lJtxon, ,e· Son. the first six months than for the second Garden lands, where level u,nd h eavily DEUt 8ms-Yoursof t he 13;h insra11t t<' h~ncL rt "eem· RlmMt ton gooll· t>1 ho tr11,; that T n.m six months, and less the second than , the third, and.'so·on;·and the reason is, that manured, are now too wet to work, but. cured or Oat:arrh. bnt-. I know thnl r nm. T lrn"e with a few more bri~ht, warm days, pe;\se, hail nn retul'n of th<1 digea.,e a11d 1wvc>r felt the food of support comt:m.tly increas(:s · d bet.t-er in n1y }jfe. I tried Gr"J 111 c:: ny lhin:;s with :ige. Our · fat st,iek shows · Im.Ye beet.s, turnips, canots and onwn see s for cata.rrh, ·uffcrecl so rnnch a .n tl fnr ·n m ~ny will be sown, !'ears. tha t it. is hard for me to realize that I am now proved, most conclusively, under .~ca!Jy bettor. . · Keep a good kitchen garden, buL occuI consider that mine ~vns 11 vpry. bad 0 1.s(·; it cost ·- of prqduetion, that the animal eighteen months o1d cost~ less than lwJf py no more ground than you can heavily ·· a~ a,ggrav"'·'"l and chronio, involving the · h d k 1 d 1 ·t thrn,.t "'" w1,Jl as the nns '11 passages; and I as much per pound as the one thirty-six ennc an e! P c can; an rnve 1 . so tl').onght J would rP-qnire the thrr.e trc11tme1;t,s laid out that you rh ay curtivate most of it but feel fully euren by thA two sAnt me, E\:U<l T~ months old. am thankful that I WM ever induced to send Early matured beef is becoming more with a horse, at a small expense comp.i,red ,. to you . . Yon arc at liberty to use this letter ><tu.ting and more populiir every year. Threo n,nd with hand-hoeing and fi nger-weeumg. Keep the qmtrters occupis-d by piga that I havo been ci.u·td at two treatmentg, nnd f~ur-yea1·-old cattle .will ~eldom be seen .oloan and pure, rind do not allow the aniI ~hall gladly recommend rnur remedy to some in market ten years from now, unless of my friend~ who nre sufi',~r ers. Yours with rnnny tha.nks, from the unfenced range; The lesbons miLls whfoh ar.a ·to afford food for your REV. E. B. STEVENSON. of the Fat Stock Show . will be heedt>d, nice and clean table to wallow in filth and -ToRON'l'O. April 24.. 1882, and very soon the old-style feeders y.·ill bt: n1anuro. Pigs like cleanness if ouly il.compelled to changl their sysrem of alter- lo wed a fair chauce and if not driv~'ll into A . fl. [Hxo11, Rsq., 305 King St., West. dirt bv careless owners · DteAn. Sm,- Wo inkc pleasure in stating that nate feeding and starving, or they wjU be the .... ou1· junior nartner, who ha(l for years been oblio-ed to quit the busirn~ss of feeding. For celery, burn <t bed as for tobacco, troubled wlLh CaLan h. w11~ suceessrully vured seed press the gt(Jund by three treatments of your rElmedy ·. TM Feeding is now becoming an art, requiring and after sowin" 0 · · · ' ' 1 l . Cati arrh wasm nch all,'gravated, w1t.h contmual expert knowledge of foods and thtJir com- firmly, cover with a few brush or 01C d.ropping into the throat.. aceompanied by loss bination, and this knowledge . cannot be straw· watch closdy, and gradually i·e- of voke, hawkin~ and dpittlng and blocldngup -· ft t d t of the aostrlls, all of which we are pleased to disregarded without certain loss.-Na- move 'the covermg a er ~n ays or W .Q say disappeared nlmost in1mediately afier the tional, L-ive-Stock Joiirnal. weeks. Cel~ry seed r~qmres from t1vo to. l'Clll)e:ly wa- appl/ed. Your rer,nedy is certainly three weeks m sproutin". an mvaluable one ~nd.we hop0 id!. who m~y 0 be suffering fromthrn disa(;(reeable disease will In set tin()' cabbages cauliflowers toma- give it a t.ria.l, as we are sati~fted they will find Petroleum f!)r Farm Use~. · "' ' · · ' l it a complete success. Yours very trnly, tooa and other pJ~ts m gardens w it:l'e . A correspondent of the Rural New there may bo cut-worms, wind a small WM. NoRms & Sm<, Yorker w1·ites as follows :-Crude petro· · of paper aroun d the Pan 1 t so tha t l't "Vholesale Pianos and Organs. stnp No ..8 Adelaide st.East. leum is a wonderful preservative of wood, will be about orie inch below the surface but it is in no sense a paint, and sl!ould and two inches above. This is said by an lhteklyn·s Arntca Salve.- 'l'he best Salve in the world for Guts. Bruises. Soros. Ulcers· have no pigment whatever mixed with it. old farmer to be a sure preventive. Rheum, Fever So1·es, Tetter, Cl10pped It has none of the drying properties of Dean~, carrots, celery, corns, onions, Hands, Chilblo.ins, Corns, and all Skin Eruplinseed oil, and will never harden upon _a surface. On the contrary, it will pene- spinach, may be relied upon for two to tions, and PositivAly CUl'~S Piles. _H is guran· trate where water cannot, filling the pore3 three years; beets, lettuce, turnips, to- teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money ,o f wood and completely excluding wet. matoes, for three to four years; peas, rad- refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by There is nothing equal to it as a first ii,p- ish, cabbage, for four to six years; cucum- J. Uiggi.nbotham & ·son. plication to buildings or fences, especially ·bers, melons, squashes, and similar seeds "JIUB" CouGH Cu1m, 25 CENTs:-=I >reswl1en rough and weather-beaten. I have will germinu,te after ten years, and more. cription of a Boston Physician, dispensed su applied ib, leaving it a few weeks to To ensure a stand from · asparagus seed, years by a Boston druggist. OxE DosE .the action of the air and hot sun, then scald the seed with hot water and soak for wilt cure any ordinary cough. It acts alcovering with lead and linseed oil. The twenty hours, then mix in a box with most magically. Ask Stott & Jury for a wood-work of my farming tools is kept moist earth. In about ten days or two 25 cent bottle of "Hun" COUGH Cu RE, full of it. Applied hot to waggon felloes weeks they will begin to sprout, when and don't be put off with any other. from time to time, the tires will never you can sow in the open ground. It is -----loosen. For years I have used it in a very difficult to get a stand of asparagus multitude of ways, and a barrel of light from seed without this preliminary treatFOR TEN lllILLION PEOPLE AUE IN crude petroleum I should not like to be ment. Minnesota, North·Dakota, Montana, without.. Almost any city has a refinecy Washington and Oregon, Rave a coruer of the ga;rden for a few ALONG THE LINE OF THll where it may be procur_ ed, and it costs aromatic herbs. · They thrive nicel,y along me, per 511-gallon barrel, freight and all, the sunny side of the garden fen<re, but about $5. But if you get any, get under- require a deep and fairly rich 'Thyme, Through the Great Wheat-Belt ot America. standing with it, 11.nd don't try to make a summer savory and sage are great addiJtllllion acres of the best agricultural, forest and grazlng lands in the paint of ib. Don't grease your harness tions to many soups and stews. Cut United mineral, States are now open for settlement. with it, and don't use it to kindle your them just before they bloom on a L"ight ~O Million aores of railroad lands for sale at $2.60 to $4 pr acre, on 5 years time if desired. fires. sunny day. 'l'ie them in bunches and hang 20 lll1llion acres of Governments lands open to settlers FR.BE. up to dry. The 1'lorthena. Pacitlc Country possesses Regular. Feeding. great and rich natural resources ready to be de· In order to ascertain the d~pth to veloped into profitable industries. Irregularities as to the amount of ra- plough, it is recommended to find how For maps and pamphlets address and mention ~ ti.ons for morning, noon, and night, will deep the soil has been enriched, and do this paper. , · ·- CHAS; B. LAMBORN, @iten 2erve to check all improvement, or not go much below this point. Where La.rid Commissioner N. P . R lt., St. Paul, Minn. even to induce loss of condition. In the subsoil is poor, with only a few inches working horses this becomes espeyially of rich ground on top, the result of deep manifest; those that are fed unequally, or ploughing would be to turn the poor soil at hap-hazard, consuming often an ·exces· uppermost. On land of ordinary richness sive an.iount of fodder, yeb in con· a crop of Indian corn will grow better with dHion, becoming languid, and easily fa . the same care ai:id manure if it be ploughtigued in harness, and the subject of fre- ed only four or five inches deep, than if quenb attacks oi colic and indigestion. In ploughed eign t or te n inches- d1'ep _ many such instances the remedy is to .A hundred trees can be set at a cost of change the feeder; when upon a smaller ten to twenty dollars, or for almost no ration, even, but in the hands of a care- cost, if one has spare time and saplings ful, observant, and punctual man, the are easily avaibble. These may in ten same horses will speedily ;recuperate, to fifteen years grow to be worth from gain flesh, and perform their daily tasks to $i0 each for needed timber and fuel, · ·wit h incre:ising energy. In other stock or for the fruits ur uubs produced. H ! the effects may be less manifest, but they would be greatly to the advantage of the are no less real; and all the difference country, its climate, and its beauty, if the between the success of some stock-owners, sides of our public highways generally and the failure of others, may be traced, were planted with trees that furnish shade in many cases, to this one subject of and ornament while growing, and supply more or less care in the feeding, so as. to at no distant period wood for various puradapt it to the wants of the individual poses. beast.-Nationa.l Live Stock Journal. ----··~ ..~~~· AG HICuLTU-1:.:t AL. W~ BEL~~ 0 PRIZE .MEDAL ORGANS I GUJ~~LPH second to none in the world. zo,ooo in· st1'umente now in use. Demand, so greaL that it requires Two of the largest Factories in the llominiou, with capMity for turning out TWEN·ry per da,y: For purity and sweetness of tone. elastic 1md light touch, beautiful and perfect finish they are unrfraHed. The n1ost skilled labor.the very best materials that rnone.y can procure are a p; topur· chasers that they arc buying 1'10 shoddy, but B first clnss article. ~fold wholesale and retail by .T. P. RICE, Bowmanvlllc. UH. J. · s. DONEY. Tyrone. OLD AND . RELIABLE GRAY'S SPECIFIC J.\!EDICINE. fRADE i'/!AR K 'l'he. Grcntllng· TRADE M RI(. . Bemirntl 'Veak1 unfaiiing cure for Superma.~ llsbRcmc1ly,an t.orrhoa, Impotencs-. & all diseases L hatfollow as a sequence of 'O f' T· ,;;· Self-Ahm e ; as · De.ore -.,mg1o~s o f Memory,,A.fter Taking. Universal Lassi tu do, in the nnck Dimness of Vision, Prematnre Old Age, and many other Diseases that learl to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature GraYe, , Jl@'Full particulars in our pamphlet, whicl, wo desire to send free by nrnil t11 every one.l'he Specific Medicine is ~old by all druggists at !ill per package" or Bix packages for $.5. or will be sent·rrce by muil · on tho receipt of the money by addressing 'l'HE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Ont,, Canada. 1wss, THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to do a General Rnuklug 1trafncas nt its llowmanvillo llra.ncb. Receivell in Savinl(8 Bank Depar1ment. a11d ou call and interest allowed at ctnrent rates. No notice of withdrawal nece£snry. Ail deposits p!l.yablo on demand, .EXCDA~GiE Bought and sold a.nd Drafts issued npon J<Jnrope, Unit<!d States and Canada, 11lso Gold,Sil\'er and United Sta~es Greenbacks bought and sold. Promptly made at current mtes 11pori ltll parts of Great Brittain, the United States 1111d Do ininion of Canada. Made for large or small sums on all parLs of Canada. This is especially advantageous to pP.rsons living in 'Marntoba· or the NorLh·west as it 'Dakes the funds available at oncE<. at the place of µayruent. For further particulars call at the Banking House. GEO. McGILL, T. BllODrn, Manager. Aceountsnt. 2o7·1y, THE BEST HOMES NORTHERI PACIFIC RAILROAD 40 0 <{-fo\J. ::\ a.\\ tb.e Year Ro -- ll..Qt/. JOHNSTON'S · SARSAPt\RI LLA -ll'OR- $31 LlVER CoMPLAINT, ~YSPEHiA, And for Purifying the Blood. !t ha s been iu use for 20 years, and has proved to be the best preparation in the market for S:t.QK HEADACHE, ·p AIN IN THE SIDE CTR BACK. LIVER COMPT ,Al NT, PlMPLJo~S ON TBE FACE, DYSl'EPSIA, PIL.t!:S, and all Diseases · t.ho,t arise from a. llisordered Liver or an i:upnre blood, Thousands of our best peopl'.l take ~t and give it to their chi!· r: l'Cn. Physician·s prescribe it daily. Thosr;, wlto use iti once :recommend i t to others. Itismaclo from 1ellow Dock, Honduras Sarsnpa.r illa , Y'\~ i.U Cher ry, S tillingis. Dandelion, S assafras 1 'tVinter.nreen, and o~her well-known y:i,JuabJe r;oots and Herbs. It is str:ctly vegetc,ble, and cannot hurt the most delicate constitt->tion. It is oi;a of the best m0dicines ill usa for P.egulati1.;· t.he I:owels. . for five d ollars. , P Ornaments for Wedding Presents, Fancy Articles, &c. There arc Lots of Them. The farmer who is hardest to convince of his errors is the one who possesses a single instance witliin his ciwn experience with which to combat your arguments. If you maintain that 3 erseys are good butter cows, hGl once knew one that could not make a pound of butter. If you hold that roots are good for dairy cows, he once knew one to get chocked to death on them. His one swallow always makes a summer, and he forgets · that though experience is a good teacher, it should be the experience 0£ many who have tried several ways, rather than the experience of 0110, that always creates but a limited knowledge. The Good Book tells us not over wise in our own judgm~nt. This should esp·e cially be the case in matters pertaining to farming, where every man's experience is so varied in different seasons. Then there are so many conflicting elements about farming, and especially that most :fickle of all things, the weather, makes or mars a thousand for: tunes every year, and nowhere is she more potent than on the farm.--American Daifr.yman. Encounter Witll a Tiger. ..· - --- Knitting& Stamp_irig done to or~er. .ml"C:h otce lot of C:oufeettoutu·y ahvuys an·l at JIIRS, KEYS ltes 31ll'fillt. on tf. So Do? Gentlemen oCl"a§1t · io11, nonm fust. I have written these few lines .A.nd all I have to SaYThat you can find me still at home, lam not gone a. way. So all my kind old r riends may come, .A.nd all they oung ones, too, · And get their garments nicely made· . · In fashions that are new: Where old and young, dear friends, may meet A welcome urAetiniz. bv R. PEA.TE DENTISTRY I UNDERTAKING! -::evL EV I MORRIS. J. m:. BRIMACOMBE, PRACTICAL DENTIS'l', WITH TElll'l.'Il, OVER OFFHJE TWENTY YEARS EXFlllRIENClll, Operl\t.ion~. Nitrous OxldeG11 s A.dmlnist cre·l £or P ainlcs lllCCL1JNG'S BlLOC:K. c. HARNDEN, L. D.S., Graduate of the Royal Colle_ge of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK1::10N'S STORE. Plate Work executed in the latest and most improved style of the Dental Art. 'XEETH EXT!=!-ACTED WIT~OUT PA.IN by the' use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury Lo Lhe patient, · Particular attention paid to the regulation of CHILDREN'S TEETH . ,ISi"ALL WORK WARRANTED. .._ GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. l!3f" I am fully prepared to .attend Funorals on the shortest notice, a.t the lowest possible rates. Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. First-class hearse on very moderate terms. Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Funeral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & Show Rooms- Bounsall'sNew Jllock. · All furniture sold by me is made by the U. cFurpiture Co. of Bowman ville. I do not buy slop furniture and represent it to have been made by Lhe U. 0 . F. Co, or this town. FARM: NOTES, Also agent for the LI·Q,UOR TE.A for this town and vicinity, I t is cheap a ud as good as can be Onion seeds and cabbage plants should got in the market. A valuable prize given now be set out doors. · . . with every pound. Coal ashes in limited applications will make the soil light and loose. Lettuce can be set out-doors and seed sown for succession in hotbeds and cold frames. · · Soapsuds, a valuable fertilizer for all forms of veget:1tion, is especially serviceable for small fruits. The essentials to success in onion cul· ture are plenty of manure, thorough fitting of the ground, good seed and clean cultivation. The Rural, New Yorker says sunflower seed is not good for horses Qr cattle, bu~ it ·c an be fed"in small quantities to poultry. Radishes can now be sown in open ground ; grown under glass they are do· i ng well, and a few are being brought to This Cut represents the popular Victoria market. Wave. It is d1·essed,with the hair falling on If troubled with white worms in 't'our the forehead, and the ends meet in Montagues. It is exceedingly becoming, and is-havfog a flower pots, stick in the earth half a dozen large run. or more unlighted matches, points down; The above style, with , large number OJ it will kill them. · other ,equally becoming styles , are made by Decayed branches should not be allowMRS. A. DA VIS, ed to remain on trees, for aside from the over M. Mayer _s store THE VI CTORIA. .An exciting incident is reported by the Georgetowu· Hoyal Gazette (British Guiana). It appears that Messrs. Creaves nnd Wuokey, two overseers of a plantation on the east coast, took a trip info the interior with a black man as their guide, a couple of dogs, and being well armed with rifles, etc., started out on the 10th of ·March. They had capital sport for two days, shooting birds of various sizes and a deer, which they made many a good meal from. .At night they camped out in hammocks slung to trees, with a fire burning to keep away a11y insects froin them with whichthe interior abounds, also in case of emergencies. On the third night, soon after turning into their ham mocks, and dozing off, they were startled by a fearful roar, and they i~mediately saw a ~iger ready to spring. Greaves, who was nearest, kept his eyes fixed on the brute, as he crept out of his hammock with his rifle, and knelt down. When the animal was about to spring he fired. The rifle cap snapped, and in an instant the tiger had thrown.Greaves flat. Wookey, who in the meantime crept out of his hammock few yards distant from Greaves, seeing the fearful position his friend was placed in, :fired at the brute and hit him just - behind the sho\1lder, 11hooting him dead. What with excite· ment, smoke, etc., he did not know he had shot the tiger, but was much relieved n seeing Greaves creep out, besmeared with blood, and found that he was not injured save a few scratches and torn clothes. The guide ;who had, for some reason best known to himself, gone a short distance away, was much startled at finding his buckras in such a trim, and when they had settled themselves and got Greaves all · squ1tre, which he very soon was after a schnappe, they examined there victim, and found him to be a fine specimen. It is needless to say that Messrs. Greaves and W ookey cut short their trip, and were thankful to reach home safe and sound with their prize after such a narrow escape. . Has received hor new stock of oi! a°or1~;;\f~J ~·~u~ .'tPb;;t\~~Co~~iifb~~l~~ Those who cannot o bt11in .~ bottl~ of this GOODS., and invites the Ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern m cdicine' frm n 01 eir drui;-r:-.i:.1t m ny send us ono , dollar, wid. \V'l will ;;c.::nd il.i to thom.. .... ~- We JO!tilS~C~l ~ UO~, l'.i:irm1factuia~a, ··-:. Amheri\bu?r., C ~L !l::t1·cit, !lice. , 111111!\ll~E,~ ~~~~~ ~~~ BONNETS, HATS, and assortment ot MAN,r.,.,HO IS UNACQUAINTED W ITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUN· TRY \'/ ILL SEE FlY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE TRIMMINGS STORE :-Secon1l noor 'Vest Rute11 Stnll er or l'1'11U:uns AGENCIES. We beg to annonncA to the p11!1lio that we are prepared to do a generalinsuranco business, representing as we do a number of first class Companies we shall be gl<td to give pramp't "'ttentlon to anything in that line, We represent also the Ontario Loan and Savings Co .. or Oshawa, ancl accept deposits on its behalf allowing 4 & 5 per cent interest from date of receipt. · Parties requiring loans will Jlnd it to their advantage to get our terms. a Ocean Steamships. '\Ve are agents for a number of first class lines, among which is the Wb ite Star Line the bAst fastest and best equipped Steamship on the Ocean, and Car ticket,s to s.11 points at lt>w· est rates. We also represent W. D .Mathews of ·roronto, and are prepared to pay highest T YELLOWLEES · p~~~~i!~'i:i~i~ett:d ~iii JI~~~~ ~~~-~~~se facts. . · 11 1 F ALLEN · CHICAGO, ROCK ISL!ND &PACIFIC R'Y 1 · and ('ew'1nrr Maci.. '1 us e ~ru,;~~{,.oi?.:":.~"Jls:i:~u::;.i~e~re:a'i:~~~~. t~ct~fo'il 0rrrans f> . I) 11 11 ' l?i":~r1~~~?n"~~l;\.1\g~in~;&f1i~ 'ti~e~~~~"tt~":~'i~~ 0 C:ALI. AND SEE JU:Y CDRISTillA S ~ti~~t ~g~~~e:~~rg~~~·b~~!;:iiif~~~g1~a:~~~~.! tiou of its llne, connectin g the and the West c~ll· th~ att~utton or travel era to the central poai- 111ent is unrivaled and magnificent, being composed I wish to call especial attention that if ynn Magnificent Horton R eclining Chair Cara. Pullwant to buy a first-class Organ made fiy one f1~~8of°rlf~i1~~ 1'~~~:\~f~r'?~~a,.ffifr~:h.f!af~ between Chicago a.nd Missouri River Point s. T WO of the best Manufaetur!es in the World, of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, s·rocu. T1 ·a ius between Cl'tica,go aud Minneapolis and ?-t· , Paul, v ia. the Famous "'" ----... -4~---·~·+---- An elegantly-dressed y0ung lady recently entered a rail way <;l!ir riage in Paris, where there were three <fr four gentlemen, one of whom was lighting a cigar. Oh~erv ingher, with the characteristic politeness of Frenchman, he asked her if smoking would incommode her. She replied, ." I do not know, sir ; no gentleman has ever smoked in my presence." - a I have Just ordered and will have .in a fsv ' ' ALB ERT LEA ROUTE." days,some first class Royal A. Se wingMachines A New and Direct Line , via Seneca. a nd Kau l':n.a Machine that stands A 1 with tho very be~~ kee,hn.s r e-cently been opened between Itichmon d , News, Chattanooga., Atlnnt ;i, AuAmerican or Canadian Sewing Maehincs,- Norfo lk, New port Louisville, Lexington, Cin c innat i, While I have nothing to say against any first· fusta.Nashvilled 1 class make of Organs or Sewing Machines, I of~ ~~~~£.isP~~1 ~~~~~ii~·i!~cfi~~~~tu:;.inneap . All T hrough Pa.s~engl3rs 'l.1ravel on l ast Expresn wish the public to please take notice I do sell only first-class Goods, such as I can guai~ Tra ins. ~ifr~~~~a_o§t~~~~ 8a~~l}fa~~d'~~al T icket o mc ee in antee to give satisfaction. N. B.-I still sell the wor ld-renowned '\Valt· B aggage checked th.rough and rates of fare al .. ham Watch,- a;nd don't forgot our General ways ~ts low a.a competitors that o:ffe1· lesa n dvan... Store where we keep a complete assortment or taj~~·detailed il2.formo.tionlgcttho Maps and F0ld.. Dry Goode and Groceries cheap for Cash. ers of the 'l'he Bell Organs are sold by J. P. RICE, BowCREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, mauville, and A.t your n earest Ticket Office, or address 1 E. Tf.I. DOl"EY, Tyrom:·. R.R. OABLE, Vic;e-Pres. & Gen'l l-l'g'r, E. ST. JOHN, Gen'l Tkt. & Pass., CHICAQO,