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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1884, p. 5

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MONEY. {The Highest.Price .in Cash for EGGS at QUICK & WRICHT'S, Su'Ccessors to McClung Bros.} MONEY. to STOTT & JURY and 'mall Medicines advertised are for~ tp Sa.le by them. ., ~elongs THIS COLUMN """' .......... --v-"--- -·- -~·---- -- "'nIDAY JUNE 13 NV1I, LE ' ] · Fountain of Health , Cheapest, Best, and Most Reliable .B LOOD PURIFIER REMARKABLE CURES ------ STOTT & JURY, --DOMINICA- [IME -·---· · ·-- · - THE lNs~~CTORSllll'.-Word c~mes tha~ . Mr. W. E. I1lley has been appomted In spector of Durham . ._ · ,. · -...4.1.1"".~'R · n.-'l'hc 01..ntuary l~oetry ,:n our 'l'H.AT THE GREAT last issue should have J:>een signed ~- L. B., HamptOI~." The signature was madvert;intly onutted. . 0lJT oE· S:ll:ASON.-A town paper adverJS THE t1sed last week" Hot Oysters for cold weather." Cold oysters fo.1· hot weather would be more acceptable Just now. ~ - P1t0MENA1rnCoNCERT.-No. l Company, 45th Biitt., will ~ive a grnncl prome1~a.de concert at the pril_l Shed Monday evemng, June 23rd. I a1·t1culars m programs. ever offered to the Canadian pulilic. CROWDED Ou:.-We havehacl to conel ense several re~orts and other mattars It has made ers ~f local mterest, crowded out of our last issue, to qrnke room for current news, etc: _:_ . KNOX COLJ.EGE.-Mr. Thos. Yellowlees has been.elected a member of the board of management of Knox . college by tl~e .Where every other Remedy Presbyterian assembly m Toronto this week. ' has failed. NoTICE.-The persons Whl> are owing on newspaper account will please pay up . . before July 1st. \Vewantallsubscnpt1on accounts closed by that date. Send in the do ;i;s. Sole Agents for Bowmanvillc. . BOARD OE' lTEALTH.-'l'he newly appoint- ------ --- ---··----ed Boarcl of Health for this town consists of Messrs. J. Higginbotham, Thos. Hoar and Dr. Beith, with Mayor Loscombcand Mr. R. Windatt ex officio members. ANSWER Tn1s. - C an you fi n d a case of Brig t ! - iseaee of the Kidneys, Diabetes, . Urinary of the Liver Complaints t h ac 1s - PURE, no watered curablti, that .ll op Bitttors has not or C>\Il· not cure? Ask your neighbors if they C.\ll. stock. Oun. 0FFER..- The S· 1·A1'ESllfAN will be '11 N d a ti sent to any' address in ew WHOLESOME,Pur-. Years for only 50 cents. Cana 0 ne and t liree cent postage stamps talten. ·et your ities the blood. neighbor to c_ l ub with you ancl sen cl a dollar bill. REFRESHING, An JUDICIAJ, SAL:ll:.-By advertisement in this issue it will be seen that the south agreeable tonic. half of lot 24, con. 3, Clarke,. will be off ered for sale at the 'Windsor Hotel, New COOLING, just the c11stle, on Saturday June 21st. Geo. Curtis thing for hot weather. auctioneer. FISHING ACCIDENT. -A correspondent writes that Mr. W. R . Cole, Darlington, had the misfortune to fall and run a splinter through his eye-ball while fishing the other lfay. His physicians expect to Absolutely free from save the sight. . · alcohol. NoT SoLD.-The report that Harry . Phillips had sold out his hotel business in Hampton is not tme. There is only $250 - FOR SALE BYbetween buyer 11ond seller, though. Harry says he completed his 30th year keepin hotel on the 6th inst. in pts. and qts., {imperial mes.sure). SWEET ENTERPRISE. -The enterpdsi ig Refined expressly for LYMAN young merchants, Messrs. Quick&Wrig t, have gone heavily into sugar importati SONS' & Co., Montreal. and ha"._ing bought at very close price will give purchasers the benefit. See thei A LIBERAL DISCOUN'.r TO '.l'HE TRADE. announcement elsewhere. Goon Womis.-It is refreshing this hot weather to receive t hese encouraging words:- " As an old West Durlmmite; S PE G- I A L A G E N T S. ·was very much pleased t o sec the - - - - - - -- - -- - ------ I STATESMAN again, ·aml cougrntulate you HOW TO SECURE HEALTH. onitsimprovedco11dition. R . D., Picton." It is stmnge that any one will suffer from . ATTEMP'fED SUICIDE. - Last Friday an <Ierangemtmts brought on by an impttre cir· old man named 'l'hos. \Veatherup, 3rd c11lation of the liloocl, when, for a small co1;. Hope, a.ttempted to commit suicide b outlay, the physical organizatio11 can be taking a dose of strychnine. Dr. Dal , completely restored hy that wonderful blood N ewtonv.i lle was called and administe -ed purifier, North~op '& ~:¥man's Veg_etable remedies that counteracted the poi n. Discovery.. 'l'lus med1cme acts directly A \VoMA~"s OPINION,-Mrs. Susim ah upon the Blood and Bowels, and eradicates Scrofula, Malaria, Biliousness, &c., from the Evans Peck,. who l ectured here last wi ter aystem. As a touic it ha.s a remarkable on Temperance, delivered an address in effect on the weak and broken down con- Chickering Hall, New York, the ot er stitution, restoring the ·appetite; &c. One Sunday. She spoke very highly of who used it says it is the most expensive Scutt Act. medicine he knows of; since using it his apTo FAililfERs. - Having purchased the petite has improved so. much that it costs Whitby Orttario HarYester and cut all my him twice as much to lLve as before. · It banishes pain an<l wi;iakness, invigorates grain on 260 acres, I can highly recomthe brain and nervons system, and rouses the mend it as being a strong and durable dormant muscles into new Iife. machine. Any ]Jerson trying the above ---------~~-~------ machine will be more than pleased. GEO. One trial of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- PERKIN, 'W hitby. 24-~w. terminator will convince you that it has FoR FARMERS.- The Universal Suly no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a Plow is the best and cheapest in t lie bottle and sec if it does not plea~e you. Dominion ; warranted to work or no sal~· \ made by Patterson Bros., Whitby, Ont. Thomas Myres, Bracebridge, writes: W. H. Piper, agent. R epairs may be had Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil is the beat medi- at Morris' carriage shop, Bowmanville, for cine I sell. It always giveu9 aatisftLction, Patterson Machines.- 24-2w. and in case of coughs, colds, sore throah . ·FARM BY AUCTION .- The Executors of .!:"'-· immediate rel10f has been receiv~d the Estate of the late James Parr, will by thes°i:'· te it." offer for sale at Phillips' Hotel, Hampton, ·'-------~ on Saturday June 28th at 2 p. m ., the People wbo reside or sojourn in regio· east ha.lf of lot 18, con. u, Darlington, ;oa of country where fever and l\gue and containing 100 acres. For full particulars 'b ilious remittent fever are prevalent, s i-H H. T. Phillips, auctioneer aliould be particularly careful to regulate HEALTII GooD.- The many friends of dip:estion, the liver and the bowels, before th11 approach of the season for the periodi Mr. Wm. Gilbert, of Solina, who had both hands amputated by a reaping machine malady. The timely use of' Northrop Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dys fa.st summer, will be glad to hear that he peptic Cure is a valuable safeguard again is enjoying excellent h ealth, tJ1ough his Bt any malarial scourge. It is acknowle- arm stubs are very painful at times. He dged to be the best bJ,,od purifier in the was in town this week at the Conference. OWN OUNCIL.--Our·town· Parliament market. met une 2nd. The only business clone A!?itation in the world of homeophetic was, after the usual routine, to appoint a medicine has been its very soul of pro~ress board of health, the introduction and as in politics and religion-the dlliculties first reading of a by-law rehiting to th ()f opinion and the individually of men public health, appointing a decoration y have been parent to the d!sagreemeuts by for beautifying the cemetery, and adwhich the standard of these bodies have journing. bee elevated. So with most of our faINPALMRI.E.- It is against a rule a !optmous preparations - foremost in illustration of which true stands the world-fomo- ed by all newspaper oftices, and whi h is n ever departed from, to publish com1 unl!S remedy to general debility and langour "Quinine Wine,"-·and which, when ob- ications if the renl nl\me of the auth · is tainable in its genuine etrength, it 1s a not sent as a guarantee of good fa1 1. miraculous creator of appetite, vitality '!'he name will not be published but ' and &timulant, to the gen'eral fertility of must have it before the communication the system. Quinine Wint>, and its im- .can appear. . . provement has from the first diw;>vcry ·w ARNING N O'l'E.- Fast clr1nng around cf the great virtues of Quinine as a medi-1 corners is contrary alike to law a1_1d corneal agent, been one of the most thoroughly !non se~se and shou)d n ever be 1!1dulged ciscuesed remedies ever offered to t'he m. It is made a m1sdeme:inor of m many public. It is one of the <>reat tonic! and places and it ought to be everywhere. rlat:ual life giving stimttlats which the Ther~ is a grea:t deal of it done in ~ow medical profession have been compelled manv1lle, makmg some of. the cl'ossmgs to reco nize and presc:ribe- Messrs. places of danger to pedestnans. Northrop ~- Lyman of Toronto, have PLUCKING FLOWERS IN THE CEMETERY. itiveri to t e preparation of their pure - When friends of the dead go to the exQuinin&-Wine, the grel\t. care due to its p ense and trouble of decorating graves in importance, and the standard excellence the cemetery with ch oice flowers and ()f the article which they offer to the pub- plants, it is the basest vandalism for visitlic comes into the market purged of all ors to the "city of the dead" to pluck the defects wnich skilful observation and them. We hope t h e young l)eople who scientifie opinion has pointed out in t.he l visit our beautiful cemetery will not give less perfect nreparations of the past. All further occasion for complaint in this druggist sell it.II matter. · -----===::---:==-:=:--= i' ' .. · I A hand glass and pocket book found. ... ..WooL.- Wanted, any q uantity of wool, i The Diotz Oil Stove lecids. Ladies, do"t fail to examine my Cloth Apply at t.his office. Window :Shades. They ar'3 both durable for which tho hi?l'.ost price -~ill be paid in [ Botfancl 's for boots and shoes. cash by .T. B. l\fa1 tyn. - 24 3w. J 1" S · 1' d A. L. V~nstone . ~owmanville is pre- and handsome. Thos. Yellowlees. ·· \V B. .11 I d N i F:imrn1'll, note . . nut ls <'L vt. p:1red t·> give thti highest market price A.O. L:,- . ·-;-" OWllHlllVl:; "o.ge '.1'.'aboutre11pers. ' for any quantity of good wheat. Give BIP.'fHS. !J9, A. 0. U. \-\: ., meets to-m5ht m then .. , .. l N F H ll' 8 hall Observer Block, at 8 o'clock. T.ulore~~es, Ie~l · · .a auvt. hii~all before selling else where 2w*. KEI'fn-ln Bowmanville, on the 8th instant, ' . . 0Teat rus h of busmess. the wife or Mr. Chas. Keith, teacher, o! a eon. Goon 1'111rn.-In runnmg a race agamst , OF.I<' 1"0lt GREAT BRITAIN. -1\fossrs. time, Dennis Kennedy ran 660 yards in The Wrel~lyr~l 11be a~d STATESMAN R.obert Beith, John Murdoch and George MARRIED. 2 minutes and 3 seconds, at Keene. nuw to Ne\\ 'Years fo1 $1.00. Shaw, of Bowman ville, and Henry J eifrey S~.NDAY BATIUNG.--Last Monday's ScJIO(lT, BoARD- T,he regular m d of Whitl1y, started together fo1· the papers gave accounts of several cases of was hold last Friday night, but no Country yesterday, via New York. 1\iess s. drownin('f while bathing on Sunday. Take buisness was transacted. Beith, Shaw and Jeffery go after horse warning~ boys. ·A nice pair of boots adds much GRAND UNION ScHOOL PrnNrc . The~====~~======~~==~ CASH 1,.0 R \V'ooL.-Thc very highest lady's a11pe:mince. Borland has a 1,,..~WllO..µi'...:11"c of the West Darlington and l)l·ice in cash will be paid for any quantity stock of ladies fine shoes. East Whitby Public Schools will be held of wool at Quick & Wright's grocery store, Visitors to the Picnic 011 'l'uesday should as usual in l\fr·. Lcask's wood~ on Friday McClungs' Dlock.- 24-3w. call at Lee & Edsall's and take a Dietz Oil next, June 20th. A grand procession EnucATIONAL.-The Normal School Stove h ome with them. Best in the mar- hPaded by the Do1ninion Or~an Co. Band will start from Hampton at fo a. m. sharp sessions will hereafter both be embraced ket. in the calendat· ye:ir. The next session ' STOCK NoTE.-Mr. T. L. Brown, near and proceed by way of Soliua to the ~will begin about Aug. 15th. Hampton, has a thoro-bred Short · Horn .c orner c1·mmonly known ns the "Tamrack II S A I> 1 b Bull for service. See bills for 1:ic1ligree Swamp," when it will meet the East Whit'F.A.VY , K:-ITJCNVKunc as oy, and terms. by 1md Darli11gl.on schools h eaded by Willie J. Neil, was 011 Saturday sent to the Pentang. Reformatory for five years At the Co11vocati0Jl of Toronto Univers- tho 0dhawa Band and together proceed by for throwing -stones at a railway traiu. ity on '.C.uesdny Mr. E. W. H. Blake, way of Bradley's School House to _the E p son of Hon. E. Blake, received the degree above n~med b t antiful !Q:Ove. The pro. . 1 1 11 for the afternoon is r·iplete with eligi~f!1~~~~~~;:·the ~~;i~sS~~~~~f~~~ c;~~~ of B. A.; and Dr. James Bray, ofEnfieJd, gr«mme ticularly requested to see that they attend received his M. B. degree at the same time. · interesting features Matches of foot ball and base ball are bein(l' a1:r.\Jlcred. A tho entrance exttmination on the ard July. UNION Smw1cJ:s.-Rev.·J. Dyke will prize list of boys' races has0 been p~tpared. T , ,, ., ·· ()' preach in the Church St. Methodist church A~ (GLY Cu?.-Mr. l.1e<l. Wn,,ht, of next Sunday evening. His congregation First class addresses may be expected the filom 0 ~ Qmck & Wrig}it, cut a ve!"Y will worship tlteie also. R.ev. E. R Young; from Dr. McL,~ughlin, M. P. P.; John ugly _gash m lus finger on 8aturd~y, wlule the pastor, is attending Conference in Dryden, M. P. P. ; ,J. J. Tilley, Inspector of Model Schools, Inspector McBrien, of odp~1tungl~ tutb of butt~tr.} D_ r. ~te1th ldress- Toronto. e 1 an~ pn · some st1 c ies in 1 anc now- , C M C . I tl fi t l . ft South Outario, ai·d a 11ost. of ..thers. A 't · l l' t' f t 'l . . . ONFERENCE.- 11 1e rs era hearty iniitat ion is extended the public. 1 is ioa mg sa is ac orJ Y· of stations for the Whitby District t he Grounds f . ee to all. NEWRl'APEH ~OOM.-'fhearnbiti<;>us Tor- o. n ly change we note is that ReY. Michael Additional locals·on last page. onto World claims to hav:e _~·ecell'ecl Mt Fawcett. takes the place of Rev. W. R. . ffil!!! JUICE I a t}rocerS and Druggists STO. J & JURY, Barket' in Dttrlington, Mr. Barker being clown for Richmond Hill · WELCo~rn-\Ve welcome to our beautiful town Mt·. and Mrs. Daniel Smith of LesJrorcl, who have b<>uirht the handsome ·"resideucc of Mr..., S. F. Hill and brick moved in on Tuesday. Wt( hoj)O to see many more wealt.hy farmern in the townships following Mr. Smith's example. FARM FoR SALE-S. R. Brown will sell o11e hundred acre of his first class farm, being composed of the south half of lot No. 10 in the 3rd Con., Pickerin!!, Ont. .._ ~ Co. AJJply t@ S. R Broi.vn, Pickering P. 0 0 t 2 · · 11 · w· PRESS A ssocIATION . ..,-The Press trip TEACHERS' MEI>TINu.- The Durham this year will include a sail from Sarnia to teachers ;meet in conventio.n at Port Hope Duluth, thence by the Northern P;icific to-day and to-morrow. An interesting Railroad to the Yellowstone Valley in ancl profitable session is anticipated. Mr. Wyoming Territory, 'neath the shadow James Gilfillan, of tho Bowmanvillc High of tlre Rocky Mount:tins, where Messrs. School, is president, and Mr. A. Barber, Barr, of the Lindsay Post, and Trayes, of secretary. . the Port Hope T imes, will leacl the party TESTIMONIALS. - Wehave reoeived copies in a gr~nd buffalo chase aud other exciting of stimonials from prominent educa- amusements. tiol)alists and other public men, respecting CORRECT -'l'he Essex Ceiifre Clwonicle the clmracter, literary standing, and other says: "Wi·h iileasure we note the ttrri\'al good qmilities of Messrs. W . E. Tilley and in our midst of Mr. Geo. Shorin, a practiSl\muel Hughes, which were laid before cal druggist, late of Bowrnanvrlle. l-le th unties' _ Council this week. comes highly recommended, and is in the PASSED WITH Ho:Nou.-Messrs. D. H. employ of our popular drnggist, Mr. Coates and Geo. H. Hogarth, former pu- Thorn, who knowd h01v to secure good pils of Bowmanville High School, success- men for his store." George is a good boy fully passed the examination of Toronto and the STATESMAN wish.,11 him sncc..ss. University this year, both standing first MA¥ D:FJW.--F or fresh,ming and beautiin 2nd class honors in l\fathematics, in fyiug the complexion, for removing the their respective years. Good boys. effects of tan and sunburn, for softening .ANNIVE-RSARY.-The Maple Grove M. the hands, for cleansing, invig0rating and !IU.rch anniversary is nex t Sunday and purifying the skin, for r emoving all imMonday. The pastor will preach at half- pacted, clogged or morbid conditions of past two, on Sunday, and Rev. J. Dyke the oil pores, gl:111ds and tubes, and freeand other ministers, also Capt. Ada Hind ing them from the injurious effects of and others will address the public meeting chalks and cosmetic washes, the May Dew on Momlay, at 2 p.m. rea served from ranks' foremost among its thousand and 4 to 7 o'clock; tickets, 25 cents; children, one 0.'1.ger rivals. See advt. 15 cents. A pleasant time is guaranteed. · LoAD Lmrim..-This is truly an age of e1jbody will be welcome. invention and the farmer is receiving his ME<.,'"HANics' INSTITUTE.-The annu:il slmre of tiie benefits. One of the latest meeting of this institution was held on anq best inventions for the farm is Sarthe 4th inst., when the followi11g officers gent's :Load Lifter, of which several leadwere elected for the year :-M. A. James, ing Darlington farmers speak so highly in presiclet1t ; P. Trebilcock, vice-president ; a testimonial elsewhere in the STATESMAN. vV. F. Allen, 2nd vice-president; W. R. It is easily worked, aml every farmer Climie, secretary and librarian; M. l\'Ic- should have one. Mr. Robt. F . \Varel, 'l'avish, treasurer ; Messrs. R. ·windatt, the a()'ent for Darlington, will call on most A. Barber, C. Tod, J. Gil£llan, vV. H . of th~ farmers between now and harvest. Ratfel, F. Mason, J. Pattinson, D. S. EBENEl::ER ANNIVERSAlw-'l'his annual \Veir, R. B. Andrew, J. H. H. Ju1·y, and- gathering will take place on Sundayancl W. S. Russell, directors. A large num- Monday, June 22nrl and 23rd. Services !:/er of new books will be added to the 00 Sunday at 10:30 a. 111 ., and 2:30 and li ·:u~ this year. Subscription, only $1. 6:30 · p.m , when R.evs. H. E. Bayley ENFIELn.- Mr. Samuel F. Hooper, for- and iJ. W . Cannom will preach, Colmerly of Bowmanville, has bought out lectioi1 at each serv.ic&. A capital Mr. J. H. Hurlbut's blacksmithing busi- pl'Ogramme will be presente::d on Monday ness, at Enfield, and has taken possession. at 1 :30 p. m. consist mg of dialogues, reW e congratulate the people in that local- citations and singing by the scholars and ity on having in M1'. .Hooper one of the addresses by Revs. Cannom and Bayley, best horse-shoers in Canada, as well as a Mr. 'I.'. Yellow lees and others. Te~ from .Jlk.illed"-i'vorkman in all kinds of general 4:30 till all a 1 ·e sened. Tickets 25c and blacksmithing. He is a young man of 15c. Wm. Courtice, Secretary. honor and integrity, and is worthy of the Ril!ONA: - Emerson once said of Mrs. patronage and fullest confidance of the Hele1' Jackson (" H. H. ") that she stood public. \Ve ask the farmers thereabouts on the threshold of a great achievement. to give him a trial, and not go away for The large and increasing circle of her work that can be better d_ one at home. readers are doubtless satisfied that Mr. BEAU1'IFUL TowN. - It was a universal Emerson's prophecy was fulfilled years remark of the ministers and visitors who ago; ifanydoubtremained, it would cerattended the conference services here last tainly be removed by the beauty, pathos week, "Bowman ville is a beautiful place," and power of Mrs. Jackson's story, and we heard more thitn one speak of the "Ramona," now being published in The improvements on King street in the last Oh1·istian Uni.on, 20 Lafayette P lace, New five or six years. Ours is a pretty town, York. For dramatic interest, narrative and we all feel proud of it, but there skill, and deep feeling, no story of recent might easily be many improvements made years has equalled it. yet. A little outlay on the part of nll SENSIBLE GmLs.-A number of Maine !10use OWl_lers ~n modernizing. the ~well-, girls have formed a protective union and mgs, erectmg i:i1ce ~ences, plantmg sm~ble adopted these resolutions. That we reshade trees, tr1mmmg those now_ growm~, ceiV'e the attentions of no self-styled-young etc., etc., would go a great way m beaut1- aentleman who has not learned some busi~ying the town generally, a.s well as 1mik- ~ess or enga!!ed in some steady employ1~mes more attractive. ment; for it is apprehended that after MEMORIAL WINDOW.-A new and very ·the bird is caught it may starve in the handsome memorial window has just been cage. That we will promise to marry no placed in St. ,John's church in this town young man unless he is a patron of his by Messrs. George, Robert and William local newspaper, for it is not only a Manning in' memory of their deceased strong evidence of his want of intelligence, sister. The occasion represented in the but that he will prove too stingy to prowindow is taken fro1n John 12:3, "Then vi~le for a home or encourage institutions tookMary a pound of ointment, sptkenarcl, of learning in his community. very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, PHIL F RATER.- Rev. J. J ohns(" Trebiland wiped h is feet with her hairj and the john " ) and Mrs. Johns bade farewell to se was filled with the odor of the Bowmanville Jriends and members of ointm . :&he uppe r part contains a Conference ll\st'Fdclay morning and startrcpresentation of the entrance to a church, on their homeward trip. l\: f r. Johns lecthen comes the scene mentioned above, tured in Exeter on ]'ricfay night to a and near the bottom a lamb r eposing is large audience and spent Saturday and represented. The delineations of the Sunday in ·Hamilton with personal friends. figures~ distinct, the colora blend beauti- " Trebiljohn" has long been a favorite fully, the design is artistic and cheerful to hundreds of readers of the Obse1'11er who and the workmanship is, as far as we can knew him not personally, and his recent judge, perfection itself. The inscriptions and too brief visit has won for him lnmare the words "She hath done what ehe dreds of warm personal friends. Not for could" placed beneath the principal many years has any man come h ere who seen,.., and at Ihe bottom of the window in so short a time won the respect and adare thesa words :- "In loving memory of miration of so many of our people. Mr. Rosamond Maud Manning, born Nov. and Mrs.·Johns are sure of a h earty wel25th, 1864. Fell asleep in Jesus, July come should they ever visit Bowmanville 11th, .1883." The window cost $250, and again. It is rumored here that a call was furnished. by Messrs. .Joseph McCaus- from the Queen St. church will be extendlancl & Son, Canada Stained Gla.~s Works, eel to Mr. Johns, but we cannot vouch for 76 King St., West, 'foronto. its conectness. :.werage of 20~ new su~scr11itions a week for the past su weeks. The Worlfl moves. '.l'l s l l · d l lC TATESllfAN las a so i ·eceive <t arge 1 increase during this pcriol · SoouL.- Our readers must not forget l · 1 u 1 .. tie annua11awn soCia at nc e .Jouatl1an Stevens· tlus · F<r1 ·d a.y evenmg. · F <roe con·11 f 'I' · 't veyanccs w1 run ron rim y CllUrcll f 2t G ·1 k G d · · 1f rom 0 0 c oc · 0 an eUJOY yourse · ERSKINE CHURCH, TonoNT0.- 1'hemany friends of Rev. J. Smith will be pleased · new cl rnrch is · b emg · to 1 10ar tha t l ns mp·dly b m"lt· TllC 1ect ure room w111 b e 1 l t · I d th reac y o occupy m a, wee c or so1 an e whole building will be completed in Oct r. SHOPPER'S GUIDE. 20 lbs. rnisins for $1 at Murdoch Bros. R ·'ducecl Steamship rates. T. Yellowlces. Window Rollers that cant be beat at. 1'. Y..llowl1:ws. Canned apples 5 cans for 50c. at Quick & Wright's. We sell pood white Shirts at at 75 cts. Ellison & Co. Girls be~t Kid Gloves at 12~ cents Ellison & Co. B··ys and youths Tweed Suits at $1 50. Ellhon & Co. Children's Cabs reduced greatly in price, T. Yellowlees. Wall papers very pretty and very cheap at Cheapsicle Bazaar. We offer ura value in Shirtings at 12~ cents Ellison & Co. '. You ought to try one of our $5. 00 Tweed Snits at ]J;Jlisun & Co. Fresh Strawberries every clay at the Grand Central.-23-2. Our Prints at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 1 10 ctints are extra cheep. Ellison & Co. .We are selling off our wall papers very cheap. Tait & Morrison. Our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing is ct>mplete. Ellison & Co. All wool Twt:led Suits made to order from $12~ up. Ellison & Co. Handsome allll elegant Parlor Su~tes in latest style~ at Le~i Morris'. \Ve i;:ive great atte'ltion to the Tailor· in!! department. Ellison & Co. We offer a special line of all Wf)Ol Tweeds at 50 cents. Ellison & Co. For steamer No1·seman and Mail Boat Tickets call on T. Yellowlees . Great fall in wall papers at Tait & Morrison's Cheapside Bazaar. Great slaughter of t inware at Manning & Nusworthy's. Call and see. _ For thing!! pretty, varied, cheap and good call at Cheapside Baz_aar. Parties asking us f; r bargains will not be disappointed.Ellison & Co. · Ladies, have you seen Ta.it~~ Morrison's pretty wall papers. You should . Tapestry Carpets from 35c upwards at Couch, Johnston & Cryderm~n ' s, Fresh supply of those cheap Raisins 20J.):>s for LOO at Murdoch Bros. For great bargains in all kinds of tinware go to Manning & Nosworthys. Dyeinl? satisfactory work clone by l eaving your goods with T, Yellowlees. The Great slaughter of tin ware at Manning & Nosworthy's still going on . WEDDING PitESENTs:- A fresh line of Pl11tedware just received. T. Yellowlees. $23, will purchace a ticket from Bowma.nvilletothe oldcountry. T. Y11llowlees. People wonder how we can sell Dry Goods and Clothing so cheap. Ellison &Co. Parasols, hosiery, and gloves the largest assortment and the lowest prices at the Star House. PIPES sold at W. E. Pethicks barber shop at cost price, or at 25c. on the$ less than retail prices, first quality meerchaum pipes for $2.00 PETRICK, the Barber is selling his 'Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars at cost prices, as he is going out of that line of business. Give him a call. It will be to your advantage ·if you want anything in his line. The Star House report an unusually large season's trade; their.ordernd clothing made by Mr Peardun has. taken the lead. They h1:we a large assortment of fine clothing m&terfal all new_ If you want a suit give them a call. Allan Line, mail steamships- the quickest, safest and best line crossing the atlantic; Vessels not being insured insures cai·eful management. ~o cattle on passenger steamers. Rates reduced ; enquire of W. A. Neads,Ageut: ---·! ---4~·---- POWDER Absolutely Pure. ROWMANVILLE MARKETS, -4Klf4~ '!'his powder nevnr vad es, A marvel of purity. stren<rth a11d whol.isomeness. More economical Lhan the ordinary kinda and can· not be st>ld in corup.,tition with thl' rnultitude of low test, shol't weight. alum or phosphate powders. Sol d onl111'.n cans. ROYAL BAKING PowDEU Co., 106 Wall-st. N. Y, Corr·cted up to l o'clock p.m. ever11 T.hursda11· BY JOHN MoMU~TRY, Flour, per 100 lb ...... $2 75 .. to .. $3 00 Fall Wheat, per bus11.... 100 .· to .. 1 OS SpringWheat, per bush. 1 05, . to. . 1 1() Rye, per bushel. . . . . .. . . 0 58 .. to. . 0 60 Oats, per bushel. . , , , . . . 0 35 .· to. . 0 40 Peae,Blne., ·· ,, ....... 0 7(1 .· to ·. 0 75 " Bhckeyos:: ...... 0 92 .. to ·. 0.-95 ,, Small. .......... 0 70 ... to ... 0 72 Barley, No. 1 ......... 0 65 .. to .. C 68 ,, No. 2.... , . ... 0 55 ... to ... 0 60 ,, No. 3......... 0 fiO... . .. 0 55 Butt er,per lb. best te.ble.. O 14 .. @ ·· 0 15 Lard,¥' lb ...... ,, ....... 0 13 . . @ ·· 0 1.4 Eggs,~ Joz.............. 0 13 . . @) · · 0 14. Potatoes,per bushAI.. ..... 0 50 . . @ ·· 0 50 AILORESSES W ANTED.-3 to work T . on coitt. pants and vest. Experienced hancls only need apply. N. F. HALL, Orono. 24-lw ERK:-.; HIRE PIGS. - The nnderB sihn ' cl. B tlioro'-bred Berkshire !:'1g1:1. week" s le. JOHN JAMES, on ex6 Shenff l3urk's far.n. oltl, fo·,· h" s 2~·2w. OOD PAST URE supplied for scve1·al Ji~ud of Horses or Cattle with atmudanco or water. 'l'errns moderate. Apply to M. MUNDAY. llowmanville. 22·3w. HOUSE TO RENT.- Possession can _ __ b "-' e-given at once. Apply to~'. MASON. ONEY TO LOAN .- A few thousand M dollars, private funds, to loan on firetclase farm security. ttt the lowest current rates. For particulars apply to H. BllT l'H. Bowman· ville, or R. R. LOSCOM.BE, Bar:riatcr. 3-tf. HE THOROUGH-BRED JERSJ!:Y BUJ,L- "' Young Bonlivott "- for service at my residence, east of Furmture Factory. TERMS :-'l'lloro'-orecl. Cows, $5: Grade Cows, $3; Common Cows, $2., Alt1'HUR W. BUJ:tK. G T 2'Ht. .T o Farmers Only. HE undersign ed is prepared to sell L. D. Swyer·s.No. 3 Reaper and MowerThe Reaper tor ·75cash, or $80 on time. Interest on last note, RESIDENCE-I.} miles north of O·hawa. J. W. SMITH. ' Oshawa. Juno 10th, 188!. 24-2w. T SALVATION ARMY BARRACKS. _,___ EO'W':t-1.r.A.NVILLE- MONDAY night, Soldiers and Oonverts cnly. TUEl:IDA.Y.WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and SA'l'URDAY, Public Meetings at 7:15 p. m. FRIDAY, Holiness Meeting for Soldiers and all Christiane, 7:45 p.m. SUNDAY, 8 a. m., Knee Drill ; 11 IL. m.. Holi· ness Meeting : 3 p. m , Hallelujah Meeting; 7 P. m., Salvation Mee tine-. CHILDHEN·e l\1E1£1'1NG Saturday, 3 p. Ill, All ar11 welcome as ahove. Coine in crowds. Collection each service. CAPT. ADA 'RIND. · LIEUT. MILLIKEN. UADE'r McDONALD. Bowmanville, May 28, 188!. 22·3m. -T~E- DOMINION GRAN Gf - -=-- MUTUAL Fire Insurance Co. PRESID.ENT,- JESSE TRULL, Esq.. Bowman. ville P. Q_ MANAGER,- R. J, DOYLE, Esq., Owen Sound, LOCAL AGEN'l',--H. MOULTON, Orono. Arnount Insured, 11\lout $~,ooo,ooe. t;Al'J'l'AL, OVER $15t,ooe,oo. Cost of insu_ance for past seven years; about 15c. per $100 insured per year. All th11 profits paid to pulicy holders, who might as well have t.he profits as ·tockholdere who live on profits made from farmers . · Cards of Thanks. To the Hartford Fire InS'l<rance Co. I hereby return thanks for the prompt payP rofits paid policy holders in 1883, ment by your agent, Mr_ Thoe. Binfham, for $1,0 g 4.79. dama~e done to my house by 11re. received, a ciasb check by return mail after my claim Remember this Company has was forwarded. MRS. C. C. BURK. Fire lnS11rance Co. I hereby return thanks for the 1-lrompt pay. Remember it is a home institution. No Yankee adventurer. No home failure, mont by your agent, .l\fr. Thoe. Bingham, for damage to my house which was insured in the backed up by another adventurer. Sovereign Fire Insurance Co., having received cash check by return of mail &fter claim was Actual Cost about half the Stock sent in. :MRS. C. C. BURK. Oompany rates. From the above settlement of claim parties holding Sovereign Policies will see t hat they FOR l'URTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO are all right, and they need not pay any atten· tion to the agent of tho Dominion Grange humbug or any one else who are going round telling folks that their Sovereign Policies are no good. To tlie M1;1.nage1·s of the Glasgow and Londmi COME TO STAY. H. MOULTON, ORONO. Orono, June 12, 1884. 24.-(lm. THOS. BINGHAM, BOWMANVILLE.

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