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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1884, p. 7

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~... ~~~~~~~~~~~=aa~&~·N~·~"'~iMl~fi~~~~s~w:~~~V M~$?~ ~ ~ ~$~"" !::!·~~m:~~~SS~lff~·~Q~5§~p!!!!!~~&~-~B~?S~~·~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~!!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!' Forurtrly 11:nown as the "Soper Mills. 'I HIS MILL HAS BEEN THORT GGHLYrenova.ted and pntinorder,under our own epec1al supervision, for the purpose of Caledonian Mills. A'FEW HINTS FOR THE USE OF gristing and manur..cturing 011.t Meal and Pot .Barley, and we are now prepared to recPive orders from 'all our old customers and others for work, and we gurantee to give them who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken in· exchange for Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J. TOWNS, Bow· manville 227, ,o1' .,. s .J" J f ;~ ~ ~ ~-a·s DOSE, -To move the ~W· 11.:jpP. els gently, 2 t& 4 Pills; ___.. to 6 Pills. Experience wilt decide' tlle proper dose in each ""e. tllOf'OUgkly, 4 GET YOUR LU!tii3ER · PlANtO,MATCHf O,MOUlDf O&c1 -AT- Morris & Joblin's PLANING Mill, Liberty Str~et, · "Where you can also obtain Doors, Sash, Blinds. Window and Door Prames, Plain and Ornamental Penc·e Pickets, Cisterns, &c. CARPENTRY IN All BRANCHES. Bow111anville. February 21. lfl81. - 8-tf. PHOTOGRl\PHYn ---00-.--- HENRY' Ne-WPhoto .R oo1r1s ARE NOW OPEN. Stancl formel'ly oc_ cn111c1l b y tJ1e l'ost omc1>. JUNG Sl'Jl~IE'l', . ·[ BC>VVl.\l.ir.L~NV-I::U.JL. ,, . l!'or Co.nstlpatlon, or Costiveness, no remedy is so effective as AYEB's !'ILLS. '.l'hey insure regular daily action, and restore the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AYER'S PILLS are invaluable, aml a sure cure. Heart-burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Ston>ach, Flatuleney, Dizziness, Head· ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cured by AYim's PILLS. In Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, and Jaundice, AYEn's PILLS should be given in doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in tho Spring, theee PILLS are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, .Skin Diseases, and Piles,. the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the use of AYEB'S PILLS. , For Colds, fake Av1m·s PILLS to open the pores, remo,·o inftammatcry secretions, and allay the fever. Fo·r Diarrhrea and Dys.e ntei!'y, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, etc,, AY:ER's PILLS aro the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derangement, or colds, and, disappear on removing tho cause by tue use of AYER'S PILLS. -;ri{mors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, nnd otl1er disorders caused by debility or. obstruction, aro cured by AYER'S PILLS. Suppres8ion, and Painful lllenstrua. tlon, have a safe and ready remedy in The Gallery is first-cbss in all its appointments, and furnislrntl in a comfortable ma11ner. '!'here will be no poor work allowed to leave the rooms, and these who favor me with a call can rely on being pleased · ~The ina'tantenous process only will be· used for Phot.ographs. AYE R'S Pl LLS. FUll directions, in various languages, accompany each package. l'BI!PABED BY Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Come in a:ad see me. R.H. HENRY. Orono Pump Factory. Pumps Cheaper and ·Better than ever. PUMPS! __ __,......,.., W.C.TYLER, HO"WMANVILLE, Manufacturnr and Dealer in Pumps of -all kinds,The Subscriber having built a large new RUBBER BUCKETS, · Pump Factory in Oron<',. is prepared WIND M:lLLS, - to furnish- · WINDOW SHADES, and · Geuoral Jobber in With ' without Porcelain Cylinder, of CAlli»E NT ER \VORK. Shop opposite Trele.-en·s Sl10c Store. the Best) Material, on the shortest uo·ice Bowmanville, March 26."188!. 13-Gm· . and at the lowest prices. PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. WELLS CLEANED &RERAIR;ED. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. R . FE RGUSON. This Great Household Medicine ranks amo!lgst the leading necessaries of Life: H~s Jltulc Jllany Cllanges. --(o)-- These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the and BOWEJ..S. giving tone, enerey, and vigor o these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never fa.Hing I . remedy in all cases where the constitution, from - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - . ened. whatever cause, become im-paired or weakThey are has wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and ,t;iTTllE 1.'0PllLA.R\fill. as a GENERAL F.A.MILY MEDICINE. are unSlll"PaBBCd. Av D Av IS D BOOT AND SHOE - IN-- Liver, .Stomach, Kidn,evs, MAN Holloway's Ointment, Its Se1n:chlng and Henllnir; P:ropertles are known throughout the 'Vorld, For the cure of B.A.D LEGS, B.a.d Breasts, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS It is infallible remedy. It e!fectua,lly rubber! on · NEXT DOOR TO 'l'HE EXPRESS OFl'ICJE. the neck a.nd cheat. as salt into meat. it cures SORE 'fHRO.A.T,Dinhtheria,Bronchitis, Cough Colds, and even .ASTHMA. For Glandular --(o)-« My St.ock comprises all lmes of Ladies Swellings, .Abscesses Piles Fistulas · Rheumatt"sm, & Gents' Fine Goods, Overshoes, Rubbers, &c. And every kiild of SKIN DISE.A.SE, it has itZJ" Ordered Work and ·Repairing will as never been kown to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured usual receive prompt attention. only at 533, OXFORD STREET. LONDON. and are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughou 121" My customers and the public generally the Civilized World; with directions for using in moat every language. . are invited to call and secure unparalleled «Purchasers should look at the Label on the Posts_and Boxes. If the address is not 533 bargains·in Boots and Shoes. Oxford Street, London, they. are spuriO)lS. DAVID DAVIS. The Trade Marks of my said Med10mee are registered in Ottawa. and also at Washington. BowmaU"l~ille, March 6, 1881. ~NEADS' BLOCK== Old Wounds, Sores and mce11, Buckwheat Flour Flour. His Groceries are Fresh and Good. an~ Graham JAMES !ELLIOTT TryElliott's 80c. TEA. Farmers' PRODUCE hoice Maple Syrup taken in exchange. and Sugar. Due Bills given. I intellectual or other amusement of the I patients. In this, as in so many other re.t. Peculiar Institution Founded nn Super· spects, all the canons of modern treat- To tlte Lancashfre Fire Insurance Co. MILLINERY.. ~tJ.tton,-An .ebode of J>e,,c· ment, agreed upon by the beet authorities I hereby return thanks for the prompt paym!lnt in full, through your agent here, Mr.Tho·. latton in lunacy, are ignored and probably un- Bingham, of my claim against you from the ate fire, LEWIS QUICK. Dr. George A. Tucker, who has been known." Has much pleasure in announcing to the ladies engaged some time, under the auspices of The patients are watched by the whole that she has received a complete stock of Mil· . lihery and Fancy Goods. the New South Wales government, in a population, as well as by the authorities, To Hartford Fi1-e Instbrance qompany. tour of America and Europe, investigat- and escapes are rare. One of the methods I hereby return thanks to your Company for Flowers, Featllers. Orn1unents, RlbbODl.l the prompt set.tlement of my claim, through Veilings, Laces, Berlin 'Vi)ol, Amlulustan._ ing the cure and treatment of the insane, still used for the treatment of the patients your agent Mr. 'rhos.Bingham, of loss sustainP.d Ue11ds · .Rruids, Canvass, Silk di Cotton Flou. h'as published in a little pamphlet just is- with a view to their cure, is so full of su- by fire on the 12th inst. LEWIS QUICK, .A. call is kindly sollclted. W. WOR.FOLK. sued in Birmingham, England, an inter·· perstition as to seem scarcely possible in MRS. .ANDERSON; King Street, -w.esting account uf the lunatic colony' at this age in a civilized country. It is pur- To lite .fresident. 1J1anaoe·· a?td Directors of next door to Bucltler's Jewellery Store. Gheel, Belgium, which he visited in D~- sued in the old house, or "Ziekenkamer," the Fire Tnsurance Association of London " cember last. The system there adopted already spoken of. '.!.'his ancient house is England. I hereby return thanks for the very prompt MISS BURDEN takes pleasure in in is that of distributing them among the said to stand on the spot where the saint settlement.through your agent Mr.'!'. Bingham, to her friend8 and customers that sha householders of the locality. The com- was slain by her unnatural father. The for my two horses killed by lightninK In my timati11g will be found at MRS. ANDEl~SON'R STD~ mune of Gheel is twenty-six miles from first room shown to visitors is 9 kind of field.last thunder storm. ROB'!'. FIELDING. where she will carry on the Dreas·Making. Antwerp. The origin of the colony is set kitchen,dark and gloomy, with large iron:down in some accounts as follows: In the bound windows., a stone floor, and a large, month of May in the year ·600 a British open, old-fashioned fire-place. In the chief or prince having his abode in the uprights on each ~ide of the fire-place, -OFOne is oasis of Gheel, with his daughter, who two large iron rings are .:fixe.d. was a pious, Christian woman, cut off her close to the floor and the other about 2t head. She was subsequently canonized feet higher. To those rings the faithful as St. Dymphna, and her fete day is set patients are fastenea, the ankle of one down as on May 15 in the Roman Catho- leg to the lower ring tmd the wrist on the lie calendar. On the scene of her mur- same side to the upper ring. By this arder a small chapel was erected, and the rangement the patient on each side of We have reduced,i.the prices of our entire stock. ot _ locality soon became famous for the re: the tire-place is doubled up in a kneeling puted cures of lunacy effected through in- posil;ion, and the evil spirit by which he vocations to the beautiful saint. Another, is possessed can incite him -tci no effective and perhups more generally accepted tra- resistance to the exorcisms of the priests dition, is that the father of the saint was or th"e operations of the saiut. In an ad---We are making-an Irish pagan prince and that Dymphna, joining room the only light and air adwith her confessor, St. Gereberne, fled mitted pass through an iron-hound, unX into the wilderness of Gheel, to avoid glazed window looking into tho kitchen. ·V V the a~saults of her father. Thither she The room is almost dark, and can be renin eve~y department of General Dry Goods. was pursued by her unnatural parent, dered completely so by a heavy wooden whose followerd murdered her confessor, shutter attached to the window and fit...elf decapitated the ting close to the bars. 'fhe door is strong while the father him..s saint. The historical records establish and further secured by iron. To the fixInterested parties ought to see these Rare Bargains. the fact that as far back as the twelfth ed wooden bedstead at one end heavy iron century, Ghee! was an ancient lunatic col- chains are attache. d for securing the pa· ony, resorted to by large numbere of p!t- tient in bed. The floor is of stone, the tients, chiefly of the humbler classes, suf- room cold and priwn-like, and the grim foring from cerebralandnervouesdisorders. gloom of the apartment (however much it The treatment adopted in those remote may favor saintly interposition), is not, times seems to have been chiefly of a re- from the mundane point of view, at all ligious or superstitious character. Prox- calculated to mitigate the insanity of an Parties asking us for Bargains will not be disappointed. - - to the remains of the saint, or ,.he iumate. 1n11ty scene of her martyrdom, was in itself regarded as a great advantage, and this, in MILLIONS IX PETRO.LEUM. addition to religious exercises at the shrine, secured to the patient the full benefits to lurerestlug Facts Co.i:iDeoted w1tll tile -- - be derived from the syetem in vog11e. Great American Industry, Nor has this faith wholly disappeared at There are 20,000 producing oil wells in the present day, for prayers and invdca- Pennsylvania, yielding at present 60,000 tions to the.saint are constantly resorted barrels of oil a day. It requires 5,000 to ·as curative expedients. miles of pipe line an,d 1,600 iron tanks of The present church of St. Dymphna is an average capacity of 25,000 barrels each a very fine, large and ancient edifice- is to transport and store the oil and surplus said to have replaced a chapel which had .stocks. _'l'here are now nearly 38,000,000 been dedicated to St. Martin of Tours. It barrels of oil stored in the region in tanks. gives as good value in BOOTS and SHOES was co!npleted in 1340, and in 1490 it This oil would make a lake more than one for Uash as can be obtained at any other was consecrated to St. Dymphna by a mile square and ten feeb deep. .' The store in town. brief of Pope Eugene IV. 'fo it the re- money actually invested in petroleuqi. profirst year's business has been a proinains of St. Dymphna are supposed to duction since 1860 is estimated t0 be-more have been transferred. Her Cel}otaph, at than $425,000,000, of which $20,000,000 . nounced success. · any rate, stands in the choir, on pillars was capital from New York city. Since which elevate it some three feet above the 1880 more than $12, 000,000 has .been sales so far this year are away ahead gruund, and through the space thus left, used in building iron tanks, and nearly of. those of corresponding months of the pa.tienl;s (or those who are ·interced- as much in pipe lines, all by one corporalast year. ing for them) crawl nine times a day on tion. The tanks cost on an average $8,nine successive days, repeating prayers to 000 each. A 35,000-barrel tank is ~O has Spring Goods on.hand in great variety. the saint. The actuai rehcs of the feet in diameter and 28 feet high. There saint, as well as the precious case in is a lateral pressure of 6,000 pounds on · which they are inclosed, are however, each square inch of a tank of this size will continue to sell at very low prices said to be kept in some private ii.nd secure when full of oil. There is 100 tons of for Cash. iron used in constructing one. place. . _ . . . Dr. Tucker does not give a captivating The speculative transactions in petropromptly attends to all custom work an~ descriptioi:i of Ghee!, .which is a . rather le um, represent more than $4.00,000 000 sees that it is properly executed. gloomy, dirty place, with narrow, ill-kept annually. The lowest price crude pebrost reets. The commune of Gheel has a leum ever brou()'ht was 10 cents a barrel has continually a varied assortment of population of ove~ 10,000, of wh?m near-' in 1861. In 1S59, when there was qnly Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags. ly 2,000 are lunatics. The town itself has one well in existence, Col. Drake's Piosays a population of ~,000. The leadin_g f~at- 1 neer ?.t Titusville, the price was $24 a ure of the place 1a the frequent drrnkmg- barrel. Besides the 5,000 miles of pipe shoP.. The hospital, to which the new line in use in the oil regions there are in COME AND BEE. patient~ are first brought, is a building operation 1,200 1i1ilcs of trunk pipe lines New comers connecting the reaion with Cleveland KING STREET, suggestive of melancholy. BOWM:ANVILLE. are r etained for awhile at the hospital, Pitta):>urgh, Buffalo~ and New York, and and then drafted 01;1t among the co~tag- lines building to Philadephia and Baltiers, one or two patients, and sometimes more. In -the line between Olean and three, being assigned to each cottage. In New York 16,000 barrels of oil are transancient. times tho patients were at first ported daily. These lines are all the prolodged ma~ old house !1ear the church, perty of the Standard Oil Company, exst1ll called m the Flemish language the cept one between Bradford and Williams--MANUFACTURER OF-"Ziekenkamer,_" .or sick-room, wheretl~ey port, Pa. The Standard employs 100,underwent rebgwus treatment for nme 000 men. 'l'he product of its refineries Some- requires the making of 25,000 oak barrels days with a view to their cure. times a second course .of nine days' simi· of forty gallons each, and 100,000 tin cans KING STREET, BOWM.A.NVILLE, lar treatment w.is gone through, and if holdihg five gallons each, every day. The on hand a number of vehicle! (and is manufacturing a great ma.ny more) of the newest they still showed no signs of recovery first American petroleum ever exported llas now t the lowest prices consistent patterns and best finish, which I am oft'ering for sale sthey were committed to the care of some was in 18G2. Charles Lockhart of Pittswith due regard to workmanship and quality. The following Is a list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me: fa~ily in the i:ieighborhood of the ~~urch burg!~ sent nearly 600,000 gallons to EuDouble Covered Carl:fages.. .................. ................................ $200 Upwards. ~h1ch they daily attended to pa:t1c1pate rope m that year and sold it for $2,000 Single Phretons ......... ........................................................ 100 11 m the benefit .o f the prayers specially of- less tha.n the cost of transportation ln Open Buggy. .................................................... ..... ........... 70 11 fered on their behalf. The house is still 1883 nearly 400,000,000 gallons wer~ exTop Buggy................ ... ... .. . .. ........................................ ..... 90 11 used as of old, though not to th!l same ported, for which $60 000 000 were re· extent. In addition to the medical di- turned to the country. ' ' Democrat Wagon................................................................ 65 11 __ rector, who resides at the hospital, there Lumber Wagons..... .... ...... .................................................. 55 11 are four medical assistants living in the Light Wagon........ ........ ...... ................... ............................ 40 " town, and to each of these a quarter of Nothing New Under the Sun. Express wagon ... ................................ .......... '......... . .......... 75 II the colony is assigned, which they are exThe operatfons at Pel;erborough CatheSkeleton .......................... ~..... .. ............. . ....... . ... . ............... 50 u pected to visit twice a month, and per- dral, England, prove that a fradulent Sulky . ..·.·. .... :................................... . ............................... 40 " sonally to inspect each patient. There builder is no new thing. The walls of lhe Possessing superior :facilities for ma.nuracturing carriages, I intend to sell ver7 cheap for cash are, besides, six inspecting attendants, tower, while possessing a specious face of or approved credit. and by so dotng I hope to greatly increase m:y number o sales. Would. sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed, who are also expected to visit each pa- good stone blocks, had within nothing tient twice a month. more substantial than loose bits of stone Dr. Tucker inspected the hospital very and dry rubbish. The supporting piers thoroughly and went about among the below, also, whiCh ought to have been as At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. people freely, talking wit h many of them. solid as the rock itself, were found pre- At the Factory I also do Planing..Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Scroll Saws. and pre-pare all kinda of lumber for carpenters and others for building purposes. He found the dullness and monotony uni- cisely similar in construction, down even . Ornamental and Plain Pickets tor fences in every style reou!red. made to order. l!tlt versa!. There is nothing to occupy the to the foundations, where, to the increastime or attention of the patients but the ed amazement of the explorers, a still almost enforced labor imposed on them, moreflagrantspecimenofmedireval "jerry" which in many instances is repugnant to work was encountered. Correctly speaktheir feelings and unsuitable to their men- ing, !;here never had been any founda.tal and physical conditions. In other r e- tions to these piers at all, their lower specl;s they are left to their own resources courses having been simply bedded· on a in the families and among the frequenters layer of loose rubble chijlS and sand, of the houses in which they are lodged. these in their turn resting upon natural Their life from clay to day and year to gravel only. There is a rock a foot or year is a mere t orpid existence, devoid of two lower down, but, strange to say, no variety in the present and of hope in the advantage was made of this circumstance, future- an existenoo as stagnant and un- though it must certainly have been within wholesome as that of the water in the the knowledge of the old builders. These Takes pleasure in a -1.'.:ouncing the arrival of his New Spring Stock, con:pools scattered all over the place. At discoveries compelled the condemnat ion the hospital he l earned that the patients of the two western piers, which at first it sisting of Spring and Summer Hats in Felt and Straw, Hard and Soft 011 their first coming are detained there had been the design to spare on account Felt, Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Children's Black, Brown, Blue and N eutre from five to eight days. Every W ednes- ?f t_hei: seeming soundness. The samo day the medical staff meet and decide md1cat101~s of grossly slovenly work were Straw Hats from the 10 cent Canadian to the finest Manilla, and ia. what patients shall be drafted out. .At r evealed m ~he removal ?f these also, and sizes from the Baby to Grandfather, the t me of his visit there were in the the foundations were discovered to be hospital thirty-two men and twenty-two equally worthless. In GENT'S FURNISHINGS I am determined to keep to the front.. women. ~~~~·-....--~--~~In SHIRTS, I offer all the leading styles. In TIES, all the novelties. Without Argument, The drinking-shops referred to are very H e was a young lawyer and was ddiver- In UNDERWEAR, the best quality kept. In RUBBER COATS, I freely patronized 1'y the patients, numbers of whom are domiciled therein. Gen- ing his m aiden speech. Like most you~ offer no:µe but first class. HOSIERY in great variety; UMBRELLAS eralizing on the aspects of the place Dr. lawyers, he was florid, rh etorical, scatte11Tucker say.a : " Many, if n ot most, of ing, and weary. ]'or four weary houra and BRACES, a good choice; CELLULOID COLLARS and CUFFS> the patients I saw looked neglected, cold, he talked at th e court ·and the jury, uJttil the latest novelties in the line, require only to be seen to be purchased. dir,ty, and miserable. A number of them everybody felt li~e lynching him. Whea. see~ed to have no obj ect or purpose in h e got through, his opµo~nt, a grizzlei life but that of sitting near the smoky old professional, arose, lctbked sweetly at stove (if ther e is one, which is not alwii.ys the J U4ge, and said : '<Your Honor, I will follow the exaB11ple the case) of the k itchen, with nothing to divert the mind or break the eternal mo- of my young friend who has just fo1.ished, -nt." notony of their existence. Only in one and submit the case without argum < Then he sat down and the silence was house did I find any books, and nowhere Bowmanyille, Apdl 9, 1884. MA.Rl{lJS 1'1A.YERz did there seem any provision made for the large and oppressive. 'fHE GHEEL LUNA.TIC COLONY. Cards of Thanks. Spring & Summer MRS. ANDERSON Dress·Making. GREAT CLEARING SALE tl!AnY-MA or · CtOTtt.tNC t Clothing~ Men's, Youth's an_ d_ B oy's S"'" TEE p I ' NG REDUCTIONS I We offer Men's Tweed Suits at $5. Boy's & Youth's Tweed Suits at $1.50. WE ARE CUTTING DOWN THE PRIGES All AROUND. -------------- ELLISON & CO. ACKNOWLE·DGED FACTS~ J. HELLY AR J. HELLY AR'S J. ,HELLY AR'S I J. HELLY AR J.HELLYAR J.HELLYAlt J ..HELLYAR J. HELLYAR HAINES' CARRIA.GE "WORKS. GEORGE C. HAIN:$S, Proprietor, GARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O.J All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I SIGN OF THE HAT TO THE FRONT AGAIN. .Mayer My Prices will be found reasonable. Highest Prices paid for Raw Furs.. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED.

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