I Jo~ up and B runswick and on to SavanA LOST YUU:NG rVOM!N. O ENFIELD LADIES.--M1ss JULIA tween robbing a stage and going to a minnal1 was made without the slightest emO'LEARY has returned from 'foronto, stre1 ·show,, . he. would take the former !'Ile l'a' a .Jd :soon 1 ;1) bv lfXPl ond by an and bi. is begun ])ressmakini:r in Enfield. Special and she was given the most barrassment, every time. Now, th~it, you seB, was be· l Ile v. O !l d . nut Travels c;i a Youn~ W omattention will bo given to cutting and fitting, .l!l mer1'crur. a.n W ho Got Lost. cot1rteouE1 atten tion by the train officials Call solicited. , 281-tf. ·cause there was absolutely no danger in J. \V. Buel, who explo1·t:d Russia and F IDAY, JUNE- 20, 1884. it_ He was an experienced man, and Among the passengers on the steamship by whom she was pa~sed to her destinat- Siberia, and who has written a work on - -- -- - - -- - - - knew that the thing was safe_ I honestly Cjty of Augusta, on her way to NewYork. ion. Upon arriving here she was driven "Ru~~iau Nihilism," recently vi11 ited the J:>elieve that if, when he was going through was a young lady whose singular 11-dventure to Lhe Pulaski house, and in the afternoon state department in company with Col. ROBBING STAGES OU'.l' WEST. NO MORE NAUSEOUS PILLS1 was placed on board the City of Augm1ta a stage load, somebody had fired oft' a in travellingfrom Jacksonville'toSavannah Robert G. Iugersoll, to ask th e protection E!n route to her home in the old Bay state. A LONG-FELT WANT SUPPLIED. , · · il <>'Un he would' have faj.nted away, not so recently won for herself the title of the of this governmel1't in his proposed ex~wo ~tage-robbers_ m Ja 11ere for ope· - ~uc:h frqm frig 41i a.a froip. surprise. Ca.mpbell's ·cathartic lost woman. On Wednesday night. last -Savannah (Ga.) News_ ploration of New Guinea. ;He stated t hat r~~ons ~n tr.e ~osem1te valley haye been "My cousin was considered a very good Miss Martha Howes, accompanied by her Compound is adapted for he would like to be commissioned withthe cure of Liver Com· vmte~ by many .people and quest10ned as man in his day. Hehad an air of authority sister, left Jacksonville, o1 ccUpying a secplaints and Bilious D is.. to their ca:r.eer on the .roads, says a letter about him, and a voice that could be heard tion in the Savannah Sleeper. They were DISTILLING ATTAR OF ROSES. out pay, the idev. being to use the comorders, Acid Stomach, mission as a credential. It was finally ar~rom ~ade1ra, C~l. . ~<ilth men are fully a ·mile in the mountain air. When he destined (or Boston, and expected to sail Dyspepsia; Loss of Appe. identified as the md1v1~uals, who stopped r.aid 'hands u !'hands went up, and no by the steamer Gate City on Thursday ·nie Rose F(nt::ls Ill India wllere the ranged that Mr. B uel should go as the . tite, Sick Headache, Planters Get $100 au Ounce for accredited representative of the Smitha coach last d river · ' d move a pog wlien he Constipation or Costive· fall and1 rehevea B h the · passen. ever dp are afternoon. tho :r .P,-oduct . sonian institute. This was perfectly satisness, and all complaints ge~s _of their valuab es, ot . ch_mn that heard him re.moristrating. Yet he was Some time after loaving Jacksonville arising from a disordered "Genuine attar of roses," remm·ked a factory, and :M:r. Buel left for his home this is the. only robbery of the kmd they d owne d once, an dby . a ,., He Miss Howes asked a porter ~i escort her 01nan , too. th . fl .. state of the stomach or . d . b t d ever part i~1pat~ m, u un e~', . e m u· stopped as ke·load. of people from New to the Cincinnati sleeper, in which were chemist, Hwhich is made in India and in St. Louis. bowc1s. "The island of Now Guinea," said Mr. once of fiee · cigars cou.essed that E ng1and , and th . " schoolma'am several f ·ends destined to Cincinnati by Australia, costs $100· an ounce at the · f · they d d t . ere was they h a d ceruam C~enlikeit! Mothers like it! i·1en s an acq\Ja1:1 an- in the crowd . who wore spectacles and tha way of Savannah, as they supposed. places of distillation. It takes 50,000 Buel to a Post reporter just before he Because it is agreeable to th e taste, d ocs not ces who had had some very queer expert· was a <Yood deal more angular than any of Leaving her hand-baggage, bonnet, purse, rose blooms to yield an ounce of attar. left, "is the largest island in the world. occa~ion nau!;ea, a cts without griping:t is certain in ences ~s road_-agents, svme of them on the the w;men they raise out here. When and tickets with her sister, she stepped They are the common roses, and grow in b is the ouly spot on the earth to-day ~ts effects, ::ind is effective i n ~mall doses. t 'i'~ gr~t profusion in California, where the which is really an unknown r~gion. Its Y~~e;xute trail. . he ordered 'hands up' he didn't notice into the car where her friends, were and Sold by.all Druggists and 111cdicint Dealers;\ 1! or a man who want~ a ~?al _go.od busi- that she refused to obey, because she was sat down, After a pleasant chat she call- distillat ion of attar could be made a very area is 25, 000 .squai::e miles larger than PR ICE, 25 CTS. PER BOTTLC:::. ~) : ~ess and an easy sort o~ life, sa~~ Tolman down at the foot of the line, and he didn ·t ed the portei:, this time of the car in which profitab, ~ industry. I have seen h edge Texas. Although situated under the 1 DAVIS & LAWRENCE COMPANY, Limited, rows nr, 1r Samana, in that State, so dense equator its mountains, as seen from the Terhune, one of the prisonerah · yI would ttent' to h er anyw... ~y As 1 · l · k t 'te pay, muc la ion she was riding, and asked him to lead her Wholesale Agonts, MontreaL with these roses that the odor from them strait s of Torrey, are snow-capped, ah0wa d vise um to wor on t" e osem1 h e procee · d cd a 1ong the i·ne t Li to · go · i , worki'ng the back to the Savannah sleeper_ "The Sa1 ~h eap different roud e. d . vinhg is. ..c~mparad ·wety victims' as he '\Vent along, he vannah sleeper ma'am 1 Why there's no on a warm, sultry day caused a feeling of ing that they must be immensely high. It an an · goo 1 mt at v1cm1ty, l i:r d , s age~ are not· tee d tliather arms were b ehind her , Savannah car on this train !" A look of peculiar faintness and oppression in the is knowll to have two great rivers. In JUSt P enty enoug 1 · .1.ou on t, ,want to and t"iat she was a slender old crirl. So he surprise came over the young lady as she passer by. Thia is the eft:<ict of the attar 1876 P ro f. Stone of the Royal Geographitackle every stage tha1; comes along, for 'd · til t f Th that is distilled by the heat and moist cal society, ascended th e Fly rive1· for 150 that would spoil the whole thiug.. People sai n?.t 1 ung u? · he ca.me 0 . 1er. en, realized her situation, andherfriendswere air, and is held suspended, -as· it were, in miles, and is the only pernon who has d ft ' h'l th . throwmg all his power mto 111s lungs, he equally surprised, as they supposed they ·d the atmosphere. written anything accural;e aboi:t the is· would not n _ e 1 an a er aw 1 e ere ll d. ·Hands u ,, Well · were bound for Savannah, also. The por· would b~ no stage at ~11. You must let ye e P· ' in that cause of faintland. The natives believe in nothing, money "Thei:e is ter explo.ined that the Savannah sleeper the recollection <Jf one; 'h d up' kinder SHE PUT HER HANDS UP. ness and indolence, but in this country and, contrary to the general rule, worship had been left at Waycross to be taken by fade out of mind before u spring an- She had one of those Cape Cod umbr~llas, not only the sweetness, but the great nothing. They are not cannibals, nor other on them. When a 'hold up' hasn't with whalebone ribs as big as your firiger, the night train, and that they were being value of the :flowers, is wasted on the do I believe they are hostile in their whirled on toward Albany. What, to do occurred in two or three months d1'ivers and when she raised her hands she desert air. In northern India the roses nature_" get kinder careless aiid passengers tak·~ clutched that umbrella with the grip of the young lady did not }µlow. The train are regularly cultivated. They are plant· "When do.you sta1t 1 " was some distance , b eyond Waycross, and greater risks. death, and dowri it came on my cousin's ed in rows in fields, and require 'no par"The expedition will leave i1ext spring, too far to ride back by carriage in the "My observations ha· ve convinced me head. :S:e tnld me he saw double for a ticular care. When they b~gin to bloom its expenses being borne by a New York · that there isn't anything in this world week after that, and for the time being night. She was they are picked before mid-day. The millionaire, whose name will not be known WITHOUT ~!ONEY OR TICKETS, that the majority of people fear more he was nearly knocked out . and, knowing that her sister was unaware work is done l!y women and children, until t ho expedition departs. A schooner than a :road-agent. It'~ all moonshine, "It was a mighty ticklish moment. As of her whereabouts, and would be concern- who seem to regard it as more as a pleas- will be bought, 'chartered, and fully but it ifl' a fact, nevertheless, and the boys I have said, you work a coach load easily ed for her safety, she explained the cir- ure than a pursuit of labor. The rose equipped. 'fhere will be about fifty men in etre'1lt;sincss have to be very careful or by terrifying them and getting away becumstances to the conductor, and at the leaves are distilled in twice their weight in the pa1·ty, ·including scientists. I exthey will stampede all the game_ fore they recover their 11elf·possessio11. first stop a telegram was sent back to Way- of water, which is drawn off into open pect to be gone about eighteeen months. "There is more or less science in doihg Now., here was a woman who had not lost cross saying that she would return by the vessels. These are allowed to stand over I have already travelled through Russia up a stage,· I can tell you. Your mind hers at all, and if the men at the other first train_ The telegram was· not receiv- night, being covered up with cloths to and Siberia, and I have selected New . must be oµ things present and things end of th_ e line had 11ad an opport.unity to ed by her sister, who came on to Sa;van- ·keep out dirt and insects. In the morn· Guinea,, first, because so litt le is known of prospective. You must work it so you think for a moment they would have nah and related the circumstances so far ing the water is coated with a thin oily it, anti, secondly, because it will not be can eat J our cake, or a good part of it, been on top of me-I shol)ld ~ay on top of as she knew to Messrs. Barnard &Richard- film. This is t he r a1 ·e attar of rose. lt many years before it '1'ill·be a centre of lt; was first claimed by t he .and have it, too. my cousiri_:_pefore he could get out of the son, agents of the Boston Hue of steamers. ia skimmed off with a :fine feather and interest. "Now, I had a friend that once did way.'. But he was a clever chap. He just Mr. B<trnared at once became .interested, dropped · into vials. The process con· Dutch, but their giiuison died of malarial business on the Calaveras road_ He was drew a big gun and sailed up to the other. and set 0ut to find the young lady. A. tinued daily until the bushes cease. to fevers, and now' England and Franc1 a hog. He wanted everything that came end of the line looking very ferocious, telegraph was sent in her name to -y.ray- bloom. So it may well be imagined that have th~ir eyes upon it. But I th.ink it his way, and he took it. The result was arid muttered something to the men about cross, and to insure its' delivery another any esseuce or oil that requires t he dis- will be annexed to Australia, and make a .that before many weeks elapsed the stages never robbing a woman. They took on a was sent to the operator stating the cir- tilling of 50,000 roses to fill an ounce vial part of the South Sea republic, which will wel'e all taken off but one or two, and the fresh fright, and did not understand fully cumstances, ancl asking that 'the message has a right to have a good price set upon be formed when the Australian colonies revolt and cut loose, as the United States drivers of them used to go over the route what hai happene,Y. He then gavE1 the be placed in Miss Howes' hand as quick it." diU., from the mothercountry.-Washingalone very often. One time my friend order to mount, and covered the crowd as possible. An hour later a reply was sprang out in front of the stage and or- ~s they got into the coa.ch. The school· received that there was no such person in A Curious Custom. . ton p°:._:_~·-------------dered the driver to throw up his hands, ma'am was the last one in, and she was towre- ·This aroused Mr. Barnard's interI once had what I then considered a "What kind of sauce will you have which he did. Thon my friend went the only one who was n ot robbed. Now, est still further, and he determined to find around lo the side of the coach to inter· I'll bet those fellows felt cheap when they the young lady without fail. Being wholly singular experience with a wealthy Mexi- with your steak1" asked a waiter of a dinview the passcugers, and found that heard her story and found that she had unaware of her movements after she left can to whom I had sold a ranch. He in- e1· in a r estaurant where the condiments vited me to visit him at his home, and I were served with t he orders. "If the THERE WASN T A SOUL ON '.!.'HE lllG. not lost anything. her 11ister below Waycross, he sui·mised At the on~ of. tho r_ailway jour- speak is as tough as ymi&:irday's, send me It made him mad, of course,. ,So he went ·"That's the wl~ole secret of this stag- that she had been carried past on the Cin- accepted. ney I found a tl'avellrng carriage, drawn i'n a couple of circular sawe." hack to the horses, and, noticing that the ing business_ No stage·rob.b er who ~s fit cinnati sleeper , and would reach Sayansix horses, and accompanied by a num- ;.. "'· ,,;,,.,~"""""'°""-""'!."£!'~!'1'1'..-.!!~~ driver was smiling, h e remarked: 'I've a to follow the road ever kills any body. H e nah by the· way of Macon and the Central bt" C ures Completely Serofnla., b~ of mounted servitors, awaiting me. ,--_ notion to alice you up for playing th,is may shoot at times, but not to kill. road_ '.1-'he ship by which she expected Inside were receptacles containing choice liiyphil.is, (;ancer, :Rheumatism. DR. SCOTT'S Catarrh, Ulcers and Sl·in anti 'trick upon me. l · . Whenever you hear of a stage being fired to sail was to leave at 4 o'clnck, and in wines, ice- a · scarce commodity-table Blood DiseHses or every descrip· "'Why didn't you t ell me that you into and lots of people hurt, you may the hope of her arrival by the ,3:25 from ware, and a variety of viands. Arriyed ti on. hadn't anybody aboard r make up your mind than some gang of :Macon, Mr. Barnard made preparations at my host's house, he greeted me most $1000 rewo,rd to any chemist who,will hard men are at work . No professional to meet her Jlpon her arrival at the Cenfind , on analysis of 100 bottles of Shaker " 'Because you didn't ask me.' cordially, ..assuring me ~gain and aga.in of Jllood Syrup, ono p!Lrticle of Mercury, ' does anything of the kind_ tral depot with a carriage, so that .she Iodide of Potassium, or any mineral sub· "'Well, what have you got r said my "I'm sorry I've got into this difficulty might reach the ship without delay_ He his friendship, and conducted me to a stance. friend to the driver; come, now, 'shell just now. The season open~ . in about school room to aee his daughters. There SOLD EVERYWHERE. told the story to Maj. Whitehead, of the were five, all pretty, the eldest lovable. eut.' · Price, · Sl.00 l'er llottle, or Sii for $:i .00, twQ woe.ks.". Central, who, with a significant shalrn of They ranged in a.ge from eight to seven"'the driver didn't have anything but a STOTT&; J URY, Soleo .Agentsfor Bowmanville t.he head, looked at Mr. Barnard to see if teen years. They stood in line, in school ..~.....- ···-... -~- ... lit.tl~ whiskey, and he. gave the ageJ1t he wl\s in earnest. scim ~ and toek somo himself. Then ~hey I -- --------·- - ----------- ----·-- ------ girl (ashion, as if. about to make a r ecitaA J}{':td ~bot. "She's skipped ! There's a· young ma.n tion. Blushe& suffused . their countengot-to talking, and after :~while my fri0iicl' in the case," replied the Majol· got up on the box anU. rode fl yo or ten A l<!t of sum mer tourists. were on the ances, but .they cast at'me many ·a coquetMr. Barnard assured him that this could tish glance. The father locked at them miles with the driver, j 11sb to k<>ep him beach :1.t Los Aug el ea· t ho other 1 iay wabchw 0 company, and to hem· wl1at.he had to rmy. ing some falicy 1iflt:i-shc1oting by a party not be, and a telegram was sent to the a moment proudly, and then introduced <( The. driver was one of t hose observi.ug of profos~jonal utler hunters who had conductor of the Macon train at Millen me, after which he ast ounded me by sayct fellows, and he gave the agent sume go~ic( come over from the Cnannel Islands for a to find out if Mis-s Howes was on board. ing that I must m ake a choic~ of one of' \advice. Says he: Sunday lark. 'I'heao really wonderful The reply came back. ";Not on tra.in." hi~ daughters for betrotlral to her. I . Baffied in this move,-Agent Knapp, at "'You lhwe ruined the bu~iness on · marksme_ n , moat d them niLtive Califortllought he was joking, and made soma this road, ruined yourself, and ruined the nians, , 1rnre killing g ulls on the water, Macon, was telegraphed a full dei;cription r emark in pleasantry, when he repeated of.the lady, and aake:l to keep a lookout c_ ompany. Nobody t ravels here any more. breaking bC:ttles and hitting dollars thrown hi~ :statemen t , and demeaned himself so You have scared them all off. Now you in the air, with great oda.t, when a dud. for her. Mt Knapp searched the city, gravely the while, that I was convinced might as well git yourself, too. There is ish.-looking yo\tr~g num from Fri11co yawn- and replied that there was n o person· an- he was in earnest. I scarcely knew how :F'O~ 1 ll.O money here, and won't be till yuu re- od in a bored manner, a11d remarked in a swering to Miss H owes description to be the BC(;I10 terminated, for f was very much & store confidence. You can't work a stage ve1·y audible voice t o n. companion that he found. confused, and r am afraid told a falsehood The ·ilhip was by t,his time r eady· to, sail by stating that I haJ a wife and children. QUEES line without confidence any, more than y9u didn't see al!ything wonderful in i;hat sort and the youug lady's sister was can a banking institution. You must of shooting. The next day he informed me the betrothCoughs, Colds, lnflam m_ a tion ANilOUSLY AWA.l'rING INrELLIGENCB clear out of here and stay out, an<l when '.L'his produced a se-rie!!I of aarcastiMlly al wits an act of courtesy toward an of the Bladder, Swcl!in~ of tt-: o the arterios of trade open up once more polite retorts on the part _oi t.lie original that might . lead to her recov1:>ry. Upon ultra-favored guest, was extended to highGlands, Row--'.;ness oftntJ Hair the receipt of Mr. 1!1..n<tpp's reply that he ly distinguished persons only as a rule, then you can come back if you want to, lord!!I of t he soil. Botts, Scurvy, &c., &c. but you mustn't be too enthusiastic. You " Pe:rha.ps the gent-leman could show had been unable to gain auy information and signified nothing more than that the of her whereabouts in Macon or along the person so honored had t he freedom of the must hold up a stage and then take. a the,m sQ mething bett er1" For Fattening and Fitting your AniP101s rest. Go over to San Francisco for a few '·Wen ; I don't know, " · replied the road, the case began to look myst erious. house. . The granting of this privilege is fo r mark et, D H .. SCOTT'S PJU::.!o';:,!~ l.:D weeks and enjoy yourself. Mingle in so- young man, languidly taking one of the M r. Barnard assured her sister that every indeed an honor, for no one but a near SPICE hits no equal. effort would be mi·de to reach Miss Howes, ciety and seek diversion. Then when hunter<>' \ Vinchostora. "I might if some relative, can en ter any part of an aristocrat's FO R SALE EVERYWHERE you feel like it come out·and take another ·body would hold a cork or something -on and, that she would be sent by the n ext residence, where the fe males of the housesteamer.- With Lhis assurance the sister hold r esor t _ Even the parlor, therefore, M D~ · crack. his h ead for me." ~Iii · y "Well, when I left the stage-driver-I The riflemen showed their white t eobh left for Boston. Mr. Barnard at once is sacred from int rusion, unless one be ac- tU\U p ;~ ~ ~J -r; ~ continued ,his efforts to find the young cepted on t he intimate footing accorded mean when my friend left him-he knew with amuse meut. a good deal m('re th:1n he did before, and "Doubtless," said one of thein, winking lady, and by repeated telegrams .succeed- to one betrothed, who then becomes as a - lIAS J US'l' OPlrnEJ..> $.1000 WOR'rH OiiI have heard that he profited by it 'to at his companions, "doubtless the gentle- ed in over hauling the Cincinnati sleeper brother. Should ht~ violate the trust reat Chattanooga, where it was learned frpm some exte~1t. At any rate ho made fewer -n;ian's friend would oblige him." posed in him, not hing on earth would be _ hauw, but thoy were bigger, and he had "vVhy, to be sure," drawled the dude, the c,mductor that Miss Howes had been more condemned. His punishment would a ~ood deal less wear and tear. looki111.r arouad. But his fellow dude had sent back tq Waycross that morning. In be sure, and his life would be the price 0f Q "Now, t here is no danger' in stopping - saunte:red pff, and· was standing some the mean time the interest of those his wrong. I>nopxuE'fOlt· - $1,500 WORT H OF a coach. Did you ever hear of a stage- · t hree hundred ya~ds further along th(l engaged in the aearch for the· young lady had heightened, and various theories \Vere · robber being killed·1 . I never did, and I be.a.ch, meditatively smoking a v.ery long MOfllTREAL· advanced_ It was thought by some she :Brazlliaµ Notes. ]~ ' II: .f\....._T H ·E RS, have been on the coast for thirty years. nine. had fallen or ju'lnped from the train and Many t imes during a via.it to B1·1rnil one and fa bound to sell them at, Reduced. Prices "Ah! ther~"s Ch~lly;" said the languid .·Nobody kills a road-ag.mt. In the first ' to get rid of the entire stock. . place t he passengers are too- scared, ·and party, cocking the gun_· "Let me i;iee_ was killed, and by others that the matter will see specimeu11 of that queer mechaniand that .she had cal appliar.ce, mon-iula, the only labor· PleMc call and inspect our stock befor'e pur· in the next they are 80 almighty anxious You observe that cigar he has in his had been prearranged~ · d 1 d ~ chasing .,J~ewhere, u,s you will find tnem the . Cheapest goods in town, t l th h" · h h th d mouth. Very well, I'll put a 4ole t)>rough voluut1·rily 1eft h er srnter an e ope . saving machine Portugal ever introduced o. iave e t mg over'.Jnt t at ey 0 that," and t akinl:t a careless aim he fired. The tele«ram from the conductor at Chat· iiito her South American dependency. A,t · 11 h 1 t 1 ~ · not think of anything bu~ complyin~ with sn t" les.t e ates i:. ,a · the demands made upon them. It is as At the report· the smoker gave a sudden tanooga was not wholly satisfac;tory to almost every jazenda one will see the . f4. .a C lll e . 0Ull . safe a business as preaching, . and safer start, took ou t and examined his Havana, those who believed t hat such was the case, heavybeams ofthese cumbersomemachines Remembei· the Stand- 4 doors west of ' ly = "ng, operated by a little stream Mart yn's Grocery Store .. than preaching in some towns that! know and then shook his :fist angrily. ' and it was not until more definite infor- l"zi ~ " ork1 AGRIUU LTULAL AND of. ·i have heard an acquaintance of The entire crowd ran t owards him_ ·mation had been obtained that they were of water, which, by its weight and subsemine, who operated in the northern part Sure enough, ther ewasaholerightthrough convinced of the youug lady's discovery. quent overflow, causes the triphammer to Ool. Haines, of the Savannah, Florida rise and fall, every blow h elping to crush of Oregon, say time a'lld· again that some Lhe centre of t he cigar, almost cutting it and Westerr1 railwi'y, wh o had been ac- the corn or mandioca roots in the mor tar of the gentlemen whom h e invited to in half. shell out made him feel ashamed of .him- . "Th~ys ~he fourth ci~ar you'v~ spoiled quaintt1d with the caae, telegraphed the beneath the h eavy pestle. Here, too, one We arc now doing every . clas3 of ENQ INE1 self by giving up things that he would for me, said t h e smokmg dude, ma vex- operator at Waycross and learned that finds the most primitive of all primitive MILL, MACHINE, FOUNDRY,AGRICULTURAL, never have thought· of asking for. One th ed. ton ~. "I wish you'd stop that sort of JY.liss H9'\Ves .had been thel'e, but had gone vehicles, the n ative Brazilian cart, rudely THE SURE CUR£ on to B~unsivick. where she had friends. made of heaviest timber, and with mass· CAltRIAGE and WAGON W ORK · man, I remember, h e t old me about in ' mg FOR particular. He was standing in the row As for the o~her hu~tera, th ey looked Later a telegram was received frum ·Bruns- ive solid wheels formed of thick plank - Cn.11-and see ourKIDNEY DISEASES~ and and heavily mounted with iron. '.!.'his is with at each o.th er m mortified sil ence for a wi<..k an nouncjng her arrival there, _ the only styl~ of vehicle to be found in -few minutes, then climbed into their boat that she would r" ach S.i.van nah 011 Fnd:,iy _ LIVER COMPLAINTS, HIS H.A..>;DS UP AND HIS TEETH CHATTERING, and set sail. morning. The Friday morning brought Brazil, outside of the coast cities. Tl1e CONSTBPATION, POLES, It Is the machine every farmer w>Lnts-Light, and when my friend came' up to him ;rid "l'hat'a the most wonderful shot I ever her t o_t he city in company with a galhnt ungainly, cumbersome cart s, unimproved pulled out of his v.est pocket a little waa saw," said an old gentleman to the shoot- young German, who, upon learning of her · shice tho beg-inning of: the Chr istian era, AND BLOOD D!SEASES. ,Simple. Durable and Good- none bcttei· made of money, not oveJ1 $G, the fellow, evi · er the next morning. "Such a terrible' adventure, assumc:d the role of p rotector are drawn over the campas, wh ere t he to- O U Rdently fearing that some uire punishment risk, too." until he had placed her in Mr. Barnard's pographical features of t he country will PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. would be inflicted upon him in case he "Nothing wonderful about it," said the care. She had been provided with money. per rnit, by any number of oxen from ~our "KidnciV-Wort is the most successful remedy did not pan out as well as the others, California ·roll, confidentially. "All you by her friends, and further than being to twelve. 1'he empty cart alone is a I ever us~d.,, Dr. P . C. Ea.llou , Monk ton, Vt. A large stock, Their merits recommend told the robber that he had more money · have t o do is to have your confederate wearied by a Ion~ day's t ravel was as un- loa.d for -a-yok e of oxen, and when loaded "Ki dney -Wort is alw o.ya r eliablo. 0 - them. Our.Dr. It. N . Cln.rk, So. E:~ro, Vt. ir~ his trunk, which was strapped .on be· cut a h ole in tho cigar with a penknife concerned·about her safety as though she requires .four, five or six yoke with an urudncy--V(orthaseured myw ifoa..fLert woye&rS hmd. Well, of course my friend had to before ·hand. It's a boss scheme !" had been in h er home. The anxiety of equal number of. drivers ar med with ouifering.' '. Dr. C. M . Summerlin, Bun Hill, Ga. get that money, and that took · t ime, but h er friends had been greaterthan her own. wicked 'whips and cruel goads. vVhen IN THOU SANDS Oil" CASES i t ho,s cured where all else had failed. It !a mild, he found it right where the fellow told. While tracking her the short distance these car ts are in transit they emit a l<·Ud So) long and favorably :known need no con:· but efllc!ent , Ul!:M'!'AL~ IN I TS ACTION, but him it w'as. He would a good deal rather Rajevsdy, thear<:hpriestof the Russian she had tmvelled, the telegraph had click- squeak that is the ~elight of ~he ~1usky harmlesa in all caws. · ment. Every kind of LJ:Jrlt cleonAea the illGotJda u d St.ren g>thono tu::d have· gone on without overhauling t he embassy in Vienna, died suddenly a few ed. h er namo 'o ver t housands of miles of cwrgefros, whose musical education rs not gf.Yos New J,!fc t o all t. '1.e impo:r'-..ant o rgan.a of trunk, but since the man had . t old him days ago at the age <;>f 73. , He played a wire, ,ant;! at the offices where inquiry of the highest order, and who coulcl not, tho bod;r. T he n..'l.tui·J.l o.ct iou of tho Kidneyu ia PLOW POIN 'I't~ r estored. Th e' Live1: is el'3~nsed of all d i.Rea.Go, that there was money in it, he would very large part in the Pan-Sravfat move- had been made, and on board t he trains .for any consideration, be ·induced to lubUsed we keep on bu.nd, made from ToNsDA LE emd the Jlowels move freely a n d h ealtll."'ully. never have rested .easy after that if he had ment, and owing to his conn'lction with whei:e the p < >1·ters inquired, "Miss Howes ricate t he working parl<i and thus ,do In this way the worst c liecn.sea a re er adicated. IV ~MEULT. from the systom. 2 not got it. the highest circles in Russia he possessed on board 1" she became known as "the lost away with the squeak. We are prepared to su pply t he Farmer l'Rlml, l)l.OO LIQUID Oil Im'!', 83LD raY D!l.UllGlil!rS. "l know dozens of just such e peri- mor e influence than many ambassadors ; woman . " There are probably few inci· with every implemci..t he needs. Buy your D ry can be sent b y mail. ~ ences. I had a cousin operating on the and, in fact, during many years contribut· dents in travel which better illustrate the WELLS, ll.IOIIARDSON' &CIO. BurilJJgton Vt. machines at bon1e where you can ha v-e them A brakeman, when the t 1 ·31in arrived, at Yosemite road over near where t was ed more t h an any other man to the possibilitie13 of an error, and .w Iiich show - r epaired.rounded up, who took more pleasur~ in estrangement of the t wo empires.· H e more clearly the wonderful progress of Yuma, where the state prisori of .A'.1izon" the business than any man I ever h eard was the agent in Austria for Pan-Slavii,;t invention than the one just told_ The is located, the other day, annotfoc~d t o of. He enjoyed the fun of the thing, commit tees in Moscow and elsewhere, and long night ride of Miss Howes from Way- · the passengers: " Yuma! Change oloth.;s; cr oss to Al bany and r eturn, h er trip to ten years for refreshment." · and he often used to say to me tha.t as be- had large ~ans ~t his disposal. M ..t · ~t ~ lU.l."taU ~ a tt$tu-'lU. T Q SHAKER BLOOD' SYRUP. Prepared Spice ... Horses, Cc!Ule, Sheep Swine Dt) N \ JL, I French and American Ht~&1~tJJ~1W r~; ~rrc ,., HATS RE .SHA Pr: D M h· F d ry' CARRlAGE WORKS 1 ... NEW IRON MOWE U, CHAMPION PLOW, 4 CARR IA GES9 McClung & Darc h.