WWW@ DIAR Caledonian Mills~ Formerly Jlmown as the " Soper Mills. ') HIS MILL HAS BEEN 'rIIOR.. UGHLY renovated and put in ordor,u11der our own spemal supervision, for the purpose of gristing and manufuoturing Oat Meal and Pot 1larley, and we ars now preparerl to rec<>ivo orders frnm nll our old cuatomers and. others for work, and we guran'tee to givo them who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and otber grains taken in exchange for Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J. TOWNS, Bow· 227. manville AYER'S F ORE IGN NEWS. International Railway Union-Suicide in Vienna-Gen. Haker's Wound'l'he Desert · of Sahanetc., etc. T Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, fae\ed or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, asmayb<l desired. Dy its uso light or red huh- may be darkened, thiu hair thickened, and baldness often, illough uot always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stinrnlates a weak and sickly growtll to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and danctruJI, aud heals nearly every disease peculiar· to the scalp. As a Ladies· Hair Dressit1g, the VIGOR is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders tho hair soft, g\os·y, and (ITHEFIREIJ DAV. DAVIS BOOT AND SHOE MAN g:NEADS' BLOCK:: .T ryElliott's 30c. TEA. , Farmers' PRODUCE hoiceMaple Syrup taken in exchange. and Sugar. · ' . · Due Bills given. It is proposed to convoko an int ernational congress at Brussels to deliberate on the quest ion of the establishment of an interriationnl rail way u nion similar to t he international postal union. On a recent occasion Zebehr Pasha reGE.T YOUR LUMBER .marked that on I.he leaf of every tree it was written that Mohammed Achmed was t he true mehdi, and that every true believer could read it, though it was in-A1'visible to the infidel. silken in appea1 ·a nce, and ilnpart.s a delicate,. A peasant. aged 24, was arrested ·rea.g1·eeable, a..nd last ing perfnn1e. cently at Krems, for the outrage and Mn. C. P. DR1CHER wt·ites from Kil-by, 0 . murder of a girl of 9. The body was 1 ,Tuly 3, 1882 ; "La.:;t fa ll 1ny hair commellce'<l -OFfound in a wood through which she had talllug out, and In :1 short tlme I became nearly bald. I used part of a bottle of to pass on her way to schoel. The horriTusker Elephants in England. AvER'S HAlit VIGOR, which stopped the fallble crime caused great excitem:ent .in the il1g of the hair, anU started a ue w growth. I Liberty Street, Those who are interested in t he variehave now a full head of hitir growing vigorwhole district. ously, nnd am convinced that bLtt for the t ies of the Indian elephant will be pleased Where you can also obtain use of your preparation I should have been Mehdiism is catching. Anot her mehdi to hear of the arrival of two very good Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door entirely bald." has risen in Bokhara by the name of Mo- specimens of tuskers at the Royal .AquaFrames, Plain and Ornamental Fence J. W. BOWEN, proprietor of tho lilr,;A1·t1t1w hammed Abdallah Ben Omen. He has rium, Westminster. The elder is one of We. have reduced the ·prices of O\lr entire stock of (Ohio) Enquirer\ says : "AVElt's HAm VIGOR Pickets. Cisterns, &c. taken the title of Kefrid, and has written the largest individuals of t he Indian Is a most excel ent preparation for tllo hair. 1 speak of It from my own experience. Us a letter to the sultan, calling upon him species that I have ever seen, exceeding nso promotes t he "rowth of new hair, and to unfurl the green banner of Mohammed in height, I should imagine, any of t hose m:tkes it glossy and soft. '!'he VIGOlt is also 8-tf. :Bowmanvilie. Februarv 21, 1884. a sure cur11 for d1mdruJI. Not within my agains,t the unfaithful. that we have had in tha Zoological Gar-- -·!" --- --...-.···- ·-~ ·-; -·--- - ~..:-·--,- -i...-lrnowledge has the preparation ever failed - --'Ne are making-Five more suicides have occurred in dens. H e is almost as much entitled to to give entire satisfaction." Vienna during the last thr.ee days, says a the appellation of a white elephant as the ilIR. ANGUS FAIRBAIRN, leader of the celebrated " .ltalrbairn J1~an1ily" of Scotti~h. telegram from that .city. The saddest individual that lat1ily attracted so much Vocalists, writes from Boston, 1lfass., Feb. G, case is that of a Russian girl, Sofie Judge- attention, having a large blaze of pinkish . I . lSSO: "Ever since my hair began to give sil___ "°" ___ jevskaja., only 18 years of age, and said white on the forehead, white margins to m every department of General Dry Goods. very evidence of the change which l:leeting tlme procure th, I have used A nm's HAIIt to be of extraordinary beauty. She threw the ears, and a consid· e rable amount of VIGOlt, aml so have been able to mai'ntain herself from a bridge into t he Danube, white on the under side of the tmnk. an appear:tnce of youthfulness-a matter of considerable consequonce to n1iuiSt ers, oraowing to want. ' But he is chiefly remarkable for the ...,,... tors, actors, and in fact every one who lives The dress which the queen intended to, possession of a pair of splendid tusks in the eyes of the public." Interested part ies ought t o see these Rare Barga.ins. but did not, wear at the royal wedding, about four feet in length, very cylindril\lRs. 0 . A. PRESCO'l."J', wl"iting from 18 Elin is described as a marvel of the modiste's cal, but slightly tapering in t heir fo rm, St.; Cl\arlestown, Afoss., April 14; 1882, says: APuE NOW OPEN. Two years ago about two-thirds of m y hair art,.· The material was black moire-an- and beautifully symmetrical in size and came oJ:I. It thinned very rapidly, and I was Stand for1ncrly occnplcd bY tile Post Ofli. ce. fast grnwing bald. . On using AYER's HAIR tique, witha silv:er thread running through curvature. They are so long that ' f he VIGOR the fallin1' stopped and a new growth it, interwoven with the fabric. · A special mahout who has the elephant in ch~rge JUNG STR:EE'J', commenced, and m about a month my head loom had to be made for it, and its cost ascends to his place on the neck by standBO'VVM.A.N'-V-Jl:::ir....:iL.. :2 . was completely covered with short hl,l.ir. It was £5 per yard.. in g in front oi the head, then, seizing t he has conti11Ued to gro,v, and i s now as good as Parties· asking us for Bargains will not be disappointed. before It fell. I regularlyused but one bottle margins of the ears, he walks up t ne of tbe VIGOR, but now use it occasionally as The Gallery is first-cl ass in all its ap::.Light is spreading even in ~pii.in. At oblique tusks on to the forehead, and so pointments, and furnish ed in a comfort- a dressiug." the last meeting of the council of health reaches the required position. This eleWe have hundreds of similar testimonials at Madrid it was unanimously agreed to d b M w·1 th · able m auner. There will be no poor work memorialize the Government in favor of phant is sai Y r. 1 son, 0 propneefficacy of .A.YER'S HAm VrooR. It to the allowed to leave the rooms, and these who tor of these animals ·and the jumping needs but a trial to convince the most ske1 it!permitting cremation at the reques~ of horses and lions accompanying them, 'to favor me with a call can rely on beinp c;al'of its value. individuals in all cases where t he relatives have been formerly in the possession of pleased l!~]!PABED BY of the deceased are not opposed to it, and one of the Indian rajahs; but, be its pre_..The instantenons process only will to make cremation compulsory in times of vious history wh1:1.t it may, I think it may Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., lo~ell, Mass. be used for Phot;ographs. epidemics. be r egarded as the finest tusker ever Sold by all Druggists. Come in and see me. A new kind of p ublic vehicle ha.s been brought to Europe, and it is cert'a inly the introduced in Hamburg, and has become best I have ever seen. R.H. HENRY. ·very populitr at once on account of its There is also at the Aquarium a '.second convenience and cheapness. It is called tusker; this is a small .animal, some five gives as good value in BOOTS and SrroEs the taxonome, and marks automatically feet in height, said to have been procured the exact distance traversed. The rate of from Java. It has very well developed, for Uash as can be obtajned at any other --""'·-is 50 pfennigs (12 cents) for a distance_of sharply-pointed tusks, of a thickness store in town. eight hundred meters (one-halt English quite proportionate to its size. The vari- ·~ PumJ>s Cl;l.eaper and Better .· · firi.it year's business has been a promile) and 2! cents for every additional able history of animals in performi ng cir- J than ever, nounced success. quarter ·.mile. · cnses is always d ifficult to obtain, and I HO""\\TMANVILLE, A famous mollah at Oabul having de- could get n o satisfactory evidence as to Manufacturer abd Dealer in Pumps of · clared the use of tobacco to be contrary whether this animal is of a dwarf race or sales so far this year ate away ahead -all kinds,· The 8ubscriber having built a large new to the Mohammedan law, the ameer has a mere individual variation, but it is in' . · of those of corresp onding months of submitted the question to a council of teresting to see t he t usks so perfect in so Pump Factory in Orono, is prepared' RUBBER BUCKETS, last year. mollahs from all parts of t.he country. small a specimen. The animal has been WIND MlLLS, -to furnishhas Spring Goods on hand in great variety. WINDOW SHADES, If their decision be against the indulgence well trained, and goes through an foterin tobacco, its use in Afghanistan will be eating series of performances. In conand Getieral Jobber in PUM_PS~ prohibited, but if they pronounce it law- nection with these animals I may call atWith or without Porcelain Cylinder, of CA.RP E .N 'I.' E i~ \VO Rf{. ful the anti-tobacco prophet is promised tention to the leaping feats of three Wal_will continue to sell at very low pr1cE imprlsonment at Candahar. ers, as the Austrnlian horses are termed 8ho1· 01·posife Trdcvcn·s Shoe !ltol'tl· the Best Material, on the shortest notice for Cash. . .A barbarous murder was · recently com· that are imported into I ndia. These are BowmanvHk. March 2G, 188J. 13·6m. and at the !oweat prices. mitted at Buczacz, in Galicia. Some remarkable fortheirj u mpingpowers;one, promptly attends t o all custom work anC.. ruffians e!f~cted an entrance into the house a dark brown gelding, 14.3, leaps over a Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. i:ices t_ hat it is properly execut ed. of a prov1s1011 dealer named Tennenhaus, solid wood on fence, 5 feet 4 im,hes high, has continually a varied assortment of and murd~red . hi~ during h is sleep, some dozen times in snccession, t he take WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. together with hts wife and mother and 1off and landing being the wooden floor of Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags. two sons, an~ a servant. -!'>-- boy of 8 the proULenad e, cov"red with a layer of says escaped unnotwed by creepmg und er the cocoanut ruathino- and the rider a man of bed, and was thus t he only survi vor. The or·dinary build,__'.:'.London Field. h nuse stands in the market-place, close to · AND S E . E. the church. --·--·---- - - - · - - --T-0 GIVE SATISFACTION. KING STREET, BOWMANVI LLE. Fascinntlld by a Snake. Sir William MacCormac a few dayfj ago performed a surgical operation upon Gen. A Port Jervis letter says a party of - = - - - - - - - - -- -- - --.::--.=-::..::..-:....- ..==---------------B :i,ker. Gen. Baker was wounded at the gentlemen on Sunda-y visited a famous Orders by Mail promptly attended to. battlo of 1£1 Teb on the 29th of F ebruary. snalw-holo on the farm of t he b t.e W. T. H e was s truck by one of the balh from a Galloway, ne~.r .Montgomery, armed with DOORS, SASH, BL NDS, PICKETS, shrapnel shell exploding . about fifteen hors!)whips, .fo1· the purpose of killing yar ds in front of him. lt struck him on blacksm1kes, which abound in that neighMOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. the right check immediately below the borhood . Aft er killing as mauy as they --MANUFACTURER OF- eye, :md burrierl itself in the upper jaw. could find, th ey separnted for the purpose Next day S urgeon Logen extract ed the of botanizing. Later on one of . t heir ball, not without some difficulty . It was number could not be found. Returning of iron, aud three ounces in ·weight. The t o the snake-hole, the missing one was KING STREET, BOWM.ANVILLE, recent oper'.l.tion was somewhat prolonged, obser ved standing in front of the hole, ap- Has now on hand a number of vehicle~ (and is manufactnring a great many more) of the newest patterns anil best finish, which I am offering for sale nt tho lo west. prices consistent Tha patient is progressing favo~ably. pa.rent1y spellbound, n or could any amount with due regard to workmanship and quality. 'f he tollowing ts a list of calling attract his atten tion. On going the principal veliicles manufactured by me : This Graa t "J:f ousohold Medicine; A bold experiment was tried the other of closer, his friends were horrified to see an ranks amO'.l""St the leadinv. day by a Free church minister inEnglaud immenstl blacksnake, just ready to coil it- Double Covered Carriages ..... .. . .. ............... .. .......... .. ...... .. ... .. $200 Upwards. t" upon the- members of his congregationSingle Phret ons . .. ........ ... ..... ...... ... ........ ....... .... ........ ..... ..... 100 11 JHICf.JGSarios of Life. He preached an energetic sermon denoun. self around him. The man was rigid, Open Buggy.......... .. .... ..... .. . .. ............... .... ... .... ......... ........ '70 11 while his eyes started from t heir sockets. llll'J> ltlnc1c !Um1y C:han·;;;es. ' These farnons Pllle pnrify the IH,OOD, MHl cing the gr owing tendency to desecrat e Top Buggy... ... ... .......... .. .. .................................... ............. 90 11 The snake was moving itself in a wavy most powerfully. yet Aoot,hingly, act. on the · the Sabbath, and concluded by boldly D emocrat Wagon. ............. .. ... .. ......................... .. ... ............. 65 11 --(o)-manner :md slowly getting closer to its L umber W agons ... .. ... ......... . . ............. ... ,.... ......... .... .......... .. 55 11 Live1', .Stomach, f(idn1t 11s, offering t o give half a crown to every almost entrapped victim. The situation L ight Wagon ...... .............. :....... ......... .............. ........ .......... 40 11 and BOWf<:u;. 1~ 1 ,,m~ t-<'nA. AnorRY. and vigor woman i n the church who would come to was at once understood and h is anakeship o these R"reat; MAIN' SPR1NO s OF LTFE. Th67 him the following day and conscientiously Express Wagon..... ............. ... ........... .... .... ............... .. ........... '75 11 !Jrfa!llng declare t hat she had not spoke of worldly was dispatched, while the man was placed areconfident.lyrnc11mmendedasa!JeV Sk eleton ............................. .. ,J-.... .. ............ ...... ..,.... ; ............ 50 u reme4y i n all cn!leG where the.cone~1tut1on, from ft I · h h Tl He sap he was compl etely in a waggon. whatever cahse, b. n.e bt>cdme 1mpa1red ur wea.k· mi1tter1 1 a er eav111g c urc . ie n1e11, Sulky ......................... ..... ......... ............ ;........ .................... 40 11 oned. They are wonderfully efilcacioua in all who were presumably not so fond of eharme<l, saw beautiful colors, and ex- Possessing superlor facilities tor manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell ver7 cheap for cash perienci;d a perfectly peaceful sensation . ailment.· inr:iil.cnt v.1 to P,<mnl eP . of all ai::es ; and chatterin!!, were offered ·a. shilling each on or approved credit . and by so doing I hope to greatly increase m~ number o sales. Would Jtiii"'l'H!E POU'llLAlt~ as a GENERAL FAMU,Y MEDICINE, are . sell the.wood parts only, ot· the gearings of buggiee ironed. nneurpas.sed. · the same terms. Not a smgle person ap- which would not permit him to go . away peared at the minister's house on the or resist. If his friends had not arl'ived Moncltty to claim either half a crown or a as they did it is probable he would have shilling. Labouchere says : "I am almost been strangled to death, as these black At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired · . l!M 8ea1'el1h·:: and Jlenlln« r1·ope1·l:1c1 t11'., HAS RESUMED BUSINESS disposed to make a similar offer to the snakes will coil about a person and choke At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sa wing with Circle, Band or Scroll 1".1.o"'vn tbrouglrnut t bfl l'forl4l. him to death. The snake was a large one English and Scotch clergy." Haws. and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters and others for building purposes For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breaets, - -I N - and measured nine feet inlengt h.-Buffalo Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fences in every style reQuired, made to order. · Z48 ' A French bank-not~ manufactory has ExprilSf!. Old Tif/ounds, Sores and mens just been discovered by the Paris police. ,_._,.___, --·------.----------- -· - ··--·· ---- ~ -·-it is infallible remedy. If e.trectually rubbed on The proprietors are a M. and Mme. NEXT DOOR TO TIIE EXPiU-:SS OFFI~. the neck and cl1eat. as salt into meat. it cure11 Drot, who, as a blind to their transactions, The Lobster's Name was Joe. SORE 'l'HHOAT,Diphtheria,Bi:onchltis, Cough Colds, and oven ASTHMA. For Glandular k ept a house-agents office in the Galerie --(o)-- . "Did you ever see the name a lobster Vivienne. What le d to the detect ion of is born with 1 " asked a Fulton Market fish « :!\'Cy Stock comprises all lmes ol Ladies Swellings. Abscesses Plies Fistulas heumatz'sm, the forgeries was the tendering by Mme. dealer yest erday. "It is marked on.his & Gents' l!'ine Goods, Overshoes. Rubbers, &c. And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has Drot of a fi.fty-franc note to a Paris shop- person . N 0 1" w el1, I'll show you one." IEE' Ordered vYork and Repairing will as never been kown to tail. The Pills and Ointment a.re Manufactured keeper. The spu rious character having The dealer took a lobster out of a heap on usual receive prompt attention. onlyat533. OXFORD S'l'REE'r. I,ONDON, and been certified, she was detained in cus- a marble slab. " I t's name is Joe," the are sold by a 11 Vendors of Medicines throughou « My oustomers and the public generally the Civilized World; with directions for using tody, and the police proceeded to search dealer said after he inspect ed one of its the office in tl~e Gale.rie Vivienne. They legs. "Now, can you find it 1" most every language. , a.i:e invited to call and secure unparalleled, in«Purchasers should look at the Li>,hel on the a quantity .of mks and other m aThe customer t ook the lobster gingerl y Takes pleasure .in a Louncing the arrival of his New Spring Stock, conbarga!Jis ln Boots and Shoes. Posts and Boxes. If the address Is not 533 fou.nd ter1als empl_oye~ m the. manufacture t hat by the back of the neck, where it could Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. DAVID DAVlS. and his wife .came~ on at ConJ:>enot reach his hand with its nippers. Turn- si1;ting of S])ring and Summer Hats in Felt and ~traw, Hard and Soft Di:ot The Trade Marks of my said Med10l.!lea are reaistered In Ottawa. and also at ·waahmgton . vo1e. _On proceedmg thither the p olice ing it on its back, so that the short brown Bowmanville, March 6, 188,t. asce~tan_1ed that, alarmed at the non-return legs at its side :flopping backward a FeltjMen's,Youth's, Boys' and Children's Black, Brown, Blue and N eutn uf his wife, Drot had destroyed a large yellowish streak half an inch long and Straw Hats from the 10 cent Qn.nadian to the finest Manilla, and it number of plates an?- forged_ notes. . It an eighth of an inch wide was seen on the seems that the forgenes have been earned inside of the thigh. In this yellow streak, sizes from the Baby to Grandfather. on for over a twelvemonth. like a mosaic, were short lines, as though Immediately after the death of the re- some one had print ed it with indelible In GENT'S FURNISHINGS I am determined t o keep to t he front. gent o~ Siam, in _March, 1883, his r emains brown. ink in backhand· the characters In SHIRTS, I offer all the leading st yles. In TIES, all the novelties. were inclosed m a vast urn of costly JOE. UNDERWEA R th b t l't k t I RUBBER CO 4 material, several yards in height, which "Some lobst..,rs are n amed Jim," t he I. n e es qua 1 Y ep ' n ATS, I ' was placed in a large room opei;iiJJ.g upon dealer su.\d, "some others John,and I once offer none bu t first class. HOSIERY in great "ariety; UMBRELLAS the court-yard of_ his palace, wlu?h stands clearly made out the name Julia." d BRACES d h · . CELLULOID COLLARS d CUFF~ on a creek fl.owmg mto the river that ____ _,_ ......-..... an , a goo c oice , an D, traverses the capital. Bands of native the latest; novelties in the line, require only to be seen to be purchased. priests, relieving each other in turn_s, keep There is some talk of introducing next · · repeating prayers mght a~d day m t~e season the prett.y weddingfeaturn ot- hav · My death-cfil¥nber, around which were dis- ing th? choir come dow~ the aisle J:io meet played the orders ~na. de~ora:tion the bride and return·w1th her to the alworn by the dead man m his lifetime. tar. Choirs often fight like·ca.ta and dog1 . Twelve months after his death the urn in private, but in public t.heir voices a~e and its contents were carried in state to always in harmony. It 18 thought this . . .' a kind of temple, erected for the purpose, lesson will not be lost upon the bride and Bowma.nville, .April 9, 188~. M.~RK1JS 1'1.llY.E& where the cremation ~as performed in groom. PlANtD,MATCHfO,M OUlOtO&c. .Morris & Joblin's PLANl, NC Mlll, tho presence of thousands of S]Je. cta.t'ors, including the king himself and his entire entire court . ·A jilted Hollander,nagged by the greeneyetl monster, had t he following notice .published in an English paper to warn his hated rival : "Notiss,-To hum it me concernt ; Misses C-- &--.:.-, wido of G- - I~---, disided, had prommisset me, to go in the b ounds of matt rimony with me. From anknoing grounds now, she decline to fulfill h er promisses. I heard J:rom good autorita, that zum underhandtit game bin plait behint my bac, from zum anprinciple fellos, knoingly, givtin my promisset bride boggy rides and promenadings ; probaly der is were the rabbit la.is in the pepper ! bout to their benefit I publicly notefy them herewith, keep hands off! or prosecution in law·oflice way will follow. I intende to let them not impose and tramp on me." STANDARD BANK Spring & Summer OF . CANADA. C..lPtTA.L, 1111,000,._ o oo."" __ JtEST, $Ho.oeo MRS. AN D E RS Q N MILLINERY. This B ank is prepared t o do Legitimate Banking in al~ it s branches. F d· <trmers notes lscounted ; Deposit s received and Interest paid on am ounts of $5 upwards in Sa vings Bank Depar tmt>nt. '1:as much pleasure in announcing to the ladies that she has received o. complete stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods. f.'lowers, Fcnthers. ornnmcnts, Ribbon& Vcillug~, Laces, Berlin Wool, A.udnhlslaa. Bends, Brn1ds, Ct111v11ss, Sllk.tCott on Moss. D R A. li'T S .A call is kindly solicited. MRS . .ANDERSON, King Street, I ssued and Collect10ns made in Europe, next door to Buckler's Jewellery Store. United Stat.es and Canada. OFFICE- !tlurcloclt.Bros. Block, late Bank· lug office of' Jones di Dobbic. MI SS B U RDEN takes pleasure in in timatiug to her friendAnnd customers that she W. J. JONES, will be found at Mas. .ANDERSON'R S·1·0R& ..lgent. where she will carry on the Dress·Making. Dress·Making. GREAT CLEARING SALE CARPENTRY IN All BRANCH ES. Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing: PHOTOGR .APHY~ NRY' SV\!EEPING REDUCTIONS I We offer Men's Tweed Suits at $5. New Photo Rooms H Boy's & Youth's Tweed Suits at $1.50. WE ARE CUTTING DOWN THE PRIOES All AROUND. ELLISON & CO. ACKNOWLE OGE DFACTS. I Orono Pump Factory. PU PS! J. HELLY AR W. C. TY. L ER, HELLY AR'S J HELLY AR'S UF EVERY DESCRIPTION, J. HELLY AR J. HELL Y AR ALL WORK GUARANTEED J.HELLYAli J._ HELLYAR J. HELLYAR COME HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS. GEORGE C. HAINES, Propriet or, R. FERGUSON. GARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &0-. I-Iolloway's Ointment. All Kinds o f Vehicles Repaired I _____ ____ SIGN OF THE HAT TO THE FRONT AGAI N . 'J? Buckwheat Flour · His Groceries are· Flour. _ _._lit! FPeSh .Rlld an~Graham G00 d I all Pnces will be found reasonable. H ighest Prices paid for Raw Furs. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED