BEWARE! Cures Di::zmcss, Loss of Appetite, Indigestwn, Biliousnc$s, Dyspepsia, Jau1idice, Affections oft he Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and alZ tfl,iseascs arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of tfie Bowels. ____ ____ ,, BOWMANVILJ,E, FRID..lY, JUNE 20. of the c11ntinuance use of merenry .&nd potash f<1r the tre:1tmenr, of Blo,,d and skin disease, they never cure, and nearly alw11ys i njure or to tally ru.iu the gener:il health. ---·-. Impugn it! Who so listeth ! -CALL AT.- lEl & ElJSAll 'S -· AND . EXAMil'IE THE- DIETZ (TUBULAR HOT BLAST) OIL STOVE. Tlt! UIST lN raa ·tat<aT. GIVING UP BUSINESS. Having decided to give up the Boot and Shoe Business this s~ason, I will sell the whole of my stock of OVER $5,000 WORTH .B Q QT S AND,'-~BC)ES - - C > F -=- at less than ,vholesale prices, by retail, for crAs or will· sell the en tire stock e.n bloc at a decided bargain. ~ 6 'N L .Y ! The Stock is all first class, and is well assorted for the Spring and Summer trade. ~I have the LARGES'!\ the REST and the CHEAPEST assortment of Women's, Misses' and Children's Frcneh Kid, Glace French Calf, French Oil Goat, Dongolia French Calf, Oil Pebble, Buff and Prunella-in Button and Lace Boots, B11tton and Tie Shoes and Slippel's-in town. W Also a very htrge and varied stock of Men's, Boys' and Youth's Hand-sewed, Machine-sewed and Pegged-in Lace and Button Boots; Button, Tie ~nd Oxford Shoes-in French Calf, French Glace Calf, Canadian Calf, Buff; Pebble, Cordoran and Grained Leatherl'!. Call at once and secure bargains while they are going. Delays are_ dangeroqs. STAND :---Neads' Block, next door East of Lee & Edsall's Hardware Store. F. BORLAND. To Farmers Only. B.E undersigned is prepared to sell L. D. :::>wyer's No. 3 Reaper and Mower'l'he Reaper for $75cash, or $80 on time. Interest 011 last 11ott1. ltESIDENol~-lJ miles north orO·hawa. . J. W. SMITH. Oshawa. J une 10th, 188!. 21-2w. FARMS FOR SALE I T Port Darlington Harbor Co. HE ANNUAL MEETING OF T the shareholders of the Port Darlington Harbor Company for the election of Directors I to serve for the ensuing year, and for other purposes connf'<·ted with t.h e,Oompany will be held at the Company's Ol!ice,'Port Darlington, on Monaay the 23rd of .June. By order, J, MILNE, Secretary. Bowmanville, May 22, 188!. 21td. Farm for Sale. The subscriber 06'0"-s .for sale on easy terms of payment, that vory desirable property known as Fair ]\fount Farm, being tho 'vcsl. p111·t ol J,ot J!l, tu' l~l.I· t:onscsslon of Ute TOn'NSJIJI· 01<' c;A.VAN. and containing llG acres of good land; 105 or which are under -----·-------·- - - - - - cultiv11.tion. and the ·rest i.n woods. On the premises there is ~ Stpne Dw<1l!i1,1g HRuse, 40 x 28 feet, with cellar full &izo; two Fram<1 Barns (>! x 30 feet, and 56 x 22 feet', respecti vet:y; also, Farme Stablcs,Dri¥in11. House, Hay Barn, -01!and other outbuildings. '!'here is a never·fall· ing supply of excellcn't' water at · the door.and it is also convnient to (}hurchee ·and a firstclass school. The soil is clay loam, and well adapted to raising wheat &.nd othe1· grains. It is about seve.n miles from the Town of Peter----<.er.-borough, and 8 miles from Millbrook, with flOMINWN RANK vs. COLTER. gravel· road to each place, ancl ia m one of the best neip:l1borhoods m the county. 1'itle in_ _,,,,.,__ disputable. Further particulars 011 application to · Wm, A. MORROW. Parsuant to the judgment and llnal order for · Peterborough P, O. sale made in this action there will be offered for sale with the approbation of the master of the Supreme Court, at Whitby, by MR. GEO. CURTIS, Auctioneer, at the The following lands(aud premises: First-The north half of Lot number twentytwo, in the 3rd Conces~ion of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, containing one hundred acres more or less. On these lands are a good dwelling house and hfu·n. and a never failing stream of water runs across the samo. There is also a large number of fruit trees thereon. . Second-·Thc south half or Lot number thirtr. in the second Concession of the said Township of Clarke. now within the limits of Newcastle, containing one hundred acres mo1·e or less. On these lands ara two good d wcl ling housoa, two barns, horse stable, cow stable, sheds. &c ; good ·Orchard, also small frnlt, &c. A never failing sprinit of water rises on these lands. VJT.LAGE PROPBH'l'V.-'rhirrl-'l'he north-west 1>art of Lot numher th~ee, in Btock number one, fronting on King Street, in the Village of Newcastle. On t.heMe lands are a shop now occupied by Mr. James Wright as a tin shop; also a small frame storehouse thereon. For particulars and conditions of Sale apply to Mr. JAMES WAtf..S, or COLIN w ALLA. Newcastle, or to ,ToHN K. GALilRAl'l'H, EsQ., Darrfater, Bowman vllie; Newcastle, June 7th, 1884. 21.Jw*. JU DIC.IAL SALE I FARM LANDS IN CLARKE. MGM RTRY,1 WINDSOR HOTEL, W ··· ·_ U DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE, fOr One Month only, in consideration of the hard times and in &h;i. Vilh1ge of Ncwea~Ue, In the C1u111ly or Durham, at the lrnu1· of Z o'clo~k · to eneonrage the Cash system, has -I~· rn., Oildecided Oil giving a DISCOUNT OF 10% ON ALL O.A.SH PURCHASES 1884, the following valuable farm :- The ·south OVER $1.00 halt of Lot Number 2!. in the 3rd Concession of the TOWNSHIP of <'LARKE. ill the said Oounty of Durham, comprising 100 aores more or less. 1'his farm Is well situated In a fine agricultn· Grey an'l 1Vbitc t:ottous excepted. ral seotlon about 2 miles north-east of New· castle and about 6 miles from Bowmanville. His stock is complete in all lines, and It Is all cleared and is provided with a good barn and stable. 'l'he line fences are good and prices are low, so .that this is a splendid there is a small orchard. The soil is a loam. opportunity for those requiring TERMS OF SALE :-'fhe purchaser shall at the time of eule pay down a deposit of 10 per cent. of his purchase money, and the remainder_ at the exviratlon of 30 days thereafter, or at the option of the purchaser, ~ of tho purohue money may be left outstanding'fo1· a term of years on the security or first statutory mortgage -RE MEMBER-ol the property bearing interest F.Lt 6 per cent. -payable yearly. Such mortgage to contain an insurance covenant 1n $100\ bar of dower. (it necessary), and power of sa e. Said mortgage to be prepared by theVendors' Solicitors THE MONTH OF JUNE, at the expense or the purchaser. '!'here will be a reserved bid fixed by ·t he will this splendid offer be open, and every- Master ; in other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions one should 'take advantage of it, ot tho Court of Chancery. ·Further particulars u.nd conditions of sale may be had on application t· the Auctioneer DON'T FORGET THE STAND, and to the undersigned Vendors' Solicitors, Oshawa,.Ont., and the undersigned Master of our Cour~. Dated 22nd May, ll88!. . (sd.) GEO. H. D.A..RTNELL, · Looal Master Snpreme Court, Wb.itby, McGEE & JONES. · Bowmatville, May 29, 1884.~ 224w. - Vendors' Solicitors, Oshawa. 23·3w. SATURDAY, the 21st aa~ of-JUNt, I have seen a greA.t mariy cases cured wit.h Shnkrr Rloo1l Syrnp-~otw~ who A_ ham tried all sor1s of treat·m~nt. In fact, I have uevcr known it to f«il when hkeu oroperly. I sell a large quantity of it, and for ull disel\s·111 thi1t arti dependunt 011 hl 1iod p·>ison or skin humor. It cures P1MPLI~~ ANO B [,()TCHES OF THE SKIN . and makes the complect1on fair and r.>sy. A~ for bloorl taint, there no such W·>r·~ us 21 y1&rds Heavy Groy Cotton for. 1 . . $1.00. I 15 yds , 36 in. Heavy GreyCotton ...$1.00. fail. It. cures cases tbat Ion~ w!thCashmeres, 251.:., 35c., 45c., 50c. tttood other sorts of tr11nt111e11t, 11.nd \nthFear no competition, yon will Ba.Ye money by buymg Cash11ierus from us. out any of those rHcurr1.11!.( troubles th»t geoerally follow mercurial and other so- Black CMhmere Shawls.. $1..50 to $10.00. I Black Satins ........ 60c., 75c., $1.00. up. called curos. - Rinck Gros Silks, 75c., $1.00, $1 ..~5 up. JOUN STANWOOD, We buy Silks by the piece and we can sell at the lowest wholesale cutting orices. Drugri~1. l:lo<lon Mass. Bea1itifnl Soft Kid Gloves ........... 50c. , Orc:Jinary 50c. Kid Gloves for . .. : ... 25c. Heavy Brown Check Duck. , ....···· I Sc. Heavy Cottonade ... , ... .···.·.·. . . 20c. The Shaker Blood Syrup. New and recherche. 'l'he most exquiA fine assortrnellt of Dreds Trit1lmings,GIMes, Hosiery, Laces, Lac11 Curtains,&c. site little toilet l!elll extant for the teeth cures completely Syphilis, Kcrofula, Rheumatism, Caneer, Catarrh Ulce·rs and 8kin and breath is '"l'oaberry. "II A garden party for St. Paul's church, an<l Blood dea&Pl!~B of every dtscription. AND BY Sold everywhere. $L per bottle or G at Dr. Brereton's, Betl1any, netted $72. for $3. The verdict of half the world. The entire we~tcrn 11emisphere J\'lnl'l'ny & L ·nmau's Florida Water the most deliciThe No. 1 Cutter. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ous perfume for thti boudoir, the b1tllroom Insure in th·~ Confodera.tion Lire Asso· ~N. B.-'l'he original Star (the beacon that has directed hundreds and the bath, that chemistry has yet secceeded in from .liviug fiower·. ci11ho11. l.t is ehe··1><·r th1111 th., Cauiidian to' the place for bargains) is the Eaf:?t Shop in Neads' New Block. Mutnal Aid. A. 0. U. W. or 11ny pu.·s aBethany· has a boys'· brass baud. MF. round your hat iuMil ntio11, as the follow· W, H. McCarthey, leader. ing examples will prove : 'J'hos. McC!nug Sick or nervous Headaches are easily has been i11sured smce 1872 for$2,000aud and certainly cured "1ith ZO PE·SA. ~he last tive veart'I it only cos~ him $2.55 It stimulates the Liver and Stomach ti> pnr l\Ulllllll 01~ H!LCh $1, 00°() to insure. ;fOhll IiIAVE OPENED AT action, thus nlioving the hend, on t.l1e McOlung immrnd at the same tinrn fort.he sarnn principal it purities the t.lood 1md 11ame amount :Lrid it 011ly cost him $1. 74 ~·ho Uriuary; A 7G ceut, t>ottlo of Zopesa per aunum on oa,ch $l,00() to insure, he may savo you much suffering and many beiug a. little younger. dollars. II We cert.ify the above to be correct, l'hos. A semi-centenni:1.l c"ncert is Roon to he McClung, John J\1.cCJung. THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. given in Pol't Hope. Charley Kelley will sing. Car-ri. aes, .Violins~ (25 Avoid by all means the use of c11lomel A NUT FOIL FARMERS.- Hero is the cost for bilious complaints. Ayer's 0Hi;hartic of an acre of wheat :- 'fwo plowings, $6; Pille, compounded eutit·ely of vegetable mannring, $2 ; seed, $2 ; sowing, barrow- · in1:redient.s, have been 1.eathd for forty ing, and rolli11g, $2 ; hM·vesting, threshyean1, and are oclmowlcdged to bti the ing and mal'lrnting, $3 ; rent of land $5, best remedy ev.-r devised for torpidity total, $20. At these tigures and wheitt at 1for-Sale anq-Subscr-ip~ions taken for all Newspapers & Magazines,,f the Ii ver, costivim·ss, and derangemenh $1 per bushel, where does the profit come · cif the digestive apparatus. in? Alfred Lough, a respected young dentist 'l'he1·e are many Cough Mixturer$, but lln Stock ; also Bibles, Hymn Books, Elnvelopes, Pencils, Pens, Inks. of Millbrook, died quite suddenly last Fine Assortment ot' Toys, Dolls, Vases, Fancy Baskets; 011ly 'one Allen's Luug Balsam; try it, Seo week. also Confectionery. Nothing succeeds like socces,., is as true ~ VIOLIN STRINGS a Specialty. '°a itl medicine 11s in a11y1hin~ else. By the SA vim lfno~1 'l'HE ScM.PEL -A Toronto wonderful effect of Dr. Va11 B11rne11'a J..dy, Mrs. Berkonshaw, contracted a disKidrwy C11re in prornr1tly alhwiiition the ease of the kntie joint a.nd was advised to · su.ft'erings ··xper1euc'"'d in kidney troubles sub1uit it to a surgical operation by the aud producin·~ :i. pllrmane·n t cum if t,heso best physician attending ; all other tre<itdistressing ali1mmts. its fame h··s been ineut lrnving failed, when Hngyard's Yelcarried o\·er 1hefo11rquartprsvf1heGlobe.JI low ·Oil was tried and speedily .,ff,.cted a 'l'he 14-th :11rn ual ~ession of the 'Pr.mtice cure. It is the uufailing rewtidy fo1· acBoy11 of America wa~ held iu Port Hope c1di;nts and emergencies, aud is for oxterlast week. nal and internal use. II PHOSPHATINR.-An almost c ...rtain cure REMARKABLl!: RESTORATWN. -Mrs. A. .ENLARGED.. for Pulmonary Consmnpti(>ll and alt . chronic a11d wasting ,Jiseiise. The greiit- 0' 13riue, 372 Exchange Street, Buffalo, to \>e dyin~ with cons111npwas Ht1pposed est medical '<liSCOV!,ry of the nintemth century; a scientifically pn·pared re111edy, ti·1\i and ab"ndoned by .her physician. We cordially invite the puhlic to call and see us. free from qnackn·y; pure, delicious, nat- · She suffered terribly and WllS reduced in D. MORRISON. nral auu penll'u1eut iu its results. Its flesh to mnety ponnds. Iu this condition H. 0. TAIT. efficRcy is somet.hin~ wonderful; discover- ~he resorted to Bu1·dock Bloc-.d Bitters, ed by Prof. 1J. Lowell Austi.on, B.oston, aud now enjovs perfoc:t health and woighs Mass. Price, $1, 00 per bottle. For sale one hundred and forty-six. She will gladdly 11nswE'r enquiring suffers on receipt of by all druggists. II U . 8. postage stamp II A choir union hos been forrnedlin Port Hope with a membership of over SU. Mr. ' AD,UCI' TO !UOTlllms. Singleton, director. Are you disturbed at night and broken of A GREA'l' D1scov1mY.-Mr. \'Vm. Thos. your re1>t by a sick child su-ff'eriog and c1·ying witb pam or cutting teeth 1 Ir so, send at once of Newton, Ia. ,'says: "My wife has been and get a bott.le of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOO'J'IJING Have just received another shipment of their celebrated seriously affected with a cough for twenty ::iYHU p }<'(fl{ UHl!.DREN 'J'EE1'l1ING. Its value is five years, aud this spring more soverly incnlcnlnble. Tt will l"elieve the poor little suffe1-er immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, than ever before.. She had used many there is no tu.istako about it. It cures dysent11ry remedies without relief, and being urged uud diarrhma, regulates the stomach and bowels. cu1·es wind colic, softens the gums, to try Dr. Kini.i's New Discovery, did so, reduoes iuft.ammation, and gives tone and with gratifying results. The first energy to the whole system. Mas. WINSLOW'S Also a choice lot of L~ce Curtains and Curtain Net-special. value. bottle relieved her very much, and tho Soo'l'nINCJ SY1::.:.uP Fon 'l1EE'l'llING ie plea.aunt tot.he taste, and is the prcscrip~ion of second bottle has absolutely cured her. oue Also new Prints, Cretonnes, Embroideries, Laces, Ties, Gloves, Parasols, uf the oldost t<ud uesL female nurses and She has not had so good health for thirty physicians in the United States, and is for sale Counterpanes, Table Covers, Table Damasks, &c. by all druggists throughout the world, Price years. 'Trial bottles free at J. Higgin ho t.lmm 2;; cents It bottle & Son. The · wanfrw says " all hands at t.he JtliST 111ul COltlllOR'l' lo tltc SlJl!'FRING. Sylvester works are soon to work a <lay ; , Ut'O'\~n·~ Jlousehould 1·nua1:cii " has no Also Mantle and Dress Silks, Mantle Loops, Frogs, Drops, Ornaments, snd a quarter each day 01ving to busy cqnal for rnlieving pain, hoth int.ernal and exGimps, &c., direct from Paris. Pleai;e call and sec our celebrated ternal. It cur" Pai.n in the Side, Back or times." Bowels, Soro Throat. Itheumatism, 'l'oothache, warranted not to break. The Saddest of Sad 8ights,-The grey J,,umbago and any kind ef a .Pain or .A.chti. "It ~ will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, hairs of age being brought with sorrow to as its ncting powers is wonderful." "J:lrown.s the grave, is now, we are glad to thiak, Househol<l Panacea," b"1ng acknowledged as the great Pain Holiever, ancl of double the becoming rarer every year as the .use of strength of any other Elixir or Liniment in the CmgalE>se Hair Restorer becomes more world, should be in every family handy for use TAILORING.-Clotli s, Tweeds, general. By its use the scanty locks of when wanted, "as it really is the best remedy New Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, etc. the world for Cramps in the Stomach. anrl Worsted Coatings, etc .,-large stock. age once more reauma their former color in Pains and Aches of all kinds, "and is for salo . an<l the hair becomes thick and lux11riant by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. as ever; with its aid we can uow defy the change of years, reating assnred that uo A CEU:BRATED CASE.-'l'he remarkable REA.DY-MA.DE CLOTHING,-full assortment. grey hair at any rate will come to . case of W. A. Edgars, of :b~rankville, who sadden us. Sold at (II) cents per bottle suffered from disease of the liv1;Jr and kid· ~oods. by Stott & Jury.II neys so badly that all hope of recovery Rev. A. Murdoc· h , Baptist minister, was abandoned. He remained t en and Port Hope, has liad the degree of LL.D. thirtee11 days without 11.ction vf the boweconfetrod upon him by Toronto Univers- ls. Four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitity. ters restored him perfect health, which ABour SPRING:WATER.-'l'he surest, he had not knownfortwenty years before.II most effllctive, least costly i·emedy for - - -- - - habitnal Oodtiveness is Z·>pesa. Better How TO Cuu: A CoLD.-Take some than all the aperiants of spring-waters gentle opening medicine, bathe the feet that ever bubbled, for it is certain, effect· in warm water, addin~ a spoonful of ual and pleasant, acting upon tho Liver mustard ; remain indoors; equalize the and digestive Organs. It invigorates, circulation with warm bath and friction ~ strengthens, loosens and removes. Keeps ·1 drink warm ginger tea, and Hagyard's & off Ague, Fever~, Malaria, Biliousness- Pectoral Balsam, the most perfect and the Sh~ep makes Appetite good, Sleep gound, Nerves safest cough cure that can be procured. I J strong, Brain quiet, Blood pure, Breath Cash for all kinds of Farm Prod11ce at sweet, Taste good, Regulates the Bowels - ·- BRAINA1w's Musrni1.L WoRr.n-A perfect galaxy of portrait~ appea"s in this month's issue of the Nlttsirnl World, and the misceallany and other matter of to musical p~ople is t:rnpedaily at1ractive, This popular monthly is the oldest d its class 111 this country, an<l 1s im authority 011 musical topics. The .musical news fro·u all parts of the world, and the inatt-uctive ~rt1cles on teaching, etc , as well as the piograplucal sketches, nmke tho June number of the Wm·ld a rnost_ welcome visitor. . In the music pages we notice one of the most popular songs of the day-"A Boy's Best .l<'riend fa His . Mother;" and tlwre are other mu~ical selecdons, all uew and beau1iful. Price of the IYorld pn· annum, $1.50; ~ingle 0<>py Hi cents. S. BnATNARn'>i .SoNS,, Ohio. TB E~ _.,._ROUS E East Shop in N eads' New Block, -~~ ' -- A Well-Known Druggist. I The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. _· They do the Fine Clothing Trade. They sell more Black Cashmeres and Black Silk than any two competitors. ::a: s OR~SS MANTLE MAKING JM:~ DU STAN. Cheap Lif(;:) Insurance. TAILORING by W. PEARDON, .TAIT & MORRISON .t.:.· Brand-new Stock of Fancy Goods, Books and Stationery, Wall J;apers, Fine Art Goods, Baby .Genuine Oil Paintings, cts. . ·t:taich) Jewelry, etc., etc. CHEAPSIDE BAZAAR ~~AL~- TORONTO PAPERS~ . ~ AtI;rSCHOOL REQUISITES ~ Photograph (jallery CONTINUED AS USUAL. PICTURES ~ First Class Photos at Lowest ·Liying Prices. PICTURE FRAMING done well .and cheap. TO THE LADIES. S.Mason Son. BLACK AND COLORED FRENCH CASHMERES CARPETS-Fine, Choice, Elegant Patterns. BAMBOO CORSETS, TO THE GENTLEMEN. Two first-class Cutters. {Jan have your choice Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash foro S. MASON & SON. CashlCashlCashl _ Cash for Eggs. . Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. C h fi C as or Butter ash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash for Potatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides Ski"ns. only by acting uponof th11 Liver and11 D1gestion. Get a sample ZO-PE-SA. A WARNING NoTJlt- 'fhe Bay City (Mich.) Vindicator, a paper published in the kinterests of flabor, ~~':lnrn all Candadi~i11s to eep away rom .lnlC ugan, an as {8 Canadian papers to copy. n says the labor market is already overcrowded, and American workmen will starve if the influx continues. Canadians had better stay at home. . . "A severe cold settled in quick consmnption. I bought two bottles of Dr. 'Vilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balaam and she took them. They workod a complete change, and by the continuance she was completely rastored to health. " This is F. B. Gardner's testimony regarding the · d 1 most popu ar remedy for _coughs an colds, and thi:oat. and lung dieease~ ~en·, and a testimony some:-vliat. s1m1lar 1s ~1ve~ by all who hav'e tried it. Dr. Wilson a Pulmonary Cherry Balsam is 11ature's cure, and its effects are rapid and beneficial. ·Young, Cawkei;_ & Co's. YOUNG CAWKER & DRY GOODS. 1 1 30 · YEA~s .l:1L . · I WEST END HOUS.E, W. McMU.'.RTRY, I take pleasure in certifying that I have sold Dr. Wlstar's llalsam of Wild Uhcrry for thirty years, and know it to be one 1>ftho oldest as well as the moat r111iable preparation~ in the market for the cui·e of Coughs, Colds, and Lung Co · mpIaints. I k now of no artlc1e that gives ~reater satisfa~lon to those whO use i~. Havmg sold Peruvian Syrup for many years, a~d knowing that its use has been, attend. ad . with suooes in cases of Dyspepsia, gen?ral ne?·hty or the System. and diseases ortgm1 atms: ~ a bad state of the blood, 1 am satisfied that it is a remedy or great power and deserves the attention of invalids. I am yet to hear the first complaint against either of the above pi'epa.rations. Iconsiderthomarticlesofgreat merit and have alwaystak~n much pleasure in recommending them to parties requiring such remefiles. R. FOTHERGILL, Newcastle, Ont, Dec. 8th, 188Z. Fresh and Cured, always in stock. Their.Seeds are all fresh and of the quality,· they keep Bar . rel Salt,· American and Carbon Safety Coal 011. Try their Empire Horse and Cattle Food, the best manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph Model Farm,· . their stock of Glassware and Crockery is Complete. Tl1ey do not make any specialty of one article, but as there is considerbl t lk h. t Ch T th 1 t b h Ch T · Y a .e a a~ou eap eas, e Pace o uy t e eap .ea LS at oung, Cawker & Co's, they buy altogether for · cash which enables them to sell cheap. Give them a call. X 7 · · V V ,. . · B e st qua l 1 'ty Q f G roce that can be bought, the Best qua11· ty of M 'aats ., . ' ' ""'"", '- Co's is the place to do business, _1 · n stock the very- they keep. C M CA"{ KE R