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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1884, p. 4

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nrc ·wztnn Rt~ ~ l(B'\!!Jaa~v:Hn ,d 11- $ tat1am1n I I ~~~~~~---~~ BoWMANTILLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 27. I AFTER T·HE PICNIC. IF the 0<',nservative party is to be judged by the literary tone of the colunms of the Mi«~l, by the mental condition of its owml·s and chief writer, nnd the moral t'Wlist in the mind of its nominal head, <!lken all we can say· is, heaven help the 'Conservative party.- World. N;;w that the excitement ~£ the gtand. "J;tefol\n Demonstratioi1 has ;s.bated avtcl %he IVhole affair has been v0bed a comp.! ete fJu011.ess, viewed in whatever as1'>ect-, let ius 'look calmly at the resll.ll:bs ·o f such -gath-er'ings. There are those <t'rh.0 shrink from -Ci\isplay of any ·kind and ]}refer mrmifest~tions of esteem oo thoiie whom t:hey d!l" sire to honom: in a ~oss clemomstrative fashion. Others are :o.Y the opinion · that public men ll&ve -thei1· *\vard ix. the honours conferred up@.111· tlu:nn·by tb'b.eir selection, tmd .slwu.hil !De satisfi.eil with that without. any popufor<1pplausc.. Our opinion is th,i,t wh:Yle ·:snch metholls of showing esteelll to !li'l'ep11ese11tative aire not necessary, yet ltl1~y <.~'00 ,o;ia'.lcul::tted to encourage l1im and iimpaa1t .a·~onvidicm that his conduct 1.as be.em. ;lJIN.Jreci~ted.. When he sees his oonstituen:ts 1·allying :around him, with enthusiasm Mia .fui:vor'as was apparent on i;he occasi0n ·@f 'Whi<ih 1\vie write, the signs are u1J.m.ista1'eable,;11n'cl the deductions to be dr.awn .oonclusive. 'When men are makingsac!:riiices<,ml1ebalf of their·country it is but .a $l#idll 11nee~ of praise even then - which is bestowed. Apart however from this thex<e ~ire ·other considerations. The intel'lectIJ.al. ;pai·t ;w:as certainly not the least hat fae ·i mpcllmnt.part of the picnic. <:utthrnat l!lEl'cl low, despicable villain-an Whil-e .tiJ.J.e day ·was all that could be de- ntter disgrace to Canadian journalism. :;ired, and 'the 'me~tiug of old friends on 'The edito~· of-the Mail richly deserves and imch au oi;.-ca8iun conducive to enjoyment, slwuld certainly get ax{ effectual horsethe toue of the addresses was such ·as whipping. No man-sho.rt of a professappealed to ,men.'s judgment, :riot tlieir ional blackguard-ever descended so low passions ;thcir1rea-son, not the~r pi·ejudices. · on the scale of literature as he has done, .All tlne addrei!tSes were above the average, and he should be stoppbd and an example the speakers1 ?1.iscussing suoh .questions as made of.him. were -0£ internst to ·the ·electors, and 'Such· INSTEAD of insisting on having tl1e Bible as all slwuld underst:md. Whatever Reformel'S may be blamed for, it cannot re<Ld in the public schools, representatives be charged. that they pin their faith to any of the vartous denominations should meet man's oo!l.t s:!eevc, but think and act for together and agree upon a collection of themselves ; and those who paid the passages of Scripture, which should not closest attention to the addresses wero be merely read, but should be learned by those who 'iWere most satisfied, and not the children in the schools, and should be only satisfie.d, but believed that Refom1ers repeated there. As Hon. . Mr. Blake had not only a good cause, but good men points out, what is wanted is that while to uphold i:t. And we feel assm·ed that the children are young and the· memory is t he enthusiastic audience carried to their retentive, the mind should be stored with l1omes a higher regard for men in political tho most appropriate passages of Holy life, and a ..deeper and more unswerving Writ, there to remain as a precious possdevotion to.t he great principles enunciated ession for all time to come. Thn Reformers ofWest Dnrl1am accorded to Hon. E . Blake a demonstrntion in At the recent 'Session of the Counties' the t.own of Bowmanville, on Tuesday last, which was well worthy of them as Council Mr. J' J. Tilley tendered his Libernls ;ind of him as their distinguished resignation of. the position of public school .leadcr.- Port Perry Sta.n dard. inspector f1 Jr Durham County, a position '.l'he gathering at Bowmanville last he has £:!led very satisfactorily for the 'fucsd:~y, in honor of the Hon. E. Blake, .past sh.teen years. He gives up the was o.ne o~ the la:rgest demonstrations ever · . . . seen m tins sect10n of the country. Mr. THE last number of the Qbserver was county mspecto1·slup for tile lugher pos1- j Blake's :i,ddross was well received and was issued this week. It now merge.<> into the tion of inspector of Model Schools in one of that gentleman's best efforts. -Port Christian G1i:irdian as a result of union. Ontario, a IJosition he is eminently quali- Ilope (h~·i.de. The Giiai·d·ia1i is the best and most ably :lied to assume, having had much to do 'l'he Ma.il t1·ies. hard to belittle ~he r~ conducted religious journal in Canada and with the inauam·ation and framing of our cent demonstratwn at Bowmanv1lle, m "' honor of Mr. Blake. It troubles the is better worth $2 a year than the Observer excellent system of model schools. organ's heart that Mr. Blake did not diswas worth $L50. If the Guardian would 'l'o-d:i,y this county stands in the front cuss independence and federation of the hereafter devote say one page to Ontario rank in the Dominion, educationally, and Empire. ~s far as these objects are conchurch news, arranged according to con- Mr. Tilley has had very much to do in c~rned, neither Mr. Blal~e n.01: any other b · . . . L1beml leader or or"'an is Cl'!Vlllg them a ference dilltri.ots, it w<tuld add very much ru~gmg .abou: tlns ~atisfactory sta.te. ~f thought.-Brantford Expositor. to the interest of the paper. a~airs. I~ 1~15 he ~itroduced con.ipetiIf the great meeting at Newmarket and t1ve exammat10ns, wlucl1 were contmued Bowmanville afford a fair indication. of THE farmers are all asking why wool is for five years. During this time over the present state of public opinion, the so low in price · Silllce Sir Leonard Tilley $1,400 worth of prizes were awarded to dr~ycannot be far distant when Mr. Blake placed a high du~yon the imr)orted article. the successful pupils I 1882 ]1 111 · t. _ will represent not only the people of West · n e ro Durham as at preseut, but also the peoA weste1·n Tory paper explains the cliffi- ~uced a system of promotion examina- pie of all Canada as t he hononred, trustculty illms :- Tihe low price of wool is due t10ns, and a full report of these examina- ed, aud faithful expo11ent of tlieir views, to the over-procluction in mutton, and tions and also of the condition of each the guardian nf their rights, their guide, ·to11 fl~11s l · ab nonn·ally h igh in Canada school has been sent out to trustees, their cluef, their Premier. -Globe. mm, The farmers took advantage of the fine because the best fatted animals are ex- teachers and leading men of the county. weather to enjoy a day's outing, but poded. 'Ve .fettr that the . farmers will The S1'ATESMAN has given full particulars they did not come to hear Blake-the not consider this explanation satisfactory, I of these examinations as they occurred. Jfail says ! Oh, no ! of course not. Then m"ild Sir Tilley had better rise and explain. In 18'76 Mr. Tilley was appointed a the mounted escort of three or four hunmember of the central committee, which dred young Ueformers were merely boys, whose interest in Blake was just as intense A Wit'lT;ER to the Toronto World very position he held for five years. He has as their interest in El Mahcli. lf it had .correctly 1'.emarks :-Sir,-The language also been an associate examiner of Normal been a picnic in hmior of Baby Bunting, you q1i10red Tuesday last from Monday's Schools for several years, and has been how the Ma.i/. would have bloomed into Mail refo['ll'ing to the members of our local for the past five years presiding examiner ecstacies on that bright, noble band of ,gover.rnnenit is the language of a literary at the intermediate examinations, there youug m en.- Brantford E ;x:po,1itor. Mr. J. J. Tilley'·s Appointment. tti:IC!) E ~HOUSE)ltti: -El: ..A.. S JY-r: 0 V- E D- 2 DOORS WEST, ·NEAD'S BLOCK. -This is the House for- C 1o thing and Gents' Furnishings. ALL FRESH AND NEW. J. JEFFERY. J. HIGGINBOTHAM:-&SOI, FLOWERS PURE DRUGS -A.ND- ~~~,~,,~,,~ . ,, ~~,~,~~ - ~~H~H~H~~~~~~ ~ by the Reform leaders. Unquestionably ihcre are goad men and true on both sides -0f iiolitics,, although men oceaqionally / swerve from rnctitude and besmirch their ~ame, and b!l:ing disgraci:: upon their party in consequence ; but with such men as repre~enteil the Reform party on this occ11s10n, n1e11 who are- 1 :Lbove uspicio11, ;.....-~----·"ith recoxds -=unblemished and names unt:1I'nished, West Durham honored her5elf by honoring such men, and the reflex influence will be the dissemination of such political information as shall yield fruit in due time. 0 PICNIC ECHOES. ' There was no brighter home nor two more loyal and loving hearts on the whole route of proce1;sion than these of Elder J. VanCamp a.nd his good wife. Both of Great Industrial Fair And Semithem enthusiaii!tic in the cause of Reform Centennial Exposition. High School Examinations. J...adies, please call and inspect our Dress Materials we "'re .11. · it was delightfol to see their beaming some n1·ce 11·nes compr1smg · · 1:.' I ashmeres Ottoman SuO\V lllD' 0 countenances as the carriage containing r renc i d8 E This being the fiftieth, or Semi-Centen, HE INTERMEDIATE AND 'l.'HIRD · Mr. nlake passed their residence; and it CLASS Non-professional Examlnat.ion Cloths, Cashmere Serge, Nun's Cloths Swiss Spots Oat or 1 'B mprdess nial year of the Incorporation of Toronto roca es ' " · ' ' n1ca bei;:ins at Bowman ville High School JULY 7th, showed tlrnt thelt'e are principles which as a city the Industrial Exl1ibition As- at9a. Colored Lawns, Sateens m. and Prints. · men love, and venei'ate, and are prepared News. sociation of that city have determined on 'l'he Second Class Examination begins JULy to uphold even when failing health and making their next Annual Fair and Expo- 9th. at 11:05 a. m. TheEntr&PceExaminat.ion t.akes place JULy advanced years hawe laid them aside from The great meeting held at Bowmanville sition, which is to be held from the 10th 3rd and 4th, beginning each day at !la m life's active duties. o~n Tuesday last t.o do honour to the H on. to the 20th of September next, of such a Candidates should notify theCountyinspector by JUN~: Jst. A good Tory thought Dr. McLaw:rhlin E_DWARD BLAirn, the representative of the magnitude as will eclipse any of its pre- or the un derstgned . W.W. 'l'AMBLYN, M. A., excelled himself on this occasion 01~ ac- ~1skwt, to express approval of his conduct decessors. On account of the large num- Bowruanv11le, May 15, 1885. Principal. count of the brevity of his speech which m the past., and confidence in his fidelity ber of applications already received from com.isted of a few words only. From a to the cause of justice and government intending exhibitors, it has been decided Thos~ about bnymg Curtains will find somethin()' entire! conser'1ative stand point this gentlemen wasademonstrationof which hemightweli ~o enlarge several of the b11ildinga, andan are different to any ever shown ran()'in"' . : :::. 1 n ew, ~wns"' was conect, for the Doctor has not the be proud. From all parts of West Durham, immense programme of special att.rMtion,s ' o t:i m puce rom IJO. per p~-up· . faculty of glossing over glarin" wron.:rs iu from man;i: parts of East Durham, from of a novel c_haracter is being prepared for the body politic, and his di:gnosis "'as a the Ontar10s and many other. districts, the occas1011. The Governer-General MONDAY night. Soldiers and Converts only. consequence is not always a"rceable ·to thousands gathered to acknowledge the and the :Ma1·chioness of Lansdowne are to TUESDAY.WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and 0 -We l'eCeived another lot . certain politicians. great service he has rendered to his coun- open the Exhibition on the 10th of Sep- SATURDAY, P11blic Meetings at 7:15 p, m. t C of those Pure Silks, warranted not t . , 1 Many believed the speech of Mr. Pater- try, and to pay fitting respect to his trans- tember.. Among the attractions already FRIDAY. Holiness Meeting for Soldiers uncl cu . all and leave your order. We guatantee satisfaction or n lo all Christians, 7:15 p.m. · son '~as t he speech ·of the day. Undoubt- cendent abilities and his stainless reputa- announced are ·an lnternatit'nal Firemen's SUNDAY. 8. a. m .. Knee D_ 0-~ t'ill; 11 a. m.: Holition. West Durham seemed determined D~monstration, a Colley Show and Field edly it was a good one, but where all did ness Meetmg: 3 p. m .. Hallelujah Meeting· ' .so well it is difficult to determine which to do all i.i1 its power to show all Canada '.J'rials by the dogs, which will be of great 7 p. m., Salvation MeetinP". CHILD;llEN'S l'(IEE'fING Saturday, 3 p. m. was the best. All the addresses did credit how. proud it is·of its great representative. mterest to the farmers; Balloon Ascension All are welcome as above. Come in crowds to the speakers, for there was a high mor- An 1mme.n se number of people met _him an Ele?tri? Rail'Y'~y, &c. The Manager: Collection each service. · & Robertso~. ·~ al tone running tlu·ough them au, and a~ the railway station and accompanied Mr. Hill, is to V!Slt New York and other CAP'!.'. ADA HIND. LlEU'f. MILLrKEN. I an ~bsence of any bitterness, a ch11racteristic 111111 to the place of meeting. A splended p~aces nex~ month in search of other speCADE'f McDONALlJ. seldom observable in the addresses of body of young men and lads numbering a cm! attractions of the latest and most in- Bowmanville, May 28, 188J-. 22·3m. hundred and fifty, and mounted on the teresting character. Special days have been public men. in the county, served as his set.apart, as the Farmers' Day, the School finest horses There <U'e a few young liberals coming . any hundreds in wagons fol- Cluldren s ~ay, the ~o?ieties' Day, &c. to the front to take the places of the old escort. l\'f warriors who are passing away, and among lowed his carriag~ and of those who went The Prize Lists? contammg full particulars of, the great Fan·, have been issued and the 200 young men who were on horse- on foot no estimate could be formed, back, there were many who will receive no one could see the whole vast procession can be obtained from the Seer etiuies of and wear the mantle of their fathers with at onco. Along the road banners innum- all 4gricultural Societies and Mechanics' erable floated, triumphal arches were er- Institutes in the Province, 01· th ey will be credit. ected, an~ app~·opriate mottoes greeted sent to tmy one who will drop a post card The crowds who listened to the President the peoples choice. Bowmanville was gay t~ the Se?retary at Toronio. See adver~a of the Reform Association and those who w1thaprofus_1onofcolours,andloudcheers t1sementma11other column. A full pro· h l of part~ok of his generous hospitality on the and L.he wavmg of handkerchiefs gave ex· gramme. of all the special attractmns will - C> F evcnmg of the picnic vbted hirn a member of the Right Royal Good-fellows. 1n·ess1or t-01 thethpublic kfeeling. But it be published about the middle of Au.ruse · . was on Y. w1en e spea ing began and This will undoubtedlybethegreatest:vent . Tl'""'.~ '!'hose that witnessed the bountiful re- the rnulntudes were collected in the beauti- of Toronto 's Semi-Centennial year. . ' past provided by the belies for the guests amphitheatre wisely selected ,.,,,. of t.Irn day pronounced it a magnificent for t11e purpnse, that the maanitude of the ,119r9&d. Of ?Ou~se what else could you demo~1stration could be fully understood .NEVER GrvE UP.- If ·,.,? -:- .· t:ixp('lct, coimdenng those who had it in and its character properly appreciated w1tl1 low and df" - ~{f". 11;r~t ~ul:ffenngf S Id h 1 · t't . -f.'1"118,,,.u ~pin oss o char-go. - .A.Te om as t 1ere been so vast an assem- appe 1 e, fl" e i tl bTt d d - · · 1 1 Y' d! isor ere . , -~ I~ Was a hopeful sign to see many blage in any part of Canada even in its blood, ·· , f'.'.-<l \'It · e. " reat cities. Nowhere in 1 Id Id 1 an.. ..~rur \lonst~t~tion, headache, or Harland s Impi : ovetl M'r'LK PAN, staunch conservatives listening with interee~~r a~~u. .,,\~n d{!!~\l.ll'C l:lf ~a,,_ ~~110 ufs Enlatutr~·B?tYt a.ll Patented ·Jul y f!;th, lS83, which ·:· TT' est to the speech es. They heard good be seen a Jiner, more intelli g . ·. .,. rn .. "'"' s ,,rocute ..... uo..,, e o ec nc i ers · d 'f . U .J:::l.. will be B'IY.rprised to see the rapid lR se~on to non,Q o t1 1e 'Itr~ny ':I plnin facts in a style whi9h must have com- ever~ sense a more ~espectabl".. tiody or mended t hem to their judgment. u.nd women. a. element tmprovement1t"nat will follow · you will be vent10ns 'now lll th e ma·rkct, lil I' S ' Mr. Jollow's livery attire was an object i:+as . ll'...,r,ting, '!'hete wet·e I new streng th and ao· simpli'C'i.'ty, 1 'lflhe ef. :,> · . . .· · of much favor:ible comment as he i:otlc . ·. ' ·~11 igetlm\ respecM.biEty u vity wr 'rt:turn; pam ~nd misery will fecM.al lfu6de of sepai·~thi<Y the 0 · 1. h " 'lk < " gr<1cefnlly along in the procession of e.t~nes .1teM, 11nd eth\\,~l~sm. Very many cease, and hencef Prth you will rejoice in · ~0~ tjnost> who took ~·rt in the dern<onstra- the pr:i.~e of Electric Bitters. Sold at cieam .l'T ?'m t 0 mi 'pbrl:}·and fr ee horsemen. ' · We hear that Mr, S. W. Sancli:ll'S wa~ hon) IUld wlrnatiteMed the meeting voted 50c. ·a lilMle by J. Higgintotham & Son. from the co}\(l<lt"<&\ive candid:iitle alt tl~e last . _ ·- - - - - - - , The Skim1tier and At r·aiting ·a p pe1 ·s?nally thanked by Mr. Blake for his ~lbn Line, mail steamships"- tile' 1p~i'at11s is entirely ricw, and will services as field ·marshall at the pi<m.ie ~fll~l~ O'll ... :rh~, too! must have f.el.t pro~d gruuuds. l:'i.tyiJ 1 ~l rep:t~fentative. They JOmecl Ill q'Ur&hst, safest and best line crossing thefr:'separate the cream frtlm 'the 'niilk ~Vfoster Willie Tapson 'Yas envie'd by h'. tui\vl1el'..~1s e~~ti~~sJec~nJ~t1i:h1~h t the) :~!~tic;. vfre lssels not, being in:sure~ irr.:1 1:iin 12 hours. Call arid see ;them ·· , , rt'fi:T · · . · Y is enec ~uh,,s care u manaaern.ent, No cat1·le bh ~any boys as he passed with the p1"'0Ces· 1 t l1H 1 thi~ .'·e Y to all that was 11:i-id. We hope 'll-OCsenger steamers~ Rates i<ed uw l ·'CIT- ' Ql'JJ\J·~'S swn on Mr. Glover's little pony, a manyofthe.m were-co~vm<:ed.~Glolie. 'lq<Qir e·of'\V. -A. Nead"l,~eat. ' 1 1-:nunK·s·"ot°Jfst.&Ni>; ·· · nti1r~n1~t1~I.E; ._ '01vmanville, April 8, 1884. THE Mai l accuses Mr. Blake of making a gross and scamfalous misuse of the words of Gov. Lansdowne, because at the West Durham Picnic t110 former quoted a recent speech of the Governor in whinh he emphasized the exte,nt of the Domfruon ai1d its sectfonal dilferences, in order to <rive point to his remarks on the power of ~lis allowance. On the contrary, the reference to Gov . Lansd~w11e's speech was higl1ly appropriate. Distasteful thoucrh it may be to the Tories, the Govern~r's utte1·ances fully justified the inference drawn by Mr. Blake, that "if the Local Legislature had ~he right to legislate upoi1 local matters without the impertinent interference of ~he Ottawa authorities, they were able to Judge what was fair and reasonable ~it~out_ the aid of thirteen little gods s1ttmg rn the Pr~vy Council chamber." The Mail thinks it prob1tble tlrnt Governor Lansdowne "may take some measures to prevent a repetition of Mr. Blake's offence." We are not ·It little curious to kno'Y how he will set about it.-Toronto being about forty examiners each' year, and about 4,000 sets of papers examined. As we have stated, he took an 11ctive part in framing the present model school system, and in connection with the present Minister of Education, has from time to time assisted in their inspection. "In one sense we . regret Mr. Tilley's departure from the County, but in view of the promotion he has deservedly received, and the appointment of Mr. W. E. 'l'illey, M.A., as his successor, we must congratu· late him on his preferment, and trust that the educational interests of this County progress with the times under the new "' ills peetor. The · following resolution was unanimously. passed by the Counties' Council : 'l'he special committee appointed to consider the resignation of J. J. Tilley, Esq., who for the past sixteen years has been an appointee of the Council, as Inspector of Schools for the County of Durham, wish to bear testimony to the great satisfaction h e has given in that capacity, and also to the energy and zeal ever displayed by him in the general interests of education ; and now that he leaves· us to assume a higher positiou, as Inspector of Model Schools, we nope and believe that he will carry with him i11to his new sphere the same energy and earnestness which he.has eve1'-disp.!:ayed; a,nd in leaving the County we desire to say' that he carries with him the respect aml esteem of every member of the Council of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. J. J. ROBSON, Chairman. EvEJW WOMAN IN THE LA.ND- owes it to berself and her family to take care of her health. When she finds her health failing, aud debility and weakness, under- Arriving every mines her strength, her surest and best week, full of bloom remedy is Kidney-Wort. It builds up and perfume. . t.]1e gene:al health, keeps tho secretory eyetem m perfect order, regulates the Kidneys ancl Bowels, and enables these important orgaus to preform their natural functions in throwinl! off the accum11lated impurities of the body. BINGE'S SYRUP'None better, ,None cheaper·. Cures Congh~, Colds, etc·. STANDARD MED I CINES. -o--- PERFUMERY in quality and price. To suit everybody Fresh Oil Cake GrR.OU.N:C. OUR CORN CURE Acts like magic and gives solid comfort. '"ill ---o- Toilet Articles, Combs, Brushes, Sponges, &c, in great variety Horse & Cattle Food, The best for fattening purposes, and most re~sonable in price. AJ,L THE 1 Patent Medicines GIVE IT A TRIAL. ~~~a~~~~. ' j Jj i ;J J j' .A.DVBRTISEJJ' are for sale by us. DRUG-GISTS_ ~filij(EfRITISfOfNI) Absolutely Pure. T!1is powder never v1tries. A marvel of purity, .strength a1td ·wholesomeness. More econom1cal .than the .o~·dinary kinds ancl can· not be sold m comptit1t1on with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosplmto powders. Sold onl11 in ca.ns. IlOYAL BAJHNG POWDER Co.. 106 Wall-st. N. Y. THE Canada -Christian Aclvor.ate of Hainilton, died a natural death last w'eek after an existence of forty years. Rev'. Dr. Webster, of Newbury, was one of its first editors. It wiis the official orc:ran of 0 the late M. E. Church in Canada. · Commence this week and will continue throughout all this season to offer special value in DRY GOODS & MILLINERY. . DRESS GOODS? c ' c "' T See our Parasols a~d Sunshades! SALVATI ON ·ARMY BARRACKS, LAqE C CTR.'I.,AINS~ 7! . " THE LEADING HOUSE FOR__ _ FASH.I00BLE MILLINERY Inspection invited. MANTLES f hav~~ ::l?ierce as H· ighest Market Price for an t·t y qt y Wool. ~ul,n,aitural VELV . & APE . . . .------------· ST RYS . , MILK PA N , . . s , L Q u I c K. e· y , ·· . ·.·~, ti ~ut:~~~;ss ~Cll ~ot !!h1Jitl~ 1 you 1 l?- i~spired. 1v.1·rbli lif~i ~hn·a:l:iility ~118 J0u ··. TO N&CRYDE c Q C -r::.::r RMl ~N. ~~ . flt ·s~dunent. at LEWIS 'E Th e1r · Ca'rpets are all new and their Prices :, are as Jow as th e Jowest. Gi..ocers' Due Bills taken as Cash : ONE DOOR WEST Of_:P(}SJ OFFICE · ·

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