MONEY. {The Highest Price in Cash for EGGS at QUIOK & WRIGHTS! Successors to Mcclung Bros. } MONEY. THIS COLUMN GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ROWMANVIJ~LE ~ Belou..g~ to STOTT & JURY and all S1'.A.TION AND 'l'IME. Medicines advertised are for~' ll:xpresa oo1No EAsT i;mNG wEsT .......8.5:l am Express ...... 7.25 a m sale by them. F<Lst )!;xp1·ess.JO 00 "' m FastExpress.10 0~ am I I DEATH I Death and destruction ie sure to result from the first application of the Mlxe<l ...... ...4.20 p n· Local, a m l.oc:Ll .......... 7.:,5 v m Mixed ....... .. 3.~a 1Mn Exvress . , .... 9.20 p m ~:x11ress ....... 8.38 JI m PARIS GREEN sold by STOTT & JURY, the Reliable Druggists. Only 30c a. pound. BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 27. Local and Otherwise. ·sro:rr& JURY, · NEw-Read Murdoch Bros'. new adv.irtieement this week. It is well worth your while to visit their china, glassware an crockery depa1·tment. The most refreshing and inYigoratinl( . TwINs- A cow belonging to the Misses drink of the season is '· ICE LINE." Galbraith, Liberty Street, north, gave Aak for it a.t STOTT & JURY'S. Only 5o. bhth to twins on Monday, and one is so niuch like both that you can't tell t 'other QUALITY the Leading Feature at STOTT from which. The May-June M idsummer double num& Jmn's. ber of The Canada Educational Monthly CARE the Watchword at STOTT & Ju1tY's. (Canada Educntional Monthly Publishing ACCURACY the Infalhble Rule at S·roT'l' Co.,) is of special interest to the lay and professional reauer. & Ju1n's. l3AJRD's MINS'J'RELS.-This troupe playBARGAINS in Druggists Snndries at ed to over GOO of our aristocratic citizens STOTT & Ju1tY's. on Monday night and gave pretty general i;atisfadio11. We doubt very much if they were the real B11.ird's Minl!ltrels, though. PERSONAL,--Mr. W. R. llin l?I'in.~r, left town on Tuesday morning for Llollingwood, to take a situation in the Enterprise ·office. Ris employer will find him to be :m intelligent, industrious young man. I wish him success. P U R El, no watered THE BINDER QUESTION 8E'£'l'LED--as far as John Hoskin, Esq., of Bethesda, is stock, concerned, tho bmder question is settled, . for he has purchased a Patterson Self Omt Suoo1·1s·r .-Sta:ff Sergeant W . S. WHOLESOME,Por- Binder, a. splendid machine, they say, Russell, of the 45th Batt., holds the disPUBLIC NOTICE!. from Mr. W. H. Piper. ifies the blood. tinguished position of 4th on the list of 20 01"F THE RoLL-The name of L. U. The public ai·e her1::by notified that .T. Titus, of Brighton, was formnlly remove , Canadi;ms on the Wimbledon Team this vV. Smith is no longer agent for our REFRESHING, An off the roll of solictors by Mr. Justice Fer year. We expect Mr. Russell will make machines at Oshawa and vicinity, his con · guson oh Saturday. There are other solici- hfa m11.rk in the Old W 0rld. tract with us having been cancelled. agreeable tonic. tors in Ontario who should be disrobed TIIINCI SuccEEDS LIKE SuccEss.-The L. D. SAWYElt & Co., (26-3w.) for cheating the poor printers, United States Sewing Machine 'l'ime.v, of Agricultural Implement Manufacturers. COOL! NG, just U1e ,T~ne 14, says :-Joseph Ruse, agent for PERSONAL. Sl:LLill<.1 F A~1'-1'he Mt\XWcll Mn.chines the 'Williams Sewing Machines at Bowthing for hot weather. still ahead; fourteen sokl in siit days ~nd manvill~, has just closed a contract for Miss S . Wilson has returned from :BIRTHS. still they are g!)ing a<> .fn~t that there i ~ Poterboro'. Scm'T-In .Toronto, at 24 Camden St.. on no necessity to"'a<l vei·tise them, they rec- five hundred Williams Machines. June 20th, the wile ot Mr. 1"rancls Scott, ror· ommend th.eniae\vee. Place your order 1:1ays they are a .fast running machine both . Miss Mattie McClung merl of. Bowman ville, of e. son. in and out of his store. sister at Brantford. ILLIAMS-In Darlington, on the 17th inst., 'Vith -Htit-:'.n1sotr; Ennlskillen, and get hi , F . -Th Cl . Rev. J. Dyke goes to Calgary, N. W. T. the wire ot Mr. Jess& Williams, of a daughter. u. machiI>.l> that will give you satisfaction. .1.H:F. YOUNG oLKS. ~ la~bauqua instead of Claremont. woRTlIY-In Cartwright, on tho 19th inst., Absolutely free fr~m S~ -0. E. B. S.-The Sons of England movement has been exten,d, · to m clude Mr. Benj. Brittain 0111Jed here this wee the wife of Mr. Jno. Axwortby, of o. daughtel'. 3 Benevolent Society of this town wiWpar- the young folks, who ·ttady have a on his wav to EnO']and alcohol 'I...-..'== - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'on·" ;m;,..,y nrc now . to " "' ·of Cartwright, left "" -...... ~ ade for divh1e-sQrv1.ce p.eitt Sunday morn- " R ea<l' mg. U Ill l'":· ." Mr. Henry Bartlett, DIED. ing. The brethren will meet at the an illu~trate.d ~e7iodica~ of high yesterday via New York for Bristol, En BROWN-In Enniskillen, on the 21th instant, -FOR SALE BYlodgeroom at 10 a.m. and march to the ·P. cliamcter._ whrnh will be issued m July by Mr. 'Vm. Oliver, of Brantford, has been !lliam Brown, aged 71 years. ' M . chuJ:Cl.! a.t 10:20, where Rev. Bro. J. the pubhsh~r~, <o! the far:fam~d· WIDE spending a fow days amon~ his man BowEN-In Clarke, on Monday, 23rd or J une, Bradford Bowen, aged 88 years. Dyke will preach a epeciarsermon suita.l:>le Aw AKE magazm~, D. Lo~luop & Co., of friends here. to the occasion. . Boston, who will .send it free for two Mr. W. E. Tilley has been appoint e · in pts. and qts., (imper· .1al measurti). A BIG EE-The_C.0.mmitte.!l having in months .to any of our readers w.h,o may Inspector of PCll't Hope schools a t a salary BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Refined expressly for LYMAN chargti the improvement of the Fair of $100 a year. \lest it. SONS' & Or.,,, Montreal. Ground here have fixed on Thursda The appointment of Mr. J. J. Tilley, Miss l\!aggie McLaug~lin left on We~- Odrr r.cted up to 1 o'cloclc p.m. every Thursday and Friday, July 3rd and 4th, for the be . BY JOHN McMU:ijTRY. late Pul>!ic School Inspector for the nesday, 10 company with l\1r. Blakes A LIBERAL DISO .c>VNT ·ro THE TR.ADE. We hope to see a big turn out of farme county of Durham to the Inspec~orship fam ily, for Murray Bay to spend the Flour, per 100 lli .·.... $2 75 .. to .· $3 00 and others interested in seeing the n of the provincial Model Scl~o?ls is arecog· ho 'idays. . Fall Wheat, per bush. . . . l 00 .. to . . 1 08 cessary improvements made, Everybod nition on the part of the l\hmster of EduMr. and Mrs. T. J. Mason and family, SpringWheat, per bush. 1 05 .. to ... 1 08 wm be welcome. cation of Mr. Tilley's profe~sional ability of_ ToNnto, lmve been visiting in this local- Rye, per bushel. ..... , . · 0 58 . . to. . 0 60 JULY lsT.-The annual celcbratioiron 1 and ze1Ll. Mr. Tilley has ma11y qualifica- ity. Mr. Mason is recovering nicoly from Oats, per bushel. ··..... 0 35 .. to .. 0 40 , SP,.'Ebl:A.J.L AGENTS. . Dominion D11.y will take place at Port ions for the important position to which his recent severe ilh_ie$!1. Peas, Blue... ...... ~·.. 0 70 . . to .. 0 75 Hope. The program includes horse races, has been appointed, and with the ex·---·---" Bbckeyes. . .. . · . · 0 92 .· to , · 0 95 aquatic and athletic spurts, grand firemen's pe ience that his mn.ny years of eountry ,, Small........ ... 0 '70.. . to ·.· 0 72 How T@ SECURE HEALTH. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL p:trade, and fire works. The 54th Regt. service have given him, he will have no Barley, No. 1. ........ 0 65 .. to .. C 68 AND CONCERT. I' It is str.-a111p that any one will suffer from Band, of Roehester, will be in attendance difficulty in serving the Province witl~ dis,, No. 2 ......... 0 55 ... to ... 0 60 cretion and success.-Canada Educational and give a concert in the evening. Single derangen Jell'Jts l1rouirht on by an impure cir· ,, No.3......... 050 ... to ... 055 cnlation <llf the blood, when, fol' a small fare on railway for return ticket. Monthly. We take pleasure in announcing that Butter,per tb. best ta.ble. . O 13 .. @ ·· O 14 outlay, tfu,e physical organization can be FESTIVAL A~D CoNCERT.-On the evenThe American A11riwlturist for July, Bowmanville Division Sons of 'l'emperance Lard, f' lb, .............. 0 13 .. @ ·· 0 14 compl ~telly restored by that wonderful blood have decided to hold a public strawberry purif .ei: Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable ing of July '7th the D. 0 . ·& P. C?. Band 1884, is the most su1Jerb number of that festival and grand concert in the Town Eggs,11"Joz;, ...····.··.·. 0 13 .. @ ·· 014 Disc oV<'.ry. This medicine acts directly will give i\ grand strawberry festival and pcrodical issue during its 43 years of Hall on Tuesday evening, July 8th. No Potatoes, per bushel. ·· , ·. 0 50 ·· (a) · · 0 50 Wool, per Th ............. 0 lG . . @ .· 0 00 upr 1n (fue Blood and Bowels, and eradicates promenade concert at the beautiful grounds existence. It is brimful of instructive, Sc L"ohiila., Malaria, Biliousness, &c., from the of Mr. W . A. Pope, Liberty Street. This seasonable articles, made more interestmg pains will be spared to make this the most enjoyable entertainment of the s· jSOOJIJJ.. As a tonic it has a remarkable band think uf holding a gr:.i.nd band tour- and valuable by one hundred original ' Affect rou the weak a.ud broken clown con- nament here this summer, and they ask illustrations. Joseph Harris, after an season. The price of- admission will be N .ctu ']IJJD.crthmnents. '5titution, i·estoring t.he appetite, &c. <?ne the citizens to turn out in large numbers interregnum of eight years, resumes his very low, <tud strawberries will be freely ..........................................................,-........... vllo 1used it says it is the most expensive at the festival, as the funds are to be editorial connection with the American served. Watch for posters and programs. me~Ucine he knows of; since using it his ap- applied to the tournament expenses. A gric11lt11rist. Joseph Harris was forHOUSE TO RENT.-Pos~ession can "PC?itite has improved so much that it oosts be given at once. .A.pply to F. MASON. S. OF T.- The following is a list of the merly editor and proprietor of the " Gene- ·THE LATE WILLIAM BROWN. lllm twice as much to live as before. It banishes pain and weakness, invigorates officers of Bowmanville Division S. of 'l'., see Farmer ; " then for twelve years he ERVANT GIRL WANTED-Capable and trustworthy. Apply attheS'l'ATESMAN tile · b raiu an cl nervous system, and rouses the elected on Tuesday night for the ensuing wrote for the Americcm Agriculturist. He r' Within the last year or two several of dGrmant muscles into new life. qmirter : -W. P . , Bro. E. Westcott; W. was thoroughly educated at Rothamsted, the pioneers of this district have passed office. A., Sister L . Bennett; R. S., Bro. H. England. Price $1.50 per year; single away. On Tuesday last Mr. William OST-A GOLD NECKLACE with One trial of Mother Graves' ·worm Ex· Brittain ; A. R. S., Bro. W. Bennett ; number, 15 cents. Address A mericjJhL Brown died at his residence, Enniskillen, blue enamelled Locket, at Methodist or terminator will convince you that it has F. S., Bro. ,V, G. Lockhart; Treas., Bro. Agriculturist, 751 Broadway, New Yotk. aged 71 years, Deceased was born in t he B. C. church, on Sunday, Juna 8th. Suitable reward tor return to J.M. Brimscombe's Dentnl R. Windatt; Chap., Sister A. Maynard ; 110 equal as a worm medicine. Buy a PETERSON'S MAGAZINE for July is e en County of Cavan, Ireland, and filmigmted Parlor. 2'5.-2w. Con..-, 'i·o. Wi. Joness; A. Con., Sister better than usual, and is especially ?e- to Canada in 1835, and locaited in Darbottle and see if it does not please you. T. Gould; I. S., Bro. E. Young; 0. S., markable for an illustrated article on lington. He was a member of Darlington THE THOROUGH-BRED JERSEY uncil for thirteen consecutive years BUL11-" Young Boulivott "-tor service Thomas Myres, 'Braoebridge, writea-~ Bro. J . Bronson. "Longfellow and Westminister Abbey." . I I fill d h · · ' · at my residence, east of Furniture Factory. e t e position of~ TERMS :- Thoro'·bred Cows, $5 · Grade Cows, INTO CAMP.-The 45th Batt. went into The principal steel-engraving of the num- f our of wh IC i ie Dr. Thoma~· Electric Oil is the best m~di cine I s - . H always giveu aatisf39tion, camp at Trnnton on Tuesday, with the ber, "I Ciue For Nobody," is a very char- Deputy- Reeve, and one year that of $3; Common Cows, $2. AR'l'HUR W. BURK. 22-tf. and in ca~ of coughs, colds, sore·rnroat, following staff officers :-Lieut. -Col. Cu- ming one, illustrating a capital story by Reeve. He has always been a very active &c., immediate relief has been oeived bitt, commanding; Major (sen.) Lieut.- Fmnk Lee Benedict. The author of church worker, and has been a deacon in ANTED.-A civil, honest and inCol. Deacon; Major (jun.) Scott; SHr- "Josiah Allen's Wife" contributes one of t he Presbyterian church for over thirLy b.f these who use tt." ciustrtous lad from H to 16 years of age, -------geon, Dr. Boyle ; Assist. do., Dr. Mc· her inimitable humorous sketches. Alto- years. In politics lie was a staunch Re- to attend to a hol'Be, work about house o.nd garden and assist on farm occasionally. One People who reside or sojourn ti~egio Langhlin ; Paymaster, Capt. Scott ; Ad- gather, I there is no ladies' -book published former all his lifotime. He leaves to that can drive a horse preferred. Comfortn· ns of country where fever and ag e and jutant, Capt. S. Hughes; Quartermaster, that c;n compare with "Petersons" in mourn his demise a very large family, ble home and fair wages. Apply to J. SIMP26·2w. bilious remittent fever are prev t, Capt. J . Hughes. No. 1 Company, Bow- literary merit. The colored fashion-plates, most of whom have arrived to manhood SON, Rothes Farm. Two of his 11ons and · should be particularly careful to regula. , ........,,... ·.u'l_, Capt. Rowe commanding. The the colored pattems,and the half-hundred and womanhood. di12:estion, the liver and the bowels, before Band of 13 members also went from here. other illustrations for new dresses, embroi- daughters are in Manitoba ; one is a P,roihe approach of the sea.sou for the periodic Major Hughes was in charge of No. 3 dery, etc., etc., are likewise unequalled. fessor in tho Institute for the Deaf and malady. The timely use of Northrop & Co. rtwright. The price of this popular magazine is but pum~ at Belleville; another is a doctor Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and DysEACHERS CoNV.l!NTION-The officers Two Dollars a year, with great deductions m Edmburgh, Scotland ; and the rest are , -ANDI peptic Cure is a :valuable safeguard again- elected at the last session of the Durham to clubs. Specimens are sent, gratis, if living in this district. st any malarial scourge. It i11 acJmowle Teachers nl!Sociation were:-President- written for by those wishing to getup clubs. deed to be the best bl'>od purifier in the Dr. Purslow; 1st Vice-do, W.W. Tamb- Address CHAS. J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. market. lyn, M. A; 2nd Vice-President, Miss St., Philadelphia, Pa. King; Secretary, A. Barber; Treasurer, A!litation in the world of homeophet1 Under the heading, "Notice to Farmers Of Live Stock, Poultry, Da.iry, AgricuL . eith; Executive: J. Gilfillan, BowmanU. E. LOYALIST CENTENNIAL.-The in- Only," medicine has been its very soul of progress In the STATESMAN, Dowme.nville, signed ville; G. Andrns, Port Hope; W. W. habitants of the town of Bowmanville and ·' L. D. Sawyer & Co., and J.M. Ross, General tural and R orticultural Products, Implea11 in politics and religi<m- the dfficultiee ments and Manufactures of all kinds. ,Jardine; B. A., Newcastle; A. J. Reynol· surrounding country are hereby reminded Agent," dated at Hampton, June 20. 1884, apof opinion aud the individually of men have been parent to the disagreements by ds, Darlington; \V. C. Allin, Clarke; R. oj' the Centennial of the first settlement pears an article referring ta the undcnlgned by which the standard of these bodies have Davidson, Hope; W. Hickson, Cavan; R. of. Upper Canada by tho United Empire name, which is so worded o.s to mislead o.nd bee elevated. So with most of our fa. L. Preston, Manvers; A. Gibbard, Cart- Loyalists-the great event which is to be place me in a false light before the general moue t>repa1·ations- foremost in illustra- wright; D . Hampton, Millbrook; Audi- celebrated at Toronto, on Thursday, 3rd publio, seeking to make farmers believe that I 1'he .Largest Prize .LIU Jn tho Dominion. their co-operation respectfully was not the agent of the said company o.t the tion of which true stands the world-famo- t.ors, Miss J.R. Thomas and Mr. James July' and t d p . · 1 · t tt d ti time I Inserted in the STATESMAN and Vinrli· e1so_ ns w~s unp; ~a en 10 cato1·, Oshawa, the advertisement referred to, 'Prize Lists o.nd Entry Forms can be obtained us general debility and langour Millar, Bowmanville; The treasurer's re- reques e. · "Quinine Wioe,"-and which, when ob- port shqwe<l receipts during the year $140, celebration can obtam certificates by and that the said advertisement was without from tile :::!ecretarlcs of all Agricultural Socio· apr)lving to any member of the local com- ' authont:.;, and hence not the truth. I wish ties o.nd Mecl1anica· Institutes, or they will be tainable in its genuine 11trength, it is a and expenditure $100.30, leav ng bala,nce · J · · · · h ld now to sia1ply state that at that time I was the sent anywhere on application by post-card to miraculous creator of appetite, vitality ia hand $39. 70. The program as pn b- m1ttce, said certificates entitling the o - authorized agent of the firm or L. D. Sawyer&. the Secretary, st Toronto. ers to badges which will be distributed at Co., under written contract which I hold in lished wo.s carried out; th.:J attendence :and stimulant, to the general fertility of . It 1 G d my possei'tlion, and that the price given by me ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 23rd. was small. The presence of Hon. G. W. th H f t t h e or icu ura ar ens,. or was such as agents known to me. not excepting t e ga, e. o the system. Quinine Wine, and Its imthe City Hall, Toronto, on product10n the General A11;ent himself. did then and have provement, has, from the fi'ret discovery Ross, minister of education, added very at TIIIS WILL BE THE' of the certificates. These badges will- be sold at, though they not willing to admit .of the great virtues 0f Quinine ae a medi- much to the interest and profit of those - . . G this fact publicly as I have done, and for which rJ:)c1uired to secure adnuttance to overn- I e.m censured by them. 1'he trouble IR I do .eal agent, been oue of the most thoroughly in attendance. A. M.ACNAJJ, D.D., m;r business open an~ abo.,e board; maklng all PLEASE READ THis.-Tbe writer is Mr. ment House. .ciscu8sed remedies ever offered to the Convener of Local Committee. alike, Rs the only fair and honorable couree, of Toronto's Semi-Centennial year. ' . ' public. Jt is one of the great tonics and W. 0. Leatli.en of Plympton, N. S. I. ~ot underhanded, as some or these have done Members of Committee.-Rev. Dr. A. and are doing. For three years I have reproAN IMMENS El PROGRAM .d111tural giving stimulats which the commenced coughing and raising blood the Mayor of Bowmanville ex- eented compa!lY and have so!d their - ()lo'medical profession have been compelled last spring and c<msulted two doctors and Macnab · , A I D H'll' . s1' 'ff' reaper No. 3 only qmte recently, and smce the to recognize and prescribe- Messrs. took their medicines, but obtained no M ayor M c rt1ur, r. i ier, ex- ien. advertisementsineaidpapersreferredtoabove SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Burk, John J . Robs0n, E. G. Burk, L evi appeared i11. my name, he.a my contract been Northrop & Lyman of 'l'oronto, have relief. I was greatly alarmed, the more Van Camp Jam es Cryderman William aancelled by .the 0-eneral Agent, whlc1! act the is being prepared for that time. my fathers family died of 9;ive11 to the preparation of their pure so because ' ' ' ' ' company ratify by a letter to me bee.rrngo date 23rd .June, 1ssi; hence, up to this date I we.a Cheap R ates and Excursions on all R ailQuinine Wine, the great care due to its consumption. I am now well. I was Crydet'man. the authorized agent of this company. Had i,mportanee, aud the standard excellence cured by Dr . Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry ways. The best t ime to visit the the Ucneral Manager been more careful to state Ayer's Sarsaparilla operates r:tdically the truth o.nd not seek to' mls~epresent me In <Of the article which th&y offer to the pub- Balsam. Good testimony reply given. City of Toronto. o. public manner, I should not have refersuch lic comeJO into the market purged of all 'rhere are hundreds like it. Tn all ca.see upon and through the l:lood, and is a safe red at all to their notice. WAIT FOR IT. the defects wnich skilful observation and of cotwhs, colds and throat diseBses and reliable, a11d absolute cure for the variI yet sell reapers and will sell them, and can be accommodated at any time J. J. WITHROW, H.J. HILL, 11cientifie opinion has pointed ont in the lun11: d'iseasPs, including asthma, bronclii- ous diseases, complaints, and disorders farmers potn with superior machines o.nd at tile lowest President. Manager e.nd Sec. less perfect preparations of the past. All tis and all their tribe, Dr. Wilson's Pul- due to debility, or to any constitutional possible price by calling on the undersigned. taint or int.;ction. monary Cherry Balsam is invaluable. 'J'oronto. 26-i_w. . J. W. SMI'l'H, Oshawa. druggist sell it.II . VERY COOL. -DOMINICA- L~ fRUIT jUIGE ! ·we FARM s_u,E. - Remember the sale of Parr farm to-morrow. Me~srs. l\1cClollnn & Co. are erecting a large coitl houso at the Ha1·bor W. McMurtry's grey and white cotton Is very low. No white quilts so low. The 111ilitary conct>rt did not come off or· the 23rd ; it is announced for the 11th July. "Fight the good tight of foitl1" was the text of a sermon to the volunteers pr<'ached by Rev. Mr. Warriner last S11bbath. "The Past, Present and Future of W. R. Climie," will be the subject of nn article in next week's STATESMAN. SCHOOL Prn~rn.-The union school picnic in Mr. J. Leask's grove on Friday was a monster success, but our report is unavoidably held over till next week. THE ARMY.-'l'he meetings of the Salvation Army are still attended by crowds of people, and much good is being done through the labors of the faithful officers. FINll FARM.-Wo direct attention to the farm advertised by Mr. Williams. We understand the farm is a .good one and will be sold at a reasonable price and ou very reusornible Len11s. Tho Harvest Queen-five rake reaper bys the best sheaf of any machii1e in the market. See it before buying. T. J. McMurtry, Agent. The "vVay of Life," a new Sunday School book, .by: W. A. Ogden, author of tho1 far famed (< .Silver Song." Prico, 35 cents. Thos. Yellqwlees. B100ER C1.Ir.-l\'.Ir. W. J>ethick'~ big clip of wool, ~·~fol'recl to last week, is ecliesed. Mr. John James, sen., clipped 64 pcrun<h of V{ashed wool from nine sheep this season. PwNic.-Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Stephens' picnic this year was a splendid success, the receipts amounting to ab<mt $70.00. Everything passed off pleasantly and a ve · cnjbyable time wall spent. "\V. McMurtry's Jaco curtains, plain and white urnslins, and parasols are very cheap. S. S. PIC1<re.-Thc annual picnic of St. Paul 's Sabbath school will be held at Erpingha111 next Tuesday. P 1.l!:ASE READ.-Our advertising patrons are requested to read an article in this week's S1m about :i fraud that has been practised on them by us. Our reply will appear next week, $21.00 is the steerage rate by Allan Line to or from Londonderry, Liverpool, Belfast, Queenstown, Galway, Limerick, Gla.sguw, London, Ca;rdiff orBristol, another dollar gives first-class rail to Quebe(l,. Cabin also reduced. W. A. N~:.AJJ;;, Agent. FARM BY AUC1'ION.-Tho Executors of the Estate of the late James Parr, will offer for sale at Phillips' H otel, liampton, 021 Saturday June 28th 11t 2 p. rn. 1 the east half of lot 18, con. 6, Darlington, ~ontaining 100 acres. ]'or full particulars see bills. H. T. Phillips, auctioneer SocJAf,.A.ND GAitJrnN P.ARTY.-On Tuesday, July 1st, a social and garden party will be held at the residence of Mr. ,John Middleton, near the Bethel P. M. church, in the t ownship of Cfo.rko. Excellent provisions will be served by the ladies of the church from 5 p. m. until all are served. l\fr. Middleton's spacious house and beautiful grounds will afford <~ccom· modation for a large number of guests ; iin~ the host and. hostess will spare no parns to mrike tins the most enjoyable eyent of the season. STA;rIONS OF 111IN1il'l'BR~. -The followi11g char1ges at·e reported in the Toronto Qonference : - Orangeville District.- Sl1elburne, Rev. W. S . Hughan, instead of Rev. G. \Vebhcr. Whitby District.Brooklin and Columbus, R ev. II. Moore, as second ; Claremont, Rev. C. A. Simp· son, instead of Rev . . J. Dyke ; Prince Albert, R.ev. C . ·T. Simpson, instead of Rev. J. Whitlock. Bowmanville District. -Newcastle and Orono, Rm·. P. Addison and R.ev. A. Rich!l.l·ds ; '.l'yrone, Rev. P. Walker, instead of Rev. J . Harris ; Hampton, Rev. C. Taylor, as second, in_stead of Rev. H. Moore ; South Darlington, Rev, J. Wtiitlock, instead of Rev. R. Uxbridge District.-Rev. W. A : V. E. Pattyson, as second ; Epsom Rev. J. Hanis, instead of Rev, J. Wass'. Reduced Steamship rates. T. Yellow· lees. . Just to hand 11.nolher new lot of white Lawns f1>r Dresses at Couch, .Tohi,ston & Cryd1mna11 's . Itisdangeroustodrinkgin whiskyor brandy iu very hot Wtlather. ' Neglected Colds, in the Chest aud all diseases of the Lungs, are cured by using Allen's L ung llalllam. See 11dvt. The Ontario and Quebec . railway will not be opened on Dominion Day. It remnves wrinkles and softene the skin. 'l'he regular use of MURRY & L.ANMAN's FLORIDA w .ATBR at the toilet tends to prevent and remove wrinkles, the softness of the skin produced -by it taking away the natural inehuatiou of the cuticle to form into ridges and furrows. The Planet Mower suits the farmers · in every way-rear cut, licrl1t drauO'ht and easily handled. The Du~ulas Sulky Rako has the large~t wheels of any rnke in the market. Coil t ooth and simplest dumping att:tchments. 'f . J. Mcl\for try, Agent. Illglis & Hunter have 'been aw11.rded t he . contract for tlie Toronto pumping engme. FEAR NQT.-All kidney and urinary co.mplaints, espocially Brii,;bt's D1eeaae, Dtabetes and L iver troubles, Hop .Bitters will eurely and lastingly cure. Cases exactly like ;p.rnr own ).)ee11 cured in your own neighborhood, and you can find reliabl., proof at home of what Hop Bit· ters has nnd can do. We mark in pl11in figures, and have strictly one price. Ellison & Co. Ladies, clout fail to examine my ClothWindow Shades. They tu'·l both durable and liandsome. Thos. Yellowlees. ToB.ACco sold :it Petl1icks barber shop at less than cost prices, for instnaco, 2 plu~s of McDonalds smoking for 5c. or 1 10c. plug of chewing for 5c. All other kinds sold cheap. AUCTION SALE I - OF- VALUABLE FARM LANDS I In the Township of Darlington. LOW ESTATE. Pursuant to a direction given In the Will of ANN LOW, of tho 1'own or Dowmauville widow of Hobert Low or the same place de'. ceased, there will be sold with the 11.pprohation of the Exeouto1· of the said Will by HENRY T. PHILJ,IPS, at the RUEBOTTOJll HOUSE in the 1'own of Bowmanvllle, on ' Satur~a~, t~e 5th ~a~ of July!l884, At tile llour of ONE o'eloell: tn Ille arteruoon the fnllol1'1ltll: lands nn11 preJUl~llH : H e l n. Gl'OCers and Dr· Jggists PARCEI, I.-All and singular the North quarter of L<>t number one, in the fourth Concosslon of the 'J'ow11sJ11p or Darlington, contarning 5() ac1·cs more or less. On the premi·es Is a good !rame dwelling house, barns, stables, ete. PAHCEr, II.-.All and sinl{ular tbe South hair or the North half of Lot 16, in the Hroken Front Concession of Darlington, containing 00 sores more or less. ~'1.te land is of an e~cellen~ quality ror grain ra1sma- purposes 11.nd 1s aupphe<l with bulldlnga. P AUCEI. Ill-All and slngulnr thnt part of Lot 15, in the Broken Jl'ront Concession ot Darlington, lyln11 North of the Gre.nd 'l'. Ralhvay On this parcel ie a good brick one and ~ half storey dwelling house, aud barns and stable, The land is a clay loam. P,\IICEL IV.-.All and ·ingular 106 acres of Lot 15, in the Broken Ji'l'ont Conces·ion l>t Darlington, h·lng immedltitely to the Sonth of the Gre.nd T. Hallway. Tliei:e is on this pa.reel a guod frame dwellJ.nghouse, with barns and stables, root houses, &o.. and about 12 acres of hard wood well prese1·ved, 'l'bis parcel would make a most desirable Carin as it Is situated so corwement. to the'J!own or Bowman ville, and ie well adup ~ed t> for· Lzing purposes. grain or gr1 Th""" two last parcels, ni.mely three and!. tour, will. In the first plMe, bo otrored ·t('.)j!'etherbut Immediately after the sale of ihe pui:ccl! may: qocline to take parcel three and keep parcel four 1 .lone. in which Cf1.8e he mny be at liberty to do ao, and parcel three will 11.gaiu bu put up separatelv. P.AHO£ I, V.-All &nd sing11iar 18 Rcres or said! Lot 15, in Broken Front ot Da.rii ngto11, lying immediately to the South ol P.arcel tour. 'l'bie parcel is weil wooded w1Lh good html wood. l'ARC~;L VI.-All(l.nd singular, 18 acres of said Lot 15, i n Droken Front ot 'U«tltngto11, lying lmmecl1 ately to the South.of pat·cel fi ve. 'l'bis parcel.he.a about 16t acres of good, well preserYed be.rd wood. · · PARCEL Vll.-.A.11 and singular·3fij acres more or less of said Lot 15, lying innnedmtely to the Houth of (le.reel a!~ 11,nd rrontiog ou the lake shore. '!'hie parcel contains about 4! acres of cleared ltmd and H! acres of wood-mostly pine. TERMS AND CONDITIONS : Parcels 1, 2, 3 and 4, one teuth of purchase money to be P8.ld down ut tiine of ealfl, and sufficient with this amount to make one·balf LBC money within one month there· the purch1 after, the bala11ce to remain on mortg11ge on the premises tor t.hree or five years !'nd bear· ing interest st the rate of six and onc·hnlf per cent. per annum, paye.ble semi-annually, witl1 the option howe .-er to the purchaser to pay off the whole of the purchase money within 30 days from date of sale ii he desires PO to do. l!'or parcels 5, tl and 7, onc-te1·th or the purchase money at the date or so.le and tbe balance within 30 da:vs thereafter. Each parcel will be aol:l subject to a reserved bid. · Other and particular cenditions will be made known at the time of sale. li'urther particulMs can be had from DAVID Fl8HER. or the L'own or Bowmanvillc, who will prorl11ce n plan of the five last named parcels, a11d altt f'rom D. BURKE SIMPSON, Bown1a11ville, V cndora' Solicitor. Bow11rnnvlllo, June lOtll, 188J. 0 AUCTION SALE - OF- Valuable Farm Lands In the Township of Darlington. STRUTT ESTATE. Pursuant to the direction given in the Will of ROBERT STRUT'l', late ot the Town of Row· man:v1lle. deceased. there will be sold with the approbation of the ltxecutors of the said Will, by HENRY 1'. PfiILLIPS, Auctioneer, at the RUEBO'rTOM HOUSE, in the Town of Bowman'.'ille, on . ~.···· ·· ·· · · SATURDAY1 5TH DAY OF JULY , 1884. S L ut the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, tlae followtl\g lllnds anti premises. W I NDU STRIAL FA I R 1884_ THE GREAT ;SEMI-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, TORONTO, September 10th to 20th. GRANDEST EVENT 'lte PARCEL I.-All and singular Lot 9. in the 9th Concession of the Township of Darlington. ~ Aleo 23 acres more or less of the 8outh quarter or Lot 10, in the 9th Concession of same Township. Also 25 acres more or less of the North quarter ot Lot number 9, in the eighth Concession of same 'l'ownship. 1'hle parcel contains 2!8 acres more or lees, and comprises the homestead fal'm of the late ltobcrt Strutt. On the promises is a good stone bouee lletoriee high, 28x40. with a. stone kitchen and woodshed attached; two barns, 80x30 and50x35 respectively , a straw barn 60x30, 11. hay barn and an implement storehouse 55x32. All the above buildings are on stone foundations with stablee and root cellars underneath. There is also on this parcel an orchard o.nd two rain water cisterns, and a never railing spring ot bard water. 'l'he 25 acres ls well wooded with cedar. It It is situated about 9 milea Nortli of Bowman· ville, and Is in a good locality, The whole forms one of the best and most complete farDlS In tbe Township. P .ARCEI, II.-All and singular 70 acres of the North halt of Lot number 20,o.nd 50 acres of Lot number 21, In the eighth Concession of the said Township ot Darllngton, containi11 g 120 acrflS more or less. On this parcel ls a good frame dwelling house 30x36 with a stone cellar underneath and a kitchen and woodshed attached. Two barns 55x35 and 60x30 respectively, with a stone foundation, root house and stable undet·neath. the former. Also a stable 25x30. A good orchard Is on the premises. PARO~:L HI. - All and emgular Te>wn. Lot 110, on the North side of Queen Stl'eet, (just East of the Uiblo Christian Church). Ou this parcel is a good brick dwelling with five rooms, a. large kitchen with pantry and bedroom attached, A first·class cellar with conc:vete ftoor and hard and soft water. TERMS AND CONDITIONS : One tenth of the purchase money to be paid! down at the time of sale, and sufficient, with this a111011nt, to make one-half the purchase money within one mo11th thereafter; the balance to remain on mortgage on the premises for three or Jive years, and bearing interest at tile rate of six and one·half per cent. per an.· num, payable semi-annually, with: the option however to the purchaser to pay otf tbe whole purchase money within 301da.ya fEoni date of sale Ir be desires so to do. Each parcel will be sold snbject to a re· served bid. Other and particular eondJtions will be made known at the time of sale. Further particulars can bo had from DA.VID FISHlUt, Esq., GEORGE McGlLL, ll:sq., of .Bowmanville. Executors. or from D. BURKE SIMPl30N, Bowme.nv11le, Vendors' Soliciton. Bowmanville, J une 10th, 188!. . ..... au By addressing GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. , 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed lme of ADVERTISING in American Newapapers. ~100-page Pamphlet, lOc. ADVERTISERS )