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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1884, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED , E.VEltY f'RIDAY .MORNING, -R:Y- AYER'S PILLS. .A 19,rgfl p1oportio H of tLo di:-ieases wh ich ca.use hu111~11 suffering r01i.11t from d~.: ra u gu ·FORIEIGN ECHOES Tl.Jc l'reas in Russia-Australian Whe1Lt ·-Italian Finances - LoSFl of British Ships, &c. &c. :J. I t Considering the small number of Jews in N ew York-only 60,000- in comparison with the number of Christians,, their .success L n the business world is simRl:Y phenomenal. There are millions upon miliiom of Jewish capital invested her.e in the wholesale trade. In fact, the business in many lines of trade is nearly monopo· lized by J e wish firms. I started from Union square the other morning and walked down Broadway to Wall street, follow,ing the interesting occupation of some of my fellow beings from the country, namely', of reading signs. I counted no less t han 650 upon which Jewish nan]ks wore painted. Thtise names represlilnted almost every kind of wholesale an~ jobbing trade lof'!l.ted on the great artM'y . The millinery, clothing, hat, cap, and fur . . ;>t, 1,'. 1·UJ:LlLU-'s . trades predominated. I also found many ~J I '~ ~\ m lil I Nouvelle, tho otlier day. lVfany stories ICENSED AUC'.r!O~EER for the County r ota.Hers of Jewish nationality. In one of Durham, ·salespvomptly attended · · --'.:}-'3""!l'T' · are flying about, as to ~he cause, b_u~ the block I found only one Christian firm. .A.ddress~Hamuton P. O. · o9. me Q ~~ 1~ <f""t !;.';~ ~ IC' mo~t probable is that it was an ajJawe de Turning Wall street, I found the same L... t;;,. a rfrr· ~ ~,r,,if ~ \l ia U ~m ca u1. · · .. 'lUJl!'cfmisow. evidences of Jewish prosperity, only in a } 11.t t<·\!Hl ])'uuer1·la on · The Queen has caused to be placed in lesser degree, among bankers and b'r okers. l'·ICENSED 'AtJ·c·rrnN~ER. 00::-l'VEYAN· /li1J" 1,,,m'ful!y llrl' P ai'<I<! t< , .l:J CER and Commis~ioner in B. B. Sales at- the shortest notice, .~ t ttte lowes t posBihlo rates. the royal yacht Osborne on the spot Two of the largest banking houses in the Ca.sketa ond Bur i11J Casei3 re11,d~, Of) shoT t notice. l ] f· f l D k f Alb tended to ]lrom;;tty arid at reasonable rate.s. First-class he1tr~o on ver y i11 e der~tc terms. w ier e t le Co tin o t 1e u e o < tny country, J. & J. W. S eligman, and Kuhn, ~Address-.lll u.'nis,ki i,len l'. fJ, Shrouds aud Cnffi1,BconHtan1 "' on 11and. }' nn- r est e<l during tlie voyage from Cherbourg Loe b & Co,, aro distinctively J ewisb, In eral cards 1 mppl\ed 11,I. once, l!'1Hnil.11rc Shop & t o Portsmout h' a suitiibl e brass t~tblet in OHN I:l UGE-l;ES ... L i··n ···· .1 Aud 03·.":" Sho·w R o nm·---Bo11m-a ll'oNP w Block. the Stock E x.:ihange are the H enr iques Valuator 11-nd A·. bitx·~ tOt'. ·Fire ~nd Life All fur11iture oold hy me is n1 edo h1· ft 0 u . c the form of a cross. It was executed at · Bros., Wormser, Marx, aml <1 host of Insurance, Notes a.ud Accouut3 Collected.. Furniture Co. of B<>wmand il<~ . I 1l " 1nor b 11 y . F ran kfort d uring tho st ay at DarmMoney to Lend on rea~oi:mbJo terrns. A.r'dress slop,1'tu·nilu1·0 ancl 1'e J)rn~1 1· 1i L jt ! ·l h :1've bceii t dt otbcrs, all of whom stand high, and wield ,. Cartwright, Ont. 472 made by th c ll \:,l!',Co . " rt h:B t1J wn . sa.. · an influen ce among their fellow members :o n '!' ~ :\ ror this t.own A portion of the Napoleon , qu ay · at mid carr y large accounts for their customGOOD WIFE GUARAN'.J,'EED, '.UO Also ogent, l'tir i"·<' 1.I -Q1_ vicinily. l!. i ~ , 11,,,, P und as l!OO<l tlB G!ln be A ntwerp, which extends to the mouth of ers. In Maiden Jane and John street, the . every man who biw~ hi.a pce,n<>e tronl an,1 g o t in t.b~~ O! a 1·.ki;-t. ·-a lu~b le prfae g·ive:n HENRY SYLVES!I.1ER, Ennfskiiien'; , · . wi1.h every ;.;ouncl, the great basin, gave aw. a y for a dist;1nce centre of the wholesale and retall jobbing ·-·----- ,- - - - ·- --·- · ·-.. ------·-··.. ·- ---- .. of over 120 feet a fortnight ago. Tho j eweHry trnde of the country, the name of !1111. W. WILi.SON, w<1lls of some . large warehouses were the Hebrew is found right and left, abo~·e. EACHER OF THE PI·ANOFORT.S:, V~· CTORiA. moved somewhat out of t he perpen c licu- and below. A round $5,000,00D of capiORGAN and SINGING. 'l'ERMS-;-$6 and $10 per Twelve Lessons of ONE hour each. lar line by this accident, but the building tal is employed by the Jews in this tmde Over Rigg mbotham's Drug Stor·e,Kiug Strnet, did not fall. Bowanvill e. 2 alone, and with it they transact fully 33 The Medical Times, rt?ferring to the per cenb. of the business done in it. Piauos'.l'mrncd & 1u;.e.1»a.ircd. 5,000 incandescent hunps in use at the West of Broadway, in Broome, l'lfercer, English hygenic exhibition, says that White, Leonard, Greene,' Grand, and ARTIES WISIUN,G THEIR PIANOS they are the domestic light of tho future, other streets comprising the gr.eat dry Tuned or ~:epaired can-have.them attended adding that the well-founded objection goods and clothing districts, .is a mo_ dern to by leaving word at the Do111lNlON ORGAN . formerly raised by oculists that the light Jerusalem. Seventy per cent. of tl10 enCo's 0I<' FIOE, Bowm110ville. A ftrst-clas man was a seri es of flashes is n ot now true ex- tir e wholesale clothing trade is done by 'lOW oeing in their mploy. cept in theory. Jews, who employ a capital of $ 25,000,ROF. T. L DOYLE. Pianist, Organi.t , The plan adopt~d last y ear in London 000. ln clothers' trimmings the Jews and teacher of Vocal Musiciu prepared to take a f,,w more pupils. The best of r eference of sending poor and·· delicate children in- have $10,000,000 invested. . cqn be farnisbe.d. Great cue exerdl!!ed with t q the country for three weeks ·in_ mid- · Ninety-five per cent. of the ladies' begiuners, and s1Hcial attention glven to advanced pu pils. Tho3e desiroua · or tan:iiig insummer has proved yery successful. They cloaks and suits sold tliroughout the struction~ should ti.pply at Mr. DJyle's resiare boarded in cottagers' families at the country come from N ew York Hebrew dence, or raake it !mown by directing a tew rate of about $1. 25 a .: week Manchester houses, who annually turn and return lines to P. 0, Box !l.9. 'l'erms, $7.50 for twelve le~ln9.____ _ _____ · _ _ __ _E_f~I:.. and other towns arc making an effort to $50,000,000 of capital. In tho fu.r trade 50 per ce1it. of the firms are Jewish, and ~o H G>! · G<~'n U emie n o f' f":u;·n~ . This Cut r epresent8 lhe popular Victoria the same end, 'Wave. It is dressed with 11t e hiiir fftlllng on -According to the Oii,.,,,ical R ecord, · Dr. t h e c<1pib<1l inve:sled is $15,000,000. The hn11., l'ltot s o C.·u 1t. the foreh ead. anrl t he <'nl1s meet in Mont.agues. Brinton h as always looked with a certain Hebrew controls exclusively the manuIL i s exceedingly l>ecomiDg, and is having a amount of . disbelief on carb olic acid, but facture of caps, and on about 40 per cent. I'have written th ese fe w line1:1 · la.rg-e 1·un. · And all I have to sayThe nbovo ,,tyle. wil h large m1mbcr of :finds corrosive sublimate to be the corning of the hats made he figures his profits. Tbat you can find me still at home, other equally b~co mino; styles, 1He made by antiseptic. Prof. K och ha.s shown that l n the manufacture of silks and ribbons lam not goqe away. · . MWl. A. DAVIS, solutions of one part of sublimate to the Jew i.s at 1home. ·His capital here ·so all my kind old 1 riel'ida may come, .over M, . Ma;'e.r .s atoro '·And all they oung ones; too, 1,000 parts of water will destroy all bac- amounts to $25,000,000, and of the busiAnd get their garments nicely made ness in this line of feminine apparel he teria, germs, and spores. In fashions that are·new: · · transacts 60 per cen_ t. Re is also active Where old and · y oung, d&R,r friendB, ma.y meet Italian financei> 'present an agreeable. in the tobacco, sugar, and wholesale A welcome l!""""tin 1t. bv R. PE.ATE ' Con tin ties t o do a General BarikiJ,i g Business at exhibit. R eturns for .the first· four liquor traffic, holding large interests in its Bowmanvillt· Bi·anch. . months of the present yoor show that the each. Strange to say, the Jew is never reeeipts from indirect iaxation amounted found i n the retail liquor business. " Gin' to 356,975,435 franc!'!, as · against 353,- mills" and "gin slinging " he gives the , Rcocivcd in Savin;.r,s Bank Dcpar1inent and on 906, 728 frn.ncs during the corresponding grand go by, and allows our ·statesmen of call and inter est allowed at current rates. No period in 1883, This is an increase in fa- Hibernian and German extmction to run notice of, wHhdrawal necessary. All dopositlll vor of 1884 of 3,068, 706 francs, the saloon without his interference or payable on 1 lemand. The author o:f a n ew .Boston nove competition, There is not a. b ar, I' am. seems fond of red. One of the you'n g told, in Gotham, pre sided over by a Hel Drafts iasued upon Europe men in the book has "a red-tanned face brew. Jlought antl sol<l an c ----~----...,___~-·WiTHOUT TEETH. United StateH and Canada, also Gold;Sil ve~· and and amb er hair ;" another character is a WITH TEE'l,'fl, · Uni\ed.States Green backs boae:!lt and scld. college professor who "hid his celebrity E'overty of a Grand Duke. under a reddish beard';" a third has a ~JO.fl,, it,, :Y;:~?.i'IONS The· pecuniary em:brrrassments of the complexion naturally crimson, and a PRAC::'I 'llfJAL DEN'.U ST, Promptly made at current rates upou all parts four t,h in " riding by leaves an i mpression grand duke of Hesse-Darmstadt aro of 0VER TWENTY ~EARS EXPERJENOE, of Gr eat Brittain, the United States · and JJo of a long scarlet1 moust,ache." long date. His branch of the H essian NUrons OxideGn s Adm:lnistere1l :for P a in ltls minion of Canada. family used to be the smallest, and is still Operations. Women in China are dooply interest ed the le&st wealthy. But when the little · Telc~·r:-e.~)b ll'a·aas:sfe:s·t Ol<'FICE ' IUCCJLUX4·' S BLOfJK, tentates of He~:se-Castle and Hessein avoi ding a divorce, as the divorcee loses JJU Made for large or small s11ms on .,,u par ts of the h onorablo position of a wife. The Hombur g were leasing tho military reCanada ·. This is especially 11dvantagcoua to persons living in Mamtoba or the North-west Chin ese lady, str ongly d eveloped , av oids sourceJ of their states to the king of Engas it 'ntilrns the funds a vailable at o.nce at the both scand<1ls a n d int rigues. 'rho m agis- land and Hanover for service in America place of. paym ent. trate often composes quarrels instead of and Ireland, the maTgrave of H esse-DarmF or further particulars call at the Banking pron ouncing a decree of divorce, and the stadt though the opportunity a good one · House. wife has an unfailing'source of consolation to win the favor of the king of France. T. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, . H is successor owe d his !!l'and ducal title · Accounta.nt. Manag()t. in the up'bringing of h er children.. D armstadt, his 267-ly. · The observations of two French scien- to French patronage. tists, niade dur ing a passage from Rio new capital, was modeled on a Versailles · Janeiro to Bordeaux, have·d one much to pattern. If ~apoleon had held his own PORT PERRY confirm ·the n otion that the air above the against the allied sovereigns he would HA RN D EN, L. 0 . S .. l!ea is sing tifarly free from low forms of have raised still higher the H esse-D armGra'd uate of the Royal College of Dental animal life'. 1 The atmospher e immediately stadt family in the G ermanic confederaSurgeons, Ontar10. The above works are running full blast to above the vessel p ractically swarmed wit h tion . But as he fell the fort un es of the OFFICE OVER DICK::>ON'S S'.l'ORE. keep up with orders. Some very large orders microorganisms ; the vessel ·s eemed to be house underwent an eclipse. have been received lately. Weemployno agents !aOLD FI.LLING A SPECIALTY. and are selling 'fomb Stones, Monuments, etc., surroun ded b y an "atmosphere of miPlate Work · exeouted in t he latest a nd most at lower prices in consequence. Our cmto crob es. " Prudence and r eligion are a bove accimers get the commission themselvef'. It will improved 13tyle of the DentaJ ..A.rt. The Nuri of Kenm,are, who h as acquirM dents, and d raw good out of everything. pay an Y,llerson who intends er ecting a monuTEETH EX'l'RACTED WITHOUT P .AIN ment to the memory of a departed friend . to considerable celebrity in Ireland and E ng- Afiiiction maikes a wise man patient, by the.use of J:)itrous Oxide·Gas, wlttioi!it injury writeme or aee. me personally boforo plac\il,P. land, and who has not been in favor with strong and enduring. ~ Providence, like a their order. I guarantee first class work 'a t : · ~ . ·' · to the patient.··. lowest possible prices. the Irish · " hierarchy" was r ecently in wise father, bring11;· tis up to labor, toil, Particular attention paid to the regulation o·r R ome, where t h e P ropaganda and the an!l danger; whereas the indulgence of . CHILDREN'& TEE'l' R . V at ican reveivocl h er well. . Sh e has ob- a fond mother makes us weak and spiritMA~BLIJ; Wo1m:s, JJS'l~ALL , WORK WARRANT.EI>. ~ 251-tt PORT PERRY ta!necl from the V atican full authoriza- less. 1, R , About 125,000 elephants are annually killed in Africa to supply the ivory trade. 01tOJD.c1:Block, King St.,Bowman'ville,Ont cnre tho diseases r.au;;ed hy their del'm1geBerliners believe that the truth about n1cnt, including Consti1,ation, Iudig~s the health of the emparor is not made TE:Rllll.I:S: tion, J>yspepaia, lieadache, Dy·c11tery, public. $1.110Jie1·u:nnum,or$l.001fpaldln advance and " host of other ailmomts, for all ' of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and view of the advent of the tourist byment strictly in advance required from pleasant remedy. The extensive ·u!Se of these season, Geneva claims to be the healthiest nbsonbers outside of the county, Orders to PILLS by eminent ph ysicia.ns in r egular prac41eoontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by city in Europe. the a.mount due.or the paper will not be stopped. tice, shows unmistakably the esti.matiQ11 in Rome railway station is now li~hted subsorlbers are reaponaibleuntil full payment is which they nre held by the medical profesmade, sion. by electricity, and it is said to be the PILr-5 are co1npounded of Tegetable These . ltA.'fEl!I OF A.DVERTISING; · :i;g fine~t and moB~ extensive system to be Whole Column one year , ......·. ... .· $50 00 ~ ~.,.; substances only, nnd are aosolutely free from admired in all Italy. calomel or any other injurious iugredieut. " " · Halfyear ...... .-; ..... 30 00 ~~tg The oldest apothecary shop in Berlin . " " One quarter ....... ' ·' 20 00 .. :z _. A Sufferer from Headache writes: Half Column one year .. . .. · ·.. . .. ·.. 80 00 . will celebrate in 1888 its four hundreth ," AYEn.'s Pn.Ls are invaluable to n1e and · :: f"' ;: . Half year ........... : .. 20 2!! anniversary. The shop was recently sold aro my constant companion. 1 ha\·e .'beeu One quarter._......... 12 uv a severe sufferer from Headache, arnl your for 1,200,"000 marks. Quartor Column one ree.r ..... ; ...... 20 oQPrLr.s arc the only thing I could look to .. ·" Half year .. ,'..... .. . 12 50 Not content with suppressing the newsOne quarter...... .. 8 oQ-5 for relief. One dose will quickly mo'le my bowels and froo my head from pain. 'l'hey papers,' Count Tolstoi has now "gone for" i!ix lines and1,1nder, ftrst'illsertion, . $0 50 are the most ei!ective and ·he ef\siest i·hysic Each subsequent insertion...... 0 25 _ the reviews on which the Russians so I Iutve ever found. 1t is a pleasure to me to Blrom eix to ten lines, first·insertloi:., 0 '75 _ spea:k in their pra1se, and l always do so much depended for literary food. , Each subsequent lll!lertiDn .. .... 0 -10 Wilen occasion Otfel'S. Over ten lines,flrst insertion,per line 0 10 . ,. One of the most popular cif Western r eW, h Ji>J101" , of ·w. T-. Page & Bro." Each subsequent Insertion, " 0 03 _ IPranklin St., Richm ond, Va., Jnue 3, 1882. vivalists has great quantities of colored ,The Bumlier of lines .to lie reckoned by "I have used A Y l~ n's PILL~ in number.. bills posted, circus · fashion, on the walls the space oocu!!led, measured by a scale o less instances HS reconunended by you and of the towns in' which he is to. conduct a<ilid N onpa~.e1l. ' , ' -16 ha>e nover known. thorn to fail to accomplish the desired result. '\Ye constantly keep lhem services. ,_ on haud at our home and prize tltem as a r@'f'flllt9 Jlf.D. There is a fortune in so smail a thing pleasant, safe, mid 1·eliable family meciicine. RADUATE of Queen's. College, Kingston; FOlt DYSPEPSJA they r.rc iJtvaluablc. as a device for fastening a nec.ktie. One .J. 1 HA.. YES." and Member o.f \)olt>,;ce of .Physicians and . of the patents in that line has just been l\Jexia, 'rex::is, J uue 17, 1$S2. Silrgeon s, Ontario. , sold to a company for $1,000,000 in cash g Or!!ce and Residence, Enniekillen. 17. _,_,,_ . The TlEv. F1o~ Nc1s 13. lLl.llLOWE, ,wri ting and royalties that may amount to much fro1n Atla:nta , Oct., says: ·'For some years Du·. A; REI'i'il, past 1 lrnvc been · s11bjec ~ to constip1'tion, more. R.A.DUATE Ol!'THE TOiiONTO UNIVER· from which , in spite of the use o:f medi~ Notwithstanding .Lourdes entirely failSl'J'Y, Physician, Surgeon, &o. Office King cjnes of various J\:iucls, l su1fered increasing inco11 \rcnieuce , m1til son1e 1nonths ago I Str6et, MOHRIS' B,LOCK. Bowmanville. 'od to give ey esight to their 'Son and· heir, began taking A YEH' s P r r.r.s. 'J'hey have the Duke and Duchess of No.rfolk, steade ntirely corrected the cos tive habit, aud G,' H. () AID'lE'NI., B. A .. n ... se., l!I, D~. C.ltl; havo va:s tl y improved my goncrn.1 ilco.lth ." fas'b in the faith, are now t her e on another ICENTIATE OF THE COLLEGE AYJUt's C ATH ..\n:rrc PILLS correct irregu. pilgrimage, this time for the latter's of Physician~· and Surge.ons o! Ontari!J. health. ' QFF,ICE AND HESIDENCE_ i'-Mam St., O~ono. lariLie· or tl:e bowels, st!mul<lte the appetite and digestion, aud by their prompt a.nd The French Government at a council .1. ~v. JU.eJ,a ughlla, .11.a;. n., thoroug h action give Lorn:> illld vigor Lo Lhe h.e ld yesterday, have determined to cele!CENTI.A.TE OF .THE ROY AL COLLEGE · whole i11tysical economy. of Physicians and. member of the Royal brate in 1889 the centenary of the French College of Surgeons', Jlldinbnrgl).. l 'H.1£1'.AltED B Y revolution by a grand national exhibition. Office : MORRIS' BLOCK King-st., Bowmanvllle. ' · ' · · · iDr, J. C.Ayor & Co ., Lowell, Mass. All nations are to be invited to contribute, Sold by a ll Druggists. DR. J, ,C, Jl[i'l'CHELlL, EMBER O_F CO'LLEGE OF PHYSICIANS The trade in England in cheap Am eriand Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. · can clocks is gro wing. During the month All exper. ience the wouc lerful · 7!1.. · YOUNG, Ofiloe and ltesidence, Enniskillen. · beueficial effects of of April 27, 070 clocks were imported -by OLD, ANO . n. BIJRKE su1rsoN, B.ritish dealers, or nearly an average of Ayer ' s Sarsaparilla. MIDDLEARJUSTE'a , SOLIOI'fO:{t, &c., MORRIS 1,000 .. per day. 'The ave:r:,age ·p1·ice of . Children with Sore E ves, Sore .) BLOCK, up stairs, King ::Street, Bowman· AGED. Ears, or a11v scrofulous' or syph$ 1. 07. . He. Solicitor for the Ontario B,ank. · ilitic tidnt, may bo ma\le h ealthy and strong A dispatch from Adelaide to English Pdvatc Jtloneys_loaned.at the low~et mtca,_ by its use. newspapers says it is expected that the Sold by all Dr1 igglsts; $1, six bottles for $5. · Jqhn Keith ·Galbratt~, total export of wheat from South AustraARRI8TER, SOLICITOR, .NOT.ARY PUBL:j:C,. &c. <?ffice-Reed's Block, o.ver ===============~== lia this year will be .11:,000,000 bushels. T. Battings 8tore, King Street, Bowmanv1Jle. The raiufall through out the eountry has Money to lend · · . ·· heen good. l!T.J'OnN· H. Jlllll'.fCllESON,. A Prussin.n was arrested a few weeks ARRISTER, & ATT.O~NEY ·. &o. ago !n the elephant-house of the Jardin NOT.ARY PUBLIC. MONEY 'TQ ,LO-i>N· des Plantes, in Paris, on a charge of at:OFFICE-QVER 8T.A'rESM AN: 0FFI,CE. tempting to p oison one of t he animals.Jt@B£ll'I' 4 R~IOV!Jt, - -- - Several flasks of mineral poison wer e EGI8T.RAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER found i)1 his pockets. of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and Attor· 71ey at Law and SC)licitor in. Qhancery. Mon~y __ . Louise Sargent, a proming young actnil,ned on Real E8tate. Off\oe <>n K\ng snreet, 80Wll\anville. ~ --"---!ft AT Tillll OFEICE, M. A.JAMES, ment, of the stomach, bowels; and liver. AY1m's C.11.T11..1.1t·~~c P1LL<i act directly upon these organs, and are especially Clesigned to .. -- In = = 0 1 L: -- ~-----~--- G -~ --- -....,._. _ _____ ______ 1 1 · G L L. tion 'to found at Nottingham a riew order of sisters of grace for training female domestic servants. Prince Victor, who is now at 'Cambridge, is ~g special attention to the study of hft>ry. He will not go to Oxford for a p&rt of the course, as was expected, but will complete his university career on the Cam. The London World recommends this decision as "sensible," for the high and potent reason that a change would make necessary "the forming of an entirely new set of acquaint-' ances." · Dr. Norman Kerr says in the Medical -Press that "there is little relish in England for genuine fermented wine, our taste has become so corrupted by tl1e spirituous fortification called for by the English market. A few days ago a well. known Englishman, on tasting a glass of pure, unsophisticated sherry brought over from Spain by a vine grower, exclaimed, to the latter's amusement, 'This is more vinegar than water.'·~ After enduring for years the visits of book canvassers and the rest of the· office-infesting tribe, a Glasgow firm tried what butter would do, and issued a notice as follows :-"The hours of attendance in this office are-To canvassers to church subscriptions, 10 to 2 ; book and insurance agents, 2 to 4 ; commercial travellers, beggars and advertising men, all day. _ We attend Lo our business at night." Developements and illustrations in sanitary science have everywhere been very marked of late. Following upon the opening of the health exhibition in London, the Prussian ministry of pu'elic instruction is now cop.si\lering the establishment of an institute of hygiene, in conneetion with the University of Berlin, and Koch, of the German cholera commission, has been named as the head of the new institution. CATARRH. · new Treatment whereby a permitnen.t cure is effected in from one to threa treatments. Pa1·tieulars and Treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON,1367 King Street, West, Toronto, CA'rARIUl,-A .' ADVICE To every . F~rmer, Thresher and Mill owner-Use- HEBREWS IN BUSINESS. s omething About the Men who D·~ a L1u·ge Port10:<1 or New ~ork'a Trade. M WHAT THE REV. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A., A CLERGYMAN OF THE LONDON CONFERENCE , OF TH!ll METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA HAS TO SAY JN REGARD TO A. 'H. DIXON & SON'S NEW TREATMENT Fon CATARRH. OAKLAND, ONTARIO, CAN., March 17. 1883. Me.· . · r.q, A. H. Dixon, & Son. DE A.RSrns-Yours of the 13th instant to hand. It eeems almost too good to be true that I am cured or Catarrh, but I know that I am, I have bad no return of the disease and never felt better In my lifA. I have tried so many things for catarrh, suffered so much and for so many yett.re, that it is hard for me to realize that I am really better. I consider that mine was a very bad case ; it -"all aggravated and chronfo, involving the throat tt.S well as the nasal passages, and I thought I would require the three treatments but feel fully cured by the two sent me, and I am thankful that I was ever 'induced to send · to you. You are at liberty to use this letter stating that J have been cwrtd at two treatments, and I sha.11 gladly recommend your remedy to some of my friends who are sufferers. Yours with many thanks, REV. E. B. S'l'EVENSON, 'l'ORONTO, April 2t, 1882, A. El. Dixon, E·q., 305 King St., West. . · DEAR Srn,- We take pleasure in statil:1g that our junior nartner, who had for years been troubled with Ca,tarrh. was successfully cured by three treatme nts of your remedy. Th3 Cattarrh wasmuch aggravated, with continual dropping into the throat. accomµa.nied by loss or voice, hawking and epittlng and blocking up of the nostrils, all of which we a1·e plea.sea to say disiippeared almost ilJ\mediately aHer the remedy wai< applied. Your remedy is certainly an invaluable on'e and we hope all who may be suffering f1·omthis disagreeable dieea«e will give it a trial, as we are sat.lsfted they will ftnd it a complete success. Yonrs very truly, Wu. NOitRIS & SON, Wholesale Pianos and Organs. No. 8 Adela.ide St, Ea.st. .Bncldyn's A.1·ntca Salve.-The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brmscs, E'ores, · Ulcers' Salt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Rands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and PositivP.ly c;;,res Piles: It is guranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or · monoy refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J, Iligginbotham & Son. "Hun " CouGH CuRE, 25 CENrs. -Prescription of a Boston Physician, di spensed years by a Boston druggist, ONE Dosm will cure any ordinary cough. It acts almost magically. Ask Stott & Jury for a 25- cent bottle of "Hun" COUGH CURE, -aBd don't be put off with any other. ·.Gmri' · LWI W li) i l ... .:;._~ ~lllfllrlM' L o McColl Bros. & Coy's CELEBRATED Lardin o Machino Oil GUA.Rll.l'i'l'EED the B E S T in the World. fOR SAlE B~ All D fALfRS \)~el). '1 '3<\\ t'ha Y 0a.r 1?, - OQ-ll JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA -ll'OR- LlVER C~MPLAlNT, DYSHPIA, And for Purifying the Blood. It has been In use for20years, and has proved to be t he best preparation in the market for 81.. 'JK HEADACHE, :?AIN' IN THE SIDE CIR BACK LIVER 001\IPLAINT, PIMPLES ON TI:l.E FACE DYSPBPSIA, PIJ,11:S, and all Diseases lbut arise from a J)Iscrdered Liver or an impure blood. 'l'ho"sands of our best people take iJt and give it to their ehil· c 'ren. Pbysiclans prescribe it Q.aily C,'hose who use it c:::oe I'Ccommend i~ tO otllcrs, It is mad·i frmn Ye1l.ow Dock, Hondu· B :ron TEN MILLION PEOPI.E AJ<E rn Minnesota, North·Dakota';:Montana, . Washington and·o regon, ALONG THE LINE OF THE THE 'B EST HOMES B · 40 ,. L -----· n ,, EI flD n 'r. p Hl u r.. n T Ill U\I nil c' I r~~qh~~~~{~it!~dt~~i~~:l~~:r~~s ~~ ~~~~~ V R Through the G(.!lat W\eat·BN.t..qr AmericJ1. Jlillion .ac res of the bes~oultural, mineral, forest and g1 'azing lail'<ill! ill the United SLaL es are now open for settlement. - 20 ltlillion acres of rallroad lands for sale ~t $2.60 to M pr acre, on 5 years time if desired. 20 ltlillion acres of Gov.ernments lands open to settlers FREE. ·· ~-· The N ortltern Pacifte Country possesses great and rich natural resources ~·eady to be de· veloped into profitable indnst11es. ·~ For maps and pamphlets address and mention " ,., this paper., I" ,,, CHAS. B. LAMBORN, · Land Commissioner N. P. R.R., St. Paul, Mlllll1 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD rn.s S an:;:1p ar!lla , 11' ~ :Ll Cherry, Still1llt:Ut 1 Dandelion, ~J&~sat:ros, 'V1ntc:rgre en, 3 .na other well-known valuable f<oots and not hurt the most delicate constitw tion. It is cna cf t he best. mediciuos iu u~e for ' Regulatii.,; t ho Eowels. · ·iat 10 ~ol <l by e.l l 1" sncnsiblo d 1 '11i;:gists at 10 H erbs. It, ir. s t r ictl.'7 ~n"'getp,ble, and con· m edicin e' from i h uu· tlt'a:;;;; h1L ruo.y i:>eui:l u:> o m > ( onefolln-r fo :t.' 1l 1.. .,P.Ul : t.fbo-..t-~e, er s d lJottles .fho~: ~-~~~w.~-:;\~7lOt . nbtnJn ,?, Uoltl0 of thiB r~: '~ dollar, anrl wo will '5CJ1.·l i t ·to t hem. ~· w. ~o~~rn.T,~lif ~ uo., u~,r.ut~t~:~·s, Amherstcu1 .i , vi... D-tlCl,, M loh. ~ t . ·. ~~~~!1'?~~i~'; FRESH MEAT. Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash VERSUS ' J Peddling and Cr'edit -: · A T 1'HE P . P · We having bec!l 1'olicitell by a I number of our citizens- to commence ion tbe above svi;;tem, w e· have now decided to fall in witl.1. t heir r equest. This plan w ill enable us to sell TWO cents per pound cheaper. As you will see by tho new system we shall not require half a dozen b rses and. Tiga and rnon to run theui,, for wbicb the public have previously paid. We being t he firnt t o in troduce this great saving ask your liberal ~mpport. Yours t ruly, , w. BRrI TAI N&Co., 1 Market, Squar~ N, B.-All orders prom p tly attended to aEd. Mea t clcliv1'red to all .GOODS., parts of tli e t.ovrn a.nd invites the Ladies of BowWe also pay C:tsh for Farm and rnanville and vicinity to C ftll Dairy P roduce. Has received 11cr new stocl' of and see her Pattern an d rtssor Lment ot BONN E·r.s, - HA-r s~ WHO IS UNACQUAI NTED WI TH THE GEOGRAPHY OF "1HJ$ COUN AN TRY WILL SEE BY EXAMININO THIS MAP T -" J ~HP. . THE O NTARIO BANK T'BIMMINGS STODtt: :-~ecomJ ··oor \t' M I. · ol' " 'illh ·m· IJ:uteh<':J' S tall : D ENTISTRY 1 . .,, AGENCIES. Vv e beg t o announce to the public that we are prepared to do a generalinsurance business, representing as we do a n11mber of ftret class Companies we shall b" gJq,d to gi ve prompt attention to anything in tha.t lin.e. We represent also the Ontario Lo·m . a.nd Savings Co .. of Oshawa, a nrl accept deposits on its behale allowing ~ & 5 per cent iutel'est from date of receipt. Parties reqniri ng 1011.ns w ill find it to t heir ad vantage t o get om· terms. BR I MA COMBE, Ocean Steamships. We aro agents for a number of first class lines, among which is the White Star Line the best fastest and best equipped Steamship on t he Ocean, and Car tick ets to all points at low· est rates. We also represent W. D .Mathews or Toronto, and are prepared to pay highest prices for Barley and all l, inds of grllin. Parcies inte1·ested will plea.G e note th ese facts. · · LEES W E LLO TY 0 LD A N D · f · ALlE ll il 1 qallath~ a.tt 9ntion of travel era to the central positlon of i ts hne~ connecting the En.s t nnd the West by the sho1·t est route~ a.;ud car~ing paasen~ere. 1 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACI IC R J HE LIA BLE GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TIRAOE MA l{ 1<..T1te Grentllng· TflADE l isll.~cmecly, an , ~~~g~.a&~£~·atf&e8;ri~~~a' 1},,~~';,~~~~d1ge'f:~~~ M a gn1ftceut Ho1·tou B eulinillg Chai r bara, Pull- :,';i,!'h8l\~~h~~~~c'H ~[~tt-~:'Te~~~n:~'i-~~~'A.~his~'ii: ~"Nld:tus~·:,;r~i:i~l'ect ~·;fi1:iii'£ii;,fi~gc~'b'fc0 ::S~ the Atlantic and the :eaci11c Ocean s. Its equip- c. M ARBL E WO.R K S torr hen., ne~s. SupermaI m poa s a sequen ce o f s~:~~!l cw~:k: i:1i;n~soil5r;ii~: ~~:;1:1~r~r~:l~a·;:r~;~r!~~ ]1~;_y;:; 11 b';~~~'fi0 c:;~~~6 ~0ziJ~~~:a:g~i;ti;ncf~~ F amous Pa.ul~ v ia. t h e tency, & all dis· eases tho.tfollow "' ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New a nd Norrolk N ewport News,ChattanoQga, Atlo.n tn,.Au.! T akill<>'loss of Memory Taki110' gueta, Nasllvme, Lou1av111e, Lexington, cmcinnnti. b ' ""'"tD" I n d iana.polls ana L afayette. u.nd Omaha. Minnen,p... Universal Lassitude Pain in the Back Dimn es11 oils and S t. Paul aud i11ten.o.ediate p!)l>1~, o~ Vision, Prematur e Old .A.~e, ancl many oq1cr .1,;:;.\1,,';~rough P iw ·cugei,. 'rra.vel on li'ast~pi·co:o Diseases that leail to I usamty or Consumption Tickets for sale at all prineipal Tioket Oflloea ir. and a Prema(.ure' Grave. tile.United States a nd Canada. .irarFull pa.rticulars in our pamphlet, w hich Baggage checked through and rates of fare nlwe desire to send free by mail to every. one.- iii"~~. as low as competitors that offe>· les· advau1'he Specific Medicine is ~old by all dru_ggists .. ~or detailed !llformation, get the Maps and Fold- Before ., Self-Abu ee ; a s . After . kee ,has i·ecently been op ened between Richmond Direct Line. via Seneca and K i>rika - W . SH AW at $1 per package, or six packages for ~5. or ers of the will b<> sent free by mail on the receipt of the C R EAT ROC!lt ISLA!'!Jl D ROUTE, money by addre ss ing TH E GRAY l\:1EDICINE R, R. CABLE, E. S T. JOHN, 'd Vfoe·Pm . & lllen'J M'g'r, t:en 'l '!'k t . & .t'M'- A;t. T oron t o, 0 n t ., Cana a C !-UCACO. co. A.t your neares t Tickot Offic e, or a d d reao

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