' . THE CZAROWITZ now WI'l'HOU'f FOOil FOR 23 DAYS. the t.< ttain m <Jnt ~f b1& llo.lajor1ty wa.s A f:ootnh w itner \l7hoso Ex1>e >.ie:r:1uo v11s Celebrated a-. i.t. l?ete1·sb11T.1r. Not ~" comt·m·t:onla afl Dr. · :r::..r.· Triumphs of ~urgery·. The gleam of iight which has shed some radiancy over the gloominess of cancer comes from surgery. .J:~ ma.y be said of :li~RIDAY, .JUNE 27, 1884. the surgery of the present day that better results are obrained from the surgico,l A SEARCH FOR A SWEE'fUEAlt'l'. treatment of caueet· than was probably the_.case in any former age. S¢_ m e oper. A German Giri.'s Perscvm:ance 11.:nd Piuck atio~ls _are now being practiced· which Finally Rewarded. hitherto were not considered justifiable, The little village of. Homburg, Baden, owil1g Lo the w;:,nt of succe~s which folOthe.rs M,ve Germany, has something to boast· of in lowed their perform:1Ilce. the person of Lena Kratz. Lena was the lately been introduced ,the pract1cab1ltty only daughter of Burgomaster Kratz, the of which has proved th~ wisdom of their wealthiest man of the village. conception. Sufferers from cancer, who Lena was the toast of the country for formerly would not have been relieved, miles and miles around. She was a per· are in the present day benefiting from the feet model of beauty and grace. The application._of the pr~nciples of scientific fame of her exceeding gre:.it beauty was surgery . ., Yeats of ltfe-some years at ·continually bring her offers of ' marriage least-and the mitigation of much physifrom young inen whose station in life was cal and mental suffering fall to the lot of a great deal higher than hers. She refua sur aeons to confer. Even the stomach, ed all of them, however. She was about which in the male after a certain agecomfive feet three inches in height. A wealth monly becomes the seat of cancer, has · of luxuriant blonde hair flowed in graceful been dealt with, and a portion of it redisorder far down below her shapely moved which wasdiseased, the result being waist. Her features were delicate and favorable in so far as suffering was reliev· her beautiful pink complexion was the ed and life prolonged. It must be, howenvy and admiration of some of her Iess ever, remembered that thesuccessful treathandsome but more wealthy neighbors. ment or cancer depends much upon it s Her rosebud mouth . was always in a _ early recognition as upon the means.ad· roguish pout. Peop~e yvqpdered that she opted for its relief. There should be no could hear anything.'through her small . hesitation in ascertaining the nature of a pink ears. She had everything that she tiunor or swelling :which is suspicious or · wished for. uncertain. The improvem.ents in the Until she was 19 years of age Lena re- · methods of diagnosis enable surgeons to mained heart whole. Then came a recoanize cancer in its earlie::iestages; and change. One morning a tall, strapping as s;on its the presence of the disease beyoung fellow e;ntered the village. . He comes .unequivocally demonstrated the carried his worldly possessions in a· huge probability of a successful result is lar/?ely cotton handkerchief tied td the end of a enchanced by its early removal. The stout stick, and slung across his shoulder. reason for this is obvious. Cancer comHe was so strong and good· natured that mences in each person presumably as a every one was prepossessed in his favor at local disease. But it spreads and infects once. When, therefore, he applied to by means <t£ the blood vessels and lymold Bui:gosaaster Kratz the latter at once pathics, first the neaerst lympathic glands employed ,.hi:m. The newcomer wall a and then the more distant organs of the native of America. His name was John b'ody. When. this has occurred the dis· Duganon. He became at once the pet ease is no longer a local one; it has beof the village. The maidens set their come what is called constit\l.tional. It is caps for him. Three inonths after his therefore manifest that the most favorarrival it was understood, however, that able time at which.to abtain the best rehe had fallen desperately in love with the suits from surgical interference is when coquettish little daughter of his employ· the disease exists simply as a local er. The capricious little beauty nearly growth and when the blood and tissues of drove him crazy. She would smile on the body have not received the impress of him one day, and again for weeks after- a cancerous taint. ward he could not get a kmd word or ····-·----~ - ---~-look from her. He was not the kind of Zebehr Pasha, fellowto stand this kind of treatmentlong, it seems. One night he made known his In a. sketch of Zebehr Pasha the London love to her, and asked her to be his wife. World says: ' '1.t ~s -impossible not to et~. To his great surprise she naively fmur· tertain a real liking for Zebehr. He is mured "Yes." the politest and mest genial of :· hosts. There was a condition attached, how- There is a freshness and a frankness about ever,- her father's consent. He went to him which contrast with t he manner of his employer. "Ther e is only one ob- the used up generation of Cairo Pashas. stacle. Renounce your countcy. I can He is never tedious except when he starts not allow my daughter to wed a native off, with the bit between his teeth, on of the land whose people are continually the subject of his pedigree. Then he be· msultmg our beloved Bismarck." . gins with his great progenitor, Abba, the ,,.) The young man indignantly declined nephew of the prophet; and with a com· this proposal. He would never renounce placent smile on his large lips, and arhyth· his country. mic swincring of his body, he will re"Then you will never marry my Lena!" peat in a iring-song chant and m the gen· shouted the exasperated old man. "You ealogical style. of a chapter of ~he Old can also leave my house as fast as you Testament, the names of all ·his subsecan I" quent ancestors in exact order, from John obtained an mterview with Lena father. to son, with all their guttural pabefore he left the . h.ouse. While she tronymics, to the eleventh century, when could not..bJ..11me him for not renounci·g the Abba.sides mi"rated from Ambia. in 0 his country," she steadfastly refused to the Soudan. With some tact, his hearer marry him without her ·f ather'$ con- may escape Zeblu"s enwneratiou for the sent . next six hundreds years. 'l'he descendant John left the village. Ho started back of Abbas is proud of his connection with for his na.tive land. He was sincerely £be prophet. He is a. pure Arab, which mourned by the honest villagers. That the 'nigger' messiah in Kordofan ca.'n not was six months ago. Lena never oeased pretend to be. In truth, .Zebehr would to love him. Her father died about not be "alto"'ether displeased if you should 0 three months ago. All his money w:as augg06t to him that he migh!-. do worse !eft to her. After her father was finally than run again11,t Mahomet Achmet forthe laid at rest Lena resolved to come to mehdiship. Bl,lt Zebehr has . lately beAmerica. l:lhe wanted to find her sweet- come the obj<Jct of new suspicions, and heart. All she knew of him was that he some people are keeping their eyea upon was in America. She arrived in this him." country a few weeks ago. · She searched all the large cities throughout the United States for him without a~il. 'l'he last l'he Loadon Clubs. place the faithful girl scoul."ed was Chic- ·Pall l\Ia.11 is the resort of all the dub ago. men of England. He:re are situated the When she could find no trace of John moet powerful and influemial political there she determmed to return home. and social clubs in the world. Bansom For this purpose 1he started for New cabs m numbers come and go, droppmg York. Laat night sho arrived at the their occupants at the doo:rs at one or Grand Central depot. Thehackmen who other of the great elub-hou11es, and about surround the vast buildiug when the dinner-time quite a stream of quiet, welltrains arrive singled her out for legiti- dressed men, atroll down the street and mate prey. A ruah was made for her by are absorood in these immense buildings. several of them. She became frightened. Among them will be the greater porbion She did not know what to do. of the rank a,nd wealth of the country. "Oh, let me alone, please," the poor Every political celebrity belongs to one or foreigner pleaded; "~do not .want a car- the other of these clubs, eithar to the riage." Carlton, the Reform, the Junior Carlton, The only replywae the demoniacalyell: or to " the Beaconsfield. The Army and ··Hack, la.ctit'" Take mine." "Hack? Navy and the United Service embrace all Any place in the city." She was being the men illustrious in arms ; while the pulled about in every direction. church and learning are represented by Suddenly a stalwart young fellow who the Athenrenm and the Oxford and Camhad been sitting on the box of one of the bridge. Fond as are the people of Eng· new cheap cabs jumped to the ground land of G{)thic architecture that style has and yelled as he ran to the struggllilg no representative in Pall Mall. Here hackmen : everythiug is cW.ssical, although · the de"Leave that woman alone. Do you gree to which the classical architecture is want to pull her to pieces ?" , adhered to differs widely between the His fists flew out in every direction. chaste Italian of the Reform and the florid The mob jumped to ther feet and ran display of ..its next door n!Jighbor, the away. Carleton. The one blot m the street is As he turned around to the trembling the property of the nation. The war woman he began : office is altogether out of keepmg with "Please accept a seat-- " the clubBupon the same side of the way. Suddenly he threw his arms around the · Th,e building is already doomed, and young girl, and as he did so he cried: some day, when times are better, a build"Bless my soul, it's little Lena !" ing more worthy of its purpose and surShe recognized him almost at the same roundings will no doubt rise in its place. time, and cried out as she fainted : "Oh, thank God, John, I have found "Misther, misther, what have you you at last !" He put her into his coach and drove done 7" called a native of 'Wicklow to ·a n her to his humble home in Harlem. He Englishman who had just tied his horse to placed her under the care of his mother, a telegraph pole. "Well, Pat, what's the after explaining who she was. It is p1·0 b- matter 1" ' ' Jist this, your honor. Ye've able that the happy couple will be mar- hitched yer horse to the magnetic teleried m a day or two, or as soon as Lena graph, and yo'll be in Dublin in two minrecovers from- the fatigue of her long utes if you don't look out~" search. During the troublous times of the 1745 Rebellion an Arboath carrier was pressed Talk to your children about the Lord by the Highlanders to assist in taking part Jesus Christ, and the redemption which of their baggage rn0>rthwa1·ds. At the He brought into the world. Teach the~ Rossie Brae his cart broke down, and af-, what redemption is ; impress on their ter he had toiled hard in vain for some minds the awfuh;iess of sin ; make them time to repair the miachief, he exclaimed see that sin is ~a violation of God's -"Vow, me! fat a trouple it tak's to - law which inctlrs·as its penalty the forfeit- flit kings." ure of the divme favor, and make them A celebrated Irishman wrs urged to understand that ~in forever alienates the write a " Life of Shakespeare " on very soul from God and heaven ; be thus faith· favourable terms. He refused, protesting ful, and they will not be careless fl,nd in- loudly that his admiration and "rivirence" different about their eternal destiny-no, for that greatest of bards prevented him. they will be anxious to provide for th_ e " I couldn't do it-don't ask me ; my future. rivirence for the immortal." He then The first banks to go under-The New added in quite a casual way-" Besides, I know very little about him." foundland banks. DR. SCOTT'S PREPARED SPICE ·- ·-----=------- ----- The correspondent of the London Even- . t<<>··'~i. For Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Swine. ing Stanc lard, writing from St. PetersAs a mea,sure of comparison for testing burg on the 18th of May, says : "To-day the genuineness of alleged cases of long beino- the sixteenth anniversary of his fasting, the case of John Brown, a collier binh, the comi1MZ 'of a 0.,.e of the czarowitz of Killgrammie, S cot1 al d ~ and, w I 10 was se e was celebrated accordiug tu custom by in a coal mine on the 8th of October, 1835, ceremonies and rejoicings of great solem- and rescued alive on the 31at of the same nity and splendor. The city was d.ecorat- mont, may serve a good purpose. During Cures Corrr.ipletely Scrofnta, ed with flags from an early hour, and a 2~ days this man remained in the depths fiiypbitis, Cancer, Rheumatism. very pretty effect · was produced by an- of the earth without a particle of food, al<Vatnr··h. "IDlcer>1 ancl Skin and Bloo<ll. Disea1<es of every deserip· choring a whole flotilla oJ' imperial yachts though various attempts were made to tion. and launches, gayly decked with bunting, rescue hiin. After all hope of finding the $1000 reward to any chemist who will in the broad waters of the N eva1 under unfortunate prisoner alive' had been aban· find, on analysis of 100 bottles of Shaker Blood Syrup, one particle of Mercury, the windows of the Winter palace, where cloned, a member of an exploring party in Iodide of .Pota.ssium, or any mineral sub· toward 1 o'clock the court, diplomatic the mine fancied he heard a distant stance. · corps, detachments of troops of the guard, groan. .....~~5~~ ~;~-~"-~ ~ -¥ .. _ ·· SOLD EVERYWHERE. . .-~;J'l'k Prica, . $1.00 Par Bomi, or Six !or $5.00. and deputations from all classes assemThe men were speechless with fright, I STOTT & JURY, Sole;Agents for Bowmanville bled. and, one of them, gathermg all his courIt has no equal in curing Horses of the sev· The chief feature in the day's ceremony age, broke the silence by solemnly de- eral ailments ti;> which they are subject. For was the swearing by the young prince of mantling: COUGHS, COLDS, ROUGHNESS of the a special oath of !lllegiance as heir to the "If that's your ain groan, John Brown, HAIR, BOTTS SCURVY, .&c., it is inva· throne, and the ordinary military oath as in the name of God, gie anither." luable, an.d administered in smaller closes, acts a soldier of the Russian army, into which They listened, and presently another as a Tome, resulting· in a healthy condition fine appearance of the animal. Is also AGRICUJ,.TULAL AND and the czarowitz enters to-day as a sub-lieu- groan was heard, apparently a, few yards tenant in the First brigade of the horse ahead. They crept forward, and found equally beneficial to CATTLE SHEEP and artillery of the guard. The former oath Brow11 alive. His first words were "Gie SWINE. For sale everywhere.' was administered in the palace chapel, in me a drink.,, · SOLE PROPRIETORS : ihe course of a special sel'Vice, by the Not daring to endanger his life, they ;]". C. X:El:vl:l? &;; CO.. We are now doing every clas~ of ENGINE, metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Peters- merely dipped the sleeve of a coat in one burg, in the presence of some fifty royal of the little runnels which trickled down MONTREAL, P.Q. MILL, MACHINE,FOUNDRY1 AGRICULTU.RAL, and imperial personages, among ·whom the wall of the mine, and attempted' to CARRIAGE and WAGON WORK. was Prince William of Prussia, and the moisten his lips with it. He, however, NO :MORE NAUSEOUS PILLS l ' corps diplomatique, the members of the pushed it away, feebly exclaiming, "No - Call and see ourALONG~FELT WANT SUPPLIED. holy synod, etc, The following are the mak' a fule of me.,, ' Campbell's Cathartic terms of the oath: His appearance, when carried to dayCompound is adapted for "lh the name of God Almighty upon light, has been described as follows : Bis It is the machine every f.armer wants-Light, the cure of Liver Co~ .. his holy gospel, I promise and vow unto face had not the pallor of death or of a Simple. Durable and Good-none better made plaints and Bilious Dis. hi.9 imperial majesty, my most gracious faintino- fit, but a strange sallow hue, like ofdcrs, Acid Stomach, -ou:aDyspepsia, Loss of .4ppe.· lord and father, truly and without that 0 £° a mummy. His flesh seemed entitc, Sick Headache, deceit to serve and in all things obey tirely gone, nothing left but the bones, Constipation or· Costive. him, sparing not life itself to the last drop under a thin covering of leather-lilrn skin. ness, and all complaints A large stock, Their merits recommend of blood to preserve and defend to the ut- This was specially marked about hie face. arising from a disordered -them. Our.state of the stomach or most of my reason, capability, and power, Every atom of fatty matter in the body bowels. all the tights and prerogatives appertain- seemed to have been consumed. Ho' lived ing to tne high authority and po"'.'er of for three days: He said that for some Children lik6 it! Mothers like it! his imperial majesty by law estabhshcd, days after he was shut in the mine he was Bc::<:::i.usc it is agrce:i.~lc to th~ ·tast~, does. n~t Soj long and favorably (known need no comor to be established, aiding m all able to walk about and supply himself with occasion nausea, acts without griping, is certain m ment. Every kind. of thincrs that may contribute to the water, bu~, as he grew weaker, he fell, its effects, and is effective in·~mall doses. loyal aervice of his imperial majesty and so xemained until rescued. Water Sold by all Drugg-ists and Medicine J)ea!ers. PLO.W POINTS and the good of the. empire; :i-nd as heir ran down the mine near him, but he could PRICE, 25 CTS. PER B01TLE. ~_) UsAd we keep on hand, made from TONSDALE to the throne of ~11 the Russ~as and the not reach it. · DAVIS & LAWRENCE COMPANY, Limited, HAMEHL'l\ thrones of the k~n~dom o~ Poln:nd . and I saw Dr. Tanner at the conclusion of Wl;iolesale Agents, Montreal. We are prepared to supply the Farmer gran~ duchy of Fmla,nd umted with it, I his alleged fast, and observed that he was with every implement he needs. Buy your pr<?m1se and vow to obs~rve all the re&u- ,apparently in good condition and robust machines at home where you can have them lat10n~ as to. the success1_ o n .of the family health. I also saw a specimen of his establishment as set forth 111 ~he !unde- blood under the microscope, and noticed -repaired.-HAS JUST OPENED $4000 WORTH 011'mei:tal laws of . the . empire m all nothing unusual in its appearance, the their force and mtegrity, so may I stellate form of the corpuscles being very answer before God on the day of commonly see in the blood of healthy judgment. . O Lo~d God of our Father~, persons. ~'S::.? ~- '):?. 'i? 'fu5? '{G'Y .;;v-0-.... "W? Ruler of Rulers I inform, teach, and d1___: ·_ _ _ _ _...,...._ __ -T~E~~lSfu~tSi~ ~~:'l M~ ~ 9 rect Irie in the great work to which I am Tile Men With the Pig. -$1,500 WORTH OFappointed! May that wisdom which is A few days ago two men, who were before Thy throne be with me ; from Thy .:::fil EAT H :ER S, holy heavens let it light upon me, that I afterward found to be Detroiters, arrived to sell them at Reduced Pricea may understand that which is good in Thy in a town about fifty miles to the west of .And i~ bound to get rid of the entire stock:, eyes, and that which is righteous accord- that place leading a pig. It was perhaps big Please call and inspect our stock before pur-ing to thy word. My heart be in Thy enough and heavy enough to be called a chasing elsewhere, as you will find them the PRESIDENT,-JESSE TRULL, Esq., Bowman hog, but they termed it a pig, and as they Cheapest goods in town. hand ! Amen." ville P.O. . turned it over to t he care of the landlord The second oath was administered in at whose inn they proposed to rest for the ~~yt~~.the latest MAN A.GER,-R. J ·. DOYLE, Esq., Owen Sound. the magnificent hall of the military order LOCA'L .A.GENT,-H. MoULl;ON, Orono. night one of the men explained : of St George, where, in addition to the Remember the Stand-4 doors west of A.mount Insui·e<l, about $7,oOo,ooo. "Be awful careful with that pig. He's above named, were gathered the. rest of a daisy-a new breed just from Scotland. Martyn's Grocery Store. CA.P,ITAL, ~VER $IM,ooo,oo. the court, the troops, the pupils of the We've sold him to a farmer out here for military schools, and others. $50, · and we don't want anything to Cost of insu:::ance for past seven years; The oath was in the following terms: happen to him." . about 15c. per $100 insured per year. "I promise before Almighty God to The landlord locked the pig up and then serve his imperial majesty and most grac- began to think and cogitate and suspect. All the profits p~id t.o pulicy hold_ers, who might as w.,Jl have the profit~ as ious lurd, my father, according to all the When the strangers had gone to bed he military reguhitions, truly, obediently, called in some of the boys and sal<I t sfockholderd who live on profits made from farmers. and exactly; I promise fo oppose to his "I've twigged the racket ; them two enemies and the enemies of the empire a fellows aro sharpers, and that's a guessing Profits paid policy holders in 1883, brave and determined resistance with pig. To-morrow they will gh~e you a $1,094.79. bo<ly imd blood, in field (Jr in fortress, by chance to guess at his weight at ten cents sea or by land, combat and battle, in siege a guess, <i.nd you'll be cleaned vut--only Remember this Company has and assault, and in all military eventlUl.li· you won't ! As the fellows sleep we will COME TO STAY. ties whatsoever. I promise to report woig!i their pig and beat their game." Remember it is a houie institution. No whatever l may see or heal· against his Nobody slept until the pig was ta,ken Yankee adv1mturer, No home failure, majesty, his majesty's soldiers, bis sub- over to the scales and weighed. He backed up by another adventurer. jects, or the interest of the empire, and to pulled down 170 pounds to a hair, and the defend and preserve all these to the best villagers went home and hunted up "their Actual Cost about half the Stock of my conscience and ability so truly as nickels and dreamed of pi gs and scales and Company rates. are dear unto me, my honor and my life ; sharp.,,rs through the remainder of the ! ,promise in all things to do as beco!lles night. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO ah honest, obedient, brave and valiant Next morning the pig was led around soldier. So help me, Lord God .Almighty! iri. front, and before startiDg off on J1is Am.en." journey, one of the owners remarked to In each case the emperor led his son to the assembled crowd : ORONO. the altar which hau been specially raised, "Gentlemen, I'm going to weigh this 2i-6m. whereon lay the cross and a copy of the pig directly. Maybe some of you would holy scriptures. Tho youthful heir to the like to guess on his weight 1 I'll take all throne of all the Russias, though some- guesses at ten cents each, and whoever what pale with emotion, pronounced the hits it g'lte fifty cents." This provoked a large and select stock oaths without faltering, in a loud, clear of winks and smiles, but no one walked up voice until the pig man said that any one person --· --- -.-·...,--~-oould guess as many times as he cared to, Jay Gould's Millions. provided a dime accompanied each gueB1. It was thought by many in the midst Theh a rush set in. Thriee or four merof the Wall street excitement that Jay chants put up fifty gues!es each. A Gould was on the point of bankruptcy, Justice of the peace took thirt.y. A lawwrites a New York correspondent.. On yer said about twenty woulcJ do for him. the other hand, it is argued that a mer!;) Before there was any let up in the gucssmarking down of prices does not affect ing about 600 had been registe1·ed and him in the least, because he is tho out- paid f<;>r. Every soul of 'em guessed at right owner of the securities in his pos- 170 pounds I _ I t was curious what un11ni· session. Believers in this theory look mity there was in the g·uessing, but the upon the great gambler's calmness as real. pig men didn't seem to notice it. When I have happened to get at trustworthy all had been given a chance the pig was second hands, just what he said about it. led to the scales, and lo ! his weight was Ex-Mayor Wicklk<tm said: "Mr. Gould exactly 174 pounds I told me to-day that in his candid opinion "You see, gentlemen," explamed the CURES OF the bottom had been reached; but that it spokesman, "while this animal ollly Km!!IDISEASf.! (j) This Great Household Medicine made. no difference to him whether it had weighs 170 p~unds along about 11 o'cloek AND or not. He declared that he had no need at ui!{ht, we food him about five pounds ranks amongst the leading L!X§.!! COMPLAINTS, o or desire t.o sell Western Union at a low of corn meal in the morning before necessaries of Life~ Because ft acts on the I.IVER, BOWELS and price, and that he had no intention of un- weighing I You forgot to take this matter -.-XIDNEYS at tl1c same time. These famous Pilla purify the BLOOD, and loading any of his stocks. His wealth is into considerati~ !" most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the l!ecause it oloa.nses the BY"Stem of the poison. in his strong box, safe out of the reach of Then somebody kicked the landlord, · ous humors that" develope in Kidney o.nd UriLiver, . ">'tomach, . Kidnevs, panics." Washington Connor, a partner and he .kicked the Justice, and the Justice nary Diseases, Eiliousaess, Jaund.ice:io Conatipa.Piles, or in Ra.eumat1sm, Neuralgia, Ner· and BOWEL8.givlng tone, enerlO'. 1tnd vigor of Gould, or, literally, of his son George, kicked the merchant, and when the pig tf.on, vous D:lsorders e.nd all Fems.le Complaints, o these great MAIN SPRINGS OF Lll!'E. ~ey wsoLID PROOF OF THIS. laughed with exceeding scorn when I men looked back from a distant hill the are confidently recommended as a never failmg spoke of Gould as a bankrupt. whole town was out kickiug itself ii.nd remedy in all cases where the .cons~itution, from IT WlLL SURELY C11RE whatev"r ca.use has become impaired or weak· "I'll tell you one thing about Mr. throwin~ empty wallets into the river. CONSTIPATION, PILES, ened. They are wonderfully efllcv.oious ln all and RHEUMA"SllSM, - ------- - -·- - Gould that I've never seen published," ailments incidentn.! to Femft!es of all aR'eS; and B;y- co.using FREE ACTION of all the crgallJ5 " Poor J" ohn, he was a kind and forConnor said. " He divides his securities ·as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are and functions, thereby into two parts. 'fhe proportion differs, bearing husband," sobbed the widow on CLEANSE NC the.BLOOD unsurpassed. according to circumstances. _ One part he her return from the funeral. "Yes," said restoring the normal power to throw o:ff d:lso...e. keeps in his vault as a permanent mvest- a very sympathisitig neighbour, " but it's THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forms of these terrible d:ll!easea ment. Thatis his rock of Gibraltar. The all for the best. You must try and comltli Senrchtn:::: and Henllng Pr9pert.le11 are have been quickly relieved, ~nd in a short time ll:nown thr<m:,:hout the 'Vorl·J. other part he uses for speculative pur- fort yourself, my dt;iar, with the thought Pl!RFECTLY CURED. For the cure of B.A.D LEGS, Bad Breasts, poses. Of course, an emergency might that your husband is at peace at last." PRICE, $1. LH!lJID OR DRY, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS, Dey ca.n be eont by m..U. arise which would call out the reserves, WELLS, RICHABDBON & Co., Burllngton, Vt. Old Wounds, Sores and mce·11 8 .... Sond stamp !or Diary Almanac !or 18~. · but that is remote and improbable. I it !a infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on assure you that., with the worst that ever the neck and chest. as salt into meat, it. cures can come, '.Mr. Gould will never lose more ~ SORE 'l'HROAT,Diphtheria,Bronohltls, CouR'h ~ Colds and even .A.STRMA. For Glandular th'l.n half his fortune. Write that out in Swellings, Abscesses Piles Fistulas · " any way you please. Say something about Rheuma#sm, his not trusting all hia eggs in one basket. Liken his method to that of self-insurWe acknowledged ourse ves naked of A.nd evqy kind ot SKIN DISEASE. it hae · t ue, t l1at we may b ccIothed b Y God i never to tail. aro Manufactured ance. Put the fact in any form you choose a 11 v1r 'fhe been Pillskown and Ointment -only make it plain i;hat Jay Gould can't 1 empty of all good, that we may be £lled onlyat533. OXFORD STREET·. LONl>O~, a.nd by Him· shves to sin that we may be are sold by all VendorsofMetlicmesthrougbou possibly be wrecked." FREEMAN'S . weak that we may be the Civilized World; with directions for using l t·ber·ated 'by 'mm · . ' in most every language. supported by Him; divest ourselves of l).ll · g~urchaaers should look at the Label on the 1 God dwells in our hearts by faith, and WORM POWDERS.. · ground of alorving that He alone may be Posts and Boxes. If the address is not 633 Christ by His Spirit, and the Spirit by · "' " ' 1 · Oxford Street, London they .are apuriouB. Are pleasant to tllke. Contain their own His purities ; so that we are also cabinets Purgative· . lB a Bafe, sure, o.nd ctfectu.al emmently glor10us, and we may g ory m The Trade Marks of my said MedIClnes are Him. registered in Ottawa. and also at Washington. of tl>e mysterious Trinity. SHAKER BLOOD SYRUP. Machine Foundry, CARRIAGE WORKS NEW IRON MOWER, CHAMPION PLOW, CARRIAGES, · MRS. DONNELLY French andAmerican McClung & Darch. DOMINION GBAN GE M UTUAl Fire Insurance Co. HAT s R EsHApED H. MOULTON, wo~g::r.=uL 'Wf'_11 II ftJ CJ Holloway's Ointment. -· -- 1.estro;rcr ol 'l'l'orms iz:l Children or Adult&