-THE- Grand Contral is the beat place in town tu get · BowMANVII,LE, FmDA.Y, JuNE 27. Facts for Farmers. Cash eggs at Murdoch Bros. F11rmcrs you can save dollars by bt1yin b:1rbed wire at Manning'.s. Highest price paid for all kinds of.farm produce at Quick & Wright's. Buckthorn steel barbed wire ut ll. S. Manning's for $5~ pot' 100 lbs. Eggs taken at the highest Market priccs.-R. H. Tumer, l\foC!ung Broil' old stand. Nvmistake about it,farmcrs. 'l'.ou can really buy steol bi1rl>ed wire at R. S. Manning's for $5.50 per 100 tus. ·woor,.- vVanted, any quantity of wool, for which Lhe highe~~ prict;' )l'ill l·e ]_mid in cash by J. B. Martyn.-'-24-3w. ·C,AsH FOl· Woo:L.-:..-'rhe - ; ,ery highe2t price in-.c;lsh. will be paid for ally quantity of w~ol at Quick &.Wrights grocery store, McClungs '-Illoclc; ~24-3w. _ Our Due.Bills will Jte ta~rnn the _ s:imo as ·cash at any storo i·n-town, !tlld the only ones taken the sam~ as cash 11t 'R. H. Turners. <juick &·-Wright. Farmers, you can buy the Buckthorn SLed Barbed wirn fouciug for $5.50 per hundred pounds at R. S. J\IIanning's. The best fe11cing there is, and certa,inly tlu> che:ipcst.-17-3w. Fo1t F'ArmERs. - The Univerllal Sulky Plow is the best an(l cheapest in the · Dominion ; warranted to work or no sale ; made by Patterson , Bros., Whitby, Ont. w.·H. Piper, agent. Repairs may be had at ~orris"c:irriage shop, Bowmanville, for P:itterson Mac_ h ines. -- 24-2w. DANCEit IN T.HF. Arn. -Tho recent strange plat'lPtary movements and electrical plrnnomen" have developed the fact that the earth is passing through. a dangerous period whcu ::uuosphctlC influ. e nce will. s_ eriously affect human health. FortifY. the weakened system with that gra1.1d tonic regulator, Burdock Blood Bitters. au~. o.void malario.l l;J!0,Qa:.,p(iisons.i1 for· I Tm~ WoNDERFOL PowKii-of Shaker Blo,ud Syrup, in ·~radinating every form of Scrofula, has b<>en so clearly and fttl ly demonstr:itecl, aud. 1t leavAH no shadow t~f douh.t about its btll.n~ 1.he ur~atest mud1cal dtscovt)ry of tins gencrnt10u. I ICE CREAM AND DONT YOU FOHGET IT. Sarsaparilla Beer, Lemon Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Sarsaparilla Pop ARE THE .BEST Temperance Drinks I ALWAYS KEPT ON ICE Al' TH1'! GRAND CENTRAL. Ilowmi~nvillo, "My rn.i had st·vernl ugly scrolulu~s s'.Hos betweeu the aukle and knee «f Ins 1,ight leg Re has taken two bottles .of Shaker Blood Syrup, the sorea he.Ye disfl{opeaI"tid, 11nd he seem.\! to be free fro111 this humor.", .. r J ~KELEY, Carnage Mannfacsurer, Portland, Me. - -- -- I have been afflicted wi.th conceroua and scrof\1lous humor from m~ancy. M_y mot~er, s~ster a11d brother died of thta terl 'lble d1seiise Btifore I had t>lken one ~·ottle of Shaker blood Syrnp I btgan to improve. and am now nf'arly well. MW:'. J·. ;J, CASl\H:l3ELL, 92 Townsend Street Syracuse, N. Y. - - - - - -- Shaker Blood Sy1·µp crm~d one of my patients who had beeu confined to his bed for severai mouths "'ith Mercurial Rheumatism. Without the 1·enrndy he would have died. T have usod it, for skin disease with marked succesf. · JOHN D WILBUR, M. D. Westcr..!J, R . I. I A~k the most eminent physician of any echool whitt is the best thi"" in the world for qu\teMing and allaying ':in iititation or nervous complaiuts 1-:ivino uatural childlilrn refreshing sle~p alwa.ys? ' Aud they will tell yon 1111hesit<itingly "Some fom1 of Hops!" · CHAPTER 1 . Ask nuy or all of the moat emiuent physictalls: "What is the best and nilly remedy thal: can be relied on to cure ;ill diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs ; such as Bright's disease, diabetes, retention or in11.bility to rota.iu urine, and all thA diseases and ailments peculiar to 'iVomen""And tlH'Y will tell you explicitly and emphatically "Buchu " Atik the same phy·it:ians "Wh:tt is the most reliable and surest cure for all IiYer disease.s or dyspepsia: constipation, insiCTestion billious11~8s malarial fove1· aRu~·. &c., ~nd thAy wili toll you: Man~ drakeJ 01· Dan·~eliPuJ" Acnce, when theso rcoocdios aro combined with otl10l'S eqnally "alnable Aud compounded iulo Hup Bitters, such a [Conduded next week.] Vital Questions!! THE LEADING HOUSE - for full lines of- CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Good and Cheap Sugars, Teas, Coffes, &c. We kPep the largest and most varied assortment of CHINA TEA SETS TO BE FOUND IN WEST DURHAM. ~EE OUR LA~E STOGK OF FRUIT JARSJD We pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of PRO DU-OE_ Call and see us : we take pleasure in showing our Goods. Cheap Life Insurance. Insure in the Confedera.tion Life Asao · ciat10n. It is che:i.per than th., C1madian Mutual Aid, A. 0. U. W. or any pa~s around your hat inst it ut.iou, as the following examples will prove: Thos. McClnng lias been insured siuce 1872 for$2,000aud the last five years it 011ly cosC him $2 .55 per annum on each $1,000 to insure. · John McCluug insured ~t the imme tin~e for the same amount and 1t only cost !um $1. 7 per annnm on each $1,000 to insure, 1te being a li~tle younger. We certify the above to be correct. Titos. McCiung, John :McCiung. THOS. BfNGHAM, Agent. Brt1s. I . have now ready . , a very large stock of Paper Hangings of foreign and home manufacture, and those will do well to examine my patterns d in · want I · · an prices. import my paper direct from~ manufacturers and give my customers the benefit~ . No trouble to sho'\\\goods. 12. Juno 5, 185J. IN THE HICH COURT OF JUSTICE. Cl-IAKCERY DIVISION. BELCH vs. tlfcLA UGHLIN. Pursuant to the judgement and order mu.do in this can&~ on t.he 2!th day of March. 1884. th.ere will b.- sold with the approbation of GEOHGE M. CLAUK, Esquire, .Looa.I Mttster of j.)ie Supreme Court,, at Cobourg. by llENl:tY '.l'. Plf1I,4IPS. Auctioneer, on the prernieos mentioned in the lirst parcel herein, on The weather 11as been very hot this week, as Moses Oats preclic1ed. Sick or uervous Headaches are easily and certainly cnrP.d whh ZO PE.SA. It stimulates the Liver- aud Stomach to action, thns relieving the head, on the . same principal it, p1mlies the blood and the Urinary. A 75 cent. l!>ottle of Zopesa may save you much snffering and many dollars.I! A young married woman was huried alive in Virginia the other day. Nothini.( succeeds likesuceess, is as l;rne in medicinl) as in unyt.hiug else. By th!" wonderful 1 ·ffect of Dr. Van Burnen 's Kidney Cure in promptly alleviation the snfferings experienced in kidney troubles and producing a permanent cnre if these diatressin~ aliments, its fame .has been carried over thefourquart"rsoftheG!obe.ff -· (WALL XPAPER.) P. TREBILCOCK. Impugn it ! Who so listeth ! 41 FridaJ, t~e lltn OaJ of Jul~, 1884, At tlu' hour of 0 NJ; o'dock in tlie Aller· 1111on, tile Ain,nvlug Jaudi. 1nul 11rhnlses: PARCl!:L I. - All ancl singular 'the Nm·th quarter of Lots 12 and 13, in qie 8th Concession of tho Township of Dal'lington, in tho County of Durham, (save and except about 'l'WO acres of Lot 12, a(oresald, formerly conveyed to c,IAltLll'S G. BAT~;s) containing 105 acres be the same more or less. 'l'hio is the homestead lately occupied ):ly the lute JAMES MOLAUGHL!l!J. '1'11e <1we1Iing house is about 24x30 with a kitchen addition 20x2! and a wood-shed close hy. 18:"<:40. Thero is a frame barn 31xi>!, and t· fr&me stable tind shed 2·1xSO. 'l;hese (ar·m buildings are almost new. 'l'here is also a good orch&rd of about 2 acres, and a well and good 'l'M'don. This farm is watered by a never failing creek, and Is w!tl:lin about 3 miles of Tyrone aml 10 miles from ilowman ville. wi~h -go0<l roads to those places. P .AUCEL II. - A II and ·ingul&r the North qµ1<t·ter ·of Lot 12, in the 9t.h Conceeslon of the said township, cont.aming oo:acros, be the same more or loss. TERMS AND CONDITIONS : One-tenth of the il:!~has6-ni:Oney of parcel 1 must be paid down at timll of sale, and the bu;lance into ·court to tho cre<lit of 1.h1s cause W!Jhin 30 days thereafter without Interest, when the pm·chaser will be let into possession. . One-third of I.fie purchase money of parcel 2 must be JHti<l down lit Uuio of-sale, and the balance mto CotJ1·t t.o the credit of thio cause within 30 days thereafter without Interest. when the pm·cha8cl' will lle let.into possession. 'l'he pm·chaser wiU he fnrnish~.-0. i r he re· qulres the st1.me, with a Itegistrnr's Abstract of, the property but noneother,tind theVendors' wil not be bou11<l to fol'nish any other title dP.e(lS rban those in their poSbession, either for th,!: purpose or verifying the Abstract or·otherw1se. 'tpere will be a reserved hid on ea.ch parcel fixe<l l·Y me. · In iill 01hti1' ruspects the terms un<l cOnditlous of sale will be the standing conditions of this Court. which will be made kncwn at the time of sale, Further particulars can be had from D, DUHKE .SIMPSON, Vendors' Solicitor, M tho town otl3owrn1tnville; JOHN lLGALBRAITH, Esq., of same place, Solicitor; an<l J 0 H N HOSIGN". J<Jsq., Q. C.. 'l'ol'onto, as well as from the Auctioneer. (sd.) GEO. M. CLARK, _ Local l\fl\st~t :.t Cobourg. D. BUilI(E Sil\JPSO.\', Ve11dors' Solicitor. Dated June 9th. 188-~. 2!-td. FARMS .FOR SALE I 'l'he followi~g lm1dsland premises: First- 'l'hn north half of Lot number twentytwo, in the 3rd Coucession of the 'fownship of Clarke, in thH County of Durham, containinl{ 011e hundrerl acres more or less. On these lands ttre a good dwelli11g honse and barn. and a never failin11: stream of water runs across the same. 'l'herll is also a large number of lrnit trees thereon. Sceond- 1'he south ha.If or Lot numbei· thirty, in the seco11d Concession of the said 'l'ownship of ('larke, now within the limits of Newcastle, containing one hundred acres more or less. On tbes'e lands are two good dwelling houses, two barns, horse stable, cow st.able. sheds. &c; goud orchard, also small fruit, &c. A never failing spring of water l'ises on t,hese lands. Vu,1,AG)!; 1'1w1·JJa<TY.-Thinl-The north-west uart of Lot number three, in Block number one, fronting on King Street, in tho Villa.go of Newcastle. On these land· are a. shop now occupied by )fr. Jnmes Wright as a tin shop; also a small frame storehouse thereon. l<'or particulars and conditions of Sa.Io apvly to Mr. JAMES WALLS, or COLIN WALI,S, Newcast!P., or to .ToFIN K. GALBRAITH, ESQ ·· Bar· ri·ter, Bowmanville. 2i-4w*. Newcastle, June 7th, 188!. Farm for Sale. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale tho South half of Lot 20,Con. 8, Clarke. This farm is well known, and is considered to be one of tb6 best farms in the township. 'l'he buildings consist of a Frame Dwelling, Kitchen, Wood House a .. d three Barns, with good Stone Stable accon1modation underneath for a large number ot horsl)s and cattle, and all other necessary buildings, such as sheep, pig and implement houses There is an abundan<.:e of good water- two pumpd and a spring; also a ~ood orchard of truit trees. lt is all under cultivation aud in good condition, having been occupied by the present tenant for 15 yenvs, but eight acres of wood, and there is not a rod of waste or swamp on the whole f11r1u. The purcnaser will have the privilege of doing th~ plouglung this fa[I.and full possess!on will be given April 1st. 1880. For terms.,wh!ch will be very ·easy, or any or.her rnformation concerning tbe farm, apply, either personally or by letter, to the proprietor, W. H. \V1LLIAMS, Box 13!, Bowmanville. 25-2w, T Farm for Sale. , 'rhe subscriber offers for sale on easy terms of payment.. that very desirable property known a,s J<'air 1'1.fount Farm, being the west part of Lot. 19, in the 12111 CouscS!iion o1 the 'l'Ol'fNSUll' 01' CA.VAN', and oontainiug 116 ac'res of good land. 105 of which are under cultivation, and the rest in woods. On the premises there is a Stone Dwelling House, 40 x 28 feet, wilh cellar full size ; two Frame Dams 51 x 30 feet,and 56 x 22 feet, respectively; also, Farme Stables,Drivin14 House, Hay Barn, and other out b\lildings. There is a never·fail: ing supply of excellent water at the door.and it is also convnient to churches and a ftrstcla.ss school. Tho aoil is clay loam, a,nd well a.dapted to raising wheat &nd other grains. lt is about seven miles from the Town of Peterborough, and 8 miles from Millbrook, with gravel· road to each place, and is in one of the best neighborhoods in the county. 1'itle indisputable. Further particulars on application Uo Wm, A. MORROW. Peterboraugh P, 0, 500 acres of wheat and 2,000 of oats on 20 IDs. raisins for $1 at~fnrclocih Bros. old land a.nd l;ooo acres of oats on new W'in<low Bollors that cant be beat at. T. breaking this year. :Jhe Sykes farm, near the Bell farm, is to be worked by steam Y P llowlel's. ' Canned apples 1:i cans for !'iOc. wt Quick power. They broke 1,300 acres last year a.nd will break the same amount this year. & Wrjght's. Mr. Connell has 1,700 acres under crop . We sell ROod-whito Shirts nt at 75 cts. this year and will have its much more next Ellison & Oo. year..- Regina. Leader. Girls best Kid Gloves at 12i cents PiiOSl'llATINN.-An almost cm·taincure Ellison & Co. · for Pulmona1·y _ c.,nsmnption and alt Doys and youths Tweed Suits at $1 50. chronic and wastin~ 1li8ease. The greatA good Thing. Ellhon & Co. · est medic11l disconry nf the nintetinth Children's Cabs reduced greatly in price, century: :t scientifically prepined remedy, Special Telegram. free from q11achry;· pure, delicious, uatT_, Yellowlees. Bloomville, N. Y.--1 have been using Wall papers very pretty and very cheap ural and permanent in its res11Hs. Its your Baxter's Mandrake Hitters to a very efficacy is something wonderful; discoverlimited extent. I have t:.ikeu five small at Cheapside Baimar. ed by Prof, \.}. Lowell Auation, Boston, · ddses, and it has done me more good than We offoF rare value in Shirtings at 121 Mass. Price, $1,00 per bottle. ]'gr·sale all the modicinos I havo taken in tho !Bat conts Ellison & Co. by all druggists.ff four months. 'Yon ought to try une of our $5.00 Tweed C. A. WETMORE. A G1mAT D1scovmLY.-Mr. Wm. Thos. Snits at }Wison & Co. of Newton, Ia., says: "My wife hn.s been Special Telegram. Our Prints at 5, u, 7, 8, D, 10 ctmts are seriously affected with a cough for twenty Rolfand, Mich.-Please send me one extra cheep. Ellison & Co. five years, tincl this spring more severly dozen bottles Dr. Baxter's Mandra.k e We are selling off our wall papers very than ever before. She ha.d used many Bitters. I never took any medicine that .cheap. Tait & l\forrison. remedies without relief, and being urged qid me so much good as this . IRA TAYLOR. Our stock of Dry GtJods· and Clothing to· try Dr. King 's New Discovery, did so, Price, 25 cts. per bottle. with .g.ra._t.if;ying .results. The Jit-st is complet . 'll1son & eo. All wool '.!.'weed Suits made to order bottle relieved her very much, and the second bottle has absolutely cm:ed her. Moses Oats succeeds Vemror as Canada's from $12~ up. Ellison & Co. . She has not had so good health fur thil'ty Handsome and elegant I'arlor Suites in yeara.' Trial bottles free atJ. Higgin,l,.,tham wciither-prophet-in-chief. New and recherche. The most exquilatest ·s tyles at Levi Monis'. & Son. site little toilet gem extant for the teeth ·We give great atte<ition to the Tailor· HARD ON THE DOCTORS.-The 'l'ir11;es and breath is "Teaberry. "II ing departmeut. Ellison & Co, ~ays ; " 'l'he doctors of Winnipeg have reDEsmAnLE CHANGE.-Hon. G. vV. R~ss, We offer a special line of all wr1ol '.I.' wee- sol vcd, 'That the 1cditors of the daily Ministc1· of Education, will introduce a ds at 50 cents, Ellison & Co. papers in this city be requested not to bill at tlic next session of the Legislature For steamer Noi'seman and Mail Boat publish the name of any physician belong- to make the holding of the elections for ing to tins society in connection with any school trustees coincident with the ordin'l'ickets call on '.l'. Yellowlees. Great fall in wall papers at Tait & case he may be attending.' Possibly the ary municipal elections for councillors. medical gentlemen of the prairie city fancy \Vc hope it is true, as such a change l\forrison's Chcapside Bmmar. that their work figures quite conspicuously Great slaughter of tinware at Manning enough in the obituary columns of the might result in greater interest being taken in school affairs. & Noswcirthy's. Call and see. newspaper. Yes, theywill next'resolute' 'I'he Saddest of Sad Sights,-The grey For things pretty, varied, cheap and not to attend funerals on the ground that good call at Cheapside Bazaar. they lrnve had enough of the poor· fellow hairs of age being brought. with sorrow to the grave, is now, we are glad to think, Parties asking us for bargains will not in · the coffin after their bill is paid." becoming rarer every year as the use of he didappointed Ellisou & Co. A110Ul' SPRING-WATER.-The surest, Cingalese Hair Restorer becomes more .Ladies, have you seen '.rait & Morrison's most effective, least costly remedy for general. By its use the scanty locks of pretty· wall yapers. You should. habitual Coativeness is Z ·pesa. Better O."e once more resume their fonner color Fresh supply of those cheap .Raisins than all tbe aperiants of spring-waters a~<l the hair becomes thick and lnxnriant that ever bubbled, for it is certain, effect- as ever; with its aid we can now defy the 20lbs for 1. 00 at Murdoch Bros. Gents Colored Shirts at net cost price ual and pleasant, acting upon the Liver change of years, resting assured that no and digestive Organs. It invigor.atoe, grey hair at any rate will come to at Couch Johnston & Crydermans. strengthens, loosens and removes. Keeps sadden us. Sold at 50 cents per bottle For great bargains in all kinds of tin- off Ague, Fevers, Malaria, lliliousuessby Stott & Jury. If ware go to Manning & Nosworthys. · makes Appetite good, Sleep sound, NervE>s Dyein~ satisfactory work done by leav· strong, Brain quiet, Blood pnre, Breath A CEJ,EBRATED CASE.-The remarkable ing your goods with. T. Yellowlees.. sweet, Taste good, llegnlates the Bowels case of W. A. Edgars, of Frankville, who The Great slaughter of tin ware at only by acting upon tlm Liver and D1ges· suffered from disease of the liv<:!r and kidtfon. Get a sample of ZO-PE-SA.fl ]\-fanning & Nosworthy's still going on. neys so badly that all hope of recovery WEDDING PRESENTS. - A fresh line of PUT THIS IN YOUR SCRAP BooK.-The was abandoned. He remained ten and .Plated ware just received, T. Y~llowlees. Bible contains 3,686,489 letters, 773,692 thirteen days without action c,f the bowe· $23, will purchace a ticket from Bow- words, 331,1G3 verses, 1189 chapters and ls. Four bottles of Burdock Blood Bithim perfect health, which manville tothe oldcountry. T. Yellowloes. 66 books. The word" and" occurs 46,277 ters restored 4 times ; the worcl · " Lord" occurs 1885 People wonder how we can · sell Dry times ; the word " reverend" occurs but he had not known for twenty year11 before. ff -----·- - - Goods and Clothing so cheap. Ellison &Co. once, which is in the 9th verse of Lhe 111 How TO CURE A CoLD.-'l'a.ke some Parasois, hosiery, and gloves the largest Psalm. 'l'he middle verse is the 8th verse gentle opening medicine, bathe the feet assortment and the lowest prices at the of the 118th Psalm. The 21st verse in warm water, addin~ a spoonful of Stai: House. the 7th chapter of Ezra contains a.ll the mustard ; remain indoors ; equalize the Opened out this week at Couch, Johns- alphabet except the letter J. The 19th circulation with warm bath and friction ; ton & Cryderman's Black Nun's veiling Chapter of II. Kings and the 37th chapter · drink warm ginger teii, and take Hagyard's Black and Colored Muslins, White Lawns of Isaah are alike. The longest verse _ ia Pectoral Balsam, the most perfect and the and new Ef11brolderies. · · the !Jth verse of tlie 8th chapter of Esther. safest cough cure that can be procured. II Ii:, Pethicks ~mrber the ·shortest vernc is the 35l;h verse of the PIPES sold at. \V_ _ shop at cost p.rice, or at 21:ic. on the $Jess 11th chapter of St. John. The 8th, 15th, than retail pricea, first quality rneerchaurn 21st, and 31st verse of the 107th Psalm are alike. All the verses of the 136th pipes far: $2.00 Psalm end alike. PETRICK, the Barber is selling hi,o;; Pipes, Tobaccos and Ciga.rs at cost prices, as he REMARKABLE RESTORATION.-Mrs. A. is going. out of that line of business. Give '()'Brine, 372. Exchange Street, Buffalo, him a call. It will be to your advantage was supposed to be dying with consumpliOWMANVILLE, ON'.1'., Dec. 5, 188Z. if you want anything in his line. tion and abandoned by her physician. Messrs. SETH W. FOWLE & SON, Boston. The Star House report · an unusually She suffe1·ed terribly and was reduced in Dear Sirs:- We suppose it is no new thing large season's trade; their ordeied clothing flesh to mnety pounds. In this condition tor you to receive congratulations on the sucmade by :Mr: Peard on has taken the lead. &he resorted to Bu1·dock Blood Bitters, cess of :vour valuable cough remedy, D.r. 'VJst· '.l'hey have a large assortment of fine cloth- and now enjoys perfect health and weighs nr's Balsam of WUd Cherry; but perhaps at ing material all new. If you want a suit one hundred and forty-six. She will glad- thls time a word or two from us wilt not prove give them a call. dly answer enquiring aulfors on receipt of out of place. Although the Balsam has net been adverised to any extent in this locality, Vi'iH.AT'~ JN A :NAME .~Scrofula is so U . S. postage stamp.ff our sale ot it is very largo and tho demand is called from the Latin scrofu, !\.. pig,_ from inoreaslni;:. which is due to the universal sat· the 'supposition that the disease came from SAVED FR0:\1 THE SCALPEL.-A Toronto lsfaction which It gives to our customers, eating swine's flesh. It is often inherited lady, Mrs. Berkenshaw, contracted' a dis- We hava never hJl.d a single complaint, and from parents, and le:tds to abscesses, ul- ease of the knee joint and was advised to husbands tell us their wives will not keep cel'.Q_ys::sores, _ debility, king's evil and con- submit it to a surgical operation by the house without it. We would like you to do a sumption. The case of the Hev. Wm, best physician attending ; all otl1er treat- little more advertising in this country, for we Stout, of Wiarton, who suffered 23 years ment having failed, when Hagyard's Yel· believe were your balsam bettor known, ite from scrofulo.is abscesses, is one of the low Oil was tried and speedily effected o. saJ.e would be increased ten-fold. most remarkable on record. Burdock\ cure. It is the unfailing rem<idy for acYours truly, Bloo.d Bitt~ra cure~ him after the best c1dents l!'nd emergencies, and is for exter· S'l'O'rT & JURY. "The lJruggi,sts," 275 m~~1cal skill had failed. nal and mterllllli use.ff - SHOPPER'S GUIDE. , -- Bw FAmrn. - The Bell farm will have PAY 01> Co.1<Duc1·011s.- Conductors on the Midland division of the Grn11d Trunk Railway, it is said, have been vlaced on the same footing in rcaard to wages as employed on the main line, viz:- Ereight. conductors foe the first two years of ser~ vice arc to receive $.l.75 per day, 100 Jflilcs <.:011stituti11g a day's run, and for the second two years they will receive $1. 90 per . day. Conductors of ·mixed trains, or those who have served four years as freight conductors, will get $2.15. One hundred miles will also constitute a day's run for them. Passenger conductors are to receive $700 per annum, or $2.25 per day, 240 mile::i ·constituLing Lhcir day's · run. The. passenger conductors will be allowed a suit of clothing' and pea-jacket every year. Town Hall Buildings, Bowmanville. --.- ~~ - . - THE-- .Af~HOUSE East Shop in N e~ds' New Block, · The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. They do the Fine Clothing Trade. They sell more Black Cashmeres and Black Silk than any two competitors. 21 yards Heavy Grey Cotto.n for ....$1.00. I 15 yds. 36 in. Heavy GreyCotton ... $1.0(). '-. Cashmeres, 2!'iG., Sue., 45e., 50c. Fear no competition, you will save mon'ey by buymg Cashmeres from us. Black Cashmere Shawls.. $1.50 to $10.00. I Black Satins ........ Goe· ., 75c., $1.00. up. Black Gros Silks, 75c., $1.00, $1.25 up. w ·e buy Silks by the piece and we can sell at the lowest wholesale cutting prices. Bea.utifnl Soft Kid Gloves ... . ....·. 50c. , Ordinary 50c. Kid Gloves for ...·..· 25~. Heavy Brown Check Duck ....... : ·· 18c. Heavy Cott1rnade ..·...·.···· ,, ..·. 20c. A fine assortment of Dres11 ·.rriwmings,Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Lace ~tains,&c. :a: ..A_ s DRfSS ANO MANTU MAKING BY JY-J:ISS DU STAN. TAILORING by W. PEARDON, The No. 1 Cutter. Satisfaction Guaranteed. WN. B.-'l'he original Star (the beacon that has directed hundreds. to the place for bargains) is the East Shop in Neads' New Block. CashlOashlCashl Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash for Potatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & Sheep Skins. Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce at Young, Cawker& Co's. YOUNG CAWKER & Co's is the place to do business, they keep -in stock the very-:- Best quality of Groceries -,+--· that can be bought, the . Best quality of Meats, Fresh and Cured, always in stock. Their Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality; they keep Barrel Salt; American and Carbon Safety Coal Oil. Try their Empire Horse and Cattle Food, the best manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph MQdel Farm; their stock of Glassware and Crockery is Complete. They do not make any specialty of one article, but as there is considerable talk about Cheap Teas, the place to buy the·Cheap Tea is at Young. Cawker & Co's, they buy altogether for cash which enables them tG sell cheap. Give them a call. . of C. M. CAVVKE R. & -CALL A T - CAN'T KEEP HOUSE. LEE &£OSALL 'S -AND EXAMINE THE- D ~IETZ (TUBULAR HOT BLAST) OIL STOVE. Tltl tl8T. lN TUI Mltlt<IT. I