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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1884, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN .Ei: .A... X... ::L...' S I8 PUBLISHED -BY- AGRICULTURAL. Farmers as Business Men. It ts popularly supposed by a large class of farmers that none but business men need to acquire a knowledge of business forms and rules. To their mind the business man occupies a position similar to the lawyer and the doctor, he learns his trade and proceeds to get his living by it. This class of men believe that business forms are unintelligible, whereas they are very simple. He is as respectful at the mentio:u of the words "per centage," " drafts," "bill of lading," "invoice," etc., as he is when his family physician speaks Latin. But every farmer is a business man. He has crops to go to market; he wants to sell to the best advantage; he has to sell oftentimes on credit, and he is continually buying. To all int ents and purposes he is a business man. · It would seem very desirable, however, that the younger men who are to take the places of the present generation should learn how to handle with ease and accuracy the business forms and methods which commercial men by long practice and experience have reduced to a system. El'ERY FRIDA'£ MORNING, "Vegetable Sicilian ~'r. A. JAMES, AT TllE OFEIOE. estOmceBlock,KlngSt.,Bownmnvllle,ont TERJY.I:S: $1.110 per a:u.nun1,or $1.00 if paid In advance HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, and the first sucoesafnl restorer of faded 01· gray hair to itli . natural color, growth, and youthful beaut)". It has had many imitators, but none have 10 ~ally met all the requirements needful !or the proper t1·eatment of the hair and scalp. HALL'S lIAm.RnNEWER has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and use. fulness to every quarter of the globe. Its unparalleled success can be attributed to but one cause: tltt entirefuljllment of its promises. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt ot orders from remote countries,,where they had never made an elfort for its introduction. :L'he use for a. short time of HALL'S HAIR R11NBWER wonderfully improves the peraonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from &11 impurities, cures all humors, fever, and . myness, and tbus pre.vents baldness. It 1timU'latcs the weakened glands, aI!d enables ihem to push forward a new and vigorous erowth, The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alooholio preparations, but remain a long time, which make& Its use a matter of eeonomy. P&yment strictly in advance required from subscribers outside of the count;y. Orders to Alsoontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by the amount due,or the paper will not be stopped. subscribers are responsible until !Ull payment Is Ill.II.de. RA.TES OF .A.Dl'llRTISINGa 11 .. ~~ WholeColumnoneyear ....···...... $60 00 ~::!.,; Ha.If year . .·.···... .. 30 00 " " One quarter ·........ 20 00 ooz::; iialt Column one year . .. . . . . .. . . . . ... SO 00 - " " Half year .............. 20 00 " " One quarter._ ......... 12 50 Quarter Column one yeo.r.. . . · . . . . .. 20 00 " ·· Bal! yeo.r . . . .· . . .. . . 12 60 " ·· One quarter . . . .. . . . 8 00 Slx lines andunder, ftrst insertion .. $0 5-0 Each subsequent inser~ion ··:··· 0 25 _ l!'rom six: to ten lines, first msertior., 0 75 _ Each subsequent insertion .. .,... 0 35 - 10 Over ten lines,first insertion,pcrline 0 10 Each suba~ucnt insertion. " 0 03 The number of lines to be reckoned by the space occupied,.moasured by a scale o solid NontJareil. - 15 __ _ !_ __ ::z = =-a =- I.. POTTER. M.D. An English correspondent puts about two ounces of sulphurous acid into a quart tar Ortice and Residence, Enmsklllen. 17. FOR THE bottle of water, and gives a tablespoonful Dr. A.. BEITH, of this dilution three times per day to WHISKERS RADUATE OF THE TORONTO UNIVER· cattle suffering with foot and mouth disSl'l'Y Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office King Will change the beard to a natural brown, ease. In addit ion to this, he burns a litStreet, MbRRIS' BLOCK, Bowroanville. or black, as clesired. It produces a permanent tle sulphur three times a day in the stacolor that wlll 11ot wash away. Consisting of G.D. (J A.ltl'ETH., B. A ·· B. Se., M. D., (J.M. ble in which the animal is kept. He a single preparation, it is applied lTithoul moistens the feet also with the above soICENTIATE OF THE COLLEGE trouble. of Physicians and Surgeons ot Ontario. lution with a sponge. One must be care· PREPARED BY OFFIOE AND RESIDENCE :- Main St., Orono. fril not to use sulphuricforsulphurousacid, d. W. Mel.auglllln, M. B., as the former would be hurtful in this case, ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COJ,LEGE instead of curative. Burning sulphur in Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. ot Physicians and member or the Royal the stables of healthy cattle once or twice College of Surgeons Edinburgh. · a week, he thinks, would ward off disOffice: MORRIS' BLOCK King-st., Bowman· ville. TOR ALL THE FORMS ease. DR~ J, (), HITt!llELL, l have long been in the habit of giving 011' EMBER OF COLLEGE 01!' PHYSICIANS a heaping tablespoonful of sulphur for Scrofulous, Mercurial, and and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. this purpose to my horses and cows once Office and H.esidence, Enniskillen. 74., Blood Disorders, a week, in a mess of meal; also to large the best remecly, because the swine; to full-grown sheep about half this D, BlJBKE SIMPSON, most searching and thorough A.RRISTEl't, SOLICl'rOR, &c., MORl-W:! quantity; to lambs and pigs less, grading blood-purifier, is BLOCK, up t>tv.irn, King l:itreet. Bo·wanit according to size and age. For poul try lle, SoliciLor tor the Ontario Bank. Sarsaparilla. once a week I mix sulphur with their Prtvutc M·11cy~ loaned at the lowest rates, pudding, at the rate of a h eaping table· .. Sold by all Druggists ; $1, six botLiea, U. . . .lolln 16.clth Galbraltll, spoonful of the former to a gallon of tho ARltI::iTE n. SOLICl'rOH, NO'£AHY latter. This keeps t hem free from lice, PUBLIC, &c. Office- Heed's Block, o.ver unless they are much exposed to these T. Battings ~tore, King Street, B _ owmo.nv1lle. .Money to lend · parasites on their roosts oi: otherwise. Sulphur in moderate < Loses, and not given - - - S ' l '. JUHN H.HIJTCJUESON, .too often, is healthful, and a guard against -BARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &o. various diseases and vermin. NOTARY PUBLIC. MoNEY TO LOAN· OFFICE-OVER 8'.l'ATESlllAN OFFICE. A simple method of burning it is on a JtOBEJtT ARKCUl = R~, ----slip of cardboard, or extra stout paper, a foot long and t wo or three inches wide. EGISTRAR, WES'l' DURHAM ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Ba.rrlster and Attor· Scatter sulphur on one end of this, light ney at La.w and Solicitor In Chancery..Money the paper and then move it about the cat oaned on Real Estate. Office on King street, tle in the stable. Be very careful to set ----!lowmanville. nothing on fire when doing t his. In order ..i. T. rnlLLl ..S to guard from fil'e, if litt er is in the stable, ICENSED AUU'l'IONEER tor the County of Durham, Sales promptly attended. - - B Vit should be removed previous to lighting Addrese- HamtJton P.O. 59. the sulphured paper. A safer way, howB. DlJT(JDl!IO:!I. . ever, would be to put some paper in a ICENSED AtrCTIONEER, CONVEY AN- lilr I am folly prepared to attend Funerals on hollow dish or pan with a handle t o _it to the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. L CER and Oomml.88ioner in B. R. Sales at· Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. take hold of and move about.-T. B., in tended to promµtly and at reasonable ra.tes. First-class hearse on very moderate terms. N. Y . Tribune. ~Addre11!i--Enniskillen P~~· Bhronds and Coffins con~tantly on hand. Fun....:.::::0:::.:H _N ~-B~U ~G._ B~E~S...,...: -:...L...;t._.c_e...; n;;, ae ... cl-,-n-c-t-'o_n _e"'e'-r· ,,Ieral cards supplled at orlce. ~urniture Shop k .a. Show Rooms-Bounsall'sNew Block. old by me is ma.de by the U. c Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Lite All furniture B Feeding Work Horses. · Insura.noe, Notes and Accounts Collected. FurniturA Co. of Bowmanville. I do not buy Mone.r to Lend on reasonable terms, Ac!drel!S slop furniture and represent it, to h&ve been "Some horse fanciers," says tho Chica4'12 made by the u. C. F. Co. or this town. Cartwright, Ont. Alsoagentfortbe LI·QUOR TEA for this town go Live Stock Joumial, "think that timoGOOD WIFE GUARAN.TEED T 0 amJ vicinity. It is cheap arid as good o.s can be thy hay and oats furnish the only food every mo.n wbo buys )>.is Ucense trom got In the mo.rket. A. valuable prize given that a high-bred horse could co.re for, but HENRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. with every pound. if they will watch such a horse, they will occasionally find him eating his straw bedlllB. '\V. '\VU.I.SON, ·ding, just for variety. We are not ob- · EACIIER OF TUE PIANOFORTE ORGAN and SINGING. TERMB-$6and I serving enough of the tastes of our ani110 per Twelve Lessons o! ONE hour ea.ch. mals, but it pays to consider and gratify Over Higgmbotham's Drug Store,KiugStreet, their tastes. When they eat a food with Bowo.nville. 2 pleasure it is better digested and produces Pianos Tuned ~ Repail·ed. a better result. We sometimes grind oats, peas and corn together, the oa,t s and ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS peas being raised in the same crop; and Tuned br ;epnired can have thorn attended formingone-half, and the corn the other to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN of the mixture. Oats, millet and corn is Co's OFll'ICE, Bowmanvil!e. A tl:rst-clae man ,"lOW oeing in their mploy. another excellent mixture. We have sometimes kept both these mixtures on ROF. T. L DOYLE. Pianist, OrgBni$t , hand and changed every week, and it was and teacher of Vocal Music le prepared to takeafow more pupils. The best of rt<terence curious to witness the evident plea.sure of can be furnished. Great cure exerd eed with the horses at each change. We must no.t beginners, and epecio.l attention given to advanceCI. pu pile. Tho8e deairoua ct taltlng ii).· omit to mention that, in consequence of struotion· should o.pply at Mr. DJylo·s res1exacting labor of horses frequent.ly before deo.ce, or make it known by directing a few their food has had time to digest, a felines to J:'. o. Box 4'9. Terms, $7.50 for ~w!llTe lceeons. . · 239·tf. verish condition of tho system is produced, resulting in more or less constipation. ~o Do! Gentlemen oCFas~· Thie Cut represents the popula~ Victoria Now, instead of administering condition It is dressed with the hair tailing on Wave. ion, no1 so fast. the forehead, and the E'nds meet in Montagues. powders, or some laxative medicine, let It is ex:ceedinglr becoming, and is having a u s add a healthy food ingredient to these large run. - 1 have written these-few lines And all I have to say'.l'he above style. with · large nnmber or rations, and that is a mild, soothing laxaTho.t you can find me still at home, other. oqually becoming styles , are made by tive, and worth all it costs as food. This lam not !fOne away. additional ingredient is flaxseed. ln any MRS. A, DAVIS, · So all my kind old r r!ends may oome, over M. Mayer B store of the rations mentioned above, add oneAnd all th~ f oung ones, too, And get their go.rm en ts nicely made twentieth of flaxseed- that is, to nineIn fashions that are new: t den b ushels of the other mixture add one Where old und young, dear friends, may meet bushel of flaxseed, before grinding , . and A weloome vrAetlnll. bv R. P EA.TE Continues to do a General Banking Business at then grind all together. This improves its Bowmanvillu Branch. the flavor, and adds just oil enough to keep the stomach and intestines cleansed DEPOSl'I'S and in a healthy condition. The effect Received.in Savings Bank Depar1 m ent and on of this flaxseed will be seen in the better call an(l'i nter est allowed at current rates. No notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposits color and condition of t he hair, in the payable on demand, brighter eyes, and the more animated appearance. W e have known horses suffering with chronic constipation to b e ·Bought and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe. wholly cured by the use of this ration. United States and Canada, also Gold,Silver and It is the ounce of prevention much more WITH TEE'l'R. WITHOtlT TEETH. United Sta~es Greenbacks bouizht and sold. valuable than the pound of cure. W hen a.no Member of Collw:e of Physicians and G BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Burgeon e. Ontario. . . RADU A'l'E of Queen's College, Kingston ; Sulphur for Stock. G L L R. P. HALL & GO., Nashua, N. H. M B B Ayer's in Now York city has upward of$20,000,000 in farm mortgages, mostly on W estern f1wma. The money draws seven per cent, and upward, and is obtained in Europe o.t four per cent. so that the arinual profit s to the investment company are about $600,000. There are perhaps a dozen such companies in New York city alone, and there are private investors, now that money is plentiful all over the country; so that there is no lack of op· portunity t o get mortages on farms. But so hard are they to get off that, notwithstanding the fact that investors will not generally loan more than a third or a half of the value of the} security offered, 'a broker who deals largely in farm mort· gages, recently said to the writer that, as a rule, mortgages are not paid. That is to say, when a farm is once mortgaged, it in a majority of instances remains so for a long time. If one mortgage is paid, another is made to raise the money. If it is foreclosed, it is very rare that anythin!!' is paid back t o the farmer. If it is sold, it often continues to be traded around until it gets into the hands of some one.wl).o uses it in buying the land, and so gets "satisfied." Money at seven per cent. will double in ten years if the interest is kept invested. If the farmer carries a mortgage of say $5,000 for thirty years, it will cost him, at seven per cent. about $35,000 for the use of the $5,000. This enormous figure, obtained by computing interests at seven per cent, on the amounts paid, is more than a fair estima.tion of the cost of imch a mortgage, for the farmer can doubtless always invest his money in something which will yield him seven per cent. Therefore:-1. Do not mortgage the farm unless it is absolutely necessary. But, as a general rule is less valuable than a particular one, it may be well to specify, by adding : 2. Do not mortgage to build a fine house. By so doing, you will have to pay money for an investment which does not bring money. 3, Do not mortgage the farm to buy more land. Where there is absolute certainty that more can be made out of the land than the cost of t he mor tgage, this rule might not apply. But absolute certainty is rare, mistaken calculation is common. 4. Do not mortgage a farm unless you are sure of the continued fertility of its soil. Many persons borrow with an expectation of repayment based on an experience of the land's virginity only, which, on failing, may leave the land leas productive, anrl the means of repayment thus be removed. In this way trouble begins which may result in the loss of the farm. Keep very clear of mortgages. ----~---~---- CATARRH. CATARRH.-A. new Treo.trncnt whereby a permanent cure is eft'ected In from one to thre0 treatments. Partieulars and Treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON,1367 King Street, West, Toronto, WHAT THE REV. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A.. A CLERGYMAN OF THE LONDON CONFERENCE OF ·raF. ME'rHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA HAS TO BAY IN REGARD TO A. H. DIXON &. So~·s NEW TREATMENT FOR CATARRH. OAKLAND, ONTARIO, CAN., March 17, 1883. DE.\RSIRs-Yoursofthe 13th !nst11.nt to h11.nd, It seems almost too good to be true that I am cured of Cato.rrh. but. I know that I am. I have had no return ot the disease and never felt better in my life. I have tried so' many things for catarrh, suffered so much and for so many yeare. that it is hard for me to realize that I am really better. I consider tha.t mine was a very bad ca.so : it N'M aggravated and chronic, involving the throat as well as the nasal passages, and I thought I would require the three treatments but feel fully cured by the two sent me, and I am thankful that I was ever induced to send to you. You are at liberty to use tb!B letter stating that I have been cured at two treatments, and I ·shall gladly recommend your remedy to some of my frien d,. who are sufferers. Yours with many thanks. REV. E . B. STICVENSON. TORONTO, AtJril 24, 1882, DEAR Srn,-We take pleasure in stating that our j unior na.rtner, who had tor years been troubled with CMo.rrh, was succesefully cured by three treatments of your remedy. '.I'ha Cattarrh waemuch 14:gr11.va.ted, with contin1111.l dropving Into the throat, accompanied by loss of voice, hawking and spitting and blocking uv of the nostrils, all of which we are pleased to say dis11.ppeared &!most immediatclf after the remedy we.a applied. Your remedy is certainly an invaluable on'e and. we hove all who may be sufl'ering from this disa.itreea.ble disease will (!\ive it a. trial, as we are eatJefied they will find it a complete success. Yours very truly. WM. NORRIS & SON, Wholesale Pianos and Organs. No. 8 Aclelo.!de St. East. BncJdyn's A.mien Salve.-'.l'he best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Bores, Ulcers' Salt Rbenm, Fever Sores, · ratter, Cha.pped Hands, Chilblains, Corns. ancl all Skin Eruptions, and Pos!t!v.,ly cu.res Piles; It is gw·an· teed to give perrect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box: For sale by J. Higginbotham & Son. "Hu B" COUGH CURE, 25· CENTS.-Pr escription of a Boston Physician, dispensed years by a Boston druggist_ ONE DosE will cure r:tny ordinary cough. It acts almost magically. Ask Stott & Jury for a 25 cent bottle of "Hu n" CouGH CURE, and don 't be p ut off with any other. A . ff. Dixon , Esq., 305 K ing St., West. Messrs. A.. H. Dixon, & S on. ADVICE To every Farmer, Thresher and Mill owner-Use McColl Bros. & Coy's CELEBRATED Lardin o laohino Oil GlJ A RA.N'l'Ei;;n the BE ST in the World. fOR SALf BY ALL OfAlf RS THE BEST HOMES l!"OR TEN llILLI ON ;I'lCOPI.l!i ARE IN Minnesota, North-Dakota, Montana, Washington and Oregon, ALONG THE LINE OJ' TlllC STORIES OF A.Nllt.U.s. .; 40 mineral, ll:lllllon acres of the best agricultural, ... forest and gro.zing lands In the United States are now open for settlement. 20 ll:lilllon acres of railroad lancls for sale at $2.60 to $4 pl' acre, on 5 years time If desired. 20 !tlllllon acres of Governments lands open to settlers FREE. The l\loi·thern Pacific Country possesses great and rich natural resources ready to be de· veloped into profitable Industries. For maps and pamphlets address and mention this paper. . , · CHAS. B. LAMBORN, ·Land Commissioner N. P.R. R., St. Pe.ill, Minn. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Through the Great Wheat-Belt of America. drink. It Is a specific in the cure of all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostatie Portion of the Urinary Organs, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, Burning Urine, Qleet, Gonorrhea in all its stages."Muoon.t Discharges, Congestion of tlie Kidneys, Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes, intlamma. tion of the Kidneys and Bladder, Dropsy ot Kidneys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urine Pain In the Region of the Bladder, PAIN IN THE BACK, Urin11.ry Calculus Renal Calculus, Reno.I Colic, Retention of Urine, Frequent Urination, Gravelin all Its forms, lnablllty to ret&ln the Water particularly 11!_11er9ons advanced in life. IT IS A KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR tha~ restores the Urine to its natural color, removes the acid and burning and the e1fectoftheexcessiveuseof illtcx!cat!ng - R L UNDERTAKING LEVI MORRIS. I · The greenfinch begins to pipe at 1.SO o ·clock in the m orning, the blackcafl at 2.30, and the quail half an hour later. The sparrow is lazy aiid the last to rise. d ollar and we \Vlll llOJld-11' to Uiem. medicine from 'thelr drull'l<lst may oend us ono Send tor Olroular, Price SI, or Six Bottles for ·cs. Those who <"!.lltlot obtain a bottl· of this Sold br all l>ragglatil. 1 ·- Alil!llH'llVBG, DuL W. JOHNSTON & CO. it ') ; %>!19Cl'r, Kloli, Agent. tor tile U' s. and Canada. J ~,- A T THE VICTORIA. P P A sparrow's n est was recently assayed at the Philadelphia m int. It was founc on a box on the roof. T he bird flew frePly about in the smelting room, gather· ing gold dust in its feathers, which it shook otr in the nest. 'ANew Jersey ~ eked by a pair of cats, and as one jumpe on - is back, the other clawed his . face. The d og got rid of t he cat on his back by running under a fence, and then he returned to the charge, and killed the ot her cat, while the first escaped. Farmer Tunnison, of Lyons Farms, N. J., owns a cow and dog which are great friends. The dog is the cow's companion day and dight, sleeping in the stable. A few days ago Mr. Tennison attempted to whip the dog, whereupon the cow attacked him furiously and drove him from the barnyard. A horse attached to a buggy, in which were three drunken men, I'efused to pass the Third precinct police station in Albany. The bystanders said the horse knew the men ought to be put into a cell. The men were finally compelled to quit the waggon, whereupon the horse; was driven off without difficulty. · Thomas Bell, the naturalist, tells a story of how a spider caught a tartar. A big bluebottle fly bounced into a spider's web. The spider hastily presented him self, and threw its long arms around the fly. The fly returned the compliment, and after bat tering and t earing the web into pieces flew away with the spider. Two weazles were so absorbed in the fight for a mouse in a suburb of Louisville, Ky. , that they did not hear a farm er approach. Each had hold of t he mouse, pulling in opposite directions. They were captured, placed in a cage, and given bread and other food, but refused to eat. In a few days one of them had eaten the other. A toad was seen to enter the chicken yard of Andrew W hite of N ew Castle, N. H., climb into the feeding saucer of some young chickens, and roll himself over and over in the meal. He h ad noticed that flies swarmed about th e m eal dish, and t hey soon began to do so about h im. Whenever a fly passed within two inches of his nose his ·ton gue dar ted out and the fly disappeared. The newspapers sent to a stationer of Dorchester are taken to him by a dog, who calls at t he railroad station for them. The train hands sometimes puts his master's bundle under a dozen others at the station, but the dog invariably throws them all off and picks u p the right one. 'rhe porter says that th e dog sometimes even j umps into the van on its arrival and selects his own parcel. A Houston d octor had a mockingbird which lived in the garden. Whenever he' r eturned home the bird would fly to a tree in front of the d oorstep and sing for hours. It appeared to be in an ecstacy of deligh t whenever the doctor was at home. The doctor died of yellow fever, and after the funeral the family opentid the doctors's room and found the m ockingbird lying at the head of the bod, dead. After a heavy rain storm. recently th e People of Pawtucket were puzzled at finding in a street p uddle · l,llOre ~han 100 little els all r df ' to t hr ee . e. · a l\'e, an romope· rnches rn length. · 1 f t ft l k d Th S octa ac , o en over oo e e man who lends his influence rarely gets it back. FRESH MEAT. ___"""__ _ Meat Sold in the S hop for ~ash !j--~~-:;,,£..--1----~~~--.V-EllSUS Peddling and Credit . We hav ing b een 80licited by a number of our citizens to commence on the abtn- e :-;ystem, we have now decided t u fall in with t hei1 · request. -This plan wi ll enable us to sell TWO cents p et· pound cheaper. As you will see by th e~ new system we shall not require half a dozen horses and i'igs and rnl'n to run t hem, for which t he public have previously paid. We being the first t o introduce this g rea t saving ask your liberal support. Y ours truly, W. BRITTAIN & Co., Market Square. N . B.- All nrders promptly attended r.o and .Meat deli.vflred to all parts of t he t ow1t. and invites the Ladies of Rowlllanville and vicinity t o call We afoo pay Cash for Fa rm and Dairy Produce. Hao received Iler new stock of GOODS., and see her Pattern and assortmen t of - -- --------·-- - -- - WHO I S UNAC QU A1N TEO W I TH THE O EOGRA PH V 0 11 THIS COUMT R Y WIL L S e:E BY E XA M_ I NI N(] T H I S M A P T r l T';o4 E-,.:-.. BONNETS, HATS, iAMAN ~~~: .THE ONTARIO ·BANK TRIMMINGS STCIRE :- Secon(1 Door West or '\Vllllams Bnteher Stun ..J....~:.(i l.l!::iii DENTISTRY l AGENCIES. We beg to annonncA to the public that we are prepared to do ageneralinsurance business, representing as we <lo a number of first class Companies we shall be ii:l'l.d to give prompt attention to anything in that line. We represent also the Ontario Lo11n and Savings Co.. of Oshawa, and accept deposits on Its behalf al· lowing 4 & 5 per cent interest C rom date of receipt. Parties requiring loans will find it to their advantago to get our terms. J.M. BRIMACOJIBE, PRA.CTICA.I. DENTIST, OFFICE ltt(J(JJ.lJNG'S BLOtJK, COl... LiECTIONS Promptly made at current rates upon all po.rte OVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENOE. of Great Brittain, the United States and Do Nitrous Oxide Gas A.dnllnistered for Putnles minion of Canada. Operutions. Teleg1·aph T1·ansf"er@ Mo.cl'< for large or small sums on all parts of Oanada. '!'his is especially advantageous to persons living in Mamtoba or the North-west as it 'llakes the funds available at once at the place of payment. For further particulars call at the Banking House. . . GEO. McGILL, T. BRODIE, Manager Accountant. 2i>Hy, using several t eams we have continued this flaxseed ration for years, and with the b est satisfaction. F lax seed can be purchased in most parts of the country at about $1.25 per bushel, so that it adds very little to the cost of the ration. Ocean Steamships. We are o.gents for a number of first class lines, among which is t he White Sto.r Line the b11st fastest and best equipped Steamship on the Ocean, and Car tickets to all points o.t low· est rates. We also represent W , D .Mathews of Toronto, and are prepared to pay highest prices for Barley and all kinds·of grain, P1mies interested will please note those facts. Avoid Farm Mortgages. Mortgages are necessary and ben eficial t o civilized society, but there a re unpleasant f eatures about them. They often enable a man ' to acomplish whab he could not other wise do, and tJ:iey also often involve a man who would·have been otherThey often enable a wise successful. man to get out of trouble which he could ·not otherwi,se avoid, and they perhaps equally often make miserable a life which would have otherwise been happy. It is easy to get them .on to the farm, but i t is not always so easy to get them off. Farm mortgages are about the best inyestment that capital can find. Investors generally li~e them. They partake of t he natu re, permanence, and other substantial quali· ties of real property, but are r elieved from many of the burdens imposed upon land. Tho editor of the .American Agriculturist says t hat one investment company T. YELLOWLEES. f. ALLEN. 0 LD AND R E .LIAB4E :f:hgft~~h~{f~0~~ ~~1r~;z~~'!n:~~~~"-~~h1e~: GRAY'S SPECIFIC .MEDICINE. TRADE M.._HK.Tlle Greatllng·TRADE M RK. Minne a p olis a n d St. Paul. qalleth~ att~ntionoftraveHratothe centralpos1t1on or i ts h n e , connecti n~ th e E ast a n d t he W est: by the s hortest r oute, an d car1d}ing passen:fera. ment is unrivaled and magnificent. bein gcompoeBd CHICAGO, ROCK ISLA-ND & PACJFIC R'Y Piief~~1~\fe"!:ntcfetE~1ni~~TJ~ii~e~!~af~0 :~tii~1! It connect s i n Un ion c. HARNDEN, L. D.S., PORT PERRY The above worke are running full blast to keep up with orders. Some very large orders h""v.e been received lately. WeemplQynoagente GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. and a.re selling Tomb Stones, Monumeµts, eto., E'la.te Work executed in the latest and most at lower prices in consequence.· Our cmto mere get the commission themselve~. It will Improved etyle o! th!\ Dental Art. pay anyperson who intends erecting a monuDETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ment&o the memory of a departed friend to writflme or eee me 11ersona.lly before placing bJ' the W!e ct Nitrous Oxide G~ without lnjur7 their order . I guarantee 11.rst class work at to the p&tient. lowcnt possible prices, · Particiilar attention paid to the.~~gnlation ot OHILDRBN'fl TEETH . .M4RBL· WORB:l!I, _..ALL WORK W.ARR.AN'{'.BD.~ llaHf. PORT PERRY Graduate of the R& 1al College of Dental Snrgeonl! Ontario. OFFICE OVER DiCK::ION'S STO~E. M~RBLE WORKS ___ ..,___ . -----·--4-. ... W. S.HAW . ~,:gi"Jc~~f~~~~~~ l':.~1i':i~~~t1B:,~Ralia~~"j~fi~ for 8 1 ~,8ni:; of~f~1~~ 1b~:~1i!1\~l~:ia~·~ii1r~;~r~~ Seminal Weakbet ween Chic ago an d Missouri Riveio PoiDte. Two ness, SupermaTra.ius between Chicago end Minneapolis nnd St. torrhea. ImpoFa.ul, v ia t h o Fa.moue tency, & all dis· "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." cases the.tfollow A N ew and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankaas a sequence of .. kee, has r ecently been open ed between Richmond. ·' " '· Sel!·.Aburn · as - N orfolk N ewport News, Cha. t t anooga, Atlanta. AuN'a.ahville, L oui sville, Lexington~..eincinnn.ti, Before Taking1o~e ot Mem'.ocy,After Taking. gusta.. Indi anapolis ana. Lafayet te, tm.d Omaha..- ¥.inDoaPolie S t . Pa.ul an d inter10.edio.te points. Universal J,ass!t.ude, Pain In the Back Dlmneell All'md Through Paa1iengers '.L'ra vel on F a.st Expr osc of Vision, Premature Old .Age, and many other T rains. Diseases that lean to Insanity or Consumption Tickets for sale at all principal 'l'lokct Oftlces lu th& United St ates and Oanada. and a Premature Grave. 1!1!TFull particulars in our po.mphlet, whlcL Baggage oheoked t h r ough and rates of fa.re alwe desire ~o send !ree by mail to every:one.- way~ aa low as competitors that otrer less adva,n... The Specific Medicine is l.'lold by alldrnggists t"fi:· dotniled II!i'orm atlon, get the Mapa and Folc> at 'l per package, or six packa11;es for $5 or ere of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, will be sent free by mail on the r eceipt or the money by addressing A.t your nearent Ticket Om.ce, or address R.R. OABLE, E. ST. JOHN, THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Viee·Pre1. Ii QeQ 'l M'e:'r , Gen.'1 Tk-. A Paa. A8ihi Tor onto, Ont'. , Canada CHl~Aco. U sllBemedy,a n u nfailing cure 1

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