ALLEGED ADVERTISING FRAUDS. BoWJl.A.}.'VTJ,LE, FRIDAY, JULY An a.rticle in last week's Sun demtta.nds front us a few words of explanatimL . Mr. Climie s:iys our " cliiim r egM:ding circuiation is false." This statemc1~t we Lu;T week we announced to give the ·emphatically deny, and will gladly subpwMlc a little of th e erratic history of one stwu.tiate our :i,ssertion to the entit'e 1JatisW . 1t. Clirnie, but through the pressing faction of any {l:dvertiser who will .call:and })l!)f.'.'S uasion of a fe1~ i ntimate friends of his ' ne our books, as we have Qft.e11 reex4rn 1 ~ fuu ily,. we have b eeu prevailed UlJOll to quest e d · tlicm t · o d o. w ithholc l the article. They say, with His second dmrge that we ha,v e "" ob .eonsiderable -truthfulness, that the g:1me ' t _ 1 . d .., . l f t . . ' " :t1nel a v·e r..,.s1ng unc er a1se represen ais not worth the pow(ler, therefore we , . f . --' -t' ~ ,. . . f l . . , :twns o ci11cw.. ,10n · JS :11so a oo anc1 we ,... Cl' . t' t <lrop him RS a family man and di;cuss ]um h 11 - · · <C a enge ~·U". ume or any o aer man o a busmess adventurm·. b t t. t th l su · s an 1a e · e c iarge. For his third charge there is wrne founOuR village contempomry, thePeterbom d.1.tion, but no fraud. A f ew times when Examiner, comes to hand . consideraMy we ha¥e \ssnecl extra edit ious, as we enlarged :1nd is now the largest sheet in very frequently do, we havti lifted out, the district. The merchants of this lively ft' our out s1 'd c ed·tJ t · o· a f ter running 1 w n, win ::and progressive country v~lhige evidently · we term qwtc1 '- a d vertisementspaten t ]mow th e. value of printers ' ink, and we congratulate them on luwing such a v~lua m.edieine n otices- t o make r oom for some ble advertising medium as the Examiner. special advertising in that editiQn intended for [(])cal circulation only. And as our A wicle .u,wake newspaper id t he best adnclvei·tising ocmtracts do not call for inservertising agellt in existence. tion of any advertisements in om· extr(t Las·r S:tturday's Olube was the largest editions, therefore we are doing no injustice to :my advcrtise1· wh en we fail to give lll.ews1.n1p cr ever issued in Canada. It him tlte benefit of this extra circuhttion. co11ta:ined 24 six-column pages. It claimB ut we have many times sent out extrn ciil. to cont:1in tne gre:~test q 11antity of adeditions containing all our 11llver tising, and wertisements ever pub1ishecl in a Canadian have more than fulfilled our ollligations to papea·; and to issue a larger number of copies than was ever issued from one Can- advertisers in this way, so thatlthere is no ,adian office. The managers of the Globe fraud nor room for reasonable complaint. ' ,,,,,~ ,,, ~~~~ ~~~~~ To his last charge that a portion of our certainly do not l:wk cnt<ir prise, ancl they edition " is only half-sheet" we plead havi;i jUJ1St reason to feel proud over this iruilty. But this half-sheet edition is 110t ~ strvke of newspaper ambition. None better;'" · and never was int ended for local aclverArriv ing every None cheaper·. . f · 1 - A.ND·week, full of blooru 1'HE first half of 1884 has passed and tisers, exceptm.g a ew tunes w ien 1ve t d d to l Cures Cough!!, sen out a the STATESMA ., ..- has not, even had thesli~ht iave ma e arrangcmen s and perfume. Colds, ete_ est symptoms of a sunstroke. He is more special edition for some J)atiieular adver tis~r. This half-sheet edition i.6 sent out vigoroi;s, healthy :md influential th:m ever ))cfore. He has won many new friends as exchanges t o newspaper men, a.dvertisers who want to see t l1e paper 11irnply to in the six months, and has recei vcd . auvel'~ism .1 · chec1 t t1 ICU' g , and to publ' lSliers very encouraging and hearty congratuh1tions from many old and tried friends. of maga.zines whose review notices appear frequently in our col um1 is. So thali while To suit everybody Acts like magie Thus encouraged t he STATESMAN enters advertisers do not all get the benefit of the in quality and p pon the sec<;md half ye;;,r of its persecu· and gives solid ii~n with ,; bokl \1.1;Jttirn:tinll-tion to excel its full .circulation, th ey get the benefit of :ill price. comfort. that is of any benefit to them, r ncl . of all ---o--IJast record, · =:::::!!"'!'~:::==~·=·= · -==-=== that we ever pr omise to give them. - by the Toron,,. . c 1· · · c1 f d' tfhe Com.missioner sent ..· 1n.r mue·s mrges of d emu · mg acl . . . l . b ti b I to Globe to en'q uire into the workings of ver~isers, as 18 s lown Y le a ove exp anucl what we have done T 01 'le t A rt1c · l es, fal e t the Scott Act in Lhe l\llA r;time Provinces na 10ns, ar' se ,. , · ' . ALL THE The best for fattening purposes, and has concluded his investigations. The is done to a gr oater or less cxt~n~ m most Combs, 11 · t' f!i d M Cl k most reas·onable in price. Patent Medicines wave ~£ temperance a!l,itation which is a prm m g 0 ces, an r. n_ m e · nows Brushes, :Howina over Ontario lrns made his descl'ip- it. We shuulll not h<1ve taken the trou.ble Sponges, &c. · ADVERTISED ti¥e l~ters of peculiar i nt erest, and his to m'.1 ke . th~~ :ex12l~~iation, h~d -we not army of facts and figures will be made to h eard f..ro1 !'1 o.~h~; §9Ui'~es tlu~t !J~r opp~nin gr eat variety are for sale by us. ~o d uty eithe r for or agafr1st the Act in ents ·were bu ~1Jy. -e:;gageQ. m circulat mg tl t . thc contests now preparing in eighteen iese repc·r s. ' · ... . Counti es in t he P rovmce. In his final The greatest lMlvqr tJsmg fraud m tlus letter he sums up the evidence h e h as ad- part of the cou.btry Js.W . R.. Climie's Su~i, teriug country girls, but the sensible men 'fhc. Gr~at slaughte~· o~ tin w1 1re at 11 d "" l ts ,,nd women will look at him and laugh M anmng .~ N osworthv s still gomg on. duced, and renders a verdict in favor of .am1 ~ w.a ve["~~_er· w i,u mves money m .. ,,__ .·ct. it mib crh t alJout "s _ well ~catter hi:;; ducats to right out in the m<'eti1~g. ~man of se1:ise - W1mDING ..f1i.~~KEN~·s. -:A -f'l'C~h line of tlle ·"' never sees ti drum ma]or without feehn~ ,Pl::ltedwr1re Just rece1vecl. T. 1cllowlecs. the winds of .h eaven. He has rn:>t one like t he farmer wI10 sa w I11s · fi t l d ' <l ·rs t u e, ah . $23 will pnrchace a ticket from BowTory journala L\bor long and hard to boi;a jide.-s1i bscribers all told, and said to a companion, " ~!!at thi11gs we d~ manvill'e t·11 he old country . T. Yellowlees. d h p ll D find fuguments to cool the temper of outsfcle-uf Bo1,.n;anville he has not tvJenty- see to shoot when we ha m t got no g Lm. 1 ve subscr il . i er s West Dur ham ; we No boy whatever yoL 1 clo in life, be a - eop .e w~n el~· ow he c~~l' se &Cry Caniidian workingmen, who arc properly fi pro'Juce;, tha t is, de; somet hing that will Goods aud Clot 'n ng soc eap. 111011 o. protesting against the immigrat ion policy chalienge contradic£ioi· and also challenge be of b enefit to yourself or somebody else. Parasols, hosiery, and gloves the largest Commence this week and will continue throughout all this of the present government. There is al- h im to irnUli81~ th~ . m;mes or' 25 bona fid e A drum major produces nothing but ridi- as~ortmr·nt and t lic lowest prices at the · season to offer special value in ways plenty of room for that class of im- subscribers receiving th eir papers at post cule, ancl he has not go t sense enough to Star House. Opened out this week at Couch,Jolms· migrants who come here with a full know- · offices in t11is r iding outside of Bowman- know it. He walks ahead of the band like a he-milliner. dressed like a t urkey ton < ·' Cryderman's .· B lack Nun's veiling l oes not .eveu gob' b l II ,,., ledge of the country and settle themselves ville. True, he circulates a ]tund red or gobbler , but 1te c · e. c c and Colored Muslins, White Lawns honestly to work to make the waste places two papers in the town, b ut they nre given can't utter :i note of music, and tos~es up and new Embroideries. o n t he fertile prairie blossom as a rose, away, as only a fow personal friends could a st ick with a brass head, and ciitches it Tl1e · l'C St () ' f the ban d PIPES solcl at w. E . P ethicks barber looks rni"se. " l .i.1 but t here is no room fol' the hungry hor- be induced to subscribe for sueIl 1111 all(l have no respect for him, and h e is the shop a t cost price, or at 25c. on t le 'IP ess de who are transplmited from the work- apology for a n ewspa i;ier as the Sun is i lau<>hin" stock of everybody. H e is the th:rn retail prices, first quality meerchaum Ladies, please call and inspect our Dress MaLerials, we are showinl.ll' some nice lines comprising French Cashmeres, Ott oman Cm·ds, Empres~ houses and slµ ms of British cities simply and these papers left at houses wh ere mo~key of the procession, aud would not pipes for $2.00 PETHCCK, the Barber is selling his P ipes, Cloths, Cashmere Serge, Nun's Cloths, Swiss Spots, Oatmeal Brncades:o to add to the criminal population of Can- eith er th e STA'l'l~S~fAN or N ews is regularly he noticed only for his outlandish rig and read, and ther efore as an aclvertisiug 1mmkey work. He is th e drone of the Tob:wcos and Cigars at cost prices, as h e Colored Lawns, Sateens and Prints. a da. --.. -.. - - · medium is of no value. Being a little bee hive, and lives on the music that is <miner out of that line of business. Give Jield 1 ·n London, others make. H e is the tail foather of the hii~ a ~all. It will be to your advantage · A mass meetmg was l curious to kno\1' what Mr. Olimie was bai{cl rooster, and mm't even crow. 'Vho if you want anything in hi s line. Ont., on Fric l<ty nigl1 t in favor of t le charging the few b usiness men who are i.t was that originated the office of drum . · A rny. M aJor · Campb e11 pres1· advertisina with him we a,.sked one of major o£ a b antl is · a quest ion, · b u t Iie d'd The Star H ouse r eport an unusually Sal vat10n 1 ~ h' tl t 1 t f \_ larae season's trade; their ordered clot1 iing ded and about 3000 peo1)lc were present. tl1er11, ·· ,.1 ·i d lie r epli ·e·c l tl1,·'t Mr. Climie said a t rng ia ie can never a one or. 1 ~ ' d · · t f 1 ti 1 bl made by Mr Peard1m 1 · 1as tak en th e l ead . r:1l members of the Army have been l I . rum maior is no as use u as ie 1um e f fi 1 Scve in a,nswer to t hat (1 uestion t lRt us rates co¥er to a snusage, arid if you can secure Thev have a larrre a~sortment o ne c oth imprisoned th ere htely for beating drums were "the same as the other papers a j ob, young 1111111 , as ti saus:tge cover , ing 'fnater ial alt'new. If you want a suit Those about buying Curtains will find something entirely new, patterns ron the streets, b ut iu consideration of the, charge." accept it in preference to j oining a u ew give thnn a c:ill. are different to any ever shown, ranging in price from 75c. per pai.r up. good t hey are doing many SJ.mpatbize \ Now who is practising a fraud on ad- band as drum maj or. lf you desire to be vVHAT':; IN A ~A111i.:. -Scrofula is so with th em, hence this meeting. A reso· vcrtisers, the man with a bone~ fide circu- ornamental go and tie a pcacockl ·s fe~tller called from the Latin scrofu, a pig, from -We have just received another lot . in which to your hat band, and go arounc an et the supposition that the disease c~m e f~om · of those Pure Silks, warrante.9. not tt> .lution was unanimous1Y passec1 lation of nearly t wo thousand or the one your frieuds kick you. Be a hitching eatiiig swine's flesh . It is oft.en inherited the Army pledged themselves to refain with less tl111n one 111mdred subscribers, riost or a cigiw sign, or carry a sign for a from parents, and leads t o absc·csses, ul- cut. Call and leave your order. We guarantee satisfaction i).1 .o sale. from beatiug drums near houses where and two-thirds of t.lwse subscribers to the shirt factory on the streets, and thus make cerous sorfls, debility, king's evil and conthere is sickness, orwhilepassingchurch- other local p:ipers 1 a sandwich of yourself, but eaven's The case ofsuffered the .Rev. )Vm. s11ke don 't a drum majfor or. h A whole sumption. Stout of Wiarton, who 23 years I.) es ancl Sunday Schools, and also refrain Mr . W . R. Climie is feeling very sore hun dred drum majors that once appeared from ~crofulo,18 abscesaes, is on" of _the from parnding, the principal streets on just n ow over cert:tin matters connected at Chicago did not look as if t hey had most rernarkable on r ecord. B urdock & Saturday nights, and asking t he Council with the r ecent R eform Demonstration. brains enough in th e r1ggregate to fill a Blood Bitter11 cured him after the best to repeal thti obnoxious bw. An influen - The Committee very properly gave the s1mill tea cup. If you are struck on join· medical skill had fail~d. d · inrr a band, get a drum ancl ma ul it, or -DON'T BUY YOURt ial deputation was appointe to w~it on , printing of the farge posters to the STATES- pr~cure a horn and bfow the daylights out the Council anc l represent the sentio.Ucnt ! MAN office and Mr. Climie being away at of it, m1ything that will help along, but and wishes of th~ meeting, urg ing the I the time a nutter of rnilwiiy privilege was don't make a monkey show of yourself, · m roe d' f th e by -l··w i ia·e r epea l o_ " · om itted from the bill as we11 as h' is mime and cause l)eople to laugh - at y ou, and · think you have !lot sense enough to know as Scci·etary . On arriving home h e was that you are th e but~ of ridicule. Somo The great Liberal Demonstration at s o eii.ragtid at the action of the Committ ee think that 11, band keeps a dr um major to Harti~ ton last Friday to do h onor t o that, having little else to do in his office, do the drinking when the members of the , post er on his own a\'.)cotmt, not band have got full enough . Several of Hon. E. was one of the largest he issued n the drum maj ors at the Chic11go conclave and most enthusiastic yet h eld. From even · asking consent of the Committee, ·got drunk after the parade, and if you had - C>Fall quarters the people gathered in thous- and hung it in his -Office window that seen them yo u would never want to be in ands to welcome the Liberal leader and passers-by might see that he was receiving their place. S ober,~ drum major is en· hi.~ friends, to proclaim t heir approval of patronacre from the Reform Association. titled to just a. little r esp.cot., becau~c he " . . looks clean. His hear skm cap, lus feathh is conduct, their confidence in his hones- 'iVe understand he has sm ce sent 11~ the ' ers and red and buff uniform, and his ty, t heir adnuratiou of his ability and account for his poster to the Committee. badge of office all shine·, as he looks like his devotion to the popular caus·e, and to ·w e do not t hink t hat the R tiform ers of a peacock. B ut when h e get s drunk, and hear t he ~ trre! t 1rnblic questiol'.J s of the day ' Vest Durham are. going t o have every the hair on the bear skin cap all tur ns the. discussed. Mr. Blake on his arrival at piece of printing th~y require ordered in wrong way, and the oti.p sets on his left 0111., his coat is split up the baek, his badge the statio11. was 1iresentecf with an address duplicate in or der to keep a political hack of office drags listle$sly in his nerveless hand, his eyes becorn:e reel, and the person behalf of the May'o1· and members of like \ Y. R. Clirnic in existence. the Corpor~tiou, wh o ; :dthough of differ - . The Reformers in town look upon him piration ooze'S from e¥ery pore, ancl his ent politic»! views, cordially united in with suspicion since he played a traitor's stomach is foll of free beer , and h e is staggering off looki1~g for a place .to lean their recognitio n of hi~ hones ty of pur- rnle n-t th e la,st munici pal election, when over n, r;i,iling and be sick, with boys folpose, l1is zelLl in Lhe public s<Jrvice, <'ml for gain and in order to take custom from us lowing him and m aking fun of him , his his higl1 character as a public man. To h e nominated th e Conservatives' candidate featlrn1·s all drag@ccl like a peacock that this add ress , :tilr. Blake made a fitting for deputy-reeve in opposition to :r.rr. Thos. has fallen in it swill barrel, and his body as limp and limber as a rubber overcoat, r eply , in which he expressed his pleasure at tinding that her e, as elsA wh ere in Cana- Burden , one of the most active R eformers h e ~a n ot ·a ·sigllt 'that is as inspiring as he da, people coul d g ive even the ir opponents in the r itli11g. W ell, does Mr . Olimie re- is etirly ·in ·tire ·clay . So stay out of th e 'l'llis powdet· nevor varies. A tnarv11l of · cr edit for sh1cerity of purpose and honesty m,ember the censure [le got from several band, young man, unless you iWe a blower purity strength<l wholesom<rnesa. More,\ econou1lcal thnn the ordimiry kioils ancl cnn· ~ . · or ·a 'striker:, ·an d can m~ike mUjiic, even in th ~ir political beliefs, h owe v*:lr they ler\.ding Reforviers at that t ime, and now be sold in cOllllJ<\tition with th!' multitude thoitgh it isn' t very good . I~o or m usic is not migJit, clifter wit !t r eg:trd to th eir political of low test, short weight.. alutn m· phosphate _ · · . 'l'ESMAN bstter than the position of a premeditat ed powders. Sold only fa Cl!:,n S. - RonL B.unNG Bowmanville, April 8, 1884. opinions. Messrs. Paterson, Anglin and he comes.whining because th e STA Powm1:& Co·. lod'W&ll·st, N. Y. fool. - Peck's Swn. office still gets the Reform printing. -<:>thers also delivered addresses. 4. = I 'i\I. B. a nd J. M. Webber of the We h:we been trying to g~t along without a ne""7'Spaper wm· with M:r. Climie, but Mutual Maniagc Aid, Hamilton, have fo:i;- wee.kS he has been publishing dirty been under arrest for some time on a little sfjuibs in his di:rty sheet :ibout us, charge of fraud pl"Oferred by some of their and no>w we very r ell'lctt1ntly draw swords dul'us. · ....,.....====~.....====~~---= with .a man of such a,n unsavory reputaTHOUSA NDS oi salt water shad are dying t ion ltS this W. H. Climie. Those of our readeJ's who subscribed for · i!.l Lake Ontario, and washing on the t he EhA'.l'ESMAN before we bought out Mr. beach where tl~ey lie rott~ng and emitting Cl' · k now w1 t ·se ·ble , '"eakly wh a steHcl1 in:t~e, H\ a in1 . r:.. ,, : ;;;1 . . t hat . serious results are 'll t l t 't I f ·ct, '"e , foarcd. P1scumltunsts can offer no rememi ,:-anc1-wa er s iee i was. n :.. .· . was run b y tl·e . <dy ' it seems. ha¥c been told that it office hands with an occasional article sup- · . Croup and Thr1>at and Lung Troubles l' l b · ' ·us1 '11es men Qf a are treated successfully with Allen's 1 t 0 P le< Y one · wo " ~ ' l't t f · d '"Iii ' le ,...r· Climie Lung Balsam. See acivt. 1 ·entry urn o nun ' " . ~u. . was fiitting here and there over the countrrro while his business was going to the SHOPPER'S GUIDE. doge. How much better he is managing his ·b usiness at the present time, we let 20 lbs. mi.sins for $1 at :Murdoch Bros. hilll .iiffiv sheet that is so badly printed Window Rollers t hat cant be beat at. T . evoo·y ¥'" "k as to he scarcely readable, YflllowlePs. . Canned ap])les 5 cans for 50c. at Quick , speak . He bears the relation of <t monkey W rig1its. ,_,. - } d ~, " f · t't t ' s ·n & "!" ~ organ "'-' a ew m s i u ion i We sell 11ood white Shirts a.tat 75 ots. town, .e:t;11 erwise he might have been on Ellison & Co. the indigent list' of the Council by this Boys and youths Tweed Suits 11t $1.50. time.. If h e woulcl devoto more attention Ellhon & Co. to th.e .duties of License Inspector, ti sort Children's Cabs r educed greatly in price, of ~inoeure to him, we sho uld have fewer T. Yellowlees. complaints .about violatil·ns of the liquor 'iViill papers very pretty and very cheap laws from all parts of the riding. at Cheapside Bazaar. b We offer rare value in Shirtings at ,12! vVe were told recently that some usi- cAnts Ellison & Co. l l t. · · l · ness men w <o are ac ver ism g m us p:iper You ought to try one of our $5.00 Tweed 11ro doiug 80 to get their accounts square. Suits at l!:llison & Co. This state of things is not very credita.ble Our Prints Rt 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 cents are to a man who has had charge of the lead- extra cheep. Ellison & Oo. ing printing house in this part of the ·we are selling off our wall papers very country for twenty-five yerirs, and two ch e<1p. Tait & Morrison. government positions-issuer of marriage Our stock of Dry Guods and Clothing B is complete. Ellison & Cil. licenses and license inspector to boot. . ut All wool Tweed Suits made to order some men never can mind their owu bui;iness, and h ence they come to the period from $12~ up. Ellison & Co. Hands ' orne and elegant P~rlor S uites in when they have very lit tle business of their own to attend t o. latest styles at Levi Morris'. We giv1i great 11tte·ition to the Tailor· ing dtip11rtment. Ellison & Co. We offer a special line of all wool Tweeds at 50 cents. Ellison & Oo. A For stc,111er No· i·s· -·"" Ma1'l B oat . young lfellow ' in f anl interior . H 0town, ,. w·· "nd u W l'ltea to tle !:fan or acvicc. says Tickets call on T. Yellowlees. t h ey are 01·iginating a. hand ii~ his. town, and while he can plity no mus1i;al mstru-. Gr?at fall in iyall papers at 'l'ait & ment, he has a desire to join it, :~nd says Morrison 8 Cheri,pslde ~azaar. . they want him to be clrun1 1ru~JOr, ai;icl Gre:it slaug~1t,or of tmware at Mannmg :1sks us whether he had better take tfltl I ~~Nosworthy s, Call and see. IJOSition, and there i3 any cl.1ance ""ot· thine1s pretty, varied, chea1 ) and 1 f ~ " to amount to anytlnng as l rum mt~Jor o goocl call at Che:1pside lJazaar. a higher position. This · as k mg ' · w1·11 not . band,bor ' rise tu a art ies us f or bargams 1 S ,,,n d oes no t care t o be P is a su JCCt tie disap1winted Ellison & Co. tackle, but a boy who comes in all meek· f or Ladies, have yoU>seen Tait & Morrison's ness to this f ount of every lll essm~, You should. advice, is going to get it . Boy, don t you pretty wnJl papers. n .. · . be a drum miijor. A drum major never Fresh supply of t 1 10se c1 leap iw1sms amounts to an ything, except in his own 20lbs for 1.00 at Murdoch B ros. estimatiou. He m ay not be m1y bigger \ Gents Colored Shirts at net cost price fool, after a service of a few years :1s drum 11t Couch J ohnst on & Cryd,ermans. major, .b ecause he is about 11s big 11, fool as For great baraains in all kinds of tinnature can get up w :lien h.e takes sucl~ a ware go to Man~ing & Nosworthys. position. He rmy nse, a httlc, by ~ettmg D . in" satisfact o work clone b leavup on a bi1ncl stand at a country fair, and . ye ,, d 'thry T y wle~s striking an at tit ude to be admired by tit- m g your goo s 'n · · c11~ e · 0 -E: ..A.. S l\LI: 0 V- E D- 2 DOORS WEST~ -This is the House for-· NEAD'S BLOCK. ALL FRESH AND NEW. Clothing and Gents' Furnishings.. J. JEFFERY.. J. BIGGIIVBOTHAM &SON, FLOWERS PURE DRUGS STANDARD MEDIOINES. Fresh 011 cake -o---. · BINGE'S SYRUP: WANTS TO BE A DRUM MAJOR 0 " PERFUMERY OUR CORN CURE Horse & Cattle Food, GIVE IT A TRIAL. ~~~~-~l~l "' """ DRUG-GISTS_ DRY GOODS & MILLlNERY. DRESS GOODS I 0 See our Parasols and Sunshades ·. LACE C CTR.'I,AINB. MANTLES f Inspection invited. THE LEADING HOUSE FOR FA(1HIONABLE MILLINERY.. Pierce Robertson. l C.AJ:<.PETS before seeing . the ELEGANT STOCK, GI"OCers' D,,je Bills taken as Cash ONE DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE..