MONEY. {The Higr1est Price in dash for EGGS at QUICK & WRIGHT'S, Successors to lVIcClung Bros.} MONEY. THIS COLUMN Belonas to STOTT & JURY and I:> mall Medicines advertised are form GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BQWMANY1LLE S'fA'l'ION AND TIME. GOING iusi· nmNG WEST l<'l'!i:pless ..·....8.53 am E:xpress ...... 7.25 am li,Jl:Pre~s.10 oo a m Fa.stRxpress.10 00 a ru "' sale by them. · ~ i!' lhxed...... .4.20 p rn Local, .·11.15 a m ~~,.......,,....,~~~f'o..J"',J 1,ocal . . .. 7.35 pm i\11xed ........ 3.45 pm Exoress ...... 9.20 P m l!~xpreas....... 8.38 'Pm -------------"" '---.... I DEATH I Death and destruction 18 sure to 'l'elflllt from tb.'6 first apphcation of the ¢11 ¢ II II !\ln!\l t!U1l "' W uiu, d· $t \atms9 !l I W Vit'J~gy, PARIS GREEN aold by STOTT & JURY, the Reliable Druggists. 1 !BOWlllANVILLE, FRIDAY, JULY 4. S 0. E. B. S. On Sunday last tl10 members of Well ington Lodge, No. 19, Sons of England Benevolent Society, paraded for divme service, as is therr annual custom, at the Prm11t1ve Methodist Church where th p.1stor, Rev. Bro. J Dyke, preached excellent sermon on "B1.tOTUEitLY UNITY," VERY COOL. The most relireshing and mvigomling -dirink~f the semon is '·IC ·E L'I'NE." ..l\.sk'fur it at STOTT & JURY'S. Only 5c. ---------------~--- QUl\.LITY the Leadrng Fee.bure at STOTT .WI; Ju1tY's. from the 133rd Ps:ilm. We can give only CARE the Watchword at &l!<"l".J: & Jun.Y's. an outlme of the sermon. The preacher ..A-OCURA<Nl the Infallible 'Rule at STOTT began by saymg There are two prevailmg ideas as to the & Junn. ougin of thui Psal 111. Some thmk 1t was ffi~RGAINS m Druggist!.! 'Sundries at written by Danu to produce .1 closer STo'.E'l'-& Jun.Y's. umon :unong the tribes of Israel These tnbes havmg sepctrate rnterests, soon be gan to appear md1ffcrent to the general ~DOMINICAprnsperity of the nat10n But now the ark of God bemg located at a central place David sought to urnte them m brotherly umty and love Others t lunk that David wrote these words to produce greater harmony among PURE, no watered 11is sons so that they should hve m the umty of real brothers But wluch ever view we adopt 1t will not mter e with stock. the application of the text to the pleasant circumstances of this glad mormng,the an· WHOLESOME, Pur- mvernary of the Sons 0f England Benevolent Society of tlus town As I look mto ifies the blood. your faces, there passes before my mmd anothe1 land, ,1. " sea gut isle," the REFRESHING, A11 mother of all Englishmen, the misti·ess of commerce, a p10neet· of c1v1hzat10n, and agreeable tonic. whose nuss10nary works, propogation of Scriptural tr uth ,i,nd evan6"0lism 1s not COOLING, Just tlte snrpasse<l by any natwn under the sun We !.ove to tl11nk of England, the greatest thing for bot weather. m terntory, her monarch the pmest and best loved 111 the world \Vc love to dream of her busy cities, her quiet v1.llages, 11er long wmdmg green lanes, aud lovely scenery We admire England- the home Abso'ltntely fr e e from of our fathers- the place of our b1rththe fair land we love, and whose proud alcohol. ifl~g has braved the battle and the breeze for over a thousand years.. As Sons of Eng!.md we meet tins morn-FOR SALE BY111g and are ]Ustly proud of our heritage. But we also love Canada with her broad siassy lakes, with her stretchmg pranies in pts. and qts., (imperial measur~). m the west, and iher rugged romantic Refined expressly for LYMAN scenery 111 the e.1st W o love Canada wtlth her social freedom, ,ind her admirable con SONS' & Co., Montreal. stitution and laws,- the finest express1011 A LIBERAJ, DISCOUNT TO THE TRAID'E. of gove'rnment and freedom there is m the whole world. As Englishmen we seek m our :ui10pted land the grand purpose of d \\ ellmg together m umty and love To us t'he text SPEC I AL AGE N TS. is full of music and good cheer- full of fruitful lessons and holy comfo1 t " Behold how good and how pleasant 1t 1s for brethren to dwell together m umty. ' HOW TO SECURE HEALTH. W e ask you to obsewe fiist what our It is strange that anyqne will su!for from text commands- brntherly umty. Tins derangements lnought on by an um.:pure cir· commendation 1s of specml mterest to us cufatlon of the blood, when, for a small Other nat10nahties h.tve then someties. It outlay, the physteal ~rgamzatioa can be completely restored by that wonderful blood is said by some that Enghslunen lack the purifiei, Northrop & iLyman's Vegetable wttrmth of tho lush, the clamshness of the Discovery This mod1c1ne acts diroctly Scotch, the delicat e politeness of the upon the Blood and Bowels, and 1erad1catcs French, and the b1oad humor of the Ger· Scrofula., Malaria, Bi!J<Jusness, &c , fi om the man. But whatever our fa..rlmgs may lle system. As a tome 1t has a t"emarkable we believe these n11t10nal benevolent soeffect on the weak and broken down con- crnhes are aclmuable schools of p10tect10n stitution, restoring title appetite, &c One and culturn for Englishmen who used it s1iys 1t is the most 1expensive In accomphslung brotherly urnty we JnedicJUe he knows of; sJUce using it his ap· seek to perpetuate fond memones of our petite b,;s improved su much tlmt it !:Osts Mother land. We love to r e111embe1 the J1im twice as muc,h to live as b0fiore I t banishes pam aml weakness, 1JUvigorat eB days of childhood and youth m our native tlie bram :md nervous system, and,rouses the home, when we c.1ught the shinmg trout from the n pplmg l.nook, g11thered floworn dormant muscles into new life. along the green p,1ths that wanclerecl One trial of Mother Graves' 'Worm Ex- through the fields, ,md fell from the termrnator will convmce you that it has top of the quaint old style where we sat no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a h stenmg to the e<twmg ro(J)k, cthe warbling lai·k and the cheery thruslh. \Ve love to bottle and see 1£ it does nGt please you. remember England witl1 Jrnr n,)]Jle clergymen whose pure lives, el0quent speech Thomas Myres, 'Bracebndge, writes: d 1b h d Dr. Thomas' Eclectnc Oil ts tlie best med1- and devote a or a\te ist111gmshed cme I sell. It always g1veu aatisfact1on, ~!~~~h~~ ~~~n~~~~°udofs~~~~l~~~~~:a::i~ and rn case of coughs, colds, f!Ot'e throat, " ·c., 1 ·nrmediate relief ha· '·-een recei·v~d ventors and explorers, ancl her champions u ~ u v of civil and religious liberty, giants of 1t_ by these w~~~e__ . "_ _ __ _ greatness dear to us all. Agitation in the world of homeophebic Our Society also seeks B rotherly Unity · 1rns b een i t s very s 0 'Illil of p i·ogress by opemng its doors to < Enghshmon who med icme connng mto our midst are strangers 111 a as m polilws and rehg1on- th0 dfficulhes strange land. All who ha.-.,e passed through of opimon and the md1v1duailly of men tlus experience know the uttc1 lonelmess, I l l1ave been parent to the d1aag~eem e11ts by which the standard of these bodies have the chsappomtments and <'t le c eep yearn · bee elevated. So with most of our fa- ing for home and friends, wluch hke a dcsolat1011 sweeps the souls of those who mous Preparations - foremost m illustra- find themselves -11ilgr1ms wncl stranaers 111 tton of wluch true stands tbe world-famo· ~ a strange land. As Sons of E ngland we us remedy to general deb ility 1 angour desu e the Brotherhood of Englishmen the "' Qumme 'Vme, "-and which, w·heu ob tainu.ble m its genume strength, it IS a world over. Wo fondly believe the Eng- ft~ fRUIT JUICE! GrocerS and Druggists STOTT & JU RV, ----~-------- the eystem. Quinme Wme, and Its improvement, has, from the first drncovery .of the great virtnes of Qnmine a.s a medi· cal agent, been oue of the most thoroughly ·ciscu~sed remedies ever offered to the It 1s one o (the grea t t onies a 11d . ,pu bl 1c. ,<latural life giving stimulats whiefa tihe _,, d ,medwal profession have been comp.,,,.1e to recoguize ~ud prescribe- Meesrs. ,,.T throp o" o. L ~·or yman <>f T or on t o, h~e givull to the preparation O'f their pure <Qmicine \Vme, the g1 eat care due to its' jronGl!'tance, and the standard excellen . ee' " .()f bhe article which tJJi;y oifer to the pub"' Jic aomos tnto the- market purged of &H ithe defects wnich Blulf~j o~servation · and .&cienh'fio opmion has!_d out in the lass penfect preparat1ous of .the past. All" !1~~a~U~~~a~~-:~~o!h~~e~~~=:i~:~tii:;;11~ rn:tn, ~~=:~t~~r!1~~'.~~~ ~~~cc:2:i:ii~£l~~~~~t the versatile American~ but we are strong 111 the belief that the Epghsh have qualities of bra\ery, of trueness and noble uess of charadei· wlnch a1 10 not excelled byL any other people Ana tt 1s our great dosu c, that the hands and hearts of Eng b shmen sh ould be JOmed together th e world over. Our Society also seeks "ro ])erpetuate true patnot1sm and the u111ty of om great empire. Be ~t known thrG >Ugliout th e entire world that Fenians, anRexatiomsts, and all enemies of the :Bntish empire, wiH firla no fnend m· us \Ve beheve m the .umty and destmy of this grmtt empire "\Ve kno~ that her lHSt is glolJJms ancl._ we beheve her future progreas lE closely woven 111to the warp and woof, of the Ar.uggist tic!Ut 1 1 world's destmy. As sh e lives the rest of People wbo reside or B<\l'J)l~11.rn in 11egio- the world will hve. · As she shmea the n11 of coumtry where fever arul ague and r est of t he world will shme- £01· she 1s bilious ,1<eu11tte.QJ fever· -arc prevalent, the Sun- m id other nations reflect her should be rtJ.cularly careful to r.egulate light as the m oon .d1gest10n, the hvi>r and the bowels, before Dut we Mk further attention to t h e t he approach .of t he season for the periodic goodness and ple,1santness of thus Umty malady. The timdy use of Nor~1rop .& It is m l1a,Tmon y with the divme will Lyman's V eg.etable Discovery and D~s- What m it sep<iil"(l.tes man from his brother..·?. peptic Cl1r.e is a valuable safeguard again- Jt is s111. '.1-'h e great object of the Bible et any malarial seourge. It is acknowle- , .md 1ehgion is expressed in the song of dged to be thJ,i lwst bi·)Qd purifier in i;bo angels- " pea,ce m~ earth- good will to Jl)arkot. nHn. 1' teachings of pa tnarch Too p10phet, of Christ and the apostles, are Mcmste1· School P1cmc. Grand Centr,d for summer drinks. lessons of umty and brotherly love. Self"D ishness chills the w.mnest soul, bltghts ON l~11day .J une 20Lh, a Un10n Schoo G cl C ietz" Oil Stove leads Lee & Edsall. the fa.nest m,mhoud, .tnd rums thll ha.pp1· [ T->1cmc was h el<l m Mr. Jamos L eask'.s ran f ntial foi ice cream. MILITARY PA.RA D:E.-Thc members of est hfc. So to be m unity rn m harmony I beaut1tnl gro\e one mile west of 131<Hllcy s a Gr.>nd Cm1tr,1l for confoct10n::wy. No. 1 Co 45th B.1tt, are expected to atwith the dnme will Umty is 0crood and 1 School House. Six schools were repreBuy " Dietz" Oil Stove Lee & Edsall tend service at St. John's Church at 11 , . S 1 f t M. C C b a m on Sund 1 t pleasant becaus!l it gives strengt1 1 o · sen et1, '1~., ' 0 ma, r. oom e, The D1sc1ple Sunday school picmc will · ' · Y nex · character. One gmm of sand 1s powerless teacher , Enfield, Mr. George Davey, be held at Erpmgham n ext Thursday. FE.Alt N QT.-All kidney and urinary to withstand the billows of the ocean, but teacher , Bradley's Mr. Frank Gi oat T b f \~' I complaints, especially Bright's Dise~ae, many make a buhwrk which ca111;10t be teacher, Mitchell's Corners, Mr T. HE mem ers 0 ·· e lmgton L odge D b ~ '"' ,., No. 19, Sons of England, turn ed out 45 ia etes and Liver troubles Hop Bitshaken So umty gives strength to Doidge, teach er; maxwell's, ivlr J. t f h h ters will surely and lastmgly ~ure. Cases character Let us seek to develo1) those Thompson, te,wher ,· and Harmony, s rong or c urc parade on Sunday ti l'k W M Mi B H m ornmg. The offic ala of the P. M. exac Y 1 e your own have been cured in elements of greatness whwh a10 over . 001e, teac1 rer. ss . icl , of ch I1 your own neiqhborhood, and you can :find t h 1 fouud m ti ue Enghsh blood. Let us Baker's School, was also present an sever u[c 0 fv:fY tene~o;is Ythse apbart t " reha.hlti proof at home of what Hop Bit. rrather the scattered Sons of Engfancl al of her pupils The schools met by cen re le c urc or e mem ers ters has and can do. ~ntil like Ezelul's dry bones may come anangement at a pomt a nnle-and-a-half Smu-CENTENNIAL-The Toronto News together and stand up a hvmg army for from the grove and formed m procession, Co. have 1ssu~d ~.n illnstrated sheet of the - A FISHING P ARTv-Port Hope Guide truth and right. Solma School leadmg preceded by the D. Queen Cit;> Sem1-Cen!enmal domgs, t o of Saturday says· Messrs. Piggott , Wes· The goodness and pleasantness of umty 0. & P. Co., Band. Enfield School came/ be had of newsdealers fol' lUc. ley, Rogers, McKay and Fitzgerald of is seen m the fact that 1t fosters the h1gl1- next, headed by two boys nding two l MR W. E. 'l'ILLEY entered upon Ins t he Domuuon Oigan and Piano Co.,' ate aims of life. No man liveth to lum- mules dressed m grotesque style, followed rluties as Inspector of P ,1bhc Schools for t ended the Old F olks Concert last ni" lrt If. It is God's design that hfe should by wagons filled with school children, Durham coun1y on Tuesd~y Jast. Teach- and expr<Jssed themselves very m;ch ver How onward like a river. And if WC drnwn by four horses and decorated with ers will address !um at Bowmauville, m reased. 'l'hey ham gone out to Stoney have umty on earth, we shall dwell m green bushes and handsome flags Next future. ake for a few days fishing umty m heaven. m order came the school from Mitchell's \VoOL CLIP -l\fa W. l\'.lutch Mr. Hyse D Fairbairn, son of J. B. But let us give furthe1 atten~1on to tins Corners ~n "agons, drawn by magmfice11t Kmgston R oad, clipped tlus season, a~ Fairbairn, Esq, P M., has been makmg subJect by learnmg the beautif~l lesson horses, filled wit~ the cluldren nearly all average of oirer ()lbs · from 20 ewes, 10 of Ins mark at Upper Ca11 ada College. By of this text. Brotherly umty is as fra- dresssed ahke The wagons were trmuned them averaged over S lbs each cl , the annual report we observe that he has grant as the anomting oil. It was the with green bushes, mued m with beautiful fleece weighed l l lbs Next 1 ' an ones made steady progress All t hrough the year custom of tho Jews to anointtheir prioets mottoes and emblems, made of different R S and at the filial examinatw r1 'he stands and krngs when they were consecrated to colored tissue paper, and overhe,id floated u::HWAY - 0 r 11 aturday fast, a te.i No. 1, takmg the first prrne for his Form their holy oilioe. 'I'he holy oil mado beautiful flag~ aad bannexs. 'fhe appear- own ed by l\fr " esley Dean, of Cartwright, as well as special prizes in Mathematics according to divine prescriptwn was rwh ance rMdo by this school with its hand- b~o:he f~om a tielpost m the nortl~el'll Pfirt English Gmrnmer and Algebra On ~ with thearomaofrnynh,calamus,cmnamon soma oluldren and wagons tnmmecl ~ e ~';11 Mil anT~rnh smas mg re count of thu excellent record he has bP.en and cassia, The hand of the old prophet such urt1st1c style, "as a credit to the em ocyi ' 0 pieces. e oi scs were 110 promoted with h onors to the Upper Mod· lifted the vial, and poured its contents section. 'fhe get up of Messrs. vV Dnnkle lllJurel · em Form Goocl boy, Ilyse, contmue m upon tlie head until it ran down the beard and Levi Arnott, deserves particular S. OF T - The 40t h annual session of we'l domg. 11nd even to the skirts of the garment. ment10n. Next 111 order Maxwell's the Nat101ial Div1s10n of North Amenca PHOSPHATINE.-An almost certain cure So brotherly umty should be powcd out School (No 3, East Wlutby) led by a boy opens at H 1 ahfax, Nova Scot111, next Wed- for Pulmonary Consumption and alt as the 011 of gladness, rich with the fin- on a pony, diessed to personate 11 clown, nesday '[]10 representatives from Bow- chronic and wasting ,hsease The "reatgranflll of a pure atlection followed by a cavnlcade of ladies ancl manv1lle aie 1\'li. l<.. Wmdatt and Rev. est medical discovery of the mnt~enth Brotherly umty is also frmtful as the dew gentlemen on horseback, the steeds E. R. Young. century; a scientifically prepared remedy, of Hermon. In a cc.untry w)lere ram decked m hondsome neck and aaddlc: $21 00 is the steerage rate by Allan free from quacke ry; pure, deho10us, natonlylfell twice a ye,tr-the constant clew~ cloths m var10us colors Miss Dre" and Lme to or from Londondeuy, Liverpool, ural and perma.nent m its results. Its were of 1111mense value, they refreshed Miss B1rtie Hyland sat like fauy Queens Belfast, Queenst own, Galw,1y, L1me11ck, efficacy is somethmg wonderful, d1scoverthe hills until they were frmtful Ma. ga1- on tholl' champmg chargers. .After that Glasgow,London,Ca1d1fforB11stol,another ed by Prof H. L owell Austwn, Boston, den . So consttint lovt.> and umty are 1e- ca1ne l\irs B Cronk dnvmg a fine p.ur of dollar gives first-class rail to (~uebec. Maas. Pr1cll, $1,00 per bot tle. For sale fresbmg as the dews of Hermon and Zwn. grey ho1ses, and on her left sat l\'.[r. Cronk C,tbm also reduced. '\V. A. NF...rns, Agent by all drugi:11sts.[J How refreslung 1t 1s to find areal brothe1 canymg the school Then came the FrnM-Such chances are seldom oftered ~ - ~~~~=~ Not one who 1s wann and lovmg to day, Oshaw::t Fne B11ga<le Bancl. Harmony 111 tlus frontier distnct as the sales of the lUR f HS. but cold as an 1ceburg to-morrow. Let School came next m order, rmd the pro· Low and 8trutt estates offe1 to morrow. ult., the love and um1y flow from your hearts m a cess10n was brought up by a cover ed pro- They are excellent properties and are warm glad stream and its. fragrance will vis10n w11gon decorated with mottoes aud worih the at tentwn of capitalists See never be frozen by adversity drawn by four grey horses Altogether also notices of ::;haw and J oll farms 111 _-L._.. MARRIED. We see ,mother lesson 111 this scripture the piocess10n sometlung winch is 1 10t this issue 111 the fact that God has commanded lus often surpassed Bradley's and Solma No inJur1oos ofiects can follow the use blessing, even life for ever more, upon Schools dHl not make elabomte display, of Ayer's Ague Oure m the trea tment o them who dwell together in umty All but the smilmg faces, .111d lusty shoutmg our good is from !urn And we rejoice of the youngsters were a suff1c10nt somce malaual diseases It contains, bee1de! r...,----,..-a specific and unfalhng antidote for m1aathat he 1s the 'same yesterday, to-day of a,tttaction When the crowd had DIED. matrn po1son,other remedial ageuts whiob and for e· er " '!'he blessmg of umty is gatherod 111 the giove, t,1bles were spread BRODIE - Jn Dowmanville, June 20th, Mar· unite to expel the poisonous humors, garet, relict of the late Thomas Brodie, aged peace Ill the heart and joy lll the life, It Oil the green sward aud 11mpJe JUStlCO Was purify the system, and leave it m a heal- 62 years. blessmg for ever morn We are glad done M the edibles, the wuter bemg so thy and r emv1g orated condition. that tlus life 1s not all. That these v ery F@ctuuate as to get among the chicken JULY EX,lMINATIONs.-The exammation BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. friendships will not die, but will blossom pw s001ety After dmner some pmctical mto the frmts of an eternal love When addresses were delivered by Dr McLaugh- for t he profess10n,tl thud class certificates, the hghts never go out, the music never Im, Mr. J. S. Larke, Rev. A B Dcmill, :i.nd for Intermediate sta.ndmg m the high <Jorrgcted 1q1 to l o'clock p.m. e'llerl/ Thursd.Q/// BY JOHN McMUJT<TRY. dies, the wnset never fades m dying Mr. M. A J11mes, R ichard Osborne, Esq, school, will begm at!) o'clock on Monday glmt upon the eternal lulls, no mght set- and W Smith, Esq , Reeve of East the 7th, aud will close on Thursday afte1- Flour, per 100 lb ·..... $2 75 .. to .. $3 00 tics darkly down, but love and umty Wlhltby, who occupied the chair on tlus noon. The exammat10n for nonprofess1on- Fall Wheat, per bush. . . . 1 00 .. to . . 1 08 .o.nd hfc 1s forever more. ooca.s1on. The cvenmg was spe11t 111 a.l ~P.con rl class certificates will commence Spring Wheat, per bush. 1 00 .. to. . l 03 Brethern we are hastmg on the wmgs gllimes, races, foot-ball, etc Great crecht at 11 o'clock 011 W ednesday the 9t h, and Rye, per bushel. . , .. . , · · 0 58 . · to. . 0 60 of tim e to t lus happy goal of hfe fol·ever- rs due :M1. James Leask for the excellent will close on the afternoon of Monday Oa.ts,per bushel. .·..... 0 35 .. to .. 0 40 more. Let us seek urnty wlth the Lord airrnngements and prov1s1011 made for the t he 14th Peas, Blue. · · . . · . · . · . . 0 7(· ·· to. . 0 75 Jesus Chnst, not a mere umty of nllimes rncnickers, and his generosity m tluowmg F:n:srivAL AND CoNCliH'r. - On the even" Blackey es. . . · . · · 0 92 .. to. . 0 95 but a umty of heut, a unity of spmt a epen lus house and grnunds for their m g of July 7th the D 0. & P. Co. Band ,, Sm .... d . .·.. .. . 0 70... to ... 0 72 mnty of hie, let us be true ilJlllen an<il then iple.i.sure will give a grand strawbeiry fcstiv,11 and Barley, Nu. 1. ..... . .. 0 65 .· to .. C ()8 our reward on earth and Jill heaven 1s 11s The number of people present is var10us- promenade concert at the beautiful grounds ,, No 2. () 55 .to. 0 60 sure as God lumself. ly estunatecl at from 2000 to 4000. of Mr W A Pope, Llbe1ty Street 'flus ,, No. 3 0 nO .·· to ... 0 55 '.l'he total cost of the display by band thmk of lw hlmg ,; grand b,tnd tom Butt· r ,per tt;. 1,, st t able.. 0 1:-:l. .@. 0 14 Mr Thompson's school is said to be nearly n ament here tlus summ.01, and they ask La.rd, ¥ lb . Fa1·ewell Sermon. .. .....·· 0 13 .. @ ·· 014 $300. the citizens to t urn out m large numbers Egg~ ,lfl' Joz . · ...·.·. 0 13 . . @ ··014 Last Sabbath evenmg Rev. J.. Dyke The b,inds were paid $40 ea~h;. _ at the festival, as the funds .u·c io be Potatoe11,1J1ir b11· ltel. ···· · 0 50 . . @I · · 0 50 The whole expense was promiltly m~t apphed to the tourooment expenses. preached a tollWlung and effectivt1 sermon Wool, pe1 lb. . .0 Hi . . @ · · 0 00 the ratepayers and some of Urn schoo~s 111 the P. M . .church of itlus kl<wn di11om vVe take pleasure m anuouncmg that - - --·- ______ ve funds on hand. Co:u. Joshua 24 24-.5. The occasion was one Bo\\mam;ille Division Sous of Temperance of deep mteJJest, being the last sermon N .cUJ ~:b'tmtiscmtnts. have decided to hold a publtc str,1wberry the pastor a~1d the last Sabbath se v1.ce festival ,md grnnd concert m the Town The Werry Picnic 111 connecti0n with the amalgamat1011 of Hall on Tuesday evemng, Jul~ 8th. No SERVANT GIH.L WANTED-Capable the congregat10n :with the oU~e.r churches Tlus picmc is ,i family ga.hhermg wil11eh pa111s will be spared to make tlns the 0 and tr ustwor thy. Apply at the Sr.uESMAN in town Mr. Dyl, e rPforred to .the promost enjoyable entertammcnt of the ,_ tB _ 'c_e_ . _ _ __. gress tho church 4urmf;' thectlnee years of 'vas mst1tuted I tl'unk about ,i;(>;n season '.l'he pnce of adnuss10n will be l11s pastorate, showrng that J.n the conver- years smce, for the purpose of affo:udmg very low, and strawberries will be freely HOUSE TO REN'.l'.-Des1rable house, v11th aevlln rooms, mcely ftmshe<l, bay sion of souls, the gio wmg number and the children and grand-cl1ild1011 of the late served \V,1tch for posters and programs. window, foldmg rloors, good cellar, hard and interest of the crnagrngahoFI, a.ud the large Peter vVerry, of Solma, a11 opportumt,y soft water, woodshed etc. Poesess10n in a. for SOC!al C llJOyrn.ent, or .a k mcl lilf V!Stt ())11 GARDEN PARTYThe residence and few do.ya 1freqmred. l!'RANCIS l\fABON. mcrease of finances over any other 27 tf. period of the chmch's h111tory, was a a la1ge scale exc@pt as to t1me. iElowcvei" lawn of Mr. J ohn Middleton of Clarke Mr. Editor, you may haiVe noticed t hat townslup, was crowded on '.l'utisday evematter for devout thankfulness to Goel. ARM FOR SALE -One of the best As a people t hey could go rnto the umon cousms can .get acquunnted l\Vlth ome mng with a l:i.rge company of the members m Darl111gton. on main road, two miles with honor and d1~mty 1 and t heir amalga- another 111 a. remarkabry s110:ut ttm1e, some- and fnends of the Bethel P . M. congre east or Bowman ville, 11.nd three miles west of Newcastle. 146 acres, well improved, good mat10n with the other churches was not a times even tf they ne¥er met. before, so gatiou. The provisions wei·c excellent, and clwellm~ and barn, good orchard. Apply to matter of necessitf at all, for the church th,tt although a d:.i,y is a sho11t tune m the whole evemng very enJoyable 'l'he R. J SHAW, Bo\\manville. 27-tf. winch to v1s1t so man 1y as one would meet Mr. Dyke said a few par t rng woids Rev. was better able to austam lls responsibilion such an occas10n., yet a grelllt deal of to the people and received many wnrm ties and work than it had ever been, but ANTED.-A clVll, houest and mnustrtous lad from I i to 16 years of age, it was an tict of sacnficc for the general enjoyment may be ilu!lid .Lr1 tlmt t ime by go- expressions of esteem and des1re for his to attend to a horse, work abot1t house and m for Lt h@artily a.11cl systematically. m g fut nre happmess . good of Methodism as 1t was felt by many garden a.nd assist on farm occas10nally. One It gen erally ta.kei; i~lace abo:mt the 22nd of that two churches would serve the mterest that can drive a horse preferred Coniforte.ProNrn.- ThP. scholars of St. P aul s home and fair Apply to J. SIMPof the work better than Mr Dyke June, then: bewg several buthdays m the S,ibhath school h,1d a very enioyable p1c- ' le ON, Rothes Farm 26 2w. expressed his de('\p sym:r-athy with the connection about ,that tune, and one m e at Erpmgham on Domm10n Day . specially 1mpo.rtant c m that day 'flus congregation many of whom were deeply '!'here were a goodly number of parents ' HE THOROUGH-BRED JERSEY attached to the chlllch; and would ever year it took jplace at Mr :r. H. F. Han- and fnends present also. Mr. and Mrs BULL- " Young Bouhvott"-for service cock's, Tyi1'one, on the 25th of June. A remember it as a Bethel of blessings to Cotton did cvcrythmg in their power to a. my l'es1dence1 east of Furniture Factory. ·- 'l'horo'·nred Cows, $~; Grade Cows their souls. The speaker acknowledged grancl tune was expeoted as usuaJ., but the make the folks comfortable. Short ad- 'I ,RMS Commou Cows, $2. ARTf!uR W . BURK: their great kmdneas to him; they had rain on Tuesday and W ednesday fore - dresses were made by Mr. Yell~s 22 tf. been mmdful of lus tenworal wants; noon, and the consequent absence of l'tev. J Little and M r . Armour The probably over one half nf those ex1)ected, and by a hearty, loyal fJaendehip had ladies set out a very excellent and m v1tmg mimstered much to bis mmisteual success. dampened the day's ,enJoyment. Not- repast to wluch full 3ustice was done. " ithstandmg the ~m,fa.:vorable weather And now as he was leav:mg them for his ACREE', MORE OR LESS, PARKER'S Dn: WonKs-The firm of R. tY western home m Calgary at the foot of qmte a lai·ge rmiitlber had arr1vecil by two bemg lot 16. con. 4, Darlington, Dur. ham Co., on giavel road, 4! miles form Bowthe Rocky Mountains it was !us fervent o'clock. Afte;r the g.reetmgs, dinner and Parker & Co., Steam Dyers, Toronto, have ma.nv1lle. and one mlle from Hampton vlllage. desire that they would all at once identify fiI st somal chat were over, a ~Jase ball made ariangements t o send 11 Van to Bow- First class gram and grazmg fa.rm. Good soil, themselves with the ohurch of Christ ancl match was playecl The ladies enga$ed in manville every two or three weeks, sohci- well watered by runnmg etream, good Build· md11ion, Fifteen Orchard, in food cc so live t hat they would meet m hea.ven. then· favorite characteruit1c game, and the t111g and dehvermg orders for dyemg and mgs,large ames bard wood an< cedal'. Apply on the Mr. Dyke closed a very powerful ser- younger members of the party amused cleanmg. They faded goods look premises, to W . JOLL, Hampton, P. 0., or to 27-4w mon by urging the people to jom them- thomsclves WJtll cr@quet and swmgs. In as good as new. Gents' clothmg dyed or GEO. JOLL, Soilna. selves m an eve7lastmg covenant of sel'vi- the everung the baskets were examined scoured without r1ppm g them. Kid gloves and found to contam-well, I d.idn't m- cleaned or dyed. Feathe1s and ostrich ce and loving obedience to God. VISIT TO BOWMANVILLE. vestigate them., but I know that the tea plumes dyed and beautifully curled. The tables to wluch well mgh a hundred beauty of tlus arrangement is that parties PERSONAL. sat down, were well laden with good can have t heu goods called for and ret urn- Fifteen Thousand Dollars will be Miss Ritchie, of Montreal, J.S V1S1tmg thmgs the like of ~1Vh1ch very few get ed without any express or postage charges. Given Away. every day. After thu1 mteresting pm t. of Miss Whmton MrnrsTElLS STATIONJrn.- The followmg Mr. G. R. J:111rdme, @f Burnt River, tho piogramrne was ovei , s<;tlil.e took then mmistcrs, well known m this locality, are THE 8PIROMETER G IVEN FREE. le::we for home, otheEs engaged agmn m was in town this week. stat10n ecl as follows - Bellcv1lle District cm1versat10n, while t he musical par t of Mr Robt. McCrae, of Peterboro, has the company gratified then taste at the - J J Rice, Belle' ille , E. E. Howard, THE ABOVE O FFER HOLDS COOi! FOR THIS V ISIT ONLY. Nap.inee DIBtrtct -Geo. S. been spending a :iew ·days h ere. organ But tile tnno to disperse ~0011 came Foxboro' Misses '.l'homas and Hamiltw:r have and without the usual speeches, the R eynolds, N ewbu1y ; Thomas Cleworth, To the lllcdJcal l'rofcssion ancl Sufferers form ()ntnrrh, CntarrJml Deat:ncss, As th· been v11nting Torunto fr1ende this week. pleasures of the day faded rnto the past, 'Vilton , W. C. Beer, Roblm ; Moses l\fetherall, Arden. Picton Distnct .- W. n1a. Bl"onchitis , '\Veak Lnnt;8 nnd «Jo·· MR. CHAS. B URDEN, is home from only to be remembered by those who were Lup.bert, Clusholm , ,Y, JolhHe, Bloomsn·ptlon. Grand Rapids. T:he labor market is very there [do notr ernember:the names of all field. Cobourg District - R. T. Court1ce, who were there but tliere were out there. W. H . Lcaroyd, v\ro!come, H. E. Bayley, M.y motive is not one of money only, but !or Mr and Mrs. D. Keith and M1. and tivcs of the Philp,,Vr1ght, Osborne, Pearn, Plamville. Peterboro' D1stnct.- A. E 1cience and t he good of euffe1 mg humanity. Langmaid, Cole, Elford, Clarke, and other Mrs T. H. Johns, ()f Osha.wa, have been To convince tho public and prove to the farmlies there. 'l'he n ext may, so far as T onkm, W. Dm111, Bethany and Janet- sceptical that the Sp1romete1 1s the best mstruspend111g a few clays in town. ville. fandsay D1stnct .Roger AllmJ ment ever invented for the treatment ot dis· Capt. Ada, Lieut. R ussell and Cadet we can sec now, be held ut Mr. \N, Little Buttam ; R. Mallett, B. A., Man- eases of the au· passages, a.nd that it is all I Lome and about 30 s0ldiers attended the 'Verry's, Roselandv,ile Farm , Solma,when illa , J H. Oke, Fenelon Falls. Madoc have ever clauned for it, anyone eutfermg from the above named diseases who ca.JI at the we hope to be f;nored with fine wm1ther Big Jubilee m 'foro111to on Tuesday. District - T. Br01u1, F lmton, 'V1lham Rull:BOTroM HousJC, THURSDAY or FRIJ;tF;v .J. DYirn, will preach 111 tho Qlileen 'l'hose who were not at Tyrone tlus yeur, Coombe, Lunenck DAY, JULY 10th.. or lltb .. 188! and consult the surgeons or the Jnterm1.t1onal Throat and St., M ethochst chureh next Sunday at are mvited to call around at that tune if NEVElt GIVE UP.If you are suffer g Lung Institution, will be givon a Sp1rometer they .cannot before. R. L. W. 111 10 30 ,1 m., and at Providence at 2 30 free, tho med1ctnea a.lone to be tor, I do with low and depressed spirit, lose of this to show the confidence [ have in the treatMiss McKINNON, of Onllm, !Ms been ment, and to convmce the med1e&l profession spen<li1ig a few days witln. h er cousm, Mi·s. Nothing succeeds like success, is as true appetite, general debility, chsordered and others who still sceptica.l (notwithArthuir Vo/. Bm·k, at '" Townsley H ouse." in medicine as m anything else. Hy t he blood, weak constitution, headache, or standmg the thousands of pooplo who Mr.. .A.1thur W. Buck has a field of wonderful effect of Dr. Van Burnen'a any d1scasc of a bilious nature, by all been cured by it) that the Sprrometer I have mvented and the medicines and treatment Wlnte Russmn wheat wfach stands over Kidney Cure in promptly alleviation t he means procure a bottle of Electrw Bitt ers prescribed by the surgeons of the International four fee.t :bugh and 1s mcely headed out. suft'erings experienced in kidney troubles You will be surprised to see the rapid Throat and Lung Iust1tute are cured "nd wlll improvement that will follow; you will b e cure a larger percentage of these diseases than Be,1t th,~J{, :who c,m and produemg a permanent cure if these Mu. ,')A~ll'.EL McCONAWIE has returned distressing aliments, its fame has been msp1red with new life; strength and ac- any other treatment m the world. · 11 t · d 11 It impossible to call upon tho surgeons dur· from a two xoonth's SOJOltrll m W1Sconsm, carried over thefourquartA rsoftheGlobe.1 1 11 vity wi re urn, pam an . misery wi ing their , is1t to your city, write tor :mtcrnati· cease, and henceforbh you will reJoice m ona.l News and List of Questions. where he was q.alled to the death bed of a biother. H e MY--8 the cmps look very G irls best Kid Glovea at 121 cents the pr<Use of E lectric Bitters. Sold at .Address Dll. M . SOUVIELLE Ex-Aide b Oc a bottle by J Higginbotham & Son 1Surgeon of the French Army, 173 Church St., JJrom1sing IJl the West. Ellison & Co · · ' I Toronto. Ont, 27·lw I I Local and Otherwise. m ....=--------- F W l FARM FOR SALE. '>00 - .