._,............ ·-, AMARVELOUS STORY TOLD IN TWO LETIERS. Caledonian Mills. Formerly iruown as the " Soper Mills. ') HIS MILL HAS BEEN THORUGHLYrenovated and put inorder,under our own special supervision, for the purpose of grlsting and manutacturiug Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we are now prepa.red to recf'live orders from all our old cn~tomers and others for work, a.nd we gurantee to give them who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken in exchange tor Flour Oat Meal, &;c. H. &; J, TOWNS, Bow· manville 227, 1u HE S.A YS HE'S QUEER. Deaortptton or a Huinan Being Who Lives a Cave on Llcklnll: River-A Man n1Cl to be covered wtth a Growth of Snakes. Some miles up the Licking river, Ohio, ·.. Utntlemen: My father resides at Glover, and on the west side, just in the edge of Vt. He hi.ls been a great su1ferer from Sorofa small grove of trees, is the mouth of.a ula,.and the inclosed letter wUl tell you what oove, almost concealed by a quantity of a marvelo118 effeot brushwood that is piled over it. For years past a man has occupied it as Takes pleasure in a .l!!'.ouncing the arrival of his New Spring Stock, con.. a home. Who he is and where he came from no one knew until quite recently. sisting of Spring and Summer Hats in Felt and l::3traw, Hard and Soft has had in his case. I think his blood must He shuns all observation, and avoids have contained the humor for at least ten Felt, Men's,Youth's, Boys' and Children's Black, Brown, Blue and N eutl'f:\ mingling with the rest of mankind. When years; ·but It did not show, exeept In the form MILLINERY. of a scrofulous sore on tho wrist, until about people go into his cavern home he retreats Straw Hats from the IO cent Canadian to the finest Manilla, and in' :five years ago. From a few spots which apback in the cave and conceals himself in peared at that tlme, it gradually spread so as sizes from the Baby to Grandfather, the dark. But persons who have succeedto cover hl8 entire body. I Msure you he was Has much pleasure in announcing to the ladles ed in getting tolerably near him say he terribly a1lllcted, and an object of pity, when that she has received a complete stock of Mil· In GENT'S FURNISHINGS I am determined to keep to the front... has the appearance of being completely he begim using your medicine. Now, there are linery and Fancy GQods. few men of hls age who enjoy as good health J<'lowerR, Feattiers, · Ornaments, Ribbons covered with a hea.vy coat of hair, which on In SHIRTS, I offer all the leading styles. In TIES, all the novelties. Vetll11gs, Laces, Berlin Wool, Anduluslun, close inspection, appeared to be anias he has. I could easily name fifty persons Bends, Braids, Canvass, Sllk~Cotton Flou, mated. In UNDERWEAR, the best quality kept. In RUBBER COATS, I who would testify to the facts in Ills case. A call is kindly solicited. Yours truly, W. M. PmLLIPs." Armed -with the above fa.eta, a fhr;n, re· offer none bub :first class. HOSIERY in great variety; UAfBRELLAS MRS. ANDERSON, King Street, porter took a skiff, pulled up the Licking, next door to Buckler's Jewellery Store. and BRACES, a good choice ; CELLULOID COLLARS and CUFFS, ·-~----~ ·----;~~r':~~~ got out near the mouth of the cave, and a duty for me to state to you the benel!.5 I concealed himself. A TALK WITH JOHN OF ABYSSINIA.. the latest novelties in the line, require only to be seen to be purchased. have derived from tllo u~e of For hours he had been waiting, and MISS BURDEN takes pleasure in in African King Extorts a Thousand time.ting to her friends and customers that she just at sunset he saw a movement among The Dolla1'11 from an Austrian Merchant. will be found at MRS. .A.NDERSON'R STORJ: the brushwood over the mouth of the cave where she will carry on the Dress-Making. and then the form of a man emerged from An Austrian merchant, who has hitherSix'months ago I was completely covered with it. .Alter gazing cautiously around, he to been living at Kassala, in the Soudan, a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The started off in an opposite direction from and carrying on an extensive trade there humor caused an incessant and intolerable GET YOUR LUMBER where the reporter was concealed. By in wild beasts, has lately been writing to itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to :flow in many place· whenever this time twilight had settled down on the his relations in Vienna. In a recent Bowmanville, April 9, 1884. · ll.l/l.RKUS IJIA.YERi l moved. My su1ferings were great, and my fields, and afraid of losing him in the letter, he says that there are 3,000 Egypllfe a burden. I commenced the use of the gathering darkness the sunbeam conclud- tian troops in t he town, but that the SA.RSA.PARILLA in April last, and have used -ATed to wait at the mouth of the cave until place has been besieged for the last three it regularly since that time. My condition he returned. In about fifty minutes he months by the Stakendos. In order to began to improve at once. The sores have came back, and just as he started down in escape an uncertain fate he determined, all healed, and I feel perfectly wull in every C. respect-being now able to do a good day's the cave he was confronted by the scribe. upori. the advice of one of his black serwork, although 73 years of age. Many inquire At first he seem startled, and made a vants, to go to Makaki, the headquarters --M.ANUFApTURER O F - what has wrought such a cure in my case, and movement as if about to run, but when of tho King of Abyssinia, and to purchase I toll them, as I ·have here tried to tell yon, assured that no harm was intended, he of the latter a protective escort for himAYER'S SA.lllilAPARILLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. Liberty Street, stopped. When told what was wanted he self and his caravan. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, Where you can also obtain About the audience he had of King John laughed, and in a very pleasant voice said KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, HlllA.JII l'HILLIP8." Doors, Sash, Blinds. W~dow and Door thut this was the first time he had ever he writes as follows : Has now on hand a number of veJ:ilclee (and is ipanufacturing a great many more) of the ~ewest .A.YER's SAB!A.PA.BILLA. C1ll'e!I Scrot'ula patterns and best finish, whwh I am ofl'ermg for sale at the lowest prices conslsten t Frames, Plain and Ornamental Fence been interviewed. It was now quite dark The King inquired of me in Turkish if with due regard to workmanship and quality. 'J'he following is a list of and all Scrotalou§ CoJ!l.J>laints, Eryelp.. but it was observed that he wore >10 I was perfectly familiar with that lanthe principal vehicles man11factured by me: Pickets, Cisterns, &c. elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, clothing, while his body seemed covered guage. I answered in the affirmative. If Sores, Dolle, Tumors, and Ertiptlone ot ~ouble Covered Carriages ............................... ..................... $200 Upwards. with something that was constantly mov- not (added the King in English) he would the Skin, It clears the blood of all lmp1111 Single Phretons ........................................................... : ..... 100 Bowmanville. February 21, 1884. 8-tf. ing. He was asked what was the cause of speak English with me. The following rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of ~pen Buggy......................... ............................................ '70 11 this, but evaded the question at first, and dialogue ensued : the bowels, and thy restores vitality and - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - · - -···-··--... op Buggy........................................................................ 90 11 . at last related the following story : " My strengthens the whole system. · King-Thou art a subject of the most Democrat Wagon...................... .......................................... 65 11 name is Henry Carrigan. I waa born in mighty Emperor of Austria, and dwellest t?mber Wagons................................................................. 55 11 PBEPABED B¥. the little town of Ma.riwether, Cowelta at Kassala.1 1ght 'vwon.......................................... ......... .................. 40 II county, Pa. Here my father, William C. Myself-Yes, for many years past. Dr.J.C.Ayer~Oo., Lowell, Mass. Express agon...................................... ........ .................... '75 11 Carrigan, owned a. large family grocery King-Thou hast now left Kassala and ~keleton ................ , ........... , .. , ..... , . .. . . .. .. .... .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . 50 11 Sold by all Druirglata; e1, l51x bottle· for . . atore. I was a sickly child, and instead intende8t to return to thy native country 1 · Ulky,.,.,. . .,.,,..,.,,.,,.., 40 . 11 of going to school I was allowed to run Myself-Such is my ardent desire. superior facilities tor manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell ver7 · cheap tor oash out in the fields about as I pleased. It King-Kassala will no doubt soon be in Possessing or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to grea.tly,inorease my number o sales. Wpllld was while leading this kind of exist- the power of Mohammed Achmed 1 sell the wood parts only, or the gearmgs of buggies ironed. ence that I learned to love birds and wild Myself-Unless a miracle happens, 'Po the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. animals, and began to study their natures. Kassala is lost. The Governor will never I hereby return thanks for the prompt payIn course of time I became so absorbed in ARE NOW OPEN. men~ by your a.gent, Mr. Thoe. Blngha.m, for At the Shortest N oticEl_, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. this pursuit that 1 lost all interest in be able to resist the superior forces of the damaste done to my house by fire. I reoeiTed a oa.sh oheok by return mall after m~ claim Stand t'ormerJy occupied by the Post omce. everything else. About the time I grew Mahdi. A;.t the Factory I also do Pl~nlng, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Soron was forwarded. MRS. C. C. BURK. is also my opinion. There Saws, and prepare all Jdnde of !um.her tor carpenters and others for building purposes JUN'G STREET. up to manhood my father died, and, be- is King-That no -relying upon assistance from Egypt, .' . Ornamental and Plain Pickets tor fences in every style required, ma.de to order. · 248 ::B<>"'OV1v.I'A..N'V":EX...X...E. To the Manauers of the Glasgow ancl London coming a httle dissatisfied, and having no and when help comes from England it · -· ··· ·· ""Fire Insurance Co. · near rel11otives, my mother and only sister I hereby return thanks for the :iirompt pay· being dead also, l took what money my ment by your agent; Mr. Thos. Bmgham, for The Gallery is first-class in all its ap· will be too late. Achmed by Dost sight thou 1 know Mohamdamage to my house which was Insured in the pointments, and furnished io a comfort- tather left me and came south. When I med Myself-I know him and dealt with Sovereign Fire Insurance Co,, having received arrived in Cincinnati I became possessed cash check by return of mail after claim was able mauner. There will be no poor work him when he dwelt quietly and peaceably · MRS, C. C. BURK. sent In. . allowed to leave the rooms, and these who with a strange desire to wander through at Khartoum, trading in lions, hyena11, From the above settlement of claim parties favor me with a call can rely on being the .fields again, and acting upon the im- and el~phants. pulse, came through Covington, and begives as good value in BOOTS and SHOES holding Sovereign Policies will see that they pleased King-Thou liest 1 MohammedAchmed are all right, and· they need not pay auy atten for Cash as can be obtained at any other _.,The instantenous process only will fore my tramp had ended came here and a trader in wild beasts l tion to the agent of the Dominion Grange by accident discovered this ca.ve. It humbug or a.ny one else who are going round be used for Phot.ographs. store in town. Myself- What I say is the truth. His is a secluded spot,, and the thought "Why telling folks that their Sovereign Policies are no good, Come in and see me. not live here 1" immediately suggested !!_a!!!.!l., appears in my books, along with first year's business has been a proi '.tHOS. BINGHAM, its. elf-to-me.- ! determined-to d so, and the prices I paid him for the animals he nounced success. Bo~ANVILLE, lt. H. HENRY. it ha.a been my home ever .since. The furnished me with. KingAnd do his people know of cave i& of equal temperature throughout sales so far this year are away ahead ~D"l()I: TO lllOTHEllS. the year, and as I ·was not going into so- this 1 · ot those of corresponding months @f Myself- No. Few know it, and they Are you disturbed at night and broken or when my clothes wore out I did not ciety, your rest by a Bick child sulfertog and crying understand how to be silent. last year. call on a tailor. As for food, I had berries with pain of cutting_ teeth i H so, send at once King-As thou art acquainted with and get a bottle of MRS. WINiiLOW'S SOOTHING and fruits in the summer, while traps and bas Spring Goods on hand in great variety, SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, Its value la snares furnished me with meat, and the Mohammed Achmed, why didst thou incalculable. It will relieve the poor Uttle Pumps Cheaper and Better not solicit of him a safe escort to SouaLicking furnished me with fish. Two sufferer immediately. Depend upon it. moth·s, there is no mistake about it. It cm;es dyeenta.ry than ever. flints struck together is my mode of get - kim 1 will continue to sell at very low pncES, and diarrhcea, regulates the stomach and Myself- It would have availed nothing ting fire." bowels. cures wind colic, softens the gumsl for Cash. he is hostile to me and hates me. as reduces inflammation, and gives tone ana "But what haa that to do with the King- If England and Egypt fulfill my energy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'S The Subscriber having built a large new peculiar appearance of your skin 1" asked promptly .at~ends to all custom wo~k and SOOTHING SYUUP lo'OH CHILDREN TEETHING is demands, I shall accord to the troops the Sunman. Pump Factory in Orono, is prepared pleasant to the ta.ate, and ill the prescription of · sees that it is properly execu t ed. from Kassala and other endangered one of the oldest and best female nurses and He laughed, and answered : " Come in- to furnishphyysicians in the Unit.ed States, and is for sale places in the Soudan free passage thNugh to the cave and I will tell you." has continually a varied assortment ·of b all druggists throughont the world, Price my territory. Also to thee and all of 1'o cents a bottle When they had passed down into a thine will I allow safe escort through my Trunks, V ;:i.lises and Travelling Bag s. dark, damp r oom the reporter lighbed the With or without Porcelain Cylinder, of boat lantern, which he had brought with realm, upon payment of £200. says · REST and COJIFOltT t-0 the SUl'FRING. I timidly observed that · only £50 had "Bro~vn's Bouscbould 1·anacca " b'.as no the Best Material, on the shortest notice him. The moment a light was made he equal for relieving pain, both int"rnal and exstarted in horror. His body was covered been stipulated, and that ltls Majesty in and at the !owest prices. COME AND BEE. ternal. It curu Puin in the Side, Back or with thousands of snakes. He seemed a the exercise of his sovereign power, had Bowels, Sore Throat. Rheumatism. Toothache, quadrupled the price. No notice was KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE Lumbago and any kind ef a Pa.in or Ach11. "It Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. mass of hissing, venomous flesh. It was will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, ---- - --.. - - -- .- - - - - --..- -- . ------- -... positively blood-curdling to look at him. taken of this remark either by t he King -_-_.- - - - - - - -.- - ---- as its acting powers is wonde1·ful." "Brown,s His head was literally alive with t he or any of his suit. . To my great surprise Household Pti.nacea," bemg acknowledged as the great Pain Reliever, and of double the WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. creatures. Every hair, which hung below the K ing now asked me : " ls it true that strength of any other Elixir or Liniment in the his waist, was a serpent. His beard was your Crown Prince Rudolf, your future world, should be in every family handy tor use -OFwhen wanted,, "as it re&lly is the best remedy but a nest, where a dozen broods moved monarch, is so learned a man as even to in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and write books 7" I replied in the affirmahissing and poking their squirming ·and Pains and Aches of all kinds, "and is for sale heads into his nostrils and ears in t he tive, adding that the Crown Prince by all Druggists at 25 cenls ti. b.ottle. most confidential manner. If he opened Rudolf was not only l earned, but well acTO GIVE SATISFACTION. his mouth he had to be careful, or his complished in all chivalrous arts. The ONEY ro LOAN.-A few thouaan.:t teeth would be buried in a snake. His audience now ended. On my way to the treasurer, to whom dollars. private funds, to loan on ftrst- Orders by Mail promptly attended to. eyebrows and lashes were filled with class farm eeoo~y. at the lowest current rate~. We have reduced the pri ces of our entire stock. ot wriggling little reptiles. Every moment I had to disburse t he £200, I made the For particulars apply to H. BEI'fH, Bowmanvllle, or R.R. L~COMBE, Barrister. 3-tf. or two he would brush one out of his eyes. unpleasant discovery that my watch, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, All over his breast, and along his arms handkerchief, snuff-box- in short, all I Clothing~ and legs was an icy weight of snake. Un- had about me in the open pockets of my O ENFIELD LADIES.- MrssJuLu MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. shad been stolen by the Abysgarment der his armpits t hey lay coiled, cold and O'LEARY has returned from Toronto -We are maki n g and has bel'lun Dressmaking in Enfield. ,Special clammy. A close examination showed sinians. And they are to save the Sou.attention will be given to cutting and fitting. dan ! I fear King John and his subjects that they all were attached to him by Call soliciteo. 281-tf, their tails. Those on his body and limbs will save that fine country for themselves. At El Obeid a German officer named were a dun color, and short, u gly little in every department of General D ry Goods. heads, blood-red tongues, and vicious eyes. Von Seckendorff is languishing in the Those on his h ead ·and face were longer greatast misery. He was at one time a Major under Hicks Pasha., and is said to and darker. have been long a ptisoner of the Mahdi. After gazing at the man for fully fiv:e By his friends he has no doubt long since Interes~ed parties ought to see these Rare Barga.ins. minutes t he reporter finally caught his been mourned as dead. Perhaps his breath, and exclaimed: "In the name of wealthy relations, who are said to live at mate Banking i n all its branches. God, man, what is th e matter with you ?" Berlin and Brandenburg, will be able to Has Made Many Changes. Farmers notes disconnted ; Deposits H e pushed a snake away from his lips and undertake something toward his deliver- -(o)- received and Interest paid on amounts of said : " I am a scien tific wonder. This ance. This is not so difficult as people in $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department. room is damp ; while far back yonder in Europe may imagine. Anything may be the dark comes the sound of dripping accomplished here with ~old. DRAFTS Parties asking us for Bar g ains will not be disappointed.. water. There is where I spend most of Issued and Collections made in Europe, _.... _.'" my time. Impossible, you say 1 There is United Sta.t.ee and Canada. where you, as well !\a the medica.l J.>TOfesOFFICE- Murdoch Bros. Block, late Bunk· A Rich Little Girl. sion, are at fault. It has been claimed lng ofilco ot' Jones & Dobbto. a:i'l"TBE POPI!L~R~ The richest little girl in the world ie that standing in water is fatal to human W. J. JONES, life. This is true only when the water is the seven-year-old daughter of Captain :37 A.gent. of a different t emperature than the human George H. Perkins of t he IJ.avy, who is body. The reason is, that when the well-known in t his city. She is worth water is colder than the body the mouths $7,000,000 in h er own name, the amount HAS RESUMED BUSINESS of the pores, which completely stud the having ' been left her recently by h er - -IN- surface of the mucous coat ing, is closed, grandfather, William F. Weld, of Bosperspiration ceases, and death will event- ton. Mr. Weld was the father of the ually ensue. On the other hand, when littl.i girl's mother, and when h e died the water is warmer than the body, the four heirs, including the child, came into NEXT DOOB TO THE EXPRESS OFFICE. blood is heated beyond its normal temper- possession of the bulk of his fortune, (o)ature, and the nervous system is acted up· $28,000,000, which was divided into four llOW'MANVILLE, 131" My Stock comprises all ltnes ot Ladles on. But when the water and the body portions. The sum of $20,000 and a Manufacturer '.and Dealer in Pumps of &; Gents' Fine Goods, Overshoes, Rubbers. &c. are the sa.me t emperature, it stands to valuable residence in Boston were be- taU- kinds,reason that no bad effect will follow. qutiathed to Mrs. Perkins, wife of the 8?ir Ordered Work and Repairing will as RUBBER BUCKETS, Such has been t he case with me. There Captain, and $20,000 annually to be used usual receive prompt attention. WIND MILLS, is one thing I can't explain : Where is the in caring for the lit tle millionaire heiress WINDOW SHADES, Im' My oustomers and the publio generally source of thl\) warmer stream of water until she reaches her legal age !!<lld claims her millions. This makes Captain .Perand General Jobber in are invited to call and secure unparalleled which pal!Bes phrough the cave 1 " It is exactly the temperature of my body. kins's income in actual cash $4:0,-000, CA.RP.ENTER WORK. bargains in Boots and Shoes. There remains but one thing more for me without including his Government salary K.._op oppostte Trele,·cn's Sile· litere. DAVID DAVlS. to explain, and that is the origin of this or the rental from his magnificent resillowman"Ville. March 26, 188l. dence in Boston. -- W asMnqton R epuMkan. 13-tlm. 1maky covering. BowmanTille, Maroh 6, 1884. THE FRnq ~ SON,, "!lS Cedar St., New York,Oct.28,1882. T Ayer's Sarsaparilla Spring & Summer MRS. ANDERSON "It ie a scientific fact that when a hair is saturated with water, it will, after a ·ertain length of time become animated, and, if :x:posed to the heat of the sun, will shortly be imbued with life. As l stated awhile ago, when my clothes gave out I failed to get new ones. Man like all other animals, when not supplied with artificial covering will in time become covered with a heavy coat of hair, I had also become accustomed to li:ving in the water. It was soothing, and I liked it. In course of time I observed that the hair on my body grew larger and had a fa.tty Shortly after I sa.w what was feeling. taking place. I did not feel the least uneasiness about the matter, however, and watched the growth of the inanimate to the anima.te with increa.sing interest. What the result is you see." After '.l. little further conversation with the strange being, who stated that hetvas perfect ly satisfied with his present life and intended to die in the cave, the reporter bade him good night. SIGN OF THE HAT TO THE FRONT AGAIN. Marcus , Mauer FROM THE f ATHER: Dress·Making. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. My Prices will be found reasonable. Highest Prices paid for Raw Furs. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. PLAN~O, MATCHfD,MOULDf D&c. Morris & Joblin's HAINES' CARRIAGE. WORKS. GEORGE HAINES, Proprietor, PLANINC MILL, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C., CARPENTRY IN ALL BRANCHES. PHOTOGRAPHY. ---HENRY'S New Photo Rooms 00 , . . , . , . , . , · . , . , . , . , , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , · . , . , . , . , , . , · . , , . Cards of Thanks. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I AC KN OWL E D eEDFACTS J. HELLY AR Orono Pump Factory. J. HELLY AR'S J HEJLLYAR'S PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, J.HELLYAR J~ HELLYAR J HELLYAR J. HELLY AR J. HELLYAR GREAT CLEARING SALE ALL WORK GUARANTEED M T Men's, Youth's and Boy's SVVEEPING REDUCTIONS I "';:;:.~'7::::~:n:.~.~~:;:: (ITHE FIRED STANDARD BANK · . We offer Men's Tweed Suits at $5. Boy's & Youth's Tweed Suits at $1.50. DAV. DAVIS BOOT AND _____ . . WE ARE CUTTING DOWN THE PRICES ALL AROUND. SHOE MAN ELLISON &CO. W.C.TYLER, g'.NEADS BLOCK:: Buckwheat Flour His Groceries are Fresh and Good and Graham Flour. I JAMES IEl1110T~ Try Elliott's 80c. TE A. 1 · Farmers., PRODUCE hoiceMaple Syrup taken in exchange. and Sugar. · Due Bills given,