~--- ~~--- ---·-·- -- ----·~- - -- -,~-A '\V. McMurtry's grey and white cotton -0} 'is very low. No white quilts so low. BowMANVILLE, .l!'RIDAY, J ·uLY 4. Pictui·e frames, full line un hand, auy = --'--=-=--=-=---:=-=-- -"- :=-- - - B:ize made up. T . Y ellowli·es. "Farming in Manitoba Don't Pay.'.' .Just to hand another new l· t of white In the Township of Darlington. · - Lawns for Dresses at Couch, .Tolmston & 'l'hese \:ords h:we heen souuc\ed and r?- Cryderman's. sounded m very mn.ny peoples oars rn L .d. t · Cl th LOW ESTATE. 1 ' t. f a1.1'l'oh Ontario. :M::my lmve joined in the cry, w · ad ies,"cho'a ex~rn1nhe tmhyrluraohle 't d 'd . f m ow "' a As. ey .n» o. . . d Tl y 11 1 too, wl10 I1acl a very 11m1 c . or no 1 ea o ian some. 10s. · e ow. ees. . Pursuant to a direction given in the 'Will of farming in this pi·ovince. I am free. to anc1 1 ANN LO'W, late o,f' the '!'own ol Bowmnnvllle, admit that n. "reat deal of the farmmg A FACT. There are 01ls white, and oils widow of Hobert Low ot the same place, de· ceased, there will be sold with the approbation done here doe: not pay. For instance :- black, p11t u~ ii; bottles. short an? ta.I!, of the ~xf'cutor of the said Will by HENRY When the land is located from 50 to 75 but Hagyard s 1: ellow 011, for parn, is T. PHILLIPS, at the RUEBOT1'011C HOUSE, in miles from n1.ilway conveniences, or when t?e very best. oil of all It cu~es rhe~ma the Town of Bowmanville, on the land is not properly tilled, or the t1sm, nemalgm, deafness, sprams, hrmses, sowing done out of season, and various coRtracted cordA, sore throat, frost b 1 t.e~, other reasons. Ilut there are yet thom;- ?nrns and 1111 so1·~uess of tho flesh. It 1s At t.11e hour ofONll o'clock 1i1 tlrn a<tet·noou ands of n.cres of good .land t o be got with- for13xternal and mternal use.II in a short distance from the railway at DANGER IN Tim Am.-The recent tile following I:11ul8 111ul p1·emhe8 : PARCEJ. 1.-All and singular the North quarter prices rang{ng from $4 to $10 per acre, strange plani>tary movement.s and .,Jecof Lot num her one, in the fourtJ1 Concession nf according to improvements aud location, trical plumoinena have developed the fact the 'J'ownslup of Darlington, contamiug 50 acres mol'e or less. On the premises is a good which ·would amply reward the farmer fur that the .-arth is passing throngh a dan~1is labor and capital, providing he were an gerous· perit>d when aiuospher1c influence frame dwelling house, barns, stables, ete. PARCEL IL-A II A.nil singular the Sonth half industrious, ht1rdworking man. :: will seriously affect human health. Foror the North half of Lot 16, ill the llrol"' " i<'ront I Wtts last winter mauy times astonished tify the weakened system with tbar. gra111d Uoncession of Darlington, containing 50 'aores to see what delight Ontario people took tonic regulator, Burdock Blood .Bitters. more or le"s. The Jand is of an excellent quality for grain ridiculing this province. I, for one, and avoid malarial blood poisons.II raisini< purposes and is supplied with bnlidinga, in .. PARCEL HI-All and singula.1· that part of Lot would like to see more harmony 15, in the Bro.ken Front Concession of Darling- prevail ; but I know they are often ton, lyin>l: North of the Grand 'f. ltail way. AUCTION SALES. wrongly informed concerning this provOn this p"rcel is a good brick one ancl a half storey dwelling house, and barns and stable. ince. Permit me to correct one errone~~he land is a clay loam. ous statement made by .M:r. Oglcvic in SATURDAY, Ju1,v 51:H- Several parcels · of PARCEL IV.-All and Hingttlar 106 acres of Ontario last fall. No doubt m:.my of yo·ur land belonging to the Low .Estate will Lot 15, in t.he Brokeu l<'ron t Concession of be sold at the Ruebottom House, at 1 that he is President of Darlington, lying immediately to the South readers are aware " o'clock. See advt. and posters for full ot the Granil T. Railway. a very wealthy milling company. He There is on this parcel a good frame dwelling being in Ontario with an eye to business, particufars. B.. T. Phillips, auct. house, with barns and stables, root houses, &c., and about 12 acres of hard wood well preserved. in order to keep Ont.'1rio capitalists from SA'J'URDAY, J ULY 5TII- Valuable farm lands This pQ.rcol would maim a ntost desirable and town lot belonging to the Strutt farm as it is sitnatect so convenient to tbeTown dealing in Manitoba wheat, we are told, Estf1.tc will be sold at the Ruebottom of Bowmanvllle, and is well adapted either for informed some of tho reporters that 50 grain or grazin1< purposes. per cent of the wheat was frozen, while House at 12 o'clock, noon . See advt. These two last parcels, namP.ly th1·ce and statistics show that not over 15 per cent and vosters fur parLiculars. · H. T . four, will, in the first place. be oft'.irod too:ether Phillips, auctioneer . but immediately after the sale of same --the was frozen, and thn.t a good· pel'centage of purchaser may decline to take pa.reel three that would make a low gmde of flour. FRIDAY, ,Tur.v 11'rH- The Estate of the and keep parcel four &lone, In which case he I presume they are about through crymay be at liberty to do so. and parcel three fate .fames McLaughlin will be sold . on will again be put up separately. ing, " There·is no fue~ in the North west." lots 12 and 13, con. 8, Darlington, at 1 PARCKJ. V.-All and singular 18 acres of said Plenty of coal there 1s beyond a doubt. o'clock. See advertisement and posters Lot 15, in Broken l!' ront or Darlington, lying Last week a vein or bed of coal was struck . immediately to the South or parcel four. for full i)i1.rticulitrs. H. T. Phillips, This parcel is won woC>ded with good hard within th'e limits of the city of Brandon, auctioneer. wood. PARC EL V r.-All and singular, 18 acres of said which may prove a great benefit to that --~-~---Lot 15, in Broken Front of D1ulington, lying young though lovely city, · PUB LIO NOTICE. immediately to the South of parcel five. I shall be glad to see the C. P, R. com This parcel has about 16~ acres of good, well 1 )leted between M;trli~oba and· Ontal'io, as preserved hard wood. The public :L re hereby notified that ,J. PARCEL VIL- All and singular 3fi~ acres more great nia.ny dqllars rtO'l;V go to the u. S. or less of said Lot 15, lying immediately to the railways, that might be kept in the Do- W. Smith is no longer agent for our machines at Oshawa and vicinity, his conSouth of parcel six and frQP.ting on the lake shore. miuion. vVhen direct communication can tract with tis having been cancelled. This parcel contains about 4~ acres of cleared he had Ontario will find· ready t)1arket in (26-3w.) L. D . SAWYElt & Co., land and Ht a!)res of wood-mostly pine. · Manitoba for lier surplus stock . . I would Agricultural Jmulenrnnt Mmmfacturers. TERMS AND CONDI'fIONS : say to Ontario farmers, raise all the good Parcels 1, 2, 3 and 4. one-tenth of purchase stock you cn.n, and if Manitoba prospers, KEEP your head cool. money to be paid down at time of sale, and which I feel confident she will, you will su1licient with this amount to make one-half the purchase money within one month there· have a good stock market for 20 years at · READ this column through. after, the balance to remain on mortgage on least. The prospects of Manitoba and Baxter's Mandr·ake Uitters cure indithe premises for three or fl ve years and bearordi- gestion, Heart Bnrn, Costiveness ano all ing rnterest at the rate of six and one-half per Northwest crops this year are only _ cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, with uary, or barely that, dry weather injuring malarial d iseases. Twent.v-fi ve cent<1 per the option however to tho pui·chascir to pay off t~e late grain Ycry badly ; but it !nay re- bottle. the whole of the purchase money within 30 v1Ye greatly yet. Farmers have griev.imces days from date of sale if he desires FO to do. ·FARMJmS are busy haying. For parcels 5, 6 and 7. one-tenth or the pur- that should not· exist, the worst being, 1 .Sick or nervous Het1dache11 are easily chase money &t the date of sale aud the balance tl]ink, the duty on canned ·goods, agricul. within 30 davs thereafter; · and certainly cnre<l with ~O PE ·SA. Each pt>roel \,,-ill be sold subject to a re- tural implements and lumbar, which the H stimulates the Liver aud Stomach to served bid. Other and particular ce.nditions will be made settler- the consumer- must .pay, and action, thus relieving the head, on the ,finds it a. hardship. . same principlll it p11r1ties the hlood and known at tho time of sale. Furt.her particulars can he had from DA.VID No country can be permanently written tbe Urinary, A 'i5 cent lilottle of Zopesa FISHER, of the ·rown of Bowmanvllle, who will produce a plan of the five last nnmed up or written down, though the Northwest may save you much suffering and many has unhappily been the victim of bot,h. dollars. II parcels, snd also from I>. DURKE SIMPSON, Greedy speculators, as long as they made t Bowman ville, BUSINESS is very dull 110\V. Vendors' Solicitor. money fast, by gambling in real estate, The concentrated power and curative Bowrnanville, June 10th. 1881. were loud in praising the country and everything pertaining to it ; hut as soon virtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilb rimdet it as the collapse of the boom left them in tl10 most reliable and economical medicine the lurch, they changed their story with that Gan be usod . It contains no dangerthe suddenness of Battlam's Ass, and ous or harmful ingredieuts, and may be began to denounce it to the same extent Rafely admiuistered LO patients of all - OFthat they had hitherto praised it. _ 1 will ages. When you are sick, the best medisend yon <t few lines in a 1veek or twu, .cine that can be obtained is none too good, and i& the clwapest, whatever it costs. saying what the harYest prospects arc. DANIEL BROAD. . DOMINION Day was very h0t. In the Township of Darlington. Douglas P.O., Man., June 24; 1884. A GREA1' DrscovERY. - Mr. Wm. 1'hos. of Newton, Ia., says: "My wife has been STRUTT ESTATE. The Weak and the Impure. seriously affected with a cough for twenty five years, and this spring more severly · The merry little mountain brook, as it Pursuant to the direction given in the Will of tliau ever before. She had used many ROBJ<~H'f STRUT1.', late of the Town of Bow- lightly dances over tho rocks and sparkles manv1lle, deceased, there will be Hold with the in the sn'nshine on its way down to the remedies without relief, and being urged e ~aL.J Will, approbation of rhe l'xecutors · f »1 to try Dr. K ing's New Discovet·y, did so, br HENRY'£. PJ:ULLIP::>. AucL ioneer, at the river, is pure and clean. It is active ; results. The first RtrRBOTTOM HousE, in the Town of Bowman- thereforo it is healthy. It is vigorous : with gratifying bottle relieved h_ e r very much, and the vil!e, on therefore, it res;sts impnri ty. But the sluggish pool , where the ct1r- second bottle has, absolutely curecl her. She has not had so good health for thirty rant is not strong enough to keep the ye1 1rs. ".!'rial bottles free at .1. Higgin bot.ham 188<1. 1tt the hour of 12 co' cloek, noon, water in motion, is stagnant aud foul. t.11e following latld8 :Uitl premise~. Dirt and rubbish are thrown into it., and & Son. PARCEL·I.-All and singular Lot 9, in th'e 9th stay there. Impurities and vile odors SEVERA!. new subscribers received. Concession of tlle 'fownship of Darlington. Also 23 acres more or less of the South quarter make it a breeder of disease and an object Anou·r SPRING-WATER.-The surest, of Lot 10, in the 9th Concession of same Town- to be avoided. . most effective, least costly remedy for ship. When the blood is stron~ and rich and habitual Coativeness is Z ipesa. Better Also 25 acres more or less of the North quarter of Lot number S, in the eighth Concession of red, and vigorously courses its accu~tom than all the a.poriants of spring·waters same Township. ed rounds throngh arteries and veins, the that ever bubbled, for it is certain, effect'J'hiA parcel contains 2'18 acres more or less, · and comprise$ the homestead farm of the late system is heart.y .a nd healthy. · ual and pleaatrnt, acting upon the Liver Robert Strutt. When the blood is thin and poor and On the vromises ls a good stone house l~ weak, impurities and delilement.s creep and digestive Org<tns. It invigorateA, strength1ins, loosens and removes. Keeps stories high, 28x+o, with a stone kitchen and woodshed attached; two barna, 80x~O anrt li0x35 i nto it, and it has no strength to cast respectively, a straw barn 60x30, a hay barn them out. Then the system runs down. off Ague, Fever·, Malaria, l3iliousnessm~kes Appetite good, Sleep sound, Nerves and an implement storehouse 55x32. All the Shaker Blood Syrup purifies aud en- strong, Brain quiet, Illood pure, Breath above bnildings are on alone foundations with f1Lables anti 1·uul cellars underneath. riches the blood; curiug Scrofula, C<i.ncer, sweet, Taste good, Regulates the Bowels There 1s also on thia parcel an orchard and two rain water cisterns, and a never failing Rheumatism, Catarrh, Ulcera and Skin only by aoting upon thH Liver and D1ges· and Blood d isease of every discription. spring of hard water. tion. Get a sample of ZO-PE-SA. 1 1 The 25 acres is wc11 wooded with cedar. It A dollar a bottle at your nearest drugIt is situated about 9 miles Nortli of Bowman· gist. Stott & Sury, sole agents for BowMINUTES of DarlingLon Council next ville, and is in a good locality, The whole week. f(lrms one of the best and most complete farms manville. - ----- in the Township. "Some ti.ne ago my wife took severe PARCEL U.-All and singttlar 70 acres of the Facts for Farmers. cough which, in spite of all we could do, North half of Lot number 20,and 50 acres of Lot grew worse and W(1rse. She soon began number 21, in the eighth Concession of the said To wn~hip of Darlington, coutaining 120 acres Cash for eggs at Murdoch Bros. to raise blood every day. It was apparmore or less. Farmers you can save dollars by buyin ent to tiverybody that she was in a decline On this parcel is a good framed welling house 30x36 with a stone cellar underneath and a barbed wire at Manning's. and her days were short ainongst ns. I kitchen and woodshed attached. ·rwo barns obtained medical advice and tried one 55x35 and 50x30 respectively, with a stone Highest price paid for all kinds of farm prescription and another, but they did no foundat10n. root house and stable underneath good. When all hope had goue we heard the former. Also a .stable 25x30. A good produce at Quick & vVi:ight's. orchard is on th e prnmises. Buckthorn steel barbed wire at R . S . of some wonderful cures preformed by PARC~:L 111.- All a" d srngular Town J, ot 110, Dr. Wilson's pt1lmonary Cherry llalsam, on the North side of Queen Street, (ju.st East Manning's for $5~ per 100 lbs. or the Uiblc Chri5tian Church). On this parcel Eggs taken at the highest Market and a friend drove several miles to pet Is a good .brick dwelling with five rooms, a large kitcllen with ·pantry and bedroom !l.t- prices.- R. H. Turner, McChmg Bro:;;' several bottles for us. In two weeks she tached, A first-class cellar with concrete floor old stand. was eutirelv cnred." 'fhis testimony and hard and soft water. No mistake about it,farmers. iou can given by M;. C. A. Black, of 8weetshurg, TERMS AND CONDITIONS : really buy steel barbed wire at R. S. Pa., is that of thousands of others in this One tenth of the purchase money to be paid Manning's for $5.50 per 100 tbs. country. _ _ __ _ _ _ down at the time of s1L!e, and sufficient, with this a.mount. to m11ke one-half the purchase The Harvest Queen- five rake r011per REMARKABLE REs:rORATION.-Mrs. A money within one mC>nth thereafter ; the lays the best sheaf of n.ny machine in the O'Brine, 372 Exchange Street, Buffalo; balance to.remain on mortgago on the premises for three or fi\·e yl)at·s, and bearing interest at market. ' See it before buying. T. J. was supposed to be dying with consumpc the rate of siif and one-half per cent. per an· McMurtry, Agent. tion and abAndoned by her physician. num, payable semi-annually, wHh the option Our Due Bills will be taken 'the same She suffered terribly and was reduced ·in however to the purchaser to pay off the whole purchase money within 30 days from date of as cash at any store in town, and the orily flesh to mnety pounds. In this condit.ion sale if he desires so t.o do. Each parcel will be sold subject to a re- ones taken the same as cash at R. JI. ,;he resorted to Burdock Blood Bitters, , aervcd bid. 'rurners. Quick & Wright. ·· and now enjoys perfect health and weighs Other and particular conditions will be made 'fHE BINDER QT:ESl'ION SE'fTLED-as far one hundred and forty-six. She will gladknown at the time of sale. J<'urther particulars can be h:i.d from DAVID as John Hoskin, Esq., of Bethesda, is dly answi>r enquiring sutrers on receipt of FISFIF.B, W.sq.i.,,GEORGE McGILL, Esq., of concerned, the bmde.r question is settled, U : S. postage stamp.II -~ Bowman ville. ,,;xecutors·, or from · for he has purchn.sed a Patterson Self D, BURKE SIMPSON. Bowman ville, Binder, a splendid machine, they say, SAVED FRo:l1 1'HE SCALPEL.-A Toronto Vendors' Soliciton. from Mr. W. H. Piper. · lady, Mrs. Berkenshaw, contracted a disBowmanTille, June lOth.188~. The Planet Mowdr suits the farmers in ease of t he knee joint and was advised to every way-rear cut, light draught and submit it to a surgical operation by the ~ ~ b I · · tt d' 11 th t t easily handled. The Dundas Sulky Rake est P iys_ i ctan ~ en rng ; a 0 er, rea has the largest wheels of any rake in the ment ~avmg f~iled, when ~agyar? 8 YelBy addressing GEO. P . ROWELL & market. Coil tooth and simplest dumping low 011 w~s tried an~ ~peedily effected a cure. HIS the u11fa1hng remildy for acCO., 10 Spruc'e St., New York, can learn attachments. T. J. Mcl\'Curtrv, Agent. · · c1dents and emergencies, and is for exterthe exact cost of any proposed lme of New and recherche. The most exqui-1 nal and internal u1e. ll ADVEHl'ISING in American Newspapers. site little toilet gem extant for the teeth We mark in plain figures, ~nd have ~100-page Pamphlet, lOc. aud brbath is "Tea.borry."11 strictly one price. Ellison & Co. AUCTION SALE ! VALUABLE FARM LANDS ~llHU1it\tt $iatf.'$fillll · . 1 lce~educed Steamship rates. T. Yello w ·- School Picnic. At the annmtl picnic nf the Bellwood 11chool, Mr. Eli Bowie, t;.,acher, on :Vriday last, in Mr. R. Colville'~ woods, tlie attend<mce was fair and a merry ti·ue was spent by the ·youngsters. · Ji'oot races was the chief feature and hero is·the ·eAult; Boys' r·ce, under Hi years-lWillie Gibson. 2, Donald Cam· eron; 3. Albert B('.)w<'n. Boys' ra1~e, under 13 y1 s- 1 \V. McPherson; 2, Alhert Bowen; 3, Edgerton Goman. Boys' race, under 10 yrs-1, Harry Polhc·d; 2 Ernest Gibson; 8, Willie Renwicfr. Boys' race, nuder 8 yrs- I Willie Renwick, 2, James Dickson; 3 Chas. ·Cl1 apple. Free for all- 1, Eli Bowie, 2, Willie Gibson; 3. Alfred Bowen, Three legged rnce- -1 Byr?n an.cl Alfred Bowen; 2, Chas. and D><v1<l Gibson; 3, Albert Bowen and Donald Cameron. . THE LEADING l-tOU 'S E . -for full lines of~ l CHOICE FAM ILY G ROCERJES, Good and Cheap Sugars, Teas, Coffes, &c. - We lrnep tlrn. largest and most varied assortment of CHINA TEA SErr..,.s TO BE FOUND IN WE$T DURHAM. Saturaa~, tne 5th aa~ ~f July,! BB4, liEE OUR LARGE STOCK OF FRUIT' JARS~} We pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of - - -- - ---- · Vital Questioris ! ! Adk the most eminent pbysicia.r1 of any school, wh:.it iR the bHst thi11g in the world for q11itet1i11g and alhying all irtit,.tion or nervous complaiuts, ~iving natural, childlike refreshing sleep always 1 And they will tell yon unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops!" CHAI"l'ER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicians: "What is the best and only remedy tJ, 1at can be relied on to cure all diseases of the kidneys and urinary or11ane ; such as Bright's disease, diahetes, rete11tion or inability t.o re~aiu urine, and all the diseases and ailme11ts pecnliar to 'Vomeu""And tlwy will tell you explicitly and ' emphatically "Buchu " J Ask the same physicfaus "What is the niost reliable and surest c11re for all liver diseas~ or dyspepsia; constipation, insigestion. billiousneRs, malarial fever, ague. &c., and th1>y will tell you: Mandrake! or D~wlelion!" Aencc, ·when these remedies are combined with othe1·s equally vah111ble And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a [Conduded nAxt week. J F_A._R:M PRODLTOE_ Call and see us : we ~·~ ,......._ ____ take pleasure in showing our Goods- Br11s. Impugn it! · Who so listeth ! _T_H_E_-_,.BO USE East Shop in N eads' New Block, E: _A._ The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. They do the ·Fin·e Clothing Trade~ They sell more Black Cashmeres and Black Silk than any two competitors. · s ,...y a a 21 yards Heavy Grey Cotton for ....$1.00. I 15 yds. 36 in. Heavy GreyCotton ...$1.0C>. · Cashmeres, 256., :l5c., 45c., 50c. · Fear no competition, yon will s;i.ve money by buy111g Cashmeres from us_ Insure in the Confederation Life Asso- Black Cashmere Shaw!R..$1.50 to $10.00. I Black Satins ..... . . ,'60c., 75c., $1.00. up. Black Gros Silks, 75c., $1.00, $1.25 up. ciat10n. It is cheaper than the Canadian Mutnal Aid, A. 0. U. W. or any pa~s aWe bny Silks by the piece and we can sell at the lowest wholesai~ cntt.ing prices. round your hat institut.ion, as the follow· Beautiful Soft Kid Gloves .. . ... _.·. 50c_ , Ordinary 50c. Kid Gloves for . . .·· , ·25c. ing examples will prove: Thos. McCI11ng He11:vy Brown Check Duck ·.·.······ 18c. Heavy Cottonade . . ···.. ·· ········ ·20c. has been insured since 1872 for$2 , 000and A fine assortment of Dres~ Trimmings,Gloves~ Hosiery, Laces, Lace Curtains,&c. the last five vears it only cost hhn $2.55 per ~nnum o;;, each $1,000 to ins.ure. John McC!un" insured at the same tune for the ANO BY samtt ar;ount and it onlv cost him $1. 74 per a11n11111 on each $1,000 to insure, he being a little yonnger . · W ti certify the above to be correct. l'hos. The No. 1 Cutter. Satisfaction Guaranteed. l\1cClung, John McClnng. TflOS. BINGHAM, Agent. WN. B.-The original Star (the beacon that has directed hundreds Cheap Life Insurance. ORESS MANTLE MAKING JY-l:lliS DU STAN. TAILORING by W. PEAR:PON, - JV. McMurlry's lace curtains, plain and white muslins, a~1d i)arasols are very cheap. MEss1is. GALE BRonnms have moved into their new building. - A misstep will often mak~ a cripple for lifo~4'A -bN:i;Je-of H"enr y · & Jo'lini:lon'- :Arnica aud Oil Liniment at hand, will not prevent the misstep, l:ut used immediat.ly it will save being a cripple. Allan Line, mail steamships- the quickest, safest and best line crossing the atlt1ntic; Vessels not being insured insures careful management. No cattle on passenger steamers. Rn.tes reduced; enquire of W. A. Neads,Ageut. JOE. MAYNAltD got his left lmad uadly crushed by the car's Monday night. The S1.1ddest of Sad Sights,-Tho grey hairs of age being brought with sorrow to the grave, is now, we arn glad to think, becoming rarer every year as the use of Cmgalese Hair Hestorer becomes more general. By its use the scanty locks of age once more resume their former color and the hair becomes thick and luxuriant as ever; with its aid we can 11ow defy the change of years, resting assured that no grey hair at any rate will come to sadden UB. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by Stott & Jury. JI A C:m.EBI{Al'ED CAsE. -The remarkable case of W. A. Edgars, of Frankville, who suffered from disease of the Jiv43r and kidneys RO hadly 't hat all hope of recovery was abandoned. He remaiued ten and thirteen days without action c,f the bowels. Four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters restored him perfect health, which he had not known fortwenty years before. II to the place for bargains) is the East Shop in Neads' New Block. · -------·~--~---- Cash!CashICashf: Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash for Potatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & Sh~ep Skins. Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce at AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm Lands Yoting, Cawker& Co's. YOUNG CAWKER & Co's is the place to do business, they keep ·-in stock the very- Best quality of Groceries that can be bought, the SATURDAY, 5TH DAY OF JULY, Best quality of Meats,. Fresh and 'cured, always ih stock. Their Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality; they keep Barrel Salt; American and Carbon Safety Coal Oil. Try their Empire Horse and Cattle I!'ood, the best manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph Model Farm ; their stock of Glassware and Urockery is Complete. They do not make any specialty of one article, but as there is con~ider able talk about Cheap Teas, the place to buy the Cheap Tea is at Young, Cawker & Co's, they buy altogether for cash which enables them to sell cheap. Give them a call. C. M. CA\iVKp R. a I How TO CuRE A COLD.-Take some gentle opening medicine, bathe the fe"t in warm water, addin~ a spoonful .of The followmg landsland premises: ---o--First-The north half of Lot number twcntyrnnstard ; remain indoors; equalize the In the 3rd Concession of the 'l'ownship ot two, circulation with warm bath and friction ; The undersigned having rented the Vvooi- \ Clru·ke, in the County of Durham, containin~ drink warm ginger tea, at1d takeHagyard's en Mills, Hampton, beg to inform the one hundred acres moro or less. On these lands a good dwelling house and barn, and a. Pectoral Balsam, the most perfect and the farmers and public in general that they 1uo never failing stream of water runs across the safest cough cure tltat can be procured. JI -are prepared tosame. 'L'here is also a large number of tru>t trees thereon. TonAcco sold at Pethicks barber shop 1' Second- 'l'hc south hslt of Lot number thirty, _, · in the second Concession of tlrn said Township at less than cost prices, for instnace, 2 of Clarke, now within t.be limits of Newcastle, -and make it up intoplugs of McDonalds' smoking for 5c. or 1 containing one hundred acres more or lesH. On · I these lands are two good dwel.ling houses, two lOc. plug of chewing for 5c. All other YARN, BLANKETS, .FLANNELS, barns, horse stal:>le, cow stable, sheds. &c; kinds sold cheap. goud orchard, also small fruit, &c. A never TWEEDS, &c. railinJ>: sp1·lng of w al..er rises on these lands. L:i.dies failing to get suited in Dress . Have also on hand a p-ood ;itock of WnITE VILLAO Ii: PROJ'E'.1~1'Y.-'l'hird-Tlle north-west goods elswhere will be sure to find what and GREY B LANKETS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, pa.rt of Lot number Lhree, in Blnek nnmbe~ one, fronting on King Street, in the Village of they want at Couch Johnston & CryderN0wcastle. On these lands are a shop now &c., which we will sell o~cnpied by Mr. James ·wright as a tin shop; rnan's. also a small fru.me storehollse thereon. ~--- - ~--- - - - - - -·Fm particulars an<l conditions of Sale apply. MES WAT.LS, or COLCN WAI.LS. Newto Mr. J A castle, or to ,TOHN K. GAJ.BRArnI, EsQ., Barriater, Bowmanvllle. Newcastle. June 7th,_ ~---~ Parties having Cotes of Wool will find it to their advantage t.o sell he re. WOOLWA.NTEDI FARMS-FoRSALEf Take Woo 1·n the Fleece Cheap for Cash or Exchange for Wool. SO YEARS. I take pleasure in certifying that I have sold Dr. Wistar's llalsam of Wild Uherry for thirty years, and know it to be one of the oldest as well as the most r11liable preparations in the market for the cul'e of Coughs, Colds, and Lung Complaints.. I know of no article that gives greater satisfaction to those who use it. Having sold Pernvian Syrup fur many year::t. a~d knowing tha.t its use has been . attendld with great succes m cases of Dyspepsia, gen~r al Debility of the System, and diseases origmating in a bad state of the bleod, I am satisfied that it is a remedy of great power and deserves the attention of inv8'lidR.. I am yet to hear tlle first complaint against either of the above preparations. Iconsiderthemart.icles.ofgreat merit and have always taken much pleasure in recommending them io parties requiring such remedies. n. J!'OTHERGILL, Newcastle, Ont, Deo. 8th, 1882. ROLL . CARDING done as usual in first class sty le. Soliciting your favors. We are your obedient servants, MILK PANS I Robt. Taylor & Co. Hampton, M ay 23, 1884. 2:1. ADVERTISERS I -W-OOLI Highest Market Price for any quantity of Wool. Harland's Improved MILK P'AN. Patented July 1-7th, 1883, wb,ich is second to none of the many inventions now in the marke1t, in simplicity, durability and thie ef-· fectual mode of. ~~rating the cream from the milk, pure and free from sediment, '-t The Skimmer and Aerating apparatus is entirely new, and. will separate the cream from the milk in 12 hours. Call and see them a.t. L. QUICK. LEWIS QUIOK'S, BURK'S tlLD S'l'AND, · · BOWMANVU.LE.