pUSW\fM!Miita~~'?~!Ml'JllR:mmrR.!tll\A!ildlW:·.....-ew__,,.~!Ed!#MJ·M**SP& :SUI.ENUFIC lWSSIP. The Secret of Life. ftf fr· ~t perfect plane, cross:legged, tmconcerned, tra.cted to be interred like a dead man, Nicolini is eaid t < > rn·st sheep eyes at; ~-'lUltti.UlU ~ without the slightest a.pparent support,. and to remain inhumed day11, weeks, :N"o--man can order his life, for ,it 9omes - the la.dies. P atti had better mend the Among the latest acts of the Hygienic flowing over him from behind. But if it t enor of his wa.ys. =========== ·= ":::: ' ====== , sat the Brahmin, counting. the beads of or months, as the bargain might be PTF r · FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 31, 1884. his rosary in ~me hand, touching the ~op Thllre was to be no nourishment of auy Congnise was a denuuciation of the mod- lay before us, and we could watch its of the pol" wi th the other, and starmg kind given hiin duriug the euspemion of ern system of education and competitive ..current appreacbing from a long distanca, -NEWwith indiff.,renc" at the multitude. life. Air was not to reach him. Every· e~aminations as eminently prejudicial'to )Vhat w:e could do wit h it before it had JUGGLERS IN INDIA., For the firat few moments after the thing ordinaril.r necessary to' support the ha.bit of those subjectted to it. reacli,ed ·th~ Now 1 80 likeffisa a man cloth was removed, tlie whole mass of vit.;lity was to be put away He was A mixture of 70 parts of air and 40 parts thinks fo·1liahly who imaginl's he could The East has long been fameus for the spectators si;erned too awe-stricken and virtu11iPy, in fact, to be hermitically seal- of hydrogen gas ignites at a temperature have doue t hu and that wit h his· 'own expertn ss of its prestidigitateurs. 1Be- astonished even to permit themselves to ed up, and to continue so under con- between 1,026° to 1,028° Fahrenheit,· charrictir aod dllve1opment, if he h:ad but :IN 0 RONO! tween the old Ganges and the Oront1;1s,' brea.the. As t'ley became convinced, ditions that would appear to make while the ignition p(1 i.1t of a 111ixture of knowo this aud that. in time. . · . The - -- o--where the bodies of the people are lithe however, that uheir eyes · ware looking collu!lion impos!ible, until the time ar- coal gas and air i.a simJla,r prop~·rtions · c.ue secret of Jifo and development is ·not aud their limbs pliant, the arts of tumbl· upon a reality .-that there was really no rived when means were to be used for varies from l,~02° to 1,210°. to devise<> plan, but to fall m with the My ne w stock of M tllinor y is n ow open f inspection, in clud1el{ Newest Styles of ing, balancing, and moving the person delusion-the whole air was rent with ac- restoring bim to animation. A uranium mineral fa found in the feld- forces at we>rk - to d., every moment's rapidly and regularly, have bee~ handed clamationo. To the Europeans, too, the HATS, ' F'EA.THERS, ing t he part in the I have said that l did not myself wit· spar quarries ·n ear tho seaport of Moss, 0~1 duty aright-that h 1 down in families for hundreds of years. exhibition was full of myst.;ry. They .ness any of the viuiollil experim1ints that tho Christiania Fjord, Norway. It con- process allotted to uri, and let come-not BONNETS, F LO WERS, Fanatical penances and religious orgies, agreed that it was the most complete im· were made to test the smcerity of t-his tains nearly 82 per-cent. of uranoso- w'hn.t will, for there is no such thing-but ORNAMENTS, &c, in a country where the body is capable of position-for such no one doubted it to faqueor's prdessions. But I had friends ur:inic oxide, with O.S8 of tho cerium vi:hat the etemal Thought wills for each -A'L S Othe most unnatural contortions, first give be-they had ever seen practised, even in who did, and who were not only eye- earths and 2.42 of the yttrium earths. of us, from the first. lf men would but riae to these tricks of legerdemain. They India. The most scientific were at a witrleBot;B of hia exploits, but participators Scientific works by .Agassiz, Buchner, believe t.hat ,they are in the process · of Childran's Kni\ted Goods and were supposed to'assist in atoning for past loas for so much as even a surmise as lo in thl:l work of laylng him out like a Hu."'!:ley, Lubbock, Lewes, Moleschott, creation, and coment to be made-let the Ladies Fine U nder clot hing. sins or predicting future privileges. The the cause of the phenomenon. It did not corpse, placing his body in a c<iffin, bury· Reclµs, Adam Smith, Spencer, Vogt, Ma.ker hmdle t htim as the potter his clay, arts of breathing fire, of protecting the hu· appear possible that it could be any ing h im under ground, keepiug watch Zimmermann, have bei:n a.tided to the list yielding themselves in respo11dent motion Ladies are inv it ed to call and i nspect goods a nd prices. ll EN·l tY'S RLOOK, Orono. man skin from the heat of molten metals, machinery, for the most powerful glabses over t he spot, in several cases for a whole of those a.lready prohibited by uko:.ae from and submissive h opeful action with t.he of safely handling red hot iron, of resist· failed to detect f\Ven a wire connecting night~" _once for a space of three days' circulation by libraries in Russia. M.RS. THOS. VINSON. turniuii: of-his wheel, they wculd 11relo11g ing scalding from immersion in boiling the seat of the Brahmin with the pole. time, and r esurrecting and r estoring him. find themselves able t o welcome every water, of charming and taming rep riles, It could not be nervous energy, were These persons werl:l men of good judge· DRE~ S and M AN'l'Lli: MAKI NG is done in latest 1'wo ounces of soda dissolved in a quart pressure cf that hand upon them, 'e ven and of immunity from the poison of their such a theory supposable, for t he man ment, long resident in the East, and of hot water will make a ready and use- when it was felt in po.in , and sometimes Sty JA~ by ~U SS K ATE VINSON. bite, together with kindred feats o.f ma- who aat there upon iwthing wm1 one of little likely to be imposed upon by any ful solution for cleaning old painted work not only to believe l:>u t to r~cognize the 37 gio, so called, may also have been w1tn<iES· the feeblest specimens of humanity. .And gro112 charla.t.ary. Their veracity wae, of perparatory to repainting. 'l'his mixture, divine t>nd in view, the bringing .of a Ron ed any day an well, these last thousimd at that ~arly day Spiritualism, which s c- course, beyond all doubt; and they de- in the above proportions, should be ap- into glory; whereas behavmg like childyears, in many .parts of Hindostan. 1'he count1:1 for all trickeries and cheats by d ared, one and all, that, by a certain plied when warm, and the woodwork aft- ren who struggle and scream while their cunning priest aud needy conjuror still the agtmcy of invisible po wer, w 11<1 un- process, known only t o himself, t he man orward washed with water to remove all mother washes and dresses them, they hold their power and increase their thrift known. caus<:tl all the functions of life apparently traces of tho soda. find they have to be washed and dressed in spite of growing intelligence. The B rnhmin remained movtd ess, never to cease. He stopped breathing ; his eyes It is announced i a tho Nature that a notwith.11tandilig, and with the more disKnowledge in India contributes to im- once shifting his position nor removing closed, and his eye balls, when the lids grotto from 8 to 10 metres high ha9 been ·comfort ; they may even have to · find posture. It governs the native popula· his band from the top of t he pole, for ex· were pulled up, had the dull appearance discovered in a rock washed by the sea, in t hemselves set naked and put half dried and tion in the maie withou b guiding it. In actly thirty minutes. H e then offered, of a dead man's ; his heart ceased to beat; the Morbihan, by M. Gaillard. He haa nacorner, tocome to theirright minds, and ten thousand towns and villages scattered through the Pilewahns, to remain sus· hi.11 extremitiea, and gl'adually bi's whole since continued his researches at low a.eked to be ~nished. -George M acdonald. , I.. . ~ . throughout th.at populous empire, it is the pended as much longer, provided he were body, became eold; his jaws fell apart; water, and found some human bones; . p A.INS, A.ND II.LS , power ot the marvelous that holds every paid a cart ain sum named. But the Eng· and in every sign life wa11 shown to nave ancient earthenware marked with a.HeNo thing is easier t han tault-findl~g. caste in~ lbjection. The sagacity of the lish were too anxious to possess them- departed. Pins were stuck into h is gorica.l figures, and coins believed to have N.o,talent, n o self-denial, no brains, no That Old, Reliable Killet· of Pain ! Europea1 residents unmasks the iroposi· selves of the pole used by him b admit of epidermis, but there was no sensation of been struck by the ancient Gauls. . h- · t · t · th bl' b i Wh ethH- Interna l or E :10te.-nat ·· . kled, h' er lfl m e grum m g by us ·. P - y D 'avis' ..,ai n K ·Ul- s lwul ·' :.:a-6 ~ a; tion in vain. The masses persevere in t heir brooking further delay; besides Pain. The soles of hisf eetwere Uc is n- cently the dome of St. 'P eter's, in ' ?· ara.c · B t se th up who ar moved ~.. ·"" w " ' tt v -""" ne11[1., U oae e u place in eVe-r'IJ Fact-u, Matihine S hop wn<l their belie1 t hat, jugglers fUe possessed of which, from appearances, the man could flesh was touched "ith red-hot iron, Rome, was reclad at an expen&e to the genume desire to do good and benefit Mlll, cm evtJy .li'arm, and i-n .,,,,,...,J .House-I sup~natm power, and though they do sit tl1ere from mornin g till night without heavy shocks of electricity from the Ley- Vatican of $40,000. The old sheating re- th_ei~ fellows hav~ little time for mur- 'A"::1J:::t.~~cf.,'fs,"=:Sa:t:i:tc~i:;,f[!,.t»'iJ'J;,<>,:i n_otf...il11tov. upon them the attribute!$ of suffering the slightest inconvenience. Ac- den jar were given him, acids and alkalies quired auch continuous repairs that it was· me. r mi: or complam t. Coml'Zaints, I>twrrl<re<i, D y senteryp, gods, they pander to th~ir wants as being cordingly, i,t was intimated to the Brahwere applied t o his palate- it was all t o deemed better to replace it. The sheets How can you get a new set of teeth ' ~~~'.!'f~i!n,!~;~~:: "s ':,1~ie;,::i~~'.t';,.,./hilltJ~ possefl11ed with demons. min that h o had earned hid promised no purpose. To all the uses of life, and of lead which now cover the dome welgli · · o G · b ' o ' ""' h d d mserted gratlSt . o i~to 11ome od! II Prive, ,.,o c, "'"c an~ t;Oc· I><'"r 1.lo~le: I witnessed many years agd one of t,lie reward, and might r etire. Dil!engaging all its ills, too, t a man walsl ea ·.. 708,610 pounds, and would extend over garden where a big dog1s kept, and kick DAVIS & LAW RE NCE CO. Limited· . two great irn poaitions of thatday in India. hia h and from tho pole, he then madt~ a t o Their t est imony was equa Y pos1t1ve more than an acrii and a half of land if him. . Wholesale A:.:~nt.< . Montreal. ·· 1 Neither, B o far as I know, was over do- low sal11&m to the Governor, when his as to the inhumation.· They themsel ves, they were spread out flat . tected. The one I saw was moat satis- t wo attendants ·a pproached, and with the in foll possession of their sober sens.:s, " Suppose," said an examiner to a stu factorily explained both in theory and by precision of experts threw tl1e $heet over and with a determination to ex pose what dent in engineering, " you had built an 'fhe otht,r, of which I knew his head, disappeared behmd its folds, they believed to be an impostu1 e, saw engine yourself, performed every part of practice. through friends, always remained a mys· and emerged in a moment with both the the faqueer coffined, sealed in with the thti work: without assistance, and knew ter_y. The former was "a man who sat Brahminand his nole. Governor's signet, buried fiv e feet under that it was in complete order, but when in ihe air;" the latter "a man who was buried alive." One appeared in 1833 in What seemed r ather unfair, since the ground, and each in turn watched the put on the road the pump wonld not draw Madras; the other in 1838 in the Pun- man had apparently performed what h e spot, in two instances for a whole night, water, what would you do 1" "I should within the next NINETY days to wear H A R N E S ~ ma.de at,, jaub. undertook, government peons now laid .in another, aa has b een said already, for look into the tank and ascertain if there several days, until the disinterment. His was any water to draw, "replied the stuThe first :i.nnouncementi of Apoosawny hold of him and his t"1o attendanta, and friends then took possession of the ·body, dent. . Ragavah was made in th e Madras "Male dragged them into the audience hall, ~. Experiments indicate that the effect of Asylum Herald." It was stated that this Here the pole was examined by several and the Englishmen were not allowed to witness the proces~ of revivification. ·light upon plant tissues without chloro· Brahmin of high caste had undertaken, scientific men and machinists. It was BowMANvILLE; for a stipulated consideration, to appear struck, sounded, and Sfarched for ~ecret But within a few hours, the very same phyll, such as roots, rhizome, blanched before the English Governor and Council, springs. Some bevelled edge or bulge or man, unmistakably the faqueer, : fodder plants, and s ome parasitic plants, is to d,Cl- A large and well assort ed stock of first -class Harness on hand, both a.nd aa many friends and spectators aa projection was carefully looked for, It Dewauee, who h ad died, b den buried, cr ease t he iuteusity of the respiratirm, for Team and Carria()'e purposes. Also a splendid stock of Horse chose to assemble, seated cross-legged fri. tlie was in vain. The pole was as smooth and lain for daJs in the grave, and resurrect· more carbonic µ.cid being given off i\hd Blankets, Goat Robes and Lap Rugs for fall and winter use. air.for the space of half an hour. solid as iron could be made. The Pile- lld,_-stood a livmg person, and apparently oxygen absorbed in darkness than : in Call and inspect t he goods. none ~he worse for his experiment, before light. The amount of oxygen absorbed At first people were inclined to believe wahns carried neithor bag nor box,· and Trunks and Valises in stock as usual, also Saddles, Whips, &c. is, however, in the same proport ion to the whole t hing a hoax, but the contr.i.ry readily divested themselves of enough of them But there is better testimony still t o to the carbonic acid given off in light as soon ap peared. A card, signed by respect- their clothing to convince the incredulous AU goods will be sold cheap for Ca.sh. W. H. M A Y. idiosyncras,y of Sudder Dewanee. in darkness. able names, shortly came out in the that no machinery was concealed about this An English officer dispatched to the court official Gazette, inviting all gentlemen, their persons. Within the canvas 11heet of Runj eet Sing relates the following in Elastic rubber tubing, perfectly gas· civil, m ilitary arid medical, t ogether with there was nothing found. To be sure, the his published journal : tight and free from smell, has lately been their families to assemble at a given hour Brahmin was subjected to noexamination. "The mon otony, he writee, "of our inven ted. I t is made of two lays of rub· on a certain day, to see a man sit in the As every one who has lived in India camp life, was broken this morning by ber, with pure soft tin-foil between them, air. The spot proposed for the e:xhibi- knows, this wouldhave been an unpardon - the arrival of a very celebrated character and it r etains the flexibility and elast1cition was a spacious public square. Every· able outrage upon the laws of caate. H e in the Punjaub. He is a faqueer, by ty of a simple rubber tube. It ought t o thing that would be likely to favor collu- had been assured, beside!l, that after hie name Sudder D ewanee, and is h eld in ex- be serviceable as a connection between a sion,..-or fraud..had been with appar.ent fail'· .perform ance he should be subjected to traordinary respect by the Sikhs, from heating land illuminating gas supply pipe lv.[ 0 nes~n the part of the Brah.min scrupu· nothing that could be constl'Ued into an hia alleged capacity to bury himself alive and a gas-burning apparatus which r e· 1ouely avoided. 'l'he time was noon-day, iIJ sult to his creed-; and as the t ouah of for any period ol t ime. Captain Wade quires t~ be movable, lf this sort of rubthe place public, the accessories, a pole other than a Brahmin is pollution to a told me that h e was pr esent at -his ex- ber and jti.a tubing can be manufacbured fixed in the ground and an umbrella t o Brahmin, to have eeHched his clot.bing humation, after an interment of some of sufficient lenuth ahelter him from the sun's rays; nothing would have been a breach of good faith . months, General Ventura having buried In th~ course of his Canl:or lect.ures on more. There were, indeed, conditions But it was evident enough that, under him in t he presence of t he maharajah an d alloys used for coinage Mr. C handler stipulated- such aa time for preparation, the scant garment he wore, no machinery many of his principal sirdars; and, as far R.-Oberts, chemist of t he British Mint, concealment of the a.scent, in1munityfrom could be concealed sufficient to sustam as I can recollect, those were tl1e par· said t hat a short cylinder was the geomet · interference, and order among the crowd, him at r ight angles to a shaft of iron for ticulars as witnessed by General Ventur a: rical form which next t o the sphere, pre· The Best Oil in the World for Reapers, Mowers, Threshers and none of which, however, were considered half an hour , m a 11it ting posture. Tho After going through a· regular course of sented the smallest surface for the great· all fast-running Machinery. For sale by all D ealers. unreasonable. It was to be a fair trial of money was paid, therefore, ·and the Jug- preparation, which occupied him som e est weighi , and, consequently, in ordet, to the claims of the priesthood of Brahma to gler li ent his way, t o reap, as h e did for days, t he faqueer reported himeelf ready reduce the wear of coins to a minimum, the suuerna.tural. many months, a harvest of gain from all for interment in a. vault which h ad been their thickness should be equal t o t heir The chief justice of Sudder Dewanee part s of India. Various explanations prepared for th e purpose by order of th e diameter. Such a form would present Adawlet wrote to his aeaocia.te at Chinle· were suggested of the trick, for sueh it maharajah. On the appearance of Run- many inconviences ; but, on the oth er put to be sure to be prel!lent at the trial. undoubtedly was; and a young Madras jeet and his court, h e proceeded to th e hand, coins should n ot be ma.de too t hin, All Englishmen from stations within a mechanic attempted, by means of cross- final preparations that wer e necessary in and much may be gained by even a small hundred miles of the P residency hastened bars and rods, rings and rivet,, to repeat their presence ; and after stopping his ears approach to theoretical r eauirem ents. to Madras. E xpectation was everywhere the success. But none 0f the former Casting of bronze statues of Buddha. is on tiptoe. Englishoolonels and captains, were satisfactory, while the latter .ended with wax, and every other orifice through colectors of revenue and supervisors, pro- by the ambitious experimenter tumblinl? w;h.ich it was possible for air to enter his carried on in Bangkok. The process, says . body (except hts mouth), he wa.11 stripped a late official report , is of the kind known · The work goes on. I am still continuing to sacrifice my vincial judgel! and palkee-bearers, arrang· ridiculously to the9iiround. ed to be prenent. A nd when the day The second imposture to which I re- nakea and put into a linen bag. The as "en cire perdue," and the alloy used oame the entrance to the English Gover- fer red was k nown all over India as " THE last preparation com isted in closing his consists of copper and lead, som etimes stock of Dry Goods. nor's gaJ."dena were thronged with car· MAN W H O WAS BunrnD ALIVE, " .It cre- gullet by turnin g back his t ongue. Fall- with the admixture of a small quan tity o f They mu st be sold or given away, no m atter how g1·ea.t riagea and horsemen. ! sum ptuous break - ated far more excitement than t he fir st. ing instantly into a. lethargy, t he bag was zinc. A clay model is first made ; upon fa.at commenced the entertainment- the For several years the papers were full of closed and seal ed, and the whole placed this a coat of wax is molded, and over band played the national air- the Gover· the "burying faqueer;" private letters in a deal-box, which was closed and seal· this a.gain is put another layer of clay. the loss. nor and his attendants, in full uniform, told about him; rajahs fet ed him (when- ed. The box was t hen put within th e The whole is t hen baked, the wax running through apertures left for that pur· From this time there will be enormous reductions all aro1.md, proceeded t owards the e:x;tensive awuing ever h e appeared a bove ground ); residen ts vault, earth thrown in and trodden down, -4lnd orderlies were r eady to fan t he gave entertainment s to witness his mar- a cr op cf barley sown over the spot, and pose, and t he centre cor e b eing k ept in its The stock of Staple Goods being one of the la rgest, h ouseguests as they se.ated themselves prepara· velous feat ; purses were made up to r epay sentries stationed around it. The ma· place by iron pegs, the alloy is t hen run to~a the spectacle. his loss of t ime (for h e claimed no reward h a.rajah was very skeptical on the matter, into the space previously occupied by th e however, and twice in the course of the wax. holders will save money by giving me a call. T ire Brahmin, with t he utmost con fi- for his suspension of life); and th ere wt1a ten mont hs that t he faqueer remained To prevent t he growth of moss or weeds dence, walked into the space, and mak inl? n ot, and had never b een within th e traA la rge range of .T able L inens, Blankets, Sheetings and a low salaam, commen ced operations. dition or memory of man, so indisputable under ground, he sent people to dig him on gravel walks it is recommended to u p, when everything was fo und undis- sprinkle salt pretty freely on the pat hs, There wer e two men only in his retinue. 1.1 wonder in all the Orient. (about a pound t o the square yard does Towelings will repay inspection. These, however, were Pilewahns- a race E verybody knows t hat certain animals t urbed. "At the expiration of t he t en months, for one year at least, ) ca.re b eing t aken of men of ·steady 11erve an d h erculean possess the power of suspending animation Large lines of Dress Goods at e normous reductions. strength, whose t raining from infancy is at will. The squirrel has it. Th e hare Captain Wade witnessed, wlth scores of not to let the salt fall on th e box borders the . c ourtiers and the maharajah, t he dis· or t he edge of th e grass. A damp but t o athletic feats. They came for ward- ansl rabbit and fox and woodchuck use it A fe w choice Paisley and Fancy Shawls at half their value splendid fellows, whose t hews were like as a defepse. Everybody knows, t oo, that interment. He saw the seals brok en and not a rainy day is the best for t his oper the box opened. The man was taken ation. Some apply a boiling solution of ir on and whose sinews almost protruded in the p r regions thereare animals who froni the flesh- and salaamed also. Then, remain torpid for many months, neither out; and upon feeling his heart, not t h e salt (about a pound to a gallon of water) . according to Indian custom, h aving soli- e:iting nor breathing. Darwin discovered slightest pulsation was perceptible. The with a common watering pan, so that e cited and obt ained the Governor 's leave, in the t ropics thousands of t hree or four first t hing towar ds restoring h im to life pound of salt will be received every they planted a pole firmly in th e ground. species of animals that astivated- that is, was th e for cing of h is t ongue back to its square yard of walk. A much weaker B OW1'.IANVI LLE. Thia pole, simply an iron casting, re- became inanimated- and remained so place. Warm water was then poured solution will serve t he same purpose if it GLll.SGOW H O USE, - - -:::S sembled the shaft of a woollen mill, was, during the burning heat of summer. In over his body for several h ours, when h e should be required again. came to life, and the next day - -- - - · - - - · - -when fixed firmly in the eorth, free from the insect world, temporary death is as gradually A.LLT HEALTH was as well as ever. " all swaying, without joint s or appendages, familiar to entomologists astemporarylife. For Stutterers. I have given the account d the man and from the :mrface of the ground to its To say nothing of the batmchia and who sat in the air, as I saw the thing done. A gentleman who stammered from top it was about ten feet high. Throwing moUusks, warn).-blooded animals- animals I have given, also, the account of the man childhood almost up to manhood gives a over it a huge tent of canvas, the Brah· whose organs of life resemble those of who was buried alive, as I heard and read very simple remedy for the misfortune : min and Pilewahns entered the shelter, man- do unP,oubtedly possess the power it. No philosophical explanation of "Go into a room where you will be quiet musicians meanwhile contenting the spec· or submit to the n ecesl!ity of a suspension either is needed. They were both im- and alone, get some book that will interta.tors who thronged around until the pre- of every function of life. The heart does postures, ranking in the same category est but not excite you, and sit down and THE P.ILLS parations were completed; Ten minutes net beat, nor the blood circulate, nor with the witchcraft of t he sevent eenth read two hours aloud to yourself, keeping Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the might have elapsed, when the two assist- the senses act, nor the breath come and century. your t eeth together. Do the same thing ants crept out, hauled off the covering, go. The creature, to all the definitions LIVER, S'l'O.lVIAUll, IiID.NEYS A.ND DOWELS. every two or three days, or once a week ........ ~...........~-gave a jerk that denuded the pole, and that life demands, is · dead, and yet, at if very tiresome, always taking care to They invigorate and r estore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and A. Capital Scheme. revealed to the spectators the phenomen· will or upon necessity, life returns. Why, read slowly and distinctly, moving the are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all Ages. For "What do you do when people come in lips, but not the teeth. Then, when conon of a man sitting cross legged in the then, should it be thought impossible Children and the aged they are priceless. air. t han the same power or susceptibility, call and bore ~" a warm personal friend versing with others, try t o speak as slowly There was no mistake about it. Ther e it which we may, should adhere in man 1 aeked of a merchant. and distinctly as possible, and make up THE OINTMENT "When they stay too long the office your mind that you will not stammer. was the pole. A t right angle from its At all events, men have lived wh o professIs an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores is very bright, and knows just boy, who top sat t he Brahmin, his right hand rest· ek the same subjectivity or power; and no ·wen, I tried this remedy, not having and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorderP. of the ing upon its summit. :N cthmg more. The careful observation or thorough analysis wh en to interfere, tells me that a gentle- much faith in it, I must confess, but will- Chest it has no equal.man is in the counting room waiting to ing to do almollt anything to cure myself rest of his body was separated from it an has 8UCCeeded in detecting fraud. To return to our narrative. Sudder see me on important business." elbow-Jength. There was no sign of other of such an annoying difficulty, I read for Fo1· §m·e Tlu·oats, Broncltitis, Couglis, Colds, "Ha l Ha ! That's a capital way t o two hours aloud with my t eeth t ogeth er. connf).:;tton between the Brahmin and the Dewanee, a Mahomedan dervish, aroused pole. Indeed, to persons familiar with the attention of the punjaub in 1838, by get rid of bores who don't know- -" The first r esult was to m<:1ke my tongm. Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and for Just then the boy opened tbe door and and jaws ach e, that is, while I was readcontracted and stiff j oints it acts like 11 charm. mechanical laws, as much as to the awe professing to be able to suspend the func· struck multitude, there seemed to be no tions o~ life for any length of time. He sang out: ing, and the next to' make me feel as if · possibility of deception. A joint, at such proposed, in fact, to be buried alive un·'&mt in the counting room wat ing to something had loosened' llJY.? talking apManufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Establishment, an angle, subjected to so great a strain, der ground, and to r eturn to hfe at a see you on important business." paratus, for I could .speak"with less diffi · 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, no matter by what connection, would have given time. The price, of course, was culty immediately, The change was so been depressed. This was not. · The ex· named, but nothing more. For this Kircher originated the germ theory great that every one who knew me re- And are sold at ~s . 1t d ., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls. , 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, and hibitor iiat as level as if on solid ground. sum of money, more or l ess (its amount of infectious diseases 200 years a.go, and marked it. I repeated t he remedy every may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout t he World. There was no swaying. Neither depress- t o be measured by the length of time in- not Pasteur, as ih is supposed in mo- five or six days for a month, and then at W l'nrchaser· should l ook. at the 1abel on the Pots and noxes. I f tl1e address ion nor elevation was apparent. Oh a animation was to continue), Sudder con. dern days. longer intervals until cured." ~ 'le n oc 1133, Oxfor d Stl'eet, London, they are spuriou s , t , l 1t tX4lltllll. ff· ·· ., == 3 MllUNfRY &DRESS MAKING ,..,.,,.as ,, 5 0 0 HORSES WANTED VV. HARN E·s s lv.l:.A"'Y"'S SHOP, FA.RMERSI For your Mach!J.'!.ery use c 0 I'..A I... , s LA:E<.:OINE MACHINE OIL, MUST GO! o ff THOS. PATE R S ON, FOR -----..