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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1884, p. 3

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! 61'55 Ai**F ggg { iN&W ewwgwwe .·~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~·~m~·~w===n~~~~::=&~¥~WM~..,~~~T==~~~~~,,~u=·~-~,.~ ·4!¥ a+ T!le 811hnra Sea. DR. SCOTT 5 The proposal to fill up with water from the Mediterranean such portions of the ARTiEs:wISHING THEIR PIANOS desert in South Algeri~as are below the 'l'uned or repaired can haTe them attended to by loaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN . ocean 1eve1, t h ereby creat mg a great co·s· OF'!'ICE, Howmanvllle. A ftrst-clas man artificial sea, now derives fresh interest 'lOW oeing in their in ploy. from the statement tha.t a compa.ny has been formed for undertaking this work~ It appears, however, that the present design IS onlp to begin the construction of a port at the mouth of the Dued-Melah -an enterprise which might stand on its own merits, apart from the more serious FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER. ' one of flooding the dry bed of the Shotts, Rooms over Mr. Horsey's store, west of Couch, since such a harbour is greatly needed on Johnston&. Cryderman's. the coast of Tunis. At the recent meeting of the American & Association in Plnladelph~ 'an interesting paper was read on this subject by Mr. .A. SPEC~l:A LT'YYander Weyde. The odd objection u-tf. PRICES MODERA1'E. sometimes raised against the project on the uround of its seriously loweri.n g the level of the Mediterranean, and thereby GET YOUR LUMBER ~o:e. disturbing the terrestrial centre of gravit.y, was very naturally considered to & be of "no practical importance " ; and, CURES i!ldeed it would be astonishing if manCoughs, Colds, lnflammatio1~~ lHnd_shoula neea- ht)re'Q:fter o take pre-ATof the Bladder, Swelling cf the· cautions in engineering operations lest Olands, Roughness of the' Hair they should unwittiugly unbalance the earth. A less queer consideration, howBotts, Scurvy, &c., &c. ever, is the one ba&ed on the probable For Fattening and Fitting yQur Animal.< effects of evaporation, should these lower for market·, DR. 'SCOTT'S l'KEl'.-\.RED basins of the Sahara Desert be .filled with SPICE has no equal. ocean water by the contemplated channel Liberty Street, to the Mediterranean. Evaporation FOR SALE El/ERYWHt:RE Where you can also obtain being .e xcessively rapid in 'the. arid region of .Algeria1 it will go on at an enormous Doors, Sash, Blinds. Window and Door Frames, Plain and Ornamental Fence rate when the artificial .lake almost Pickets, Cisterns, &c. _ --o F-reaches the ocean level, and hence the ocean water must flow continually through the channel to replace the water removed. The result anticipated by the ---=----- -~--- -- -- ,.:..::......___ ·· - esaayht just quoted is· that "the saltness MrssES POWER & JAMES, will continually increase, and in 'a few deHavins; returned from tn" city r>f Troy. wJ:ero cades will reach a point of saturation they studied this New System of D ·e3s Cutting, where crystallization along its shores will are prepared to give instr·ictions to ..u those begin forming a belt of salt around its desiring to learn the easiest. an;;l mo·t comple~e 1 Th' b 1 ·11 r:j.pi 'di . system of cutting yet discovered:. , By thts who e 1J,Xtent. lll e t w1 Y msys tern la.die·' and children·s garments of .e\Tet·:v crease in width, so that in a few centuries descriDtion are made to flt perfectly Without h · · 11 k ·n h t t d t trying on and withont the use of P" oer or t e ongma a e wi ave con rac e o pattern. Besides this it has th e ahnnt 1ge or its deepest portions, while at 111st it' will 8lthpllolty, being e>tslly le<1.rned a"u it C<l.n disappear . leaving in i ts place an imalwaJ<s Ile depemled upon. . mense deposit of salt. ln fact the exTltey at·c also }Jre)Jitrl!·l to 110 all ldntls ol , f th S h ' D t ARE NOW OPEN. Dress :uul Jlllrntle ~fol<init as usual. :per1ment to t~ans orm e a a~a eser Stand for~crly occupie<l by the l'ost Office. McMurtry'a Block, King St., BowmanvillP, mto a. lake will be the construction of an . 42. enormous salt-pan." On the other-hand, KISO S'l'ltEET, -NE.Wwe may rememt>er that evaporation itself ::ao~iv.r.a.:isr-vx:c...:u :m. would change the nature of the climate, andcausetheraintofallinlocalitiesnow The Gall~ry is first-class in all its ap [ U [ ~ arid. This, indeed, is a main argument pointments and furnished in a comfortin favor of the scheme, whieh is designed able maun~r. There will be no poor work IN 0 RO NO: both to render fertile the desert localiallowed to leavti the rooms, and these "'.ho ties, and to furnish a water highway for commerce. But the amount of rain thus favor me with a call can re1y on b emg My new stock of Millinery is now open fo~ obtained would not, it is argued, equal )?leased .' · inspection, includieg Newest Styles of the evaporation, and hence would only ~The instantenous process only will HATS, FEATHERS, retard instead of wholly preventing the be used for Photographs. BONNETS, FLOWERS, vast salt deposit already referred to. If Oome in and see me. ORNAMENTS, &c. this this theory be cdo~rect, wde shotuldf HENRY -A J, S 0 change a desert of san mto a eser o R. H. · d "Dd salt. --------·-----·-·-,·-·· - - - -' Children's Kn'itted Goo .s "' Colonel Roud. a ire has insisted that the Ladies Fine Underclothing. Shotts was the Triton Bay of the ancients, Ladies are invited to call and Inspect goods and if so, traces of sa.lt for~atio!'- should and prices. HENR\l'S RLOt:I{. Or·urn. be visible there now. 'But m this t}ieory MRS THOS VINSON he tinds li~tle support. There IS no ' ' ' .doubt that, in spite of c;he valuable aid of DRESS and MAN'J'LE MAKING is done in latest De ~esseps, . the. plan of flooding the. styles by Algerian basms is greatly .opposed by 37 ~. = MISS "KATE-"\'.:INSON. some members .Q.f .the Franch Academy Sciences,one of'whom has declared that it would he the ruia of Belad-el-Djerid and Souf ------ ' 0 Pianos 'i'uned k R .epail·etl 9 FORESTS ~ton A.~D RA.IN t ALL, STANDARD .BAN K 0 F C A N A D A· This Hank is prepared to do Legiti- ·¥4HmZ!A'D,'1tll\l!i.i9!litMW ·MMMWmeqs&BMAM P Prepared Sp~ce Genor1u Cl'baervat101:1s Show no conncc· Biotweeu tile 'lwo. den t mqmres . . "f the ( LlPITAL, $1,000,000. ' A young correspon i _ ,,,,_ R£ST, $HO,OOO DRJ:SSMAKI NG. MR'S. E. DEWAR, MANTLES ULSTERS PLANEO,MATCHtU,MOUlUfD&c, Horses, Cattle, Sheep Swine Morris & Joblin's PLANING Mill, - NEW TA I L0 .R SYSTEM C~o~~~!i~e~F}b~u~vl2~.1!~ANC~~r~· French Dress Cutting. PHOTOGRAPHY. HENRY'S New Photo Rooms rny & nRrS' {' .MAKING MllllN ---o--- thd <'l ® ni.a~ allw&ys held the opinion that trees at the surface of the earth cannot sensibly affect the clouds in their onward march miles above, from which the rain is pouri:ig; and that there is no practic· able difference between the distance from the tops of forest trees, and from the foli-. age of a corn field or of a .meadow to the high clouds above. Both would operate, if at all, in the same way. The difference in distance between trees fifty feet high and corn eight feet high, to clouds two miles high, would not be one two·hundredth part, and one would be as likely to draw water down, if at alliJrom tw.o mrle to the other. Buj; mets .disprove the th~ory. ManyToose ·observations are quoted to sustain it ; but where accurate records are kept, although varying with the changes of the season on both sides, some givmg diminished rains where the V'LOOds have been cleared, and others increased rain, the11.verage-i8 very nearl equal. The signal service has kept records of the rain for from forty to sixty year~, at posts in Ohio and Kentucky ; ior the first ten years, when the forests were mostly standing, the rain was slightly.less than for the last ten years, when they had been largely cut away. The annual average for the first period was 34.01 inches; for the last, 49.93 inches-a very small difference, and doubtless to be accounted for wholly by the variations of wet and dry summers. This ·opinion appears to have been adopted in the first place by some one who made a single observation, or else who thought it a handsome theory; and . h writers, without full examination, ave copied it, and continue to copy it down to · d the present· time. lt is a common an correct opinion that forests preserve the moisture of the earth's surface, and pre· vent the drying up of springs by the shade which they afford and by the spongy character of leaf-mold at a time of the year when their green leaves are not pumping up the water through the stems from the subaoil which holds them ; and itisnotiinprobable that this m~y have contributed to the erroneous notion, and the mere retention of water mistaken for its fall.-[Countrv(Gentleman. fall of !L'ain, and whether more rain comes mate Banking in all its branche~. d... wn in wooden than cleared regions of Farmers notes discounted ;' Deposits thei oou.t;ry, 1 la a.nswer, we may state received and Interest paid on amounts of $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department. opinion is correct that forests increase the w c TYLER _ _..,,.._ _ p u MPS ! · BOW-MANVILLE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Pumps of -all kinds,- RUBBER BUCK~TS, WIND MlLLS, Issued and Collections made in Europe, WINDO w SHADES~ United States and Canada:. and Genera.I Jobber in OFFIVE-:'llurdocll B1·os. Rloclt, late Banlr· tng olllce or Jones & Bobble. CARP E ."' ...... ER WO R :({.. W. J. JONES, ..,,. s110P'-011posuc··1·rclcvcn·s Shoe Store. ~7 Agimt: Bowmanville M:arch G ·.18lli. _ 13·6m D ll AFT S -=~-~~~=-~--~ -~=--= / ~ . -:: ,.,. ;:;;,:::;._-~===---=====--="-== :::;-~ -= ==~ A BIG SALE AT CllAS. M. CAWKER'S; AND A ·CONTINUOUS SALE. C. M ..C. will continue to sell the belt goods. C. M. C. will continue to sell the cheapest goods. CHRISTMAS MEATS. C. M. C's stock is composed of the purest and best Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Soap, Vinegar, Syrup, Salt, Flour and C. M. Cawker has bought an ex: Feed, Empire Horse and Cattle Food, traordiuary steer from W. WERRY, EsQ..t.: Glassware and Crockery, Fresh and Cured Solina, breeder of pure Durha m cattle. Meats, and everything that is kept in a first-class Grl)cery anu Provision store. C. M. C. has bought from x C. M. C. will continue Cash for Farm Produce. to pay OsnonNE ESQ., Clark:, four choice heifer&. which will be unsurpassed for quality. C. M · C. returns his sincere thanks for past patronage. and. hopes to' still merit the same. STAND :-Town Hall B'ld's, next to Out. Bank. ~ -~ =--~==:: ..~ ..-:..:-~ -:-'"'~ - -=-=-=-=-=-~ = -~~~~-=-================,....~ - -~ -~~=-=-=~ THIS l!SPACE BELONGS TO J. HIGGINBOTHAM & 801, -PROPRIETORS OF THE- THE 'l'l.iRROR OF THE M0UNTAINS. a. Kentucky outlaw and hla Unpuntshe~. ·' Old Established and Reliable Drug Store. .· ONE OF THE BEST INVESTIGATORS IN USE. If; is a specific in the cure of all d!seases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Pros~at1q Portion of the Ul'inary Organs, Ir:·1tat1oi;i of the Neck of the Blo.dder, Burnrng Urme, Gleet Gonorrhea in all its stages:,Mucous · Discharges, Congestion of the J.\.idneys, Briclc Dust Deposit, Diabetes, ~ntlamma tion of the Kidneys and :mo.dder, Dropsy oC Kidneys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urm~l Pain in the Region of the Bladder, ·Pali~ IN 'l'RE BACK, Urinary Calculus, Renal Calculus Rona! Colic, Retention of Urine F~equeut Uriuation, Gravel in all its foi·ms, Inability to retain the :Wn:ter particularly in persons advanced m l!fe. IT IS A KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR that restores the Urine to its natural color, removes the acid and ])urning and the effect of the excessive use of ~ntoxicatlng drink, ...., Those who r!).llnot obtain a bottle or this D1edicine from t.be1r druggist may send us one dollar and we wm send it to them. . · ~ Send ror (JircnJar. Sold by all Druggists. JEE..XDN'EY' Price $1, or Six Bottles for $S. AJ.IBE!STBtl'llG, Ont. W. JOHNSTON & CO~ 'il!. . I ~( ' DET!01T, )!!ch; Agents for tho U · S. and Cannda. · · -· · Orono Pump Factory. Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever. The Subscriber having built a lar'ge new Pump Factory .in Orono, is prep9,red - to furnish- PUMPS OF EVE~V DESCRIPTION, With or wiLhout ':t>orcclaiu Cylinder, of the Best l\'.Iaterial, on the shortest notice and at the '.owest prices. Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SA'rISFACTION. · Orders by Mail promptly a·t tended to. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, l\'.IOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. Crlmes. Whik a. number ot mountaineers were standing about the United States. court- Polite Attention to all, room in Louisville, Ky., waiting to be Fair Dealing and our called as witnesses in the moonshine distillery .cases, an officer stepped up and best endevors to please laying his hand upon the shoulder o~ a roughly-dressed young fellow, said : Ai·e some of tlie metliods by whi"ch "You are wanted for murder." The yo~ng ma~'s ~i~rne is Li~coln ~anks, and ll ]d he 18 now m iail. He hves m Letcher we hope to retain a , our o county, one oLthe wildest of the moun. ta.in counties of eastern Kentucky. Al- patrons and gaiii new ones , though but 22 years old, he is one of the most daring and reckless men in all that section of the country. His personal Its Va&t Extent. bravery. his fearlessness of any kind of We know our goods are the best Nearly all schoolboys are familiar with danger, his coolness, and the acouracy of the fine passage from a speech by Daniel his aim with any kind of a firearm have in the market, and we are dete1~Webster in w h1ch he alluded to the terri- made him the terror of the mountains. torial extent of Great Britain's posses- One instance of his free and easy manDO AS OTHERS mined not to be undersold. We. sions. He spoke of the mor11in1Z ·drum· ners is enough to show his character, He HAVE DONE. beat keeping company with the hours had si;ime trouble with a young" man named Byma.n, and swore that he w<;>uld an:i saluting the fia., ot Great Britain as invite comparison and are not Are your Kidneys disordered? the sun J 'ourneyed ;round the earth. Sir kill him. One night a party was given ' 'Klc..lncy ·wort brol,l.ght me from my grave, a.a It to which Byman took a young lady. were u.ftii1· I bud be~n given up_ by 13 best doctora in Richard Temple, at the scientific meeting Detr6it.." M. w. Deverau. ""C, Mechanic, Ionla, Mich. afraid to abide by thg result. at Montreal, read a paper on the vast While the fun was at its height, the door was suddenly flung open and Banks Are your nerves weak? extent of the English power. One·fifth "Kidney. Wo1·t. cn r e<l 1ne from nervous we!lkness &c.. a.ftc-r I w:ts not e.."l:pected to live."-Mrs. M. M. B. of the habitable globe was under the sway walked in. He had a cocked pistol in Goodwin, Ed. Christian. Mofl.itor Cleveland, O. · of Queen Victoria. Her subjects num- his hand. Without removing his hat he Have you Bright's Diseas.e? ber 315,000,000, and .Austmlia and asked in a thundering vobe if that - "Kiduey-'W o1 1i cured 1n6 wlle11 lftY wa.ter wiw JUst Canada have room for two hundred - - scoundrel was present There was like cllalk o.ud thenF!~~Icb~7~·~~' Peabody, 'Mass. . million more. Tne annual revenue of no answer for a moment, and then BySuffering Diabetes? ~ the empire amounts to $1,018.000,000. man s~rang into the middle of the fl oor, "Kitll1~y-,Vo1·t is tile most successful rem~y f,ha.ve Local taxes swell this sum $305,000,000 which had by this ~me became deserte<l, ever uscil. GlvesD~~~~f11:~.1¥i'i.1/~~~M';;~~fon, Vt. more, so that the entire cost of govern- and taking quick aim fired at his el'.emy. The shot was a close one, makmg a Have you Liver Complaint? ment is about $7.50 per capita armually. bloody line across Banks' temple. Six " Kidney-Wort cured me of chronfo Liver Diseases ---------1 shots followed in rapid succession. When after 1¥~~~;d,~~~'ei~te. Col. 69th Nat. Gu~rd, N. Y. RoAsr· TuRKEY.- Pluck, singe, draw, · the smoke cleared a ivay, Byman was - NEW Is your Back lame and aching? wipe thoro\lghly, i;,nd truss a fine tnrkey; found dangerously wounded, and the "Kidney-Wort, (1 bottle) cured mo when I w;usso stuff it withcelery and oyster dressing, and sound of the hoofs of a flying horse lame r had to ro1b.011 ~.~1 8,';~~~. .!IiiwaUkce, Wis. cover with a sheet of b uttered paper; told that Banks was making his escape. Some weeks ago Banks got into a dis· Have vou Kidney Disease? roast in a steady oven, basting frequently "K:idney-Vfort mado me souucl in 1ive1· and 1...-idn~ :wi.th butter. .A quarter of an hour b?fore pute with a yonng ma:i iiamed Coon after years of unauccessful doctodng. Its wo $10 a. Oox."- Sam l Ilodgoo, VVillia.m.etown, 'Vest Va.. it ;s done .remove the p~per. ~prm~le Moore. Moore was a quiet, well-behav- FOR with salt JUSt before serving; ga~msh with ed fellow who interfered with nobody, Are you Constipated? browned SJ.usages, ~nd serve with a boat and was ~10re than ordinarily peaceful. "Kfdncy-Wm:t causes easy cvacu11tion15 a~d cured me after lG y~ars use of other mcdictncs. N elson Fairchild, St. Albans, vt. of gravy. Time of roasting, two to three No one seems to know what caused the hours, ac~ording to size. . qua.rel. One day Banks gathered a gan~ Have you Malaria? · "Kidney-Wor t; h&J done })ctt.o r th~ ~y other OYSTER SAuoE.-P:i.rboil the oysters about hlm and marched them up the CUSTOM WORK . got . up with best p'Iat'erial and· in :first.:.class style~ ~ romedy I h a.ve everD~.se ~ if. Cfiu:~~~~~ifi Hero, Vt. in their own hquor, beard them and re- mountain to where Mocre lived in a serve all the liquor. Melt a piece of bub- lonely little cabin. On the way there he Good asso~tm~nt . of '.l'ruµks a.11:~ ,Valises ~lways .on hand. · Are you Bilious? ter in a ·s aucepan, add a little flour, the stopped at; a wild mountain glen. Great . . ,· ' I · J . ,., "'Kidney.Worth: :u; done1ne mor,e good .t!1a.n any oyster liquor, and enough milk to m.ake black cliffs rose up on every si?e. Turnotller remedy 1J:~.v.f_ .~.~~~~~~~~~,Elk na.t, Oregon. All will be sold as low as possibk Consistant with square dealing as much sauce as is wanted_. Put m . a. ing to the cro~d of rough, ~a1f d,~unkep. Are you tormented with Piles? blade of mace and a bay leaf tied together, men around him, Banks said : Thats all arouncl . "Kidney-Wor t' permancrz,tly cured me of b}fedinC' pepper and salt to taste, and the l east where I'm going to kill Coon Moore." piles. Dr. w. C. R'line recommouded it to m e. P .Geo. u. II0113t, Cashicl' M. Ba.nk1 Myorstownt a.. dust of caiyenne. Let the sauce come to A me3senger was sent ~p to M?or~'s - - -- -- - Are you R:P,eumatism racked? the boil, add the oysters, and as soon as house, while the party waited for him m ' 'Kidnev-Wort cured. me aft:er l was given up ,to they a.re quite hot remove the mace and the glen. . A ruse was used to get him ~o die b y pliysiciaiis o.nd I had sufl'cre<l thirty years,' Elbridge J\la icolw, West Bath, Mu.we. bay leaf. Stir in a few drops of lemon come, and when his unsuspecting victim ....----~--~--~------~ juice and serve. . . appeared in sight ~ank~ careful}Y :ion· Ladies are suffering? "Kidncy-Worl cnrcd mo of pcculla.l· trouUles _of Discussino dentists: "I tell you he is cealed himself and his friends. Sudden· t f t t" ,:f' several y1:0.rs stMdin~. Many friends tise nnd prruse i t." li.!r:S. H. Lnmoreaux, Isle La Motte, Vt. the most expert man in the prof~ssion ; ly he sprang out from behina a rock, a.ad OU U W We his pistol at Moore fired . It If .you wouldBa _nish Disease you ha,' en't time to howl before the tooth levellinlY 0 1 out~""Oh, that's nothing to my dentist. needed only one shot from such a man, and gain Health, Take 1 He's quite as <1uick and the operation is and Moore lay dead with a bullet through so P!!inless that every time he pul~s out a his heart. The people seem to ha"'.e been ·. BOWMANVILLE~ double tooth you have to thank him and afraid to make any attempt to pumsh the cry 'Encore," . young murderer, so ~wed were ~hey by THE 13LOOD CLEANSER. While visit:ng the Louvre of l'ar1s a the terror of his name, and. notlung was lady showed the Venus of Milo to her done until he reached Louisville. Be will '·But tell me mamma," asked be taken back to the mountains and will OLD AND RELIABLE dauahterr. the '::hild, "what did they cut her arms doubtless be tried and acquitted. A GRAY'S SPECIFIC .MEDICINE. off for?" ',Because she was always suck· moo11shiner who gave the above facts TRAOE MARrt,TlrnGrcntEng·TRAOE M RK, iDg her thumb." Her daughter asked 110 causally mentioned three or fo~r oth~r llshUcmetly,an more questions. · murders that have been committed m unfailing cure for Seminal WeakOver 10,000 copies of the Bible ~ave Letch~r county in the last month~ none ness, Supermabeen printed every day for the last thirty- of which have been reporte~ throuoh the torrhca, Impotency, &all dis· four years, and yet you have to look out pres.s, and not one of which has been eases thattol!ow . a s a sequence of for~the man who borrows your hoe or ask. punished. the loan of a lawn-mower. - -- - - -- "/ . , , Self-Ah11 ee ; as Before Ta.king1oss of Memory,After Ta.king. He that gives good advice builds with The Princess Dolgorouki, the widow of . Universal Lassitude, Painintlie Back Dimness of Vision Premature Old Age, and many other one hand ; he that gives good counsel and the late ()zar, intends in future to make '*" ea _,- ~ Diseases that leail Lo Insanity or Consumption example builds with both; but he that Paris h er principal residence,. and the and a Premature Grave. gives gaod, admonition and bad example comptroller of h_er esta.bl~shment is lookQDTTC 42l1'Full particulars in our pamphlet, which .L !.!.I we desire to send free by ma U to every:one.- builds ,with one hand and pulls down ing out for a suitable h?use fo111ier, The Princess possesses an imme~se fortune, rhe Specific Medicine is ~old by all druggists with the otl1er. at $1 per package, or six paclrnges for $5, or WHAT HE KILLED.-"What did you which the late Emperor invested out of tak~n will be sent free by mail on the receipt of the kill?" inquired a pedestrian of a sports- Russia in order that it might be certain money by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO. , man on horseback. "Time," was the to fall into the hands of the person for wh0m it was intended. Toronto, Ont., Canada senteni<Jus response. I Health CAIN an~appiness. ~~ 4 from -CALL AND SEE- J. HELLY AR'S STOCK OFFALL WEAR.- 1 THE BEST THAT CAREFUL SELECTING AND CASH CAN PROCURE.. you Grocers' Due Bills taken as cash for goods., ll h d We shall carry Y a a Ver lSe anu... strive to please our patrons. Kl NG STREET, Buckwheat Flour His Groceries are and Graham Flour. Fresh and Good- JAM E s E LLI oTT I Try Elliott's 30c. TEA. Choice Maple Syrup and Sugar. I .,. ' --.;:;R E. ·Farmers in exchange. Due Bills given.

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