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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1884, p. 6

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!£. Senaatlcnal case 'in a P~Uce c ourt. EVERY At W or11hip street police co-qrt, Mary Ann Ingram, alias Smith, 38, a ma1 ·ded in ORON 0, at woman, ·wellington Row, Bethnal Green, A.JAJ¥=ES, was brought up on remand, charged with - ,,- haTing stolen a child named Having bought the· whole stock of the late ChaHes Sellen.; aged 6 months. The 1\1188 B. HEPBURN, at !es~ than ONE HALF th f th h Id M S h 1 of the cost price, and in order to make room mo . er 0 ec_ 1 ' rs. ara tsel en, of for NEW GOODS,, as I intend continuing the App1an road, a.aid she sent Emma Scott, bU.siness, will offer for ca.sh the whole or tbe .a little nurse·.g irl, to Victoria Park with - above stock BELOW COST. themfant about 9 :30in the mornin . At Tlte llldllnery Depa1·t1ncnt Is ·~nilet· the 4 :30 in the afternoon she wa _ s toilit was 111u11age111ent o'f JlllSS ()RA. lost and s h egave a d escrip -· t.ionof i ·t t 0 the _ WFORD. . Dress & Mantle Makmg a specialty. police. The child was returned to her S TAM P I N G by tbe police on the 6th inst., when she done for braid work and einbroidery. found it was in very good- condition. .A (fall and examine. ~o trouble to·show goods. witness named Criddle, who lived near , the prosecutrix at .Appian road, Bow, deposed to visiting the prisoner in company Orono, September 25, 1884. 39. with the girl Scott and another. The ·- - - - -- - - - girl at once recognised the woman, and the police, who were waioing outside, came m and inquired about the miosing baby_ The prisoner said she had a , baby -one of her own-;and it was a fortnight old. Sne produced it, and it was noticed that it hact bandages all over its tody, and the legs were tied .together, as the the witness expressed it, "in a di graceful . way." Police Constable Armstrong, 480 C::::::::- - - -..... K, stated that he arrested the prisoner. L. PO'l'TElt, M.J), In reply to his questions, she said she had On . the 'G'RADU A 'l'E of Queen's Oollege,_ 1~im;ston 1 a . baby about a fortnig ht old. and Member of Col: ~i::e of Physicians .and route to the station she was followed by a -Et"'2".. . · · Surgeon e, Ontario. large mob of persons, who hooted her and W Office '"' and R~i~~~ce'. Enms~1llen. -~· cried: "Who sneaked the' baby?" ln . Dr. A. DEI'rll, . « I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on consequence of the violent behaviour of RADUATE O.If THE TORON'l'O UNIVE~ the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. th'e crowCl, witness took the prisoner inSITY, Physician, Surgeon,&c. OtllceKing .Caskets and Burial Ca,ses ready on short notice., to the .llethnal-green sto.tion before proFirst-class hearse on ver~ ·moderate terms. 8tr6et, MORR18' ll.LOCK. Bowmanville. Bhrouds and Cofil ns constantly on hand. Fun ceeding to Bow_ The prisoner there -G. JI. CAR'\'E'l'll., n. A.~.-s{, M. D., c.~ eral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & said to him: "! will tell y<,iu the truth. Show Rooma-Bounsall'sNew Bloell;. I did steal the child." A searcher named I CENTIATE OF THE' COLLEGE All furn iture sold 'by me is made by the U. C Manning deposed that she was called to Furniture Co. of Bowmanville. l do not buy ·' of Physicians and Surgeoris of Ontario. furniture and represent it . to have been sea.rch the priS\Jner an .f .. examine the OFFICE AND RESIDliNCE :~Main St., Orono. slop made by the U- C. ~'.Co. of this town. . Also agent for the LI-QUOR TEA for this town child, Charles Sellen_ She · found that ... w. Jll(l),augllliJl, u: n., an<l vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be the child was bandaged from head to 'LICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COJ,JJEGE got in the market. A valuable prize given foot, and shp sueposed that the object 2 of Physicians and rnemoer of the Royal with every nound. was to make it appear smaller and there"·College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. .· OIH.11>e: MORRkl' BLOCK King-st., llowmanfore yuunger. The arms ,.were wrapped :vlille. · in strips ot calico, and the lags were also DR··J, C. llll'J'f;HJ~LL, tightly held together. There was one EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS I bruise upon the left ar111 and two more and Surgeon, Ontario, Coroner, etc. bruises on the legs. Witness .could not Office and Hesidence. Enniskillen. 74. ESTABLISHED 1884, tell how the bruises were caused; Thb 4 ctueen St1·eet East, Toronto, Ontiu·to. prisoner told her at the time that she had , D; DIJRIU' SIJllP!ION, Belts, Insoles and not created the bruises. [Prisoner here ARRISTE'ft, SOLICITOR, &c., MORRIS These Electro-Curative ri,russee arc BLOCK up stairs, King ;,st...eet, Bo-vrnau exclaimed that she had not bruised the vlle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. . Superior ' to any other Remedy child. J Detective Beall produced some rrhatc !11.lneys loaned at the lowest l'atcs', clothing worn by the child Sellen wnen anti will cure " 'Iiei· taken away, and it was identified by the John Keith Galb1·aith, all other remedies nurse-girl Scott. Thia concluded the .A.RR I 8 TE R, . SOLICITOR, NOT .A,RY evidence in respect to this case : but InPUBLIC, &c. Office-R.eed's B,lock, o.ver fail. '['.Battings store, King Street, Bowman ville. spector Widney said that the prisoner Money to lend Circular and Consulta· had that day been identified as the person who stole another child about six &OBERT A.Rlll81Jlt, tion free years ago. The child had been taken EGI8TRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER otMarria.ge Licenses, Barrister and a.ttor- A FEW SIMPLE Tll~s·r1MONIALS 'l'HAT possession of by the police, and it would 'l&Y at Law and Solicitor in Chancery- Money SPEAK 1WR THEMSELVES. be the subject of a second charge. It 1!. )t':med on Real Estate. Ofilce on King ctreet, was probable that other persons would be Sowmanvllle. Ottawa. Sept. 3rd, 1883. · arrested, and, in conjunction with the A. NORMAN, F.sq.,-Dear Sir,-1 have experi~. T. J'llllLil"S enced considerable benefit from yourAppliances prisoner, charged whh conspiracy to ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County I fuel stronger and better every day. steal children. At the mention of the of Durham, Sales promptly attended. · . Yours truly, l:t, E.HALIBURTON. other child alleged to have been stolen Address-Hampton P, o. . 59. Peterboro', Sept. 15th, 1883. six years ago,theprisonerplacedherhands A. NORMAN, Esq.,- Dear Sir,- Soon after I Jr. RIJT«:DISON. commenced to use your Electric Appliances. over her eyes, reeledabputmthedock, and ICENSED AUCTIONEER, CONVEYAN they opened my bowels, cured my cough and exclaimed several times ; "Oh ! my child I L CER and Commissioner in B.. R. Sales at cold, relieved my head, and considerably re- my child ! my ovm child I" She swooned l!iended to promJ)tly and at reasonable rates. lieved mY catarrh in consequence. 'l'he dis· charges from my head and chest are now easy, away, and had to be assisted out of the ~Ad_ dress--.Enniskillen P.O. e.nd I foci altogether better. My digestion haB- court ; but hertly~af.terward reco:v:ered. ORN HUGBES.-Licensed Auct'o~eer, improved, my stoma.ch less sour and windy, Mr. Buahby then acceded to the request Valuator and Arbitrator. F1re and Life and I am less troubled with lascivious and · fllsqran.ce, Notes and Accounts Collected. vivid dreams, I had previously tried almost all made by the inspector for a remand.Money to Lend on reasonable terms, Ao dress the advertised patent medicines without deriv- [ London Teleyraph. ing any good. Yours truly. CG:&rtwrip:h<, Ont,. · 472 -~---...·H·-·.....--o+--~~~ Jor-rn GREEN. A. M:e~sage from the Late Prince Leo." ~ S_'!'OTT ~2£. ~~ol~gent.s. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO pold. every man who bnys hiR Licen~e from H ENRY SYLVESTER. ~nniskillen. A new spiritualistic medium has arisen, and numerous members of the royal \'f, W. DICKEY, family have honored him with their visits. ETERINARY SURGEON. graduat.e of the The late Duke of Albany was so much Ontario Veterinary College. Office and R esidence, NEw·roNVILLE, Ont. impressed with what he saw at one seance Will visit Orono every Tuesday_ Office hours that he went to the trouble. ,of having a f rom 12 a. m. to 4 p. m., at Coulter's Hotel. special double slate ma.de, framed in oak Special attention paid to Surgery, 32·1Y* IS SELLING with elaborate brass ,mountings, and fitted with a patent" Bramah lock. Armed 'So Do! Gentlemen orFa"h with this he presented himself one mornion, not so Cast. ing at the medium's apartments, and a well made and guaranteed to be of small piece of pencil having been dropped 111ave written these few lines between the slates, they were duly Jock· .Ande.Uihavetosaysuperior qual~ty, at the, old stand, ed (the key being atta~hed to the Duke's ~ltat you can find me still at home, lam not ~one away. watch-chain), and under these conditions ·so e.ll my kmd ol Ii r riends may come, -'conditions.which would appear to pre· And e.11 they oung ones, too, -:And get their garments nicely made clude all possibility of fraud, the pencil In fashions that are n·ew: was soon heard grating over the surface 'W tiere old and young, dear friends, may meet A well'.lome l>'rAetiniz. bv R. PEA'rE COLLARS A SPECIALTY. of the slateb, and, when the key was applied to the lock and the sides opened, .Always on hand and for sale very c41Jap_ thei:e was a long message. The late Duke always considered this a ,c:rncial test, and Whips, Blankets, Curry Combs, from that day wafl a firm believer in the Brushes, &c,, &c. truth of "direct spirit writing." · His Royal Highness always maintained A large stock of Light and Heavy Harness that the majority of the written messages · new ready. for the Fall trade. he received came from his lamented and favorite sister Princess Alice of Hesse, and a man of the late Duke's abilities and Ordered Work and Repairs attainments was not all a likely subject receive prompt and careful WITH TEETH. WiTHOU'L' TEETlI. to .b e easily imposed upon by a ~·clever attention. conjurer" as suggested in ·Some quarters. Sign of the BIG COLLAR, So convinced, indeed, · was the· Duke of King St. West, Bowmauville. PRACTI«:A.L DEN'l'IST, Albany of the possibility of departed 29-tf. OVER TWENTY YEARS.EXPERIENCE, spirits comm1micating in this way with -~ltro111s OxidcGa s Administered f or P atnies those on earth, that before_ his departure 'On that fatal journey t@ Cannes-with, Operutioiis. @IFlFIC:E perhaps, some foreboding of what was to MU«JLlJNG'S IUO()K; happen- he deposited th e slate he had made with the medium, promising, · if anything happened, to communicate a written message on this particular slate, In~mrance and thus establish direct proof of the correctness of the phenomena. ---=- For many days · after his decease atPRESIDENT,- JESSE TRULL, Esq., Bowman ville P. o. . tempts were ma,de to obtain the promised MAN AGER,- R. J. DOYLE, Esq., Owen Sound. message ; but, up to the present dato, LOCAL AGENT,--H. :\1'.0UL'l'ON, Orono. none has been received, and the believers A111ount Insn1·e1l, about $7,000,000. in spiritualism, for a reason well-known 'H A RN DE N , L. D. S ., «JAPITAI., OYER. $154,000,00, among themselves, confidently --assert Graduate of the Roye.! College of Dental that none will be received until some Surgeons, Ontario. Cost of insu::ance for past seven years, long period has ela.psed.-Soci~ty. ·OFFICE QVER DICKt'\ON'S ST0RE·. about 15c. per $100 insured per year. "Wonder what Foo Chow ages wili"say 'g-0LD FILLING A SPECIALTY. .All the profits paid to policy ,holders, who when t_ h e story of the war between · e!m.te Work executed in the latest and most might as well have the profits as France and China is told 7" remarked the improved style of the Dental .Art, stockholders who live on profits slim-legged boarder. "Who cares what 1i?EETH EXTR.ACTED WITHOUT PAIN , made fr.o m farmers. it says 1" said the gruff fellow at the foot 'Jf the ase of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury Profits paid policy holders in 1883, of the table. " What business have to the pe.tient. $ 1, 0 9 4. 7 9. future ages Pekin into our affairs 1" ·Pertlc.ular attentl.i>n paid to the regulation of Remember -this Company has ,Anam ·~nong th~ crowd thepm~a flew fast , CHILDREN'f> TEETH. , and furious until the landlord began to ~ALL .WO'flK WARRANTED. ..._ 0 0 M E T 0 S TAY, think that her china looked quite respect.Remember it is a home institution . Ne. able beside its name~ake in the far east. Yankee aqvent.urer. _ }f o _ home failure, CoD's HE.AD .AND SnouLDERs. -Tie up ~ormerly l!mo wn as the " Soper Mills. ') backEld up by another adventurer. the head several times over with string, about half the Stock and lay the fish in plenty of hot water HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR- .Actual Cost Company rates. very much salted; let it gradually sinuner UGHL Y renovated and put inorder,under - , for about fifteen or twenty minutes, and -oqur own special supervision, for the.purpose of -gristing and manufacturing Oat·Meal and Pot FOlt FURTHER 1::.FOltM.!TION .APPLY TO so soon as the skin begins to crack raise "6&rley, a nd we are now prepared to receive up the fish on the stra~ner overthewater, ·«Jrders <from all our old cud'tomers and others . · . · ~ and let it well drain; then brush it over ·t or work, and we gurantee to give them who introst 11s with the same entire satisfaction, lightly with olive oil, remove the skin "Oats and other grains taken in exchange tor and serve, garnished with lemon and with ORONO. l!'lour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow· 'man ville ' 227. .:::'..@rono, June 12, 188~. 24-6m oyster sauce, in a boat· TKE CANADl,AN STATESMAN M. · .::;~;:;E;.ORNING '-B"'- '" ' FA N c y _ MILLINERY AND CHILD-S'rEALING IN LONDON· . SOIENTil'lC GOSSIP. CATARRH. c00 Ds LESS THAN COST. I MRS, WM, MORRISON, ______ ___ · K N c I " , · 1 UNDE RTA LE'\f 1 MORRIS. G L --~, - ~-~~~~~-~~ NORMAN'S M Hf CTRIC BH TINSTITUTION R B R L J A V HORSEMEN. MRS. HUMPHREY LICHT ID HEAVY HARNESS Opposite Glover'~ Liver~ Stable, DENTISTRY DE AR Srns-Yours of the 13th instant to hand. too good to be true that I am They will also give the usual cured of Catarrh, but I know that I am. I have had no return of the disease and never felt facilities to customers requiring adbetter in my life. I have tried so !nany things for catarrh, suffered so much and for so many vances. 81-70. years. that it is hard for me to realize that I am really better. . I consider that mine was a very bad case : it -vaB aggravated and chronic, involving the throat as well as the nasal passages, and I thought I would require the three treatmentR GEN FORD _ b ut feel fully cured by the two sent me, and · I am thankful that I was ever induced to send to YOU. You are at liberty to use this letter stating (ALL SIZES) that I hu.ve been cund at ttco ti-eatments, and l shall gladly recommend your remedy to some Guaranteed to give :first·class satisfaction or · no sale. Also ot my friends who are sufferers. Yours with many thanks, REv.E.Il.STEVENSON. a.nd tdl other kinds of ·roRO!\TO, April 24, 1882. A. ff. D'ixon, Esq., 305King St., Wes.t. · FARM , IMPLEMENTS. DE.\R Sm,-,'Ve take pleasure in stating that our junior nartner, who had for vears been troubled with Catarrh, was successfully cured Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. by three trea.tments of your rbmedy. 'l'he Address, W. H. PIPER Box 101. Cattarrh wasmnch aggrava·ted, with continual BROOJO,J l\. drOPJ)ing into the throat. accompanied by lorn '10. . of vowe, hawking and spitting and blocking up of thi:; nostrils, all of which we are pleased tn say disappeared almost immediately after ti e remedy we.~ applied. Your remedy is certainl;i. an invaluable on'e ana we hope t.ll who mav Has received her new stock of be sntfermg from this disaa:reeablA disease wi!i give it· a. trial, as w~ are satisfied they will :find it a complP.te success. Gr.:.hant and Quinquand say that subYours very trnly, and invites the Ladies of Bow. . · d WM . NORI<IS & SON, cutaneou::s 1llJections ut incre11.smg ose~ Wholesale Pianos and Organs. man ville and vicinity to call of aqueous solutions of pure urea mvariaNo. 8 Adelaide St. East.. bly terminated in tetar1ic convulsions and AD\'.B.Cil .1.0 lllOTHEJlS. · and see her Pattern death, The convulsions f those .Are you disturbed at night and broken of - · resembled d prod w;:e d b Y stryJh nme, an ~ere ollow- your rest by a sick child suffering and crying ed by death in the course of from one to with pam of cutting teeth~ If so, send at once and assortment of ten hours. and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING :SYRUP l·'OR CHILDREN 'l'EEI'HING, Its value is "11 b · incalculable. It will relieve the poor little L arge B t ee1 work s Wl soon e in oper- sull'ererimmediately. Depeud upon it, mothers, ation at Bilbao, Spain, near which there there is no mistake about it. Itcuresdysentary is abundance of hematite. ·A Spanish and diarrhma, regulates the stomach and . h h ht · d · bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums company, W h lC as o aine imp9rtant reduces inflammation, and gives tone and concessions from the Government, is to' energy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLow's engage in this enterprise. New blast fur- SooTmNa Svnul' iron Cm.LDREN 'l'EE'.l"IIINO is pleasant to the taste, and i8 the prescrip~ion of naces and oth er appliancas are in couree one of the oldest and best female nurses and AGHIOULTULAL AND of construction for the smelting of the ore physicians in the Unit.ed Star.es. and is ior sale and for tr.e conversion of the. product by all druggists throughout the world, Price Z5 cents a bottle into rails, bars, and beams of various sections. 1UlS1' nud COJIU'ORT to the S1Jl'l'Jl1N'G. _ "Bro,vn's Donsehoulcl 1·a11ncea " has no We are ~ow doing every clas' of ENGINE M. P. Oazeneuve shows that the method . ' for relieving pain, both internal and exof sterilizing liquids containing ferments equal ternal. It cur" Pain in the Side, Back or MlL.L,M.ACHINE,FOUNDRY,AGltIOULTURAL, by means of gypsum filters is open to cer- Bowels, Sore Throat. Rheumatism, Toothache· CARRI.AGE and WAGON WORK. and any kind ef a Pain or Ach&. "Tt tain objections. It keeps back soluble Lumbago will most surely quicken the Blood· and Heal - Call and see ourferments and a very considerable propor· as its acting powers is wonderful." "Brown a tion of albuminoid matters. Thus, for ex- Household Panacea," bemg acknowledged ~s the great Pain Reliever, and of· double the ample, blood so treated is not merely de- strength or any other Elixir or Liniment in the p.r ived 'Of living organisms which may world, should be in every family handy for use It is the ma.chine every farmer wants-Light. Dui:able and Good-none better made "a$ it really is the best remedy Simple. _ when' wanted, have been present, but undergoes other in the world for Cramps ip the Stomach, and changes. · -OURPains and Aches of all kinds, "and is for sale . by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. Cast iron. says M. L. l!'orquignon, if heated for several days :to a tempera.t ure Bucklyn·s A.rnlcn S1llve.-'l'he best Salv~ of from 900 to l ,000 centigrade, In the world for Cuts, Brmses, Sores, Ulcers' A large stock, · Their merits recommend -them. Our.neither melts noI> softens. but it is convert- Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped .ed into malleable iron. lts surface is Hands, Chilblains, .Corns, and all Skin Ernp·. _, covered with a grayish efflorescence. Its .tions, and Positiv,.ly cures Piles. It is guranfracture is aometim!ls of a uniform black teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money So long and favorably {known need no com ment_ Every kind of lik.e that of a lead pencil, and sometimes refunded. Price25 cents per box. For sale by · riddled with large black points which ate J. Higginbotham & Son. - ----~----.. PLOW POINTS regt:Jarly distributed in the metallic "HuB" COUGH CURE, 25 CENTS.-Pres paste. criptio f B t Ph . . d" d Us11d we keep on hand, made from TONSDAL n o a os on · ys~cian, ispense HAME'.lIL'l', In a , note upon astronomical measure- years by a Boston druggist. ONE DosE w · d l F ments, and especially on the choice of a will cure any ordinary cough. It acts al-1 . e are pr~pare . to supp y tI:e armer common meridian, M . .A. d'Abbaki0 pro- most magically. Ask Stott & Ju _ry for ar with ~very implemei.t he needs~ lluy your nounces in favor of the west coast of 25 cent bottl!:l of "Hun" CouoH Cu1rn machrnes at home whe;e you call\ have them Flores. one of the Azores, for the chief meridian, or else for its anti-meridian, and o.ther. __ cCiunrgepai&D should the latter be preferred. He also s o proposes the adoption of a unit of 18,000 kilometres for the measurement of celes- To the Ha?"tfo?"d Ffre Insurance Co_ tial spaces, this unit to be called a meI hereby return thanks for the prompt paygiste, from the Greek meqistc>'n . ment by your agent. l\'lr, 'rhos. Bingham. for damage done to my house by fire. I received Basing his views on very wide experi- a cash check by return mail after my cla.irn MRS. C. C. BURK. ence, those of Sir J osep 11 Fayrer on the was forwar:led. treatment of enake'poisoning are far from To the Managers of lie Glasgow and London ll:u !Untlc_!U:my Chuugcs. encouraging: "To conceive of an antidote P'i?'e lnsit?"ance Co. (as that term is usually understood) we I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay· --(o)-ment by your agent, Mr. 'l'hos.' Bingham, for must conceive of a substance so subtile as damage to my house which was insured in thtl to follow, overtake, and neutralizt- the Sovereign l<' ire Insurance Co., having received ca.sh _check by return of ma.ii after claim was poison in the blood, and that shall have sentm. MUS. C, C. BURK. the power of counteracting orneutralizing settlement of claim parties From the above the poisonous and deadly influence it has holding Sovereign Policie8 will see that they exerted on vital force. l::luch a substance ai·e lr~THE l'OFULAR~ all right, and they need not pay any atten has still to be found, nor does our present tion to the agent of the Dominion Grange hutpbug or any one else who are going round experience of drugs givehopeful anticipa- tellmg folks that their Sovereign Policies are tion that we shall find it." Six years ago novood, he expressed that opinion, and it appears HAS TIESUl\'IED BUSINESS ·rHOS. BINGHAM, he has since seen no reason to modify ' .BOW:'<IANVlLLE - -IN-it. It seems almost ~--~-~~~~~-~~~~~_::__:_ An inv'.ta,t,i.on to hold its next meeting at V enna has been accepted by the fnternationalCongress of Hygiene, which has concluded its fifth session, held this year a';; Th1l Hague, most successfully. Water '1."\1Jti~'d th.tough porous unglazed por·nh lii. i!6 ~kls-Dlutely ' free from microbia. WJ.tr1 'a single such vessel, 0. 20 metre long by 0. 25 metre iii diameter, Mr. C. Chamberland obtained about 20 litres a day of physiologically pure water. E~peri~ents by · G. Gore, LL. D., prove that carbon, boron, and silicon may be separated from their melted compounds by electrolysis; but, although carbon was slowly deposited in several cases, m no instance was it obtained from an aqueous solution or in a crystaline state. In the Province of Viatka, Russia, there are produced annually 72,000,000 pounds of tar, 5,400,000 pounds of pitch, and 2,160,000 pounds of 1;urpentine oil. lt is stated that t.he annuol product of birch oil amounts to 144,(JOO,OOO pounds, · d' h (4, 000, 000 , poo d s, ) an 111 icat10n that t e d imand for lt is now great. It is now prop'o sed to make a tunnel and railroad through the Splugen. The project is regarded · with great favor by thoseinterestedin'.L ombardianrailways, and support is looked for from Bavaria, W ,u rtemberg, and otherparts of Germany. The estima ted cost of 'the whole work 18 about $1G,200,000, CA-rAHHH,-A new Treatment wl1ereby a threa permanentcure is eJfectedin treatments. Particulars and fromoneto Treatise free on U receipt of startip. A. II. DIXON & SON,1367 King Street, West,Toronto, . 79 Q UEEN ST, LONDON, E. C., WHA'l' THE REV, E. B. STEVENSON, B.A. .. A CLERGYMA_N 01' 'l'HE LONDON CONFERENCE OF THF. ME'l'lIODIST CHURCH OD' CANADA HAS, 'l'O SAY lN EEO.ARD TO A. H. DIXON & SoN s NEW ·r:s.EA'l'M ENT Fon CA'l'Annu. OAKLAND, ONTARIO, UAN. l\iar~h 17. 1883 Mess?"s. A . H. D-ixon, & Son. "HARLES DONALD & co., APPLES- APPLES. ' Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merch-a ~ l<s and Shippers, with a view to ~ ntumn and Spring business. W.H.PIPER, GRAIN CRUSHERS CHAFF CUTTERS 1\1188 McTAVISH GOODS., BONNETS,- HATS TRlMMib¥'GS Machine Foundry,· CARRIAGE WORKS NEW IRON MOWER, ° ° CHAMPION PLOW, c A R R J AG E S d~t b~ut ofi/;~ny ar ·I. M arch. an.Ks. ([THE~FJBEJ) DAV. DAVIS BOOT AND SHOE MAN :gNEA:@S' BLOCK~ --(o)-- ~~~--........... ~.+ltHI· .. ,...~~ Cheap Life Insurance. J. M. BR IMA COMBE, THE DOMINION ({g~ANGtiMUTUAY) Fire · Co. ··c . Caledonian Mills. T H Mo U LTON .A Qu.AIN:r WINE 01mEit--One of the quaintest anecdotes in connection with t.he peerage, has just been revived by the recent sales of ducal collections of books. The "Old Duke Hamilton," so runs the gossir, once quarrelled rath,e r testily with his wine merchant. To spite the laater tradesman, Duke Hamilton-who was as pom-pous a apecim n"-ofdJ.ui:nanity as ever conde scen cled- to breathe-at olfce wrote off to Bourdeaux. Very much in the same spirit whioh, even in the present day of School Boa.rds · and wholesale politeness, makes ill-educated scribblers spread "Esq. " to the tail of their o signatures, the Duke signed, as a rule, all his' three great titles. These are those of the dukedom of Chatel heraut i n France, the dukedom of Brandon in Suffolk, and the dukedom of Hamilton in Scotland. Accordingly the Rordeauxwine-trader received a letter ordering so many pipe of port, the wine to be' sent to " .Faithfully vours, 'Hamilton, Brandon, and Chatelherai~t.' Back again, as promptly.as ran the post, came a reply, The wine-grower was obliged to "Messrs. Hamilton. Brandon, and Chatelheraut," for their order, but as he had not done business with the firm before, would they kindly send him a · reference. The Duke when he got this missive nearly choked, and the story has set many a table in a roar. A youngster of our acquaintance.recently paid his first visit to a church. Naturally enough, he soon became restless, and to quiet him his father gave him\!. copper, with which l).e amused himself until it slipped underneath the cushion. An earnest hunt resulted in its discovery, when in his delil(ht, regardless of all the surrol).ndings; holding it aloft he exclaimed in gieeful tones, "l've got it!" Hereupon his fatMr concluded to ad journ the meeting, bqt, just as they gQt to the door, the youngster expre~sed his opinion of affairs in audible tunes as follows :-"We shan't come here again, shall we, papa r Insure in the Coofoderation Life Association. It is cheaper than the Canadian Mutual .Aid, A. 0. U. W. or any pass around your hat institution, as the following exampJes will prove : Thos. :McCinng has been insured since 1872 for$2,000and the last five years it only cOS-t him -$ 2 .55 per annum on each $1,000 to insure, John ·M0CJuug i qsurcd at the same time for the same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 per annum on ea.ch $1,000 to insur e, he being a little younger. We certify the above to be correct. l'hos, l.\:lcClung, John l.VlcClung. .THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. -~--~ NEXT DOOR TO TUE EXPRESS OFFICI:, « :My Stock comprises all mes of La.dies & Gents' l<'ine Goods,. Ovemhoes_ , ubbers, &c. itF Ordered Wol'k and Rep!!ii.;.i:tng' will as usual receive pl"ompt atleution. \ . W My customers and the public generally are invited to call and secure unparalleled bargains in Boots and Shoes. DAV ID DAVIS. _ IJowmanvill~, March, ti 1884. THE VICTORIA. ---- - - · -- FRESH MEAT. ___,,,,.__ _ Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash VERSUS Peddling and Credit. 'l'his Crtt represents the popular Victoria vVave- It is dressed with the l1air falling on the forehead, and the <:'nds meet in Montagues. It is exceedingly becoming, and is having a large run. The above style. with large number of other equally becoming styles , are ma.de by MRS- A. DAVIS,s over M. Maver store ABS.OLU'rE DIVORCES FOit persons residing throughout the United States and Canada for desertion, nonsupport, intemperance,cruelty, incompatibility, etc. Advice free. State your case and address ATTORNEY WARD, World Building, 1267 Broadway, New York 33-ly, We having been solicited by a number of our citizens to commence on the above system, we have now decided to fall in with their r equest. This plan will enable us to sell TWO cents per pound cheaper. As you will see by the new system we shall not require half a dozen horses and rigs and men to run them, for w~ich the p~blic have previously paid. We bemg the first to.introduce this great savino- ask your liberal support. "' Yours truly, W. BRITTAIN&Co,, · Mark.¢ Square. N . B.-All order.s promptly attended to and Meat delivered to a11 parts of the town. We also pay Cash for Farm and Dairy Produce. DIVORCES

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