" I TERMS :-$1.60 PER ANNUM. NEW t.sm OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD .AFTERWARDS. M . A . J AMES, EDITOR AND PitOPRIRTOR. VOLUME XXX. NUMBER SERIES, NUMBER 330. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1884. 47. READY-MADE CLOTH/NB. decided to clear out our entire stock of Ready-made Qlothing, we will ·offer it at prices that defy competition. "W"e will offer good Ha~ing CORRESPONDENCE. HAMP TON. The Praying Band from Bowm anvillll conducted services m orning, afternoon and evening in the Methodist church here on Sunday, ·w hen ther e wer e good congr egations present . I n the evening twel ve went t o the penitent form for pardon. The services were much enjoyed by those present. The Salvation Army are doing ~ood work, too. They h ave led several h eads of families to t urn in with them and are living better lives. May they continue in well doing. . Mr. John J ohns,one of Hampton's oldest and most 1 highly respected r esidents, passed a.way to his eternal r est on Friday night Nov. 7th . On Monday the 10th. inst., a large n umber of friend~ and re ~ lations followed t he r emains to t he church where a service was conduct ed by l1r::v. ·J. Whitlock who delivered a short and ap· propriate discourse, taking for his subj ect "!Blessed ar ~ the dead which die in the Lorcl from hence forth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that th ey may rest from their laborers; and t heir works do follow them. " Thence to the B. C. Cemetery where our departed was laid to rest. J\llr. J olrns had not been '.Yell for some time, but was not co ,;inecl to his bed only three days when death put an end to his suffering which was great. But let us r ejoice for that which is our loss is his eternal gain. Our departed and esteemed friend was born on the farm known :is " Totley" in the parish of Hatherleigh, Devonshire, England in the year 1823. I n t he year 1849 he and his father and remainder of the family emig1·a ted t o Canada and took up this home in the village of Hampton where he remained until his last days. His occupation was carriage making and the works of his hands may be seen all over the county of Durham and d ifferent parts of Ontario. He was always a staunch R eformer, he was al so a true christian, having been brough t into the ch urch in the year 1855 under the wor ks of Rev. J ohn H ooper in which he continued unt il death severed hi~ connection from amongst us. He was a faithful husband 11,n d a loving parent . OUR LovED AND LosT. Time hath no power to bare away Thine image from our hearts, No:Scenes that mark life's onward way Can bid it hence depart ; Yet whi!P. our 80Uls, with an11:uish riven, Mourn, loved and lost, for thee, We raise our tearful eyes to heaven, And joy that t hou art free. We miss thee from the band so dear ')'hat gathers round our hearth ; We listen still thy voice to hear. Amid our hou8ehold mkth ; We gaze upon thy vacant chair, Thy form we seem to see ; We start to fi nd thou art not there, Yct j oy that thou art free. .Amid ei<rth'~ conflicts, woe and care, When dark our path appears, Tis sweet to know thou can'st not hear Our anguish and our tear~ : That on thy head no more shall f &ll The storms we may not flee Yes, safely sheltered from them all, I We joy that thou art free. For thou hast gained brighter land, And doath'e~cold ~tream is past, Thine are the joys at God's right hand, That shall forevernlast . A crown is on thy wrinkied brow, Thine eye the K ing d~th see; 'l'hy borne is with the seraphs now, We joy that thou art f'ree. A light is frJ m the houseeolci. one, A voice we loved h s till ; A place in vacant at our home, Which never can be filled. CU URTIGE~ ENFI ELD. Hurrah ! " R ing out the loud acclatm. " The most interesting t opic of the day is the celebration of the nup tial s of Miss Hannah Dyer fourth daughter of Daniel D yer, Esq., of this place nnd Mr. D. Archer, of Cartwr ight. M r. Archer for several years was teacher of our public school and was uuiversallyesteemed. The wedding t ook place on Wednesday of this week. Aft er the ceremony the h appy couple left for an extended visit among friends in th e county of Grey. T h e brid e received some costlypr esents. Best wishes. Certain r umors state that our M~yor is pugilistic. Only slightly of cour se. If t hat d ignitary does not beliave more seemly his resign:ttion will be demanCled. M r. W . Mar tyn P. M., h as been ailing for some time past and is very little better yet . Our Praying Band are still meet ing with the success they really deserve. Severa.I of the membet·s spent Thanksgiving Day i n Whitby and were highly pleased with the ser vices of the day. Mr. Hooper's finger is progressing favorably. A gr eat number of our farmers have finish ed raising their t urnips and report a good crop. Mr. Davey, teacher, r eports the a ttendance as being ve1·y limited, owing no doubt to the hurried times. He has not engaged for nex t ye>tr yet. In the absence ufR ev. C. Taylor throu11:h illness on Sunday last, th e services were conducted hy Messrs. D onald McCullough and Il. H. Campb ell. A very serious accident h appened t o M r s. W. Tapp one clay last week. She went t o the pump for water and returning slipped from a slab and fell forwar d, t he fall ca using a very sevt>re dislocation of t he shoulder joint . Mrs. T app is al ways r eady t o m inister to th e wants of the n eighbors who sympathize with her in t his ·m isfortune. H ope she will soon be around again . Mr. Thos. ' Votten has leased Mr. Brad· ley's n orth farm and has taken possession . Mr. J oseph Hubbard h as leased Mr. Wotten's house and lot on Sunrise H ill and has moved into it. Mr. J ohn V irtue has moved into his new brick r esidence, and Mr. Thornton has taken posse3sin of the tenent's dwelling. D r. Mitchell's smiling face is often seen among us, being called to see Mr . W . Martyn, our P ost -master, on the 9tl1,. Mrs. H ooper th e wife of our black·smith, r s· '.l'app on tho 13th, on the 11th , and M_ who from a fallhad her sholuclerdislocated . M r. W. Torcliff hns r ecently been spilt from his buggy, and is lain up for a t ime. M r . T . Ormiston can also givehis oµinion of a spill. The Irishman we are told could drive within on e half inch of a cliff. Our man did a smarter trick than th at, for he drove more than an inch <>Yer the cliff, but when h e .struck he fo und the trick not so smar t, for insteacl of h im being on top the horse and buggy were t here. There is a big race between Nate Whit by and 'rom Darlington. Darlington is coming in on t he h ome·st retch . Mr. D . Clifford and ,J. Dyer , moved from th e field fifty-five loads of turnips in one day. Beat that who can. M oustach es 11,re all the style among the young men, but some of them need a little mor e dye. GA. R TWBIGHT. Mr. George Hall, Sr ., id impr oving . Mrs. Sam uel McClung who h as· been somewhat seriously indisposed of )ate is com111lescent. . ' On Sunday last, the wife of M r. Graham, ?WP- Wilson, of Scugog lsland, of a. bouncing baby boy . Mr. 11. H . Prust, our respected P . M .· is suffer ing from the effec ts of a very severe cold. We hope to see h im around again in a few days. Miss wood, our fashionable dressmaker, is r eported ill. We have no doubt a fow weeks' r est and r ecreation would wonder fully impr ove her health. A grand Orange Ba.nquet is ann ounced to take piace here on the first Monday evening in D ecember. Our r etiring Councillors are expected to be present. Gossips are very b usy poor things over an interesting item of social n ew s which c0nnecta the name of an ex-Councillor who is a widower of some experience with that of an accomplished A merican lady for better and for wot· se. Th e h:~ppy event is set down for Thursday, ~0th inst . i:!hould t he report p rove correct we shall only b e too happy t o tender · our very b est congratulations. A grand musical and intellectual entertainment is to be held in the old M . church here on Th ursday evening of t.his week under thee management of Mr. Alex1:1nder Taylor. Sixty of the local ~cott Act Committ ee, R ev. Messrs. Ton kin, McKay and others well known temperance ad vocates are in.vited. A small entrance fee is charged t o assist in defraying the expenses of the Scot t Act campaign in the U nited Counties. . The prizes won by various competitors at t.he r ecent F all Show hehl in Williamsburg, were distributed in the Town H all on Friday last , after which an adjournment was had to the D ining room of Coulter 's H otel where a,n excellent repa~t was provided by mme host. 'r he oflicers of the Agricultural Society together with :t goodly n umber of members and other invited guests for med a very enjoyable company until the evening was well spent, Gr eat crodii; is due to M r . A1 1son Taylor, the president, and to James Parr, Esq., t he indefatigable Secretary for the success which has crowned the efforts of th e soci· ety this year. W e undarstancl our school is still withou t a t eacher for n.,xt year . As our school section is brge and comparatively wealthy we are sure t he ratepayers cannot go astray iu urging the T rustees to secure t he services of a really good teacher of experience /. A few extra dollars are not t o be compared with ' 'aluabll,l . time lost to the public, £o say nothing of bad habits acquired. W e hold that a teacher should possess the faculty of properly directing h is pupils in their work and habits, and further, that he should insist on his wish es being carried out by them. A young man may fill all r easonable requirements in a. large school like curs , but the chances are against him . TWEED COATS AND COATS AND VESTS at less than the cost of makin·g . Vests will be sold at 50 cents on the dollar; .Boys' Tweed Overcoats at .$3.00, worth $5.50 ; Men's J weed Overcoats at'-well come and see for ~. · yourselves. This is a GENUINE CLEARING . SALE I We mean -what -w-e advertise. R~ The Old E stablished H. TURNER. TRAD.E BRIGH T E NS UP ? McClung Bros'. old stand, King Street, Bowmanville. REVIEW BOOK·BI ND ERV P ETERB-O ROUCH,, ONT .o; ~: WHEN GRAIN SELLS. There's no doubt about this. The farmer has his hand on the money bag of the capitalist. Until the farmer markets his g rain the merchant and the mechanic must wait for money. Then sell your Grain. P ut money in circulation. Let the wheels of business revolve without grinding or growling. A C°bo u nt B ook s 1 MANUFACTURED - '-AND- · B OOK-BI NDI NG OF A LL ~INDS. OA KLAND. Mr. S. H arris has rent ed his farm to his son Mr. J . Harris, of W hitby Township. Mr. W. Patterson's little girl is ill. M r . J . H arris has purchased a. tho1·ough bred Durham cow from a stock raiser in Pick ering for which .he paid the round sum of $75. F armers around here having improved the good weather a.re through with their plowing. Sickness pr evails in Mr. Luxon's family. On Tuesday evening the 11 inst., a large number of relations and friends gath ered at the residence of M r. R . Cooper to celebrate the wedding nf his daughter Mary to Mr. H . Ard. Th ey presented the bride with ma11y val uable present s and their good wishes. They enjoyed a lively evening. N UT-SHELL. Make1·s of B lank Books, Pocket Books, Bill Oases, FoUos, etc. Pasteboard Box es wnd Govero, Envelopes, etc. ESTA ULISilED 32 YEARS. STATIONERY of every kind. Stock fully assorted in a very department. Prices lo;v. ACCOUNT BOOKS.- Every s ize and descript ion kep t in Stock or manufact ured 'to ordE>r . Unsurpassed for quality durability or cheapness. BOOK-BINDING. - Facilities are uns urpassed. Competent ·w orkmen. .Best Material. N oted for Style, Rtrength and Moderate Priceli. ' BOX ES.- Pocket B ooks, M usic and ·Portfolios, Uovers, Envelopes, et c. "Th~~view Printing & . If you've money t o spend- an d you doubtless will have - and need household necessaries, you can't do better than lay out · your money in B.owmanville. We 1:1.re a pushing, careful business town. We have merchants t hat are k een buyers. We've retailers that ai-e keen traders. And you'll get no better value nor better treatment than at our hands. Coming down to t he question of GROCERIES- which after all is t he thing we are going t o jog you about-do you need GROCERn:s 1 We are handling such quantities that what we've on hand MUST be fresh. T his is an important point. Then we've bought at figures a stride below prices of this time last year. That's another point . And we'll sell you either a bill of one dollar's worth or one hundred. We've a stock of Teas, of Sugars, of General Groceries that can't be duplicated in t he country . We'v e such a stock of S PECIA L GROCERIES- canned· goods and such- that you can't ask for anything that we cannot place in your hand. It is agreed on all hands that our stock of China, Crockery, Glassware and Lamps surpasses all others. ENNISKILLEN. The B ible class and a large n umber of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. W eeks assembled on Wednesday evening, 12th inst., to bid them fa.re-well on the eve of t heir departure from this village. '.!;'h e gathering was a compl ete surprise to th e interested parties who had shipped all their goods a nd chattels to their new residence, Ty· rone, and were staying at th e house of a friend . During the evening Mr. Weeks was presen ted with a handsome volume of the "Testimonyofthe Ages." Mr. Weeks r eplied in feeling terms on behalf of Mrs. W eek s and himself, thank ing the friends for their kindness, re(f,lring to the deep interest he t ook in the Bible Class and Sabbath School, t he anxiety h e felt for the conversion of their souls. An enjoyable evening was spent. Mr . and Mrs. Weeks by their kindness and hospitality have endear ed th emselves to th e people h ere and will be greatly missed in our village. R ev. Mr. McLaren, brofoer of P r of. McLaren, of K n 9x College, preached an excellent ser mon in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last. He will occupy the pulpit again next Sabbath wh en the sacrement of the Lord's S upper will be d ispensed. We are sorry to report the illness of t he Rev. C. T aylor He was so severely indisposed t hat he was unable to take his work on Sabbath last. The meet ing her ein the evening was conducted by Mr. R. Geo. D:wey , of Enfield. T he funeral sermon of the lat e Mrs. McLaren will be preached on Sabbath evening n ext. Mr. L. T. Staples has been r eengaged in the p ublic school h ere at an increased salery . Mr. Staples is a faithful and energetic teach er and the schoolis continuing to prosper under his able mannigement. The correspondent here to the N ews is a moat i nteresting individual ; h e seems to have lot s of friends who are enquiring for him at every corner. ' Publishing Company, (Limited). 46·4w. ::E3ETEH..BOR.OUG::a:. Our stock, which is very complete, consists of the Latest Patterns and Most Fashionable Designs in Dinner Sets, Breakfast Set s, Tea Sets, Tt>ilet Sets, and a gen eral assortment of Glassware. Now a word about our prices for these goods.. In the first place we don't say they 're lower than everybody else's - such a statement would be untrue and deceive no one W ,comparison will prove. And with - that THEY'RE AS LO a view to proving it we ask you to make the comparison. It's human nature, you know, t ·p want t o show a nice thing when you've got it, and- well, we plead guilty to the, weakness. - - o- -- :TOHN :Q!RfGG returns his sincere thanks ' to the public for past pa.t.rona.ge and hopes to ' s till meriC the eame. 'Ile hes, fo1· cash, bought a large stock of ' Flannels, Winceye ..nd Men's Underclothing, . e tc., in the Dry Goods line, all or which he will ,-.sell at reduced prices, 'rho goods arc the best ·that can be bought in the market. He brings the goods to your house and there· · by saves the rent and taxes of a store in town, > and takes farm produce from you at the highest ruarket price. .He intends sending ont more wagons next o·epring and doing more business by paying cash for goods, thereby 11;ettlng large discounts ·off' and giving the publfc the benefits. ,He,has a,.14 uantity of flrst·classGeeseFeathers, l'ork, Butter, eto., on hand for sale. Residence and Plaoe of Business :- Ontario St reet, Bowman ville, near Mr. Armour's. A ll accounts must be paid on or before the llrst of December, 1884.. Uags, Bont-sand Old Iron ta.ken as usual, The Trustees of S. S. No. 4 have shown their appreciation of the excellent s ervices of their t eacher, M r . S. Glaspell, by re·engaging him for another year. Mr. A. M. Fowler was on the sick list l ast week ; h e is r ecovering. M r . McE wan from H ampton has been visiting friends in Courtice fo r a. few days. Mrs. ·>Elizabeth St acey has r eturned from her t rip to E ngland, and is again k eeping house for Mr. Ad am Scott. We are sorry that the old m aids in this vicinity allowed such an opportunity t o pass unimproved. Mr. Art hur R undle has gone west for the good of 1 1is h ealth . Mr. C. L ent will be acting plow point agent d uring his absence. Mrs. Dean is having a n ew residence erected near Miller 's corner. BEN. L ESKARD. D id J onny find his goose ? E z has returned from the East looking hearty. The t-0pers ar e getting "skeared" over t he prospects for the Scott Act . Mr. David Tyremen is improving n icely. May he soon h· around agrtin. Our Praying Ban d holds semi-weekly meetings. We hope soon to see them organize int o a strong band of earnest workers . M r . J . J . M . K iernam, of Allenwood, who holds a First Class grade C n on-professional ce.ctificate, and a Second Class grade A professional , and who comes very highly recommended, has been engaged for o ur sr,hool for 1885. - 44·3w.· J OHN GR I GG. ~---·-· --------·--- tc:o· NSUMP. TION l bavo ~ nA.HLB TREATISE on this dfseaae. t o any sufferer. Give HY"' pre11 and P . O. a ddress. -DB, T. A. SLOCUll, 161 Pearl St., N. Y. , ~ ~b::1t;~W1 c:::~· Tw~ei'3~Trisn:J~if.1t~~!~h~~ ;,\~be:1~'ft :.thot1sanaa or caaea or iht worst kJnd and or long etmdf.ng a poatuve r 0medy l'Ol' t oe · bov.o dtsean; &>y Jts nse l newspapers sent free. vertising in 970 goo1 .Address 0.Eo.P.ROWELL & Co. ,Spruce St.. N.Y. 'f~ ADYE RTJSERS,- L owest Rates for ad· .l ~ Part ies asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. Ellison & Co. During the quie t months we will saor i· fice prices. E llis-on & Co. · A team of h orses, belonging to a M r. B radley, attached to a democrat ran over the end of t h e we8t pier on Saturday an d were drowned. The harness and rig were VICTORIA BUILDINGS, BOWMANVI L LE. secured . Rev. De W itt Talmage, D. D ., lectured her e on " B ig Blunders " on Tuesday night to a large audience. The Salvation A rmy is slowly gaining an lwlc l on sinners here. The Saved ARM T O RENT.-·125 acres cleared; Army meetings ar e increasing in int erest, O O D F A RM F OR S ALE, or ex. good house and out-buildings ; good t oo. change for sroi<ller farm or 'l'own Property. orchard. Apply on the pramise9, Lot 5 Con. 3, - Being Lot l , In the 5th Con. Ops. two hundred Darlington. I mmediate possession. GEORGE acres; 135 acres cleared and in a good state ot WIGHT, BowmanVille P. 0, 4.2-tf. The Star H ouse are giving great bar · cultivation, bi<lance heavily timbered with cedar and tamarac; ErOOd orchard ; 2 dwelling gains-to clear stock and introduce the hou~es; 3 barns; 'driving house, with s~on e LET OR FOR SALE. - The Bow- Cash System. cellar, 7 miles south or Lmdsay, on a leading manville .Milla with good Fro.me Dwelling road; church and school one mile distant. 120 and Garden, at present occupied by Mr. Sam'! The N ew York W~:mder Lamp never acres adjoining will be sold, cheap. A ll the Vanstone. Possession 20th December next. fall ploughing qone and 20 acres of summer For particulars apply to R. T. R AYNES, Cote smok es o; break; a chim ney, for sal e only 36. fallow. 'l'his is a rare chance for a man with S t, Antoine, P. Q. capital. For further partil;ulars apply to JAS. by L ee & Edsal · SHANNON, on the premises, or Lindsay P. O ~ p J b · · th · f · cl t We offer Men's Black Wors ted suits Ops, or to J AMES KERR, Auctioneer, Po1·t eop e are r rn gmg e1r rien s o see Hope. !l2·tt; . the bargain s we offer. · Ellison & Co. from $8. 75 up. E llison & Co. MURDOCH BROS., F COBUURG. KENDALL. On Sunday 9th inst. , Rev. A. Leslie preached a sermon having spe<Jial r eference to the death of David Stewart from Luke 12:40. It was a very impressive sermon a nd contained solemn warning t o young and old. Them was a large attendance. G ------·---- TO l VERY REMARKABLE DISCOVERY.- Mr. Geo. V. Willing-, of Manchester, M ich., writes: " My wife has been almost helpless for five years, so helpless that she could l!ot t urn over in bed 11,lone. Sh e used two bottles of E lect ric Bitters, a nd is so much improved , t hat she is able now to do her own work. " E lectric Bitters will do all that is claimed for them. H undreds of testiAll clot hing cle:med or dyed by Thomas monia.lsattest their gr aatcuratives powers. Peate, Bowmanville, is warranted to be Only tifty cents a. b ottle at J . Higginbothso as no one will k n ow them from n ew am & Son 's. when done. Kid gl,wes and feathers, ·A full stock of Boys Clothiug, 1111 sizes. clean ed and dyed. Dye Works opposite Ellison & Co. Treleven's Sh oe Store. 35-tf.