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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1884, p. 4

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,, BY the decision of Judge Armour in the Lennox elec£ion case, the election of both Messrs. Pruyn (Conservative) and Allison (Liberal) was voided through bribery by agents. Allison was elr;icted I by five votes. KIRBY. The Orono Praying Band at lengt,h make a definite announcement to- tl1e effect that they will begin services lw re on Sunday, Dec. 7th. The Methodist church has been undergoing some changes inwardly in order to make room for more seats, necessitated by the larger congregations attending since union of the two bodies. Cannot the residents of the 8th con. engage in :L!ly way more respectable amusement than to ch1trivari the bachelor who had the pluck and good fortune to win a. buxom dt1msel of the sweet sixteen period of this historical neighborhood. Dont forget our anniversa.ry services. Hampton choir in n.ttendance. · All particula.rs next week. The removal of a fence is not always an omen of a new and better one being erected in its stead. So say our northern inhabitants. Why? It should be. SCOUT. We rnwer al low ourselves to be undersold, Ellison & Co. -~-~~~~~ BowM.A.NVILLE, FRIDAY, NOV. ·WELL 12. - - -- ---- - kind friends, we ifre going to .' · l old-fashioned "raisin"." The 11ave a ie,1 ' "' old-time "raisings" to which the n eigh. t '"er·e a source of · l s a11 wen · b ors ancl fnenc · 1· t "nd ' eveJl enJ·oyn1uc1 l socia in ercourse, .. ment. What one individual coilld not do alone, was easily done by the host of willing hei1rts n.nd strong arms that gathered to lend a helping lmnd. We not only desire to rnise an addition to our iidifice, but we want to double our " eclition." We know it can be clone, but we cannot do this "job" alone, and therefore have decided to make an oldfashioned " raising" and ask all our friends to take hold and " give us a lift." Let every present subscriber renew his subscription early and bring one new subscriber and the work is done. Reader, you are invited. I ~======~~==~ CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF A RUMOR has been flying round that l C d p ·fi R ·1 R a· t tie ana a ac1 c a1 way ."'yn wa e had leased the Grand Trunk Railway,. but . we are assured by the Globe that . it is unfounded. Such a monopoly is very Platedware, Bibles, Photograph Albums, Shell. Goods, China Ornaments, Picture Frames, etc. SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR undesira_b~le~·======~= REA.DER, haven't you a friencl living at distance who would enjoy re:iding the STATESMAN for a ycar1 Why not send it? Only $1.50 for one old and one new subscription. ti ~~~~~~~~~=-~ ( The Newt·on Division Sons of Temperance met last Frida.y night for the transaction of business. It is the intention to REv. DR. WILD was fifty years old hold regular weekly meetings in t-he halL last Sunday. A New York journal exMr. H enderson's sons a.re home during presses congratulations. his illness. He is gaining in strength. THE apple crop in this section has been Mrs Salton, wife of Rev. S. Salton, is This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength aud wholesomeness. More visiting her parents in Port Hope. very largo and prices lrnve run ab0ut 75c. economical than the ordinary kinds and can· NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid, sen., intend not be sold in compt1tition with the multitude for fall and $1.00 for winter fruit per of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate soon to move to ·their home in this village. PIOKERING. barrel for foreign shipment. A large powders. Sold onlv in cans. ROY AL BAKING Prof. Smith is not improving. PHILOS. POWDER Co.. 106 Wall-st. N, Y. 35. quantity has been stored in cellars for SILVER WEDDINO.-One of the most home consumption and thousands of bush· pleasurable occasions of the kind that Young Men'a Progress Club. , .c els have been made into cider. We ev11r took pln.()e in this township came off at the family residence of Mr. R T. believe it would pay our farmers ha~ d Philp, lot. 1, Broken !front, on Friday MR. EDITOR,.:.._Knowingthe STATESMAN somely to get evaporators for drying their evening 14th inst., when upwards of to be ever ready and willing to act the surplus fruit. Good evaporated a.pples seventy of tl1e relatives and friends from part of the philt\nthropist in helping Bowmanville and Darlington and neigh- a.long any order or 10sthution in· our are worth from 15 to 20' cents a pound bor9 here met by arrangement a.bout 3 p. midst, that wiH in sny way benefit manand this will yield a profit of 50 cents and ro., taking the family cC>mpletoly by eur- kind, pre~ent or future, I ask._the libl'rt:f upwards per bushel. The Henry Com- pride, for the purpos~ of comm.imorating to :use its ever popular columns to call pany of this to~n are doing a large busi- the twenty.fifth anniversary "f Mr. and the a.~teotion of the members of the Young Men's Progress Club to the very ness this sea.son in their evaporatory and Mrs. Philp's nllll'l'iage-their silver wed· slim attendance at its M·nday evening diog. The surpL·1se was not aU on one farmers might consult them on the sub- side, however, for the" vi&itors were not a meetio~s and to w.hat they are missin~ ject of evaporators. little dieappe>inted to find that Mrs Philp by their absence. There al'e, I believe, was in the viciuity of London, Ont., on the roll between fifty 11nd sixty names of young men most of whom 11.re in town, THE United States elections are over wheni she had bettn summoned by tele· graph a few days previous by her brother , while the average attendance is not ·more and Grover Cleveland the Democratic whose family are passing through a very than eight or ten. Gentlemen, why is ci!.Ildlda.te is Preeident. This fact is now severe affiiction. The MiB2es Philp very it :so1 You cannot put in an evening thst reluctantly conceded by the Republic11ons. efficiently performed the duties of hoate2s will be more instructive, entertaining and a nice line, which was bought low and which are being· A special despatch st\ys that Blaine accepts and the visitors were t1oon comfortably useful than by attending the Monday eu~consed in their pleaeant home. About evening meetings of your Club, listening sold at a very small margin. A 28 inch :flannel at 25c: the result very cheerfully and has no re- 5 o'nlo.ok the company wall called to ordt>r to and taking part in the evening progrets growing out of his connection witl; in the parlor by Mr. M . A. James, Editor gram which consists of music, singing, from 6 cents up. Splendid lines, nearly one yard wide and heavy, at, c ussions on the campaign. He feels that he made a of the Bowmanville STATESMAN, who readings, debat.ss, and dis. 10 and 13 cents. the leading and popular topioe of the in a brief address explained the reason of good fight and he gracefully bowa to the the unceremonious invasion and on be- day, and by contribnting an article each verdict of the people. He expects that half of the friends pre&ented to Miss quarler to the "Luminarv," our quar· from 5 cents up. s~e our 10 cent Cott.n wo-rth in 1888 the Republicans will again Philp for her mother the following articles terly pa.per, on any subject which you 12~ cents. be called into power. This expectation of silverware:-A very larieand handsome may feel intere~ted in or that will be instructive. to the rest of us. There are will not be realized if the Democrats carry Dinner Cruet, (six bottles), Uake Basket, A new lot just received of those splendid blankets which we have Butter Oooler, Butter Knife, Napkin seven evenings in the week, surely you out their promises, and it will be a for, been selling so cheap this fall. QUILTS from $1 up. Riag, quarter doz. Fruit Spoons, one can, and it's a duty you owe to yourself tunate day for the Union if the Democrats dozen Dessert Spoons, and one dozen to devote one evening to ment11>l improve· , come out at the end of the term wtih a Tea Spoons, aggregating in va.lue nearly ment and where a better opportunity than The stock of Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Shawls, Tableclothing, Oil Cloths, Corsets, $40. Short congratulatory addressee at the Monday evtming meeting of your clean record. were also made by H.ev. J.. Whitlock, of Olub ta.king n part in its program, and Buttons, etc., etc.. is very complete and will be sold surprisingly low. Cpurtice, and Messrs. Thos. H. Hancock, <loin~ your llhare ·o make it a success. A GREAT deal is being 8aid in the papers Tyrone, John lhmdle, Haydon; W. E. The room is always comfortable, the dues a.bou; t the bible in schools. W o cannot Pollard and H. C. Hoar, Betl1ead11o ; A. very light, and to none of the members t_weed~ understan<l,~why some people, a few ,min- M. Richarason and J. 0. DeHart, Pick· can an objection be raised, socially l!peak-' isters especially, advocate the use of the eriug; and Wm. Werry, Solina. Mr. ing. Oome, gentlemton let's make the cts.'~ch. Philp made a very sL1itable reply. Rev. J. Club a succ6BS Ibis winter by all doing bible in public schools, when so few can Whitlouk closed thi~ part of the 06remony our share. Mr. Edi1or, if you are at all be found who would allow the teacher to with prayer. 'l'he laditls had provided a interestrd in the manufacture of Statesexplain the scriptures according to his rt!al tirst class dinner, cousi&ting of all men, Members of Parliament, Editors and own particular views, There can· be no kinds of fowl and other d1.inties and deli- Councilmen for the future, that the Call everyone and be your own judge of the bargains being offered. recqmmendation for it as a text book in cacies, to which full justice was done by present high reputa.tion of this town and all present. With games, voc1.l and in- Ctmn\y In that line may be kept up, do Yours truly, reading, then why advocate its use? Vfo strnmental music, and 8ocia.l chit-chat a what you can to induce the raw material NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. contend that when ministers, Sur.clay v1:1ry pleasant evening was passed till ten to give .. morti regular attendance at the school teachers and heads of families do o'clock when the happy com,pany separ· factory- The Young Men'sProi;(ressC!ub. ONE OF THEM. their duty it will not be necessary to en- a.ted for their homes. The Bowma.nville and Darlin~toupeoplewere delighted with · force the reading of the biblti in the public this oectiou of Pickering township aud exNo NEED FOR ScoTT AcT Now.-Mrs. schools where there is already too much pressed regr&t that so umny of their best M. Reed takes pleasure in saying that she teuant fa.rm<:ora were being .. ttracted to has appointed Mr. W. E. Pethick, agent cramming done. ·,this towuship. We dont regret it though for the Golden Specific, a positive cure for for their loes ia our gain. And if those drunkeness and ·any one in need of this On stoves are ra.pidly coming into use who.attended this gathering are a fair Discovery can : have it by applying Fl.NE, F Jl.T, .f'.lllESll and are being utilized in various ways, sampls oi the people of Wei!t Durham Great to him, opposit.1 the P ost Office, Bowmancooking, heating, lighting, etc. Some- we care not how soon they all come to ville. Read what a. well known citizen thing new in this line has just been intro- dwell in our midst. The names of the partil·S contributing to the presen· duced by Dr. ChA.ndler, of Newcastle, tation fund as 8hown by the printed called the Ha.ndy Lamp S tove. It will cards attached to the silverware were: I h ereby certify that after using part of boil or cook for hours with one filling, ·Mr. W. K aud Mi~s Poliard; Mr. and one box: of Mrs. M. Reed,s Golden Speci- I am prepared to supply ten thousand and at the s~1me time fumish a bright Mrs. Samuel Pollard; Mr. and Mrs. fie, my desire for spiritious liquors has James Morris; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. people with Fine, Fat, Fresh Bulk and plaasiint light equal to :five ordinary Han cock; Mr. <tr.1d Mrs. F. J'. Richardson; vanished, and I believe I am entirely cured of a life long habit, .which has cost Oysters. Everybody says the · · , · oil lamps. It weighs only five pounds I\'lr. and Mrs. Jawes Pollard; Dr. and me dearly, in mind, body and pocket. i and is sold ut It would make a capi- Mra. Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. 'l'hos. Harrie; tal bed-fellow for maiden ladie~, alias old ;Mr. aud Mrs. Dani.ii Pollard; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rundll.l; Mr . J. H. and Miss maids. · McGr~ggor; Mr, ii.nd .Mrs. 'i'. S. Bra.nt; are cured of the desire for Strong Drink. · Mr. and J\ilrs. George Lane; M r. and Mis. ' Fo1mP..1.UGII's sacred white elephant, J. H. Werry; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Shaw; Call at W. E. Pethick's and get it. Adv. is the best place to go for a first-class · ~ "The Light of Asia.," died last Saturday Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Davey; Mr. and A FAVORITE PAPER.-We have not OYSTER STEW. Call and try for yourin P hiladelphia deeply regretted by Adam Mrs. A. M. Richardson; Mr. and Mrs. noticed that any one of the magazines anself, it is the cheapest dinner you can get. who estimates his loss at $52,000. It is John R Cole; lVIr. and Mrs Wm. Wlght; nounces a list of contrihutora approaching .Mr. Wesley and Miss Couch; Mr. W. L. in ability, reputation and power to said that the whole elephantine herd A full line of the best a.nd Miss Banbury; Mr, and Mrs. John bellowed in sympathy when the beast H,undle; Ml'. 'rhos. and (IJiss Scott; Mr. interest and instruct, that which The Youth'$ Companion announees of writers expired. So that even elephants weep and Mrs. George Pollard; Mr, R ichard actually engaged for 1885. This year it in town. over their lost ones. He died of a cold and Mias Oke; .Mr. and Mrs.Peter Werry; offered $3, 000 in prizes for good short 1 contracted by standing in a draught. This Mr. and Mrs . John Vannest, Jr., Solina; stories, by many new writers whose work ' 101 DIFFERENT KINDS OF CANDY Mossr8. lfo:ss Broa., Whitby; Mr, and · is :~ solemn admonition to members of Mrs. W, Werry; Mrs. E liza Werry; Mr. will be hereafter utilized. And the price I only $1.75 a year, will c0ver a subscripalwr.ys m stock. our Town ·c ouncil who delight so often to and Mrs. 'I'hoa. Bingham; Miss .l:foar; Mr. aud Mt's; M.A. James; Mr. H. U. "air themselves." H oar: Mr. S. V. Hoar; Nlr. J. C. De- the publishers, Perry Mason & Co,, -~ ~··-· .l:fart; and Mr. John Mayna.rd; Miss Boston. A LoNDON despatch of Nov. 17th says Morris; Rob. Philp, jr.; Simon Frazer, .In addi~io;-toth _ e_sto rie_ s_ i~he Ohrietp. S. - I sell Postage Stamps, tho Queen has at Mr. Gladatonu's request Whitby; F._Richardson. PHIL. conferred upon Sir John Macdoni.ld t he N O'l'E: This correspondent seems t· mas HARPER'B MAG..l.ZINE, Mr. W. D. Post Cards, Note Paper, Enve Howells will contribute another amusing -i Il Or est 0 p OS t Ce, grand cross of th e order of the bath, in have formed a h1v.h opauon of 110me of farce, similar to "The Register" of last lopes, &c. . . . . . . our peoplt-, and from what we saw, we rccogmt10n of 111s emment pubhc services. shall nut be ourprised if he does in· year "The El1avu.tur"isthe title, and the - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - l{fNG S'l'RE.ET, BOWMAN VILLE. He goes to . Sandringham to visit the duce at lea.st one of o ur accomplished subjeot la the adventures of a. party of FOR OOUGHS AND OOLDS. I'rince of ·wales next Satur day. young ladies to settltt in Pickering. We guests invited to a Christmas dinner, who = - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AY'S COMPOUND OF LINSEED, Iimay be permitttid to add th< it the admir- aM caged in an elevator suspended like LYMOUTH ROCKS. -A few pair of Aniseed, Senega, Squill, Tolu, &c., with ation w11a mutual, for the West Durham Mohammed's coffin betweeu heaven and very flue Plymouth Ronk Chicks for sale · ~ Tll£ R]; haH been great apprehension Chlorodyne. earth, by its refusal to go up higher. Mr. Firot Prize at West Du1·ham Fair. I. L. BROWN, people will Joug cherish a pleasing remem. H-2w. a.bunt General Gordon as reports have br.anceof the reaid euts of that township with Reinhart furnishes some capital pen-and· AY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent Hampton. ESTATE OF WM. OGER. ~p_ectorant, for Coughs and C9lds. been very confiictihg, but latest auth entic whom they became acquaiuted on this ink illustrations. - - - -- - - AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and advices say hie position at Khartoum is occasion, having found them to be a sociIn watches, clocks and jewellery my U RS UA NT TO SECTION 34-, Colds, is eque.Uy serviceable for Horses very secure and his troops are in excellont able, intelligent m~ke-you-feol- comfor&- stock is complete for t he Fall and Christ- and Cattle. Chapter 107, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 11lile cla~s of people. We're almo11t in- mas trade. Maynard . EACHER WANTED.Male or the creditors of"WilliamOger, late of the Townspirits. Let us h,ope it is so. cli ned to fear that eowe of our bachelors AY'S TIO PILLS, a. specific in Neufemale, for S. S, No. 7. Cartwright, for ship ot Clarke, In the County of Durham, CHE.lP goods for cash. The largest Farmer, deceased. who died on or about th& 1885. A JJp \ica.n ts state salery and experienoe. ralgi11,, Eaoe-aahe, &c. Jost not only their heads butitheir hearts, Peraonal applications preferred. .AND. BRUCE, 26th 8eptember, 1884. a.re notified to send by and choicest stook of n ew dry goods ever 45-tf. post, prepaid, to ROBER'!' MOMENT, ESQ. OAGDLINE - Cement for Broken Seo.. Cresarea, Ont, "Buc:rrn1·-snor" Flemming has been too, while there and may return to rooover offered at special sale in Rowman ville. Orono P. 0., one of the e-xecutors ot the llald them in the near fut ure-EmToR STAT.ES· .Articles. Sold everywhere. released from jail at Chicago and pardoned M.AN, on or before the 1st DA.Y OF l!ERead T. Geo. Mason's new advt. Sole Malrere- KAY BROS., Staekport, EngE ACHE R WANTED.- A female deceased, CEMBER, 188.l, the particulars of their cll!mts, land. "'5-13 IV. by President Arthur. It is about a year teacher for School Section No. 2, Clarke, and a statement of their accounts against the The New York Wonder is the best and three-and-a-half miles sonth-east of Newoastle. estate of the said deceased, and the nature of AT the Bowmanville barber shop, op- most pract10al coal oil Lamp ever invel)ted :igo th:it'h e received so mut;h newspaper ~ SA CHOATE, PORT HOPE, Apply riereonally or by letter to SAMUEL the seourities (if any) held by them. At the warranted perfectly safe in every ancl is the PostOfilce, the very best tobacco positti 4G-Sw* expiration ot tll!s time, the 11xecutora will be at space iu Cana~la , for dealitJ.g on ,m argitts .1::\... Jlreeder of Pure SOU'l'HDOWN SHEEP. DANIELS, Secy, Newcastle, Ont. · Choice young atook for sale. Wlnspection liberty to distn bute the assets of the said estate, is sold at cost pTice, although there ara par.t icular. See it at Lee & Edsalls. in stocks. invited and oorrespondence promptly answerEACHER WA NTED.- A male ha.ving regard only to the claims of which they some would have you think otherwise, so It will co~t you no more to wear a good ed. then have notice, and will not be liable to any · ~2. teacher with second·clase certificate to person - ""·c-'!~-::-;--·- 'i-l -~ ' ·· · , -. cto11t pay 1i ee11,f a - a plug for smoking fitting Suit than it does to wear a poor of whose claim thtty. have Bot notice at teach in School Section No. 2, Cartwright. the time of such distribution. MosEs OuF,,>,,~~·ed1ds mo,re mild woat1ler I' toba~co when you can ge~ 2 for 5 cents at one, You can prove this by leaving your BowMANvILLE Bt1.rber Shop is opposite Duties to begin Jan. 1, 1885. State experience LOSCOMBE & LEITH, his month. H is former forecasts for Petluck's a.nd all other k mds a.t wholesale measure a \ Couch, Johnston & Cryder- the Po11t Ofiloe. W. E. Pethick, pro· and salary expected. Applications received up Solicitors for eald Executors. to Nov.15th. S. 'J.'. FEHGUSON, Secretary, the fall have been quite correct. prices. man's. p1:ietor. tf . Cartwright, Ont. 4.5-2w. Da.ted at Bowmanvllle, 26~1L0ot., 18~. 4G·3w1 Now, subscribers, for the STATESMAN subscription ~am1iaign of 1884-5, let us seo what we, with your kind- assistance, CMl do. NEWTONVILLE. POWDER Absol:utely Pure. -4Kl~G AT LOWEST RATES. ---o--AGENTS FOR Butterick's Patterns, British American Dyeing Co., White Star Line, etc.. ---o --- CORRESPONDENCE. KENNER & WHITTAKER~ WESTWARD HO! J~S~ If you want to get WAY DOWN BARGAINS in DRY GOODS go to the "WEST END HOUSE," the Best and Cheapest place in town to buy Staple Goods. A.:El.3Fl.X"t7EX>: GREY FLANNEL, WI NC Eys FACTORY COTTON BLANKE T S Gents, now is your time to _ buy Cheap_ er than ever I We are selling good Double Breasted Shirts, and Drawers at 40 Our White Dress Shirts are very cheap. WM. McMURTRY, N. B.- Four Button Kid Gloves at 40c. ·West End House. ::·;,::::E:~~ov.!Oth,'S4. BULK OYSTERS I -~ THEY ARE COMING FAST, .·New Fall and w1·nter G- ,3. wi?il~~:ie~~:c~~/~l~ebi::.~~:~~~~;, Grand Contral lDVER SB ODO WOR-THJ OF NEW GOODS AND STILL THEY COME. r.. i ; ; : , f $ 0 0 D s FIVE AND TEN CENT Cl CARS AL RE ADY OPENED OUT. i~s5:ros:_::i~1:~~~~!ea~!~~~a~feat~~~e,yeb; James Deyman. COUCH,JOHNSTON CRYDERMAN -. 0 e Do I w f Offi f 1 · I =---·-- K K K P CREDITOR'S NOTICE Teachers Wanted. K C T P T T

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