Pianos'Ftu11ed & C.&q>~il·ed. Removing a. ,Double Cataract with tbe '.t'he Rare Game ltes~rved by the limper· ' -Jo.~-OF CANADA. a id of Bydro·Chlora.te of Cocoa.t:ao, or fOJ.· 1"c;,vored \lue&ts. 4:,ll'lTAJ,, $1,000,000, ltl~ST, $140,000 A student at the University of HeidelThe 0J'Own Prince of Austria is having .. _.,, _ _ · berg, in Germany, while experimenting some very ' rare sport..:::.elk hunting in This Bank is prepared_to ,do Legiti:-ecently with cocoa, made a tincture of eastern Prnssfa. In 't he Momel delta, be, mitte Banking in all its branche1. ' n 'o'WMANVILI.;;-E, Farmers notes discounted; Deposits Manufacturer and Dealer in Pumps of hydro-chlorate of cocoaine, which to. his tween the mouths of the Rivers Russ and .1 -' amazement and surprise he accidentD.lly Gilge, is situated the royal domain and received and Interest paid on amounts of -all kinds,discovered that when applied to the sur- hunting station of Ibonhorst. It is a low $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department. face of the eye would make it insensible country, the plain intorrupted m some D RA F'l' ~ - RUBBER BUCKETS, WIND MILLS, . to feeling. Dr. Noyes of New 1 1'.ork, who parts by broa.d wooded hills, which were. . . . was in Heidelberg at the time, _heard of formerly artificial dykes. In winter, · Issi:ed and Collections made m Europe, WINDOW SHADESt. FASIIIONABLE DRESSMARER. the wonderful discovery, and sent a brief when the River Momel is frozen and the U ntted States and Canada. . . . . and General Jobber in Room.,over Mr. Horsey'a store, west of ouch, account of it and its operation to his waters 'Fise, only; the sandy hills and tile Ol'l'lCE-:tI1mloch Bros. Bio'c k, late Bank· nern. Johnston & Cryderman's. U.11.RP E: ...._' ER WO ~-Ii.. friends in the medical profession. The great moor of lbenhorstare visible above iug omce of Jones .t: Dobbte. W. J;, JONJtS, , Shop oppusue-Trcleven·s Shoe Store. Only the sublimity of cheek can rise to hydro-chlorate of cocoaine is the active the vast plain of water. Thi3 district is, MANTLES & ULSTERS the grandeur of luck. . principle of cocoa~ and is only made by the so-called "water steppe," with its _2_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"-..,:;.ge_n_t_.__ B_o_w_m_a _n_v_i_llll_M_a_r_oh_2_s_ . _1s_s4_._ _ _ _ 13_-s_m:._ one firm in Germany. It can not be ob- rich yegetation of water and moor plants, -·· --- - · -· -- · .,---- :--- -, --- -- - - - ·· -,--;- -~-P E C!I A L T Y tained in the drug stores in this country. where the postman at certain seasons ~Hf. PRICES 1\iODERATE. An anresthetic that would render a par- makes his rounds in a boat, and where in DR. SCOTT'S ticular pnrt of the human body without mild winters when the waters of the flood sensation, and avoid the necessity of using are not turned to ice, and the soft ground GET YOUR LUMBER chloroform or ether, which affect the does not bear either hoof or wheel, no whole body, has long been sought by the communication between the isolated medical profession, and this new discov-. farms a;nd villages is possible. The peas· . ery will be thor.oughly tested and experi antn of the· Litthau , call this pei:iod of the -A'l'mented with, in the hope that it may be year the ·~Sehalktarp." fou.n d to have al). effoct upon other par- · The huntiri'g interests of lbenhorstcon· tions of the body and the eye. . siets of extensive woods, the moor, and This anrosthetic has been used in a few large.meadows, the wood contain firs in C, M. C. will continue to sell the ~EATS cases wivhiu the 'p ast two weeks by one the upper parts, willows and alder trees best goods. or two eminent· oculists in New York. in the lower parts, with birch trees interThe material is costly at present, and as spersed everywhere. The forests do not C. M. C. will continue to sell the Liberty Street, ~ it has not been made in this country, it' pay in this part of the country, and the <( Where you can also obtain will be some time before it will be cheap Government has, therefore, devoted them cheapest goods. · enough to be used in ordinary practice. to the elk, which is fast dying out in Doors, Sash, Blinds. Window and Door It \C. M; C's ,st\)ck is composed; of It was used on Mohday for the first ti~e, Eur?pe1 and is inte~e~tiJig . enoug~ to the Frames, Plain and Ornamental Fence at the Mount Sinai hospital. A woman sportsman to be entitledt.o a special place the purest and best Teas, Sugars; Coffees, Pickets, Cisterns, &c. 50 years of age was admitted to the hospi- of refuge. In olden timios, whep Ger· Soap, Y,inegar, Syrup, Salt, Flour and - C. M. Cawker has bouglit an eiS: tal last week, who was totally blind. manv was almost exclusively" forest and About two years ago she noticed a slight moor, the elk abounded everywhere, and Feed, Empire . Horse and Cattle ]food,:. t~aordjn'ary' steer 'from w. WERRY, E~' 8-tf. Bowmanvil.le, I·'ebruarv 21.. 188!. · cloudiness at times in the left eye, which Siegfried killed larga numbers of what Glass wii.re and Crockery, Fresh and Cured ·. . · " . th at is . k t . Solina, of' pure Durham ==-on · gradually increased, untU at the end of a the "Nibeltmgen Lied" calls tllte "grim Meat s, an d every thmg ep m a , · · breeder · , · ··cattle. · ,. Horses, CalUe, Sheep &Swine year the sight was wholly destroyed. Schalk." ' But its deficient ear and eye, first-class Grocery and Provision store. C. M. C. has bought from R...· OU:RES . . The right eye became affected in a ~imilar its tameness, and its clumsiness in the manner, ·with the same result. Her eyes chase, ~specially on frozen ·moors, suon . ~·-.'.} Coughs, Colds, Inflammation being subjected to · a bright light, an in- caused it to become scarce, and it is at C. M. C. will' continue to pay OsnoirnE EsQ., Cla~ke, four choice heifers. -,, " wl~,ic~ wilhl>e uns~rpa,.sse~ fQr q~ality ·' of the Bladder, Swelling of th\3 ternal examinatio& was made, which r~- preaen~ found nowhere except in eastern Cash for ]'arm Pi;oduce. . . ; -". - . ' : , . ' I Glands, Roughness of the Hair vealed the presence of a hard, mature Prussia, on the coasts of the Baltic in cataract i11 the c"p~mle of each eye. Russia,· in some parts of Sweden and C. M. C. returns his :,s incere , thanks. fol.'-past .ipatroiiage and Botts, Sct1ryy, &c., &c. 'When the light was before her eyes she Norwoq, in northern Siberia, in Canada, For Fattening nnrl Fitting y onr Al'in,,i], hopes to still merit , the same. 1\_ , could distinguish it from darkness, but Alaska, and New Brunswick. . for market, I.Ji{. SCOTT'S PlZEf'Aln;D A century and a half ago the woods of could n.o t see any surroundins objects. SPICE has no cqt!al. ARE NQW OPEN. On Monday afternoon the woman was e,.,,stern Prussia still contained grea.t numSTAND :-Town Hall B'ld's, next to Ont. Bank. FOR SALE EVE°RYWHERE ita1ul formerly occupied by the rost om cc. taken to the operating room and laid fiat hers of the elk, for manuscript chronicles · · ··-··-·-·· · ---· · llU~(;i 81.' ~Ult:·_r, upon h.,r back upon the operating table, tell us that in 1718 no lees than 40, and , ===~========================~====~ ANTED, a rer:i'identAgent in every in order to retain the liquid in her eye. in 1731 more than 50 were killed in one BO~::'il1ll" ..<:'!l..lX!"-..r.:&::iw.:ir~~~. 'l'own and CityourN<'w of the Dominion1 Tlie h osp1'ta1 st a· m · d ay. The extrrpat10. · · D o f· th" · 1 few 'l'ravellers to sell Am GA!oi a and a llUJ.!lb er of p l' i.ys111:1 rare an1ma arso, a Vil!al'(e, THIS SPACE BELONGS TO MACHINES, for ma.king AIR GAs 50 per cent. cians were present. 'rhe attending phy- has progressed rapidly since then. And The .Gallery is first-cbss in all its apch1Japer chan coal fla·, equally a>1Goon. No sieian had endeavored to procure a small in 1848 the number of elk dear ia the orBURNERS power 1·equire1l in all ~izes ' bf . to pointments, and furnished in a comfort- :FIRB from 15 to 1,000. forMade PnrvA'ric HousBs, quantity of the new anresthetic, but could forests lbonhorat was reduced 11, '. · · · ' , ; able mauner. '.l'het·e will be no poor work SroREB, HoTEI.«. FAcromEs, S1·REE'1's, MrnEs, riot get it in thA city, and usecl in tho King Frederick William IV, of Prussia a , . '. .. . ·, ; · . . allowed to leave th1i t:.ooms, !'Ind these who etc.· Address, 'l'im GANADlAN All:!. GAS. operation some that he had previously happily published a special la.w protectinb" · · . "· · . ., , ,, MA.CHINF: l\'lANlH'AC'l'URING CO., 115 St ":.favor me with a c:.ill can rely on being Francois Xavier Street, Montreal, P. '~· 13-ly obtained. It is a colorless fluid , without this kind of game, and' it has gradr;ally · · · , · pleased · taste or odor. 'rhe eyelids being held increused again, so that in 1882 there -PROPRIET.ORB OF TH'.E.~ , ,, fl@'""The insta1iteaous process only will wide open four drops of the liquid were were no less than 149 deer in the woods '~ · · ·· . · . , . . ~ · . ·· be used for l;'hot.oµ:raphs. cautiously dropped upon the surface of of Ibenhorst and Tawollningken. Of the eyes; It produced a slight:anresthetic course, tbe limited number of deer enable Oome in and see roe. effect upon the external coatmg. ..Aft.er very few Bportsmen to take part iu thicr ·. au interval of fil'e minutes four · drop!! kind of chase, md the imperial family .of Ii. H. HENHY. l, more were appliaa, which caused the in- Germany reserve them for their most Polite Atten:tion to all, sensible condition to extena deeper, and cherished guests. lbenhorst cannot be Fair Dealing and our after waiting another five minutes four reached without some difficulty~ The drops more were used. After the last rail w;i,y takes the Emperor s guests as far best endevors to please appiication. h:ad done its work, the sensa- as Tris it. The rest of the road" leading FRE}fMAN"S Wm of the eyes were tested and they t,hrough "N"ater, forest, field and moor, WORM POWDERSc were found to be entirely anoo3thetiZed. must be travelled in carriages. The Are some of the metho~s by which A pair of fixation forceps, t he application woods are in very bad condit ion, because . Aro pfonatmt to tnke. Contain their own of which no healthy eye can stand with- the elk is fond of eating the young buds we hope to retam all our old Purgative. Is o. anfo, sure, v.n<l effectual · ou.b causing a visible shrinking, were then and .lea vet, and breaks all the bra.nches · . do1Jtroye:r ot wo~ in ChllJ.r<>n or Adults. applied and adjusted without any seusa- within its reach. The mouth of the elk' patrons and gam new ones. . "'" . . .-; :S: I '1:., .:t; t ion being felt · by the patient. They remindsusofthecamel;itsneck,covered · :. ..... ·, ::;· ., - N 'J:I: "\V· ENGLISll EXTRACT OF ho.ve serrated edges; which, being sunk with a thick mane, is short and close set, --=-"·__.;...,..;._____..;._____.,.._ mto the lower part of the eye, hold it like that of the bull, and its moveme,nts · · · . , · .' firmly in po&ition while the operation is resenlbles those of a haif·bred horse0 It ' We know our goods are the bes~ being performed. A knife with a narrow is not shy, and does not fly very fast be°""·""·- ONE OF THE BEST :~rf IN ORO.NO! and extremely thin blade was then introfore the hunter, so that it is not difficul t JB;..JCD:lW'EY' in the 'niarket, and we are deterduced into the corner, just beyond tile to aim at. Its powerful antlers are, how· ---o--INVESTIGATORS IN USB. My new stock of Millinery is now open for outer edge of the iris, and carefully forced ever; a splendid trophy, to be valued by It is a specific in tho cure ofoJI diseases inspection, includieg Newest Styles or through the out er coating of the eye until r every trne sportsman. of the Kidneys, Dladder, Prostatic Pormined not to be undersold. We the point of the blade came out on the\ There is one origina.l figure on the dotion of the Urlnary Organs, Irritation of :tIATS, Ii'EATHERS, the-Neck of the Bladder, Burning Urine, other side of the iris. . t mainofibenhorst-Ramouat, the "father Gleet, Gonorrhea in all itsstages,)11ucous FLOWERS, Then the blade was carefully drawn of the elk," as the people call' him, The BO,NNETS, invite- comparison and are Discharges, Congestion of the J>.idneys, Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes, Inflamma· ORNAMENTS, &c. backward and upward, great precaution only language he speaks is "Litthauish;" tion of the Kidney~ and Bladder, Dropsy being taken ilot to cut the lens or injnre the only places he has seen are the vast -A!LSOafraid to abide by th0 re~ult;. of Kidneys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urmo Pain in tho Region of the Bladder, PAIN IQhildren's Kn'itted " Goods and any of the delicate parts of the eye in the fot'.ests, in which he provides for the elk IN THE BACK, Urinary Calculus, Renal neighborhood, and an incision made about as if it '1'7ere his family. He is fond of Calculus, Renal Colic, Retention of Ladies Fine Underclothing. a haH-inch in length in the cornea. The showing a place wher(~ he helped the GerUrine, Frequent Urination, Gravel in all Its forms, Inability to retain the Water Ii!vlies are invited to call and inspect goods flap thus cut was then dr!lwn down man C~own Princess uut of a ditch, int o particularly in persons advanced in life. and prices. ll!El\:Rl"S Et.LO~«.. Orono. and the lens with the cataract in full view which she had fallen from her pony car· IT Ii'! A KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR that upon it was exposed. Tho iris had pro· · riage, overturned by her horses who had -CALL AND SEE· restores the Urine to Its natural color, MRS. THOS. VINSON. removes the acid and burning and the lapsed and was cut off at once. An in- ahied at tho audde11 appearance of a herd effect of the excessive use of illtoxicLl.ting Ramouat is ve.ry proud of hav· drink. , . ..., ~ ~DnES B and M.AN'l'LID MAKING is done in latest st:rument resembling a small steel spoon of elks. styles by was then introduced ii1to the eye and the ing been able to help the Princess in her Price$ r;or Slx-liottles fOr $IS, ' -Those who !'~nnot obtain' a bottle of tlilil MISS KATE VINSON, lens was extracted in its capsule without dilemma; but he makes no difference be37 ~'l?~~~a·~i::~w :~~%1:.~f~lilld ~-Qlle being l>tcerated. This completed . the tween the sportsmen intrusted to hie care, ' ' .. ' . . ' Bend tor 1.,'ircu)a.r~-.l!,oljj by a.II.. Drugglet··-{ operation. for one eye, and the other was and troats them all with equ<>l frankness. · W. JOHNSTON & CO.I!!'. ,/I in the same manner. The 'rhus he said to Prince Frederick Charles operated.upon AH~S'l'Bi1110, Ont. , r - H'r!IOI'l', :W~h; - NEW STOCK OF-~ operation upon both eyes was performed of Prussia, the great soldier and sports· ~ents for the U; S. ·nd ~~a, · , Buccessiully without the patient .feeling man, to whom he showed the way t hrough the alightest sensation, and lasted about the forests. of lbenhorst; "Oh, yes, .you . ' twenty minutes. 'l'he new anresthetic may smoke as long as you like; but if you had done its wor-k beautifully. After the want to see elks then your Royal High· operation the flaps of the cornea were ·ness, for G.;d's aake, hold your tongue." CURIES OF . - FOR FALL WEAR.- . placed in proper position and the patient K!ll,UD~ (j) was asked to count the number of fingers .Pum~heaper and Better AND Stage Illusfons held before her eyes, which she did corthan evor. L~ COMl\3J...l\U\!TS_, o rect.ly though with some hesitation, in Curious as it may seem, it is not genllecanse it acts on the LIVER, JlOWELS and consequence of the power of accommoda- erally known by theatre audiences than the CUSTOM WqRK got up with best material and in first-class styl· --KIDNEYS at tile same time. tion being lost by the removal of the lens ·"perilous leaps," "terrific coaling of The :Subscriber k.,ving bnilt a large new BecauB6 it cleanses the system of the poison· precipices," and other similar feat~ which from both eyes. oua humors tllll.t develope in Kidney and UriGood assortment of Tru:iiks"and Valises always on hand. ' Pump 1riwlory in Oronn, ia prepared nary Diseases, l3iliousnesa, Jaundice, ConstipaThe eyes were then bathed in a solution fall to the lob of Uie hero or heroiue ·of tion, Piles, or in R.a.eum.a.ti.am, Neuralgia. Ncrthe play are in almost every cu.se pe1oform~ -to furnishof voracic acid ; cotton discs were apvoui; Disorders and all Female Compla.illta. · filiJ"SOLIDPROOPOF TEIS. plied to themand bandaged tightly. ,The edby a dummy. Thus, it is not the All will be s2ld as lo.w as possible. Consistant with square dealing IT WILI. .SURELY CURE , woman was then led to her ward. Pow· prinia donna who, in "La Somnamhuia," all around. CONSTIPATION, PILES · . erful as la the effect of this anro3thetic on walks in her sleep across the bridge at the With or without }'orcehiin C,ylinder, of and RHEUMATISM, the eye it does not harm the skin in the stage, nor in "l'he Romance of a Poer FltEE ACTION of all the orgu.ns the Best 1\fatet·ial, on the shortest notice By eauaing a.nd least, its action being confined to the end Man" is it the leading mo.n who takes a functions, thereby bulbs of the.nerves in the eye. The effect flying lea.p from a tOwer, but in each case and at tho !ow.est prices. CLEANSH1H.~ the BLOOD ni the healthy eye lasts from nine to fifty a carefu 17 dressed dummy, whose bones :r:estorillgthenormalpowerto throw off disease. i · Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. minutes, and has not the slightest effect are not particularly precious. They ttill THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forms of thflae terrible diseases this story of a "Mazeppa" performance in upon the sight. ha.Ve been quiokly relieved, and in a short time the -Old days, which shows how this We shall carry out fully what we advertise and PERFECTLY CURED, WELLS CLEANEI) &RERAIRED. l'lllC)!, $1. LI(llJID on DRY, SOLD DY DRUGGISTS. theatrical trick sometimes results. A , ·· Dey can be oent by mail. · Darwin, it is said, was delighted at Punch'a celebrated star was playing the piece, and WELLS, ItICllAil.DEJON & Co., Burlington, Vt. strive to please our patrons. 8 -- ·S end ii.bm.p for Diary Alma.nae for 1884. cnicatures of himself. He was of very .had a circuscrider made up to look like · and when seated and g casping him to do the riding. Of course the audJ'ong body, 1 1m,,, his staff he bore a strong likeness to his ience.supposed the r-ider to be the sta1·. '!l In those days the runs up the mountains missing link. TO GTVE SATISFACTION. ~ were elaborately arra.nged, and the flight Mr. Gladstone long since made it a rule of the wild ·horse wa.s a startling incident to give thirty-two bites in chewing a One night the horse fell with the rider, Orders by Mail promptly attended to . OLD AND RELIABLE piece of met t, and brought his children crashing from the flies to the stage. The GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. up to do the same. We are afraid it curtain was rung down, and presently the The f*reatEng- "fRADE M RI( speaks poorly for Mrs. Glad~tone's star was DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, rRAOll MA HK,lhhltcmecly,an led before it, staggering as marketing. 1.m failing cure for uhough badly injured, and said that, in MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. ,Seminal \YeakMr. John G. Garrett, the great rail- spite of the fall, he would endeavor to 1 neRs, S1111f\rrnaroad manager, never recovered from the finish the play. And he did so, amid tor»lrna, Impotency, &all dis· shock of.his wife's death, which undoubt- frantic applause. The poor circus-rider .,,.··a eases thatlollow edly hastened his own. Ile usually had lay in the hospital four weeks. as a sequence of her beside him in his office, giving it a ,, , Self-A hnee ; IHI Be.ore Takmg1oss of Memory,Aftel' 'I'~. home-like appearance, and she was of It is tho manufacturing chemist who Unive1 · sal La.asitud0, Pain in t he Back D iinne~s great a.:.siat ance in his bu·i iness. of Vision, Premature Old Age, und man3' other alwo,ys haa a retort ready. e ·'®fl+4 Diseases that lea<lto Insanity or Consumption On the clay of Queen Margherita's ar· and a Premature Grave. · l · "r · f th h t · ·~How are you BarboJ.1 ~ For whom a-Full particulars in our pamphlet, whicL riva 1!\ ·v emce or , e o season, when we desire to s~nd free br mai to every,one.- the dm:lng-room wrndows of the palace are you going to vote?" "Ah/ tleah boy Farmers' PRODUCE l'he Specific l\'.ledicine i~ ~old by all druggists were thrown open the pigeons of St. shan't vote ab all, don't you know, , Try Ellfott's 30c. TEA. at $1 per package, or six packa"es for $5, er M k' h d · 'h d · "Shan't vote at all Why not r' "Should will be sent free by mail on the receipt of the ar s gat ere m un reds to welcome Choice Maple Syrup taken in exchange. the Queen, as she and the little prince be compelled to aweah that I was bawn money bf, addressing 'IRE GRAY MEDICINE CO., had been in th~ habit of feeding them at in this blawsted country, old chappie, and Sugar. Due Bills given., Toronto, Ont,, Canada this balcony. don'b you know." ARTIES' WISHING THEIR PIANOS Tuned or repail'ed can lrnvc them attende< \ to by leaving word at the Do111m10N OttGAN Co's 0P'l'JCF., Bowmanville. A ftrst-clas man 'lOW oeing in their mploy. · P DRE~MAKING. MRS.E. DEWAR, GooD MA.NNERs.-Gol d manners are not learned from arbitrary teaching so much as acquired from habit. iheJ grow upon .us by use. We muHt be com·· teous, agreeable, civil. kind, genMemanly and woma.nly at home, and then it will soon become a kind of ~ecoud nature to be so evt rywhere. A coarse rough manne1 at home begets a habit of roughnoos which we cannot lay off, if we try, v.hen we go among strangers. The most agree· able people we have ever known in com· pany are tnose . that are perfectly agree· able at home. Home is the &chool for all tile best things, eµpecially for good man- A NEW ANESTHErIC. Hu~'.l'JN6 'l' l:l.E ELKIN G:ERMnJ. STANDARD BANK PUMPS! w.o~,TY,LE:R, ~ A BIG , S ALE AT . AND A CONTINUOUS SALE. Prepared Spice PlAtftO,MATCHfO,MOULDtO&c1 ' CHAS. M. CAWkE R'S, CHRISTMAS Morris & Joblin's PlANi.NC Ill, GABPBHRY IN Alt BRANCHES. x PHOTOGltfiPIIYa 11&~---y, (" New Photo R0orns W J BIG GINBOTH. . · : 'AM . .&80N ·, "Old Established· 'a,nd Reliabl , .e . Drug ' Store. 4'13UCHU 1.~ MilllNERY & ORfSS M.AKING ~~ ·~"~ -· -~:------ ------"."""----- - ------ J. HELLYAR'S THE BEST THAT CAREFUL SELECTING AND CASH CAN PROCURE. Orono Pump Factory. wo~g::FUL II f";i CJ ')///('_,, PUMPS OF EVEBV DESCRIPTION, G ·rocers' Due Bills · ta~en . as cash for goods·. , ,· : ·· l " "· I · .', _ __, < ' " All WORK GUARANTEED -~--~ KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Buckwheat Flour · I His Groceries are, and Graham Flour. Fresh and Good. JAMES I