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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1884, p. 3

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, ~~~~~S¥&&~~1~a;~il!i!5t~J~.u~t~a~e~w~rn~·~fii!~M~R~~-~·~!!lil!Q~~*"*~"~"~"~·~¥GS1~~·P~·~Mk~%!1~i~M~'~'iW~W~-~a~~~~~~~e~·~¥¥~·~·~~~ws~"*~-~·~~~·~·~rt~§Ml~&~~**~"*"~~-~-~t~±t~·~-~,.~·~~~&&~~~~~~~~·!·~ms~~!!~~~~s~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 wealth c9uld give. Lloyd Milner's own pray do not be alarmed and look e.t me so; usuctl gravity of Sidney's manner, and private mean11 were very small; he was itisaboutmyowna:tra.irson1ythat1wish 1001dngatherwithquestioningeyes. · in a large degree dependent on his pro- to speak." · ' 1 :Not if I am well wrapped up," an· fosaion, one in which a lar1rn amount of , . She looked at him .inquiringly for a sw11red Sidney carelessly, as she took her FRIDAY, N®VEMBER 28, 1884. work must b.e done~ and to which many moment, tlien l~d the way to.the library. muff and gloves. "Good-bye, Bessie," years of toil must be devoted, before fame He· followed her ·in silence ; and they sho e11-id, turning back from the door. ~]'{'II !! ,l,"l or fortune can be attained. Therefore, stood together before the fire for a few "Bo kind to Miss Greville. But I need not -, I ' 1 Ji... · Ji beside Lor<l de la Poer, he had but little minutes without a word. say that to you, for you are always kind," to offer the lady of his love-little in a . Lloyd Milner was the first to break the she added with a little smiling nod as she -MANUll'AOTUHER AND DEALER INwent out of the room, drawing on her pecuniary s&nse, of course ; but he had silence. CHAPTER XXVII.-CONTINUED. laid at her feet a .true and loyal heart, a "Mrs. Daunt," he said earnestly, "I pretty tan-colored gloves. ]\'.link S ·s Seal, :Persian Lamb, Russian Lamb, Beaver and Wi t another look at tho motion- ti'Ve .which would never fail her, a devo- think you have seen how it is with ma: Any one . who had watched Sidney ' · ' · less fi re by the fire, Sidney left the lon 'vithout limit. Will you help me to attain my heart's de- Daunt drive from her own home on that Otter Muffs, Bows and Caps. room, and went Rwiftly a~ong the .g~ll~ry Re had .meaint ·to "keep the ' secret of sfro 1. I know that I am unworthy of the wintry morning would doubtless have to her own ap!irl;.ment. where, ·locking the his love to himself for some time to come love I crave; but, notwithstan</.ing my seen only a prosperous and happy youn.u; door securely upon herself, she .~~nk down -at least until hi11 ·position was more unworthiness, it is mine, and she will matron poss~ssed of all this world's goods on a couch, her arms flung out before her, secured, his iri~ome · ~arger. But Dolly never win a truer, deeper love than that in profusion, with nothin~ in the world to her head bowed upon them, motionless as had ~ooked so_dis~ractmgll'. pretty on the which I have given her. Why are vou w.ish for. She lay back in her pretty if stricken bY. death itself, but coneilmed previous evenmg m her da.mty, costume of ,11ilent, Mrs. Daunt 1 Do you think that carriage, let.ting her groom driye, wrapp· by the horror of the blow, which had paysanne coque~te that he had cast pru- my causo is hopeless?" ed in her costly dark furs, a great bearskin MITrr S and G L 0 VE S in Beaver, Persian and Russian fa.llen upon. her. In the intense self-ab- denc~ to the wind~, ~nd, urged not only "Nay, I hope not,'indeed," she replied rug over her knees, a Maltese lace veil Lamb, Kid, Wool and Hair Seal. sorption of her anguish she remembered by hrs l~ve, ,hut his Jealous a:11ger at the I hurriedly, J:iut spea~ing with an earnest- shading her face, ' but not concealing i~s nothing else-nothing but the one great young Earls marked attention, he ha.d ness equal to his own. "We who love loveliuess; and yet, for all her outwarl:l ROBES.- Hnffalo, Coon and Black, "White and Gray Jap. horror which seemed to enshroud her. ~o'!d Dol~y th3t he l~ved het",and had read Dolly could wish.her no ~reater, no truer 11eeming, she \Vas a desperate ~oman, with ·She had no memory for aught but tho m her.sweet ehy lovmg eyes tho assurance blessing than such a ,love as that. Why a desperate purpose in her heart, who enhusband whom she loved. Ay, although that his love was returned. shbuld your ca,use be hopeleso, .M:r. vied the poorest cottager's wife who he had never loved her, she loved him lt b.e~oved him then as au honorable · Milner i" , , : looked out at lier and courtseyed as she with all the strength of her woma.nliood, man to see her father without delay, and "I am a poor man,': he answered un- pas'sed,. Young, rich, ' and beautiful as White, Hegatta, French~ Cambric and 'Vool Shil'ts, Braces all the. passion of her nature, with a love he was to driv.e over to Lambswold in the steadjly. " )\!Ir. Dau11t may have higher she was, how gladly would she hava Ties, .Silk Hand kerchiefs, CoBars, Cuffs, also over 25 which Pven the accusation against him had cQurse of the morning, ostensibly for the views for hia rlaughter." changed lots with the poor, hard-worked, uo power to shake. U:ow lol)g she lay purpose of saying farewell, really to lay "What higher views can he have 1" ·m-clad, ill-fed woman to have possessed choice lines Of Fancy, Plain and Ribbed Under· e before 'llfr. Daunt. He had said she aeked, wjth a faint smile. "You are her peace of mind' l the1·e she did not ]mow ·; she; h:ad no his.cas· clothing and Cardigan Jackets'. koowlcdge of passing time' in her ' misery nothing to Stephen, seeing that he had his son's friend and an honest mii.n." ·. When they r~acjied th~ outskirts of moments wer.e a,8 hours,houra as n1inutes, trouble11 of his own which trok all his ' 'But Lord de l~ Poer i$ his friend also, Ashford, she told the man to stop, and. disregarded, unheeded, as she lay there a.ttention; but he felt thtit he · would be and an honesb man." alighted from. the carriage. motionless. , glad to have Sidney on his side, knowing ~··Then, since you are equal/' she began "You need. nqt'ivait," she said quiet)y. · · At first an utter incredulity had seized that a~e was a great" favorite. with her gentl:y. ' "I have some business in'the town, and C'. her-it was a false, wild potion born of father-m·la.w, who rartlly refused her any· "Ei _1 M D ~ Tli" k h t shall noli needy ' ou' again." ' . k b th" f . h. h h l d d tl l qu1w., rs. auno 1 m w a ' ' misery in Fran 'a brain; ut very soon _ mg orw IC s epea ~ earnes Y· theEarlcangivehiswifeandwhatlcan. ~ ,Thegroomwa:itoowelldrilledtoshow this belief died away in her troubled 1 :Ro was not ho~ever quit~ confid~nt as offer.,, any surprise, however , m uch :pe £elt. ;He ~=-=--= -~ .-:":" .:: _-~=-====::-:==::'."7--~~~--=---:--~~-~= -~ · =-::-: ._ :"'.." = -= -=-~ mind, and doubt came with its attendant to·the result of his application "Do11 . ·""".! , i. ' ", /lh e an· touched his hat'and l h d b t to Sidney, l · y l'an on.y "e h appf, , , drove · . , away . , conclud. horrors. wbrs: madn~ ad .con t~r3f1~ y var1t swered gen\ly. : "Her father can ask in_g t)l.~t his m~e)ire~~ .would drive , back 'She remembe1·ed that it was ~rue tbt a.1 he. 0~~r 8 A im urmgt e ~.. er part more for h er-hor will he, · Mr. Milner ; with h1.s master on. his return home. 1 10 Stephen had left the hotel with Mr11. ?~ is visit. ways cour eous, was no and I thinii: you·can make .her so, since Meanwhile Sidney Daunt walked rapid· Rutledge. Had..she herse~f no,t ~enjihem ~n her nature to be aught else to a guest ehe loves you." · · ly into the town. The weather was hardgo together 1 ,Had he not come to her- m her own house. She had been some· " y .i..: 1 · ,, h 0 · ··d 'th" l" temnting enough to brina any one out "d · · k h d ' l l' ht d t' · ldl l't that he co uld n 0 t tenderness e,a,_,..,.e. oves me, Bal · wi "a · " ~ , , .. b . . S1 ney-m mista. e o,µ t ? im Y: 1g e _imes so co Y. po i .e which'· made Sidney's lip '<!If doors who was not obhged to leave his · ~ithin the 'next NINETY days to wear H ARN E S S made at landing, and de111red her imperatively to ignore. h_er nuetr!lst,. a~ Qhhe.rs she ha<;l 1!,Uiver. "And I know I can make her or her fireside, and she met but fe:w g with him say'in"' that the carriage was been t1m1dly cordial, as if anxious to con· Ji M D t ·n h l ?" pedestrians · but even the few she met in waiting 1 Had she- Sidney-not seen ciliate him; but she never lost her con· &f.PIY~., ·hrs. 'da1;1~ !:. WI · yout e pus the quieter 'part of the town through 1'.L[ · · · · f 1 th th0 1 s e Bal 1n amazemen · . . , the meet~g between them ,m the little ·tramt o mann~r a to~e "'.rre.m_em- · " · · . which her errand took her, glanced at the 1 sittin~oom i Had ~he not ·~een Si~yl brance of .the interview m the dmmg· Yes. Will you speak tu her father for swiftly-moving graceful figure wrapped in Rutled run up to him and clmg to him room al ways stood between them. . u~ ? I. hnow . you have great in~~enQe costly furs which seemed so unfamiliar in with both hands clasped upon his arm, Angry as ~e had ~een. at the deceit she wi~~ hi~. Will Y0 ? 1:1se it for me 1 the.muddy, slushy iitreets. Sidney heed- A large and well , a ssorted stock of :first-class Harness on hand, both uttering a little cry of joy and relief as was practlamg, . Ins pity for Stephen My Il}flu.ence-lf,~ndeed .1 ever pos- ed it little as she V(0llt on swiftly, unhesifor Team and Carriage purpol:les. Also a . splendid stock of Horse she did so ?-aud then they had g·one· Daunt's young wife :was very great. Ile ~e~~e~ any;-1;8 gime,_ she said sadly. tatingly, a d~sperato woman with a desBlankets, Goat Robes and Lap Rugs for fall and winter use. :Nay, it .1s no~ indeed. l\'.Ir. Daunt perate purpo1ie at hearb. away together, a,nd a long time had could see how unhappy she was, that she Call and inspect the goods. ( ~ ) elapsed before Stephen had returned· to was wretched to the verge.of recklessness, :Was o~ly .disappomted. TMre wa~, no the ball-room. . that tho unhappy <livis~on· ·b etween her· an~er lJ?- his sorrow for V?,ur abse~ce. . TO l!E co. TINVED. Trunks and Valises in stock as usual, also Saddles, Whips, &c. . She rose from ·the bed, and began pa- self and ·1101 41'.!aband widened every day, . I ~id not r;!ean .that, .s?e sa.1d, srn,ilA:Il goods will be sold cheap for Cash. W. H. MAY· .cing up and down the room like a caged and that Stephen's · unhappiness was ·mg famtly. You . a re go~~g to Lambs· animal infuriate either with wounds or scarcely less than her own. It was far wold now, are you not? · she add·~d Brave Dr. Rabbet11. confinement, straggling desperately too delicate a subject for any .interference, ab~~ptly. . . . Does 1 anyone ever hear of a medical against the horror whieli had seized her, even, such an old friend as he was could , Yee; will Y0 1;1 give~~ my c~edenttalaT man who lacfrs courage 1 There is a sad fighting against her doubts, ono moment not touch upon the m:i:tter, and he could W~~l you com~ withme q he sai~ .e~gerly. story in the newspapers to-day of a docpassionately assorting her be.lief in only hope that eomethmg would happen l cannot, !!he answer~d, avertmg her tor's gallantry and devotion. A child at Stephen's complete innocence, tM nexb to lift _ the cloud fr?rn their lives and brinO' fa~e !or a I?-om7nt. · "But, sillce you the Gray's Inn road free hospital was heart-broken -and CP.Usheg with the th~~ together agam. . . . w1ah·it;, I will give rou- a no.ta for. Mr.. suffering from diphtheria, an~ the opera..: thought of his guilt-now telling herself ~ou will not drive. m wit~ 1!1e tlus Daunt. · . ,· . . · , tion of pacheotomy was performed. J;p. that he was incapable Of such a deed, the .m?rllll!ll:· I · suppose; Lloyd 1 Stephen . She wrote a fe~r Imes, sh~ped t~e note order to remove 'the matter that had atl' · I' next almost fainting with horror ·at the said, r~smg fro:n the br.mkfast·table and mto· an~envelope, and gave it t? lilm un= _ cumulated in the child's throat it became thought that he her husband had com- gathermg np lus letters. sealed. ' ., necessary to suck it through a tube, apd mitted not only'the murder, b~t had been "Thank you- no. I want to see Mrs. "Rea?- it," she sa.id, smiling a little-as this was done by the senior medical cowardly enough to screen hima~lf from Daunt before I go; and Lady Eva w~.s he took it.eagerly. . , officer, Dr· Samuel Habbeth. The doc· its punishment by. allo~'{ing an innocent good ?,nough to al\k me to lunch at Lambs:, "Dear 'Father," Sidney had written, tor, however, caught the disease, and, we. man to suffer for his cr1tne. wold.· . " I wi;m t tq, be tho first tq 9ongratula~e, regret to say, died last night, av victim of She did not tliwR :>f undressing, cf the '"Then I will meet you there," Stephen y,o u on1 ~D.olly.'s e~gagement. I know 's he a noble and courageous sense of duty. lateness of the hour, ..,i th,e chance that said with a little nod of farewell as he will oe v.ery happy. Give her all my love ·such acts are fortunately not rare 'in our The Best Oil in the World for Reapers, ~lowers,Threshers and Stephen might find hei· in 11uch a oondi- l~ft ~he.room. . . . and -tr!Jest1 warmest wishes." , . h(Jspital wards and infirmaries ! _but. they tion on his return from Lambswold. She ·Milner. followed hnn m~o the hal.l, and ··, . . ,,. SIDNEY. , , assuredly deeerve some r ecogmtion when ~11 fast-running :Machinery. For sale by all Dealers. had forgotten F.rank Greville and ~is ~~ood whife he. was put~mg on . ~ts fur"How· can I . thank you 1" he said they are recorded. Most men-most sotrowflll ni'.ght-journey.. She hiid no lm.ed coat and preparing fo_ r his cold eagerly , as h r~placed the n{)te in d ts EnglishU?-en, ~t any ra~e-~e suppose _ a re thought for his unhappy s1Ster, no recol- drive. ~t had ceased to snow, and there envelope. not deficient Ula certam kmd of physical lec~ion for augM but her husband and the was a shg~t thaw, so that the ground , ·~By thinking of me all kindly as you bravery; but the bravery required to crime of which He was accused. , ·looked. dreary and mel~ncholy, and there ~an," she an~wered, witli a ~uclden start- charge a battery of machine guns, or evenf Suddenly anot,ber recolle!ltion. came ~o was a m.o notonous dl'.lp, drip from t he ling earnestness, almost passion, in the re- ' 'IJ'hat NaJ:>oleon called,, "th~ 2 o'cloc~ in her. What had she done~ She, -hll! trees as the snow melted. . pressed cn"erneas of her tone. "I need the mormng courage, which he clauned 0 wife, ..dput the detectives on Steph.e n ."A naf ty <_lay for_ tr.avelhng/' Stephen not hardly ask you to continue your true a~d which his enemies denied hi~,· might Daun.~acl,c ! The.1i1ote she had rt)Q81V· said, butto?mg up h~s coat, ~ audden frienqship for-for-Stephim " - strive its fail before such an. ordeal as that mcurred ed· fro.m· Hopgood sur~ly meant that' .he change passmg over his ~rave handsome she mi1"ht, ll~le coul¢l not prevent her vei.ce. by th~ young medical oflic~r. _Dr. Rab· .The work goes on. I am still continuing to sacrifice my had dlBcovered something! What was it~ fac~ at sound of a aoft rus"~e on the oaken from treinblmg as she spoke the beloved b_eth, it appears, was onl! m hrs twenty· Had he found out that Stephen had left staircase 1 and Lloy~1 lookmg up~uci~en- name. . "I thinknothingcouldalterthat; eighth year.-fSt. James a Gazette. stock of Dry Goods. the· ball-room .with Sibyl Rutledge, and ly, saw ~id~ey standmg .there h~itati;ng- but- but-,-1 should lik e to have your as· - . - Oh, great Heaven, what had she ly, clad m a short walkmg-gress of dark surance that nothing - nothing" she re·. The articles of the PuJ.l Mall Gazette on They must be sold or given away, no matter how great done i seal-brown velvet. She hesitated only a peated with almost feverish excitement Pushing back her hair from her 'forehead moment ; th~n she ca~e on slowly· ' "could come between you." , the condition of the English navy are ·al· with a passionate force, she tried ~'° recall Stephen did nO't wait to spea~ to h er. : "I hope you woul9- not have needed ready bearing fruit. ·Once atarted the the loss. the incidents of the interview withthe de- Be went ~ut .on the . steps without a such-an assurance from me," he re~lied subject has been taken up and discu11sed From this time there will be enormous reductions all around tective, and the questions he had ·asked . g lance .at his wile, got into ~he dog-~a:t~ g.ravely . an~ earnestly. "But I will in all its phases by public men and the her· but she was almost too bewildered ·an~ drnve away. . Almost mvolu!ltanl~ gladly g1ve ,1t to you, Mrs, Daunt-noth- preae of all ehades of politics. It ls hold· The stock of Staple Goods being one of the largest, house--. to do so with any coherence. Still she ~ilner looked at Sidney. It was i~po~- ing in the world could alter my friendship in~ a place in public attention with affairs in the Soudan and has alm·et outremembered vaguely that he had asked sible that she should become p~ler ·t~111n for Stephen." her several questions relating :to her 'hus- sh~ was before; but he saw her hp quiver · "ThaQ.,k you, thank you," she said lived the interest in the Franchise bill, holders will save money by giving me a call. band and his annoyance at Miss Neil's ~ httle, and her dark .eyes, full of yearn- almost passionato,l y. "And you will 11111 being " subject touohing national A large range of Table Linens, Blankets, Sheetings and mai:riage, and a dull stupor of misery mg .a~d so,r row, look~d after the do~·cart think kindly of me too, will you not 1 honorand perhaps national 1aMy. fell upon her as she thought that, if Ste- u11;til it was lost to view by a bo?d m the ~nd you will not let Doll~ grow to disTowelings will repay inspection. phen should be accused of the murder, it drive. _ Then she tu!Iled a:way ' and, re- hke me, to hate me perhaps·, m the future? would be through her- through his wife l . collectmg herself, .with a little start, she I , love her so well, and~and-'-I am gla~ Large lines of Dress Goods at enormous reduction5. "Oh, great Heaven, what a horrible he~? .out her ban~. . ,, beyond words that she wrll be. shalt.ere~ E TAKE PLEASURE IN INthought that a wife should betray her - ; Goo~. mor~;ng, Mr. Mil~er, fshe from all storms in the haven of your FORMING our numerous patrons ami A few choice Paisley and Fancy Shawls at half their value husband !" · said, 11:n1~mg._ .~re you very tired a ter lov~.,, . others that we have jus returned and now have for sale a very superior lot of English She must go a.way, she thought :Vildly. yo~r dissip~tion 1 ,, "I think Dolly.loves you equ:i-lly w~ll," Horses, twelve are carefully selected of which She could not remain there under his roo(, No, not at a.11, he answered cheer- lre answered quietly, wonde:nmg a little Engl!shShire·bred heavy wei11;hts. · We also have some of England's famous meeting hill kind 11oi:rowful eyes, listen~ :fo~lY:., "It wa~ a charming ball, .and a at her words and the ·strange ; f ervour of Coach Horses, fine and blood like, with weight, Ing to the voice which was the sweetest b:ilhan~ success m every way. Umversa.l her manner. "But why do you speak. so style and action second to n9ne. sound in the world to h er and accepting -disappointment was expre11sed at your sadly, Mrs. Daunt~ The cloud hovermg Please call and examine. we are prepared to BOWlJIANVI LLE. at terms convenient and prices right.- GLA.SGOW DOUSE, his kindness when at ~ny moment it absence." over your happiness now is but a tempor· sell Write for catalogues ; correspondence solicited might come__.'..the shame the disgrace, the " My friends are very kind," she said ary one, I hope and believe. Can I do A. i<,ANSON & SON; Stables 137 Richmond ruin I ~·she must· go away and hide he~- ca~?lessly." , . . ,, , anything to help its removal 1" St. West , 'oronto, Ont. ALLI HEALTH self, and_)?erha.ps Heaven would be merm. I hope·Miss Gre'!me is better 1 - """-"Nothing," she replied sadly, with a ful and,4et her die soon. She was young . Sidne:rlooked at him for a moment,_ as shake of her head- " except keep your arid stfOlrg, truly ; but young and strong i~ she did not un~erstand, and a famt promise to me, and be true to Dolly. And people die sometimes- nay, often; and tmge of color rose m her face.. . now I must not keep you. That little surely such misery would kill her ere very "I do not know'" she said m a low sister of mine will be impatient and I lonir. · tone.. "I have not seen Bessie this must wish you good speed in your With a slow numbed movement she m?rnmg yet. Have you ~ade up your wooing !" THE PILLS cre,.Pt to her bed and sank down upon the mmd to leave us to-qay 1 she added She held out her hands to him with all Purify the Blood, cori-ect all Disorders of the pillows faint and exhausted. The night abruptly. her old charming grace of manner ; and hourf! wor~ on. She heard dimly a~ if the " I am sorry to say that I must go," h he bent low over them and touched them LIVER, STOlUA.CR, .KIDNEYS A.ND BOWELS. sounds were in tne distance and not close answered, with a little sigh. with his lips. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions; and ab hand--the returp. of her husband and "Stephen will miss you terribly," she "Good-bye," she said, smiling. "Give are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all Ages. For his friend from Lambswold ; and she said wistfully. " I should have been glad J,ny love to Dolly, and- all good be with Children and the aged they llre priceless, _ huddered through all her frame as if you could have stayed with him now. " you both always!" Stephen's cheerful touea fell upon her ear. There was an unconscious emphasis on When he was gone, Sidney went up THE OINTMENT Then all was quiet in the house and in the last word which made him look at her stairs to her dressing-room, still calm Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast s, Old Wounds, Sores. the room where Sidney Daunt lay in her with closer ~ttention. and composed, without any emotion and U lcers. It i~ famous for Goat and Rheumatism. For disordere of the anguish ; and so, half in swoon, half in To be very pale was n o new thing wit h ruffling her face, which was set and fixed - Chest it has no equal.stupor, she ' passed the night, and a new Sidney ; but this morning her face was as marble. Bessie was in her dressing. day dawned, and the.morning came. · · utterly colorless, her eyes were sunken room, waibing for her with a face full of For Sore Tln·oats, .Bronchitis, Uoug bs, Uolds, and hollow, an d there wer e dark t ell·tale dismay. Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; andl:.for CHAPTER :X::X:VI II. . circl!'ls round the lustrous beautiful eyes, " If you please, Miss Sidney"-when· The young mistress of Easthorpe did not while h Jlr manner was the strange repress· ever the old servant was unusually ex:· contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. STRICTLY !'URE, put in an appearance at breakfast on t he ed manner of a woman who was putting cited, llhe relapsed into th e old mode of morning after Lady E va's·fancy -ball, and an unnatural rest raint upon herself. · She addressing her young 'mistress-" I do .HARMLESS TO THE MOST DELI CATE. Manufac tured only at TH0~4s HoLt.OWAY's Establishment, Stephen and his friend took the meal looked to Lloyd, Milner almost like a dead not know what t o do. Miss Greville, 78, N EW OXFOR D STREET, (lat e 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, alone together. It was a very silent one, woman '\i)lo had !i!Uddenly come back t o who is that ·weak t hat she can hardly raise for Stephen was absent and grave and de· life, and wh d'still retamed the pallid hues h er head from her plllows without assistAnd are sold at ls. lfd., 2s. 9d. , 4s. 6d. , ll s., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot , and pressed, an d Lloyd Milner seemed pre· of the death from which sbe had come. ance, insists upon reLurning home tomay be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout th.~ World. It 11pproach.s sc 'tlea.r a specific t hat "Ninety. occupied and self absorbed ; t here was a , " Are you ill, Mrs. Daunt 7" he asked day. " «Pn rcbasers should l ook at the J.nbd on t h e Pots an·l :Coxes. If t he :uldre·s five ):Jer cent a.re permanent ly cu.red where the ligllt in his eyes, a nervoua eagerness hurriedly. "I think it will be better t hat she directions are strictly complied with, h not 53;!, Oxro1·d Street, J.ondon, they ure sp11rJ011s . about his ma,nner, which were ver y un"No," she said quietly , "I am not ill. should do so, it it is in anyway possible," T here is no chemical or other ingredieilts to !1nrm the young or okL usual in the calm t1elf-contained young What makes you ask~ Because I am so Sidney answered calm y. "I ani afraid ____·.SCii. ..~a · barrister. He was lawing Easthorpe that pa.le 1 I am always palE", you know." the air her" is too keen for her. Make As ti,n EXI'EC'l:'ORAN'l1 it ~t:s no Eqt..J, day to return to London ; and, b efo.re " I a~ ahaid you have over·fatig?ed the best arrangement po.ssible, Bess!e ; I going, he had determined to put his fate Y?Ur8~lf m Y,OUr attendance on Miss Gre- leave it to you. Give your own orders, ltwntains no OPIUM in any form. 01~res Di::zmess, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness; to the touch " and win or lo~e it all.~· and accompany M iss Greville home. And ville, 1 he said gently. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys~ Re knew that tbero was a certain pre"No; I am well," she answered hur- now give me my seahkin. I ordered bhe SOLD BY ALL DRUGG1flTS. sumpt" in t he thought of aspil'ing to the riedly. "Mr. Milner, I shall be glad to ponies for eleven, and they are round, I Pimples, Blotches, Boils, IIumors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, hand' o John Daun~s only daught er, a have a few minutes with you before you see.". ' Erysipelas, and all dise~es arising from Impure Bloo~ (LllilmD~ girl to whom an Earl was p a:ying his aq· go, if you can spare them to me." · " I ~m afraid you will take cold drivin a Der(JJJ,geif, Stom.ach,, or frT.eg_ular ,ar::tion-oj tlte...,Bowels. dres~es, and who had been accust omed "And I was wanting to epeak to you," in the pony ca.rriage in such weather: SOLE AGENTS, from her babyhood to every luxury that he rejoined, with a slight ~mile, "Nay, ma'am." Bessie said, struck by the un· 'JY.l:ONTREAL~ ~aua."'ta hf_ .t' · U~ ~t att,;,!tlllU ~ FURS I ROBES! HATS -' Y'S SIDNE Ladies Capes, Fur Lined Circulars and .Astrachan Jackets, and Gents' Coon Coats a specialty. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 1 p S -All k1"nds ·.of F .urs altered and repa1·red. H. h' C h . · .d R F lg est as price pal . J.Or aw urs. 0 1 no, F'ARM E R S' AT TENT I 0 N! 5 0 0 HOR.S ES WANTE ·D "VV. :E3:. .A..-y-' s HARN.ESS SH 0P, BOWMANVILLE. FARMERS! For your Machinery use iv.r.: c c 0 JL:a :La ' s i; LAJ:l.DINE MACHINE OIL, M :UST · GO! ·-··-<·-·---- - · IMPORTED HORSES. W THOS. PATERSON, FOR In ConsmnptivB CasBs 1 ) D AVIS & L AWREN C E ·C0.1

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