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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1884, p. 4

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I . - A Sunday in New Orleans. From 01.r Special Corresponder~t. · Mr. Orchard, of Newcastle, Ont., and BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, Nov. 28. your correspondent spent last Sunday to· f6ether after this fashion. In the moming we attended Jesuits' church-Roman THE Philadelphia Tin·.es is level headed Catholic, probably the grandest church when it rises to remark that the country edifice in the city. Tis a grand cathedral, newspaper is the mo:;;t useful and least surpassing anything of the kind I have . e_ ver been inside of. You know the large compenstited of all the agencies which majority of N ewOrleans churchgoing peostamp the impress of progress upon vill- ple are catholics. '!'his being the best ages and inland cities. Without the aid church of the city, you can readily imago£ local newspapers local towns are, as a ine it a pretty grand affair. After listonrule, thriftless and dead. It is common in~ to a fa!r serm~n by a handso!ne . priest. the g1st of wlucl1 was exhortation for small great men to speak with con- \ to holiness; and a lively faith in God and tempt of the local newspapers, but the .I our Taviour as the only means _of gaining a village newspaper makes more great men ' happy hereafter. He ur1:1es hi_s heare~s to out of less materin.1-more bricks with~ut be pure ai~d holy m their priyate lives, remembermg that God has given them straw-than any other factor in politics, their bodies to bo temples of his spirit. and it is the one ladder on which men The singin~ of the choir was excellent, climb to local distinction as tl1e beginning some of the soprano solos were soul stirrof wider fame. 'l'he advent of the local ing and remarkably well exec uted. After church we took passage on the newspaper has al ways dated the increased dummy railroad that runs out to West thrift of the community. The local news- End, a summer resort, situated on Lake paper is t_ h e life of the locality, and the Porchatrain and some eight miles from measure of its support, as a rule measures the city. Here there are summer hotels, lunch pavillions, bathing houses, summer the advancement of the people. Not theatre, shooting ga.llcries, fine gardens, only subscribe but pay for your local in which we saw many tree~, plants and Tiewspaper$. They are friends and help- shrubs which were new t o us, a maze (illu~trations of wbich you have seen in mates of all seasons. Vicks floral guide). We did not try to solve this maze by working through it, The Editor of the Montreal lJaiiy Stm· bllt were content to look it; and instead has been reading the Bowman ville Sun strolled on down through the lovers' walk, r . and along the shore of the lal>o. we and publishes this comp imentary notice afterwards took a small boat at this place of it: and rowed up t o Spanish Fort, some two There a.re lively times in the journalis-1 or. thi:ee. mi~es? another summer re~Cll·t tic circles of Bowmanville, Ont. Two local very ~umlar m its character to the one JUSt papers are at logerheads and Ehe editor described. Here we saw some old cann., .. ' . ons, a torpedo boat, the property of the of one, after quotmg some remaiks by t1rn Federals in the great wn.r. We also spent editor of the rival journal, eloquently re- some time at the alligator pond, poking marks:~"Theabove is the latest discharge up-these gieat monsters, to see them snap of poison from rattlesnake Mose. and it is at ou~ sticks, open there inun~nae jaws . . . . . . . and hiss out the water from their t hroats. qmte m keepmg with !us policy of presisAfLer getting a big long drink of lemontent lying." The paper by this effort easi- ade, we rowed back to West End, where ly breaks the best record of The Mail in we had.liircd our boat, a_nd took the train the use of vituperative language, and by for town. On_ our way ii:i we stopped off at the cemetenes. It bemg the day ofter . . . makrng a vigo:ous spurt it can undoubted- All Saints Day, the cities of the dead were ly make the wildest Texan newspaper pale thronged with people rehtives and friends with, envy. of the deceased, and sightseers like ourselves. You may not know itis the custom THE appointment of Mr. Thomas Mc- hero to decorate with flowers. the graves of relatives and friends, upon All Saints Clung to the postmastership of Newcastle Day, much after t he fashion of the Soldi· meets, as it deserves, with very general ers' Decotation Day in the North. For a p revious the markets were full approval. Of com·se 1.~ few persons who day or so . desired appointment will feel a measure of bouquets, of them," air to decorate the graves for La joua de tous les saints. I l>f disappointment, but no man in tho doubt if any one can imagine the effect, riding has labored more earnestly and the appearance of the cemeteries of New sacrificed more for tlrn party than Mr. Orleans upon All Saints Day. Its altogeMcClung, and therefore he had a very ther beyond me to attempt a description. We walked up and down the different just claim on the position. Mr. McClung walks and drives, of' as they call them is a very courteous and obligrng gentle- h ere, avenues of the different graveyards, man and will, we 11re sure, give entire seeing so much, oh so much, t hat was new satisf~ction to all jnterested. We hope a.nd strange aml beautiful to look upon! Graves is hardly the proper. term t o ho may live many yea.rs to enjoy the designate the lodgings for single gentlehonors and emoluments of the Civil men in this city. Tombs is a much Service. better word. '!'hey are all built above ground after the fashion of vaults in large - 'l'HE Christian Herctld publi~hed at ' 63 cemeteries at home. I believe no one, Bible House, New York, should be a. however poor is put under the sod here. Uf course every one cannqt afford to build weekly visitor to every home. Every a grand tomb for their family so the grave· number centains t.he portrait and biog- yards h~v e -round the outside, forming as raphy of some emLneutperson, the sermon it were a great wall, the masonry in which Rev. Dr. 'l'almage preached the previous a poor man can purcha.se one space at a time in which to deposit his dead relations Sunday morning, au exposition of or friends. Among many epitaphs in Gora sermon by man, French, Spanish andEnglish we noticunfulfilled prophecy, l~ev. C. H. Spurgeon, of London, and etl this rather striking one. Twas printed much other good reading. The price is in large black letters, ancl enclosed in a only $ 1. CiO a yenx. Clubbed with the i·ustic frame. '! Ms hanging before the tomb, j est as a p~re hangs upon th e ST~TESMA.N at $2. 25 for both papers. wall, and reil.d "In memory of our beloved mother, Murdered .. ,aged 71 years. May The Fat es 8eem to be a~ainst the Scott she restin peace". Difler ent trades uniAct advoca.tes in these United Counties. ons and labor societies htwclarge tombs in which they bury their members, who di!l They filed their petition again on tl1e 8th without friends and relations. The blackins c.; and being anxious to prevent~ rep- smiths, the printers, cotton screwmen, etition of the r Mcally conduct by which also ddforent Germm1 and French benevot.h <>y wei·e baffled, t hey enclosed 1heir lent societies all h ave their large tombs. This custom I think a very good one and p etition in glass case to prevent it from indeed in a city, which h il.s had a death i_) ui r. ~ mulitated again. 'l'hey are advi& ecl rate of some 1,500 daily during the yellow th at thi8 action is a mistake and have fever epidemic of 1878. After spending withdrawn the petition and given notice perhaps an hour in this very interesting part of our quaint old city, we t ook the tha~ they will deposit it agam. E'uri)!y traiu for home, tired, so tired. H. Cobo urg was the proper place for Dr. New Orleims, November 5, 1884. 'l'Lolm!ige to lectnre on "Big Blund ers". -~~~~~"--~~-~~~~~ SABBATH DESECRATION. TAUNTON. Nov. 17-I have decided to send you news from this section in future · Mr. Jerry Lick's fine new dwelling on the Hall farm is nearly finished. Mr. Richard Thomas has removed to! CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF Oshawa again to resume business. Suecess. Cider mil!s are flourisl; ing under the N. ~Plated P. Mr. Wunner runs lus by steam. .I ' "" UIDS, Alargelynxwasseen near here recently. 1 · t p· t · Third con . boys, beware. I ' IC Several cellars have been robbed of : butter, Jard, pork bread, etc., around I SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR here. l The writer of "A Fanning Mill 'Var"'. has. surely missed his calling. . ~e wo_uld ! easily make a fortune wntmg dune: ·nov(lls. · 1 Mr. John Cornish will erect iviine brick mansion n ext snmmer. AT LOWEST Mr. G. Coolidge has moved to the Forks north of Oshawa, and Mr. J. Sanders has moved into his formel' home. Mr. Jas. Lobb, of Clarke, has moved to AGENTS FOR this section. Welcome. Miss Mary Ashton of this place attended a fashionable wedding at Enfield last Wednesday. Why does not Mr. James Leask enter his farm in the prizo farm competiiion? There are few better forms and farm buildings in Canada. Mr. J. 0. Groat, of Oshawa, will teach Bradley's . school next year. He taught NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. there about 15 years ago. M1t. EDI'l"OR.-· DEAlL Srn,-I:n looking around we see various thi11g::r and movements in various respects and moreso to attract our attention to various ways. Now at tliis age we see the Salvnt10n Army toe, all ~ppear ances doing a good work in this locality and we hope the ~ame may be subt'· ined Rt.. by the great Giver of all good. But iti0 · when we look back upon the good advice of a well beloved saint the Rev. Richard V(t>st on his movements in respect to keeping the Sabbath day near as it should be or as he would wish it 10 be in his 1ime. Methodism had then Union meetings and love feuBts one in a Quarter in the various chapels and 011 various Sabbaths when variou~ cougregatious who make it a practice to leave their chapels to assemble at the d ifierent Love feas ts in the ' 'arions places till at last the congregations at home were not fully sustained and on inquiring how this was. it was brought to light bdore the Reverend Gentleman that some of his congre"'ation ha1-l a.ttenJed at nine love feasts at v~rioua places during one year. The Reverend Gentleman thought it over and came down on such a couree as this and closed it at vnce by appointing all of the Love Feasts and Union Meetings, so called at that time in the circuit or place he resided to take place in each place of \Vors hip a.11 on the same day. The question being inciun·ed into his reason for so doing was answered by the glorious and good Sammy Kick, the village blacksmith, "Mon I'se 35. try to get the tire at· home and leavey it with me. " The Revd. Mr. West thouaht TO'~DAY! it was going to bring a desecration of the Brands ad..ortloed ar; l\bsolutely pU<$ Sabbath in allowing his congregation to OC>:N'X\A.lCN .A:Dll:Dll:C>:NlC...a. pursue such a course and therefore closed TH· TEST: on the same11 ..~~~-'tg:~;~~,d~:.,_n 1".:ie~.bol ~:i:1~r~1h'~~t i!h:: Now Mr. Editor, I thiDk our respected <iuir·d to deteot tho prNonco ct ammonia. ministers are going over tlie mark. We cannot find n.ny account of Praying Bands so culled in the early days ; t.hey were sent out by two and two, to open the way and they were blest in their labours. I dont th ink there was nny applving to livery stables for cattle or hm·ses to convey them to their respective stations ; but we find at this age applications are made and grllnted for horses and carriages to take those so.called Praying Bands to their appointments. Those liveries with the man to look after the horslbs a.re certainly dc;aecrating the S abbath. They receive money for their labours and I dont see why they should not if they are required for those eo-cdlled Praying Bands orotherwiae. Mony places there is a very great ob· jection to barbers keeping opbn their ~hops on the S11bbath day, and I am DOES NOT CONTAIN A.MllONU. ple~ed to see some places objecLing to liveries being hired and paid for on the m JtliLTHYULl'IBl8 IUS NEVER llllBl'I QUBSTIO!IBJ), Sabbath day, for "Six days shalt thou Jn a million hoine1 for a. quarter of a c·ntury It Mdl lali>our· and the seventh is the Sabbath ttoocS tho conaumora' ro!l..blo teat, to be kept holy." THE TEST OF THE OYEll. Mr. Editor, will you tell us what is PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., your views or opinions on this. To me, IUJ<llllS O:r business of al~ sorts might as well be followed in our respected town and The 1tt"Oft1t1t.mott dellelo111 l.lld natura14anr lmoWD,u.4 thought no worae of than going to liver· ies hiring conveyances and paying for 011111 them. For Li&ht, B·.y~t,:;.~ i!':::·.J~;td?··t Dry Hop KING S'I'RE.ET, We ask is the Sa.bbath really kept by BOW MANVILLE.. FOR SALE BY CRbCERS. those people 'I When they meet how ====~---- . &1'.. 1.0Ul9· maoy pipes and cigars are put in- u:1e on CHICACO. the road ~r 1unus1m1ent of the driver of those liveries 1 Mr. Editor, where are -J<'ORwe to look for better advice th&n this if HOUS0 Decorating and OrnaESTATE OF WM. OGER /0' the Sabbath is to beso fearfully de5ecrated mental Graining. by such ais these 1 Well might the Revd. (Patented September 30tb, 1884.) Richard West do as he did at the appointURSUANT TO SECTIO 3~.. ou CAN DO YOUR OWN GRAIN. ment of the Love Feast on one day. For Chapter 107. Revised Statutes ot Ontario,_ the creditors ofWilliamOger. late of the Town-ING and ornament your home at leisure one, I wish your opinion, as an Editor. equal to· the moat experienced grainer. No ship of Clarke, in the County o( Durham,. mixing of pain:, no tools required. Warranted Farmer. decea.sed. who died on or about the. And if there is a fault the Ministers to be perfect and durable. l<'or sale by 26th l:leptember, 1884'. are notified to send byare the ones who are responsible as the poat, prepaid. to ROBERT MOMENT. ESQ.· DAVID HULL, Sabbath is desecrated by their consent by Orono P. 0., one ot the executors of the aa1d deceased. on or before the 1st DAY OF DEhiring liveries on the Sabbath Day. at Mns. LAU:EMAN's BoAHDING HousE, Market CEMBER, 188!, the particulars of their claims. Square, Bowmanvme· 47-!w. Think Aright, and a statement of their accounts against th& .A.ARON BUCKLER. - -- - - - -- ------ -- - estate of the said deceased. and the nature of the securities lif any) held by them. At the The bes~y bop yeast in the world. Bread expiration of this time. the t'oxecutors will be at raised by this yeast Is light, white ancl wholeliberty to distribute the assets of the said estate, TELEl'HONIO T ROUBLES.-A cau9e of in having regard only to the claims of which they t erest to the legal fratermty, and to the !!!.me like our grandmother's delicious bread, then have notice, and will not he liable to any· COST ONLY $2.00 AT person of whose claim they have not notice at public generally, is now going on in 'l'oronGROCERS SELL THEM. PR!flAfltBI) IY T HS the time of such distribution. to, and was advanced a. step on Monday · · LOSCOMBE &; LEITH, Price Baking Powder Co., of last week by the hearing of arguments Solicltore !or said Executor::t. Man'rrs or Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Ex:rracts, before a Judge in Single Court. It apN E W 0 A S T LE· Dated at Bowmanville, 26th Oct., 1884. 46-3w· Chloaso, 111. St. Louie, Mo. pears that the Toronto Telephone Manufac. 48·ly. turing Co., 11, Compan y with a capital of $2,500,desires t o manufacture telephones which ar e presumably infringements on the Bell Telephone Company"s patents, and in defence of its action declares that the Bell Company's principal pa.tent is void through non-compliance with the Patent Act. The Bell Company iiranxious to have this question fina.lly disposed of in th" usual manner by . the courts and the No NEED F O_ R Scor.r A_CT N.ow .-Mrs. taking of evidence in t he usual way, but r ' he bronze statue erected to t he memo- M . Reed takes pleasure m saymg that she the 'l'oronto Company desires to bring . ry of the late Hou. Geo. Brown, in Queen's has appoint ed Mi·, W, E. Pethick1 agent it~ ca~e befQre the Minister of Agriculture .P11.1·k, Toronto, was unveiled on Tuesday by for the Golden Speciflci a l(O!iltive aure for I which the Bell Company assert wo1.!lu not to~ Hon . A. Ilia<:kenzie, in the presence of a drunken_ess and any 011e: ln n eed of this result in a pi:oper trial of the question at large number ef sr,ectators. Addresses Grc~t D1acore.ri; can h:.ive i~ by applying issue as no sworn evidence could be receiv· "1'i . . to h11n 1 opposite the Post Office, Bowman· ild and the r esult 1 even if in favor of th e were delivered by Hou. Messrs. ~a.ckenzie, vill~. Read what a well known citizen Bell Company, would h ave it still open to 1 JYi'-W!\~ ~11\l 4.!l~u , 'l'P.~ ~t~tue is teq feet has to say about its merits:any other ihdividuds to harass this Com1(.7 "high ii.ad cost Ml\rly $6 000. Bowmanville, Nov. 10th, '84. pany in the same way by suits of exactly =- _ ""?' · ' '1.' o Whom it may Concern: the aama charact er. Hence t he novel 9 a nice line, which was bought low and which are being I h ereby certify that after using tia.rt of application of the Bell Compan y, made on Sir .Tohn A. Mucdom-.ld was ~ gnest at one box of Mrs. M . Reed,s Golden Speci- various grounds, to th e Co urts, t o issue sold at a very small margin. A 28 inch flannel at 25c. Windam· Castle anci dined with the Queon fie, my desire for spicitious liquoTs has an order prohibting the Minister of Agrion Tue~day. vanished, and I believe I am entirely cult ure acting as Commi.s>ioner of Patents from 6 cents up. 'Splendid lines, nearly one yard wide and heavy, at ...........~~..,......,......,....~-~s::::s>~ cured of a life long lmbit, which has cost from h earing the Toronto Company's ap10 and 13 cents. Pel'sons bavm;: l'ICl"URESQUE CANA.DA me dearly, in mind, body and pe>Cket. plication. 'l'he Bell Company was represmid wishing to gflt it botind can leave WM. P£ARDON. ented in Court by Messrs McMicheal , Q . . from 5 cents up. See our 10 cent Cotton worth t heir orders at tho STA'l'ESMAN Office, Odden Specific cu.n be ~iven ·to anyone C,, JI. Cameron, Q. C.,Maclennan, Q, C., Bowrnanville, or forwa rd them direct t o without being a.ny t he wise1·, until they McCarthy, Q. C., Lash, Q. C., and S. G. 12k yents. the REVIEW BINDERY, Peterbor o, where aro cu red of the desire for Strong Drink. Wood, and the T oronto Company by they are prepared to bind th e work i u Call at W . E . Pethick's and get it. Adv. Messrs. Frank Arnoldi and J . R. Hoaf. .A. new lot just received of those splendid blankets which we have various styles, at ihe lowest_ priceij · , been selling so cheap this fall. QUILTS from $1 up. They make t he binding of PICTURESQUE ;si\""Get the best dyes. The Diamond Oil.NAD A a specialty, having Mcured artisAN AGREEABI;E SuRPR·IS~J:=-'fhose who tic covers a.nd.having an experienced bind- try .l:lu rdock Hl ood Btttersas a regulator Dyes fur family use have no equals. All ex· tmd gilder, who is prepar~d. to produce I o~ the.bowels, or to pur~y toe Llo<:<l, aid popular colors easily dyed fasb and beauti- The stock of Dr<:)ss Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Shawls, T~bleclothing, Oil Cloths, Corsets, the work tl.S it Elhould be. Parties at a dis- dtgesl.1011 , regnb te the liver ·and kidneys, ful. Only lOo. a package aLJ!ruggists. Buttons, etc., etc.. is very complete and will be sold surprisingly low. t anco desiring tho work bound can ""ieud o r s1-rengthon tired nat ure, are agreeable Wells, Richardson & Oo. Btulingten, Vt: , them to the Bind,~ry aud they will be re - surprised at the prompt benefit derived. Sample Card, 32 colore, and book: of di· turned to them when bound, express A So'E I NVESTMEN'.ll. - Jnvestingtwenty rectious for 2c. stami:i, · chargss p11id.- 2 w. , five, c;mt l\ for a bottle at--Hagyard's PeeA new stock of Men's and Boys' Re11.dy' · . ' toral Balsam, the best throat and lung made Overcoats, extra. value, just opened ~~roat exo1temen t o·er the all wool hcalE1· k.n own. Cures cotighs, bronchitis, out, at Couch,-J-ohnston & Cry~1·rnan's, sh1r.t3 an d drll.werit the STA~. BousE are asthma and all pulmonary complai;its. Bow:u:..1.:irr.cLLB Barber Sh op is oppoaiU!t salhng l\t 500. 01>0 coropetit:on pretends . to have a s~mple of 500. drawers which No 1\-lAl'rER.-No m~t~~r where pat~, t he Poet OffiOf!I. W. lll. Pethiok:, pre>· tf. t hey compare with 65 cat1~ shirts (vflry I J ~u10ness. or .ooreness ,e~lilta, _Ha~y a~d s pri&oor. W. McMurtry'11 ·Black Oaslimere11 is smart;d1·3wer11 always handle ligh ter than J 1 ell?w 011 _ taken or app~1~d w1ll giv~ imCall everyone and be your own judge of the hargainf) being offered. shiJots even in same lino) why ctid they ruechate _ aehef, and a pbsitive cure qm ckly first-rate value. ..- not get Olll' 65o lllll-wool-~shtrt& weighing follows its use. Yours truly, THEY are dandies, real gelll8j-· superbly NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. 18~oz if l\h&y wish an honsst comparison - - - - -- ..beautiful, par excelloncO:, thos~ cutters at Th e ~ew York "'?ndcr is t h e ?est and of value;, The STAR Housl!l n ew goods bought f·<>r eash can't be beat for value. mos~ rnactloal coal oil La_ mp ever i_nvented Morris Carriege Work1r:-..c&w-manville. T he bank'rupt ~took gets left _ every time; 1ancl !a warrante~ per fectly safe m every Latest N ew York and Phila.delphta Styles. _ _ _ . particular. See 1t at Lee & Edsalle. They take tho shine off auything before seen in this part of the w._Qrld. - Admission W e must 1)3 ve "]lgg·" .and--wiil-]:ilfY't!rn I outBide prices in c11sh for them. Quiok S ee our cheap Blankets and Quilts. free: no collection; only take off JOU? hat w~en you approach the beauiiaB. & Wright. j Ellison & Co. _ I ware BibleR Photograph Alb 11 Goods Chi·na O rnamen s, "' ure F rames, etc. (JIALL I NEWSPAPERS I AND I[MAGAZINESID BATES. ---o-- - Butterick's Patterns, British American Dyeing Co., White Star Line, etc. - --o--- TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER KENNER & WHITTAKER. THEY ARE .COMING FAST, 1New Fall and Wint.e r GOODS_ OF NEW GOODS ANO STILL THEY COME. ~ER $8,000 WORTHI ALREADY OPENED OUT. Dr. Price's Spacial Flavorin! Extracts, Yeast COUGH,JOH NSTON I CRYDERMAN, One Door West of Post Office, Ir. Price's Lupulln LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD HEAD'S PATENT COMPOSITION : CREDITOR'S NOTICE- ~iPlllCJ;; ~~.Y.l.!4' Y P YEASTGEMS RRIAG SES M A E L1C EN C B L 0 C KHA RT 'S I l ESTWARD HOt J If you want to get WAY DOWN BARGAINS in DRY GOODS go to the "WE ST END HOUSE," the Best and Cheapest place in town .. buy Staple Goods. s llrJrlll AFl Fl. Jr ' 7 E JD : GREY FLANNEL, WINCEYS FACTORY COTTON BLANKE T S Gents, now is your time to buy tweej}s. Cheaper than ever I 'We are selling good Double Breasted Shirts, and Drawers at 40 cts. each. Our White Dress Shirts ·are very cheap. =-- I WM. McMURTRY, N. B.- Four Button Kid Gloves at 40c. West End House.

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