IS HAVING A GREAT RUSH FOR BARGAINS. GEYERYTHING NEW AND GHEAP.IX!ALL WE ADVERTISE IN STOCK.) THE OLD FOGIES SQUIRM. Mr. A. says 0ur -SHIRTS at 50 cents are than he bought for one .d ollar. Mr. B . .says our SHIRTS at 50 cents are better than the . sample they pretend to h?Lve of our 50c. line. bette~ WE NEVER DID AS LARCE A " BIZ BEFORE, which is a pro·o r that we are· giving bargains. Don't be deceived, but see our goods for yourself. 11 T!Y W"i. PEAR.DON, our No. 1 Cutter, if you want ' A GOOD SUIT OR OVERCOAT. This sale will continue· until the New Year. All New Goods and Cheap. · .T. GEO.· . M ASON. · T HE CELEBRATED BOWMANVlLLll:, FRIDAY, DUPLEX BRA.TE I ., some awkardness of movement. But surelyneverwere a. bnde and groom more perfectly at ease or more grnceful in ~e portment throughout the entire ceremony than those two. The ceremony was concluded with the usual amount of kissing and congratulations ; then :tn excellent breakfast was partaken of by a company who proved themselves abundantly capable of doing it justice. The presents were numerous and good and 1 we have no doubt, given with more of hearty good will than often accompanies what i's, in many castJs, a mere necessa· ry formality. Among the presents we noticed two silver napkin rings from Mr. Pulford, a table cloth, l\frs. E. Bailey ; a silk slumber cushion, Mrs. Ann Ley; a. pair of vases, Mrs. W. Kimball; a table cloth, Mrs. John Wigle; a pair0fbla.nkets, Mrs. Wilkinson, Kingi;;ville; a silver cream pitcher and silver teu.spoons, Mrs. Robert Wigle; a set of silver knives, Mi·s Geo Morse; a set of knives and forks, Mrs. John Cross; a white counterpane, Mrs. Nelson Wigle ; a cake stand and cake and two damask towels, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson; a scrap album, Mrs. Selkirk; a silver pickle caster, .M:r. R. W. Grey; a silver pickle fork, Mr. Jessie Wigle; two bracket drapes, Mises Jennie and Wilda Wigle. There are also a large collection of valuable a11d useful presents in Toronto await· the bride at her new· home. After dinner the company, led by the newly wedded couple, grouped themselves in front of the house in the open air and a negative was ta.ken by Mr. Hobert Grey, so that we may expect to see in a few days a photograph of the weddin~ party. l::lhortly after three o'clock p. m., the happy pair good-by to the friends wh· i had remained to see them off, and departed to Deti·oit where they will remain a day or .t wo, then proceed to vi1it his aged father· at .Harriston to partake of the family Thanksgivin~ dinner. From thence back to Toronto where he has a comfortable home in waiting for his bride . He let me into the secret of a nice little "surprise" he has in store for her. 1t is a fine portrait, an oil painting of hhrself enclosed in a costly frame, half life sise. I feel justified in sayingl that no one who witnessed this remarkable wedding will ever forget 1t, and that the good wishes of the mimy friends of Mrs. Mason will follow her wherever she goes; and that the few who have I1ad the pleasure of an acquaintance with Mr. Masom will feel assured tha.t her happiness is in good and safe heping. A GmsT. _'==zt DISTRICT NEWS Port Perry has been visited by a gan of burglars. · g R 1 . ura Dean Allen, of Millbrook, has JUSt returned from NebrBsli:a. Mr. S. R. Bt>amish · has returned to Port Hope from the Northwest. The Times ncimina.tes Mr. H. A. Ward for mayor of Port llope next year. 'l'HE furs stolen from Mr. Joieph Milli1' stroe, Peterboro', have be.e n recovered. JOHN PRINGLE, Sr .. died at Whitby on the 8th inst., aged 98 yeora and two monthe. . A Cobourger eays he commiHed a bi& blunder by not attending Dr. 'l'almage's lecture. Rev. J . Whitlock officiated at the burial of the late Rev. J. W. Butcher in Peterboro. They have a roller aka.tin(,( rink in Port Hope and it was very mnch damaged by fire on Friday night w1:1ek. 'l'o OquGa or not to cough is settled at once with " 25 cent bottle of "Hun" CoUGH OuRJ;:. At Stott. & Jury. The body Qf the lale Kenneth Urquhart Qf !-aketield, has been found below th~ Niagara Falls. Probable suioide . · Last Thursday morning Mr. R"bt. Barker, shoemaker, Oshawa, died very sudden ly whilst working i11 Mr. Ellie's shop. During the quiet months we will · sacrifice prices. Ellison & Co. I Ellison & Co. Men's all Wool Pant:S from $2 00 · up. I 'l'HE 'NORSEMAN' has laid up for the winter. The season has not been a very profitable one, owing to the cool weather during JuntJ aud July. . Mr . Geo. Curtis, village clerk, New l ca~t e, was a candid ate for post master, · but, says a correspondent, "bows gracefully to the decision of the powers that be." PR011u·T MEASUREMENTs.-Prompt means should be used to break up sudden colds and c\lre coughs in their."'e' ~( stages. Hagyard'a Pectorar Balsam do '"71is most speedly and effectually. Rev. John Burton, of Toronto, says when a church's finances have to be sup~~emented by raffias and lotteries, God pity the church and those under its sha.dow. . A company is being organized in Bellevi lle fur ihe purpose of establishin~ a new daily ref~rm !"ewepaper: The capita.l, $10,000, 1s bemg subscribed by leadiniit reformers. Co~E, GENTLE SrRING,-and br1ng mal.ana., dyspepsia, biliousnese, torpidity of liver and a. trntn of kindred maladies. Fortunately Kidney- Wort is at hand. It may be bad of the ne11orest druggist and will purify the system, oorrect the s~om ach and bowels, stimulate the liver and ki~neys to healthy action, remove all poisonous humor and make you feel like a new man. As apring medicine, tonic and blood Purifier it has no equal. S. MASON le SON. ~v~ry wise and careful buyer should now give <ile question of where to buy their DRY GOODS their earnest coneideration. The reliable and popular house of S. MASON & SON this season offer to their numerous friends and patrons some of the BEST and BIGGEST BARGAINS they have ever struck -prica ~'ave touched rock bottom, and everybody may h~t.· · the benefit. Now this fall, when about making your purchases, just remember theirs is emphatically the Nov. 28. SHOPPER'S GUIDE. Don't forget the cheap Mantles. R. H. Turner. Go and see the cheap Furs, at,R. H . Turners. Headquarters for coil oil-Manning & N osworthy's Shirts and Drawers beet value in town at R. H. Turner's . CHOICE Arnecta Flour $1.50 per 100 tbs. at Quick & Wright's. See the beautiful new silverware at Maynard the Jeweller's. Large stock of cups, wax and china. dolls. Very cl1eap at Variety Hall. Heavy ··ll·wool Grey Flannel 23 cents per yard at R. H. Turner'sSplenrlid large Bed Comforters at $1. 50 worth $2.00 at R.....R. Tumer's. Large stocks of Sunday school Libaries and prize books. Best discounts at Variety Hall. Finest brand of Oysters and Haddies direct from the packers, .at Quick & Wright's. · DoN'T FORGET TO CALL-J. Lyle's stock is vary large. Bargains. in Crockery and Glassware. stock. Anything in Call in and see tlH· jew ellery line can be had atMayrnrd's, the Jewellt;r. Bm Dxop IN FwuR-At . J. Lyle's. Sele.c ted Spring, $2.50 ; Selected Fall, $2.50; Arnecta, $1.75. Dress and Mantle Silks _in profusion. Dresses a!ld Mantles, made on the premises. S. Mason & Son. Wanted everyone before purchasing a family bible or photograph album to see the stock at Variety Hall. New Fall and Winter dress goods, just art-ived, a first-clsss dress maker on the premises, S. Mason & Son. NoT'E the Star House new advt. After Nov. let. they will sell exclusively for cash, g1Jara.nteeing cash customers a great saving. The cheapest line of Scotch Tweeds just received at the Star Rous~. See them and leave your order. Mr. P~ardon will give you a. good fit. The Mills Garland Range-the newest, finest a.nd best s.tove manufactured in the United States-now on exhibition at Manning & N osworthy's. BARGAIN STORE~ A NOVEL WEDDING. Marriage of two Mutes. nterestin: !lk.-tcl1es of the Bride ancl ~room.--A. lluey Account or t:~1·cmony b)' " tiucst. I.he If th~y ·can't please you, nobody can. If they DON'T please you its because you don't give them a chance. Call an-0 allow them to put you up a trial parcel and we know that you will become their constant patron~ BOWMANVILLE. . From tye Lqamington Po~t. Fauny Lewis at nine years of age was a very bright, intelligent girl. A child noticeable for .her gentle manner and amiabiedisposition. At that time she had an attack of scarlet fever which left lier entirely deprived of hearing. She has never forgotten how to speak ; and, though ner voice is low, and pronounciation of some words a little peculiar, she is easily understood hy those who are accustomed to her She was sent to the Ontario Institute at The above cut represents the Duplex Grate in proper position to start the fire,,and about fourteen, and remained there seven the same in which it is generally used. years. While there ·her. natural intelligence and gentle and conscientious character gained for her much fa~or with both teachers and pupils. Since her return home she has been the help a.nd comfort of her mother who will sorely miss her loving and oLediant da.ughter . . Mr. Ambrose l\faaon who comes of a good English family was a student in· the D . and D . Institute at the time Fanny entered. After finishing his course of study, 11tJ remained some time as drawing master and was still there when Fanny left. He ·has since been studying, at intervals, under Mr. Forster, artist, till the last two years, which time he .has spent i,u ·his chosen work in his own studio, Toronto,· where he bid~ fair at no distant date to We are surprised at the way some of our merchants advertise distinguish himself as a portrait painter. The &bove cut represents the Grate ravened, allowitig the ashes ~od clinkers to He·vieited Fanny a year ago. It was -one would think they were selling their goods at half p1·ice. escape and retaioiug the fire. during that visit that the engagement took But you must first consider their rents and other expenses ; place, which terminated so pleasantly in the marriage ceremony of yesterday. how many families there are to be kept by some of these By using this Grate all objections to burning Coal are over- At about ten o'clock a.m. the guests asstores, and then judge for yourselves where you can get the sembled at Mrs. Lewis' dwelling, princicome, as there is no noise, and no dust or dirt. pally old fi:iencls and neighbors and those -cheapestwho had been for years interested in Fan· The only stoves in which those Grates are used are the ny's welfare. Among the guests were Mr. and l\frs. John Wigle, Mrs. Robt. Wigle, Ti1 rn LT Mr. Pnlford, Mr. B. Siddel, Mi-. and Mrs. :L!J;." .El. ' Joseph Wilkinson fromKingsvil1e, besides many other friends too numerous to men-AND THE-tion here. The ceremony was preformed by Rev. A.G. Harris,MissGeorgie Morse and Mr. Charles Boyle acting as bridesMADE TO ORDER. maid and groomsman. · The bride was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr. buy~ John Cross of this village. · The bride loQked very sweet and modest We are reducing prices to suit the times. --'Y .~--- inherbecomingdress,whichwasofcream Ellison & Oo. . ~. . . , · , white cashmere trimed with an elegant Extra value in all ·kind of Winter pattern of silk lace of the same shade. She wore a long bi·idal veil and 1vreath,. and Clothing. Ellison & Co. Sweeping reduction in Dry Goods and --OF-white kid gloves and slippers. The bridesmaid was dressed very tastefully in a cos- Clothing. Ellison & Co. We. b egin a great clearing sale on Saturtume of dark blue velvet and silk. Of course the groom and g»0omsman wore day next, Ellison & Co. Bovrmanville, November 7, 1884. Pecple are coming 20 miles for our the inevitable fine black suits and white cheap Flannels . Ellison & Co. kid gloves. What else coulq they wear 1 . I3ut then there is nothing to be said about - - - - - -- - - · There &ra many Cough Mixtures, but a gentlcmim · 5 dress when it is all tight. ) All were agreecl that the coup .le to be only one Allen's Lung Balsam; try it. · ' . . I j He married were just suited to each other. l:!tJeadvt. is tall and slim, and dark, with very The new officers of Hope Conservaiive . l~ ,.__. 1 ' bright· penetrating eyes. She is of a Assoeiation are ;-Pres. Mr. Geo. Beatmedium height, plump figure, fair hair and ty ; 1st Vice-Pree. , M. Roeevear ; 2nd ' ' Save money by buying your goods at VICE:PRES., s. 0 . Taylor ; Seer., John We will begin a Great Sale of our immense stock complexion -a CO!llplet e contrast. It was a questfou in the mind of your Martin; Trea., J11s. Lesha. no~'E' ~ 1 1" , A IA correspondent, and no doubt in other A DECIDED HIT.-agyard's Yelll)W Oil of Dry Goods and Clothing. We quote no prices but we ~'\~ &.i '~ 1 ~ fl!I ~M t minds, how the ceremony would be per- touches the right spot every time wheu formed, as Mr. Hams does not undersbmd applied for rheumatism, ne':1ralgia, pain, . are certain our customers will be surprised at the sweeping the deaf and dumb alphabet or signs. So eorene~s or lameness, ai:id . mternally for we looked on with much interest as the colds, sore throat, etc., it 1s equally inreductions in ~very department. · principa.I actors in the scene came in and fallable. took their 1)laces. 'l'he mystery was soon Nov. 21.-J. J. Turner, proprietor of solved. Two books were produced one of the Turner House, .)?ort Hope, was a.rra111 which was used by the minister, the other igned this morning for sentence. He was by the bricle and groom, the groomsman told the tiue and costs were $107.00 or ryrone, November 13, 1881. 46-8m. pointed out the passage as the mirii'M:er fifty days in jail. Turner said he would read them. The bride and groom followed go to jail. The Chiaf then locked him up V t" b · "ll b Jr: d ery t~mp mg arga1n~ Wl e Ouere · 'VjTe mean to prove 0 .FOR s ALB.·_:A High Grade ORSES FOR SALE.~Four good the reading attentively raisiµgth~ir heads tmtil t.he commitment papers were made Cow, excellent milker, expected to calve Colts, one S yrs-old, two 2 yrs-old, all by and bowing assent to the important ques- out, but after being under key for about beyond dispute that we cannot be undersold. Dec. 1, tor sale. Apply to W. SANPERC'lCK, Imported stock.and one.promising" Hilleman" tions "Wilt though?" &c. an hour he relente:i and paid over the Bowmanvllle, or JAMES 81·0LLlll.RY. lot 17. aon. yearliµg . .JOHN .J..A:MES. neai:: .J.laple Grove, One might have supposed that the nat- ·cash. For the fourth offence, imprisonl,tDarl:i,µgton. 45·tf. Bowma.nville, P.O. 43-tf ui:al embarrassment incident to the occa-) ment without the option of a fine is the We are crowded with-stock from Cellar La.dies Ulsters a~d Jackets a.t· r educed sion, added to the fact of their both being penalty.- Gttide. Mr. TurMr ha9 since to Garret. Ellison & Co. prices. Ellison & Co. unable to hear, would have occasioned sold out and .retired froin the business. Bowmanville, October 16th, 1884. Also bear in mind that they have MISS F .ARRON, the Dress Maker, who has justly become so popular, and who, with a carefully chosen staff of assistants, will be prepared to attend to the reg uirements of the ladies in her line. All the new styles and shades of dress goods to choose from. S. MASON le SON. THE ORIGINAL . . . . HOUSJ.m - H A S MOVED- my 2 DOORS WEST, N1 EADS' BLOCK. ---o--- - - -o--- RAD I N 0 ME · B ase Burner HARPY THOUGHT AMO CARLAND RANGE See them before you BOLE AGE.NTB. Suits, Overcoats, Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' Mantles, Ulsters, etc., etc., EE & EDSALL JOSEPll JEFFERY. GREAT CLEARING SALE FARMERS'·ATTENTION DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING f A . AY l 8TH IN or ON s 1,URD In the Tailoring Department Ty in H ' c .ap sn u STODE · ' n JAMES STRUT T, Proprietor. I Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Patent Medicines, etc., etc. Winter Cloth1"ng w1·11 be owered extra cheap· . . w C I In · I ELLISON & 09.,